Journals of the Rajya Sabha Hundred and Seventy
JOURNALS OF THE RAJYA SABHA HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-NINTH SESSION (20TH November,1996 to 20th december, 1996) VOLUME CLXXIX PAGE-35 12th & 13th Dec, 1996 Clause 2 and 3 were adopted. Clause 1, the Enacting Formula and the Title were adopted. Dr. U. Venkateswarlu moved : That the Bill be passed. The motion moved by Dr. U. Venkateswarlu that the Bill be passed was adopted and the Bill was passed. (The House adjourned at 6.24 p.m. till 11.00 a.m. on Friday the 13th December 1996.) FRIDAY, THE 13TH DECEMBER, 1996 (The Rajya Sabha met in the Parliament House at 11.03 a.m.) 1. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE Shri Chaturanan Mishra (Minister of Agriculture) laid on the Table - I. (1) A copy each (in English and Hindi) of the following papers, under sub- section (1) of Section 619A of the Companies Act, 1956 :- (i) Annual Report and Accounts of the Tamil Naidu Agro Industries Corporation Limited, Madras, for the year 1994-95, together with the Auditors' Report on the Accounts and the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India thereon. (ii) Review by Government on the working of the above Corporation. (2) Statement (in English and Hindi) giving reasons for the delay in laying the papers mentioned at (1) above. II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture and Cooperation), Notification G.S.R. No. 148 (E) dated the 25th March, 1996, published the Multi-State Co-operative Societies (Privileges, Pro- perties and Funds Accounts Audit Winding up and Execution of Decrees, Orders and Decisions) (Amendment) Rules, 1996, under sub-section (3) of Section 109 of the Multi-State Co-operative Socities 'Act, 1984, together with a Corrigendum and Statement giving reasons for delay in laying the Notification.
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