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FREE What Trump's Little Haiti Meeting Means for Haitians? FREE Thanks to our ADVERTISERS Please Support SOUTH FLORIDA’S MOST READ HAITIAN NEWSPAPER THEM! October 1 - 15, 2016 | Vol. 16 No. 372 PHONE: 305.610.7481 What Trump’s Little Haiti meeting means for Haitians? By Dessalines Ferdinand by the Republican Party. However, it also troubled “Whether you vote for me or not I really want to some community leaders who seem to pledge alle- be your biggest champion,” Mr. Trump said to the On Friday September 16, 2016, Donald Trump met giance to the Democratic Party on behalf of the Hai- small crowd of attendees, which included some Hai- with a small group of prominent Haitian Americans. tian community. tian entrepreneurs, doctors, and lawyers. “I come to The event is quite noteworthy. First, Trump became ‘listen and learn’ and to build a new relationship the first U.S. presidential candidate nominee from Despite claims accusing Donald Trump of racism with the Haitian community.” a big party to ‘listen and learn’ personally from the since running for president, the Little Haiti meet- Haitian community. Second, the Caribbean Market ing represents a potential new relationship between The Republican presidential nominee’s visit came at Place located in Little Haiti, the heart of the Miami’s the Republican Party and the Haitian diaspora. For a time when a substantial number of Haitians are not Haitian community, where the meeting took place, many Haitian-Americans, the gathering is more happy with the Clinton family, mostly due to disap- is now an historical site stamped by the visit of a than just a demonstration of political goodwill: it pointments over the lack of progress in Haiti despite near-to-be U.S. president. The location would be symbolizes an opportunity for the Haitian-Ameri- their involvement in the aftermath of the country’s more significant, should Trump be elected. can community to start sharing their eggs between devastating earthquake Jan. 12, 2010. the two political parties, in order to avoid being Although the meeting was private, with a very small completely ignored by the Republican party, should audience, many Haitians applaud the political move Trump win the presidency on November 8th. Continued on page 6 Dr. Theramene Encourages Haitian-Americans to Get Out and Vote for ‘Haitians for Hillary’ LITTLE HAITI, Miami -- For many It is said that the upcoming Novem- on heavy percentages of Black voters. years, Haitian-American voters were ber 2016 presidential election is a But this year, they are beginning to known to be heavily Democrat sup- game-changer. The head of the Dem- worry that too many African-Amer- porting. Therefore, the Democratic ocratic Party is well aware of today’s ican voters are not inspired by the Party has been taking their votes for electoral dynamic, where thousands Clinton’s candidacy, a situation that granted, especially when it comes to of voters have switched their party forces her campaign to hit the panic the presidential election. If the old affiliation. Consequently, they choose button. generation of voters seem to believe to reach out directly to minorities, they should take the “safe” route, by historically for the first time, namely Democratic party leaders understand voting for familiar candidates, how- Haitian-American voters. The move that to upend Donald Trump’s chanc- ever, younger voters are looking for is engineered to attract Haitian-Amer- es of capturing the White House, Hil- signs of deeper commitment and they ican voters towards their presidential lary Clinton needs to win Florida. And are determined that no one can take nominee, former Secretary of State to do that, she needs a big minority their votes for granted ever again. Hillary Clinton. turnout. Dr. Cassandra Theramene, ED. D, MBA Those days are over. Coalition Director of ‘Haitian Coalition of Florida’ Traditionally, Democrats have relied Continued on page 10 EDITORIAL Page 4 L’élection présidentielle américaine passe Where Do You Stand? par la conquête des « swing states » Par Pierre Bouvier Les deux candidats parcou- aque Etat reçoit un nombre aux résultats. Le candidat U.S. to Step Up Depor- rent les « swing states », une de grands électeurs égal au qui obtient 270 grands élec- Ces Etats sont considérés douzaine d’Etats considérés nombre de sièges dont il teurs remporte l’élection. tations of Haitians comme clés dans la course comme clés pour l’élection dispose à la Chambre des à la Maison Blanche. Mais présidentielle du 8 novem- représentants (proportionnel Lors de la campagne, les A m i d S u r g e a t B o r d e r leur nombre varie selon les bre, et dans lesquels les à la population), plus deux candidats délaissent les Etats Page 3 sources. sondages évoluent au quoti- (le nombre fixe de sénateurs jugés « sûrs ». Ce sont ceux Bedford dans le New Hamp- dien. C’est là que se joue et pour chaque Etat). dont le résultat est connu shire, Manheim en Penn- se déroule l’essentiel de la d’avance, comme la Cali- sylvanie, Prescott Valley campagne. Ces grands électeurs sont fornie ou le Kansas qui sont « Radyo Kamoken » a en Arizona, pour l’un ; Des attribués entièrement au respectivement très major- fêté ses 31 ans, Erold Moines, dans l’Iowa, Pierce Aux Etats-Unis, l’élection candidat qui remporte une itairement démocrate et ré- en Floride, pour l’autre. Ce du président se fait au suf- majorité dans cet Etat – avec publicain. Emmanuel fier de sa sont les étapes de Donald frage universel indirect, à deux exceptions : le Nebras- Trump et Hillary Clinton au un tour, avec un collège de ka et le Maine, qui les part- Suite à la page 11 longévité Page 12 cours des prochains jours. 538 grands électeurs. Ch- agent proportionnellement LE FLORIDIEN 2 HAITI NEWS OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2016 | VOL 16 NO. 372 Former President Aristide leaps from behind scenes in Haiti PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti Aristide became a global fig- surpass 50 percent to win out- Lavalas movement, including – Former President Jean-Ber- ure of resistance when, as a right in next month’s ballot- Moise Jean-Charles and Jean trand Aristide has leaped from slum priest known for fiery or- ing. That is unlikely with such Henry Ceant, are now pres- behind the scenes to take a atory, he led a popular move- a crowded field. Analysts say idential candidates on other major role in campaigning for ment that ousted the hated that Narcisse, thanks at least platforms they created. next month’s presidential elec- dictator Jean-Claude “Baby in part to Aristide and those tion, leading many to believe Doc” Duvalier in 1986. He who remain faithful to his par- While it’s easy to find hard- the most polarizing figure in was elected president in 1990, ty, has an outside chance to core Lavalas supporters in the tumultuous world of Hai- forced out in a military coup a emerge as one of the two final- neighborhoods that were once tian politics is poised to regain year later and restored to pow- ists. Narcisse finished fourth Aristide strongholds, roughly influence if his party wins. er by the U.S. in 1994 to serve in last year’s opening round, a third of Haiti’s population out the remainder of his term. which was later annulled amid is younger than 15 and only Aristide’s return to open cam- As a champion of the poor accusations of fraud. know his image from placards paigning for an ally is energiz- Former president Jean Bertrand and advocate of leftist “liber- or paintings sold on roadsides. ing supporters in poor neigh- Aristide ation theology,” he was deeply Narcisse said in an interview There are also voters in these borhoods who see the former hated by members of the elite with The Associated Press that poor districts who view him as touring the country. slum priest as a near-messi- who worked to unseat him. she welcomes Aristide’s help a disappointing figure from the anic figure who fought for the in her campaign and would past. In a recent speech, delivered country’s most marginalized. Re-elected in 2000 amid low consider him a valuable advis- through the sunroof of an turnout and an opposition boy- er if she were to win, though Ravix Fadius, a plumber with SUV, he declared that Lava- “He’s the king of kings! See- cott, he was ousted four years she said he was not interested three kids who recently moved las would build homes for the ing him on the streets again is later in a nationwide rebellion in a Cabinet post. back to his mother’s shack poor if Narcisse, one of 27 like being in paradise,” Port- led by opponents with ties because he can’t find steady candidates in the Oct. 9 elec- au-Prince slum resident Jhony to the elite and the old Du- “I’m very happy that he’s work, said Aristide is just an- tion, is elected. Narcisse said as he jogged to valierist regime. His critics there. He’s a charismatic lead- other Haitian politician who keep up with Aristide’s motor- accused Aristide of breaking er,” she said. “The population repeatedly put his own inter- “We’re not going to build cade during a recent rally promises to help the poor, al- listens to him. There’s a love ests before those of the popu- small bird cages. We are going lowing corruption fueled by relation between Haitians and lace. to build houses,” Aristide said Although Aristide said he drug trafficking and master- him.” to cheers from the crowd. wouldn’t focus on politics minding attacks on opponents “Aristide and Lavalas had after he returned from exile with armed gangs.
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