VegetarianismVegetarianism && VeganismVeganism Western Kansas WhoWho AreAre We?We? z Western Kansas Vegetarian Society z z Founded in the summer of 2007 z Meet at the Hays Public Library twice a month z Next meeting: Saturday, Jan. 10, 11 am z Pick up a schedule here or at the main desk of the Library SoSo WhatWhat DoesDoes ThatThat Mean?Mean? z Vegetarian: Avoids “meat” (beef, pork, chicken, seafood) z Ovo-lacto vegetarian: Will eat eggs/dairy z Ovo-vegetarian: Will eat eggs, not dairy z Lacto-vegetarian: Will eat dairy, not egg z Vegan: Avoids all animal products z Meat, eggs, dairy, honey, leather, wool z If it comes from an animal – vegans don’t use it! OtherOther TermsTerms YouYou MayMay HearHear z Pescetarian: Eats fish but no other meat z Flexitarian: Eats fish, chicken, but not “red meat” z These two types are NOT vegetarian Why?Why? z There are several reasons people choose to change their diets and lifestyles z It’s a personal choice that each of us has to make for ourselves! ForFor thethe AnimalsAnimals z Between 9 and 10 billion land animals are killed each year for food (USDA) z This does not include the numbers of fish and other aquatic animals killed for food z Animals endure cruelty when raised in factory farm settings ForFor YourYour HealthHealth z A balanced vegan diet contains NO cholesterol and low amounts of saturated fats z Balanced vegetarian and vegan diets tend to include more whole foods z Fewer processed foods z -based proteins are easier for us to take in than animal-based protein z Plant foods are a great source of many vitamins and minerals ForFor thethe EnvironmentEnvironment z Meat-based diets z Require more land use z Require more water use z Requires more fossil fuel use z Produce more waste z Waste from animals can pollute our water and air z Cutting out meat from your diet helps the environment more than driving a hybrid car! SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor MeatMeat z Soy products z , , seitan z Beans z Black, kidney, garbanzo, white, red, etc. z Nuts z Peanuts, cashews, almonds SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor MilkMilk z z Almond milk z z Each of these has a slightly different flavor – feel free to try a few to find the ones you like best! SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor ButterButter z Earth Balance (found at Back to Nature) z Smart Balance LIGHT (at Dillons) z oil (when you need melted in recipes) SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor CheeseCheese andand OtherOther DairyDairy ProductsProducts z Veggie Slices and Veggie Shreds z These are mainly made from soy z NOT VEGAN! They contain a milk protein z Tofutti offers several vegan products z Sour Supreme (non-dairy sour cream) z Better than Cream Cheese z Sliced non-dairy cheese

z Other substitutions can be found online z Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet cheese, etc. SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor EggsEggs z Tofu z Firm and extra-firm tofu can be “scrambled” z When baking … z Ener-G egg replacer z Ground flax seeds z Arrowroot powder SubstitutionsSubstitutions forfor HoneyHoney z Agave nectar z Maple syrup ResourcesResources z Veggie Boards – z Humane Society of the U.S. – z – z People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – z Compassionate Cooks – BooksBooks AvailableAvailable z by Gail Eisnitz z Vegan Freak by Bob and Jenna Torres z Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis z by z by T. Colin Campbell z by CookbooksCookbooks AvailableAvailable z Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau z How It All Vegan by and Tanya Barnard z Veganomicon by z Vegan Planet by Robin Robertson z … and many more! DVDsDVDs AvailableAvailable z Earthlings z Vegetarian Cooking (Compassionate Cooks) z z Diet for a New America InternetInternet VideosVideos z Available at (search for each title) z z