Journals Legislative Assembly
JOURNALS of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Province of Saskatchewan From the 12th day of February, 1953, to the 14th day of April, 1953 (Both Days Inclusive) In the Second Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth IL BEING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH LEGISLATURE OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN SESSION 1953 REGINA: T110s. H. McCoNrcA, QuEE~'s PRINTER 1953 VOLU"1IE LIII CONTENTS SESSION 1953 ,Tou1rnArn of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan including QUESTIONS Ai'ID ANSWERS Pages 1 to 212 ,TouHNALs of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan Pages 1 to 181 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : Appendix Pages 185 to 212 MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 7 -V.. • J. PATTERSON, Lieutenant-Governor, (L.S.) CANADA PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN l(LIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Queen, Defender of the Faith. To OuR FAITHFUL the Mm,rnERS elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, and to every one of you, GREETING: A PROCLAMATION JOE L. SALTERIO, WHEREAS, it is expedient for Deputy Attorney General causes and considerations to con vene the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, WE Do WILL that you and each of you and all others in this behalf interested on TrrunsDA Y, the TWELFTH day of FrrnRUARY, 1953, at Our City of Rcf,ina, personally be and appear for the despatch of Bnsiness, there to take into consideration the state and welfare of Onr said Province of Saskatchewan and thereby to do as may seem necessary, Hmmr~ FAIL KOT.
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