Ancient Art and Its Remains: Or a Manual of the Archaeology Of
2. - ANCIENT ART AND ITS REMAINS; MANUAL OF THE ARCHEOLOGY OF ART. BY C. 0. M"LLER, Author of " The Histovy and Antiquitiesof the Doric Race." " A Scientific S\-stem of Mvthologv,"'"Src iW EDITION -WITH Nl'MEROUS ADDITIONS BY F. (I.WELCKER. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY JOHN LEITCH. LONDON: A. FULLARTON AND CO., NEWGATE STREET. 185U. kdinburgh: FCLLVRTOX AX,. MACNAB, PRIXTERS, LEITH WALK. DEDICATED THE RIGHT HOJiOURABLE SIR ROBERT PEEL, BART., M.P., SINCERE ADMIRATION HIS VIRTUES AND TALENTS, THE TRANSLATOR. 8530"6 TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE I have entleavoure"! to much In tlii" Translation avoid, as as pos-sible, the introduction of new words; but, in the original, various with technical terms occur, which, notwithstanding their novelty to the English reader, I could not dispense; because their rejection in sacrifice of would occasion, some measure, a sense, or a disturb-ance the of the system pursued by author, " as in Tectonics and A)'chitectonics for example. I may also mention the word scalpture. in in It is not, 1 believe, use our language, but as scalptiiradesignates branch of ancient I did hesitate a particular art, not to Anglicise it. It be also to that the may proper explain, throughout work a dis-tinction and is kept up between column jyillctr,the fonuer denoting the circular supporting member of the diflerent orders of architec-ture, the latter the square pier. The words formative and 2}iastic, convertible likewise, are employed as epithets, except in a few in-stances where the latter is used in its original and more restricted its sense; in these, however, meaning may be discovered from the context.
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