United Nations A/70/ PV.20 General Assembly Official Records Seventieth session

20th plenary meeting Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 3 p.m. New York

President: Mr. Lykketoft ...... (Denmark) In the absence of the President, Mr. González community in support of this principle has been of Franco (Paraguay), Vice-President, took the Chair. great importance to us. Since its completion in San Francisco in 1945, The meeting was called to order at 3.10 p.m. the Charter of the United Nations has embodied the core principles of the international system. However, Address by Mr. Raimonds Vējonis, President of the far too often international order and principles have Republic of been violated and the United Nations has been unable The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The to prevent conflicts or build peace or stop atrocities. Assembly will now hear an address by the President of Past failures must be lessons for the future. The United the Republic of Latvia. Nations, and in particular the Security Council, must be able to implement the mission set by the Charter Mr. Raimonds Vējonis, President of the Republic with a renewed sense of responsibility. of Latvia, was escorted into the General Assembly Hall. It is time to move forward with Security Council reform. We applaud efforts to revive negotiations on The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf this important issue. Latvia supports the expansion of of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome the Security Council in both categories of membership. to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Raimonds At least one additional non-permanent seat should be Vējonis, President of the Republic of Latvia, and to ensured for the Eastern European States. Early action invite him to address the Assembly. of the United Nations in situations of concern is crucial. President Vējonis: As we celebrate 70 years of the Latvia supports the proposal to voluntarily restrain the United Nations and 70 years since the end of the Second use of the veto in the Security Council in situations World War, it is time for us all to take stock. What has involving mass atrocity crimes. It also supports, for all been achieved? Where have we failed? What is there members of the Council, adherence to a code of conduct yet to do to create a safer and better world? that would suspend their right to veto any action designed to end and prevent mass atrocity crimes. In July, we marked the seventy-fifth anniversary since the Declaration on the non-recognition On several crucial occasions in recent times, policy of the illegal Soviet of the Baltic the Security Council was not able to take timely and States. This policy reflected the principle, based on decisive action. That has had dire consequences. The international law, that the change of borders by force Security Council was blocked from playing a role in is not acceptable. The firm stance of the international stopping Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and in seeking justice for the victims of the Flight MH-17 in

This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the translation of speeches delivered in other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-0506 ([email protected]). Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org). 15-29568 (E) *1529568* A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 an international tribunal that could establish the truth Increased migration from conflict-torn Middle on who shot down that civilian aeroplane. The conflict East and African countries to Europe has become in eastern Ukraine has cost thousands of lives and led one of the greatest humanitarian challenges of to the suffering of millions of innocent victims. Russia our time. Migration challenges also persist in the must stop all forms of support to separatists and use its Asia-Pacific region and in the Americas. Beyond influence to make them adhere to the Minsk agreements. immediate humanitarian responses, the new trends of Full implementation of the Minsk agreements by all migration and forced displacement require long-term, parties is essential. comprehensive solutions. The stabilization of political, economic and social situations in the ’s The international community, including the General neighbourhoods must be the ultimate goal. At the same Assembly, supports Ukraine and its territorial integrity. time, a greater focus should be put on addressing the The illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by root causes of increased illegal migration, including by Russia will not be recognized. We are particularly strengthening conflict prevention capabilities. concerned about the worsening social, economic and human rights situation in Crimea, especially affecting Latvia welcomes the ongoing United Nations Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians. Together review of peacekeeping. Cooperation between the with the rest of the international community, Latvia United Nations and regional organizations is essential to will continue to support Ukraine’s reform process in effectively fulfil peacekeeping mandates. Operational order to strengthen its democracy, economy and good tasks need to be effectively synchronized between all governance. involved parties. The European Union is an important partner of the United Nations, as demonstrated in The horrific conflict in Syria has entered its the Central African Republic, Mali and other places. fifth year. It has created a humanitarian catastrophe Latvia provides a voluntary contribution to United and destabilized the whole region. The international Nations peacekeeping and intends, for the first time, to community must not abandon the people of Syria and participate in a United Nations peacekeeping mission. must push for a political settlement. Those responsible for using internationally prohibited chemical weapons International commitment to protect populations in Syria must be identified and held accountable. The from atrocity crimes has been greatly strengthened in conflict and fragility of Syria and Iraq have contributed the past 10 years. Latvia strongly supports the work of to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/ the International Criminal Court as the legal arm of the Daesh and the violent extremism spreading globally. responsibility to protect and hopes for swift activation Concerted international action is vital to defeat this evil of the Kampala amendments to the Rome Statute on the and is key to achieving lasting peace and stability in crime of aggression. Syria, Iraq and the wider region. This year the international community will conclude Latvia welcomes the recent nuclear agreement with two of the most important international processes of our Iran. The full and smooth implementation of the Joint times. We have just adopted the ambitious 2030 Agenda Comprehensive Action Plan is now necessary. Only for Sustainable Development (resolution 70/1) for the then can a change in the regional dynamics towards next 15 years. The Sustainable Development Goals must more engagement and cooperation, as well as greater drive us to make real changes to end poverty and build stability in the Middle East region, become a reality. prosperity and equality for all. With well-thought-out, focused and action-oriented policies we can do it. But It is commendable that, despite all the existing most importantly, the involvement and accountability challenges, the Government of Afghanistan has shown of all stakeholders at all levels will be critical to the its commitment to the democratic process. Sustainable success of the Sustainable Development Goals. peace and stability in the country can be achieved only with continued strong commitment from the Afghan These Goals will be greatly reinforced by the side and further international support. approval of a new universal agreement to address climate change at the Conference of the Parties to the The resolution of protracted conflicts in Transnistria, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh should Change, to be held in Paris. Failure to undertake remain on the international agenda. ambitious mitigation actions cannot be accepted. Any

2/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 further postponement will make adaptation extremely road ahead is built on the goals that were laid down in costly or even unfeasible. Latvia supports the reduction the Charter 70 years ago and which remain valid today of greenhouse gas emissions. It is also important to and in the future. send a strong signal to investors and business of the The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On plans to move towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the world. President of the Republic of Latvia for the statement he The United Nations has played a crucial role in has just made. advancing economic and social development and Mr. Raimonds Vējonis, President of the Republic human rights for everyone. These ideals and values of Latvia, was escorted from the General Assembly have proven to be timeless and universal. The United Hall. Nations will continue to be an important forum in the quest for solutions to future challenges through global Address by the Mr. Tomislav Nikolić, President of discussion, raising awareness, creating expertise and the Republic of Serbia building trust. At the forefront of these issues is the speed at which technology is evolving. Technological The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The development is a source of progress and growth. At Assembly will now hear an address by the President of the same time, the rapid advancement of technology the Republic of Serbia. has exposed significant vulnerabilities and a variety of Mr. Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of issues of transnational and cross-sectoral nature. Serbia, was escorted into the General Assembly Nations are facing an increasing challenge in Hall. countering cyberthreats. Efforts to prevent the misuse The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf of new technologies, either by State or non-State of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome actors, should be cooperative, international and cross- to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Tomislav sectoral and involve all stakeholders. This will not Nikolić, President of the Republic of Serbia, and to be an easy process. We need to safeguard the right invite him to address the Assembly. balance between fostering freedom of expression and open innovation on the Internet and ensuring that President Nikolić (spoke in Serbian; English legitimate national security concerns are taken into interpretation provided by the delegation): Seventy account. This year, the General Assembly will review years have passed since the establishment of the United the results of the implementation of the World Summit Nations. People live differently now; many changes on the Information Society over the past 10 years. It is have taken place and many reforms have been effected. important that this review process, in which Latvia is It is time that we reform the United Nations as well. I playing a leading role, be successful and contribute to call on the President to speed up this process during his the achievement of the overall United Nations goals set mandate. forth in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Perhaps no other session in the history of the Next year, we shall have to choose the next General Assembly has come at a more opportune time. Secretary-General. It is important that the selection Last year saw many new developments. Negotiations, process be transparent and inclusive. Furthermore, it is which were unimaginable before, were started to end high time for the Eastern European Group of States to the embargo on Cuba. An agreement was reached to lift provide the best possible candidate for the post of the sanctions on Iran. We recognize those who took part in next Secretary-General. It is the only regional group making these historic decisions and encourage them to that has never been represented in this position. see these changes through to completion. This is very much in line with the policy my country has pursued for The people of our nations want to live in a safe, a number of decades. stable and prosperous world where conflicts, hunger and inequalities do not exist. In order to succeed in the The world of today does not resemble the world of task of implementing the new development Agenda, yesterday, and none of us can remain indifferent to this we all have the obligation to work to make the world fact. Ours used to be a bipolar world, divided into blocs. a better place. Our responsibility is to ensure that the We did not thrive because the poles were violently

15-29568 3/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 opposed to one another and had access to the most to look each other in the eye and assess the past year dangerous weapons the world possessed at the time. But with an open mind. We ought to announce what has we are also not doing well in a world with one Power been achieved in our countries. Some of us ought to that carries out diplomacy by issuing threats, oblivious ask themselves if their actions helped humankind to the concerns of all others, including those of the or threatened the future of our children. Can we still United Nations. Peoples and States attend to their own begin our speeches with “We, the peoples of the United interests and are thereby exposed and open to extremist Nations”? Are we any closer to peace and prosperity religious fanatics, giving rise to the Islamic State in or are we rushing, with blindfolds on, towards another Iraq and the Sham and other extremist movements. 1939, which saw the start of a major world tragedy that These terrorist groups now threaten millions of people lasted six years and whose consequences we shall never and have created a negative image of Islam, the religion be able to erase? on whose behalf they profess to act. Some of the mighty and powerful seem to believe The two key elements of law and ethics were once that the world economic crisis did not do enough to key in international relations and politics. United States terrify our children and their parents. They continue to President was a staunch advocate, use highly sophisticated weapons to drive people from while the great Serbian poet Njegoš expressed it in their homes and countries and thrust them, in fear for verses of The Mountain Wreath in the following way: their lives, into the turmoil of migration, journeying thousands of kilometres in a world without food, water Along his path who maketh Might his right or electricity. Rise stenches of inhuman cruelty ... The responsibility for these developments lies not [and] with those who struggle to fight poverty and create conditions in their countries conducive to a dignified As Wolf doth on the Sheep impose his might, human life, or with Serbia, which has opened soup So tyrant lords it over feebler fellow; kitchens in order to give many their only daily meal. It lies with those who have much, whether God-given But foot to place upon the Tyrant’s neck, or gained by exploiting others. It lies with those who To bring him to the consciousness of Right — spend more on arms than all the world’s poor countries together spend on food. It lies with all of us, because we This of all human duties is most sacred! cannot contemplate sustainable development without Today, however, legal and ethical factors are accepting our shared responsibility to tackle one of essentially being eclipsed in international politics. the world’s major challenges — eradicating or at least Not infrequently, unlawful and exceedingly immoral alleviating poverty. actions are being taken, purportedly for ethical I often wonder how parents can look their children and legal reasons. This happens most often when a in the eye as they tell them that school and learning clear legal norm that brooks no exception — such as are important for their future and a normal life, and the need for the Security Council to take a decision, try to convince them that they will have food on their for instance — stands in the way of a major Power plates once they finish school and acquire learning. achieving its geopolitical goals. International law, We do not learn when we live in fear, have nothing therefore, and the moral tenets underpinning a legal to eat or are threatened by disease, when our parents norm and its implementation, are deeply in crisis today. are unemployed or we face the threat of a terrible war. There is ample evidence of this, including the most Those here representing the rich and powerful should recent large-scale crisis. Some call it a migrant crisis; think about that as they put their children to bed in others refer to it as another wave of people migrating a warm room at night and make important decisions for various reasons. during the day. Are profits and political or military What worries us, though, is that those who superiority really worth so much that we no longer feel think that efforts should be intensified in the hope the sufferings of others but rather let baser instincts of restoring peace quickly and easily and promoting take over? Peace and prosperity cannot be a privilege economic progress for all — developing countries, for the people of certain countries alone; every man in particular — are few and far between. We ought and woman on planet Earth has a right to them. That

4/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 is why we hold out a helping hand in our quest to later life, undermine his resolve to resist increasingly achieve the Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable evident violations of basic human rights. Development (resolution 70/1) through shared actions The world today is tragically divided between a aimed at creating a better future for humankind, based few enormously rich individuals and a majority who on principles that can ensure progress and prosperity live outside the boundaries of human dignity. The for all. twenty-first century threatens to be an age in which Sustainable development is clearly a concept some countries accumulate and concentrate enormous accepted by most of the world. It postulates a global individual wealth and the rest are consigned to poverty economy linking every region of the world on a basis and uncertainty. Among those wealthy individuals is of trust, ethics, equality and support, as well as a also an entirely new generation of privileged directors comprehensive approach to managing development by who, unjustifiably and immorally, are paid far more than analysing and assessing the efforts of Governments their employees. It seems, however, that the numbers and businesses. All management, however, requires of those willing to protest this phenomenon has been that certain rules be established, and the question growing to a point where their demands may have to be therefore is: Who will establish the rules and where? acceded to. I urge everyone to work together to help to Can individuals, or groups of individuals, foresee all achieve an equitable distribution of the world’s assets possible future events and developments, and is it and resources. possible to control those events and developments at We continue to talk noncommittally about another all? Are we simply establishing a new global power major challenge, that of climate change, as if its centre, oblivious to the individual specifics of States consequences were not patently evident everywhere, or groups of States, an organization that has only one and as if we did not see that they are exacerbating the solution to all problems? What can we do about the friction caused by the already high level of inequality in fact that some of the Goals do not correspond to some the world. In a wake-up call of sorts, the consequences countries’ specific situations? We must understand that of our past and current actions now have the greatest we cannot control everyone’s lives even if we think it effect on the weakest of us, the countries that are still may be risky to leave things up to their free will. undeveloped industrially and struggling to provide Major changes in the way we live demand that their citizens with a better life. we allow time to adjust to ensure that basic values Most developing countries account for just a fraction do not collapse. Today, the world is extraordinarily of global warming. They must be given the opportunity interconnected in miraculous, virtual ways; to grow their economies under the same conditions that information is exchanged and people and goods move at have already enabled other countries to prosper, even unprecedented speed. But the people themselves have though their greenhouse gas emissions may be higher never been so alienated. In huge cities, amid millions, than the rich would like. We must develop technologies people die alone. Individuals, States and international that can enable developing countries to develop while organizations become alienated. There are many being as environmentally responsible as possible, rather reasons for this. Increasingly, relations among States than using concerns about greenhouse gas emissions are based on the more powerful, affluent and developed and global warming as pretexts to allow their industry imposing their will on others. to stagnate. There are moral reasons, too, for ensuring We hope that our new era will usher in a new that countries develop. Politicians should be tasked with beginning, a new way of thinking, whose essence providing full support to scientific activities, on the will be, as it should, in the best interests of people one hand, and harmonizing and coordinating responses and their immediate and larger communities. We all to climate change and extreme weather situations, on understand that this is not easy to achieve, for modern the other. Adapting and preparing national and social communications can be used to impose a way of responses to potential scenarios, including worst-case thinking aimed at implementing ideas that are not in the scenarios, should be our most basic and important goal. interests of the majority. Modern man’s urge to conform Serbia’s Government and scientific institutions, and daily struggle to meet ever greater demands, along in full compliance with the relevant international with the spectre of unemployment and hardships in documents, first and foremost among them the United

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Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change terrorists systematically destroyed the spiritual and (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, will continue to cultural heritage of the Serbian people in Kosovo contribute to the activities of the United Nations and and Metohija. Their centuries-long existence there is other organizations, primarily through European and evinced in the many monasteries and churches whose regional initiatives on climate monitoring and reducing foundations were laid before the ninth century and the negative effects of climate change. Serbia welcomes represent Serbian deeds etched in stone, the testimony the forthcoming twenty-first session of the Conference of the Serbian presence in Kosovo and Metohija. of the Parties to the UNFCCC to be held in Paris At the thirty-first session of its General Conference, later this year. We intend to support and make a full UNESCO confirmed that a crime against a cultural contribution to consideration of this important issue. heritage was committed in Kosovo and Metohija. In We will continue to work together with others as a team the small territory of Kosovo and Metohija, UNESCO and an active participant, in hopes that scientists will has registered 372 highly valuable cultural monuments come up with clear answers and irrevocable proof as of the Serbian people, as clearl defined by UNESCO soon as possible, while politicians support them and standards. As many as 49 monuments from the Middle implement speedy, effective solutions. Ages have been identified as a part of European and We can hope for a better future only if we overcome world heritage in which humankind can take pride problems such as hunger, wars and diseases. Serbia and honour. Specifically, they served our pride and has therefore actively participated in peacekeeping honour. These invaluable and unique works of art and operations all over the world and has made every effort architecture have survived five centuries of Ottoman to train and equip growing numbers of its officers and rule, the Balkan Wars and the First and Second World soldiers to take part in such important assignments. Wars. In that regard, this year Serbia’s chairmanship of the Yet, there they were, in 2004, being savagely Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe desecrated and destroyed, buried and ploughed over, has been universally commended, including by those as though that undertaking was a part of preparations, currently in conflict situations. I should also add that designed with meticulous precision, to coincide with the Serbia has been a candidate country of the European unilateral declaration of independence of the Republic Union for more than three years now and has continued of Kosovo, an event that ensued four years after the to take decisive steps to harmonize its systems and barbaric destruction of the patrimony of Serbia’s practices with European Union standards. At the Christian culture and civilization. Not only Serbian, but same time, Serbia has also continued to maintain its also European culture and the world’s collective memory cooperation and friendship with Russia and China. are preserved in Kosovo and Metohija, representing an A State is made up of its territory, its people, its important human civilizational achievement on planet languages and its cultural heritage. Serbia is the only Earth. It is therefore important that Serbia, as a member country in Europe that in addition to seeing part of its of UNESCO, continues to be the keeper of this cultural territory seized, its people expelled and their murders treasure, which belongs both to Serbia and to the world. and the so-called harvesting of their organs going In an attempt to falsify history — unfortunately with unpunished, has now had to deal with attacks on its the support of a certain number of countries — Albania cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO. has submitted, on behalf of the Pristina Administration, Here I recall that in March 2004, in the face of only a request to UNESCO that the Serbian heritage be sporadic opposition from the Kosovo Force (KFOR), declared Kosovar — that is, Albanian. Those who Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija destroyed numerous strategically destroyed monasteries with the aim of Christian Orthodox churches, other church buildings, marginalizing the importance of Kosovo and Metohija convents, bell towers and monastery libraries and for the Serbs and of establishing a new ethnic and archives, usually by setting fires or explosive devices. cultural identity for Kosovo and Metohija on the ashes That was only the brutal and effective perpetuation of the history of others, would be rewarded in that way. of the damage and destruction of over 140 Orthodox How is it possible that arsonists and destroyers, with sanctuaries perpetrated since the arrival of the United goals that clearly go beyond all the ethical norms and Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo and established rules on which UNESCO was founded, the KFOR in June 1999. In that period, the Albanian

6/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 are now trying to project themselves as guardians and together prominent leaders and eminent scholars and protectors? scientists. That is the best way to assess the situation objectively, provide an answer and propose a solution Should that request be accepted nonetheless, a to that complex problem. The humanitarian disaster dangerous precedent would be set and the door would facing the world is only a consequence of the crisis be opened for the legitimization of violence against the that has shaken Syria for the past four years, all along national, cultural and religious identity of any people without an adequate response from the international anywhere. By defending the right of Serbia to preserve community. and proudly present its identity and cultural heritage, as it has done for the past 11 centuries, by preventing Without access to common funding, the situation the unscrupulous dispossession of one’s heritage and of Serbia is perhaps more difficult than that of the other its attribution to somebody else, we are defending the countries of the old continent. Despite its difficult underlying principles of international law and human economic situation, Serbia is making every effort to justice, as well as those on which UNESCO was provide decent conditions and accommodation for founded. I therefore call on all Heads of State not to refugees. However, if the international community, and allow the Serbian people to have its soul excised, its the European Union above all, fails to make concrete essence usurped and its monasteries in Kosovo and efforts to solve the problem, a humanitarian catastrophe Metohija, its spiritual backbone, declared the cultural of an even larger scale would threaten South-East heritage of the Albanian people there. In short, that is Europe. The consequences are impossible to foresee, neither the truth nor a historical and scientific fact. It but they would surely affect not only Europe, but the is not justice. whole world as well. As regards the number of asylum- seekers in the Republic of Serbia, 125,138 persons Peoples do not acquire history and civilization arrived in Serbia between 1 January and 14 September, by snatching centuries of the existence of others or and only 524 have submitted asylum requests. by bribing, with Judas’ silver, those to whom the history of others means nothing and who would stand I would like to draw attention to the alarming by indifferently if the spiritual and cultural roots of a practice of some Governments that have erected wire people — in this case of we Serbs — were removed and razor fences to ghettoize the asylum-seekers fleeing from the areas from which they had been expelled. The war and destitution. Such an attitude runs counter to United Nations must preserve its credibility and stand the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees up to the injustice and evil that Serbia would suffer if and the proclaimed solidarity of the States members of the Organization acquiesced to that undertaking. I am the European Union with migrants. It also aggravates certain that those gathered here, as responsible and the situation in countries that respect international law honourable persons of State, will stand up against the and treat the individuals struck by calamity humanely. injustice and wrong that would be inflicted upon Serbia The Governments of certain States Members of the and could have a domino effect on other nations and United Nations behave as if they had never abandoned States. the ideology that prevailed before the end of the Second World War, thereby destroying the fragile stability in Serbia is talking to the representatives of the the Balkans that was achieved through hard work and Administration in Pristina. It will fulfil all its obligations dedication, to which Serbia contributed the most. under Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and all its obligations under the agreements reached in Brussels, My country has had to cope with a deep economic but it will never, ever recognize the independence of crisis since 2008. Refugees, therefore, cannot expect to part of its territory, the autonomous province of Kosovo secure much more than their personal safety in Serbia. and Metohija, to which its very existence is connected. We will provide it to them irrespective of the fact that certain countries also intervene against people living The problem of the mass migration from the Middle in Serbian territory. Our care for humankind and our East is the greatest challenge of our times. We cannot empathy for those in need, as well as our resolve to give analyse the causes and or identify those directly and those people what we may not need as urgently as they indirectly responsible for the migrant crisis here and do at the moment, will not diminish. Our borders are now. It is an issue of paramount importance and should open to receive them and to let them through. We need be addressed at an international forum that would bring no law for that because that is the way we are. Serbia is

15-29568 7/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 not a member of the European Union, but it consistently not had much to offer to these destitute people who left implements the proclaimed principle of solidarity, a their homes. It has shared the little it had. fundamental value and the supposedly unconditional Serbia expects the United Nations Member States mainstay of the Union itself. I do not understand this to act responsibly and humanely. We should all bear in selfishness, and sometimes even the hatred towards mind that this situation will have global consequences. those who have nothing that some individuals have Civilization is at a crossroads. Europe is going through come to nurture. If the rapid pace with which the leaders serious travails and tribulations. Now is the time of some countries are losing their cool and composure for it to show if it still is the standard-bearer in the are any clue, the situation can only deteriorate. implementation of human rights and the respect of We therefore need a comprehensive plan that international law or if it continues to turn a blind eye to would have to be implemented within the shortest the apparent double standards and allows the attainment possible time. Without such a plan, migrants will be of civilization to be valid only for some countries and left altogether at the mercy of human smugglers. some peoples. Passivity and the increasingly inhumane treatment of Equality is applicable not only to relations among migrants open a market for smugglers. The sequence individuals, but also to relations among States. Our of catastrophes that would ensue in such a case, from fathers shed blood on many battlefields for the equality the Mediterranean to the British Isles, would be tragic, of all peoples. They fought for our freedom to speak our and the tragedy in which over 800 people died would mind and for our opinion to be strong enough to change be remembered as just one sad link in that sorry chain. things. Freedom and equality are the fundamental Even though it was not directly involved in the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, of conflict in the territory of the former Yugoslavia in numerous international documents and of national the 1990s, started and stage-managed in a similar way constitutions. We must not allow them to become dead to the conflict in Syria, Serbia was labelled guilty. A letters. resolution was even recently submitted to the Security By taking up these topics and drawing members’ Council to stigmatize the Serbs as an example of a attention to them, I hope to motivate us to show genuine genocidal people, although such a characterization of empathy and solidarity, to take responsibility for the any people in the world is unjustifiable. The attempt future and to build, together and indefatigably, true failed, as members of the Security Council were aware humanism in the Organization that gathered us together of the true intentions and desires of the initiators, here today. I would like us to meet in this place with as well as the possible catastrophic consequences. different messages next year and, if not with our What kind of genocidal criminals are we? Is it the problems solved, then at least with steps made towards image imparted by the footage of migrants in Serbia, solving the problems that burden us today. I would undaunted and unworried about the reaction of our like us to be better every coming year. I would like people and authorities, unlike elsewhere in the region, the States of the world to feel that the ideas of liberty or is it the image of a hospitable people with a kind and equality and of a humane and just society are not heart? Have Serbian citizens changed? They have not. just empty rhetoric, but instead genuinely resolve to The people of Serbia of all ethnicities have, now and in implement them throughout our planet. the past, been humane and hospitable, as well as good neighbours. The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the In addition to refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, President of the Republic of Serbia for the statement he Pakistan and Iraq, Serbia hosts hundreds of thousands has just made. of refugees and displaced persons from the territory of the former Yugoslavia. They are preponderantly Serbs, Mr. Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Republic of but include also Bosniaks, Croats, Roma and others. Serbia, was escorted from the General Assembly Some of these people have gone to third countries, Hall. while others continue to live in Serbia. We are still faced with the consequences of these migration as they have altered the demographic, social and other structures of our country and society. Then and now, my country has

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Address by Mr. Ismaël Omar Guelleh, President and sorrow we feel today following his death are alleviated Head of Government of the Republic of Djibouti by the many expressions of respect and compassion we have received from around the world. He be profoundly The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The missed by all. May God Almighty welcome him into Assembly will now hear an address by the President his eternal paradise. and Head of Government of the Republic of Djibouti. It is a great honour for me to take the floor before Mr. Ismaël Omar Guelleh, President and Head the Assembly of peoples to celebrate, with men and of Government of the Republic of Djibouti, was women of all countries, races, languages ​​and cultures, escorted into the General Assembly Hall. the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the United The Acting President: On behalf of the General Nations. When the Charter of the United Nations was Assembly, I have the honour to welcome to the United drafted in 1946, it sent a message of hope for tomorrow Nations His Excellency Mr. Ismaël Omar Guelleh, from one of the darkest chapters in human history. It President and Head of Government of the Republic of symbolized, in fact, the international community’s Djibouti, and to invite him to address the Assembly. aspiration for peace and cooperation. This year, we celebrate not only the seventieth birthday of our President Guelleh: At the outset, allow me to beloved Organization, which is a historic date in itself, congratulate His Excellency Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, but also the twentieth anniversary of the Fourth World as well as his country, the Kingdom of Denmark, on Conference on Women and the fifteenth anniversary of his election to the presidency of the General Assembly. the adoption of the Millennium Declaration. With his wisdom and experience, I am confident that he will successfully steer the proceedings of the This is a crucial year that carries many hopes. Assembly. I assure him of my delegation’s cooperation Despite the sustained efforts made to achieve a world and support. of prosperity, equity, freedom, dignity and peace for all people, we all know, unfortunately, we still I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to have a long way to go. The international community His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutesa, who has just concluded undeniably remains faced with an unprecedented range his mission as President of the Assembly at its sixty- of major challenges: poverty and hunger, persistent ninth session. Mr. Kutesa worked tirelessly to promote unemployment and violent armed conflict, and climate the work of the General Assembly and we are grateful change. As recently as last year, we saw the health-care to him for his dedicated service. systems of brotherly countries being overwhelmed by Finally, I would like to thank our Secretary-General, new terrible threats, such as the Ebola virus, while new His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, for his leadership, challenges have emerged constantly threatening peace dedication and personal commitment to advancing the and security. We will have the opportunity to return agenda of the Organization. to this, but allow me now to address the implications of the macroeconomic fragility in the global economy, (spoke in French) the many and varied challenges facing our country and I take this opportunity to pay a warm tribute to the importance of establishing a credible and beneficial the memory of His Excellency Mr. Roble Olhaye, multilateral trading system for all. Permanent Representative of the Republic of Djibouti The global economic and financial environment to the United Nations and Ambassador of the Republic is more alarming than ever. The 2008 financial of Djibouti to the United States. My country and and economic crisis has had multidimensional I myself have lost a brother and a great patriot. The consequences and many developing countries continue United Nations family has also lost a colleague and to face difficult macroeconomic situations. Any a friend. The late Roble Olhaye was the epitome of a response designed to resolve this situation should take seasoned and experienced diplomat. His background is into account the special needs of Africa, and especially impressive; his life rich in teachings and his success those of the least developed countries, and ensure that immense. I would like to particularly emphasize the commitments undertaken at international meetings his constant struggle for economic and commercial can be implemented. development for the African continent. He represented our country and all of Africa with pride. The grief and

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In that regard, we continue to observe with concern cutting, transnational and interdisciplinary policies the current difficulties faced by States members of the commensurate with the challenge. It is therefore time World Trade Organization in efforts to identify ways to adopt just, fair and scientific climate goals. We hope and means to overcome the impasse in the Doha Round that the twenty-first session of the Conference of the of negotiations and establish a significant post-Bali Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention programme of work. Major issues are at stake because on Climate Change, which will be held soon in Paris, it is our responsibility to build a credible multilateral will mark a decisive turning point. trading system that enables everyone, in particular Violent extremism is the product of a deadly developing countries, to identify their objectives ideology that openly advocates the destruction and in the areas of industrialization and the structural elimination of others on behalf of a supposed religious transformation of their economies. belief, whereas Islam is a religion which essentially Climate change is not only the greatest challenge advocates openness, tolerance and love of one’s that humankind faces, but also the most important neighbour. Our region, East Africa, is one of the one of our day in terms of development. It threatens primary targets of terrorist attacks. Al-Shabaab poses a to undermine life for future generations. The many major threat to our region and is at the root of terrorist meetings on climate change and the lack of progress attacks and many attempted attacks in most countries achieved illustrate the extent to which this issue is a of our region. This painful experience has enabled us source of controversy and division. It is true that our to develop a knowledge of the workings, practices and claims are legitimate and understandable. However, it strategies of terrorist groups, which deserves to be is also true that Africa has more to lose than others. shared. That is why we are ready to assume our responsibility The causes that encourage the spread of the to reduce our emissions and we hope that the principle scourge of extremism and, in effect, terrorist groups, of common but differentiated responsibilities will be are deep and diverse. Cracks and fractures seen in the scrupulously respected. international security architecture and conflict zones Each region has its specificities and environmental in the Middle East and Africa, as well as economic concerns that are not necessarily the same as those of hardship, extreme poverty and the perception, justified countries in other regions. My country is particularly or not, of marginalization, all generate a feeling of exposed to many natural hazards, the most frequent uncertainty and a strong desire to belong that can make and destructive being droughts and floods. The groups sensitive to the extremist rhetoric and lead to Republic of Djibouti, despite its marginal contribution violent attacks. We all know the human costs and the to greenhouse gas emissions, is contributing to global countless security, economic and social problems that efforts to fight against this devastating scourge. To that they bring about. end, we recently hosted a conference in partnership Yesterday, President Obama took the initiative to with the Climate and Energy Institute of the prestigious organize a summit on this topic, which concerns us Yale University, which has developed a very relevant all. We thank him for that because the international climate model illustrating all the scenarios of the context shows us the need and relevance of such climate change impact on our region. consultations on a daily basis. No country can fight this It is in this spirit that we proposed to establish and scourge alone, because terrorism knows no borders. To host in Djibouti a regional environmental observatory. neutralize this threat, we must work together concretely Moreover, my country has for several years carried out and decisively. Strategies to combat and prevent a policy of renewable energy use with the stated goal extremist violence must be perfectly calibrated while of excluding fossil fuels by the year 2020. That is why, also avoiding overreaction. They must be based on an together with Ethiopia, we have already put in place a analysis of the root causes and an understanding of the hydropower project and begun to use the tremendous reasons driving extremism. potential of our country’s geothermal, wind, solar and Governments, regional and international organizations, tidal energy. religious leaders and leaders of academia and civil The environment is a cross-cutting and transnational society must join forces to strengthen resilience in the element. Consequently and logically, we need cross- face of terrorism and establish security and stability

10/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 in our countries. In that regard, my country will soon people and has taken all necessary measures to assist create, within the framework of the Intergovernmental and welcome the displaced people fleeing the fighting. Authority on Development, a centre of excellence The situation prevailing today in Yemen is the to combat violent extremism. The centre will seek result of the refusal of the rebellion to accept and to strengthen the capacities of governmental and respect the political transition period, as negotiated non-governmental actors and provide a space for during the National Dialogue process. By taking up dialogue and a platform for the exchange of information arms, they have wrought havoc in this country and have among researchers and specialists. forced the legitimate President to leave the country. We Since 2008, the Member States represented in this condemn the actions of the rebellion and especially the Hall have witnessed the tense and so far unresolved threats that these elements pose to the unity, integrity, situation prevailing in the north of my country following stability and sovereignty of Yemen. In addition, the the unjustified and incomprehensible occupation by escalating violence in Yemen is a grave threat to the Eritrean forces of part of our territory. Members of my security and stability of the region and opens up a new Government and I have come here on several occasions front of radicalization, including the rise in power of to brief the international community about the situation Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula along our eastern and to inform it about the unreasonable behaviour of border, which poses a distinct threat to my country Eritrea, which continues to ignore the gravity of the throughout the Bab-al-Mandab strait. situation and reject any attempts at discussion. To In this connection, we welcome the military resolve this conflict peacefully, my country, from the intervention of brotherly countries of the Gulf beginning, has sought out the good offices of the African Cooperation Council, led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of at the request of President Hadi Mansour. We thank Islamic Cooperation and the United Nations. We finally Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and, through him, agreed to mediation by His Highness the Amir of the Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, his Special Envoy State of Qatar, in the belief that Eritrea would listen to for Yemen, for their dedication and the tireless efforts reason, but that was in vain. they have shown since the beginning this conflict. We To date, more than five years after the signing ask the United Nations to redouble its efforts and the of the mediation Agreement, we are still awaiting activities of its good offices to enable the resumption the demarcation of the border and the return of our of a peaceful political transition process because the prisoners of war. Despite the call to reason by the settlement of the crisis in Yemen requires dialogue. international community and the adoption of resolutions Lastly, we urge all Yemeni parties to participate in 1862 (2009), 1907 (2009) and 2023 (2011), Eritrea good faith in the dialogue being conducted under the has refused to recognize the existence of Djiboutian auspices of the United Nations. prisoners, even though two of them have, fortunately, Despite the difficulties and daily obstacles of which managed to escape. This attitude of denial, even after we are all aware, Somalia has made significant progress, the return and the testimony of these prisoners, and the most notably in federal training and the establishment refusal of any discussion is contrary to international of regional administrations and an independent standards and conduct. It demonstrates the danger National Electoral Commission. However, the Somali that this country represents for the region and the Government still faces significant challenges. It is clear international community as a whole. My country has to us that rebuilding Somalia depends on guaranteeing always managed to preserve peace and we believe in a stable security environment. Of course, over the past the virtues of dialogue and mediation. However, the two years, great progress has been made on the ground, territorial integrity of my country is non-negotiable. but the extremist threat remains in view of the increase With regard to Yemen, we are deeply concerned in attacks in recent months. The attack on 26 July about the tragic situation currently facing that brotherly against Jazeera Hotel is proof of that. country and especially about the deterioration of the Such attacks have demonstrated that the African humanitarian situation, which has been catastrophic Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) needs the support since the beginning of the conflict. The Republic of the Somali security forces. I therefore reiterate our of Djibouti reaffirms its solidarity with the Yemeni belief that establishing a properly equipped, trained

15-29568 11/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 and led Somali army that, above all, benefits from Zambia, in particular the need to continue promoting the necessary financial support is imperative. Indeed, the Africa Common Position on United Nations reform the project to integrate armed elements into a regular and on preserving the unity of the Group of African force capable of responding to threats to the unity and States. Over 15 years after its adoption, the Ezulwini territorial integrity of Somalia should, in my view, Consensus remains relevant, especially in this context be a priority for the Somali Government and for the where African issues are more than ever on the Security international community. I take this opportunity to Council’s agenda. commend the tireless efforts and heavy sacrifices made The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On by AMISOM troops and Somali forces, despite the behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the gravity of the security situation. President and Head of Government of the Republic of We feel the scale of the Palestinian suffering in Djibouti for the statement he has just made. our very being. We are all aware that, after more than Mr. Ismaël Omar Guelleh, President and Head half a century of tragedy and resistance, the Palestinian of Government of the Republic of Djibouti, was people continue to suffer from the Israeli occupation escorted from the General Assembly Hall. and to live in inhumane conditions before our eyes. Each time a glimmer of hope of resuming peace negotiations Address by Mr. Choummaly Sayasone, President of appears, the Israeli State puts an end to it by resuming the Lao People’s Democratic Republic the building of new settlements. We, as Governments and members of the General Assembly, have a moral The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The duty and political responsibility to say “no” and to give Assembly will now hear an address by the President of these brotherly Palestine people the right to be free from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. occupation, the right to live in dignity and peace and Mr. Choummaly Sayasone, President of the Lao the right to aspire to the goals that each and everyone People’s Democratic Republic, was escorted into of us has. An independent and viable Palestinian State, the General Assembly Hall. with East Jerusalem as its capital and full membership of the United Nations, is an imperative for peace and The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf stability in that region and will change the course and of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome image of history. to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Choummaly Sayasone, President of the Lao People’s Democratic It is undeniable that we are now at a crucial moment Republic, and to invite him to address the Assembly. in the history of our Organization and that the world in which we live is very different from that of 1945. President Sayasone (spoke in Lao; interpretation It is also undeniable that this evolution requires us to provided by the delegation): At the outset, I would like adapt to new and changing realities. In that regard, the to extend my sincere congratulations to His Excellency revitalization of the General Assembly and Security Mr. Mogens Lykketoft on his election as President of Council reform are paramount. We welcome, in this the seventieth session of the General Assembly. I am regard, the adoption by the General Assembly of confident that, with his extensive diplomatic experience, resolution 69/321 on the revitalization of its work. he will guide this session with great success. I would Following the landmark achievement of the founding like to assure him of our full support and cooperation fathers of creating the United Nations, we must tirelessly in the discharge of his noble duties. I would also like to pursue our quest to fulfil all the promises contained in sincerely commend His Excellency Mr. Sam Kahamba their visions. Kutesa for his successful completion of his tenure as the President of the General Assembly at its sixty-ninth With regard to Security Council reform, it is session. imperative that at the start of the seventieth anniversary of the Organization, the African continent, which has This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the the largest number of countries, have a permanent voice United Nations since its establishment following the in the conduct of international affairs. That is why my Second World War. Its main objectives are to promote country reiterates its full commitment to the conclusions international peace and security and development of the Summit of the African Union Committee of cooperation, aimed at ensuring that all humankind Ten Heads of State, held on 9 May in Livingstone, lives in peace and in an environment conducive to

12/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 development. Despite the conflicts and challenges that In addition, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic have occurred in different parts of the world, in general has always hoped that the issue of Palestine, which has peace, security and development cooperation among all been stalled for many decades, will be resolved through nations remain the prevailing trends of this era. That has peaceful means by the parties concerned with a view to been an important achievement of the United Nations creating two independent States, Palestine and Israel, in fulfilling its mandate enshrined in its Charter. living side by side in peace, based on the Arab Peace Initiative, and within recognized borders, as stipulated Nevertheless, the international environment continues in the relevant Security Council resolutions. The Lao to face numerous challenges, such as armed conflicts, People’s Democratic Republic therefore urges the terrorism, poverty and hunger, infectious diseases, international community to redouble its efforts to help climate change and natural disasters, which have in restore Palestine to normalcy as soon as possible. turn posed major threats to peace and development. I am therefore of the view that we must enhance our In the era of interdependence, cooperation and political will, mutual assistance and cooperation under engagement are key factors for peaceful coexistence the banner of the United Nations in order to collectively and mutual benefit. The Lao People’s Democratic address the challenges facing us. To that end, the Republic welcomes the recent re-establishment of United Nations must improve its working methods. diplomatic relations between the United States of The Lao People’s Democratic Republic hopes that, America and the Republic of Cuba, which has opened on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the a new chapter in the history of relations between the United Nations this year, the international community two countries, which had been at a standstill for many will collectively make serious efforts to conduct a years. The Lao People’s Democratic Republic hopes that comprehensive reform of the Organization so that it the re-established relations will be further enhanced, can respond to emerging challenges in a more effective leading to an end of the embargo and thereby bringing manner. genuine benefits to the people of the two nations, the region and the world as a whole. I take this opportunity to welcome the successful conclusion a few days ago of the United Nations Climate change and severe natural disasters, Summit on Sustainable Development, at which the which are occurring more frequently, have had a huge 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution impact on the development of countries, especially 70/1) was adopted with a view to further addressing the the developing and least developed countries, which major challenges the world faces today, including any are most vulnerable due to their limited infrastructure Millennium Development Goals that have yet to be met. and insufficient technological, financial and human Indeed, the new development Agenda is the outcome resources to respond to and address those phenomena. of open and inclusive intergovernmental negotiations. It is therefore incumbent upon the international If we are to achieve the set Goals and targets within community to help such vulnerable countries through, the next 15 years, we need to honour our political among other things, long-term capacity-building to commitment to strengthening global partnership and tackle such challenges. We hope that the twenty-first cooperation at all possible levels. session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to Conflicts are being waged today in many regions be held in Paris later this year, will be able to adopt of the world, which have caused major concern for the various measures to address climate change in the international community. It is therefore important to coming years. find solutions and to restore peace and development to those regions. In that context, the Lao People’s The South-East Asian region, which is now in Democratic Republic has consistently supported the the process of economic integration through the peaceful settlement of conflicts. I therefore praise all various cooperation frameworks of the Association parties concerned for reaching an agreement on Iran’s of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with a view to nuclear programme, which is of historic significance. It building an ASEAN community by the end of this year, is testimony to the value of dialogue as the best way to has continued to enjoy peace, stability and constant address a conflict, which should be taken as a model for economic growth. ASEAN has broadened its external resolving hot issues globally. relations with different countries and regional groups at various levels, as well as with the United Nations.

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In 2016, the first year of the ASEAN community, the support for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic so Lao People’s Democratic Republic will have the honour that we can achieve our sustainable development foals to chair ASEAN for the second time. I hope that the in the coming years. international community, especially the ASEAN Although the Indochina War ended four decades dialogue partners, will continue to support ASEAN- ago, the legacy of that war continues to pose serious led mechanisms, in which ASEAN plays a central obstacles to our national development, especially to role, so that it can become a community based on the agriculture, employment, infrastructure development ASEAN way and continue to be a regional grouping and investment programmes in areas that remain that contributes to the maintenance of peace and contaminated by unexploded ordinance. Removing enhancement of cooperation with other regions and the those remnants of war will take a long time and require world at large. considerable resources. Aware of that serious impact, This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the the Lao People’s Democratic Republic has actively establishment of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. promoted the Convention on Cluster Munitions Over the past four decades, we have gone through a (CCM), which can prevent the further victimization of period of healing the wounds of war and advancing our humankind. national development through the implementation of Earlier this month, the First Review Conference to five-year national socioeconomic development plans, the Convention on Cluster Munitions was held in Croatia especially the seventh five-year plan for 2011-2015, to take stock of the progress and shortcomings in the which will be completed by the end of this year. The implementation of that important Convention. The Lao achievements of the past 40 years can be attributed to People’s Democratic Republic takes this opportunity many factors, but the most crucial have been political to call upon those countries that are not yet party to stability and social order, which have provided a the CCM to accede to that universal Convention. At conducive environment for economic growth and the same time, we encourage friendly countries and steadily improved the livelihood of the people. international organizations to continue to provide The Lao Government has maintained its tireless funding and technical support in that endeavour. political will to fight poverty, create benchmarks for This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of Laos as raising the country’s status from that of least developed a State Member of the United Nations. Throughout the country, and pursue the path of sustainable development years, we have actively participated in the work of the through a three-level development programme known United Nations in various areas. Moreover, cooperation as sam sang, which identifies provinces as strategic between the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and entities, districts as comprehensively strengthened the United Nations has steadily grown. The financial entities and villages as development entities. The and technical support that have been provided by programme will strengthen my country’s cooperation United Nations agencies, funds and programmes have with development partners and pave the way for the all contributed significantly to the socioeconomic industrialization and modernization of the country. development of our country. We hope that such valuable Indeed, we are moving in the right direction in our support and cooperation will continue in the coming national development. years. In addition, in the coming months, coinciding The Lao People’s Democratic Republic attaches with the eighth five-year national socioeconomic great importance to promoting and protecting human development plan for 2016-2020, the Lao Government rights and has become State party to seven of the main will adopt a 10-year socioeconomic development international human rights instruments. In its desire to strategy for 2016-2025 and the Vision 2030 programme. contribute to the work of the Human Rights Council, Nevertheless, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic the Lao People’s Democratic Republic has presented will undoubtedly continue to face numerous challenges its candidature for membership to the Human Rights in undergoing socioeconomic development. Those Council for the period 2016-2018. We look forward include, among others, the impact of the regional to receiving the support of Members States and the and global economic and financial crises and natural opportunity to contribute to the work of the Human disasters. I therefore call on our development partners Rights Council. and the international community to maintain their

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This year is of great historical significance to in the real world. However, legitimacy is a fragile thing. the international community, especially because It takes decades to build, but can be lost in the blink of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable of an eye. Therefore, preserving and strengthening the Development (resolution 70/1). I believe that it will legitimacy of this institution must be at the centre of mark an important milestone in realizing the aspiration our work if the United Nations is to remain a powerful of humankind to live in peace, security, prosperity force for progressive change in the world. and social justice, while protecting the environment Therefore, to strengthen the legitimacy of the and promoting the sustainable development towards a United Nations, I propose that the road ahead be brighter future for current and future generations. To guided by three principles: universality, adaptability that end, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic will and accountability. We took an important step in that contribute actively to the realization of the Sustainable direction last week with the adoption of the 2030 Development Goals and targets that world leaders Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution 70/1), adopted a few days ago. which demonstrates our ability to learn from past The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On experience and create an approach that is better tailored behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the to the needs and circumstances of all nations. President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic for The Agenda places the welfare of human beings the statement he has just made. at its core and lays out a comprehensive set of Goals Mr. Choummaly Sayasone, President of the Lao and targets to help empower every individual to realize People’s Democratic Republic, was escorted from his or her full potential. This moves us away from the General Assembly Hall. looking at single indicators like gross domestic product or income per capita to measure human progress and Address by Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, President of focuses our work on building a more robust foundation the Republic of Nauru for sustainability and prosperity. Education, public health, gender equality, clean water, oceans, energy The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The and, more importantly, a strong family unit — those are Assembly will now hear an address by the President of some of the blocks on which our future must be built. the Republic of Nauru. For my country, the ocean is the source of almost Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, President of the all development possibilities. Unlike large countries, Republic of Nauru, was escorted into the General we do not have a diversified portfolio of industries. Assembly Hall. Phosphate mining and fishing constitute the large bulk The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On of economic possibilities for Nauru, along with less than behalf of the General Assembly, I have the honour a handful of other sources of income. It is all the more to welcome to the United Nations His Excellency concerning, therefore, when vessels come to our waters Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, President of the Republic of and engage in illegal, unreported and unregulated Nauru, and to invite him to address the Assembly. (IUU) fishing. Regional estimates put earnings lost to IUU at anywhere from millions to over $1 billion. President Waqa: It is an honour to be here for the For economies like ours, those numbers are staggering, seventieth anniversary of the United Nations. I can only and if we are to be true to the 2030 Agenda and the marvel at the scale of that accomplishment. Not only has commitments made to the small island developing this institution grown from its original 51 Members to States, we must do much more to eliminate IUU fishing its current 193, but it has also expanded its work to take and ensure that the income from fishing goes to the on a remarkable number of issues facing the world. Our rightful resource owners. debate here provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on what has made the Organization so successful. That and other issues from the 2030 Agenda will require us to rethink the way we cooperate at the I believe the reason for that success can be summed international level. Our international and regional up in a single word: legitimacy. Only with legitimacy bodies must be fit for purpose. The universality of can we expect leaders from around the world to gather that endeavour will require them to respect national here every September. Only with legitimacy can we differences and move away from one-size-fits-all expect the agreements we reach here to be implemented

15-29568 15/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 strategies. Thematic silos must be replaced by cross- Therefore, the list of permanent and non-permanent cutting networks. Implementing agencies at every level members should be expanded. We support the inclusion must become both more nimble and more robust. of Germany, India, Japan, Brazil and others in the permanent category. In addition, the Security Council All partnerships — whether multilateral, bilateral must continue to adapt and respond to the most pressing or public-private — must be based on mutual respect issues of today. That is why Nauru calls on it to make that recognizes genuine development partners, such climate change a permanent agenda item. It should be as the Republic of China on Taiwan, a democracy that supplemented by the appointment by the Secretary- can contribute meaningfully towards development and General of a Special Representative on climate and prosperity in the world. Needless to say, Taiwanese security. In addition, relevant organs of the United technology and know-how can make a lot of difference Nations should assess their capacity to respond to the towards helping the needy, and, as such, I call for the security implications of climate change. inclusion of Taiwan in the development agencies of the United Nations. The governance of the Bretton Woods institutions should also be made more representative, with Aid must be predictable and sustainable, It should developing countries given a greater presence. The not be wielded as a weapon to advance partisan political global economy has become more reliant on the flow ends. Predatory relationships that pit one group against of international capital, and with the frequency of another have no place in the 2030 Development financial crises increasing, the legitimacy of those Agenda. History has demonstrated that openness and institutions will continue to be tested. engagement have proven far more effective strategies for positive change than isolation and exclusion. Only However, climate change will be the largest test in such an environment can we hold one another of our international and domestic institutions. We accountable for the full implementation of the Agenda. have already seen how some climate impacts can overwhelm the capacity of even the most powerful That is the vision that Nauru has embraced for the among us. Clearly, a strong, legally binding agreement 2030 Agenda, and back home we are taking steps to in Paris is absolutely critical, with ambitious mitigation move forward. Like the United Nations itself, we will contributions from all countries. The agreement should need to build strong domestic institutions to achieve be guided by a temperature-increase goal of 1.5°C, our goals. Their legitimacy will similarly rest on consistent with our vision of a safe and secure world. their inclusiveness, adaptability and accountability. It must also ensure that climate financing is available Therefore, in implementing the 2030 Agenda, we must for adaptation, particularly for the most vulnerable go beyond capacity-building. We must engage in the countries. And for dealing with the impacts that exceed difficult task of institution-building. International and our adaptation efforts, it should anchor an international regional agencies and development partners should mechanism on loss and damage. back those efforts with real resources that include long- term, in-country engagement when appropriate, so that The United Nations was created they leave behind durable domestic institutions run by “to save succeeding generations from the scourge a skilled national workforce. of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought Nauru is asking for a lot from its development untold sorrow to mankind”. partners. We want to be better partners ourselves. At present, climate change, if left unaddressed, And at the end of the day, implementation of the 2030 promises impacts no less catastrophic for many of our Development Agenda will happen mostly at national nations. and local level. On that note, let me thank our partners Australia, Taiwan, Russia, Cuba and others for their Today marks the lead-up to a very important support towards our sustainable development priorities. milestone in my people’s history — the seventieth anniversary of our return home. During the occupation Our efforts to improve the legitimacy of of my country in the Second World War, Nauruans international institutions must extend beyond those were forcibly evacuated to what is now Chuuk state in most directly involved in the 2030 Development the Federated States of Micronesia. Due to widespread Agenda. The Security Council in particular must better food shortages and the harsh conditions imposed by our reflect the geopolitical realities of the world today.

16/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 captors, our population fell to below 1,500. We were in Mr. Baron Divavesi Waqa, President of the danger of extinction. Nauruans know very well what Republic of Nauru, was escorted from the General happens to small, vulnerable countries when the big Assembly Hall. ones fail to address their problems in a responsible manner. Address by Mr. Agila Saleh Essa Gwaider, Acting Head of State of Libya I strongly believe that many of the major economic Powers want to reach an agreement at the twenty-first The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Assembly will now hear an address by the Acting Head Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of State of Libya. (COP21) in Paris. Many have already come forward with Mr. Agila Saleh Essa Gwaider, Acting Head of State meaningful mitigation contributions that will certainly of Libya, was escorted into the General Assembly require a great deal of effort to achieve. While we know Hall. it is not enough, I do not doubt their sincerity. However, I am starting to doubt whether they are willing and able The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf to make the fundamental changes in their political and of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome economic systems required to achieve our ambitious to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Agila Saleh goals. The intense lobbying to accept an unsatisfactory Essa Gwaider, Acting Head of State of Libya, and to outcome has already begun, and in the international invite him to address the Assembly. process, that has often meant that we will be presented Acting Head of State Gwaider (spoke in Arabic): with a take-it-or-leave it deal at COP21. Would such As the General Assembly gathers this year, we celebrate an agreement have any legitimacy? Can we solve the the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations. climate problem without it? Certainly, we have accomplished a lot during the past The number 70 has biblical significance in the 70 years in the economic field, in the protection of Christian faith, as it is composed of the numbers 7 human rights and in the maintenance of international and 10. The number 7 often represents the concept of peace and security. However, the Organization also completeness, while the number 10 often refers to law experienced failures because of the lack of appropriate and responsibility. It is fitting that during the seventieth structures to effectively deal with the continuous session of the General Assembly we will complete our increase in the magnitude and number of challenges as work on a new set of global agreements to tackle the well as their nature, compared to those that existed at challenges of our generation. The number 70 can also the founding of the United Nations. represent a period of judgement. We stand at a critical It goes without saying that the maintenance of moment in history as civilization outstrips the natural international peace and security remains the first boundaries of our planet. Our response during the next priority for the Organization. It is also the biggest few years will determine the fate of future generations challenge we face in an evolving world that is for the next thousand years. Will we continue to march confronted by new complications, such as terrorism, to an inexorable decline? Or will we join together to the proliferation of armed conflicts, natural disasters meet the challenges before us? Thankfully, we still and climate change. All these result in humanitarian have a choice ,and the widespread recognition of the crises that have manifested themselves in different need for change I have heard during the past week gives forms, such as refugees, internally displaced persons me hope that we will make the right one. and illegal immigrants. May God bless the Republic of Nauru and may God Today, the United Nations Member States are in bless the United Nations. need more than ever of consultation, cooperation and The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On mutual assistance to address common challenges and behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the to ensure a better future for the generations to come. President of the Republic of Nauru for the statement he The Charter of the United Nations stipulates that the has just made. Organization was established to save future generations from the scourge of war. However, that goal remains elusive. Although armed conflicts between nations

15-29568 17/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 have been reduced, ideological, ethnic and sectarian Sirte and Derna, to participate in the fighting against conflicts within States continue to spread dramatically. the Libyan army, which is locked in a fierce war to rid That spread is accompanied by unprecedented Libya of terrorism by whatever modest means it has at violations of human rights over and above the spread of its disposal. terrorist organizations. The emergence of terrorism is a The efforts of the Libyan authorities in the fight key driver of conflict and instability in many countries, against terrorism and to protect Libya from terrorist especially in the Middle East and Africa. attacks is being hampered by external support for We in Libya represent a fledgling democracy terrorism activities, in addition to the continuing arms seeking to find its way in order to take hold as an embargo and the insistence of the Security Council in added value in the minds of the people and to transform contradicting its decisions by its non-approval of the the country into one with transparent, democratic, Libyan Government’s requests for an exemption from effective and stable institutions. However, the spread of the arms embargo, in order to arm the Libyan army. weapons and armed groups, some of which have turned Unfortunately, some of the permanent members of to criminal and terrorist behaviour, in addition to the the Council have justified such conduct as if to avoid a country’s exploitation by some people with personal negative impact on the Libyan political dialogue, which interests, have all resulted in the spread of chaos in the we understand has led to a draft political agreement on country and weakened the central authority. In addition, 11 July that was accepted by the legitimate authority that spread has constituted a real threat to democratic after it made significant concessions, and initialled transformation and has encouraged the emergence of by most of the parties involved. However, that same terrorist organizations and the recruitment of additional agreement has been rejected by the so-called General foreign terrorist fighters. National Congress (GNC), which represents the militias During the past year, Libya has witnessed the that occupy Tripoli. Those militias are allied with emergence of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Qaida and Ansar Al-Sharia, supporting them with the Levant, or Daesh, an outcome of and ally to Ansar arms and fighters in the war against the Libyan army al-Sharia, which asserts control over the towns of that is taking place in the cities of Benghazi and Derna. Derna and Sirte, with a view to taking the two towns The threat of terrorism on the part of the Islamic as starting points to assert full control throughout State, Al-Qaida and Ansar Al-Sharia is not limited Libya and to exploit Libya’s resources to finance only to Libya. The terrorists view Libya as nothing the establishment of an extremist entity that refuses more than a base camp rich with significant resources to recognize the national State and fights against ripe for exploitation to finance its operations in North democracy. That entity harbours the aim of extending Africa and the Sahel region, as well as Europe, if they from Mauritania to Bangladesh, thereby subjecting the were to control it. All United Nations States Members entire region to the law of the jungle, while claiming to should be aware of the gravity of the position taken follow the law of Islam. However, that ideology has been by the Security Council. Therefore, with respect totally rejected and resisted by the Libyan people by to matters of international peace and security, they way of every force available under the leadership of the should exercise pressure towards the lifting of the arms legitimate authorities, represented by the elected House embargo on the Libyan army, accelerate the approval of of Representatives and its duly formed Government. the application for exemption from the arms embargo Those groups have been and remain an essential and provide assistance to the Libyan Government in the part of the militia alliance of Libya Dawn, which has area of security, according to the provisions of Security seized the capital, Tripoli, and repeatedly announced Council resolution 2214 (2015). that it will continue to support Ansar Al-Sharia in I can assure the Assembly that nothing divides the Benghazi, while describing them as revolutionaries. Libyan people and that the vast majority is seeking any We realize that all of those terrorist and extremist possible means to put an end to the unjustified fighting groups are nothing but tools to implement the policies of among brothers, and restore the security and stability foreign countries that have persisted in providing them of the country. Nevertheless, they are hostage to the with arms and ammunition. Furthermore, they have armed groups, and thus unable to express their views. facilitated the arrival of foreign fighters in Benghazi,

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Hundreds of thousands of Libyans have become perpetrators of crimes, including the destruction of internally displaced persons or refugees aspiring to State property and forced, armed seizure of the capital. return to their homes as soon as possible. That could In the case of the continued intransigence of the be fulfilled only through an agreement on a strong General National Congress in rejecting the agreement, Government that enjoys the confidence of all Libyans, the House of Representatives calls on the boycotting controls all of the Libyan territory and is supported by members to advance the national interests and the the international community. We appreciate the effort interests of their constituents on any and all matters. made by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya They are called upon to disassociate themselves to facilitate dialogue among the Libyan parties and from the extremist militias and to join the House of form a Government of national accord that represents Representatives in order to participate in the selection all Libyans, while placing the national interests above of an inclusive Government of national accord all other considerations. that excludes the terrorist groups. We call on the The House of Representatives, as the legitimate international community to exercise influence in that authority elected by all Libyans, was and remains direction. supportive of dialogue as a strategic option to resolve This year, the Mediterranean Sea has witnessed the political and security crisis in Libya. The House of an unprecedented wave of illegal migration coming Representatives made every possible concessions to from Africa and Asia and heading towards Europe. encourage the illegitimate party to disassociate itself Sadly, we have taken note of the loss of thousands of from terrorism and join the dialogue table, with the aim lives by drowning at sea. In that regard, we express of sparing Libyans from more bloodshed and putting an our condolences and sympathy to the families of the end to the destruction of Libyan cities. victims. However, we have noticed increasingly intransigent We reiterate Libya’s position in support of all positions and misinterpretations of the flexibility international efforts seeking to reduce the risks to shown by the House of Representatives. It seems that illegal migrants in the Mediterranean, based on respect such flexibility has been misunderstood, even by for the principles of international law, particularly Mr. Bernadino León, Special Representative of the respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the Secretary-General, who tried to bring us back to square internal affairs of States. one by unraveling all that had been achieved in the past 10 months through dialogue and negotiations. In We express Libya’s readiness to contribute, within that regard, I want to emphasize from this rostrum the the limits of its capacity, to prevent the smuggling of following. migrants and to rescue lives in the Mediterranean. We also emphasize that the humanitarian crisis must be The House of Representatives is committed to addressed comprehensively, in consultation with the dialogue as an approach to resolving the security and countries of origin, transit and destination, and while institutional crisis in Libya, but it will not agree to any taking into account the need to address the root causes regression regarding that which has been approved by of illegal migration in general and reasons for the large the majority so far. increase in the numbers of migrants passing through No agreement may be imposed on a future Libya in recent months. Government to take any step whatsoever in favour The security approach to the problem of migrant of any terrorist organization that has been listed by a smuggling is insufficient. Libya believes that using Security Council sanctions committee. force against smuggling boats off the Libyan coast may The war against terrorism in Benghazi, Derna and increase the complexity of the Libyan crisis, and will not Sirte cannot be part of a ceasefire arrangement under contribute to reducing the migrant phenomenon. That the agreement, unless it includes surrender on the part can be achieved only by providing the legitimate Libyan of the terrorists and the turning in of their weapons. Government with the capacity to extend its authority over all Libyan territory andto control its borders, The House of Representatives hopes to receive a including the necessary capacity-building assistance final draft of an agreement that does not reward the in that area, especially the arming of the Libyan army with the necessary equipment and training.

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Libya cautions against any foreign military activity Address by Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, President of conducted without its consent and control in Libyan the Republic of the Marshall Islands territorial waters or within its exclusive economic The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The zone that could harm fishing activities and lead to the Assembly will now hear an address by the President of plundering of its marine living resources. the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved in the Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, President of the Republic midst of the ongoing Israeli occupation of the Palestinian of the Marshall Islands, was escorted into the territories, which denies the rights of the Palestinian General Assembly Hall. people and seeks in all possible ways to Judaize the city of Jerusalem. The occupation flies in the face of all The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On behalf international resolutions on the inalienable rights of the of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome Palestinian people, in particular on the right of return to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Christopher and the right to establish an independent State with full J. Loeak, President of the Republic of the Marshall sovereignty over its territory, with East Jerusalem as Islands, and to invite him to address the Assembly. its capital. President Loeak: I bring the General Assembly Libya demands that the siege imposed on the the warm greetings of “Yokwe” from the people and Palestinian people be lifted and that they be provided nation of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. with protection. The Israeli occupation authorities must The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable be compelled to stop all acts of violence and intimidation Development (resolution 70/1) and its Sustainable against the Palestinian people and to comply with all Development Goals (SDGs) offer small island States international resolutions, especially with regard to the a powerful tool with which to shape and adjust our return of refugees to their homes and the cessation of own domestic strategies. The international community settlement activities and of the repeated attacks against has spoken, and a changing world is mapping a the holy sanctuary of Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem. visionary landscape that reaches into the distant years We condemn all atrocities against the Syrian people that have too rarely been part of our own national and express our support for all international efforts discussions — beyond 2020, beyond 2023, towards aimed at finding a peaceful settlement that will affirm 2030 and even farther, to the middle of the century. the rights of the Syrian people to live in a dignified In adopting the SDGs, the Marshall Islands cannot and democratic system that respects human rights and afford a set-it-and-forget-it mentality, which has too fundamental freedoms. often marked past international efforts. We now have a With regard to brotherly Yemen, we hope that the powerful opportunity in which to merge recent national Arab coalition will restore security and stability to planning improvements and construct an architecture Yemen and help reach a peaceful solution to the crisis, for measuring progress and pinpointing gaps. Such gaps under the supervision of its legitimate Government and are not only our own, but also those of our partners. on the basis of Security Council resolution 2216 (2015). Too often, we have — all of us — operated with goodwill, but without accountability for our collective The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On performance. Our post-2023 national trust fund behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the deserves a strong support system and also represents an Acting Head of State of Libya for the statement he has opportunity, if we use it, to work towards specific goals just made. and benchmarks. If we can jointly harness our national Mr. Agila Saleh Essa Gwaider, Acting Head of State and global priorities, if we can commit our own efforts of Libya, was escorted from the General Assembly and national resources, however small they may be Hall. right now, and if our close partners can work with us to restructure assistance-delivery to target the SDGs, then my nation too can climb the development ladder. I welcome the establishment of a comprehensive assistance programme with the International Atomic Energy Agency that will not only enhance our national

20/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 capacity to monitor and evaluate serious issues of on the one hand, we are expected to achieve the SDGs nuclear contamination but that will also address health and to demonstrate dramatic development progress strategies and other key SDG benchmarks. while, on the other hand, we are blocked from further gains from our own resources by the self-interestas of The Marshall Islands faces some of the more distant fishing nations. complex development, security and planning challenges in the world, but we lack the full tools available to The Marshall Islands and the States parties to tackle them. A nation struggling to attain basic social the Nauru Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the development goals will not be equipped to resolve any Management of Fisheries of Common Interest remain other challenge. firmly committed to the benefits of the Vessel Day Scheme and targeted high seas closures as a condition Progress in education is key. Firm efforts are for fishing our waters. The tables have turned and, if under way to correct our course and to provide better others wish to fish our waters, they must now do so on opportunities for our youngest and future generations. our own sovereign terms. We have found new pathways for building on our traditional knowledge and culture to enable our As a low-lying island nation with no higher ground, education system to draw on our own Pacific story climate change poses a severe threat to our security. and strength. But our efforts and good intentions Some have said that there is no more hope and no alone cannot ensure that every willing student has an more time. I forcefully disagree. The future of my opportunity to succeed. We need international support. nation — the future of our very land — may rest more in the hands of my fellow world leaders than in my The Republic of the Marshall Islands has one of own. There is still hope — hope that my nation will the world’s highest rates of diabetes, which has led be able to tackle the most difficult planning challenges my Government to declare a state of emergency. and to build resilience wherever we can, and hope that Non-communicable diseases remain a primary threat the world will not turn a blind eye. I can assure the to our national well-being. Without transformative United Nations that the Marshall Islands refuses the partnerships, and without extending more closely to our very notion that we would willingly relocate wholesale shores the renewed United Nations 2008-2013 Action to another country, or resign ourselves to saying that if Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and the water comes, it comes. Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, we risk a tragic downward spiral. As we move to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate The term developing nation implies forward Change (UNFCCC) later this year, in Paris, I am proud movement, yet for far too long the Marshall Islands that climate change is now recognized by all world has been only treading water. We have promising leaders as a reality that deserves, and is receiving, a opportunities and aspirations for improving our firm and collective response. Everyone must act. Many, investment platforms, but our untapped yet substantial including my own nation, have already committed resource base is often coloured by larger international to emissions cuts well into the future of 2025, 2030 influence. and beyond. But the world’s initial efforts are falling Our fisheries represent not only a vital sector for significantly short. Instead of indifference or fumbled our own development, but also a wider contribution excuses, we must achieve true leadership that provides to international food security, because the Pacific a direct response to closing the global emissions gap. is steward of half the world’s commercial tuna. Our As the broader United Nations debates Security foreign fishing nation partners, who not by accident are Council reform to adjust it the modern world, the also the drivers of global influence, have held the purse nations that portray themselves as deserving leaders to our own future for far too long. Key stocks in the have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their Pacific are being plundered at unsustainable rates that leadership by not ducking the bill or pointing fingers, jeopardize our future. but by embracing the challenge of the global emissions Already, higher returns from foreign licenses have gap. They should begin to speak about opportunities benefited our own national fiscal future, yet that is only for new forms of energy, instead of dancing around a fraction of the true potential. It is unacceptable that, perceived threats to growth. For the island nations, a

15-29568 21/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 world without a true commitment to decarbonization strait issues, and urges that States Members of the and meaningful strategies for its attainment is United Nations recognize and encourage such progress. ultimately no world at all. Like many other countries, the Republic of the As dramatically different as our landscape is today, Marshall Islands believes that awareness of the the tensions of an earlier age continue to resonate, from catastrophic impacts and humanitarian consequences the time when the Pacific islands region served as the of nuclear weapons must underpin all efforts towards horrific theatre for a global power struggle. Decades nuclear disarmament. As a former United Nations later, we again face the complex push-and-pull of larger Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Republic of international politics. Our regional baseline is often one the Marshall Islands has a unique legacy shared only of severe fragility. We have sharp exposure to external by a few other nations. Even while the United Nations shocks, and some of our emerging and future security was supposed to be furthering our development, 67 challenges not only extend beyond our capacity but nuclear tests were conducted in our nation between push the envelope of international precedent. 1946 and 1958 by our former administering Power, the United States of America, under our United Nations The treatment of our security as small-island and trusteeship status, including through authorization large ocean nations cannot be considered apart from under two United Nations resolutions. That was the that of much larger interaction across the Pacific. Some only time the United Nations ever explicitly authorized may view political alliances, borders and, in some the use of nuclear weapons, and the results were, and cases, significant marine mineral resources as mere remain, beyond tragic. possessions ready to be plucked by the highest bidder or the strongest military force, just as one might pick If our own past and its contemporary impact ripe fruit from a tree. That contradicts the spirit of the continue to bear that heavy burden, the whole world Charter of the United Nations. should know our story. I would therefore strongly urge Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to include the powerful I offer my firm support for the initiative proposed and specific example of the Marshall Islands and the by New Zealand during its Security Council presidency, related role of the United Nations in his statements when it convened a Council meeting on small island aimed at encouraging progress on nuclear disarmament developing States and threats to international peace and test bans. and security (see S/PV.7499). That meeting revealed issues that slip under the global radar but that cannot It is essential for the survival of humankind be ignored. I urge the Council’s establishment of a that nuclear weapons never be used again under any regular agenda item on security issues in small island circumstances. The universal way to accomplish that developing States. is through the total elimination of such weapons. I am deeply disappointed that political distractions resulted I am proud to announce the formal establishment, in the lack of an outcome from the Review Conference earlier this week, of diplomatic relations between the of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Republic of the Marshall Islands and Cuba. Nuclear Weapons earlier this year. It should be our goal Everyone should participate on the international as the United Nations not only to stop the spread of stage. The Republic of the Marshall Islands supports nuclear weapons but also to pursue peace and security Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the specialized in a world without them. agencies of the United Nations, including the World This year, I look forward to a truly united United Health Organization, the International Civil Aviation Nations with the courage not only to address the Organization and the UNFCCC. It is imperative that immediate emergencies at hand but also to move us the global community fully recognize and evaluate forward into our dynamic century. Taiwan’s important commitment to reduce its emissions. Furthermore, I call for Taiwan’s involvement in the The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On implementation of the post-2015 development agenda, behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the and urge recognition of the important assistance it has President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for provided to my country in the areas of health, education the statement he has just made. and energy. The Marshall Islands welcomes Taiwan’s efforts as a regional peacemaker, including in cross-

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Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, President of the Republic doing so. We must take advantage of this unprecedented of the Marshall Islands, was escorted from the international setting to harness the efforts of all nations General Assembly Hall. to make our planet sustainable and equitable before 2030, through a programme of surpassing ambition. Address by Mr. Ikililou Dhoinine, President of the Therefore, at the moment when the Assembly has just Union of the Comoros adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution 70/1), I wish to commend the outstanding The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The and consistent work that was done under the impetus of Assembly will now hear an address by the President of the Secretary-General. the Union of the Comoros. My country, the Union of the Comoros, fully Mr. Ikililou Dhoinine, President of the Union of the endorses the agreed Agenda, which consolidates the Comoros, was escorted into the General Assembly gains of the Millennium Development Goals while Hall. paving the way to a new era through 17 Sustainable The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On Development Goals to be met over the next 15 years. We behalf of the General Assembly, I have the honour must therefore commit ourselves to putting a definitive to welcome to the United Nations His Excellency end to poverty in all its forms, to eradicating hunger Mr. Ikililou Dhoinine, President of the Union of the and to promoting sustainable agriculture in order to Comoros, and to invite him to address the Assembly. guarantee food security, good health and the well-being of all all. We must also guarantee a quality education President Dhoinine (spoke in French): As I take for all without exception, promote lifelong learning the floor for the last time before the General Assembly opportunities for all and ensure gender equality, as well after five years in office as President of the Union of the as the full empowerment of women. Comoros, I wish to discharge the duty of conveying to the General Assembly a message of solidarity from the It is also our duty to ensure the availability, Comoran people. In the name of the Government of the sustainable management and cleanliness of water Comoros, and on my own behalf, I would also like to for all and to guarantee access to clean, affordable express our sincerest thanks to Secretary-General Ban and sustainable energy in order to promote sustained Ki-Moon and to all those who have helped to make our economic growth. To that end, several countries stay in New York so warm, in particular the authorities should immediately begin work on major projects to of the United States of America. Lastly, I would like build resilient infrastructure, to promote sustainable, to congratulate the President on his election to lead inclusive industrialization and to encourage innovation the General Assembly at its seventieth session, the everywhere that will reduce inequalities within and importance of which is manifestly clear. among countries. We cannot imagine that humankind will thrive on Earth unless urgent action is taken This session opens at a crucial moment in the to combat climate change and its impacts, while development of humankind. Since man first appeared conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and on Earth, we are the first generation in the vast expanse marine resources for sustainable development. of time — perhaps 3 million years after the appearance of our remote ancestors — to be aware of the physical It is in this way that we will promote the laws that govern us and of the unfortunate effects of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosуstems, manage irrational use of natural resources. As in 1918, after the forests sustainably, combat desertification, combat Great War, that incomparable horror, and as in 1945, and halt land degradation and put an end to the loss after the victory over fascism, that base ideology, but of biodiversity. We will need to find ways and means also as in the 1990s, when we faced the absurdity of to continue to build peace throughout the world in the an arms race in weapons of mass destruction, today as framework of sustainable development. And we must before, nothing prevents us from uniting to effectively have access to justice for all, and establish effective combat pollution and poverty. and accountable institutions at all levels. Lastly, we must build a world without poverty or inequalities, a As world leaders aware of our responsibility in the sustainable world through a new road map that will face of impending disaster, we must rationally work save humankind. Therefore let us take on ambitious here and now to save humankind, and we are capable of goals, for our very survival depends on it.

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As I stressed earlier, we face a situation similar to from a part of its territory by the former colonial Power, that which our very close ancestors experienced with France, in contravention of all norms and principles sadness and suffering, but against which they struggled governing international relations. until victory was achieved. I call it slavery, a system Those present here will recall that, against the that almost exterminated a large part of humankind, will of the Comorian people, France exercised its veto quite simply because one side thought itself superior and continues to exercise its power over our territory. to all the others. We face a situation somewhat similar Given what is happening in Eastern Europe today, we to that experienced by our countries during the two wonder what significance the European Union gives world wars, but for which our peoples gave their lives to compliance with international law by accepting the with courage and temerity until the final victory Comorian island of Mayotte as a European outermost to save humankind from chaos. We face legitimate region, contrary to the relevant resolutions of the African questions that were asked by our ancestors when, for Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of half a century, they powerlessly bore witness to an Islamic Cooperation and the Non-Aligned Movement. arms race that was leading humankind inexorably towards its own destruction, but where common sense At previous sessions, I informed the Assembly that eventually prevailed. We face a situation akin to that we had signed a political declaration with President faced by almost all African countries, including my François Hollande in Paris that enabled us to hope that own, which for decades were subjected to the misdeeds bilaterally a solution could be found that would give of colonialism, but against which the valiant peoples of Comorians back their dignity. Unfortunately, to date Africa, Latin America and Asia fought until acquiring France has refused to acknowledge that all Comorians, their sovereignty and the independence of their from whichever island they come, may freely move territories, thereby saving humankind from indignity, around the islands. Separated families, abandoned decadence and shame. minors, displacements of populations in makeshift boats, precisely as is occurring in the Mediterranean Today, the world is directly following the Sea — all of that leads me to urge the Secretary- consequences of wars that forced millions of men, General to demand the application of international women and children to leave their homelands, to board law, as France itself is rightly claims each time that makeshift boats and to take refuge and live in inhumane international norms governing international life are conditions, and sometimes even to remain indigent. If contravened. we add to that the barbaric acts perpetrated by terrorist movements, which are increasing throughout the world, Of course, the main objective of the high joint especially in Africa, it is time for that international council established between France and the Comoros community to speak with one voice and with firm is to facilitate bilateral dialogue and rebuild the trust conviction and to decisively say, “never again”. that had disappeared between the two countries. However, we must note that the main mission assigned In a world of complete deprivation, where each to that Council — facilitating movement of goods nation must take part in safeguarding international and peoples — has still not been accomplished. By security, how can we, in a small country like mine, be continuing to defy international law on the issue of engaged in the fight if, at the same time, we must be on the Comorian Island of Mayotte, France has prevented the front lines to defend our dignity, which has been the expected results and progress from being achieved disregarded by a permanent member of the Security in the dialogue between the two parties. From this Council of the Organization, whose primary role is to rostrum, therefore, I once again appeal to the French ensure compliance with the norms of international law? authorities for us together to find ways and means to I must underscore that the Union of the Comoros is put an end this human tragedy, which every day causes the only country in the world, which, at the time of its Comorian families to plunge into mourning. I also accession to independence, did not benefit from respect address the community of nations, which those in this for the law. Unlike all former colonies, the archipelago Hall represent, to ask that international law be applied of the Comoros, composed of the islands of Mayotte, so that a lasting solution to this dispute can be found. Anjouan, Moheli and Grande Comore, which was With political will, nothing is impossible. I therefore admitted to the United Nations as an independant State welcome the fact that Palestine has finally been able and subjected to international law, has been separated

24/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 to hoist its flag at the United Nations. I also welcome Mr. Ikililou Dhoinine, President of the Union of the the fact that Cuba and United States of America have Comoros, was escorted from the General Assembly proved that, even after half a century of conflict, States Hall. can find formulas adapted to overcome deadlocks and foresee a peaceful future for their peoples. Lastly, I Agenda item 8 (continued) welcome the historic agreement concluded between General debate Iran and the countries of the P5+1 on the nuclear issue, which augurs well for a calmer international Address by Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang cooperation. Mangue, Vice-President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea In a few months, after five years in office in a rotating presidency that fell to the island of Moheli, The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The a Comorian from the island of Grand Comore will Assembly will now hear a statement by the Vice-President succced me, in accordance with our Constitution. In of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. that electoral democratic process under way, I would Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, Vice-President appeal for support from the international community of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, was escorted and from the friends of the Comoros for the victory of to the rostrum. our young democracy. I also appeal to everyone here that, after the scheduled elections, Member States The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I will support our country on the path towards stability, have great pleasure in welcoming His Excellency development and well-being of the Comorian people. Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, Vice-President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, and inviting him As my country stands ready, after 40 years of to address the Assembly. independence, to begin the second phase of its history, I remain confident that in the future the next President Mr. Obiang Nguema Obiang Mangue (Equatorial of the Comoros will be able to say from this rostrum of Guinea) (spoke in Spanish): It is a pleasure for me to free countries, take the floor before the General Assembly on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, “We have now achieved the territorial integrity President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, who, and unity of my country, the Comoros, within its due to numerous duties of State, is not able to be here borders inherited from colonization.” today. I also remain confident that my successor will be able Equatorial Guinea is participating at this session to say from this rostrum of free countries, of the General Assembly in a renewed spirit of faith “I thank the United Nations for having actively and trust in the relevant role played by the Organization acted for the achievement of the main goals in promoting peace, security and stability among our inscribed in our common Charter.” nations in order to create the basic conditions for the well-being of humankind. Motivated by that trust, my Lastly, I remain confident that a President from the delegation wishes to warmly congratulate Mr. Mogens Comoros will be able to say to his compatriots from the Lykketoft for his unanimous election, which reflects the four islands, trust that the international community has in the rigour “The time has come for all of us to work together shown by his country in its treament of international to build our free, open and prosperous country, one affairs. I am sure that, during his tenure as President of which is confident in its future and in its people’s the General Assembly, he will always be able to count destiny.” on the support and cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. We would like The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On also to congratulate Mr. Sam Kutesa, President of the behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the General Assembly at its sixty-ninth session, for the President of the Union of the Comoros for the statement commendable work carried out during his term, with he has just made. the important decisions taken that will trace out the path for the United Nations towards the democratization and revitalization of its institutions, as well as for the

15-29568 25/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 universal scope of its decisions. I would also like to take We believe that the success of the United Nations this opportunity to warmly congratulate Secretary- does not depend on the skill of the President of the General Ban Ki Moon for his tireless efforts to face up General Assembly or of the heads of United Nations to the complex challenges facing the Organization. We organs, or much less does it depend on the intelligence extend to him our support and cooperation to achieve of the Secretary-General. Many of the denunciations every success in his endeavours. made against the actions, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations happen on a daily basis, Despite the attempts of some to monopolize the without those leaders being in the least concerned, United Nations system with their undeclared interests, because they feel that their interests lie above those of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea has never lost its the principles of the United Nations. faith and confidence in the relevant role that the United Nations must play with regard to the maintenance of The results are before our very eyes: the large international peace and security and in the promotion number of wars and conflicts that give rise to refugees of fundamental human rights to guarantee the overall and concentration camps and the massive migrations well-being of humankind. The United Nations is the of people loking for a place of refuge in countries that only world body in which all States must have faith have a degree of stability and economic prosperity. The and trust, as is stated in its Charter. All countries are drop in the price of oil and other internationally traded represented according to the principle of sovereign commodities has a negative effect on the economic equality among States, including the democratic development of producer countries. That is the result principle of respect for the majority opinion and for of the pillaging recorded in the countries that have countries’ own decisions. fallen victim to armed conflicts, the natural resources of which are being seized as trophies of war. Certainly, The events that have occurred in the first quarter we are reaping the bad fruits of our own negative century of this century show a degree of weakness destructive action, and that is not in line with the aims in the role of the United Nations when it comes to of the United Nations. preventing and eliminating conflicts between States, in the maintenance of international peace and security Equatorial Guinea is a small African country and in promoting the economic well-being of States. We that survives thanks to the cautious approach of its are concerned at the proliferation of armed conflicts Government, the good graces of its people and the in Africa, Europe and the Middle East, as well as cooperation and solidarity of friendly countries. We instability caused in countries of the developing world; have suffered attempted invasions by mercenaries, the progressive advance of of terrorism in various parts supported by weapons-producing Powers who had of the world; and drug trafficking and uncontrolled no other aim in mind than to take control of our oil immigration caused by those conflicts. All that would resources. Fortunately, however, the preventive and suggest that the United Nations has much more to do. precautionary measures that we took put an end to Its Members must act in solidarity and according to the the schemes of the aggressors. Not satisfied with that purposes and principles of the Charter, which should aggression, our country is now subject to a systematic unite them in their actions. campaign of unfounded accusations concerning human rights violations and abject poverty. We are not ashamed In our view, the United Nations is not a police to denounce those accusations here, because the force acting to avert conflicts between States. The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is open to the world and States Members of the United Nations must submit everyone is familiar with our successful achievements themselves to the norms of international law, to in sociopolitical development. justice and respect for human rights, as well as strict respect for those standards. Consequently, they must With the programme adopted by the United Nations work towards peace, stability and the development of on the Millennium Development Goals having come to nations.However, today it would appear that the law of an end, Equatorial Guinea is pleased to have achieved the strongest and the most astute prevails, a situation greater levels through the implementation of the Goals. that naturally leads to rebellions, which could lead to Equatorial Guinea’s Development Plan — “Horizon terrorist movements. 2020” — sets out the following goals: to build international standards of basic infrastructure in order to improve productivity and speed up economic growth;

26/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 to strengthen human capital and improve the quality of Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, Vice-President life of our citizens; to build a diversified economy based of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, was escorted on four sectors, energy and mining sector, fishing and from the General Assembly Hall. aquaculture, agriculture and livestock farming, and, finally, the service sector; and to establish quality Address by Mr. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of governance at the service of the citizen. Success thus the Republic of Slovenia far in the implementation of that programme made The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The it possible for us to achieve the priority Millennium Assembly will now hear an address by the Prime Development Goals. Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. With regard to the reform of the organs of the Mr. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of the Republic of United Nations, Equatorial Guinea reaffirms its firm Slovenia, was escorted to the rostrum. commitment to the African Union position, based on the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration, The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I have consisting in the demand for two permanent seats and great pleasure in welcoming His Excellency Miro five non-permanent seats on the Security Council, with Cerar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, and all the obligations, rights and privileges that those seats inviting him to address the Assembly. entail. Mr. Cerar (Slovenia): We are at a historic junction We would like to take this opportunity to for the United Nations, which will turn 70 next month. congratulate the Governments of the United States of This occasion is an opportunity for stocktaking of the America and the Republic of Cuba for the restoration of Organization’s past achievements, missed opportunities diplomatic relations. We ask that this culminates in the and challenges ahead. The United Nations has been lifting of the embargo against Cuba. making outstanding efforts in paving the road ahead for peace, security and human rights. At the same With regard to climate change, Equatorial Guinea time, profound changes have taken place in these seven fully shares the concern of the rest of the international decades. The United Nations has been successful in community, namely, that the very existence of planet adapting to some, whereas it lacked creativity, political Earth is under threat. In order to combat this everyone will and flexibility to effectively face others. should contribute according to their abilities to arrest this phenomenon. That being the case, the Amazon Ten years ago, leaders met here in New York with area, in South America, and the Congo Basin, in a vision to increase and promote international security Central Africa, which constitute the world’s lungs for and advance human rights and development with a the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, bold plan known as the 2005 World Summit Outcome deserve special attention at the upcoming twenty-first Documen, which led to the establishment of the Human session of the Conference of Parties to the United Rights Council and Peacebuilding Commission. We Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in collectively endorsed the concept of the responsibility Paris. to protect human beings from mass atrocities and systematic violations of human rights. We have I would like to conclude by expressing our also committed to reform the Security Council, as wholehearted willingness as a State Member of the well to revitalize the General Assembly, as part of a United Nations to contribute to all processes that comprehensive, overall reform of the Organization. would help to improve the functioning of this world The United Nations has to continue to adapt to new Organization. We wish this session of the General challenges, and it would therefore be important to Assembly every success. make progress in that respect. We have the mandate The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): On and responsibility to act, based on global solidarity behalf of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the and the vision of a fairer and more secure international Vice-President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, community. for the statement he has just made We welcome the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution 70/1). However, by the end of

15-29568 27/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 the year, at the twenty-first session of the Conference Respect for the rule of law and international law of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention is an essential condition for nations’ development and on Climate Change Conference, in Paris, we will need peaceful coexistence. One of the aims of the United to adopt an ambitious, durable, universal and legally Nations, enshrined in its Charter, is that of working binding climate agreement that addresses mitigation, to establish conditions under which justice and adaptation, financing and technology development in a respect for the obligations arising from treaties and balanced and cost-effective manner. other sources of international law can be maintained. Slovenia believes firmly in the paramount importance Slovenia remains strongly engaged in protecting of international treaties. It is through them that we can the environment and in ensuring its sustainability, enhance universality, ensure reliability and provide both in national and international contexts. Based accountability. Every society should make justice, truth on our extensive experience with beekeeping, and in and reconciliation a major focus and strive to attain view of multiple threats to bee populations, we wish them by every possible means, including international to raise awareness of the critical importance of bees courts and tribunals. We continue our strong support for sustainable food production and biodiversity. The to the International Criminal Court, which plays an Slovenian Government therefore decided to propose the important role in affirming the rule of law. Slovenia proclamation of “World Bee Day”, for which we will will continue to advocate for a strong and independent seek the endorsement of the United Nations. Court as well as for the universality of the Rome Statute There can be no security or economic and social and the Kampala amendments, and we call on States to development without respect for human rights, and vice cooperate fully and promptly with the Court. But the versa. I wish to express our support for the excellent primary responsibility for prosecuting international work of the United Nations High Commissioner for crimes rests with States. Slovenia is actively engaged in Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, and to efforts to ensure mutual legal assistance and extradition encourage him to continue to exercise his leadership in agreements between States for crimes against humanity, the field of human rights. Almost a quarter of a century war crimes and genocide, through the initiative in that ago, when Slovenia gained independence, respect for regard. human rights was a pivotal founding principle of our Time and again, no matter how often we insist that newly formed State. Since then, our commitment to mass atrocities and systematic violations of human promoting human rights, especially by protecting the rights should not be repeated, we still witness events most vulnerable groups, including children and the that shock the conscience. In the past few years we elderly, has intensified and represents one of the core have witnessed war in Syria and raging conflicts in elements of our foreign policy. Slovenia will continue Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Gaza, Yemen, South Sudan, to advocate a progressive approach to human rights the Central African Republic and elsewhere, with issues and strive to enhance international norms and spillover effects in their immediate neighbourhoods standards. We are confident that we can also successfully and consequences felt around the world. Such situations contribute to that goal by serving as a member of the have been worsened by the escalating violent extremism Human Rights Council from 2016 to 2018. and crimes committed by Daesh and other terrorist This year is particularly significant for women, since groups and organizations. This must be stopped. We call it marks the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the on the Security Council, and its permanent members in Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Just a few particular, to overcome their divisions and find a way days ago we participated in the event commemorating to deal more effectively with the deteriorating situation, it and reaffirmed our commitment to gender equality, in line with the Council’s primary responsibility for the human rights and the empowerment of women. And in maintenance of international peace and security. October we will mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Nor has Europe as a continent been spared. The adoption of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), conflict in Ukraine goes on and its sovereignty and the first resolution to stress the role of women in peace territorial integrity remain under threat. We therefore and security. But while we acknowledge the progress call for the full and timely implementation of the Minsk that has been achieved, our quest for gender equality agreements. must continue.

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These wars and conflicts have dramatically The Acting President: On behalf of the General increased the displacement of people on a large scale, Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the reaching levels unprecedented in recent history. We are Republic of Slovenia for the statement he has just made. faced with immense humanitarian challenges. Refugees Mr. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of the Republic of and migrants are fleeing their homes in massive waves, Slovenia, was escorted from the rostrum. and hundreds are dying in their quest for a better life. The magnitude of the current humanitarian crisis Address by Mr. Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu, requires a determined and immediate response on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu part of the entire international community, based on the common principles of solidarity, humanity and shared The Acting President: The Assembly will now responsibility. We should help these people in need. We hear an address by the Prime Minister of the Republic should increase assistance to countries that are hosting of Vanuatu. large numbers of refugees. We should also act more Mr. Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu, Prime Minister decisively in refugees’ countries of origin by pushing of the Republic of Vanuatu, was escorted to the for sustainable political solutions to ongoing conflicts rostrum. and by countering the spread of radical ideologies. The Acting President: I have great pleasure in Slovenia is committed to conflict prevention and welcoming His Excellency Mr. Meltek Sato Kilman peaceful conflict resolution. Wherever possible and Livtuvanu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, applicable, we should opt for diplomacy, mediation and inviting him to address the Assembly. and conflict prevention. The recent historic agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue proves that even the most Mr. Livtuvanu (Vanuatu): Vanuatu is honoured to complex issues can be resolved peacefully. Considering join previous speakers in congratulating the President that positive outcome, we hope that the Middle East on his assumption of the presidency of the General peace talks will also resume soon, with a view to Assembly at its seventieth session, and I would like bringing stability and security to this tormented region. to assure him of my delegation’s full support. Under his leadership we are confident that he will guide us Mr. Tommo Monthe (Cameroon), Vice-President, successfully through the session. I would also like took the Chair. to offer warm thanks to the previous President of With regard to disarmament and arms control, I the Assembly, His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutesa. His would like to welcome the early entry into force, last exemplary leadership has produced many important December, of the Arms Trade Treaty and to call for its achievements that will continue to shape and strengthen full implementation. That will enable us to regulate the United Nations and enable it to execute its mandate the international arms trade effectively, and thus make effectively. a substantial contribution to international peace and We are meeting today at a critical crossroads in security. My country also remains committed to the history that presents us with a unique opportunity to goal of a world without nuclear weapons. change the lives of millions of people around the world, I would like to conclude by underlining that especially the most disadvantaged, for the better. The Slovenia will continue with activities aimed at bringing 2008 world financial crisis dramatically changed the the global community closer to achieving universal global financial landscape. The banking crisis resulted standards of human rights and a decent life for all. We in unprecedented unemployment and low economic will remain a strong supporter of an environment in growth around the world. The effects of the financial which every human being can feel safe. We will continue crisis are still being felt, and the recent volatility of the to advocate for strong partnerships, inclusive dialogue global financial markets has created further uncertainty. and constructive cooperation. We are determined to Apart from that global economic challenge, we are work with all partners to ensure that the Organization witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis caused delivers tangible, meaningful results that can advance by conflict and violence. According to the Office of peace, security and human rights for all. Slovenia will the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, do its share in shouldering its responsibility to act. there are currently more than 60 million refugees in the world, a number unequalled since the Second World

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War. Climate change continues to be a major challenge General’s approach to addressing this humanitarian for the world generally, and a major threat to small crisis from a human rights perspective. island developing States (SIDS) in particular. Its impact In the light of these global challenges, the role cannot be understated. The rise in sea levels and the of preventive diplomacy as a key instrument in the effects of El Niño and unfavourable weather conditions maintenance of peace and security around the world is point to a bleak future for humankind. critical. Women’s role in this area should be enhanced, The uncertain global economic outlook, the adverse and we should focus most of our efforts on preventive impact of climate change and the humanitarian crisis diplomacy. Vanuatu will always play its part in mean that the task ahead of us in implementing the maintaining international peace and security, and our Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development deployment of peacekeepers to Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti (resolution 70/1) is all the more daunting. That stark reflects our commitment to that endeavour. reality calls for immediate collective action. If we do As part of the international community’s response, not resolve this global crisis today, we run the risk of we have embarked on three important and ambitious creating a world with no prospect of sustaining peace global agendas, adopting the 2030 Agenda and the and security. For the world community, that blunt Addis Ababa Action Agenda, as well as drafting an reality calls for global action to ensure that peace, agreement on climate change to be concluded in Paris prosperity and security can continue to be maintained at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations in the future. That is the most important gift we can Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) give our future generations. later this year. The 2030 Agenda promises to be I welcome the theme of the General Assembly’s transformative, particularly for those at the margins seventieth session, “The United Nations at 70 — the of society. While the Millennium Development Goals road ahead for peace, security and human rights”. It is contributed immensely to human progress in areas timely and relevant to our current global development such as gender equality, extreme poverty reduction challenges. Peace, security and human rights are the and improved access to basic social services, there is mutually reinforcing pillars of successful sustainable room for more to be done. The 2030 Agenda covers a development and consistent with the purposes and wide range of areas that are pertinent to my country’s principles of the Charter of the United Nations. This sustainable development and a good complement to our year we are celebrating the 70 years of the existence of national sustainable development aspirations. the United Nations, and on reflection, we can see that We welcome the establishment of Sustainable much has been achieved. We have experienced no major Development Goal (SDG) 14, on the conservation and wars so far; millions have been lifted out of extreme sustainable management of oceans and seas. For too poverty and remarkable progress has been made on long we have observed the decline of the health of the the human rights front. Despite those achievements, oceans and seas as evidenced in dying coral, a profusion however, significant challenges remain ahead. of marine pollution, damaged coastal ecosystems, The humanitarian crisis that has resulted from the declining fish stocks and ocean acidification. We conflict and violence of recent years has revealed a dark recognize the need for a framework within which the side of humankind, a world of haves and have-nots. implementation of SDG 14 can be progressively assessed, The major Powers must do more to assist the surging benchmarked and driven forward for the duration of refugee population, and I urge the most financially the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We able countries to seriously consider donating to the therefore support mandating the proposed triennial coordinated Humanitarian Programme Cycle of the United Nations conference on the oceans and seas as United Nations. What we need now is to address the the driver of progress evaluation for SDG 14. underlying root causes of such conflicts — extreme I am delighted to see that a focus on gender remains poverty, hunger, the lack of good governance, a lack an integral part of the 2030 Agenda. Achieving gender of adherence to the rule of law, poor economic growth, equality in my country, given our tradition and cultural rising inequality and youth unemployment. Sustained makeup, continues to be a challenge. However, the and inclusive development is therefore extremely political will to continue to advance women’s interests important to preserving peace, human rights and remains steadfast. We have made notable progress stability around the world. I commend the Secretary-

30/33 15-29568 30/09/2015 A /70/PV.20 on women’s access to basic education and health Regarding improving country capacity, I urge services and their assumption of leadership positions the United Nations to assist developing countries, in municipal councils, and today women have better particularly SIDS and LDCs, in developing their access to basic financial services than ever before. As statistical capacities. For small island developing States, one of my country’s leaders, I want to see more tangible that remains a challenge and, as we know, it is the most progress made in the advancement of women and girls important basis for formulating evidence-based policy, and their active participation in national leadership. as well as assessing progress on the 2030 Agenda. That can be expedited if more financial resources For small island developing States such as can be made available for helping my Government to Vanuatu, climate change remains a major threat to our advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. achievement of sustainable development. I am therefore The success of the 2030 Agenda will depend on grateful to see that Goal 13 of the 2030 Agenda access to affordable financial resources and appropriate highlights the importance of climate change. However, technology and on substantially improving national we should note that this Goal can be meaningful only if capacity. Regarding access to financial resources, the we reach a favourable agreement in Paris in December. recently adopted Addis Ababa Action Agenda reflects The connection between climate change and sustainable most of the pertinent issues, and it is important for development is clear. If we do not address climate us to implement it swiftly. I join other global leaders change, SIDS cannot achieve sustainable development. in calling on all developed countries to meet their In March, Vanuatu experienced a category-5 tropical official development assistance (ODA) commitments, cyclone that affected 60 per cent of the population and as agreed on in the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha 64 per cent of its economy. According to our current Declaration. The ODA target of 0.7 per cent of gross assessment, it will take many years and more than national income (GNI), as well as the increased target $500 million to rebuild our economy. I would like to take of 0.2 per cent of GNI to least developed countries this opportunity to thank the international community (LDCs) by 2020, must be met, for they are crucial to for its swift response in assisting us immediately after realizing the 2030 Agenda. the cyclone hit with disaster relief and operations. We look forward to its continued support for our recovery Development financing initiatives through South- and reconstr uction effor ts, which we have just embarked South cooperation are complementary to this and will on. remain critical. On that note, 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank the President of China, His Our Pacific island leaders have continued to voice Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, for his recent announcement their concerns about climate change in regional and at the SDG Summit (see A/70/PV.7) that China will international forums. We are calling for a legally binding provide $2 billion to developing countries. That type agreement limiting the increase in the average global of gesture and goodwill demonstrates real action and temperature to well below 1.5°C above pre-industrial genuine partnership. levels and for anchoring loss and damage provisions in the agreement. We are also calling for a financial Access to technology is critical to the achievement package that will commit countries in the UNFCCC’s of sustainable development. I welcome the United annex I category to providing $1 billion a year by 2020 Nations initiative, launched in Istanbul, aimed at in order to finance our adaptation and mitigation needs. establishing a technology bank for least developed These declarations represent our collective voice in the countries. My Government would greatly appreciate lead-up to the Paris Climate Change Conference and its speedy realization. In the area of technology, and our call to ensure that the planet is saved for us and particularly the development of information and future generations. communication technologies (ICT), Vanuatu has made tremendous strides in recent years. Our efforts were Apart from focusing on climate change, we have recognized last weekend when Vanuatu, along with also agreed to strengthen regional connectivity, improve a small number of other countries, received a United productivity and boost economic growth to ensure Nations award for ICT evelopment, thus demonstrating peace and security in our region, all initiatives that the transformative role that ICT is playing in improving are consistent with the 2030 Agenda. The relationship our people’s lives. It will continue to be a key tool for between the United Nations and the Pacific-based us in our implementation and achievement of the SDGs. regional organizations is critical to the implementation

15-29568 31/33 A /70/PV.20 30/09/2015 of the 2030 Agenda and the SAMOA Pathway. We to support our draft resolution on the matter during the welcome the recent adoption of resolution 69/318, on Assembly’s seventieth session. the relationship between the secretariat of the Pacific My Government and people will work to mobilize Islands Forum and the United Nations, and we hope that domestic resources and ensure that our institutional cooperation can now be translated into concrete action. capacity is geared to meeting the new development My delegation would like to remind the United Agenda. Like many other developing countries, we Nations not to lose sight of decolonization issues, in acknowledge that we cannot achieve our sustainable the light of the emerging challenges that have been development plans alone, and we therefore call on the presented to us to address collectively. Vanuatu calls international community to help us achieve those goals. on the United Nations family to remain equally focused My Government believes that the ongoing tensions on finding ways to address this long-overdue issue. The between the issues of the freedom of the seas and United Nations membership must bring closure to its territorial claims has placed the United Nations work on decolonization. The right to self-determination Convention on the Law of the Sea and other relevant has been a fight endured by many generations. While international conventions under huge pressure. many have lost their lives in the process, the dream However, I also believe that States must be willing to continues for the United Nations and all nations cooperate and seek peaceful solutions to any disputes advocating and promoting the democratic principles that may have arisen. Umaenupne and Leka islands, that still linger in the hearts of many, in the hope that commonly known as Matthew and Hunter islands, one day their cries will be heard and the promise of a south of Vanuatu, have been a repository of our cultural self-determined future delivered. The United Nations heritage since well before the colonial era. As in the must continue the work of the Special Committee on other 83 islands, people would use the freedom of the Decolonization in order to maintain a meaningful seas to visit their claimed cultural sites. For several dialogue on the question of New Caledonia. We thank decades now, my people have been denied their right the Government of France for its cooperation in moving to enjoy the freedom of the seas and their claimed the decolonization process forward. It is therefore territory. I would like to thank and commend the United important that all parties maintain a dialogue and Nations and the Republic of France for their willingness ensure that all the issues are addressed. to hold a dialogue and allow my people their right to I would like to take this opportunity to welcome visit their claimed territory to perform cultural rituals. President Barack Obama’s recent decision to re-establish The Government of France is to be commended for its diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopen diplomatic important role in advocating for the rights of indigenous missions between the two nations. We hope the process peoples in our region and around the world. will be completed soon with the lifting of the embargo I would like to place it on record that Vanuatu has on Cuba. declared the two islands and the water surrounding them Like other small Pacific island countries, Vanuatu is a cultural and marine protected area. Cultural visits to a small, open and vulnerable economy. Its openness and the island will be undertaken to revive and empower our small size mean that it is highly vulnerable to external indigenous and cultural system. I also wish to put it on shocks and that opportunities to exploit economies of record that the Government of Vanuatu will strengthen scale are limited. Despite those challenges, we have its ties with its French counterpart in collaborative been able to record economic growth for the past 10 efforts to ensure that our ocean is safe from terrorism, years. The recent impact of Tropical Cyclone Pam, piracy, climate change and illegal fishing. however, has erased the gains made over that decade. It In conclusion, the global challenges before us will take many years to recover, making our efforts to are overwhelming. The global economic uncertainty, achieve sustainable development somewhat daunting. the impact of climate change and the unprecedented As a result of this difficulty, my Government recently humanitarian crisis at hand remind us that we need made a decision to request the United Nations to to think differently and adopt innovative approaches consider postponing our graduation from LDC status to resolve those challenges. We need to deviate for some years. That will give us ample time to recover from business as usual. That is important especially fully from the effects of the cyclone and rebuild our when implementing the ambitious 2030 Agenda for economy. I urge the membership of the United Nations

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Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action The Acting President: On behalf of the General Agenda and the soon to be adopted Paris climate change Assembly, I wish to thank the Prime Minister of the agreement. What we need are revitalized partnerships, Republic of Vanuatu for the statement he has just made. international cooperation and collective wisdom to Mr. Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu, Prime Minister address those challenges. When we stand together, of the Republic of Vanuatu, was escorted from the there is no limit to what we can do together. rostrum. The meeting rose at 6.40 p.m.

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