(No. l 08.)




Memorandum of Proposals for the Year 1890, together with Statement of Approximate Balances available from former Votes and from

Fun4's,, derived under the Provisions of the vVaste Lands Acts.

Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. ME1JfORANDUM of Public Worhs Proposalsfm· the Year 1890, together with Statement of approximate Balances available frorn former Votes and from Funds derived under the provisions of tlie Waste Lands Acts.

MAIN ROADS. £ £ to Sisters' Creek ...... 500 Through Ul verstone ...... 500 Torquay to N orthdown ...... : ... . 200 Sheffield to Rail ton (including portion near Butts') ...... 250 Widening Road through Trevallyn ...... 150 Launceston to Beaconsfield ...... , .... . 850 Scottsdale to Ringarooma ...... 500 Branxholm Lane ...... 200 George's Bay to Lottah ...... >...... 500 Swansea to Little Swan port ...... •...... 700 Spring Bay to Little Swanport ...... 200 Campania to Swansea (Thumbs Hill deviation) ...... 600 Campania to Swansea (Paradise Road) ...... 600 Oyster Cove to Gordon ...... -...... ·, . .- ...... 500 to Leslie (widening) ...... 500 Leslie to Huon (through Longley) ...... 100 6850 BRIDGES. Jason's Gates ...... 400 G~o.rge River ...... 150 · Big Creek (Wynyard, west) ...... 600 Scamander ...... 2500 North West Bay at Leslie ...... 600 St. Mary's to George's Bay (two Bridges) ...... 500 · 4750 BRANCH ROADS. Montagu to Pieman ...... 250 Montagu Jetty to Settlement (South) ...... 150 South ]:{oad, Tuiontagu ...... 150 Smithton to Irish Town ...... , ...... 350 Smithton to Scott's Town ...... 200 to Christmas Hills ...... 200 Smithton to Stanley ...... 300 Murray's Road (Ci!·cular Head) ...... , ...... 200 Back Line Road (Circular Head) ...... 250 From Main Road to Shipping-place, Detention River ...... 100 From Main Road to Jacobs' Boat Harbour ...... 100 Flowerdale Road, West (Basset's to Morton's) ...... ; ...... 2°50 Wynyard to Table Cape ...... 400 Wynyard to Selections via Big· Creek ...... : .... . 150 Calder Road ...... 200 Wynyard to vVa1·atah ...... - ...... :. 1000 Cam 1,ia Seabrook to Mount Hicks ...... 250 Cam Road (West) ...... 1000 From Cam Road to Clarke's and others ...... 200 Waratah to Corinna ...... 1000· £ Carn, east side, to Marville Road...... 200 Marville Road (southwards)...... 350 New Country Road (Emu Bay)...... 350 Stowport Road ...... 200 Stowport Road, east of Chasm Creek, to Blythe Bridge ...... 500 Blythe Road ...... 500 Nine-Mile Road...... 200 Sulphur Creek Road with Branch to M'Kenna's ...... :. 200 Zigzag Road ...... ; ...... ,. 200 Branch Pine Road (to Blythe) ...... 800 l\l'Hugh's Road...... 100 South Road (Leven)...... 250 From Reibey-street to Railway Station viii, Badger-street...... 100 North Motton Road...... 300 North Motton Road, Branch Revell's C1;eek to Manning's Wharf...... 100 North Motton Road, Branch to Allison's viii, Aldersea's ...... 200 Branch Road through Havs' ...... 200 Branch off North Motton ·Road to Hudson's and Eagle's...... 100 Road to Brett's and others ...... 150 · Lower Gawler Road (extension) and Branch off Lower Gawler Road to Rowlands' ...... ·...... 250 Old Gawler Road ...... 250 Gunn's Plains Road, River route ...... 800 Branch off East Castra Road to Wright's and others...... 100 Clarke's Plains Road and Branch Road to Payne's...... 200 East Castra Road, extension through Fulton's ...... 300 Branch to Dooley's Plains, viii, Deyrat ...... 150 Nietta Road · ...... 500 Morton to Castra Road (Kindred to East Castra Road) .._...... 200 Kindred Road extension ...... 500 Kindred Road through Riggs'• to Russell's...... 200 Branch, Simpson's Road ...... ,...... 100 Road to Picket's and Lockhcart's land ...... 100 Branch to Hayes' and other selections ...... 100 Wilmot and Ford Road, Branch to Promised Land Road ...... 150 Upper Wilmot to Forth Bridge at Promised Land ...... 250 Hamilton-on-Forth to Leith Station ...... 600 Hamilton Hill to Barrington (south end) .•...... 250 From Barrington Road, Medcraft's Hill, towards Melrose Creek ...... 250 Tarleton to Nook and Barrington...... 150 Don to :Forth (M'Crow's Hill)...... 200 Don Bridge to Don Post Office ...... 200 Melrose Creek Road ...... 250 Coal-mine Flat to Figure-of-Eight Creek ...... 250 Nook to Sheffield ...... 200 F1·om junction of Barrington and Shtffield Road to Settlements, viii, White Hawk Creek ...... 100 Morse's Road to Back Settlement ...... 100 Shorey's Road to Back Settlement .. : ...... 150 From Promised Land Road _to Back Settlement (via Manley's and Pease's) ...... 100 Promised Land to Wilmot ...... 250 Promised Land Road (direct) to back Settlements...... 500 From Sheffield Main Road, at Spring-street junction, southward...... 100 Paradise Road...... 100 Kimberley's Ford to Star of the East Claim (Paradise) ...... 200 .Dick Low\, Bridge southwards to Sunnyside...... 100 Shadyside Road to Back Settlements ...... _...... 100 From Sheffield and Rail ton Road to N ewbed...... 200 From Ra.ii ton .Stal.ion to buck Settlements, N ewbed viti, Alford's ...... 200 Dulverton Siding to back Settlement ...... 100 Latrobe to Rail ton...... 150 Sassafras Road, east ...... :...... 250 Fossil Bank Road...... 100 Green's Creek Road to Skelbrook Road (Green's Creek end)...... 100 Old Deloraine Road, from Latrobe southwards ...... 100 Chapel !load (W esleyvale) ...... 100 Moriarty Road to Burke's Bridge ...... 250 Road Kimberley Station to Blackamore...... 300 vVhiterock Bridge to Whitefoord Hill Railway Station ...... 300 Park.ham, ,IJiii, Tonga taboo, to Deloraine ...... 250 Parkham Road throng-h Settlement...... 300 Road north of Quam by Bluff ...... 150 5

£ Deluraine to Quamby Bluff ...... 250 Deloraine to Quamby Brook ...... 250 Jacky's Marsh Road ...... _...... 100 Deloraine, via Paddy's Scrub, to "\,Yestbnry ...... 250 W Est bury to Early Rises ...... 150 Cluan to Upper Liffey ...... 300 Hagley to Bill Knight's Bridge and approach ...... 200 From Exton Bridge to Reedy Marsh ...... 500 Westbury, via Black Sugar Loaf, to FrankforcJ ...... 500 From 'Beaconsfield Road to South Frankford Road ...... 200 Frankford to Cotton's Hill ...... 300 Westwood to Rose vale ...... 300 B1idgenorth Roads, north and south ...... '...... 400 Cormiston to Ecclestone ...... 400 Glengarry to Rose vale ...... 200 Glengarry to South Winkleigh Road ...... '...... 100 Frankford Road ...... 400 Winkleigh to Cotton's Hill ...... : ...... 100 Winkleig-h to Beiicon~field via Flowery Gully ...... 300 Beaconsfield to Kelso via York Town ...... 100 From through Parish of N orthallerton ...... 350 P1·osser's Forest Road ...... 200 St. Patrick River Road ... ·...... 150 Distillery Creek to Mowbray ...... 100 Underwood to Karoola Railway Station ...... 250 Lvons' Lane to Lower Turner's .o-Iarsh ...... 500 T~1rner's Marsh Road to Settlements west ...... 100 Turner's Marsh to ·German Town ...... : ...... 300 Lilydale to Turner's Marsh ...... 300 Doak's Road ...... 400 From Doak's Road east through Somerville's and Shore's ...... 250 Wilson's Road to Lilydale Railway Station ...... 300 Lilyclale Railway Station west ...... 150 Conlin's and Rankin's west from Hall's· Track ...... 150' Piper's River Road ...... 700 Turner's Road west from l:Iall's Track ...... , ...... 150 From Piper's River Road, via V\lhite's, Urch's, and others, to Lisle .. . 150 From Barrett's, through Geiss's, to Tunnel Station ...... 400 Lebrina Railway Station through Baker's to selections ...... 250 Lower Piper River to Lebrina Railway Station ...... ]50 George Town to Cemetery ...... 100 Alford to George Town Road ...... 150 Alford to Lefroy, including scmb road ...... 400 Lefroy to Back Creek ...... 100 From Alford Road to Post Office ...... 100 Hall's Track to Golconda Railway Station ...... 150 West bank Little Forester River to Lisle Railway Station ...... 200 East bank Little Forester River to Lisle Railway Station ...... 21JO Scottsdale West to Lietinna Railway Station ...... 250 Springfield to Lietinna Railway Station, vicinity of J essnp's and others .. 150 Holmes' Road ...... 200 Upper Briel Road towards Best's and others ...... 100 Minstone Road, south east ...... 100 Mins tone Road, nortl1 west ...... 100 Mount Cameron Road, approach to Railway Station ...... 300 Lester's Lane from Main Road to Bridport ...... ' ...... 100 Burnside Road ...... : ...... 100 Burnside Road extension to W. B. Richardson's and others ...... 100 Maurice Town Resei·ve to W ettenhaU's and others ...... 150 Branxholrn to Moorina direct ...... 400 Brothers' Horne to Moorina ...... 400 Moorina to Ringaroorna Port via Gladstone ...... 1250 Boobyalla to Moorina, from west encl of Mount to Port ...... 300 W eldborough to Moorin~ ( completion) ...... 500 South George's River Hoad ...... 300 1 Road to selection;, South George's River ...... 150 North George's River Road ...... 300 Road to ~elections North George's River ...... 150 Goshen to junction of North and South George's River ...... 300 '1.'o Rubv Tin Mines ...... 150 From St. Mary's to Settlement, Gardner's· Creek ...... 200 From St. Marv's to German Town ...... 200 Roads, Comw.all ancl Mount ~icholas Coal Mines ...... 500 6

£ From St. Mary's to St. Patrick's Head leading to Four-mile Creek ... . 150 St. Mary'i, to Picanini Point ... : ...... 200 St. Mary's to Picanini Point, branch to King and others ...... _ ...... 100 St. Mary's to Picanini Point, Road to Thompson's Marshes ...... :l50 Chain of Lagoons to Doctor's Creek ...... '...... 150 Fingal to Mathinna (including approach to bridge) ...... 300 English Town to Deddington ...... 300 Ben Lomond Tin Mines ·via Kingston ...... 150 Seymour to Bicheno ...... - ...... , ...... 200 Bicheno to Apsley ...... 200 Apsley to Cran brook ...... :lUO Cranbrook to Swansea and Campbell Town Road ...... 200 Campbell Town to Swansea ...... 1000 Little Swanport to Swanston· ...... 150 Nugent to Sorell vili Wattle Hill School...... 200 From Kellevie School to selections east side of Ragged Tier ...... 300 From Sounds, Forestier's Peni11sula, to Eagl~ Hawk Neck ...... 200 Eagle Hawk to Taranna ...... 150 Cascades to selections of Virnry, Wrights, and others ...... 150 Cascades to Wedge Bay ...... 200 Parson's Bay to Impressiou Bay ...... · ...... 200 Wedge Bay to Carnarvun ...... 1000 Wedge Bay to Sele9t!ons of Benjafield, So,undy, and others ...... 100 Wedge Bay to Selections of Jones, Clark, and others ...... 150 Bow Hill H.oad (Oatlands) ...... 200 Oatlands to Lake Crescent (from Old Man's Head to Great Lake Road) 250 Lake Road from Bothwell ...... 200 Parattah to 'l'unnack ...... 200 Woodsdale Road (Scott's to Palmer's) ...... 100 Stonehenge tQ Swanston ...... ' ...... 200 Hobbs' Bluff to New Country Marsh ...... ; ...... · 100 Tunnack through Settlement (Bourke's to Doolan's) ...... 100 Rhyndaston to O'Meere's ...... 100 J e1:usalem to Rhyndaston ...... ~ ...... 100 Jerusalem to Tunnack ...... ' ...... 200 Spring }{ill Bottom Road ...... -...... ' ...... 100 Campania to Lower Jerusalem ...... 200 From School at. Ticehurst to Selections on White ~angaroo Rivulet .. . 100 Old Road to Richmond from Swansea and Campama Road ...... 300 From Old Beach to Brighton Station ...... ·...... 150 From Ralph's Bay Causeway to Chapel at Sandford ...... 200 From Half Moon B'ay Jetty to Public School ...... 100 Deviation-at Blue Anchor Hill (New Norfolk to Gretna) ...... '. 250 Macquarie Plains to Bedchambers vici l\1ounteney's Lane ...... 100 Du.~ty .1l1Iiller Lane, Glenorchy ...... 100 Watch-house Lane, Glenorchy ...... 100 From School, Glenorchy, westward ...... 100 From Old Main Road near·Rosetta Crossing to Mary's Hope ...... 100 M'Guire's Road, Glenorchy ...... 100 Upper Sorell Creek Bridge to Selections of Waller, Ellis, and others .. . 100 From Cronan's to Sky Farm, Mount Faulkner ...... 200 Molesworth to Bismarck Road ...... 200 Molesworth School to Mount Faulkner .,;i(i Fanelly's, Smith's, and others ...... 100 Lagoon Farm to_ Collins' Cap ...... 100 From Lachlan Road to Foster's Gully i:i12 Davies' and others ...... 100 Glen Fern Road from junction Monnt Lloyd Road ...... 200 Dry Creek to Plenty ...... 100 Upper Plenty Road, north side ...... 100 Deviation near Bushy Park to Gobby's Creek (Uxbridge Road) ...... 300 From Marriott's, Upper Russell's Falls, to Selections ...... 300 From Donaghy's Tum-off, Ellendale, to Selections ...... 100 M'Rqbie's Gully Road, Cascades ...... _...... 100 Proctor's Road (continuation): ...... 200 Ridgeway Road ...... · JOO Sumn1erleas to l{ingston ...... 100 Kingston to Leslie ...... ·...... 100 From Chapel at Snug to proposed Jetty ...... ; ...... 150 Melville's Road to Crown Lands ...... 100 Great Oyster Cove to Nichol's Rivulet ...... 200 Little Oyster Cove to Selections of Farrell, Inn, and others ...... 100 Downing's Road (Peppermint Bay) ...... 150 Peppermint Bay to Gardiner's Bay ...... 300 7

£ £ From l::ichool (Margate and Leslie Road) to Sandfly ...... 100 Sandfly Road from Main Road to G. Roberts ...... 200 Sandfly 'Road (south end) ...... ; ...... 100 Cradoc Road near Griffiths' ...... 100 Deep Bay to Garden Island Creek ...... 150 Deep Bay vio, Ready and Curtain's to Selections ...... 100 Deep Bay to Gardiner's Bay ...... 100 Gardiner's Bay to Peppermint Bay ...... 100 Irisl1 Town Road (metalling)·...... ···········.·····.·"•·· .. . 150 Guy's Rmid to Qrown Lands ...... 100 Golden Valley Road ...... · ...... 100 Silver Hill to ...... ·...... 150 Roberts' Bay to Burnt Bridge ...... 150 Wattle Grove Road (metalling) ...... , .•...... 150 From Lymington Jetty to Lymington Road ...... 100 Port Cygnet to Lymingtop ...... 100 Coad's Road ...... 100 Wattle Grove to Lymington ...... , ...... 250 . Peachey's Bay to Brabazon ...... _ ...... 100 Peachey's Bay to Lymington ...... 200 'fhl'ockmorton llo:1d ...... 100 Sawyer's Creek Road ...... , ...... 100 Crabtree Road ...... 150 Nol'th Baker's C!'eek Road to Talbot's ...... ]01) South Baker's Creek !load· ...... 100 Knight's l{oad ...... 100 Daniel's Bay towards Mills' Beach ...... 150 Adventme Bay to Jetty, Mills' Beach...... 150 Southbridge to She-oak Hills ...... •...... 400 Hall's Road, Upper Huon ·····.···········-'····································· 100 Watson's, Smyth's, and Walpole Roads, Franklin ...... 200 Huon-street; North Franklin ...... 100 Swamp Road ...... _ ...... 100 Chitty';; Road ...... 100 Castle Forbes Bay I-load ...... '...... 100 Back Road, Hospital Baj•, to Franklin ...... 100 Btugess's Road ...... 100 Tongataboo Road (Liverpool Road District) ...... , ...... 100 Hohne's Road, ditto ...... JOO Deviation Esperance Road ...... , ...... 400 Esperance Road to Settlements, Snake Plains ...... 200 Old Road, Esperance ...... 100 Esperance to Glenbel'vie ...... ~50 To Selections of. Pulfer's and others to Crown Lands ...... 100 To Crown Lands, vicinity of Pulfer's Tram ...... 100 Rutherford's Road ...... 100 Ramin ea to Hastings ...... 200 Hastings to Southport ····················································'.······· 150 New Road through Maxwilliams' property to Crown Lands ...... 150 Hastings to Recherche ...... ,...... 200 Catamaran to ...... 300 Long Bay to LynP-h's ...... 500 Remine to Zeehan ...... : ...... 500 Zeehan to Dundas ...... 2500 Honeysuckle Plains to Mount Lyell ...... 1500 67,350

BRIDGES. On Lower Gawler Road ...... 200 Mersey Bridge at Latrobe...... 150 Rubicon ·and Franklin (2) ...... ~...... 1500 Coiler's Creek and Approaches ...... 150 Parker's Ford, Port Sorell Road...... 100 J)alebrook ...... :...... 150 Quam by Brook and Approaches ...... 300 Boobyalla near YI organ's ...... 600 George's River, Mussel Roe...... 600 Sou tli Esk at A voca ...... : ...... 700 North George's River at Brown's Farm...... 200 Four-mile Creek, Falmouth Road ...... 400 , Cascades ...... '...... 250 8 £ £ Sandy Bay Rivulet (widening) ...... 180 Derwent, at the Plenty ...... 1650 Upper Plenty River ...... 150 Dunrobin ...... 350 Clyde Both well ( corn pletion) ...... 100 Swan River (completion) ...... 100 Douc:rlas River (completion) ...... 160 Bill 'knight's Bridge (completion) ...... 150 Lord-street (Hobart), River Liffey (Pitt's), Blythe (at Dicker's), Ringa- rooma (Boobyalla), Dasher, Muddy Creek, South Esk (Evandale), Catamaran Creek, and Carlton ( at Steele's), and Road New Town to Risdon Road ( excesses previous votes) ...... 550 Jordan Road, Bothwell to Oatlands ...... 600 Bream Creek, Adventure Bay ...... 100 Beach Road, Woodstock District ...... 100 Agnes Rivulet ...... 100 Apsley Creek, Bicheno Road ...... 250 North Esk, near Hobler's (Foot-bridge) ...... 100 King's Creek, Lat.robe ...... 100 Ellerslie Bridge, Low-level (in addition to £250 available) ...... 450 Sorell Creek Bridges (Floodways) ...... 150 Coal River, Richmond ...... 350 South Esk, Perth ...... 400 Iron Creek, Nugent to Sorell ...... 200 , Augusta Road ...... 100 11,690

JETTIE~. George's Bay ...... 100 Snug ...... 150 Half-Moon Bay (completion) ...... 100 Green's Creek (Po1'.t Sorell) ...... 200 Deep Bay ...... _ ...... 150 Wattle Grove, Lymington, and Gardner's Bay ( extension and corn pletion) 300 Flight's Bay ...... 250 Lady's Bay (Brown's Corner) ...... : ...... 200 Upper I-Iuon, south side ...... 100 Blackwall, West Tamar ...... 100 Jackson's Point ...... 100 Cairns' Bay, Brook's Bay, Garth's, Spinx Point, Garden Island, D'Entrecasteanx, Little Oyster Cove, Boat Harbour, and Maria Island (completion) (excesses previous votes) ...... 200 1950

TRACKS. Tracks and Emergent Works for West Coast ...... 3000 Tracks generally, Emergent \-Vorks, and Surveys for Roads ...... 2000 5000

HARBOURS. Duck River (Smithton) ...... 120 Stanley ...... 6000 Tamar Improvements ...... 10,000 II uon River Improvements (Franklin) ...... 200 Dredging Plant (purchase) ...... 16,500 32,820

MISCELLANEOUS. Streets (Constmction), Hobart...... 4000 Ditto, Launceston ...... :. 3000 Streets, Strahan ...... 1000 Streets, Zeehan ...... 1000 Telegraph Line, Ouse to Strahan...... 3500 Mount Cameron ·water-race ( completion) ...... 2500 Purchase ofland for Mining Easements ...... 1000 Upper and Lower Roads, Queen's Domain, completion...... 400 Maryville Beach Esplanade ...... 150 Quarantine Ground, Launceston ...... 100 9 £ £ Cemetery Site, Launceston ...... •...... 1600 *Glebe Town Board, Streets and Improvements ...... ~ ...... 350 *Formby, ditto ...... •...... 250 *Ellesmere, ditto ...... · ...... 150 *Trevallyn, ditto ...... 100 *Ulverstone, ditto ...... 100 *-Sheffield, ditto ...... , ...... 100 <1:·Carnarvon, ditto ...... _...... 50 19,350


New Schools ...... , ...... 5000 Post and Telegraph Offices generally ...•...... 4000 Police and Court House Buildings generally ...... 3000 Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk ...... 10,000 Technical School, Hobart, Fittings ...... 500 Alterations at Gaol, Hobart ...... 500 Cottage, Domain, (completion) ...... 50 23,050

Proposed to be clta1·ged to the zJroceeds of sale qf Government prope1·ty- Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk (purchase ofland and premiees ) ...... 5000 Purchase Premises Glen Dhu, Launceston, for Invalid Depot, &c ...... 1500 New Asylum for Invalids, Launceston ...... •...... •.. 10,000 Gaol, Watch0house and Court, Launceston ...... , ...... 5000 Purchase Noxious Trades Area, Launceston, Drainage and Water Supply ...... ' ...... 2500 Additions _and Alterations for Post and Telegraph Office, Hobart.·; .. . 4300 28,300


Contract Survey- £ Great Western Railway (Ouse to Zeehan, &c.) ...... 10,000 10,000

New Lines- Hobart to Geeveston ...... 400,000 Glenora to Ouse via Ellendale ...... •...• 143,000 Apsley to Bothwell ...... ·.··· ...... 90,000 Oatlands to Tunnack ...... "...... 60,000 Railton to Sheffield ...... 35,000 Ulverstone to Wynyard ...... 250,000 -· Scottsdale to Ringarooma ...... 165,000 Ringarooma to Moorina ...... 150,000 Ulverstone to Nietta ...... 80,000 1,373,000

Rolling-stock for Hobart to Geeveston, Glenora to Ouse, Oatlands to Tunnack, Railton to Sheffield, Ulverstone to Wynyard,: Scottsdale to Moorina, Ulverstone to Nietta --Railways .:...... 107,600 107,600 10

T!te·Railway Constntct-ion Act, 1883, (47 Viet. No. 46.)- £ .~. d. Launceston and Scottsdale Line (completion) ...... 17,300 0 0

T!te Railmay Con.~tructioii .Act, 1885, (4!) Viet. No. 41.)- Formby to Ulverstone Line (completion) ...... 16,530 0 0 Chudleigh Line (ditto) ...... , ...... "... _...... 4400 0 0 ------Miscellaneous- . ---- Enlargement of Verandah at Launceston Station (now being done) ...... · ...... , .... .- ...... 375 0 0 Enlargement of Refreshment Rooms, Launceston ancl Deloraine Stations, ( now being done) ...... 300 0 0 Completing woodshop; extension to locomotive shop; shed for storing timber; new office for Locomotive S11perintendent; new carriage shed; new coal stage; new sand oven (completed) ...... : ...... 2628 0 0 Extension of Wharf at Launceston (completed) ...... 776 0 0 ·western Line- Alterations to Stations, Goods Sheds, &c. Oaks Station, Gate-keepers' cottages, Hogg;'s Lane, Plenty· Em- bankment, ( excesses on prev10us votes) : ...... 92 19 6 Goods Shed, Exton, (completed) ...... 250 0 0 Sidings requii-ed through increased traffic ...... 910 0 0 Sluices and Drainage ·works, Launceston ...... 500 0 0 Additional Rooms to Cottages ...... : ...... ; ...... 850 0 0 Interlocking Points at Launceston ...... ,. .. 300 0 0 Additional 'l'elegraph Line, instruments, &c., between Launceston and Ulverstone ...... 1600 0 0 Fingal Line- Five platelayers'· cottages, shelter sheds, and platforms, ( excesses on previous votes) ...... 105 13 ] Siding at Eastbourne (completed) ...... 300 0 0 Additional room to cottage at St. Mary's ...... 40 0 0 Retaining-walls at cattle-creeps, and extra culverts ...... 150 0 0 Derwent Valley Line- · Cotta~es at No. 2 Bridge and Riverton Siding ...... 280 0 0 Scottsdale l..ine- Purchase of Land for Recreation purposes in connection with excurs_ion tmffic (completed) ...... 370 0 0 Buildings, Denison Gorge, and Office at Tunnel ...... 350 0 0 Purchase of house, Lebrina Station, ( completed) ...... 50 0 0 Cottages at ~'yena and Tunnel ...... 280 0 0 Turntable, &c., Golconda ...... 220 0 0 Railways generally- Machine1y ...... 826 0 0 Paint Shop ...... 750 0 0 Carriages, to be built locally .... ; ...... 3000 0 0 Additional Signals ...... , ...... 220 0 0 Extra Sidings to Paint Shops, Sheds, and Shops, Launceston ...... 160 0 0 ------£15,683 12 7

. SUMMARY. ·Main Roads ...... :... ; .. . £6850 0 0 Main Roads Bridges ...... 4750 0 0 Branch Roads ...... 67,350 0 0 "Branch Roads Brirlges ...... 11,690 0 0 .Jetties ...... 1950 0 0 Buildings ...... 51,350 0 0 l\fiscellaneons ...... 19,350 0 0 ··Tracks ...... '...... :. 5000 0 0 ·Harbour Improvements········:·· ... , ...... 32,820 0 0 201,110 0 0 Railway Items- Survey ...... 10,000 0 0 Construction (new lines) ...... l,3i3,000 0 0 Rolling-stock, ditto ...... 107,600 0 0 Completion construction ( existing lines) ...... 38,230 0 0 Miscellaneous items,, Railways generally ... . 15,683 12 7 1,544,513 12 7 £1,745,623 12 7 11

RETURN sltoming Amounts unexpended ·in t!te various Electoral Dist1·icts on Votes for 1Wain and Branch Roads and Bridges, and approximate Balances available itnde1· JVaste Lands Acts.

Main \ Approximate' DISTRICT. Main Roads Branch Branch Roads Total. Balances Roads. Bridges. Roads. Bridges. available under W.L. Acts.

£ £ £ £ £ £ Brighton - - ... 4057 1432 224 5713' 1852 CTessy - - 100 ... •621 196 ' 917 33 Campbell Town- ...... 752 752 ... Cumberland - ...... 6109 . .. 6109 4006 Deloraine - - ...... 6602 193 6795 6696 East Devon - ...... 1264 54 1318 9151 Evandale - - ...... 113 483 596 . .. Fingal - - 68 ... 2445 1777 4290 2614 Franklin - - 848 230 7270 299 8647 8370 George Town - 493 ... 3226 . .. 3719 2748 Glamorgan - 72 ... 1170 . .. 1242 2520 Glenorchy- - ...... 42tl . .. 429 466 Hobart - - ...... Kingborough - 882 ... 8824 174 9880 6320 Longford - - 100 ...... 28 128 ... New Norfolk - 46 4057 1641 ... 5744 3160 Oatlands - - ...... 1205 75 1280 2121 Richmond- - 241 ... 1050 250 1541 161 RingaTooma - 1985 103 5625 839 8552 12,476 Sorell " - 2109 ... 3332 497 5938 6077 Selby - - 492 ... 4818 298 5608 13,755 Westbury - - .,. ... 3801 47 3848 5675 West Devon - 438 . 264 5773 26 6501 16,883 Wellington - 454 ... 3008 235 3697 13,547 --- TOTALS - 8328 8711 69,758 6447 93,244 118,631

Balance available for W oTks not classified in Electoral Districts; viz.-Buildings, Tracks, Harbour improve- ments, Jetties, Streets, and Miscellaneous - - 72,893

£166,137 ------