WSC Planning Decisions 47/19

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WSC Planning Decisions 47/19 PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES DECISIONS WEEK ENDING 22/11/2019 PLEASE NOTE THE DECISIONS LIST RUN FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY EACH WEEK DC/19/1920/HH Householder Planning Application - Hawthorn House DECISION: Detached garage Hepworth Road Approve Application Barningham DECISION TYPE: APPLICANT: Mr Clive Sinfield IP31 1BP Delegated ISSUED DATED: AGENT: Mr Keith Day - Keith Day 20 Nov 2019 Architects WARD: Barningham PARISH: Barningham DC/19/0503/FUL Planning Application - Conversion of barns Pitchers Green Farm DECISION: to form 3no. dwellings with ancillary Bradfield St George Road Refuse Application accommodation and associated demolition, Bradfield St Clare DECISION TYPE: landscaping and access works (Amended Suffolk Delegated plans and additional information received ISSUED DATED: 26/09/19) 18 Nov 2019 WARD: Rougham APPLICANT: Mr Julian Armitage PARISH: Bradfield St. Clare AGENT: Mr John Roberts - Durrant's Building Consultancy DC/19/0504/LB Application for Listed Buildings Consent - Pitchers Green Farm DECISION: Conversion and refurbishment of existing Bradfield St George Road Refuse Application agricultural buildings to form 3no. Bradfield St Clare DECISION TYPE: dwellings and associated ancillary Suffolk Delegated accommodation, with associated ISSUED DATED: demolition, landscaping and access works 18 Nov 2019 WARD: Rougham APPLICANT: Mr Julian Armitage PARISH: Bradfield St. Clare AGENT: Mr John Roberts - Durrant's Building Consultancy DC/19/1980/FUL Planning Application - (i) Increase the 2 Wimbledon Avenue DECISION: height of existing 2no. units from 5.7m to Brandon Approve Application 8.2m (ii) extension to rear IP27 0NZ DECISION TYPE: Delegated APPLICANT: Mr Billy Rogers, SSEL ISSUED DATED: 22 Nov 2019 AGENT: Mr Leigh Graves WARD: Brandon West PARISH: Brandon Planning and Regulatory Services, West Suffolk Council, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU DC/19/1719/FUL Planning Application - 1no. dwelling Land Adjacent 49 DECISION: (previous application DC/18/2348/OUT) Holmsey Green Approve Application Beck Row DECISION TYPE: APPLICANT: Mr Philip Gannon Suffolk Delegation Panel ISSUED DATED: AGENT: Mr Kevin Watts - ShanRye 21 Nov 2019 S.A.A.S. WARD: The Rows PARISH: Beck Row DC/19/0453/VAR Planning Application - Variation of 50 Long Brackland DECISION: Conditions 2 and 5 of Planning Permission Bury St Edmunds Approve Application DC/17/0563/FUL: Changes to elevations, IP33 1JH DECISION TYPE: retention of basement entrance and Delegated revised parking layout for the conversion of ISSUED DATED: a day care centre and associated offices to 22 Nov 2019 5 no. apartments and addition of dormer WARD: Abbeygate windows. As amended by plans received on PARISH: Bury St 05 July 2019, 02 September 2019 and 04 Edmunds Town Council November 2019. APPLICANT: Mr M Payne, Hartog Hutton Ltd AGENT: Philip Cobbold - Phil Cobbold Planning Ltd DC/19/1454/FUL Planning Application - (i) 3no flats and (ii) Land Off DECISION: 1no Dwelling with associated parking; (iii) Spring Lane Approve Application repositioning of existing sectional garaging Bury St Edmunds DECISION TYPE: Suffolk Delegation Panel APPLICANT: Brickfield Homes East Anglia ISSUED DATED: Ltd 21 Nov 2019 WARD: Tollgate AGENT: Paul Scarlett - Brown And Scarlett PARISH: Bury St Ltd Edmunds Town Council DC/19/1463/TPO TPO218(1972) - Tree Preservation Order - 85 Raynham Road DECISION: Beech T1 - Fell Bury St Edmunds Approve Application IP32 6ED DECISION TYPE: APPLICANT: Mr Gary Fowler Committee ISSUED DATED: 18 Nov 2019 WARD: Tollgate PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council 2. DC/19/1686/FUL Planning Application - (i) Change of use 6 The Great Churchyard DECISION: from B1a (Offices) to C3 (Dwellinghouse) Bury St Edmunds Approve Application (ii) two storey side and rear extension (iii) IP33 1RS DECISION TYPE: entrance porch (iv) vehicular and Delegated pedestrian entrance gates with 1.5 metre ISSUED DATED: high fence 20 Nov 2019 WARD: Abbeygate APPLICANT: S. Thorp/ K.Harvey PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council AGENT: Mr Paul Scarlett DC/19/1687/LB Application for Listed Building Consent - (i) 6 The Great Churchyard DECISION: two storey side and rear extension (ii) Bury St Edmunds Approve Application entrance porch (iii) replacement staircase IP33 1RS DECISION TYPE: (iv) internal remodelling (v) removal of Delegated internal partitions on first floor (vi) ISSUED DATED: insertion of door openings and internal 20 Nov 2019 studwork partitions WARD: Abbeygate PARISH: Bury St APPLICANT: S. Thorp/ K.Harvey Edmunds Town Council AGENT: Mr Paul Scarlett DC/19/1888/TPO TPO161a (1992) Tree Preservation Order - 140 Hardwick Lane DECISION: 2 no. Oak (T1 and T2 on plan and G2 on Bury St Edmunds Approve Application order) - Reduce both trees to standing Suffolk DECISION TYPE: stems to retain as habitat poles. IP33 2LE Delegation Panel ISSUED DATED: APPLICANT: Mr Alan Williams 19 Nov 2019 WARD: Westgate AGENT: Mr Stuart Bradnam - Bradnams PARISH: Bury St Tree Services Edmunds Town Council DC/19/1922/TPO TPO 028 (1960) and TPO 257 (1998) Tree West Suffolk Hospital, DECISION: Preservation Order - Works to various trees Communications Mast Approve Application as listed on the attached schedule of works Hardwick Lane DECISION TYPE: and plan (within Area A1 of Order) Bury St Edmunds Delegated IP33 2QZ ISSUED DATED: APPLICANT: Stannard 19 Nov 2019 WARD: Southgate AGENT: Tim Nice - A1 Trees PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council DC/19/1935/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) 23 Out Risbygate DECISION: single storey rear extension (following Bury St Edmunds Approve Application demolition of existing outbuilding) and (ii) IP33 3RJ DECISION TYPE: single storey part two storey side Delegated extension ISSUED DATED: 21 Nov 2019 APPLICANT: Ms Julia Carr WARD: Minden PARISH: Bury St AGENT: Mr Piotr Szczech - Peter Kordek Edmunds Town Council Integrity Design & Build 3. DC/19/1992/HH Householder Planning Application - Single 39 Sherborne Road DECISION: storey rear extension Bury St Edmunds Approve Application IP33 2ET DECISION TYPE: APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs A Mizen Delegated ISSUED DATED: AGENT: Mr Andrew Brinkley - Suffolk 22 Nov 2019 Design And Build WARD: Westgate PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council DC/19/2012/TPO TPO 537 (2012) Tree Preservation Order - 2 Hospital Road DECISION: (1) 1no. Ash (T1 on plan and order) reduce Bury St Edmunds Approve Application crown by 1 to 1.5 metres, to appropriate IP33 3JT DECISION TYPE: pruning points, using drop crotch/outer Delegated crown thinning, to achieve reduction in ISSUED DATED: spread (ii) 1no. Sycamore (T3 on plan and 22 Nov 2019 T2 on order) crown raise to 5.5 metres WARD: Abbeygate above ground level, over highway PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council APPLICANT: Mr Gaunt, East of England CO- OP AGENT: Mr Elliott Brydon DC/19/2182/TPO TPO 257 (1998) Tree Preservation Order - West Suffolk Hospital, DECISION: 1no. Beech (T1 on plan, A1 on order), 1no. Communications Mast Withdrawn/ Abandoned Sycamore (T2 on plan, A1 on order), 1no. Hardwick Lane DECISION TYPE: Pine (T3 on plan, A1 on order) - fell Bury St Edmunds IP33 2QZ ISSUED DATED: APPLICANT: Mr Stannard, A1 Trees 18 Nov 2019 WARD: Southgate AGENT: Tim Nice - A1 Trees PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council DC/19/2065/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - Charterhouse DECISION: (i) 12no. Norway spruce (G1 on plan) - fell Melford Road No Objections (ii) 1no. Silver Birch (T3 on plan) - crown Cavendish DECISION TYPE: reduce in height by up to 3 metres to CO10 8AD Delegated previous pruning points, lateral crown ISSUED DATED: reduction by up to 0.5metres (iii) 3no. 18 Nov 2019 Cherry (T1, T4 and T5 on plan) - overall WARD: Clare, Hundon crown reduction by 1 metre (iv) 1no. And Kedington Cherry (T2 on plan) - overall crown PARISH: Cavendish reduction by 0.5 metres APPLICANT: Mr Graham Simmons AGENT: Liam Monahan - Richard Fordham Tree Surgeons 4. DC/19/1891/LB Application for Listed Building Consent - (i) Netheridge DECISION: removal of modern staircase and partition 15 Nethergate Street Approve Application in existing kitchen (ii) removal of chimney Clare DECISION TYPE: stack and height reduction of adjacent CO10 8NP Delegated partition (iii) small area of finishes ISSUED DATED: removed from wall between breakfast 20 Nov 2019 room and dining hall (studs retained) (iv) WARD: Clare, Hundon minor alterations in existing kitchen and And Kedington (v) insertion of two conservation style roof PARISH: Clare Town lights in rear lean-to roof Council APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Pocock AGENT: Lee Frere DC/19/1999/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - Chilton Brook House DECISION: 1no. Silver Birch (T1 on plan) - (i) reduce 24 Callis Street No Objections to give 2 metres clearance from adjacent Clare DECISION TYPE: structures (ii) laterally reduce primary limb CO10 8PX Delegated over building by up to 2.5 metres ISSUED DATED: 18 Nov 2019 APPLICANT: Mr Swan WARD: Clare, Hundon And Kedington AGENT: Mr Tom Downer - Tmtreesolutions PARISH: Clare Town Council DC/19/1140/FUL Planning Application - (i) installation of Culford School DECISION: 2no. black cast iron bollards infront of Culford Park Approve Application gates (ii) installation of ductile low height Culford DECISION TYPE: post railing at the entrance of Church Drive IP28 6TX Delegation Panel (iii) installation of one speed bump ISSUED DATED: 21 Nov 2019 APPLICANT: Mrs Elaine Boardley WARD: Risby PARISH: Culford, West AGENT: Mrs Lara Turner Stow & Wordwell DC/19/2069/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - End Cottage DECISION:
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    ( 292 ) •CHURCH PLATE IN SUFFOLK. DEANERYOF THURLOW. This Deanery possesses kveral pieces of Communion Plate of an interesting Character. The chalice in use at Higham Green , is .no .doubt partly, if not entirely,. -of medieval date, although of foreign. make. , It is a simple and beautiful ..'specimen. Another at Lydgate, probably German., ,is very good, but of later character. ,There are 'Elizabethan pieces,of the usual shape, at Cowlinge,Gazeley, and Great Thurlow. The Dalhany plate is a.-fine and interesting set, with the cipher and mitre of.the Wellknown Bishop. Simon .Patrick.'. The only: armOrial at Ousden,.where are four „handsome,pieces with the:arms of, the •Moseley fathily, of the 'early' part ..of the eighteenth century, but slightly varying 'in date,. The kind -Welcome and ready asistance gi)ien }.)ythe clergy in each parish is gratefully acknowledged'. MANNINt-;F:S.A. Di„§sRectory, Norfolk.' BRADLEY'GREAT: S: MARy.• CUPS: (1). :plain boWl, diameter 31. inches;. height 7 inches. Inscription on the fobt.:Grate!.Bradlek* • Marks : leopard's head crowned,; makei.'s mark C 0G in trefoil; Small Roman h for 1743 ; lion passant. plain bowl. Height 71 inches; diameter 3/ inches. Marks.: leopard's head crowned; maker's mark ; Roman capital 0 for 1809 ; lion passant; head of Georgein. plated. Height .7/ inches ; diameter of bowl, 3/ inches. PATENS : (1) diameter 7* inches. Marks : leopard's head crowned; maker's mark A.B. in shaped shield ; black letter small g for 1684 ; lion passant. (2) flat ; a cross on the rim. Diameter 4i inches. Marks : leopard's head uncrowned; maker's mark J.
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