Interculturael. Balance and perspectives International meeting on interculturality. november 2001 Transversal lines of the debates Yolanda Onghena (+34) 93 302 6495 - Fax. (+34) 93 302 6495 -
[email protected] (+34) 93 302 6495 - Fax.
[email protected] - Calle Elisabets, 12 08001 Barcelona, España Tel. Fundación CIDOB TRANSVERSAL LINES OF THE DEBATES PRESENTATION DYNAMICS • TRANSFORMATION • COMMUNICATION • DIALOGUE • LANGUAGE • STRATEGIES USES • RECIPROCITY • LIVING TOGETHER • ENCOUNTER • RECOGNITION • RELATIONSHIP CONTEXTS • GLOBAL/LOCAL • POLITICAL • PLURALISMS • CENTRALISMS • DIVERSITY • LIMITS • TRANSVERSAL LINES OF THE DEBATES Yolanda Onghena Head of Intercultural Unit CIDOB Foundation Presentation As a supplement to the report, we have chosen to include portions of the debates, which, through the actual words of the participants, provide a synthesis of the meeting. We have decided to divide up the comments into three areas: dynamics, uses, and contexts. While there is something artificial about dividing up constantly overlapping approaches in this manner, we did think it might be useful for the reader if we created what we might call focal points. This is not a complete transcription but rather a selection of presentations touching on the topics most discussed, even at times from opposing positions. The first group, dynamics, contains comments about transformation, communication, dialogue, language, and strategy. The second group is an attempt to reach a definition of interculturality through thinking about its uses: reciprocity, living-together, meeting, recognition, and relationship. This reflection would be incomplete if consideration were not given to different contexts: global and local contexts, the political context, centralisms, diversity and the limits of interculturality. We hope, in this way, to draw the reader into the debate and allow him/her to carry on with the reflections begun here.