Spring seemed a little hesitant this year...Nevertheless, Ove godine izgleda kao da prole}e pomalo okleva ...

it’s here now and the colours of our business park have Ipak, stiglo je i boje na{eg biznis parka po~ele su da

started changing. With a warming sun and blossoming se menjaju. Na suncu i pored olistalog drve}a svi se

trees we all feel more energetic. It's a good time for ose}amo poletnije. Pravo je vreme za prole}no spre- Colours spring cleaning and, hopefully, thinking about our envi- manje, a trebalo bi i malo vi{e razmi{ljati o okolini. ronment a bit more. With that in mind, and alongside Imaju}i to na umu, kao i korporativnu politiku koji

the corporate policies that most of our clients are sprovodi ve}ina na{ih klijenata u vezi sa ekolo{kim

implementing with regard to green issues, we wanted temama, `eleli smo da promovi{emo napore na{ih

to promote the efforts of our youngest neighbours: the najmla|ih kom{ija - dece iz novobeogradskih vrti}a i

of nursery school children of New and their Eco njihov projekat Eko-patrole. Verujemo da }e ovaj pro-

Patrol project. We believe this will remind us all of what jekat sve nas podsetiti na to {ta je sve mogu}e u~initi

it's possible to achieve by taking just a few small steps malim koracima koji ne zahtevaju velika ulaganja ve}

that do not require a major investment, but do demand samo malo napora, dobre volje i mnogo ljubavi. spring a bit of effort, good will and a lot of love." 02 03

Last year we completed our auction of children's artworks Pro{lu godinu smo zavr{ili aukcijom de~jih radova od "We want to draw attention to the fact that the essence Belgrade's secondary schools are now being enticed to stvenim programom koji se zove Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte made from recycled materials, which was designed for recikliranih materijala koja je bila namenjena de~jim of an ecological way of life is not based on what you will get involved in the Recycle - Save the Planet programme. planetu. children's playgrounds in New Belgrade. We also parki}ima na Novom Beogradu. I najavili smo nastavak do from today to tomorrow, but how you will introduce announced the continuation of co-operation with our saradnje sa najmladjim kom{ijama. Jedan od divnih pro- some elements and values into your complete way of life Sustainability is also a key factor of social value projects in Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte planetu podrazumeva u~e{}e svih youngest neighbours. One wonderful project being jekata koje rade u novobeogradskim obdani{tima je pro- and way of thinking," says Maja Stefanovic, Director of . As Maja notes, "Everybody wants to be involved an novobeogradskih vrti}a. Iako se prven- implemented by the nursery schools of New Belgrade is gram Eko-patrola osmi{ljen za edukaciju klinaca i klinceza the childrens nurseries of Novi Beograd idea or programme while its 'popular', but as soon as the stveno obra}a najmla|ima, program the Eco Patrol programme, which is designed to educate na temu koliko je za{tita njihove okoline i recikla`a kao The concept is by no means an 'overnight' success. leaders stop pushing the programme is quickly forgotten." ima direktan uticaj na svest i delanje little boys and girls about how important it is to protect jedan deo tog procesa va`na za budu}nost grada u kome Various activities with an 'eco' theme began in New roditelja, porodica, lokalnih zajednica i Belgrade's nursery schools some five years ago. These As such, a series of standing rules were introduced to poslovnog sveta. their environment and recycle, as a part of this process, }e `iveti. Kroz igru u~e o tome {ta i gde mi odrasli gre{imo green projects targeted educators and children, but also ensure that each nursery would always have a designat- for the future of the city in which they will live. Through i kako da sutra budu odgovorniji prema svom neposred- sought to involve parents and members of the local com- ed staff team tasked with ecological matters. These U okviru ovog programa deca su usresre- play they learn how and where we adults go wrong and nom okru`enju. munities around the nurseries. teams communicate between nurseries, sharing ideas |ena na prirodnu okolinu i podstaknuta how to ensure that in the future we will be more respon- Otvori}emo ACB za promociju ove akcije 11.maja u 5 do and developing projects and, hopefully, helping to ensure da razumeju kako priroda funkcioni{e. U sible towards our immediate environment. 12 - sla`emo se sa njihovim sloganom da je krajnje vreme The programmes, though useful, were individual actions that Serbia's future includes environmental awareness gradu sa velikim problemom otpada, ovaj We will open ACB up for a promotion of this action on da se zamislimo. Pridru`ite nam se u kreativnim radionica- and not part of a coherent system. Slowly, though, as and eco-friendly citizens. program tako`e `eli da odgaji prvu 11th May at five to noon - we agree with their slogan that ma - verujem da }ete u`ivati u malo druga~ijoj pauzi od more projects were developed and the numbers of par- beogradsku generaciju svesnu ovog pitanja. ticipants grew, organisers realised that they'd started to U urbanom delu Novog Beograda ~esto je te{ko zamilis- it is high time to consider. Join us in our creative work- uobi~ajene, razmeni}ete dobru pri~u s klincima, napu- develop a sustainable system of values that could be used liti slike zelenih livada, valovitih bre`uljaka i {uma koje Deca uklju~ena u razli~ite ekolo{ke aktivnosti u okviru shops - I believe you will enjoy a break that's a little dif- ni}ete baterije pozitivnom energijom i sasvim sam sigurna to shape different activities for the social development of obiluju `ivahnim zvucima prirode - posebno ako ste programa Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte planetu u~e se vrednos- ferent to what you're used to; share a good story with da }ete biti zadovoljni u~inkom. Deo onoga {to }emo ura- the children. petogodi{njak koji se ne se}a da je ikada boravio van tima kao {to su, na primer, da ne treba da bacaju otpatke kids, recharge your batteries with positive energy and I diti osta}e u ACB-u kao na{ zajedni~ki doprinos sredini u betonske d`ungle. i da ne o{te}uju ili uni{tavaju produkte ne~ijeg truda. "U~e am sure you will be satisfied with the performance. Part of koju dolazite svakodnevno. All of the various activities were drawn together and da mnogo toga zavisi od njih i njihovih zajednica i da kroz what we do will stay in ACB as our joint contribution to Nadam se da }ete biti otvoreni i za predloge kako da packaged under a single programme called "Recycle - Svesni potrebe da se formira ekolo{ka svest gradske dece ekokolo{ke aktivnosti mogu tako|e da prona|u put ka the environment we inhabit on a daily basis. podr`imo njihove budu}e akcije bilo donacijom, na{im Save the Planet". kojima su pirodna stani{ta koja se bore za `ivot u gradu izr`avanju sopstvene kreativnosti ili ~ak i da dobiju posao. uglavnom nepoznata, vaspita~i vrti}a na Novom U prvom redu, ipak, o~ekujemo da deca shvate da }e nji- I hope you will be open to suggestions on how to support radom ili nekim od znanja i ve{tina koje posedujemo. "Recycle - Save the Planet" includes the participation of all hov doprinos pomo}i narednim generacijama." their future actions, be that through donations, our work nursery schools in New Belgrade. Through the nurseries' or some of the knowledge and skills we possess. young pupils, the programme is having a direct impact Najpoznatiji i najpopularniji projekat ovog programa je Marina Deleon Marina Deleon on the awareness and actions of parents, families and Eko-patrola. Pokrenuta po ideji vaspita~a i po konceptu Communication Advisor Communication Advisor local communities and businesses. dece, po~ela je skromno u jednom vrti}u, polako se {irila, da bi na kraju bila ostvarena u svim novobeogradski Within this programme children are focused on the nat- vrti}ima, pod rukovodstvom savetodavnog odbora u ural environment and are encouraged to consider how svakom vrti}u. nature functions. In a city with a major littering problem, this programme is also seeking to nurture Belgrade's first Pre nego {to su se otisnuli na ekspediciju Eko-patrole, litter-conscious generation. deca uzrasta od pet i po godina i navi{e, odabrali su podru~je u svojoj okolini koje }e ispitati i o~istiti. Uputili Children included in the various Recycle - Save the Planet su se napolje i postavili bilo zeleno, bilo crno li{}e kao ecological programmes learn values like not throwing lit- pokazatelje ekolo{ke ~isto}e. Osim {to su o~istili otpatke, ter and not damaging or destroying creations of some- deca su ovla{}ena i da interveni{u ako vide da ih neko body's effort. "They will learn that a lot depends on them Beogradu su odlu~ili da razviju odr`ivi sistem vrednosti baca. "Deca koja su ~lanovi tima Eko-patrole na izvestan in their communities and, through ecological activities, baziran na pojmovima recikla`a, odr`avanje ~iste, na~in se ose}aju va`nima. To je kao igra u kojoj su oni they can also find an avenue to express their creativity or neiskvarene okoline i pravilnog odlaganja otpadaka. ~uvari. Svim ljudskim bi}ima je va`no da se ose}aju even find a job. Primarily, though, they'll realise that their potrebnima, korisnima i po{tovanima." contribution will help the generations to follow." "@elimo da skrenemo pa`nju na ~injenicu da se su{tina ekolo{kog na~ina `ivota ne bazira na tome {ta }e{ u~initi Sada{nja eko-svesna deca }e vremenom prerasti svoja The programme's most visible and well-known project is od danas do sutra, ve} kako da usvoji{ neke elemente i obdani{ta i krenu}e u {kole, pa se zbog toga ve} sada Eco-Patrol. Launched on a teacher's idea and the chil- vrednosti u svom sveukupnom na~inu `ivota i na~inu novobeogradske {kole animiraju da se uklju~e u program dren's concept, it started humbly in one nursery school, mi{ljenja" - ka`e Maja Stefanovi}, direktorka de~jih vrti}a "Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte planetu". before slowly spreading to eventually encompass the Novog Beograda. whole of New Belgrade's nursery schools, under the Odr`ivost je tako|e jedan od klju~nih faktora dru{tvene guidance of an advisory committee for each nursery. Ovaj koncept ne podrazumeva "uspeh preko no}i". validnosti projekata u Srbiji. Kako je Maja napomenula, Razli~ite aktivnosti na eko - teme po~ele su u "Svako `eli da se uklju~i u ideju ili u program dok je on Before an Eco-Patrol expedition, the children, aged from novobeogradskim vrti}ima jo{ pre nekih pet godina. popularan, ali ~im rukovodioci prestanu ga guraju, 5-and-a-half upwards, pick an area around them that Ovakvi zeleni projekti imali su kao svoje ciljne grupe i program brzo biva zaboravljen." they will review and clean. They head out and place vaspita~e i decu, ali tako|e su se trudili da uklju~e i roditelje i ~lanove lokalnih zajednica u okolini vrti}a. "Recycle - Save the Planet "Recycle

Roots of an In the urban sprawl of New Belgrade it's often hard to conjure images of fresh meadows, rolling hills and forests alive with the sounds of either green or black leaves as indicators of ecological nature - particularly if you're a five-year-old who can't recall ever leav- cleanliness. They clear litter and are responsible for inter- Ovi progami, iako korisni, bili su pojedina~ne aktivnosti i Zbog toga je ustanovljena ~itava serija ~vrstih pravila ing the concrete jungle. vening if they see anybody dropping litter. "The children nisu predstavljali deo koherentnog sistema. Polako, ipak, kako bi se obezbedilo da svaki vrti} uvek ima deo tima who are members of Eco-Patrol teams sort of feel impor- kako se razvijao ve}i broj programa i broj u~esnika ras- koji sa zadatkom da se bavi ekolo{kim pitanjima. Ovi eco-generation Conscious of the need to shape the ecological awareness of urban chil- tant. It's like a game where they are wardens. Human tao, organizatori su shvatili da su na pragu stvaranja timovi vode komunikaciju izme|u vrti}a, razmenjuju dren largely unaware of the natural habitats competing to survive in the beings need to feel needed, useful and respected." odr`ivog sistema vrednosti koji se mo`e iskoristiti kao ideje i razvijaju projekte i, nadamo se, poma`u da u city, the nursery school teachers of New Belgrade have set out to devel- osnova za koncipiranje razli~itih aktivnosti u cilju budu}nosti Srbija usvoji svest o okolini i da njeni gra|ani "Recycle - Save the Planet" op a sustainable system of values based on notions of recycling, main- The now eco-friendly children will eventually leave their dru{tvenog razvoja dece. budu ekolo{ki nastojeni. taining a clean, unspoilt environment and properly disposing of litter. nurseries and head off to schools, which us why New Sve ove aktivnosti su spojene i upakovane pod jedin- Mark Pullen 04 05

Calendar for small flowers: As far as small flowers are rain falls than is necessary, other times less. In either case danja" vode, a na 22 hektara je postavljeno 4 kontrolna concerned, there are two seasons throughout the year you can definitely not mix water with fertilizer. punkta i dva kompjuterska centra koji se bave samo i and one type of flower for each. With intensive irrigation we are able to initially define the jedino navodnajvanjem. Spring 2010 is marked day and night by the most beau- required quantity of water we want to go back into the Ljudi `ele da iza|u iz svojih poslovnih prostora ma kako tiful purple and orange hues, while this beautiful flower system. At the same time we try to apply the optimal dobro bili ure|eni na slobodne povr{ine ne samo zbog was planted last autumn to ensure it would sprout by the amount of economic, environmental and other factors. kafe i opu{tanja nego i zbog zelenila. A, njega u ACB-u end of February. In Serbia the system doesn't function from October to the ima dovoljno, ba{ kao i fontana i dobre atmosfere za This summer it will be replaced by begonias of the most end of April. It is necessary to filter the water, which is car- opu{tanje, ka`e Goldman. sumptuous colours, which will beautify the business park ried out by part of the software that regulates irrigation and by the end of autumn. filters that first clear the water of calcium and then remove Kad spavaju ru`e? Asked what the rose does between autumn and spring, any other undesirable substances. Zevi nas upoznaje sa sastavom flore u Airport City-ju. our interlocutor, whose core activity is agribusiness, says: We had to apply a few things differently here than in Israel: Vodi~ za drve}e: Roses hibernate. Only when the snow is high do we instead of the pipes being laid 20 to 30 centimetres below Zasa|ene su dve vrste drve}a: lipa i javor. I ma kako lipe briefly wake and clean them, but we do so very gently so the ground, as is the case in Israel, here they run 60 to 80 lepo mirisale, javor je otporniji i bolje prilago|en ovoj as not to hurt them. centimetres below. Every line has a control box connected to prirodnoj sredini. Every flower for exhibiting Visitors often wonder why the flowers in the gardens

ACB Park and on the lawns of ACB are prettier than the same Tel Aviv in New Belgrade species in other places. > Sara Trade and Project Management is an -We select them while they are is still in the nursery. All Israeli company tasked with taking care of the flower seeds have to be totally uniform and we deal with greenery and the surrounding area, in conjunc- them professionally, intensively and continuously both tion with the management of Airport City, before and after planting, says Goldman. He explains that explains the company's top man. in Serbia there is no land that's a hundred percent pure, We designed and planned this park at the same free of different plant viruses and diseases, without any time the main ACB project was done. Israeli weed seeds. This is why one has to apply a special plant- engineers designed the irrigation system and ing technique: the root of the seedling is injected with Serbian experts did the project for green different antibiotics before being planted in the ground. spaces in accordance with local conditions. This Moreover, the appearance of weeds on the surface is pre- is because you cannot use the same plants in vented by first placing a layer of nylon, which is then cov- Serbia as you can in Israel. ered with stones or pieces of conifer bark. Nonetheless, Regardless, there must be a ratio between the some uninvited guests still put in an appearance, which is green areas, footpaths and parking areas. Here why green keeping is handled regularly and on a daily even the parking bays are as green as they can basis by five staff members, three of whom are agricul- be. The spirit of Israel is perhaps in the fact tural engineers and horticulture experts. A large number that every business park in Israel is landscaped of seasonal workers are also engaged in earthworks. so the people can enjoy it. No matter how nice Remnants of the sea: A special story is that the compo- the space where you work, you will always sition of the (New) Belgrade soil is mostly sand, which is want to get outside and find a nice spot in the a remnant of the prehistoric Pannonian Sea. As a result, shade or catch some sun. In terms of green ACB installed tons and tons of fertile soil, mostly from the landscaping, ACB is a copy of the concept of a Vojvodina plains. It is fertile and good quality, but has lots similar business park in Israel. The elements are of "co-tenants" that we are constantly at war with "on a the same, though perhaps not at the same scientific basis". level, but the components are similar: every- The soil is from Vojvodina, seedlings from Shumadija and thing outside of the buildings is green; it has a know-how from Israel, all the best of the best, says Zeevy The Belgrade climate: something between Siberia and Africa good atmosphere, fountains, cafes, shops and Goldman, "chief" green designer at Airport City, speaking Our interviewee says that the climatic oscillations in employees can enjoy their break time, entering to Whats Up. Belgrade are limiting factors for vegetation. Plus and the building or looking through a window... Our interlocutor is the CEO of Sara Trade and Project minus: the winter temperature drops to minus twenty Management, which leads the designing and maintaining and in the summer the heat exceeds 40 degrees. of the green areas of New Belgrade's "city within a city", Koshava from the Danube: There are also winds, the the main control points and we are able to empty any of which was designed from the start to include a standard most dangerous of which is, of course, the koshava, these lines and pipes at any time. We expel the water before for greenery - as an integral part of the entire park and an which Belgrade plants, as well as most Belgraders, are not winter, with the help of compressors, and this allows for a entirety of its own. Accordingly, irrigation pipes were too fond of. durable system, preventing pipes from bursting and any installed as soon as the construction of ACB began, or The main idea: To combine our willingness to find the other damage. rather - as we are referring to world champions in this dis- best solution for the existing climatic conditions: plus, cipline - every square inch of greenery was irrigated; and minus and koshava. Solution: You need to plant strong The environment must be protected just as much as is necessary. There is no waste or deduc- plants that will survive the winter in autumn for spring. The pharmacological and ecological aspect is also very tion of water, while the 22 hectares are fitted with four And with the first sun they blossom. You cannot bring important. This is also an important issue in Israel, as it is checkpoints and two computer centres to deal strictly plants from Israel that will survive here, because the low- part of the story of environmental protection, which with irrigation. est temperature in Israel is seven degrees. Summer in attracts the most attention. On such a small area of land, "People want to leave their office space and enjoy the Belgrade is like summer in Tel Aviv, if not warmer at more our contribution is that we respect all the rules of ecol- business park - no matter how well the open spaces are than 40 degrees plus. We had to confront that and this ogy. We control the amount of fertilizer almost exactly; arranged, they want to get out not just for coffee and was the first problem. we know exactly how much mineral fertilizer is needed relaxation, but also because of the greenery. And there is The second we faced was summer rain - heavy rains like for which plant. enough greenery at ACB, such as the fountain, and a those in Belgrade damage plants and bring excess water. Through our main fertilizing at the end of winter, but also good atmosphere to relax," says Goldman. As such, we had to ask ourselves what we could plant. during the growing seasons through the irrigation sys- From the beginning we wanted to create optimal condi- tem, we add the necessary elements and additional feed When do roses sleep? tions, to reconcile extremes: minuses and pluses, rain and the plants need at various stages of development. If you Introduce us to the composition of the flora at Airport wind. Now we want to maintain those optimum condi- use more fertilizer than is necessary you will damage the Mediterranean on City. tions. For example, we don't plant species of shrubs that soil and the excess will enter the water system and dam- Tree guide: can be damaged by heavy snow or die at minus 20 age the ecological system. Two types of trees have been planted: linden and degrees. Not very much can be done in winter, but lots The agricultural engineers who are employed in the main- sycamore. No matter how nice the blossoming linden can be done in spring and these are plants that can sur- tenance of ACB's green areas attended training in Israel. smells, the sycamore is more resilient and better adapted vive high temperatures, because this was resolved well by This was so they could see our approach firsthand and to this environment. the other irrigation part of the project. gain an opportunity to get acquainted with all the scien- Without orchards, please: We didn't want any fruit trees tific knowledge and solutions that are applied in practice, or trees with berries because they damage the pavement Irrigation project in order for them to later implement what they could in the Pannonian Sea or plants growing under their foliage. After enjoying two There is nothing else like it in Serbia. This is an Israeli Belgrade. If you know how to recognise a disease on weeks of fruit you are left unable to fix everything that model adapted to Serbian conditions. First, we have an plants caused by insects or fungus, then you can react in has been soiled and damaged in the natural environment. area of 22,000 square metres requiring irrigation. time. If you work in that way you do not need a lot of Guide to roses: There are also two types of roses, natu- Second, every plant at ACB is irrigated. In every corner of pesticides and similar substances that also damage the rally of all colours. As low as a shrub or small green hedge, each planted area there is a pipe and a pump. This is a big environment. Zeevy Goldman, "chief green special rose trunks that resemble trees, with a trunk and space and a big flow of water. All pipes go underground. canopy, are located at the entrance to ACB and beside the We installed all elements of the irrigation system during Zemlja je iz Vojvodine, sadnice iz [umadije, a know how business park's benches. The roses are provided by the the implementation of this project. In case of damage, it je iz Izraela, sve najbolje od najboljeg, izjavio je za Whats designer" at Airport City best rose nursery in Serbia, the House of Topalovic. is easy to reach the point of the defect. The pipes are up "glavni i odgovorni " za zelenilo u Airport City-ju, Zev Fences are also green. Guide to thuja: We have two everywhere - even below the car park areas. Everything Goldman. types of coniferous thuja, which differ only in terms of is connected and controlled from the main points that are Na{ sagovornik je generalni direktor kompanije Sarom colour: one is very dark green, the other a shade of yel- located in several places across the complex. trgovina i projekti menad`menta koja je nosilac poslova low-green. The irrigation system is controlled by a computer that projektovanja i odr`avanja zelenih povr{ina u Guide to shrubs: There are four types of shrubs and knows when it needs to irrigate and how to mix all that novobeogradskom "gradu u gradu"., koji je u startu pro- bushes, the most common of which is the boxwood is needed to create the right solution of water and fertil- jektovan tako da je jedan od standarda bilo i zelenilo- kao which, of course, is offered special attention and has its izer. The advantage of this type of irrigation is that it is sastavni deo celine ali i celina za sebe. To zna~i da su ve} own "hairdressers". The boxwood leaves are specially intensive irrigation: this means that it is constantly pump- prilikom gradnje ACB-a postavljene cevi za navodnjavan- stylised, usually in the form of balls of the same size. We ing the correct amount required by the plants. It differs je i da se, treba li re}i jer su u pitanju prvaci sveta u ovoj also have a honeysuckle, while there is also the inevitable from rainfall or manually watering, because in those case discipline, navodnjava svaki zeleni kvadratni centimetar, I "green grass of home". you are pouring more or less water and sometimes more to ba{ onoliko koliko treba. Nema ni rasipanja niti "zaki- 06 07

Bez vo}aka, molim: Nismo `eleli vo}ke ni drve}e sa zasa|ene povr{ine je cev i pumpa. To je veliki prostor i plodovima jer oni o{te}uju plo~nike ili biljke ispod Tel Aviv u Novom Beogradu veliki vodeni tok. Sve cevi idu ispod zemlje. Za vreme kro{nje. U`iivate dve nedelje u plodovima, a onda ne > realizacije ovog projekta mi smo instalirali sve elemente mo`ete vi{e da popravite sve ono {to je isprljano i Sarom trgovina i projekti menad`menta je sistema za navodnjavanje. U slu~aju o{te}enja lako je naru{eno u prirodnom kru`enju. izraelska kompanija koja ima zadatak da brine o do}i do mesta kvara. Cevi su svuda i ispod parkinga Spring / Prole}e Vodi~ za ru`e: Tu su tako|e dve vrste ru`a, svih boja zelenilu i okolini i zajedno sa menad`ementom tako|e. Sve je povezano i kontrolisano iz glavnih punkto- razume se. Niske kao `bun ili kao mala zelena `iva ogra- Airport City-ja, obja{njava njen prvi ~ovek. va koji se nalaze na nekoliko mesta u kompleksu. da i specijalne ru`e stablja{ice, li~e na drve}e sa stablom i Mi smo dizajnirali i isplanirali ovaj park u isto Sistem za navodnjavanje kontroli{e kompjuter koji zna Spring is the season that officially kro{njom i nalaze se na samom ulazu u ACB i blizu sedi{ta vreme kada je ra|en glavni projekat ACB-a. kada treba da se navodnjava, koliko i tako|e zna da runs in the Earth's northern hemi- ACB. Ru`e su iz najboljeg rasadnika ru`a u Srbiji, ku}e Izraelski in`enjeri su projektovali sistem za pome{a sve {to je potrebno i napravi rastvor vode i |ubri- Topalovi}. navodnjavanje, a srpski stru~njaci su projekto- va. Prednost ovakvog navodnjavanja je {to je to inten- sphere through part of March, all of Ograde su tako|e zelene. Vodi~ za tuje: Imamo dve vali zelene povr{ine u skladu sa lokalnim uslovi- zivno navodnjavanje: to zna~i da se sve vreme sipa ta~na vrste tuja, koje se razlikuju samo po boji: jedna je ba{ ma. Jer ono {to mo`ete da zasadite u Izraelu, ne koli~ina koja je potrebna biljci. Ono se razlikuje od ki{e ili April, May and part of June. In the tamno zelena, a druga zeleno`ute nijanse. mo`ete u Srbiji. ru~nog zalivanja, jer u tom slu~aju u jednom zalivanju vi planet's southern hemisphere it Vodi~ za `bunje: Tu su i ~etiri vrste `bunastih biljaka, od U svakom slu~aju, mora da postoji proporcija sipate manje ili vi{e vode ili padne vi{e ki{e nego {to je kojih je najzastupljeniji {im{ir kome se, razume se, izme|u zelenih povr{ina, trotoara i parkinga. potrebno, a drugi put manje. Definitivno ni u jednom encompasses part of September, all of posve}uje posebna pa`nja i koji ima i svoje "frizere". Ovde su ~ak i parkinzi zeleni onoliko koliko je to slu~aju ne mo`ete da pome{ate vodu sa |ubrivom. Kro{nja {im{ira se posebno fazonira ,naj~e{}e u obliku mogu}e. Duh Izraela je mo`da ba{ u tome {to U intenzivnom navodnjavanju mi defini{emo na samom October, November and part of lopti istih veli~ina. Imamo i lonicere, a tu je i neizbe`na se svaki biznis park u Izraelu ozelenjava tako da po~etku kolika je neophodna koli~ina vode koju `elimo "zelena trava doma mog" ljudi u`ivaju. Jer ma kako da je lep prostor u da vratimo u sistem. Pri tom poku{avamo da primenjuje- December. The first day of spring, the Kalendar za sitno cve}e: [to se ti~e sitnog cve}a u toku kome radite `elite da iza|ete napolje, da na|ete mo optimalne koli~ine iz ekonomskih, ekolo{kih i svih so-called vernal equinox, usually falls godine postoje dve sezone i po jedna vrsta cve}a za lepu hladovinu ili uhvatite malo sunca. Ovo je drugih razloga. svaku. kopija koncepta jednog od takvih biznis parko- U Srbiji sistem ne radi od oktobra do kraja aprila. Vodu je around 21st March and sees both day Prole}e 2010. obele`ava dan i no} u najlep{im ljubi~astim va u Izraelu {to se ti~e zelenila. Isti su elementi, potrebno pre~i{}avati i to ~ini deo softvera koji reguli{e i narand`astim tonovima, a ovo lepo cve}e je posa|eno mo`da ne na istom nivou, ali sastavni delovi su navodnjavanje i filteri koji u prvoj fazi ~iste vodu od kalci- and night last for 12 hours each. jo{ jesenas da bi niklo ve} krajem februara. sli~ni: sve izvan zgrada je zeleno, ima dobru juma. A, onda u drugoj fazi i od drugih nepo`eljnih sup- Ovog leta zameni}e ga begonije u najrasko{nijim bojama atmosferu, fontane, kafi}e, prodavnice i stanci. In 2010, spring arrived on Saturday 20th March at 6.32pm. koje }e krasiti biznis park do kraja jeseni. zaposleni mogu da u`ivaju u trenucima kada su Nekoliko stvari smo morali da primenimo druk~ije nego u Autumn began at precisely the same time in the southern Na pitanje {ta rade ru`e od jeseni do prole}a na{ sagov- na pauzi ili kada ulaze u zgradu ili pogledaju Izraelu: umesto da cevi budu polo`ene na 20 do 30 cen- hemisphere. The season will last 92.75 days, i.e. until 21st ornik kome je kor biznis agrobiznis odgovara: ru`e zimi kroz prozor... timetara ispod zemlje kao {to radimo u izraelu one ovde June 2010 at 1.28pm (according to CE summer time). spavaju.Samo kada je visok sneg mi ih za trenutak idu ispod 60 do 80 cm. U svakoj liniji imamo kontrolne THE SUN At the instant spring began, the Sun was located in the con- stellation Pisces. It was 0.9959472 Astronomical Units (149 million km) from our plant and the sun's light required eight minutes and 17 seconds to reach us. The sun's magnitude that day was 26.8m and the degree of its angle diameter was 1927.07". The sun rose at 5.44.am and set at 5.53pm.

THE MOON On the day that spring arrived this year the moon rose at 9.21am. Our only natural satellite was in the fourth day of its cycle at the time and its apparent diameter amounted to 000 30' 40'', with a magnitude of -8.6. At the instant spring arrived, the moon was 388.715 kilometres from us.

Spring clean Spring is often synonymous with a great clear up. At ACB that means cleaning and clearing shared premises, planting spring flowers and pruning greenery, but also making new business plans and organising timing. Indeed - a fresh start.

Prole}e je godi{nje doba koje po kon- venciji na severnoj Zemljinoj polulopti traje deo marta, ceo april,maj i deo juna, a na ju`noj Zemljinoj polulopti deo septembra, ceo oktobar, novem- bar i deo decembra. Na dan po~etka

probudimo da ih o~istimo, ali to radimo veoma ne`no da ju klimatske oscilacije u Beogradu. Plus i minus: temper- kutije povezane sa glavnom kontrolnim punktom i svaku prole}a, takozvanu prole}nu ravnod- ih ne povredimo. atura se zimi spu{ta i do minus dvadeset, a leti prelazi i od tih linija i cevi mo`emo u svakom trenutku i da nevnicu, koja obi~no pada oko 21. plus 40 stepeni. Ko{ava sa Dunava:Tu su i vetrovi od kojih ispraznimo. Vodu izbacujemo pre zime uz pomo} kom- Svaki cvet za izlo`bu je naravno najopasnija ko{ava koja beogradskim biljkama presora {to omogu}ava trajnost sistema, spre~ava prskan- marta, obdanica i no} traju po 12 sati. Posetioci ~esto pitaju za{to je cve}e u `ardinjerama i kao i ve}ini Beogra|ana ne prija ba{ mnogo. je cevi i svako drugo o{te}enje. na travnjacima ACB-a lep{e i ve}e od istih vrsta na Glavna ideja: Kombinacija na{e volje da na|emo najbol- drugim mestima? je re{enje sa postoje}im klimatskim uslovima: plus, minus Okolina se mora (za){tititi Ove, 2010. godine prole}e je stiglo u subotu 20. marta u 18 Biramo ga dok je jo{ u rasadu, svi zameci cvetova mora- i ko{ava. Re{enje: Morate u jesen da zasadite za prole}e Farmakolo{ki i ekolo{ki aspekt je tako|e veoma va`an, a sati i 32 minuta. U isto vreme na ju`noj Zemljinoj polulopti ju da budu potpuno jednaki i bavimo se stru~no, inten- jako bilje koje }e da pre`ivi zimu. I sa prvim suncem da u Izraelu to je va`na tema jer je deo pri~e o za{titi `ivotne po~ela je jesen. Traja}e 92,75 dana tj. do 21. juna 2010. u zivno i u kontinuitetu njime i pre i posle sa|enja, ka`e procveta. Ne mo`ete da donesete biljke iz Izraela koje }e sredine kojoj se pridaje najve}a pa`nja. Na ovako malom 13:28 minuta (po letnjem vremenu). Goldman. I navodi da u Srbiji ne postoji sto odsto ~isto da opstanu ovde jer je minimalna temperatura u Izraelu mestu na{ doprinos je u tome {to po{tujemo sva pravila zemlji{te, bez razli~itih biljnih virusa i bolesti, bez semen- sedam stepeni. Leto u Beogradu je kao u Tel Avivu ako ne ekologije. Kontroli{emo skoro egzaktno koli~inu |ubriva. SUNCE ki korova. Zato se mora primeniti posebna vrsta sa|enja: i toplije, preko plus 40 stepeni. Morali smo da se suo~imo Mi ta~no znamo koliko je mineralnog |ubriva potrebno U trenutku po~etka prole}a Sunce se nalazilo u sazve`|u Riba u koren rasada {pricaju se razli~iti antibiotici pre spu{tanja sa tim i to je bio prvi problem za koju biljku. koje je od na{e planete udaljeno 0.9959472 AU (149 miliona u zemlju. Osim toga, da bi se spre~ila pojava korova na Drugi problem sa kojim smo se suo~ili bile su letnje ki{e - Glavno |ubrenje je na kraju zime, ali tokom vegetacione km) i svetlosnom zraku je bilo potrebno 8 m 17,0 s da stigne zemljane povr{ine se prvo stavlja sjoj podloge od najlona jake ki{e kakve su beogradske o{te}uju biljke i donose sezone kroz sistem za navodnjavanje dodajemo od Sunca do nas. Magnituda Sunca tog dana bila je -26,8 m na koju se onda nanosi podloga od kamen~i}a ili komada vi{ak vode. Zato je bilo pitanje {ta zasaditi. Mi smo od neophodne elemente i dodatno prihranjujemo biljke u a njegov uglovni pre~nik iznosio je 1927,07" kore drveta ~etinara. I pored toga se pojavljuju nezvani po~etka `eleli da kreiramo optimalne uslove, da pomirimo razli~itim fazama vegetacije. Ako dodajete vi{e |ubriva Sunce je iza{lo u 5h 44,4 m, a za{lo u 17h 52,8 m. gosti tako da se zelenilom redovno i svakodnevno bavi ekstreme: minuse i pluseve , ki{u i vetar ,a sada `elimo da nego {to je neophodno o{te}ujete zemlju i ono kroz nju pet ljudi od kojih su trojica in`enjeri poljoprivrede i odr`avamo te optimalne uslove. Na primer, ne sadimo odlazi u vodu i o{te}uje ekolo{ki sistem. MESEC stru~njaci za hortikulturu. Tu je I ve}i broj sezonskih rad- one vrste `bunja koje mo`e da o{teti jak sneg i koje umire Poljoprivedni in`enjeri koji su zaposleni na odr`avanju Mesec je na dan dolaska prole}a iza{ao u u 9 sati i 21 minut. nika koji se bave zemljanim radovima. na minus 20 stepeni. Zimi ne mo`e ba{ mnogo da se zelenih povr{ina bili su na obuci u Izraelu da bi videli na{ Na{ jedini prirodni satelit tog dana bio je star 4 dana, njegov Ostaci mora: Posebna pri~a je (novo)beogradski sastav uradi. Ali u prole}e mo`e i to je flora koja mo`e da prilaz i imali prilku da se upoznaju sa svim nau~nim saz- prividni pre~nik iznosio je 000 30' 40 '', a magnituda -8,6. Od tla u kome je najve}i deo pesak, kao ostatak nekada{njeg opstane i na visokim temperaturama jer je dobro re{eno nanjima i re{enjima koja se primenjuju u praksi i da bi sve nas je u trenutku dolaska prole}a Mesec bio udaljen 388 715 Panonskog mora. Zbog toga su u ACB donesene tone i navodnjavanje drugi deo ovog projekta. ono {to je mogu}e implementirali u Beogradu. Ako znate kilometara tone plodne zemlje uglavnom sa vojvo|anskih da prepoznate bolest na biljkama koju prouzrokuju insek- njiva.Plodne i kvalitetne, ali sa mnogo "sustanara" sa koji- Projekat navodnjavanja ti ili gljivice onda i mo`ete da reagujete na vreme. Ako Veliko spremanje ma se neprekidno ratuje "na nau~noj bazi". U Srbiji ne postoji ni{ta sli~no. To je izraelski model prila- tako radite ne}e trebati mnogo pesticida i sli~nih materija Prole}e je ~esto sinonim za veliko spremanje. U ACB-u to je go|en srpskim uslovima. Prvo imamo prostor od 22.000 koji tako|e o{te}uju `ivotnu okolinu. ~i{}enje i glancanje zajedni~ke ku}e, sa|enje cve}a, obrezi- Beogradska klima: ne{to izme|u Sibira i Afrike kvadratnih metara koji trebanavodnjavavi.Drugo, svaka vanje zelenila, ali i novi poslovni planovi i tajming. Na{ sagovornik ka`e da su limitiraju}i faktori za vegetaci- biljka u ACB-u se navodnjava. U svakom uglu svake Ljiljana Luki} Zapravo - novi po~etak. 08 09

Darfur, through the UNHCR, was the single biggest Sto stabala na Ada Huji ve} iskusne jer su dr`ale predavanja na razli~itim fakulte- donation of any one company in the world. Jedna od stvari koje }emo raditi ovog prole}a sa kolega- tima. @elimo da pru`imo informacije i prenesemo iskust- Local: The company has been operating in Serbia since ma i koleginicama iz ostale tri velike revizorske ku}e (na va koje ima jedna od najve}ih svetskih kompanija. 2001 and currently has 140 employees. globalnom nivou postoji tzv. velika ~etvorka: pored PricewaterhouseCoopers je revizor, izme|u ostalih, We have been resident at ACB since 2007. We opted for PricewaterhouseCoopers-a tu su i Deloitte, KPMG i Naftne industrije Srbije (NIS), U.S. Steel Srbija, Philip this business park because we received an offer that suit- E.Jang). Ideja je da zajedni~kim snagama zasadimo Moris-a, Coca Cole i BAT-a, a mi smo i poreski savetnici Daily working ed our needs fully. We gladly contribute to a large num- drve}e na Ada Huji. To }e biti jedan radni dan, radi}emo MPC, Meri Lin~, radimo sa Tekomom Srbija i drugim ber of socially beneficial activities at the local level in zajedno sa mladim istra`iva~ima, a bi}e uklju~ena i velikim kompanijama. Po{to imamo akumulirano znanje i Belgrade and ACB. op{tina Palilula. Planiramo da zasadimo oko 100 stabala, iskustvo `elimo da ga prenesemo drugim mladim ljudi- najavio je \uki}. ma, kazala je ona.

Trening akademija Stipendije za ICCA Primeri dobre prakse CSR: Na{ plan akrivnosti CSR sastoji se iz dva dela: u prvom su Tako|e planiramo dodelu stipendija za program ICCA, akcije koje radimo zajedno sa Biznis forumom a u dru- britanski sertifikat iz me|unarodnog ra~unovodstva. To je principle PricewaterhouseCoopers gom su na{e li~ne kompanijske akcije, koje su opet ozbiljan program, profesionalni sertifikat , a obuka traje interview podeljene u ~etiri osnovne kategorije i uglavnom podra- 3 godine, sa 20-tak ispita. To je te{ka obuka, koja ko{ta Dru{tveno odgovorno poslovanje pretvorili smo u korpora- zumevaju obuke, kazala je Ivana Mani}-Mar{i}anin, preko 10 hiljada evra, ali je njena diploma izuzetno cen- Down's syndrome. At Be`anijska kosa we dealt with Scholarships for ICCA tivne aktivnosti i taj princip je utkan u svakodnevno poslo- zadu`ena u kompaniji za eti~ko poslovanje. jena u svetu i otvara mnoga vrata. Obzirom da su preda- minor repairs, at the Down's syndrome Training Centre We are planning to award scholarships for the programme vanje na{e kompanije, izjavio je za Whats Up, menad`er za va~i ljudi ~iji je to svakodnevni posao, oni imaju druga~iji we cleared the yard and constructed a fence, pruned of the ICCA, British Certificate in International Accounting. marketing i komunikcije kompanije PricewaterhouseCo- Ona je navela da PricewaterhouseCoopers ima neku vrstu pristup predavanjima. Model je pronala`enje na~ina da shrubs, cleared part of a damp wall and then hired This is a serious programme and professional certificate; opers Consulting d.o.o, Aleksandar \uki}. Trening akademije. To je segment kompanije koji se bavi se komplikovana materija pribli`i slu{aocima razumljivim tradesmen to complete the job. training lasts three years and includes some 20 exams. This Trudimo se se da pokrijemo 4 glavna stuba: od onoga {to pru`anjem razli~itih edukativnih usluga, uz veliki broj jezikom i da to bude zanimljivo i primenljivo. Sve velike Our 25-member team included people from four conti- is difficult training that costs in excess of ten thousand je zajednica (community) preko onoga {to je tr`i{te (mar- treninga. Najva`niji su treninzi iz oblasti finansija, {to je glav- revizorske ku}e tra`e takve stru~njake. To je va`no i u nents, while the entire Management Team in Serbia par- Euros, but provides a highly valued diploma that opens ket) do onoga {to su ljudi, zaposleni u na{oj kompaniji, na delatnost na{e kompanije, zatim softskils, menad`ment velikim kompanijama, pa mi na{im zaposlenima pru`amo ticipated: from Mauritius, Australia, Germany, Bolivia and many doors worldwide. As the lecturers are those for kao i pitanje za{tite `ivotne sredine. @eleli smo da se kroz ve{tine, upravljanje projektima i drugo, {to sve ukupno mogu}nost da besplatno steknu sertifikat ICCA. other countries. whom this is an everyday job, they have a different dobre ideje pove`emo sa drugima pa smo bili jedan od pokriva {iroki spektar razli~itih poslovnih ve{tina. Smatramo to sastavnim delom njihovog profesionalnog This year, the Business Leaders Forum is again preparing approach to teaching. The model is to find ways to bring osniva~a Foruma poslovnih lidera u kome pored nas razvoja - ovo je ku}a koja puno ula`e u profesionalni the Our Belgrade action in June and prior to that we will listeners closer to a complicated matter using understand- funkcioni{e jo{ 15 kompanija u Srbiji. Neke od njih su Kao doprinos dru{tvu vr{imo i besplatnu edukaciju poje- razvoj svojih ljudi. be hosting training in the field of CSR, which is organised able language that should be interesting and applicable. All ovde u Airport City-ju. Pored nas tu su kolege iz kom- dinih ciljnih grupa, uglavnom nevladinih organizacija, koje by our forum. The main lecturer, an international guest major audit companies are seeking such professionals. It is panija U.S. Steel, Droga Kolinska, Holcim, Lafarge, Erste rade sa licima sa posebnim potrebama i drugima. Tu su i Va`ni su ljudi i prostor speaker, is Emmanuel Perakis, who will speak on the topic also important within large companies and we are offering banka, Henckel, Societe General banke, B 92, Lutrija treninzi iz finansija za osoblje koje se ne bavi finansijama. Trudimo se da na{im zaposlenima pru`imo najbolje 'Integrated approach to CSR', said Djukic. our employees the opportunity to acquire an ICCA certifi- Srbije, KPG i drugi. Okupili smo se krajem 2008. godine. U ovom trenutku pripremamo plan rada kojim }e biti uslove za rad. Ako pogledate prostorije vide}ete da je cate for free. We consider this to be an integral part of obuhva}ene razli~ite ciljne grupe, a zajedno sa Forumom ba{ tako - bili smo na naslovnim stranicama novina koje A hundred trees on Ada Huja their professional development; this is a house that invests Na{ Beograd poslovnih lidera, bavi}emo se i biznis mentorstvom. se bave ure|enjem prostora. Takodje `elimo da zaposlen- One of the things that we'll work on this spring alongside a great deal in the professional development of its people. Pro{le godine u~estvovali smo u akciji Na{ Beograd u ima pru`imo i {iru sliku o tome kako funkcioni{e svetska colleagues from the other three large audit firms (at the okviru koje smo imali "volonterski dan". Predstavnici svih Pomo} za start -up ekonomija, EU itd, sve u svemu jedan {irok spektar global level there is the so-called 'Big Four' auditors: in Both people and location are important kompanija ~lanica Foruma poslovnih lidera u~estvovali su Postoji puno start-up kompanija koje kre}u svake godine. razli~itih znanja i informacija. To podrazumeva redovne addition to PricewaterhouseCoopers, these are Delloite, We strive to provide our employees with the best work- u manifestacijama na {est lokacija u Beogradu. Iz na{e Ideja je da u okviru Foruma poslovnih lidera, Pricewate- godi{nje treninge zaposlenih uz rad. KPMG and Ernst & Young). The idea is to join forces to ing conditions. If you look at our office space you will see kompanije u~estvovalo je 25 ljudi na tri lokacije: prva rhouseCoopers kao njegov deo, pru`i odre|enu stru~nu Globalno: PricewaterhouseCoopers je kompanija stara plant trees on Ada Huja. We will use one working day to work together with young researchers, while the Municipality of Palilula is also included. We plan to plant about 100 trees, revealed Djukic.

Training Academy Our plan for CSR activities consists of two parts: the things we do with the Business Leaders Forum and that we do as a stand-alone initiative of the company. These are again divided into four basic categories but are most- ly related to training, said Ivana Manic-Marsicanin, head of the company's ethical operations. She noted that PwC has its own kind of training academy. This is part of the company that provides various educa- tional services, alongside a large number of training ses- sions. The most important are training exercises in the field of finance, as the main activity of the company, then soft skills, management skills, project management, etc. This is all combined to offer a broad range of business skills. As a contribution to society, the company provides free edu- cation for specific target groups, mainly non-governmental organisations working with persons living with disabilities and others. There are also training courses for financial mat- ters aimed at staff who do not deal directly with finances. PwC is currently preparing a work plan that will cover different target groups and, together with the Business Example of good CSR practises: Leaders Forum, will also handle business mentorship. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Start-up support Lots of start-up companies are launched each year. The We have transferred corporate social responsibility to idea is for the Business Leaders Forum, with PwC as a corporate activities and that principle is merged into the member, to provide specific technical assistance to com- daily operations of our company, PricewaterhouseCo- panies just getting started. The idea is for experts from opers consulting Ltd's manager of marketing and com- member companies to mentor youngsters just starting to munications, Aleksandar Djukic, told Whats Up. do business, as we have opted to target those under 35. The focus is on the female population and those with We are endeavouring to cover four central pillars: from special needs or living with disabilities who have applied that which is linked to the community, through that relat- for, or received, start-up loans from the Ministry of ing to the market, to the people working in our compa- Economy. Statistics indicate that as many as 80 per cent ny and the natural environment. We have sought to use of newly-formed companies collapse in their first three good ideas to connect us to others and were one of the years of operations, which is something we have taken founders of the Business Leaders Forum, which includes into account. We will have central mentors to provide the another 15 companies operating in Serbia. Some of them principle guidelines, while the second part of the training are here at Airport City - besides ourselves, this includes will see the engaging of consultants from individual pro- that we are offering the best conditions for work: we grupa je ~istila Veliko ratno ostrvo, druga je bila u Centru pomo} kompanijama koje tek po~inju da rade. Ideja je 162 godine sa 163.000 zaposlenih u 151 dr`ave. To je our colleagues from U.S. Steel - Serbia, Droga Kolinska, fessional fields, announced Maric-Marsicanin. were on the front pages of publications dealing with spa- za stara lica na Be`anijskoj kosi, a tre}a u Centru za da stru~njaci iz kompanija ~lanica Foruma budu mentori jedna od najve}ih, ako ne i najve}a svetska revizorsko - Holcim, Lafarge, Erste Bank, Henkel, Société Générale We also want our own independent actions: we will offer tial arrangements. We also want to offer our employees obuku lica sa Daunovim sindromom. Na Be`anijskoj kosi mla|im po~etnicima u biznisu jer smo se opredelili za konsultanstka ku}a, za poreskopravni i poslovni konsalt- Bank, B92, the Lottery of Serbia, KPG and others. We young people the knowledge we possess. Our colleagues a wider view of how the world economy works, in the EU bavili smo se sitnim popravkama, u Centru za lica sa ljude ispod 35 godina. Fokus je na `enskoj populacij, kao ing. Kompanija na globalnom nivou u~estvuje u velikim gathered to form the forum in late 2008. have already gained experience, having held lectures at etc, ultimately providing a wide range of knowledge and Daunovim sindromom uredili smo dvori{te i napravili i na licima sa posebnim potrebama ili invaliditetom koji su dobrotvornim i ekolo{kim aktivnostima. Na primer, various universities. We want to provide information and information. This includes regular annual training of ogradu, posekli `bunje i obili deo vla`nog zida, a potom aplicirali ili dobili start-up kredite od Ministarstva donacija kompanije od 6,5 miliona dolara za pomo} deci Our Belgrade offer the experience of one of the world's biggest com- employees alongside their work. anga`ovali majstore koji su zavr{ili posao. ekonomije. Statisti~ki podaci ukazuju da ~ak 80% tih u Darfuru preko UNHCR-a za izgradnju {kola bila je Last year we participated in the campaign Our Belgrade, panies. PricewaterhouseCoopers is the auditor of the Oil U na{oj 25 - ~lanoj ekipi bili su ljudi sa 4 kontinenta - novoosnovanih firmi propadne u prve tri godine poslo- pojedina~no najve}a donacija jedne kompanije u svetu. staging our "volunteers' day". Representatives of all com- Industry of Serbia (NIS), U.S. Steel - Serbia, Philip Morris, Global: PricewaterhouseCoopers is a 162-year-old com- u~estvovao je ceo mend`ment tim u Srbiji: sa Mauricijusa, vanja i to je ne{to o ~emu smo vodili ra~una. Ima}emo Lokalno: Firma u Srbiji posluje od 2001. godine U ovom pany members of the Business Leaders Forum participat- Coca Cola and British-American Tobacco, among others, pany with 163,000 employees in 151 countries. It is one iz Australije, Nema~ke, Bolivije i drugih zemalja. centralne mentore koji }e davati glavne smernice, a u trenutku imamo 140 zaposlenih. ed in events at six locations across Belgrade. Some 25 while we are also tax consultants of MPC and Merrill of the world's largest, if not the largest, audit-consulting Forum poslovnih lidera i ove godine u junu sprema akci- drugom delu obuke bi}e anga`ovani savetnici za poje- Od 2007. godine smo u ACB-u. Odlu~ili smo se za biznis people from our company participated at three locations: Lynch, and we work with Telekom Serbia and other major houses, offering taxation and business consulting. ju Na{ Beograd, a pre toga }emo biti doma}ini treninga dine stru~ne oblasti, najavila je Mari}-Mar{i}anin. park jer smo dobili ponudu koja je u potpunosti odgovar- we cleaned Great War Island, while the second group companies. Since we possess a great deal of accumulat- Globally, the company participates in large charitable and iz oblasti CSR- a koji na{ Forum organizuje. Glavni pre- ala na{im potrebama. Rado uzimamo u~e{}e u velikom was at the Centre for the Elderly in Be`anijska kosa and ed knowledge and experience, we also wish to pass on environmental activities. For example, the company's dava~ je gost iz inostranstva Emanuel Perakis koji }e gov- Mi `elimo da imamo i samostalne akcije i da ponudimo broju dru{tveno korisnih aktivnosti na lokalu u Beogradu the third at the Training Centre for persons suffering from this knowledge to other young people, she said. donation of $6.5 million to build schools help children in oriti na temu: Integralni pristup CSR-u, najavio je \uki}. mladim ljudima znanja koja posedujemo. Na{e kolege su i u ACB-u. Ljiljana Luki} 010 011

organised at our premises. This successful business celebration was attended by numerous guests and dignitaries from the busi- ness and social circles of New Belgrade, as well as city represen- tatives. PEOPLE TALK ... PEOPLE TALK ... Razgovori u Aveniji, maj 2010 And all that with a view over the whole of New Belgrade! topics are all to do with information about roaming. hranu- bez toga ne mo`e.Dakle potrebno je vi{e kafi}a i pro- The general assessment is that people here are now travelling davnica. Bila je i apoteka, ali je zatvorena iako je i dalje potrebna. Op{tina Novi Beograd je ove godine organizovala proslavu more than before, which has definitely been helped by visa lib- Kriza se ose}a svuda. Ne verujem da }e prole}e da je umanji. Ni{ta Blood donation Dana op{tine u prostorijama Airport City-a {to nam je bilo eralisation. Now you can put your passport in your pocket and do slede}e godine, A da li }e biti vidno bolje idu}e godine i to je veoma drago. Vrlo uspeloj poslovnoj proslavi prisustvovali su travel, at prices that have never been so reasonable. pitanje. Ako svetska kriza bude trajala do kraja ove godine kod Airport City Property Management has established a tradition of gosti iz privrednih i dru{tvenih krugova poslenika Novog I do not have access to information on whether the crisis is being nas }e da se oseti olak{anje tek za dve godine, s zadr{kom. Ali organising blood donations in ACB alongside the Transfusion Beograda i predstavnici grada. felt at the corporate level, but I do know that I feel it like every cit- moramo da se snalazimo kao i uvek. Bilo je vi{e kriza.Po{to ja Centre of Serbia. On 29th April we had 119 donors. Congra- izen of this country. But I will not complain because it's not lamen- radim vi{e od dvadeset godina do`ivela sam ih nekoliko: i 1991 i tulations to both the donors and the organisers!" I sve to s pogledom na ceo Novi Beograd! table. Thank God, things are really good for me and my colleagues. hiperinflaciju itd . Ako smo pre`iveli sve to onda je ovo {to se sada Vine-cooled parking Still, it is clear to everything that the crisis is being felt. I have par- de{ava prosto "relaksiraju}e". Kohan Morina, Key Accounts Manager at Kraft Foods Ve} je postala tradicija da Airport City Property Managment ents and friends and godparents who are not finding it so easy. Everything is great here at Airport City in the spring. And spring

NEWS from ACB organizuje dobrovoljno davanje krvi u saradnji sa Institutom za transfuziju krvi Srbije. Ovog aprila, ta~nije 29.04 u vrlo uspe{noj in Belgrade, or rather New Belgrade, is the best because of the 'splav' raft-bars, of course. Za ~itanje i ve`banje akciji krv je dalo ~ak 119 donatora. ^estitke davaocima na nji- Sr|an Erakovi}, prodavac u Kol centru Telenora We are satisfied with working conditions and the environment of hovoj humanosti i organizatorima na uspe{noj akciji! Ovde uglavnom nemam ose}aj koje je godi{nje doba osim kad our office space. I like the benches all around, so we can to go out procveta drve}e po{to je uglavnom sve zeleno i tokom zime. A and rest, looking to the sky. The fountains are an especially nice to je zato {to ba{tovani dobro obavljaju svoj deo posla - svaka addition. What could be better and is my proposal relates to park- ~ast onome ko odr`ava zeleni kompleks. I naravno proradila je ing. It would be nice, as warmer days approach, for our parking April 2010 fontana, {to tokom zimskih dana nije mogu}e a ba{ je lepo. places to be covered in some way, to prevent the cars from heat- Mislim da ima dovoljno kafi}a iako mo`da svi ne dele svi moje ing up while we're at work. The parking areas could be covered We were delighted to accommodate this year's Day of New mi{ljenje. Ono {to bih mogao da primetim jeste da je onaj gorn- by grape vines - sort of like how you create shade by the sea. Belgrade celebration, which the Municipality of New Belgrade ji deo Airport City-a nije dovoljno `ivahan, kao ima manje Although I am not an expert on flowers, I really think the ones sadr`aja. To je verovatno i logi~no jer su se prvo popunile ove you've planted here are beautiful. And if I should suggest any- na{e zgrade na po~etku i tu je i `ivo i lepo. thing to be planted, that would be quince, fig and walnut. Ne razmi{ljam {ta bi moglo da bude bolje ipak ono {to meni Green also refines business There was no big spring clean here in our offices. We are always mo`da fali je neka ~itaonica, biblioteka, knji`ara, jedno re~ju Tamara Drljevi}, translator at KBC bank ready so it's always spring in our offices, even in winter. neki kulturni sadr`aj. Pravi pogodak bila bi i teretana. Ina~e za It is much nicer now than last winter - of course, spring has The economic crisis that doesn't relent is perhaps the main fea- radni deo dana sve je tu: imamo banku, prodavnice i pekaru, a arrived with a flurry and it's noticeable. I like all of the miniature ture of this most beautiful season in 2010. Kraft Foods is an May Whitsun Week Knight's Tournament city's boat carnival is a lively and interesting event which, July ako ne{to ba{ zatreba Rodi} je zaista blizu. green and floral areas between the buildings. During winter alongside its entertainment and tourist nature, carries a American company that is selling chocolate and coffee in this Exhibition - Yoko, Lennon, Tito Summertime Jazz Festival [to se ti~e mobilne telefonije sezona po~inje u jesen, od septem- everything seems so grey, bleak. Like this everything's at least 21st - 23rd May central objective: for the city to extend down to the market: our main brands include Milka, Toblerone and Jacobs. 25th May Museum Sava Centre bra pa do marta. A {to se kupovine novih mobilnih ti~e kampan- alive. It is obvious that someone is there and, regardless of the Info: www.viteskiturnir.rs water and become an attractive nautical centre. There has been a drop in sales, but we are still in a good posi- 1st May - 1st August Early July fact that it's a business complex, green spaces provide vibrancy CHIVALRY OF OUR TIME ja je zavr{ena i sad vi{e posla ima korisni~ki servis nego prodajni Info: www.mij.rs WARMING JAZZ & MELANCHOLIC BLUES tion. Confectionary is sought even in times of crisis. and improve the look of the entire place. 9th Becks'perience - Massive Attack deo. Sada je vreme kada ljudi ~e{}e putuju pa su glavne teme WISH TREE Lovers of jazz and blues can enjoy the of inter- I just got back from Vienna and was thinking how much Airport 6th Belgrade Sport Fest Belgrade Arena sve informacije o romingu. The exhibition Yoko, Lennon, Tito will see the 25th May national stars even during the season that traditionally Ada Ciganlija Island 25th June Generalna ocena je da ljudi ovde sada vi{e putuju nego pre, a City reminds me of their landscaped green areas. They really Yugoslav History Museum present documentation on lacks major musical events. The Summertime Jazz Lozica nad parkingom 29th - 30th May Info: www.arenabeograd.com devote a lot of attention to landscaped green areas and parks. It's the action Acorns and other peace-art actions of Yoko Festival's programme will be realised under the musical Kohan Morina, menad`er za klju~ne klijente kompanije vizna liberalizacija je definitivno tome pomogla. Sada imate Info: www.BelgradeSportFest.com HYPONTIC SOUNDS a pity that Belgrade isn't generally improving its views on this Ono and John Lennon from 1969. These include production of the Sava Centre. Info: www.savacentar.net Kraft Foods mogu}nost da stavite paso{ u d`ep i otputujete , po cenama Inimitable British group Massive Attack are coming to issue, because the city wouldn't need to invest too much in order sketches of Yoko Ono on the occasion of the 40th Sve je sjajno ovde u Airport City-u u prole}e. A beogradsko odnos- koje nikad i nisu bile povoljnije. 5th Belgrade Design Week the ninth Becks'perience festival. These unique music anniversary of these peace initiatives and photographs Belef no novobeogradsko prole}e je najlep{e zbog splavova naravno. Ja nemam pristup informacijama da li se kriza ose}a na korpora- to look so beautiful and cultured. I don't think ACB is really miss- 29th May - 6th June makers of our time, at the pinnacle of their work, taken by Josip Broz Tito, which were exhibited at his July-August Zadovoljni smo uslovima rada i okru`enjem na{eg poslovnog tivnom nivou, ali znam da je ja ose}am kao i svaki gra|anin ove ing anything: there are enough cafes, covered spaces and rest Info: www.belgradedesignweek.com launched on the great "Heligoland" tour, which will see two solo exhibitions in Maribor and Sarajevo during the Info: www.belef.org areas. Maybe another little bakery should be opened where peo- SMART2 them performing in Belgrade for the first time in his- prostora. Svidjaju mi se klupice svuda naokolo, to {to mo`emo zemlje. Ali ne}u da se `alim jer nije za `aljenje. Bogu hvala, kod early 1960s. BEYOND MODELS AND FORMS ple can eat. Although there is a Minimaxi supermarket and bak- Once again, this year BDW will comprise several distinct tory! da izadjemo napolje i da se odmorimo, pogledmo u nebo. mene je stvarno dobro a i kod mojih kolega. Ali da se kriza ose}a Yoko Ono's initiative Wish Tree will be carried out during Belgrade is a cosmopolitan city that has remained, ery, the aisles are packed because we all arrive at the same time, programmes - the most important of which is a creative Fontane su posebno lep dodatak. Ono {to bi moglo da bude to je jasno svima. Imam ja i roditelje i prijatelje i kumove kojima the course of the exhibition, with visitors given the oppor- despite everything that has happened in its recent his- and business educational conference entitled SMART2. 4th Fish Fest bolje i to je moj predlog odnosi se na parking. Bilo bi dobro s nije lako. between 12 and two, when people most often use their break. tunity to add their wishes and messages of peace to the tory, an exciting, multi-cultural city. The dream of This year an interesting part of the event, entitled Smart 25th - 27th June We have a very strict half-hour break and don't have time to queue, tree. Belgrade becoming a regional cultural hub and major obzirom da idu jo{ topliji dani da nam parking mesta pokriju Culture, will be presented by organisers of design week Info: www.fishfestbeograd.com so people resort to ordering catering. In winter we ordered food from world metropolis has never faded. BELEF was founded ne~im, da nam ne budu topli automobili kad zavr{imo posao. events in Vienna and Istanbul, as well as editors of the CAULDRON IN A WATERY BOROUGH a variety of catering delivery services. I think something should be 5th Belgrade International Week of Architecture on that dream: the idea to restore its lost aura of a cos- Parkinzi bi mo`da mogli da se natkriju vinovom lozom, onako leading German web platform for design and architecture This three-day celebration of the river, fish, music, friend- 7th -15th May mopolitan city. This is a concise programme of the kao {to se na moru pravi hladovina. done in that respect, because these restaurants at ACB are too expen-

BELGRADE Festivals - Stylepark. Guests will also include the creative director of ship and good vibrations is being held for the fourth con- Info: www.nedeljaarhitekture.org and Belgrade Summer Festival, which defines itself as the Iako i nisam neki stru~njak za cve}e ono koje je ovde posadjeno sive - for one to handover 400-500 dinars for a snack every day. new world of architectural wonders: the Museum of secutive year as the Fish Fest. In a unique setting beside www.kcb.org.rs festival of the greatest openness to the world. The crisis is, of course, being felt. Everybody s feeling it, but that's Design in the Israeli city of Holon. the confluence of the rivers Sava and Danube, a stone's meni zaista lepo izgleda. A, ako bi trebalo da predlo`im da se RESIDENTIAL INNOVATIONS for another tale. throw from the walls of the Belgrade Fortress, fans of the ne{to posadi to bi bila dunja, smokva i orah. This year's Belgrade International Week of Architecture, 35th Festival of Monodrama and Mime river come together with superb culinary fish specialities. Prole}nog velikog spremanja u na{em poslovnom prostoru nije BINA, will seek to respond to its slogan question: What's June Pinokio Puppet Theatre Elton John Concert The site of the Belgrade Fish Fest was the centre of a bilo, mi smo uvek spremni; dakle kod nas u kancelariji je uvek Zeleno oplemenjuje I biznis new in housing? 1st - 4th July Belgrade Arena medieval settlement called Water Town. Tamara Drljevi}, prevodilac u KBC banci Sad je mnogo lep{e Info: www.festmono-pan.org.rs prole}e, ~ak i zimi. 3rd June Info: www.fishfestbeograd.com nego zimus - naravno prole}e je uveliko stiglo I to se vidi. 15th Ring-Ring - international festival of new MIMESIS Ekonomska kriza koja ne popu{ta je mo`da glavno obele`je Info: www.arenabeograd.com Dopadaju mi se ove mini zelene i cvetne povr{ine izme|u zgra- music najlep{eg godi{njeg doba 2010-te. Kraftfoods je ameri~ka kom- CANDLE IN THE WIND Sport - ISSF World Cup in Rifle and Pistol Events Rex Cultural Centre 10th International Organ Festival Days panija, a na ovom tr`i{tu se bavi prodajom ~okolade i kafe: na{i da. Zimi sve deluje previ{e sivo, tmurno. Ovako je sve ipak `ivo, Elton John will be the first to perform in the June series Kovilovo Sports Centre 12th - 16th May Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary glavni brendovi su Milka, Toblerrone i Jakobs. Bilo je pada u proda- vidi se da nekoga ima tu i bez obzira {to je to biznis komleks of exceptional concerts at the Belgrade Arena ...Local 26th June - 4th July Info: www.ringring.rs 2nd - 14th July zelene povr{ine daju `ivost i popravljaju izgled u celini. media have declared this event a great spectacle... Info: www.wc2010.serbianshooting.rs ji, ali mi jo{ uvek dobro stojimo. Slatki{i su tra`eni i u vreme krize. "Relaxing crisis" EXCITING & DIFFERENT DIES ORGANORUM Upravo sam se vratila iz Be~a i razmi{ljam kako Airport City 1,000 SHOOTERS Biserka Dejanovi}-Isailovi}, project leader at Multicon The World, European and Balkan premieres of new This year's edition of the Days of the Organ / Dies mnogo podse}a na njihove ure|ene zelene povr{ine. Oni Bob Dylan Concert Serbia is hosting the World Cup in Rifle and Pistol Engineering sound can be heard every year at the Rex Cultural organorum Festival sees the event celebrating its tenth Belgrade Arena Events for the first time, while the event simultaneous- I am generally satisfied with the office and exterior space of stvarno puno pa`nje posve}uju ure|enom zelenih povr{ina i Centre as part of a festival that brings together musi- anniversary. 6th June ly marks its first ever staging in Europe. In the beautiful parkova. [teta je {to Beograd generalno ne popravi svoj pogled cians from all over the world. Airport City, but I think there's never enough greenery. It is a trib- Info: www.arenabeograd.com surroundings of the Kovilovo sports centre, competitors na to, jer grad ne bi trebalo tako mnogo da ulo`i da bi izledao Exhibition ute to modern times. There are only a few benches and cafes and NEVER ENDING TOUR OF THE from fifty countries will come together, with as many as tako lep{e i kulturno.Mislim da u ACB-u uglavnom ni{ta ne Museum of Science and Technology Fine Art Gallery of the Belgrade Culture Centre there is only one bakery. I think there needs to be more second- GREATEST 1,000 participants expected to shoot. 14th May 7th - 25th July ary content. There should also be more shops, as there are many nedostaje: ima dovoljno kafi}a, pokrivenog prostora, mesta ya The greatest rock and roll artist of modern times, Bob Info: www.muzejnt.rs SIGALIT LANDAU people who leave the office during their break. Furthermore, most odmor. Mo`da bi trebalo da se otvori jo{ neka pekarica, gde bi Dylan, is eagerly awaited in Belgrade... Musical Mamma Mia PREVIEW OF NEW POSTS This exhibition of Israeli artist Sigalit Landau is the sec- ljudi mogli da jedu. Iako postoji Minimaxi samoposluga i pekara This will be the first time in 19 years that the Belgrade Belgrade Arena people don't have the time to eat in a restaurant, one loses time This exhibition sees the Museum of Science and ond in a series of exhibitions by the award-winning velike su gu`ve jer svi dolazimo u isto vreme, izme|u 12 i 14 audience will be able to enjoy such massive hits as Like a 29th June - 11th July and money, which is why more options should be offered. Technology present the public with exhibits collected over October Salon participant, who received an award at kada se naj~e{}e koristi pauza. Rolling Stone, Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Forever Info: www.arenabeograd.com Considering that the secondary content is only just developing, I the course of two decades. The exhibition, presented over the 49th October Salon for his video work entitled Mi imamo vrlo strogo pola sata pauze Ii nemamo vremena da 2 Young... & www.mamma-mia.com. think you should take all of this into account. The fundamental is an area covering an impressive 2,500m , is a step towards Barbed Hula (2000). Info: www.kcb.org.rs sa~ekamo red, pa ljudi pribegavaju keteringu. Zimi smo the future realisation of a permanent exhibition in this ABBA - THE MAGIC OF MUSIC everything related to breaks and food - without that you can't do Concert Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood Inspired by the story and songs of ABBA, writer naru~ivali hranu od raznih ketering slu`bi. Mislim da bi tu treba- vast new space. In the museum's open depot visitors can August anything. So, more cafes and shops are needed. There was also a Belgrade Arena Catherine Johnson created an entertaining tale of fam- lo ne{to uraditi jer su ovi restorani u ACB-u ipak preskupi da feel the spirit of past times in the reconstructed environ- 7th Belgrade Beer Fest chemist's, but it closed despite still being necessary. 9th June ily and friendship set in the paradisiacal setting of the ment of the old printing house and a typical urban flat in 18th - 22nd August For reading and exercising The crisis is being felt everywhere. I don't believe spring will biste svakog dana davali 400- 500 dinara za u`inu. Info: www.arenabeograd.com Greek islands. In search of her father, a daughter invites Serbia prior to electrification. Info: www.belgradebeerfest.com Srdjan Erakovic, salesman at the Telenor Call Centre diminish it. Nothing will until next year. And it's also questionable Kriza se naravno ose}a, svi je ose}amo, ali je to za neku drugu GROUNDBREAKING GUITARISTS three of her mother's old flames to her wedding. The TOP MUSIC PARTY I usually don't have a sense of which season it is here, except pri~u. Acclaimed British guitarists continue the series of show includes the live performances of 22 ABBA hits, whether it will be significantly better next year. If the global 7th Night of Museums In the seven years since its inception, the Belgrade Beer when the trees blossom. That's mainly because everything's main- extraordinary concerts in the hall of the Belgrade including the songs: Chiquitita, Dancing Queen, I Have downturn lasts until the end of the year, we will only feel relief in 15th May Fest has already become the recipient of numerous ly green in winter too, which is due to the gardeners doing their Arena, with Eric Clapton set to perform alongside Steve a Dream, Knowing Me Knowing You, The Winner Takes this country two years later, with a delay. But we have to cope, as Info: www.nocmuzeja.rs international awards. The most important among them, job well - I'd like to congratulate those who maintain the green- It's better in ACB than out Winwood, his old friend from the band "Blind Faith". it All and many more. ever. There have been other crises. As I've been working for more SEVEN EXHIBITION ZONES though, was perhaps the recommendation of UK daily Peter Unterhofer, Project Manager at Banca Intesa A total of 16 performances will be held in Belgrade as ery of the complex. And, of course, the fountain has started work- The night of Belgrade's biggest mass cultural spectacle The Independent, placing the Belgrade Beer FestTM than twenty years, I have experienced a few of them: in 1991, I'm more content here at Airport City than out of it - hence, its Sport - International Bicycle Race "Tour of Serbia" part of the Mamma Mia musical international tour. ing, which wasn't possible during the winter, and it's very pretty. allows you to view as-yet-unseen exhibits, collections 2005 among the world's top 20 must-see events. then hyperinflation and so on. If we survived all of that, then this more beautiful inside than outside! I think everything here's as 15th - 21st June I think there are enough cafes, though perhaps not everyone and new places. The Belgrade Night of Museum's pro- In short, the biggest celebration of beer in Serbia pro- happening now is simply "relaxing". TOUR DE SERBIE shares my opinion. Something I could note is that the upper part it should be. All the necessary facilities are already present. gramme is conducted in seven urban zones and includes Danube Day vides great music, lots of fun and friendly mingling, The international Tour of Serbia cycling event is an offi- The Menu bar lacks nothing. It is only greenery and nice many exhibits, the highlights of which include an exhibi- 29th June accompanied by the widest possible selection of the of Airport City is not lively enough, as it has less content. This is cial European cycling competition.The race sets off "Relaks kriza" weather that there are never enough of! tion of dolls from the 19th century to the present day, as Info: www.danubeday.org world's favourite beverage. As is tradition, the festival's probably logical, since the first building to be built and filled was from Novi Sad on 15th June, with cyclists making their Biserka Dejanovi}- Isailovi}, vode}i projektant u Multicon Here the people are fundamentally wonderful. And the trees well as an exhibition covering the interesting topic of the SOLIDARITY, AWARENESS AND ACTION most interesting programme is reserved for the last ours at the beginning of the avenue and there it is lively and nice. picturesque route through Belgrade on 16th June. Info: This date sees celebrations dedicated to one of the In`enjeringu history of tattooing. For the first time visitors will be able day, when the main stage welcomes the finalists of the I haven't considered what could be better, though I am perhaps and flowers are fantastic. www.tds.co.rs greatest rivers in Europe; the people and the entire liv- U principu sam zadovoljna i radnim i spoljnim prostorom u to tour the home of Georg Weifert, whose image adorns completed rounds of the beer drinking competition. missing a reading room, library, bookstore - in a word, culture. There is no crisis. It may come a little later. ing world that rely on the waters of the Danube. Airport City-u, ali mislim da zelenila nikad nema dovoljno. To je the Serbian 1,000 dinar note, as well as the premiere of Belgrade Beer Fest attracts huge attendance figures of 7th Belgrade Boat Carnival Celebrated simultaneously in 14 European countries, A real hit would be a gym. Otherwise everything is there for the the latest exhibition of the Museum of Science and around 650,000 people and, as well as celebrating danak modernim vremenima. Malo je klupa i kafi}a, ima samo U ACB-u lep{e nego napolju 20th June the Danube is so important for Europe that it is the con- working part of the day: we have a bank, shops and a bakery, Technology and a preview of the contents of the new beer in all it forms, flavours and shapes, it is a top jedna pekara. Mislim da je potrebno je da bude vi{e prate}ih Peter Unterhofer, direktor sektora u Intesa banci Info: www.tob.co.rs tinent's veritable "High street". The day of the celebra- and if you really need something Rodic is really close. Museum of sport and Olympians. Museum night fever is music party. It is also a socially responsible event that sadr`aja. I trebalo bi da bude vi{e prodavnica jer ima mnogo ljudi BECAUSE I LOVE RIVERS tion is primarily devoted to environmentally protecting As regards mobile telephony, the season begins in autumn, run- Zadovoljniji sam ovde u Airport City-u nego izvan njega - an excellent opportunity for visitors to familiarise them- promotes the recycling of packaging materials and koji izlaze na pauzu. Pored toga ve}ina nema vremena da jede u At the very confluence of the rivers Sava and the the river to ensure current generations can leave the dakle, lep{e je unutra nego napolju! Mislim da je ovde sve selves with Serbia's cultural heritage from an unusual per- raises levels of public environmental awareness. The ning from September to March. So when it comes to buying restoranu, gubi se i vreme i novac zato bi moralo da bude Danube, the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade is organ- river intact for its future residents. kako treba, svi neophodni sadr`aji su ve} zastupljeni. Meni bar spective and in a kind of carnival atmosphere. event is organised by the Belgrade Cultural Network. new mobiles, the campaign is over and the sales customer serv- ponu|eno jo{ vi{e opcija . ising a unique event dedicated to boats and rivers. The ice department now has more work to do than the sales team. ni{ta ne fali. Samo zelenila i lepog vremena nikad dosta! Po{to se prate}i sadr`aj tek razvija milslim da bi sve to trebalo Ovde su pre svega ljudi divni.A i drve}e i cve}e je fantasti~no. Now it's the period when people travel more often, so the main imati u vidu. Osnovno je sve ono {to se odnosi na pauzu i na Listing courtesy of Krize nema. Mo`da do|e malo kasnije. Novinari saradnici/Journalist contribution: Ljiljana Luki} / Mark Pullen Prevod/Translation: Boba [ibali} / Mark Pullen Foto/Photo: Miodrag Trajkovi} / Predrag Todorovi} Dizajn/Design: Avantguarde