JOURNALS of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Province of Saskatchewan From 15th day of November, 1934, to 21st day of February, 1935 [Both Days inclusive] In the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord, King George V. BEING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE EIGHTH LEGISLATURE OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN SESSION 1934-35 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY REGINA: THOS. H. MCC0NICA, King's Printer 1935 VOLUME XXXIII JOURNA-LS of the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Province of Saskatchewan VOLUME XXXIII SESSION 1934-35 MEE'l'ING 0]' THE LEGISLATIVE A.SSE.MBLY H. E. MUNROE, Lieutenant Governor. [L.S.] CANADA: PROVINCE OF SASIL\'l'CHEWAN GEORGE 'l'HE li'IF"rH., by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. To OuR FAITHFUL THE MEMBERS elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan and to every one of yon, Greeting: A PROCLAMATION A.LEX. BLACKWOOD, HEREAS, it is expedient for Dep1ity Attorney-General W causes and considerations to con­ vene the Legislative Assembly of our Province of Saskatchewan, WE Do WILL that you and each of you and all others in this behalf interested on THURSDAY, the FIFTEENTH clay of NOVEMBER, 1934, at Our City of Regina, personally be and appear for the DESPATCH 01° BusINESS, there to take into consideration the state and welfare of our said Province of Saskatchewan and thereby to do as may seem necessary, HEREIN FAIT, NO'l'. IN TEs'.lTMONY WHEREOF' we have caused our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our said Province of Saskatchewan to be hereunto affixed. WrrNESS: Our right trusty and well beloved Lieutenant Colonel the Honourable Hugh Edwin l\fonroe, O.B.E., l\I.D., F.A.C.S., Lieutenant Governor of our Province of Saskatchewan AT OuR GovERNl\IEN'l' HousE, in Our City of Regina, in Our said Province, this 1'wELI<"rH day of Oc'l'OBER, in the year of Our Lord, ONE THOUSAND Nnm HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR, and in the twenty-fifth ?Car of our Reign. By command, J. W. McLEOD, Deputy Provincial Secretary. JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Province of Saskatchewan FIRST SESSION-EIGHTH L.EGISLATURE REGINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934. 10 o'clock a:m. This being the first day of the meeting of the First Session of the Eighth Legislature of the Province of 8m,katchewan for the despatch of business, pursuant to a Proclamation of His Honour Lieutenant Colonel the Honourable Hugh :Eidwin Munroe, O.B.E., M.D., F.A.C.8., Lieutenant Governor of the Province, and dat.ed the twelfth day of October, 1934, George Arthur Mantle, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Commissioner designated by His Honour the Lieutenant Gov,ernor for administering the Oath to the members of the Legislative Assembly, attending according to his duty, John W. IVIcLeod, Clerk o·f the Exec­ utiv,e Council, delivered to the said George Arthur lVIantle a R-011 containing a list of the names of such members as had been returned to serve in this Legislature. which are as follows, viz.: 0PFICE \W nm Ex!WfT'l'lVE COU>\"CU,, S.1:-;IC\'l'CHEW ..\l\. REGIN,\, November 9, 19H4. To G. A. l\L\wrLE, Esq., Clerk of tlie Legislat-ivr Assnnbl.11 of 8aslwtchewa11: 'l'his is to certify that by reason of the dissolution of the Seventh Legislative Assembly of thr Province of Saskatchewan and in virtue of writs of election dated the twenty-fifth day of lVlay last, and addressed 1:o the hereinafter mentioned persons as returning officers for the elect­ oral divisions in the Province set opposite their respective names for the •election of members to represent the said electoral divisions in the Legislative Assembly, the following persons have been gazetted as duly elected to represent the electoral divisions set forth below, as appears by the returns to the said writs, deposited of record in my office, viz. : 8 'l'HIJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934. Division Member elected Returning Officer 1. Arm River .. ............. G. Herman Danielson ................ E. W. Wellsman 2. Athabaska ............. •... Deakin Alexander Hall ........... Thomas G. Young 3. Battlefords, The ...... John Albert Gregory ................ H. C. Linkletter 4. Bengough .................. James Bidwell Smith .............. W. Seibert 5. Biggar ......................... Robert Pelham Hassard .......... E. Ferguson 6. Bromhead ................. Norman Leslie McLeod ............ Harold Torkelson 7. Cannington ............... William John Patterson .......... James Harkness 8. Cut Knife .. .... ... ....... .. Andrew J. Macauley .... .... ...... E. Churchman 9. Elrose ......................... John Andrew Wilson ................ M. Morton 10. Francis ....................... Charles Morton Dunn ................ F. S. Wilbur 11. Gravelbourg ............. Benjamin Franklin McGregor R. L. McDonald 12. Gull Lake . ... .. .. ..... Herman Henry Kemper .. ........ E. A. Fowlie 13. Hanley ......................... Charles Agar ............................... A. Morrison 14. Humboldt ................... James Hogan .............................. A. J. Kruse 15. Kelvington ................. George Ernest Dragan ........... J. E. Neuert 16. Kerrobert ...... :............ Donald Laing ............................ J. Rogers 17. Kindersley ................. Louis Henry Hantelman ........ Geo. W. Preston 18. Kinistino ..................... John Richard Parish Taylor ... H. G. Edgington 19. Last Mountain ......... Guy Hartsel Hummel .............. W. D. McKay 20. Lumsden ..................... Henry P. Mang .......................... W. M. Fulton 21. Maple Creek ............. John Joseph Mildenberger ...... C. G. Kearns 22. Meadow Lake ... .... ...... Donald MacDonald .... ....... ......... R. Lindemere 23. Melfort ............ :.......... John Duncan MacFarlane ...... John A. McDonald 24. Melville ....................... James Garfield Gardiner ........ H. G. H. Voigt 25. Milestone ................... William Pedersen ...................... A. E. Westbrook 26. Moose Jaw City ......... fWilliam Gladstone Ross ........... pohn Houston Laird .................. J. E .. Phillip~ 27. Moose Jaw County ... Thomas Waddell ........................ A. E. Armstrong 28. Moosomin ................... Arthur Thomas Procter ............ Basil George 29. Morse ......................... Neil John MacDonald ............ G. Turner 30. Notukeu ....................... George Spence .......................... Gordon S. Eddy 31. Pelly ........................... Reginald John Marsden Parker James Ackles 32. Pheasant Hills ........... Asmundur Loptson .................... W. A. Green 33. Prince Albert ........... Thomas Clayton Davis ............. J. E. Sinclair 34. Qu'Appelle-Wolseley.. Frederick Middleton Dundas.... John F. Hunt 35. Regina City ............... !Percy Mccuaig Anderson ...... .. l William Franklin Kerr ...... .. W. R. Kinsman 36. Rosetown ................... Neil McVicar .............................. J. L. Howey 37. Rosthern .................. John Michael Uhrich ................ George Braden 38. Saskatoon City ......... pames Wilfred Estey .............. .. lGeorge Wesley Norman ............ Nat. W. Shaffer 39. Shaunavon ................. Clarence Stork .......................... C. C. King 40. Shellbrook ................. Omer Demers .............................. Samuel H. Warren 41. Souris-Estevan ........... Jesse Pickard Tripp ................. J. P. Gordon 42. Swift Current ........... James Gordon Taggart ............ J. Howard Day 43. Thunder Creek ........... Robert Scott Donaldson .......... Wilfred R. Greene 44. Tisdale ....................... Harvie James Dorrance ............ W. H. Morrow 45. Touchwood ................. John Mason Parker .................. E. J. Medland 46. Turtleford ................... Charles Arthur Ayre ..... ........... A. W. Morton 47. Wadena ....................... George Hara Williams .............. W. T. Bradburn 48. Watrous ..................... Bertram Gilroy Clement ........ T. N. Bjorndahl 49. Weyburn ..................... Hugh Elliott Eaglesham .......... T. McLelland 50. Wilkie .................... : .... John Jardine .............................. John Ivor 51. Willow Bunch ........... Charles William Johnson ........ J. C. McAdam 52. Yorkton ..................... Vincent Reynolds Smith .......... J. G. Magrath. J. W. McLEOD, Clerk of the Exec,ntive Coimcil. The said Commissioner havi11g administered the Oath to the mem­ bers who appeared, and the members having subscribed the Roll (•ontaining the Oath, they repaired to their seats in the Assembly. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1!)::34. 9 3 o'clock p.m. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor enterecl the Chamber ancl took his seat on the Throne. The Honourable Mr. Uhrich, Provincial Secretary, then said: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor to in­ form you that he will defer stating the reasons for which he has ,mmmoned the Legislature until the Legislative Assembly have elected a Speaker. It is, therefore, His Honour's pleasure that the Legislative Assembly do now proceed to the election of a Speaker. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor then rertired from the Uhamber. The Honourable l\1r. Gardiner, addressing himself to the Clerk, lJroposed to the Assembly for its Speaker, John Mason Parker, Esquire, :Member for the electoral division of Touchwood, and moved that he do take the Ohair of this Assembly as Speaker, which 11esolution was seconded by the Honourable lVIr. Davis. The question being put by the Clerk, it was Resolved, 11em,i11e contradiccnte, that ,John l\fason Parker, Esquire,
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