Directory of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark. 1794

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Directory of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark. 1794 Page 1 of 9 Home Back Directory of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark. 1794 SOURCE: Kent's Directory for the Year 1794. Cities of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark. An alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Directors of Companies, Persons in Public Business, Merchts., and other eminent Traders in the Cities of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwark. Dabbs Tho. & John, Tanners, Tyre's gateway, Bermondsey st. Dacie & Hands, Attornies, 30, Mark lane Da Costa Mendes Hananel, Mercht. 2, Bury str. St. Mary-ax Da Costa & Jefferson, Spanish Leather dressers, Bandy leg walk, Southwark Da Costa J. M. sen. India Agent & Broker, 2, Bury street, St. Mary- ax, or Rainbow Coffee house Daintry, Ryle & Daintry, Silkmen, 19, Wood street Daker Joseph, Buckram stiffner, 14, Whitecross street Dakins & Allinson, Wholesale Feather dealers, 23, Budge row Dalby John, Fellmonger, Old Ford Dalby John, Goldsmith & Jeweller, 105, New Bond street Dalby Wm. Linen draper, 25, Duke street, Smithfield Dalby & Browne, Linen drapers, 158, Leadenhall street Dale E. Wholesale Hardware Warehouse, 49, Cannon street Dale George, Sail maker, 72, Wapping wall Dale J. Musical Instrument maker, 19, Cornhill, & 130, Oxford str. Dale John, Biscuit baker, 3, Shadwell dock Dalgas John, Broker, 73, Cannon street Dallas Robert, Insurance broker, 11, Mincing lane Dallisson Thomas, Soap maker, 149, Wapping Dalston Wm. Grocer & Brandy Mercht. 7, Haymarket Dalton James, Grocer & Tea dealer, Hackney Dalton & Barber, Linen drapers, 28, Cheapside Daly & Pickering, Ironmongers, &c. 155, Upper Thames str. Dalzell A. Wine, Spirit & Beer Mercht. 4, Gould sq. Crutched-f. Danby Michael, Ship & Insurance broker, Virginia Coffee house, Cornhill Dangerfield & Lum, Weavers, 17, Stewart street, Spitalfields Daniel Edward, Tea dealer, Southampton street, Strand Daniel & Co. Fringe & Lace Manufactory, 2 & 86, Newgate st. Daniel D. Oil & colourman, 113, St. Martin's la. Charing cr. Daniel Thomas & Co. Merchts. 4, Mincing lane Daniel Francis, Medicinal Warehouse, 102, Wapping Daniel James, Mercht. 12, Moor place, Lambeth Daniel & Son, Attornies, 12, Great St. Helen's Daniell & Taylor, Wholesale Linen drapers, 32, Poultry Danvers John, Hosier, 1, New court, Old Broad street Page 2 of 9 Danwiddies, Bewick & Co. Manchester Warehouse, 19, Lawrence lane, Cheapside Darby Edmund, Slop seller, 30, Gracechurch street Darby George, Indigo, Blue & Annatto maker, Coleman str. Darby John, Soap maker, 87, Bankside, Southwark Darby Harry, Mercht. Lime street Dare G. Tinplate worker, Cockspur street, Charing cross Dare J. Timber Mercht. 49, Bermondsey street, Southwark Darke Thomas, Haberdasher & Glover, 23, Ludgate-hill Darling & Warne, Cheesmongers, 156, New Bond street Darlot Peter, Wine & Brandy Mercht. 45, Piccadilly Darton & Harvey, Booksellers & Stationers, 55, Gracechurch str. Dartnall E. Stationer, St. Martin's court, Leicester fields Darwin John-Thorold, Hatter & Hosier, 3, Poultry Davallon J. B. Mercht. 19, Laurence pountney lane Davenport John, Mercht. 39, Tavistock str, Covent garden Davenport & Gilpin, Army Clothiers, 432, Strand Davenport John, Manufacturer of Buttons & Twist, 8, Huggin lane, Wood street Davenport S. & E. Wholesale Hardwareman, 15, Lime street Davidson James, Nursery & Seedsman, 89, Whitechapel road Davidson John, Seedsman, 215, Tooley street, Southwark Davidsons[sic] & Field, Pocket book makers & Small Workers in Gold & Silver, 18, Sise lane Budge row Davidson J. Net, Twine & Line maker, 27, Fish street hill Davidson Launcelot, jun. Tobacconist, 58, Broad st. Ratcliffe-c. Davidson Eben. Stationer & Rag Mercht. 91, Upper Thames st. Davidson James, Notary & Accomptant, 9, London street, Fenchurch street Davidsons & Graham, Mercht. 14, Fenchurch buildings Davies & Rodwell, Drug brokers, 26, Martin's la. Cannon str. Davies & Morris, Leather dressers, Long lane, Southwark Davies Matt. Tallow chandler, 47, Aldersgate street Davies & Wood, Linen drapers, 10, Great Surry street, Blackfriars road Davies Wm. Linen draper, 1, Russel street, Bloomsbury Davies T. & H. Goldsmiths, 39, Brewer str. Golden square Davies Topham, Hatter, 50, Conduit str. Hanover square Davies Morgan, Lace & Fringe Manufacturer, 59, Long acre Davies Matthew, Lace & Fringe Manufacturer, 90, ditto Davies Tim. Goldsmith, 15, New Bond street Davics & Co Hatters and Hosiers, 83, ditto Davies Robert, Cheesemonger, 190, Shoreditch Davies John, Wholesale Haberdasher, 116, Wood street Davies Robert, Jeweller & Goldsmith, 85, Gracechurch street Davies John, Cheesemonger, 44, Bishopsgate without Davies Wm. Corn chandler & Seedman, 61, Snow hill Davies John, Jeweller & Toyman, 153, Leadenhall street Davies James & Son, Shoe Warehouse, 23, Lombard street Davies George, Brewer, 88, Maid lane, Southwark Davies & Finch, Attornies & Solicitors, 1, Little St. Helen's Davies Edward, Cheesemonger, 53, Snow hill Davies Nathaniel, Attorney, 23, Lothbury Davies Walter, Linen draper, 54, Bartholomew close Davies & Co. Salt Merchts. 11, Pudding-lane Page 3 of 9 Davis & Bennett, Pin makers, 21, Fish street hill Davis H. Mercht. 5, Three Tun court, Miles's-l. Cannon str. Davis, Butt & Wood, Wharfingers, Davis's wharf, Horslydown Davis Richard, Corn chandler & Seedsman, Hackney Davis & Sharp, Hat makers, 6, Fish street hill Davis D. Necklace maker & Jeweller, 19, Middle Moorfields Davis S. Mercht. 5, Sugar loaf court, Leadenhall street Davis Richard, Haberdasher, 8, King street, Covent garden Davis & Idle, Hat Manufacturers & Hosiers, 56, Cheapside Davis Richard, Wine & Brandy Mercht. 7, Warwick lane Davis Evan, Paper stainer, 90, Blackman street, Southwark Davis John & Son, Hair Merchts. & Leather-sellers, 72, Bermondsey street Davis John, Grocer & Tea dealer, 54, Burr str. St.Catherine's Davis & Marsh, Distillers, 15, Oxford street Davis Willoby, Tinplate worker, 75, Whitechapel Davison, Hugginson & Davison, Whalebone Merchts. 24, Bow street, Covent garden Davison, Beamon & Abbott, Haberdashers & Linen drapers, 61, New Bond street Davison, Newman & Co. Grocers & Tea dealers, 44, Fenchurch str. Davison & Son, Perfumers, 59, Fleet street Davy, Urling & Davy, Warehousemen, 44, Noble st. Foster-l. Daussy J. & J. Weavers, Honey lane market, Cheapside Dawes H. Ironmongers, 44, Brewer st. Golden sq. Dawes T. Cabinet maker & Upholder, 26, Dean street, Soho Dawes William, Hosier, Storey's gate, Westminster Dawes Edwin, Attorney, 9, Angel co. Throgmorton street Dawes Mark, Upholder, 86, Little Tower hill Dawes George, Wine & Brandy Mercht. 19, Rood lane Dawes Samuel, Grocer & Tea dealer, 468, Strand Dawes, Stevenson & Co. Mercht. 14, Little Tower str. Dawson Edward, Linen draper, 20, New Bond street Dawson Richard, Gold worker, 8, Bell's-build. Salisbury sqa. Dawson T. Wine & Brandy Mercht. Blackmore str. Clare mar. Dawson & Powis, Woollen drapers, 1, Wych st. near Drury la. Dawson, Owen & Co. Hop Mercht. 140, Upper Thames street Dawson, Metcalf & Co. Patent Bobbin Lace makers, Golden leg court, Cheapside Dawson Rob. Potter & Glassman, 31, St. Paul's Church yard Dawson S. & J. Rope makers, 47, Lower Shadwall Dawson & Co. Linen drapers, 29, Edward street, Portman sq. Dawson George, Wine Mercht. 23, Gutter lane, Cheapside Dawson Henry, Man's Mercer, 2, Cornhill Dawson & Gillbie, Insurance brokers, 20, Mark lane Day R. H. Oil Mercht. 1, Brook's wharf, Upper Thames str. Day John, Tanner, Long lane, Southwark Day Charles, Ribbon Weavers & Fringe maker, 179, Aldersgate str. Day, Grant, Branton & Ward, Oil, Hop & Brandy Mercht. 174, Ditto Day Wm. Fringe & Lace Manufactory, 99, Newgate street Day Tho. & Benj. Oilmen, 95, Gracechurch street Day Francis, Perfumer, 7, Tavistock street, Covent garden Day Richard & Son, Linen drapers, 7, York street, Ditto Day Thomas, Oil & Colourman, 66, Blackman street. Deacon Mary, Manchester Warehouse, 14, Milk street Page 4 of 9 De Aguilar Ephraim, Mercht, 9, New Broad street buildings Dealy Timothy, Sadler, 222, High Holborn Dean Joseph, Gold & Silver Laceman, 4, Strand Dean Tho Goldsmith & Jeweller, 80, Minories Deane David, Cheesemonger, 110, St. John's street Deane Wm. Stationer, 28, St. Mary hill Deane George, Hardwareman, 41, Fish street hill Deane Joseph, Corn dealer, 11, Church str. Borough market Deane John, Mercht. 118, Bishopsgate within Deason Francis, Grocer, &c. 72, Great Tower street Debaufre Joseph, Attorney & Solicitor, 59, Old Broad street Debaufre Richard, Silk broker, 7, Coleman street De Beaune D. Wine Mercht. & Insurance broker, Tom's Coffee house De Berdt Dennis, Mercht. 10, Great St. Helen's De Bons Henry, Mercht. 1, Newman's court, Cornhill Debrett John, Bookseller, 179, Piccadilly De Castro M. Mercht. Hackney Deeble J. T. Upholder, &c. 82, Cannon street Deere Edward, Wax & Tallow chandler, 7, Panton st. Haymarket Deey & Paget, Notary Publics & Insurance brokers, 3, King's arms buildings, Cornhill Deffell John & Co. Merchts. 6, Muscovy court, Tower hill De Grave Charles, Scale maker, 59, St. Martin's le grand De Gruchy John-Ph. Mercht. 107, Fenchurch street De Hahn G. E. Mercht. 8, Stamford street, Blackfriars road Deighton John, Bookseller, 325, High Holborn Deighton Joshua, Mercht. 19, St. Martin's le grand D' Israeli Benj. Mercht. 26, Broad street buildings De la Chaumette Lewis-Andrew, Mercht. Little Winchester st. De la Fons John, Clock & Watchmaker, 66, Threadneedle str. Delahaye & Dupray, BlackSilk Weavers, 13, Stewart st. Spitalfields Delamoin & Son, Wine Merchts. 67, Berner str. Oxford str. Delapierre Francis, Wine Mercht. 27, Castle
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