Schedule of Highways Maintainable at Public Expense Within West Suffolk District

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Schedule of Highways Maintainable at Public Expense Within West Suffolk District Schedule of Highways Maintainable at Public Expense within West Suffolk District Hint: To find a parish or street use Ctrl F The information in this “List of Streets” was derived from Suffolk County Council’s digital Local Street Gazetteer. While considerable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the Street Gazetteer, Suffolk County Council cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accompanying this product. However, notification of any errors will be appreciated. Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Ampton Carriageway Folly Lane 1.55 37403388 A134 Ingham Road 0.82 37403542 C650 New Road 2.17 37400982 C650, U6307 Public footpath Ampton Footpath 001 0.60 37490130 Y108/001/0 Bardwell Page 1 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Carriageway Bowbeck 2.06 37403082 C643 Church Road 0.31 37400567 U6429 Daveys Lane 0.74 37400639 U6439 Ixworth Road 0.84 37403548 C642 Ixworth Thorpe Road 1.04 37403552 U6428 Knox Lane 0.61 37400871 U6441 Lammas Close 0.18 37400877 U6430 Low Street 0.81 37400911 C642 Quaker Lane 0.65 37401072 C642 Road From A1088 To B1111 0.72 37401684 C643 Road From C642 To C643 0.86 37401745 U6424 Road From C644 And C642 To A1088 2.29 37401749 C642 School Lane 0.38 37401118 U6428 Spring Road 1.40 37401160 C642 Stanton Road 0.63 37401182 U6432 The Croft 0.42 37401222 U6430 The Green 0.34 37403966 U6439 Up Street 0.17 37401277 C642 Wyken Road 0.92 37401339 U6440 Pedestrian way or footpath Footway From Up Street To The Croft 0.16 37480398 F9473 Lammas Close Footway Unassociated 0.24 37482087 The Croft Footway Unassociated 0.32 37480400 F9473 Public footpath Bardwell Boat 005 0.47 37490906 Y119/005/0 Bardwell Boat 010 1.15 37490901 Y119/010/0 Bardwell Footpath 001 0.58 37490001 Y119/001/0 Bardwell Footpath 004 0.45 37490002 Y119/004/0 Bardwell Footpath 007 0.30 37490003 Y119/007/0 Bardwell Footpath 008 0.03 37490004 Y119/008/0 Bardwell Footpath 009 0.08 37490005 Y119/009/0 Bardwell Footpath 011 0.78 37491001 Y119/011 Barnardiston Carriageway Bury Road 1.59 37403162 A143 Church Lane 0.47 37403231 U7212 Page 2 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Great Wratting Road 1.33 37400744 U7134 Greys Lane 0.39 37400753 C672 Hall Road 1.07 37400764 U7202 Haverhill Road 1.36 37403461 A143 Hundon Road 1.59 37403532 C672 Water Lane 0.59 37401288 U7211 Weathercock Farm Road 0.53 37401294 U7133 Public footpath Barnardiston Footpath 001 0.43 37490006 Y122/001/0 Barnardiston Footpath 002 0.42 37490007 Y122/002/0 Barnardiston Footpath 003 1.04 37490008 Y122/003/0 Barnardiston Footpath 004 0.24 37490009 Y122/004/0 Barnardiston Footpath 005 0.51 37490010 Y122/005/0 Barnardiston Footpath 006 1.16 37490011 Y122/006/0 Barnardiston Footpath 007 0.33 37490012 Y122/007/0 Barnardiston Footpath 008 0.68 37490013 Y122/008/0 Bridleway Barnardiston Bridleway 009 0.08 37490927 Y122/009/0 Barnham Carriageway Blacksmith Lane 0.20 37400455 U6300 Bury Road 3.32 37400505 A134 Church Lane 0.19 37400560 U6300 Edinburgh Close 0.10 37400666 U6301 Ellington Road 0.08 37400672 U6301 Elveden Road 2.12 37400678 C633 Euston Road 1.73 37403365 C634 Mill Lane 0.51 37400948 C634, U6300 Newall Road 0.15 37400988 U6301 Portal Close 0.08 37401062 U6301 Rymer Lane 0.28 37403836 C647 Salmond Drive 0.19 37401109 U6301 St Martins Lane 0.20 37401173 U6300 Station Road 0.55 37401187 C633 Tedder Close 0.08 37401213 U6301 The Street 0.49 37401236 C634 Thetford Road 1.65 37404024 A134 Water Lane 0.34 37401289 U6300 Page 3 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Windsor Close 0.13 37401323 U6301 Public footpath Barnham Boat 001 1.36 37490014 Y124/001/0 Barnham Boat 002 3.58 37490015 Y124/002/0 Barnham Boat 004 2.19 37490016 Y124/004/0 Barnham Boat 005 0.98 37490017 Y124/005/0 Barnham Boat 006 3.71 37490018 Y124/006/0 Barnham Boat 007 0.59 37490019 Y124/007/0 Barnham Boat 008 0.69 37491002 Y124/008 Barningham Carriageway Bardwell Road 1.31 37403032 C643 Bishops Croft 0.60 37400452 U6468 Church Gardens 0.17 37400556 U6478 Church Road 0.42 37400568 C640 Coney Weston Road 0.91 37400607 C640 Drouts Lane 0.38 37400653 U6408 Hepworth Road 0.87 37400797 C639 Hollow Lane 1.34 37400818 C641 Hopton Road Junc C638 The Street To Junc C640 Church Road 37400830 B1111 Jarrold Close 0.08 37400858 U6475 Lingwood Close 0.13 37404433 U6475 Mill Road 0.18 37400953 C643 Millfield Road 0.42 37400961 U6475 Pound Corner 0.17 37403778 C640 Sandy Lane Junc C640 Church Road To Junc C641 Hollow Lane : Junc B1111 Hopton Road To 37401113 U6406, U6407 End Of Hway Outside No 20 : Leading To Hall St Andrews Close 0.09 37401831 U6468 Stanton Road 1.36 37403924 B1111 Pedestrian way or footpath Bishops Croft Footway Unassociated 0.09 37482048 Church Gardens Footway Unassociated 0.06 37480340 F9676 Footway From Jarrold Close To Hopton 0.11 37480341 F9676 Road Millfield Road Footway Unassociated 0.05 37480342 F9676 Public footpath Barningham Boat 006 0.20 37490025 Y125/006/0 Barningham Boat 007 0.36 37490910 Y125/007/0 Page 4 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Barningham Footpath 001 0.16 37490020 Y125/001/0 Barningham Footpath 002 0.22 37490021 Y125/002/0 Barningham Footpath 003 0.76 37490022 Y125/003/0 Barningham Footpath 004 0.52 37490023 Y125/004/0 Barningham Footpath 005 0.34 37490024 Y125/005/0 Barrow Carriageway Barrow Hill 1.71 37400422 C659, NCR51 Barrow Road 0.67 37403047 C659 Brittons Crescent 0.20 37400475 U7034 Brittons Road 0.24 37400474 U7034 Burthorpe Green 0.61 37403126 U7025 Bury Road 1.90 37401854 C660 Cedar Road 0.11 37400533 U7035 Church Lane 2.35 37400782 U7020 Church Road 0.81 37400569 U7022 Coalpit Lane 0.47 37400594 C659 Colethorpe Lane 1.52 37400599 C659 Dale Tree Road 0.20 37400633 U7031 Denham Lane 0.29 37400642 C660, NCR51 Green Farm Lane 0.22 37402084 U7034 Hudson Way 0.14 37400841 U7033 Johnson Road 0.34 37400860 U7033 Ley Road 0.42 37400895 U7023 Lion Green Junc C659 The Green For 108M 37400900 U7032 Little Mill Lane 0.08 37403592 U7027 Meadow Way 0.13 37400942 U7030 Mill Lane 0.36 37403654 U7027 New Barn 3.08 37400983 U7021 Orchard Way 0.15 37401024 U7028 Papeley Meadow 0.27 37401038 U7024 Petticoat Lane Junc U7023 Ley Road To Outside No 10 37401055 U7029 Road From C660 To Hazelwood Farm Junc C660 Bury Road To Track Leading To Howewood Farm 37401759 U7078 Sharpes Hill 0.22 37401138 U7025 Stoney Lane 0.64 37401192 U7024 The Green 0.52 37403967 C659, C660 The Street 0.55 37400423 C659 Watsons Way 0.23 37404404 U7030 Pedestrian way or footpath Page 5 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Brittons Crescent Footway Unassociated 0.30 37480456 F7663 Brittons Road Footway Unassociated 0.04 37480452 Clock Tower Path Between 48 And 29 0.18 37480453 F7663 The Green Lion Green Footway Unassociated 0.15 37480451 F7663 Meadow Way Footway Unassociated 0.04 37480458 F7663 Papeley Meadow Footway Unassociated 0.16 37480449 F7763 Public footpath Barrow Boat 022 1.87 37490896 Y127/022/0 Barrow Footpath 001 0.31 37490026 Y127/001/0 Barrow Footpath 002 0.29 37490027 Y127/002/0 Barrow Footpath 003 0.40 37490028 Y127/003/0 Barrow Footpath 004 0.35 37490029 Y127/004/0 Barrow Footpath 006 1.46 37490031 Y127/006/0 Barrow Footpath 007 1.16 37490032 Y127/007/0 Barrow Footpath 008 0.77 37490033 Y127/008/0 Barrow Footpath 009 1.01 37490034 Y127/009/0 Barrow Footpath 010 0.24 37490035 Y127/010/0 Barrow Footpath 012 0.59 37490037 Y127/012/0 Barrow Footpath 013 0.02 37490038 Y127/013/0 Barrow Footpath 016 1.02 37490040 Y127/016/0 Bridleway Barrow Bridleway 012 0.40 31790005 Y127/012/X Barrow Bridleway 018 0.93 37490042 Y127/018/0 Barrow Bridleway 019 0.51 37490043 Y127/019/0 Barrow Restricted Byway 005 0.57 37490030 Y127/005/0 Barrow Restricted Byway 011 0.36 37490036 Y127/011/0 Barrow Restricted Byway 017 0.71 37490041 Y127/017/0 Barrow Restricted Byway 021 1.69 37490044 Y127/021/0 Barton Mills Carriageway A1065 Fiveways To Mildenhall 0.25 14600980 A1065 Bell Lane 0.26 14600168 U6031 Bridge Farm Close 0.36 14601185 U6069 Bury Road 0.69 14600931 A1101, U6053 Church Lane 0.53 14600229 U6029 Church Lane Close 0.15 14600234 U6030 Church Meadow 0.53 14600235 U6054 Page 6 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No. Golf Links Road 0.75 14600341 C613 Grange Lane 0.34 14600346 U6028 Herringswell Road 1.67 14600374 C623, U6202 Icklingham Road 0.57 14600979 A1101 Manor View 0.24 14600460 U6063 Mildenhall Road 0.68 14600476 C614 Newmarket Road 1.83 14600503 C576 Old Dairy Court 0.06 14601186 U6069 Old Mill Lane 0.13 14600522 U6053 Station Road 0.36 14600634 C614 The Street 1.17 14600668 C614 Tuddenham Road 1.81 14600684 C624 Wiggin Close 0.09 14600720 U6055 Worlington Road 0.42 14600737 B1102 Worlington Road Part 2 0.63 14600965 C623 Pedestrian way or footpath Church Lane Footway Unassociated 0.16 14680556 F7173 Wiggin Close Footway Unassociated 0.04 14680558 F7173 Public footpath Barton Mills Footpath 001 0.85 14690001 Y128/001/0 Barton Mills Footpath 002 0.13 14690002 Y128/002/0 Barton Mills Footpath 003 0.12 14690003 Y128/003/0 Barton Mills Footpath 004 0.70 14690004 Y128/004/0 Barton Mills Footpath 005 0.38 14690005 Y128/005/0 Barton Mills Footpath 006 0.04 14690006 Y128/006/0 Barton Mills Footpath 007 0.66 14690007 Y128/007/0 Barton Mills Footpath 008 0.84 14690008 Y128/008/0 Barton Mills Footpath 009 0.94 14690009 Y128/009/0 Green Lane Cherry Hill 1.58 14600218 U6203 Beck Row Carriageway Aspal Hall Road Junc C601 Holmsey Green For 117M 14600150 U6058 Aspal Lane 0.83 14600151 U6025 Aspal Way 0.13 14601004 U6025 Blackbird Road 0.31 14600179 U6022 Broom Walk 0.21 14600195 U6058 Page 7 of 148 01/03/2021 Street Part public location Length Km NSG Ref Route No.
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