A Abdul Hamid Rizal, 178 Abdul Manan Saiman, 357 Abdul Razak
INDEX A Amien Rais, 300 Abdul Hamid Rizal, 178 Anambas Islands, and tourism, 174 Abdul Manan Saiman, 357 Anglo-Dutch treaty, 160, 273, 369, 376 Abdul Razak, 370 Anies Baswedan, 248 Abdull Hakim Abdat, 304 annual evaluation of the performance of Abdurrahman Wahid, 300 regional governments, see EKPPD Abidin Hasibuan, 422 Ansar Ahmad, 223, 226–27, 386 Aburizal Bakrie, 226 anti-Chinese riots, 420 Adam Malik Batubara, 393 APBD (provincial government budget), 203 Agency for the Cooperation of Archipelago Apple, 93, 97 Provinces (BKSPK), 171–72 Arsyadjuliandi “Andi” Rachman, 368 Agip, Italian company, 168 ASEAN, 61 agro-tourism, 73–74, 80 Asia Competitiveness Institute, 205 Agung Laksono, 226 Asian Financial Crisis, 6, 41, 106, 107, 239, Agus Chandra Wijaya, 422 241, 314 Agus Yudhoyono, 223 ASITA (Association of Tours and Travel Ahmad Dahlan, 245, 300, 355 Agencies), 75–76, 83 Ahmadiyyahs, 302 Asman Abnur, 370, 422 Ahok, see Basuki Tjahaja Purnama Asmin Patros, 420–22 AIA insurance, 91 Atlas van Tropisch Nederland, publication, 163 Air Asia, 71 AusAid (Indii), 328 air pollution, 312, 315, 318, 329–30 Al-Washliyah, 300 B Alias Wello, 370 Bahasa Indonesia, 338, 352 Alibaba, 97 Bahasa Melayu, 352 Ali Kelana, Raja, 162 Bahrun Naim, 299 All Indonesia Labour Federation, see FBSI Bain & Company, 95 All Indonesia Workers Union, see SPSI Bandar Bentan Telani Terminal, 69 Amazon, 97 Bank Indonesia (BI), 96 AMDAL (Analisis Mengenai Dampak BAPEDAL (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan), see Department of EIA Lingkungan), 312, 315, 321–22, 329 American Bureau
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