The Visitation of London Begun in 1687. by Jacob Field
Third Series Vol. II part 1. ISSN 0010-003X No. 211 Price £12.00 Spring 2006 THE COAT OF ARMS an heraldic journal published twice yearly by The Heraldry Society THE COAT OF ARMS The journal of the Heraldry Society Third series Volume II 2006 Part 1 Number 211 in the original series started in 1952 The Coat of Arms is published twice a year by The Heraldry Society, whose registered office is 53 High Street, Burnham, Slough SL1 7JX. The Society was registered in England in 1956 as registered charity no. 241456. Founding Editor † John Brooke-Little, C.V.O., M.A., F.H.S. Honorary Editors C. E. A. Cheesman, M.A., PH.D., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant M. P. D. O'Donoghue, M.A., Bluemantle Pursuivant Editorial Committee Adrian Ailes, B.A., F.S.A., F.H.S. Andrew Hanham, B.A., PH.D Advertizing Manager John Tunesi of Liongam GENTRY AT THE CENTRE Jacob Field The Visitation of London begun in 1687, edd. T. C. Wales and C. P. Hartley. Harleian Society publications new series, 16-17 (2003-4). 2 vols. London: The Harleian Society, 2005. The 1687 visitation of London was the last held in England and Wales. It has recent• ly been published in two parts by the Harleian Society, edited by Tim Wales and Carol Hartley. London was easily the largest city in the nation, and the centre of pol• itics, culture and economy.1 As such, the 1687 visitation of London holds a dual his• torical importance as both the last visitation in English history, but also an account of the gentry who inhabited England's wealthiest and most important centre of pop• ulation.2 The edition draws on the visitation pedigrees, as well as various other ancil• lary sources, including two notebooks; one from the College of Arms, and one from the Guildhall.3 Henry VIII inaugurated the system of visitations in 1530, making two senior heralds, Clarenceux and Norroy Kings of Arms, responsible for making periodic vis• its to the counties to ensure all arms were borne with proper authority.
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