Physical Activity for Cancer Patients in West Suffolk All the instructors or providers on this list have been contacted and are happy to welcome Cancer patients into their classes. There are hundreds of exercises classes across West Suffolk. We have selected a few which may be popular for people who have been through Cancer treatment, but if you require any further information or you can’t find something local to you, please contact us and we will help. Chair Based Exercise Very gentle exercise classes based in a chair aiming to work on strength, posture, stretching and flexibility. Classes are countywide, please contact Maddy Knox to find your nearest class – 07825790832/
[email protected] Chair Pilates A gentle Pilates class based in and around a chair, for those that struggle to get up and down from the floor. Shimpling Village Hall - Tuesdays 2-3pm. Contact Ramona Bryson 07878 324 745 Circle Dancing Do you enjoy dancing? This could be for you. Gentle dances in a group to a variety of music from around the world. No partner needed. Quaker House, Bury St Edmunds - Tuesday evenings 7.30pm (Monthly) Drinkstone Village Hall, Drinkstone IP30 9SZ Thursdays 10-11.30am Hartest and Boxted Institute IP29 4DH Monday evenings (Monthly) Exercise Referral Scheme at Abbeycroft Leisure: Venues: Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket, Brandon, Mildenhall and Haverhill Leisure Centres. The Scheme aims to provide physical activity for members of the public with health issues. Any GP or medical professional can refer someone into the scheme, you just need to ask them to do so.