![Spring Seemed a Little Hesitant This Year...Nevertheless, It's Here Now](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Spring seemed a little hesitant this year...Nevertheless, Ove godine izgleda kao da prole}e pomalo okleva ... it’s here now and the colours of our business park have Ipak, stiglo je i boje na{eg biznis parka po~ele su da started changing. With a warming sun and blossoming se menjaju. Na suncu i pored olistalog drve}a svi se trees we all feel more energetic. It's a good time for ose}amo poletnije. Pravo je vreme za prole}no spre- Colours spring cleaning and, hopefully, thinking about our envi- manje, a trebalo bi i malo vi{e razmi{ljati o okolini. ronment a bit more. With that in mind, and alongside Imaju}i to na umu, kao i korporativnu politiku koji the corporate policies that most of our clients are sprovodi ve}ina na{ih klijenata u vezi sa ekolo{kim implementing with regard to green issues, we wanted temama, `eleli smo da promovi{emo napore na{ih to promote the efforts of our youngest neighbours: the najmla|ih kom{ija - dece iz novobeogradskih vrti}a i of nursery school children of New Belgrade and their Eco njihov projekat Eko-patrole. Verujemo da }e ovaj pro- Patrol project. We believe this will remind us all of what jekat sve nas podsetiti na to {ta je sve mogu}e u~initi it's possible to achieve by taking just a few small steps malim koracima koji ne zahtevaju velika ulaganja ve} that do not require a major investment, but do demand samo malo napora, dobre volje i mnogo ljubavi. spring a bit of effort, good will and a lot of love." 02 03 Last year we completed our auction of children's artworks Pro{lu godinu smo zavr{ili aukcijom de~jih radova od "We want to draw attention to the fact that the essence Belgrade's secondary schools are now being enticed to stvenim programom koji se zove Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte made from recycled materials, which was designed for recikliranih materijala koja je bila namenjena de~jim of an ecological way of life is not based on what you will get involved in the Recycle - Save the Planet programme. planetu. children's playgrounds in New Belgrade. We also parki}ima na Novom Beogradu. I najavili smo nastavak do from today to tomorrow, but how you will introduce announced the continuation of co-operation with our saradnje sa najmladjim kom{ijama. Jedan od divnih pro- some elements and values into your complete way of life Sustainability is also a key factor of social value projects in Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte planetu podrazumeva u~e{}e svih youngest neighbours. One wonderful project being jekata koje rade u novobeogradskim obdani{tima je pro- and way of thinking," says Maja Stefanovic, Director of Serbia. As Maja notes, "Everybody wants to be involved an novobeogradskih vrti}a. Iako se prven- implemented by the nursery schools of New Belgrade is gram Eko-patrola osmi{ljen za edukaciju klinaca i klinceza the childrens nurseries of Novi Beograd idea or programme while its 'popular', but as soon as the stveno obra}a najmla|ima, program the Eco Patrol programme, which is designed to educate na temu koliko je za{tita njihove okoline i recikla`a kao The concept is by no means an 'overnight' success. leaders stop pushing the programme is quickly forgotten." ima direktan uticaj na svest i delanje little boys and girls about how important it is to protect jedan deo tog procesa va`na za budu}nost grada u kome Various activities with an 'eco' theme began in New roditelja, porodica, lokalnih zajednica i Belgrade's nursery schools some five years ago. These As such, a series of standing rules were introduced to poslovnog sveta. their environment and recycle, as a part of this process, }e `iveti. Kroz igru u~e o tome {ta i gde mi odrasli gre{imo green projects targeted educators and children, but also ensure that each nursery would always have a designat- for the future of the city in which they will live. Through i kako da sutra budu odgovorniji prema svom neposred- sought to involve parents and members of the local com- ed staff team tasked with ecological matters. These U okviru ovog programa deca su usresre- play they learn how and where we adults go wrong and nom okru`enju. munities around the nurseries. teams communicate between nurseries, sharing ideas |ena na prirodnu okolinu i podstaknuta how to ensure that in the future we will be more respon- Otvori}emo ACB za promociju ove akcije 11.maja u 5 do and developing projects and, hopefully, helping to ensure da razumeju kako priroda funkcioni{e. U sible towards our immediate environment. 12 - sla`emo se sa njihovim sloganom da je krajnje vreme The programmes, though useful, were individual actions that Serbia's future includes environmental awareness gradu sa velikim problemom otpada, ovaj We will open ACB up for a promotion of this action on da se zamislimo. Pridru`ite nam se u kreativnim radionica- and not part of a coherent system. Slowly, though, as and eco-friendly citizens. program tako`e `eli da odgaji prvu 11th May at five to noon - we agree with their slogan that ma - verujem da }ete u`ivati u malo druga~ijoj pauzi od more projects were developed and the numbers of par- beogradsku generaciju svesnu ovog pitanja. ticipants grew, organisers realised that they'd started to U urbanom delu Novog Beograda ~esto je te{ko zamilis- it is high time to consider. Join us in our creative work- uobi~ajene, razmeni}ete dobru pri~u s klincima, napu- develop a sustainable system of values that could be used liti slike zelenih livada, valovitih bre`uljaka i {uma koje Deca uklju~ena u razli~ite ekolo{ke aktivnosti u okviru shops - I believe you will enjoy a break that's a little dif- ni}ete baterije pozitivnom energijom i sasvim sam sigurna to shape different activities for the social development of obiluju `ivahnim zvucima prirode - posebno ako ste programa Reciklirajte - sa~uvajte planetu u~e se vrednos- ferent to what you're used to; share a good story with da }ete biti zadovoljni u~inkom. Deo onoga {to }emo ura- the children. petogodi{njak koji se ne se}a da je ikada boravio van tima kao {to su, na primer, da ne treba da bacaju otpatke kids, recharge your batteries with positive energy and I diti osta}e u ACB-u kao na{ zajedni~ki doprinos sredini u betonske d`ungle. i da ne o{te}uju ili uni{tavaju produkte ne~ijeg truda. "U~e am sure you will be satisfied with the performance. Part of koju dolazite svakodnevno. All of the various activities were drawn together and da mnogo toga zavisi od njih i njihovih zajednica i da kroz what we do will stay in ACB as our joint contribution to Nadam se da }ete biti otvoreni i za predloge kako da packaged under a single programme called "Recycle - Svesni potrebe da se formira ekolo{ka svest gradske dece ekokolo{ke aktivnosti mogu tako|e da prona|u put ka the environment we inhabit on a daily basis. podr`imo njihove budu}e akcije bilo donacijom, na{im Save the Planet". kojima su pirodna stani{ta koja se bore za `ivot u gradu izr`avanju sopstvene kreativnosti ili ~ak i da dobiju posao. uglavnom nepoznata, vaspita~i vrti}a na Novom U prvom redu, ipak, o~ekujemo da deca shvate da }e nji- I hope you will be open to suggestions on how to support radom ili nekim od znanja i ve{tina koje posedujemo. "Recycle - Save the Planet" includes the participation of all hov doprinos pomo}i narednim generacijama." their future actions, be that through donations, our work nursery schools in New Belgrade. Through the nurseries' or some of the knowledge and skills we possess. young pupils, the programme is having a direct impact Najpoznatiji i najpopularniji projekat ovog programa je Marina Deleon Marina Deleon on the awareness and actions of parents, families and Eko-patrola. Pokrenuta po ideji vaspita~a i po konceptu Communication Advisor Communication Advisor local communities and businesses. dece, po~ela je skromno u jednom vrti}u, polako se {irila, da bi na kraju bila ostvarena u svim novobeogradski Within this programme children are focused on the nat- vrti}ima, pod rukovodstvom savetodavnog odbora u ural environment and are encouraged to consider how svakom vrti}u. nature functions. In a city with a major littering problem, this programme is also seeking to nurture Belgrade's first Pre nego {to su se otisnuli na ekspediciju Eko-patrole, litter-conscious generation. deca uzrasta od pet i po godina i navi{e, odabrali su podru~je u svojoj okolini koje }e ispitati i o~istiti. Uputili Children included in the various Recycle - Save the Planet su se napolje i postavili bilo zeleno, bilo crno li{}e kao ecological programmes learn values like not throwing lit- pokazatelje ekolo{ke ~isto}e. Osim {to su o~istili otpatke, ter and not damaging or destroying creations of some- deca su ovla{}ena i da interveni{u ako vide da ih neko body's effort. "They will learn that a lot depends on them Beogradu su odlu~ili da razviju odr`ivi sistem vrednosti baca. "Deca koja su ~lanovi tima Eko-patrole na izvestan in their communities and, through ecological activities, baziran na pojmovima recikla`a, odr`avanje ~iste, na~in se ose}aju va`nima. To je kao igra u kojoj su oni they can also find an avenue to express their creativity or neiskvarene okoline i pravilnog odlaganja otpadaka.
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