Information of firm 1. Name & address of the firm TUV SUD South Asia Pvt Ltd C-153/1 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110020 Office(with STD) +91 11 30889797 Mobile +91 9560055124 Fax number +91 11 30889595 2. Website (if any) 3. Email address
[email protected] 4. Name ,Designation Tarun Kumar Kushwaha and address of Contact person Assistant Manager TUV SUD South Asia Pvt Ltd C-153/1 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110020 5. Office(with STD) +91 11 30889797 Residence(with STD) +91 9560055124 Mobile +91 9560055124 6. Email address
[email protected] 7. Year of establishment August 1999 8. Year of commencement of energy audit 2002 by the firm. 9. No. of branch offices - (List of complete addresses including heads of all branch offices with telephone, fax and email addresses) HEAD OFFICE DELHI LAB BANGALORE BANGALORE LAB Off Saki Vihar Road, C-153/1 Okhla Industrial Estate, No. 25/2, Shreekanta Mahal, First No. A 151/152, 2nd C Main, II Saki Naka, Andheri (East), Phase -1, Cross, Stage, Mumbai – 400072. New Delhi – 110020 Second Floor, Sampige Road, Peenya Industrial Estate, Tel: +91-22-30823082 / 9797 Tel: +91-11-30889611 / 9797 Malleshwaram, Bangalore - Bangalore - 560 058 Fax: +91-22-30829595 Fax: +91-11-30889595 560003. Tel: +91-80-39289848 /855 E-mail: munmun.dandona@tuv- Tel: +91-80-23362113, 23361387 Fax: +91-80-39289820 Telefax: +91-80-2336 2113