Trades' Directory, 1895. Age

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Trades' Directory, 1895. Age 1575 TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1895. AGE I'Boret H. D. 98 Lea.d4.ho.ll street E C t•Jones Gro. Son&. Co. 99 Fen(!hurch st E C §lltWatt William F. 101 Leadenhall streetE C :Bott W. E. & Co. 1 East India avenue E C & •Jones David John, 86 Leadenhall street E G Webster Fisher, 9 Little Britain E C Lloyd's E C Jordan Theodor & Co. 46 :Fish street hill E C tQ~t§Wheatley Gro. W. & Co. 10 Queen street, UBra.bant & Co. 86 Leadenhall street E C IIKa.ltenbach & Schmitz. 46 New Broad st E C Uheapside E C & 23 Regent street SW; &1s9 Bra.sch & Rothenstein, 4U, & 45 Fore st E C t~Keller, Wallis & Co. 65, 66 & 67 Grncechurcb o.t Liverpool & Paris t Bremer, Bennett & Bremer, G1 Mark lane E C street E C & R2 Cockspnr street SW ~Wheeler Rt. 3 Crooked lane E C & Lloyd's E C Brex John Geo-rge, 59 Gresho.m street E C *tKeymer D. J, & Co.1 Whitefrlars streetE C tWhite Alex, Francis & Co. 7 -union et. Old -t•British&Forn.Bhpng.Co.l50 E C King Charles H. 14B~ Fenchurch street E C Broad st E C Brlttain Arthnr, 29 Great St. Helen 's E C Klihner,Henderson&Oo.ll5&117Cannon st E C White Star JJne of Steamers to United State& Brownjohn & Fowles, 93 Leadenball st E C t*I~§Lamb John, 2 Muscovy et. Tower hill E C (Sma.lpage & Son, agenta in west end)1 41 t·~~~Bulln.rd, IGng & Co. 14 St. Ma.ry AxeE C Leech Joseph & ea. aa Milk street E C & 43 Maddox street, Bond street W ~T A "Baronet, London''; T N 63 7. t•Leete Joseph & Sons, 36 St.Mary-a.t-hill E C Whiteley William, 31 to 5a &. 61 Westbourne See Conveyance Directory t•Lenne H. J. & Co. 109 London wall E C grove W & 147 to 159 Queen's road. W §Carroll & Frost, 21 & 21A, Lime street E C Lewis Joshua & Co. 22 St. Mary Axe E C tWickens William, 17 Grnoechurch street E C Charles & Fox, 8 Mincing lane E C Lewis Stephen, 17 & 18 Basinghallstreot E C tWilkinson Arth. Mn.lcolm, Leadnhl, bdgs E C ffiayP .& Co.3Adelaide place,London bridl:(e E C Little & J ohnston, 4,6 Leadenhall street; E C t§Williams & Geils,36 King William streetE C Clinksca.les Henry James, 6 Ca.therine et E C tLivingston,Briggs&Co.16&17Gt.St..Heln'sE C tWincott, Cooper & Co. 8 Brnbant court E C *Cockburn Wm. Geo.l6A,St. Mary-at-hill E C t•Lloyd B. B.& Co.78QueenVictoria street E C t<JtWingate(W.) & Johnston, 17 & 18 Alders• tCollins Frank, 11 King William street E C lLovell Charles Sha.w, 36 Lime street E C gate street E C & 12 Falcon avenue E C Comley Thos.Belfield & Co. 23 Philpot la E C Low Edwin Hollis, 57 Charing cross SW Wingmve John, 79~ Gracechnrch street E C ;JCook Thomas & Son, Ludgate circus E C ; t•tMcDougall & Bonthron, 72 Mark lane E C •Wolfl', Harris & ea. 23 Lime street E C 99 Gracechurch ~t E C; 17, 18 & 18.A, Mcintyre Malcolm & Co. 17 Grncechnrch st Wood Thos. Percival, 27 Leadenbllll st E C Memorial Hall buildings, 16 Farringdon E C ; Lloyd's E C & Shipping exchange E C tWoodward Geo. Waiter, 291<'enchnrch st E C street E C ; 445 West Strand WC ; 33 McKellar, Carr & Co.101 Leadenhall street E C tWright Harry Willia.m, 47 IJme street E C _ Piccadilly W; 13 Cockspur street W; 82 ~Mackintosh Ja.s.. & Co. 46 Leadenhall st E C ilfi"Wrightson & Son, 19 St. Dunstan's hillE C Oxford st W; fro;nt of St. Po.ncras station; tMagee, Tayltlr & Co. 18 Billiter street E C YoungCuthbert(Bil.lesmn),9GracechurchstE 0 Langham hotel, Portland place; Hotels Chas.Aug. &ea.1Three'l'unspassgeE C tYonng Wm. Willialllil, 4, 5 & 6 Great St. Metropole & Victoria, Northumberland Mann Charles Corry, 7 Edmund place E C Helen's E C avenue ; Fin;t A venue hotel, Holborn ; t•Meadows Thomas & Co. 35 Milk street E C SaToy hotel, Victoria embankment & Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co. 35 WhitelPy's, WeBtbourne grove Milk street, Cheapside E C Marie Moreau & ea. 42 rue Sa.inte, MarseilleJ tCoverley& W estray( stee.mship owners ,steam- t Mertens & Co. 3 Cross la. St. Mary-at-hill E C tSo.von Freres, 25 rue de la Republique. ship agents & commission merchants), 45 Messa.geries Anglo-Suisses, 15 King street, Marseilles Leadenhall street E C Cheapside E C tSa.von Freres, Tunis Ooxon Michael Coulson, 4 St. Mary Axe E C Messageries No.tionales Limited, 15 King st. Warms, J osse & Co. & coal mers. & forwo.rdin:t Craven & Co. S Great St. Helen's E C ; Cheapside E C agents, 19 rue de la Republique, Marseilles Lloyd's E C & The Baltic E C Mitchell William T. 101 Leadenhall street E C Crombie F. W. & Co. 1{)1 Leadenhall st .E C tMoberlyEdward & Co. 123 Fenchurch st E C Agents-Silk. Curtil!s & Sons, 23 West Smith field E C §Moore Brothers, 34A, Throgmorton street Do.vies, Turner & Co. 52 Lime street E C ; E C & 16 Angel court E C Su Gllo Sill: tf Yelret Man.vjacturer1. 113&.,Regent st W & at Liverpool&Nw.York tMornn Wm. & Co. Prince's Dock side, Hull :W:uketl thua t ...., Ribbon A~renta. fDavies Herbert. 65 Leadenhall street E C Morison, Pollexfen & Blair, 34 Leadenhall st Delpierre N. l Water lane, Gt. Tower st E C E G & L'pool,Manchester,Dundee&B'mghm Allen George & Co. 143 Chea.pside E G de Rin (L.) & Mack. 81 Gt. St. Helen's E C •Mory & Co. 12 Distaff lane, Cannon streetE C tAndrewWillio.m, 16 Argyll street,RegentstW Dick, Browning & Co. ~3 Leadenhall st E C tiiNeale & Willtinson,9 Union ct.O.Broad st E C B!lCkingbam Charles, 50 Bow lane E C •tDickeson & Stewart, 4 QueenVictoria street Newton Marcus .Tohn, 9 New Broad Mt E C Belfonr Emest, 19 Chea.pside E C E C & 2 & S Finsbury market E C NicoL'><ln William & Co.lO Jeffrey's square E C Briggs George & Co. 2 Little Love lane E C "t<>tDonaldson A. W. & Co. 27 Clement's la E C -T A "Shipment, London" tBriggs Thomas & Son,8 Oat lane,Noble st E C IIDott James Forfar, Billiter buildings E C Nugent Charles & Co. 144. Leadenhall street tBromwich John Richard, 33 Cheapside E C •Drolenvaux & Bremner. 36 Gt. Tower st E C E C & Lloyd's E C tBumsel Micha.el, 15 Ampthill square NW t-~'Drummond Rt.K& Co.23Gt.St.Helen'sE C Obree J. F. & Co. 49 Queen Victoria. st E C Burmo.n Thos. Uoleman, 79 KnightrlderstE C Dunlop Goorge & Co. 70 & 71 Bishopsgate tPartridgeWalterSamuel&Co.4BilliterstEC Burnett&Co.30atlane,Woodstreet EC street within E C ~Pearson & Christie, 6 Lime street square E C 'Burr·owes & Forrest, 18 Bread street E C Edwa.rd John & Co. 86 Leadenhall 8treet E C Perrott & Perrott, Limited, 12 to 16 Tenter Cam pin, Lacy & ea. 3 & 4 Milton buildings, Blk!Ul & Cc>. 55 Leadenhall buildings E C street, Moorflelds E C Wa.tling street E C Evans Edwin, 61 Chandos st. Covent gdn WC PewtressJosiah, C Cave & Benoist, 137 Cheapside E C Paul (for the Compagnie Gem3rale t*~Phillipps & Graves, Botolph house, 10 & 12 Champanhac Charles, 6 Milk street "E C Transatlantique), 11-B-racechurch street E C Ea.stcheo.p E C & LJ.oyd's E G Chandler Richard & Co. 20 Cheapside E C tFeddonWillin.mJames, 17 Graccchurch st E C t•Pitt & Scott, 23 Cannon st E C; 25 Regent C..Jhurchill Cho.s.Edwin, il Winchester aven E C i!'igge Gusta.v Leopold, 8 Cnllum street E C streetS W ; & 7 South John street,Liverpool CrouchThs.&Co.(japanese),l22 London wl E C Filby & Kemp, S2 Great St. Helen's E C ~Platt J. P. & Co. 10 St. Mary Axe E C OuttillAubreyRichd.2Union ct.O.Broadst E C l<'isher Wm. John, 73 to 75 Low. T'lames st E C Paul ton Bros.& Oo.10 Bridgewatersquo.reE C Derouet Alphonse, 114 Wood street E C tFitzmauriceRobt.Bruce,29 Gt.St.Helen'sE C -tPower John F. 68 Aldersgate st E C & 33 Dilley R. W. & Son, 2A, Trump street E C tFlageollet & Co. Butler street, Milton st E C Jewin crescent E C; & at Birmingham, Douglas David George, 137 Cheapside E C tFowler F. & Co. Leadenhall buildings E C New York & Montreal Edney Joseph,l8 Bread street E C tFoxJ.H.&Oo.70Grcechrch.stE C &Lloyd's E C •il§tPrlce,Forbes&Co7PoultryE C &Lloyd'sE C Edridge Robert, 64 Aldermanbury E C UFraser Alexander, 16i Aldersgate street E C t• Putnam Richard George, 72Mark lane E C tEscorbia Jo.mes, 110 Cheo.pside E C :tFriedlander Emil, 113 Fenchurch street E C Rayment William, 18 & 19 London wall E C Farmer Charles, 12 Wood street E C t•~Go.llaway Benjamin, Ill Mark lane E C Richter, Tschuschner & Co. 26 Cheapside E C FaulknerFredk.G.7 &8 Lilypotla.Noble stE C ~Garrard Saml. Button,51Wcntbourne grove W lRobinson (A. G.),Roberts&Co. 64Mark la.E C Ferroussa.t Hy. Peter, 60 Aldermanbury E C Gaze Hy. & Sons,l42 Strand WC; 4 North- Rosenberg,Loewe&Co.(succrs.),29MarklaE C Flint Grorge, 18 Warwick street, Regent st W umberland avenue WC ; Piccadilly circus tRoyle (Alfred) & Willan, 73 Qn.
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