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` vJ * j F ~*!"Y '1'R 1ry~". " ~ f:I- '~ ~'1 ~ ,, . , '~.~l~'-f ` b VT- ~'! , ',1~.?'Y :1 a ~ALOW ' I ,. ~~I +~ ?01-* 07 . ~Pl Q 1' ~& W' .- 1' 'V ? . I-NSIF . I ' t{ r ;,Nw ~~~l'. ~'+~ '!! 6_ ~i-'. 'Irgeam :'~ 'A 1IA t-`~ v .r~R ~a' ~~JIV : (apt (.R. Payne ] A LVeG E CFB North Bay At approximately 0500 hours local, 17 October 1973, CF1007R$ (!11KSD) crashed into Four Mile Lake twu rniles nartheast of~ CFB North Bay . Witltin 30 minutes of notification the crash crew ;rnd firefighters from CFB North 'The author, and Salva~c Officer, right and Cpl R. Johnstone Bay were at the site and iturnediatcly commenced a ground of the Ground Search Party review a CFTO before P assin8 seareh uf the shoreline and surrounding area for the occupants information abuut recovered components to the Board of uf the aircrat~i, Military Police were dispersed to guard the two Inquiry on thc Base. At the Icft are two of the several portable radios used for road approaches to the crash site . A "tirst lighi ship to shore and shorc to Base search" using communicat~nns dunng the recovery opcration. an Ontario Ilydru helicopter based in thc ~ity of Narth Ba~~, and later a ltelicupter from CFB Petawawa was conducled . The ground and air sear~h yielded numerous pieces of dehris scattered over a 600 by ?00 ft area of Four Mile Lake's southeast shore. A fuel slick on the lake indicated the a pp roximate lucatiun uf thc downed arrcratt' . Tht arrcraft had sliced through the uppermust part of a stand of hirch and elm indicates ~ bank angle of thirty degrees to the right . The trecs located appruximately 600 feet back from the shore uf aircraft finally crashed in the lakc approximately 1500 ft the lake, It cuntinued on its line uf f7ight for sume 145U fcet beyund the sccond impact point . before initi~l im p act on the lake . B e~cat r s e u f the early hour Extensive examination of the airframe revcaled nu there were no eyewitnesses to the crash. C F100 evidence of pre-irt~pa~t malfunction that could have caused Four Mile Lakc is a popular summer rcsort with several this accident . Detailed strip of the engines by the cuntractor cnttages located in the ul~mediate area uf the cras}t site . A estahlished that both were develu P in~!; P ower on initial contact ternporary Command Post was set up near one uf the occupied with the trees, after which thcy progressively failed due tu cuttages which had a telephune available . Later that first day a ACCIDENT ingestiun uf branches, finally impacting the water at low RPM . rctired serviceman ofi~ered the ren tal uf his unoccupied The fact that neither the navigatur, who was very lakefront cottage for the duratiun of the recuvery uperation . experienced on buth CF1DD and CF101 aircraft, nor the pilot The latter cuttage pruved to he an excellent CP and the CF10078R, callsign Mute ?37, departed Nurth Bay at made any attempt to eject indicates that the crew did not fully presence of the recuvery crew did not cause an Y inconvenience O6-'~Z 17 Oct 73 (0??-' local), to act as a target aircraft on an appreciate just how far below the glide path the aircraft had to local residents . Air Defcnce exercise . The mission was of ~pproximately two descended. The P ilot , who was relatively. inex P erienced with During the initial stages uf the operatiun : the North f3ay hours duration, well within the endurance of the CF100. After unly 73 hours on typc and (~~0 hours total flying time, was City Police provided local traffic control; thc Ontario completing the mi~siun withuut having repurted any prohlcms, highly regarded hy his colleagues and supervisors. Provincial Police provided an 1 R ft cabin cruiscr and a 3 man the aircraft was handed over to GCA cuntrul at appruximately [t is nevertheless possible that he allowed the aircraft tu scuba divin g team ; technical p ersunnel assi gned tct t }te B~rsc- ~ " OS49Z at _'ti00' ASI . and 9NM from thc runway . The precision descend hclow the glicle path after having acquired the runway Defence Furee were called uut to assist the MilitarY Police in radar appruach was norrnal and at three Nb1 final landing lights visually and was slow tu respond to thc warning given hy ,~uardin g the area ; and , the Base Ground 5'e~ arch Party was clearance was given . At ~-1 f' NM GCA advised that the the GCA aperatur as a result of an error in judgement possibly caflcd out tu support thc overall operation . aircrafi was drapping slightly below the glide puth and ten campounded by human factors such as disorientation and One of the first tasks carried out by the (Truund Search secunds later GCA stated "you are dropping well beluw the fatigue. }'arty was the erection of "pine boug}r" dams near the rnouth glide path level off yuur aircraft acknowledge" . The pilot As the ittvestigatiun failed tn reveal any technical ui Four Mile Crcek . The dams caused the water level tu rise To prevent pullution of a downstream fish sanctuary, a series rcplied "'37, Roger" in a tone uf vuice that did not betray malfunction uf either the airframc, the engines or of related and effectively contained a rnajority of the fuel slick within of pine bough and cheesecloth dams were constructed on arty artxietV or stress . This was the Ictsl contact with the facilities that could have eaused this thc lake, Warm sunny fatal accident, the case weather, cumbined with a strong breeze Four Mile Cn~ck by the Base Ground Scarch Party. aircraft w}uch disappeared off the radar scupe very shortly was closed as : helped to evaporate a considerable amount of fuel thereby Commencing at the outlet frum thc lake and covering a 1,000 af~tcr this transmission . lt was suhscqucntly ti~und 1o havc Undetermined - Most Prohable -- Personnel - Pilot - reducing thc possibility of environmental damage tu thc foot stretch of the creck, the dams, with several cubic yards of peat mc~.cs spread behind crashed intn Four ~4ile Lake, 1-I/' r~~iles off the appruach end Human Factors . The pilot may ltave become distra~ted, surruunding area. Later, the dams were cuvered with them, effectively fdtered out any 1'uel that escaped from thc lake. uf runway ~fi, after having ~ontacted trees un the sh~~re of the whilc 1lying in a snuw shower, either duc to visual cheesecloth, and peat moss was sP read over a pP roximatel Y IOOD feet of lake, Both pilot and navigator were found dead in their seats illusiuns created by external aircraf~t lights and lights on the u pp er reaches of Four Mile Creek to filter ou t After the remuval of thc pullutiun control dams, Four Mile with no indication uf any atternpt at ejertion . ihe ground, or hy an unusual situation in the cuckpit . any fuel spilled during the recovery uperation . Liaison with Crcek resumes its natural ratc of fluw from thc lake . The wcather at the time of the accident was reported as This distraction, compounded by fatigue, inexperience concerned hlovernment de p artments was maint~tined during the .; ceiling 1100' broken, visibility ten ntiles in light snuw showers . and possibly mental stress resulted in the pilot allowing operation . :}: Althuugh a ('F100 which had landed earlier reported muderate the aircraft to descend below the glide path until the The Departrnent uf Envimnment was consulted r''~:~:: rime i~ing during the approach, it had a descent profile that aircraft impacted trees and crashed intu the lake. regarding the contruls initiated to prevent pollution of the ~- r '1'' ;,~i differed appreciahly from that of 7K8, while a T3 :3 five The role of AfK' requires that the majority of exercises creek, and a tish sanctuary located at Four Mile Bay in nearby rninutes behind 78$ reported no icing during descent on a be scheduled either lale at night ur very early in the marning Trout Lake. The Department was satisfied that the darns and Y sirnilar prutile . in urder to avoid cunllict with civil air traffic, it is essential peat muss would prevent excessive pollutiun . The aircraft initially impacted trccs 500 feet helow and therefore that supervisors continuuusly stress to aircrew, in Because CFB North Bay receives its water supply from ,, three uarters of a mile be ~und the oint where it cummenced articular the voun and less ex erienced, the im ortance of Four Mile Lake the Department of Health was q y P P . g P p contacted and N going low on the glide path . lt was in near level flight as it next adeq uate rest before Il }~in g . (t is an estahlished fact that a tired requested tu take the necessary action to prevent cantacted mure trees 300 feet further un at approximately the individual is prone to uverloolc or disregard indieatiuns that contamination of the water system by fuel and lubricants and ,. , ' 'i ~` same elevation . The scar in the trees on second impact require a response, resulting in a subtle incapacitation . tu also ensure that water purity was maintained at the a Fli~hl Commenr, Moy-Jun 1475 accepted standard. The water supply to CFB North Bay was f19r.190RANDl1M not interrupted at any time during the salvage operation. Thc aircraft had disintegrated on impact and many 3?75-6-1 ISh1ct0) pieces of jagged wreckage were scattered over a wide area, later 1 l Jan 75 determined to be a Pp roximatel Y 4S0 feet lon B b Y '00 feet wide and submerged in approYimately ~0 feet of water, Di~trihutivn Li~t Because there was no evidence that the crew had ejected, it wEATHLR BRIEFINGS AM~ TE1.Ft~HONE RLC~I'1" STS was assunted that the charges in the egress system were still active and could accidently be fired.