TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1899. MER ' Horrockses, Crewdaon & Co

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TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1899. MER ' Horrockses, Crewdaon & Co • 2195 TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1899. MER ' Horrockses, Crewdaon & Co. Limited, 4 & o Vavasseur Henry, 13 St. Swithin's lane E C A.rbuthnot,Latham & Co.33 Gt.St.Heleri's E C Love lane, Wood street E C Volkart Brothers, 96 & 98 LeadenkaU st E C A.rendt Oh. 113 Fenchurch street E C Hllllter 5I Co.Dunster house,DunstercourtE C Wace Henry Alexander, 34 Copthall aven E C bArgiiello M. & Co. 19 Ea~tch~p E C Hnil-<eY-Jones & Co. 147, 148, 149 & 150 Pal- Watson John & Co. ~l Fenchurch street E C bArkell & Dougla9, 48 Lime street E C merston bnildings, Bishops gate st. wthn E C Wcllard, Cob bold & Co.2il, 24 &25 Billitcr st E C Arm3trong J ames & Co. Moorgate station Butchinson William & Co. Trafalgar build· Williamson George & Co. 1:18 Lea.denhllstE C chambers, Moorfields E C mgs, Cbaring cross WC Wilson, Calder & Co. 11 QueenVictoria stE C A.rmstrong Philio J ulian & Co. 47 Mark la E C Hntchison & Co. 4 Guildhall chambers E C Wilson Thomas & Co. 24 Rood lane E C Armstrong Charles Newhouse, 65, 66 & 67 Hdttenbach & Co. 4 Fenchnrch avenue E C Wilson David (trusteesof),ll QueenVict.stE C Gracechurch street E C Ironside, Son & Co. 1 Gresham bldgs E C Wilson David Henry, ll Queen Victoria st E C Armstrong David Wm. 9 New Broad st E C Irwin A.ndrew Clarke & Co.Billiter bldng~ E C Wotherspoon J. M. & Co. 23 Gt.St. Helen's E C Arm3trong Thomas Pierrepont, Swan house, James Edward E.& Co. 21 Lime street E C Wright & Hansford, 5 Farringdon road E C Great Swan alley E C · Jameson Wm. Barlas, 101 Leadenball st E C Wyer Michael Rnssell, 9 A n~tinfriars E C A.rnhold, Karberg & Co. 5 East India aven E C Jobnston, Gore-Booth & Co. 12 Mark la E C Young Alexander & Co. 97 Qn. Victoria st E C A.rnold, Cheney & Co. 57 Grace church st E C K&rpeles Jules & Co. 21 Mincing lane E C Young A.lfred & Co. 29 Rood lane E C & 19 A.rnold Henry, 66 Mark lane E C Katz Dro3. Limited, 49 Lime street E C Tyer's gateway, Bermondscy SE bArnthal, Horschitz & Co. 29 Mincing la E C Kearton Malcolm &Co. Lim.28 Fenchrch stE C Yule George & Co. 19 Great Winchester stE C Artime&Co.3 Salters' aall court,Ca.nnon stE C Keegan Peter & Co.Ltd. Belfast,Ireland; "Old Yunan Co. Limited (John 0. Hewitt, sec.), A.schenheim & Fuhrken, 27 Mincing lane E C Irish" & "Bs.lmore Scotch" whiskies 57~ Old Broad street E C Allh Frederic Lim. 11 Queen Victoria st E C Kendrew J, F. & Uo. 26 to 28 Billiter st E C Merchants-Egg, lee Egg Merchantl, hAshbyMorrisLim.l7LaurencePountneylaE C Kettlewell, Bullen & Co. 66 Old Broad st E C ahA_shford,Brooks & Co.l54 Gresham house E C Kevmer William J. & Co. 66 Fenchurch stE C Merchants-Fibre,&ee Fibre Merchant&. A.Bhmore & Son, 6 Mincing lane E C Keys, Hitch & Co. 2 Tal bot court E C M:arcllan ts-F lax, 1ee Hemp tic Flax Mercht. hAshton, Edridge & Co.l9 Old Broa i streetE C Kilbnm, Brown & Co. 28 St. Mary A.xe E C b.A.shton J. P. & Co. 29 Bread street E C Kimber Arthar, 11 Queen Victoria street E C Merchants-French. Assadollah Hadji Mirza&Co.941>95Ethelburg& Larmour Brothers, !.!1 Fins bury circus E C Buro Louis, 14 Castle street east W house, 70 & 71 Bishop~gate st. w1thin E C Lawrie A.lex. & Co.l4 St. Mary Axe E C Downie & Adam9, 2i Newman st. Oxford st W bf•.Ukins Charles & Nisbct, 1 Water lane, Ledger, Sons & Co.Oate Ledger, Smith & Co.), Field, Keliher & Co. lOii Upper Thames stE C Great Tower street E C 14 St. Mary Axe E C Grant & Co. 170 Upper Th> street E G A.tkinsC1n, Bathe & Co. 4 Creechurch lane, ~r Chas. Hy. 5 Laurence Pountney hiE C Keegan Peter & Co.Ltd.BeHa~t, Ireland; "Old Leadenhall8t E C-T A''Peusiclllo London" Leslie & Anderson, 14 Billiter street E C Irish " & ''Balm ore Scotch" whiskies hAtkinson (Fredk:. Akroyd) & Go. 2 Fell st E C Leveson ~dward John, 8 Crosby square E C hAnbanel Edward, 7 & t! Idol lane E C Liberty & Co. Lim. 142, 144,148, 150,152, 212, Merchants-Fruit, •ee Fruit Merchant•; al•o A.uerbach, Franklin & Franklin, 69 & 71 214, 216, 218 & 222 Regent ~treet W B,•okeri-Fruit; also Orange Merchantl; Knightrider street E C Lynn,Young&Dalgliesh,lA,Aldrmnbry.avE C al1o Sale&men-Fruit. !nffmordt C. A- & Co. 39 Finsbury circus E C Lyon Jeremiah & Co. 4 Lombard court E C Babcr Alfd. Colbarne & Co. 27 Mincing laE C lhcArthur Jas. Ramsay ,l34Fenchurch stE C Merchants-Fur & Skin. Bacha.rach Brothers & Co. 2 Catherine et E C )[cDowell & Co. (.Madras), 1 Gresbam build- Bee Fur tl: Skin Merclwntl, Back & Manson, 36 New Broad street E C ings, Basinghall street E C Merch"n•d-General. Bacon Wa.lter Chas. & Oo. 14 Mincing lane YcEwa.n James & Co. Lim. 27 Lombard stE C "' "" E C-T A." Nocab London" Macflldyen P. & Co. (London house of Mo.rked thus tare 1"•ur><nce Brok•••· Ba.elz Robert & Co. 14 St. Mary A.xe E C ,_ C M l ,_, k M ..rl<ed thuo • are Ship Ownero. & E C A.rbuthnot,.,; o. a( rns),agents'"'mn ers, Marked thus ll are Ea•t India Agenw Baghmo G. Co. 39 Lombard street Winche,;ter house, Old Broad street f C M,.rked tnuo ~ are Uryoalters, Bailey Frank & Co. 5iJ Mark lane E C Mackenzie George & Co. 59 Mark lane E C Mouked thus 'I! are Al!'enu. Da.ird David & Co. 57 Ba.singhall street E C McKerrow Willia.m & Co. 2 Mincing laneE C Marked thHB • are Comm•••t8n A~•ntll_ Baker Samuel & Co. 11 Great St. Hclcn's E C Ma.ckinlay& Co.163 Wl. Exchnge.Colmn.stE C M•rked Chllll• ar• Commi .. ioR Merchanu. Balchin "\V. Limited, 2 Fenchurch buildingS Malcolm,Brunker&Co.Lim, ~28t. Mary AxeE C ,•A.bbott & Co. Lim. 6 Broad street, Ratcliff E E C & at Sydney, N.S.W. &: Fremantle, Ma.rt!n T. A.. & Co. 22 & 23 Lmce. Pntny.laE C d..becassis ilros. 4l Eastcheap E C W e~t Australia l[awhood & Co. (Calcut.ta) (Mawhood Bros. bA_bercrombie John, 110 Fencburch street E C tfBalchin William,2Fenchurch buildingsE C; agents), 110 Fenchurch street E C Abraham Felix, 9 Drapers' gardens E C & at Sydney, N.S. W. & Fremantle, West )[eta! (The) & General Agency, 5 Whitting. At>rahams H. & Co. 34 Hatton garden E C Australia t{)n avenue E C hAchard Louis & Co. 21 Mmcing lane E C Ba.lian Christopher, 19 St. Dunstan's hill E C Milne & Co. 123 Bishopsgate st. within E C Acton Richard Frederick, 15 Ivy lane E C Ballantyne J. & Co. 117 Wool Exchange, Moors & Co.88 Bi,;hopsgate street within E C Adamson William & Co. Lime street E C Basinghall street E C Mumford Alfred & Co. 101 Leadenhall st E C A.dbaston, Newba.ld & Co. 39 ~ething laneE C Ba.lll Xenophon & Son, 20 Gt.WinchesterstE C Mu.sgrnve & Co. 7 Great St. Helen's E C Aden P. G. & Co. 6 Fenchurch buildingS E C Ba.lli Alexa.ndre, 139 Gresha.m house E C Natha.n Frank Joseph & Co. 3 Mincing laE C A.dolph Wm. & Co. 9 Bury et. St. Mary AxeE C Bankhead, Hill & Co. 27 Clements lane E C Navin & Co. 24 Coleman street E C A.tlalo Moses, 4 Ea.stcheap E C Banks John Byng, 12 & 13 Nichola.s lane E C Nightingale Geo. Prime, 2 Fawkes' bldgs ~ C Afriat Aaron & Co. 16 Mark lane E C Banner Brothers & Co. 24 Cmven street WC Nutter Wa.lter&Co.84. Bishopsgt. st.within E C African .11xporters Limited (The), 59,60 & 51 Banton, Mackrell &Co.:~ G-t. Winchester st E C Oakes&Son,8D&8l WoolExctmg.Colemn.stE C Ha.tton garden E C Barckhausen Albcrt, 43 Mincing lane E C Ojrilvy, G-illanders & Co. 67 Oornhill E C bA.gate Jon.n, 2U Billiter street E C Barff Limited, 19 Eastcheap E C Orient Company Limited, 7 Eastlndia. aven E C !.gerup, Petersen & Co. 59 Mark lane E C Barga.gna Cesare & Co. St. Bene't chamber3, 0rr P. & Sons, Moorgate station chamber3, hAghassy Dick Anthony, 16 Mark lane E C Fenchurch street E C 1![oorfields E C hA.hreus Hy. & Co. 1 Fenchurch avenue E C Bargate Arthur Freer, 8 Princes st. Bank E C Pa.lmer John,jnu. & Co. 49 & 51 Ea~tr,heapE C A.lbu G. & L. 24 Throgmorton street E C Barghoorn Petrus, 158 Fenchurch street E C · Parry & Co. 70 Gracechurch street E C Alden, Symington & Co.l4l Fenchurch stE C BaringBros.&Co.Lim. 8 C' Paterson & Bimous, 3iJ Lime street E C Alexanller & Uo. 5 & 6 Fawkes buildings, Barlin & Field, see Winter Paul Peet John & Co. 26 & 27 Bush lane E C Great Tower atreet E C Barnato Brothera, 10 & ll A.u;;tinfriara E C · Peirce, Leslie & Oo. U Billiter street E C Alex:andcrd Hugo & Co. 9 Harp lane E C blhrnett & Co. 32 Orutchedfri \rB E C ' Ph!lliptl Benjamin, 16 Finsbury circu.s E C bAlexanders & 8on, 13 Crutcb.edfriars E C Barnett Willia.m Hyde, 60 Mark: lane E C '· Pitti.H & Son, 5 Fenchurch street E C Alexa.nders & Co. St.
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