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Daftartable of Contentsisi DAFTARTABLE OF CONTENTSISI 1 KINERJA 2019 / 2019 PERFORMANCE 4 Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian / Consolidated Financial Position Report 6 Informasi Harga Saham / Stock Price Information 9 2 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN / MANAGEMENT REPORT 12 Laporan Dewan Komisaris / Report from The Board of Commissioners 14 Laporan Direksi / Report from The Board of Directors 18 3 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN / COMPANY PROFILE 22 Visi & Misi / Vision & Mission 24 Sekilas Perusahaan / Company Overview 26 Jejak Langkah Perusahaan / Corporate Milestone 28 Struktur Organisasi / Organizational Structure 30 Profil Dewan Komisaris / The Board of Commissioners Profile 32 Profil Direksi / The Board of Directors Profile 36 Tabel Rangkap Jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi / 42 Dual Positions of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Table Tabel Pengungkapan Afiliasi / Affiliation Disclosure Table 43 Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources 43 Teknologi Informasi / Information Technology 46 Informasi Kepemilikan Saham / Shareholding Information 48 Daftar Pemegang Saham Menurut Klasifikasi / Classified Shareholder List 48 Kronologis Pencatatan Saham / Chronology of Stock Listing 49 Informasi Entitas Anak / Subsidiaries Information 50 Lembaga Profesi Dan Penunjang Pasar Modal / 52 Capital Market Supporting Institutions and Professionals Penghargaan Dan Sertifikasi / Awards and Certificates 54 Unit Usaha / Business Units 56 Peristiwa Penting / Event Highlights 70 2 | PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2019 4 ANALISA DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN / MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 76 Tinjauan Makroekonomi / Macroeconomic Overview 78 Tinjauan Ekonomi Nasional / National Economy Overview 78 Tinjauan Operasional / Operational Overview 79 Kinerja Keuangan Komprehensif / Comprehensive Financial Performance 79 Kemampuan Membayar Utang Dan Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang / 82 Ability To Pay Liabilities And Receivables’ Collectability Struktur Modal / Capital Structure 83 Kebijakan Struktur Modal / Capital Structure Policy 83 Bahasan Mengenai Investasi Barang Modal Yang Direalisasikan Pada Tahun Buku Terakhir / 83 Discussion of Capital Expenditure Realised in Previous Financial Year Informasi Material Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan / 84 Subsequent Material Information After Accountant Report Prospek Usaha / Business Prospect 87 Perbandingan Target / Proyeksi Pada Awal Buku Dengan Hasil Yang Dicapai / 87 Comparison Of Targeted Projection With Achieved Result Target Di 2020 / 2020 Targets 88 Aspek Pemasaran / Marketing Aspects 88 Dividen / Dividend 89 Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Perdana / 89 Realization of The Use of Funds from Initial Public Offering Transaksi Material Yang Mengandung Benturan Kepentingan Dan/Atau Transaksi Dengan Pihak Berelasi/ 91 Material Transactions Containing Conflicts of Interest and/or Transactions with Related Parties Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Terhadap Perusahaan Pada Tahun Buku Terakhir/ 91 Changes to The Provisions of The Legistation That Have A Significant Influence on The Company Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi Yang Diterapkan Perusahaan Pada Tahun Buku Terakhir / 91 Changes In Accounting Policy That Have A Significant Influence on The Company Kelangsungan Usaha / Business Continuity 91 5 TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN / GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 92 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham / General Meeting Of Shareholders 94 Paparan Publik / Public Expose 98 Dewan Komisaris / Board Of Commissioners 99 Direksi / Board Of Directors 104 Komite Audit / Audit Committee 106 Komite Nominasi Dan Remunerasi / Nomination And Remuneration Committee 111 Otoritas Keuangan Pollux / Pollux Financial Authority 111 Sekertaris Perusahaan / Corporate Secretary 113 Unit Audit Internal / Internal Audit Unit 116 Manajemen Risiko / Risk Management 118 Perkara Penting / Important Cases 118 Sanksi Administratif / Administrative Sanctions 118 Kode Etik Perusahaan / Code Of Conducts 119 Kewajiban Memiliki Kebijakan Mengenai Informasi Kepemilikan Saham Kode Etik Perusahaan / 121 Obiligation In Owning A Policy On The Shares Ownership Information Budaya Perusahaan / Corporate Culture 121 Program Kepemilikan Saham Oleh Pegawai Dan Direksi / Shares Ownership Program 121 Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran / Whistleblowing System 122 Prinsip Dan Rekomendasi Tata Kelola / Good Corporate Govenance Principals Dan Recommendation 124 6 TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN / CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 126 Aktivitas Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Yang Dilaksanakan Tahun 2019 / 128 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Performed Throughout 2019 SURAT PERNYATAAN ANGGOTA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI 130 TENTANG TANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS LAPORAN TAHUNAN TAHUN 2019 / STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS & DIRECTORS FOR THE 2019 ANNUAL REPORT LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN DAN LAPORAN AUDITOR INDEPENDEN / 131 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT 2019 Annual Report | PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk | 3 KINERJA 2019 2019 PERFORMANCE IKHTISAR DATA KEUANGAN / LAPORAN MANAJEMEN / PROFIL PERUSAHAAN / SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL DATA MANAGEMENT REPORT COMPANY PROFILE LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN Consolidated Financial Position Report Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah Hasil-hasil Operasional 2018 2017 Operational Result 2019 Pendapatan 684.329 928.462 441.819 Revenue Laba Kotor 323.581 370.507 219.819 Gross Profit Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan 182.621 229.071 100.076 Current Year Net Income Laba yang Dapat Diatribusikan Kepada: Profit Attributable to: Pemilik Entitas Induk 68.507 96.222 60.786 Owners of the Company Kepentingan Non Pengendali 114.114 132.849 39.290 Non-controlling Interest Jumlah Laba Komprehensif 183.349 230.387 99.967 Total Comprehensive Income Jumlah Laba Komprehensif yang Dapat Diatribusikan Kepada: Comprehensive Income Attributable to: Pemilik Entitas Induk 68.848 96.851 60.677 Owners of the Company Kepentingan Non Pengendali 114.501 133.536 39.290 Non-controlling Interest Laba per Saham Dasar (dalam Rupiah) 8,24 12,55 65,37 Basic Earnings per Share (in Rupiah) Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah Laporan Posisi Keuangan 2018 2017 Statement of Financial Poosition 2019 Aset Lancar 1.469.475 1.232.564 833.558 Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar 4.365.030 3.691.663 2.478.963 Non-Current Assets Jumlah Aset 5.834.505 4.924.227 3.312.521 Total Assets Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 1.898.833 1.528.200 1.277.420 Current Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.630.012 1.273.716 949.743 Non-Current Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 3.528.845 2.801.916 2.227.163 Total Liabilities Jumlah Ekuitas 2.305.660 2.122.311 1.085.358 Total Equity 6 | PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2019 ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN / TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN / TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL / MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah Laporan Arus Kas 2018 2017 Statement of Cash Flows 2019 Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas operasi (6.407) (337.082) (21.003) Net cashflowsused foroperating activities Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas investasi (708.064) (1.259.277) (514.044) Net cashflowsused forinvesting activities Arus kas bersih yang diperoleh dari aktivitas pendanaan 661.648 1.531.737 357.148 Net cashflowsprovided by financing activities Penurunan Bersih Kas dan Setara Kas (52.823) (64.622) (177.899) Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents Kas dan setara kas awal tahun 159.379 224.001 401.900 Cash and cash equivalents beginning of year Kas dan setara kas akhir tahun 106.556 159.379 224.001 Cash and cash equivalents end of year Rasio Keuangan 2018 2017 Financial Ratio 2019 Rasio Imbal Hasil Aset 3.93% 4,65% 3,02% Return on Assets Ratio Rasio Imbal Hasil Ekuitas 7.92% 10,79% 9,22% Return on Equity Ratio Rasio Margin Laba Bruto 47.28% 39,91% 49,75% Gross Profit Margin Ratio Rasio Margin Laba Usaha 26.79% 25,52% 20,78% Operating Profit Margin Ratio Rasio Margin Laba Tahun Berjalan terhadap Pendapatan 26.69% 24,67% 22,65% Current Financial Year Profit Margin to Income Ratio Rasio Laba Komprehensif terhadap Aset 3.14% 4,68% 3,02% Comprehensive Profit to Asset Ratio Rasio Laba Komprehensif terhadap Ekuitas 7.95% 10,86% 9,21% Comprehensive Profit to Equity Ratio Rasio Laba Komprehensif terhadap Pendapatan 26.79% 24,81% 22,63% Comprehensive Profit to Revenue Ratio Rasio Lancar 77.39% 80,65% 62,25% Current Ratio Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas 1.531x 1,320x 2,052x Liability to Equity Ratio Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Total Aset 0.605x 0,569x 0,672x Liability to Total Asset Ratio Rasio Ekuitas terhadap Aset 0.395x 0,431x 0,328x Equity to Asset Ratio 2019 Annual Report | PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk | 7 IKHTISAR DATA KEUANGAN / LAPORAN MANAJEMEN / PROFIL PERUSAHAAN / SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL DATA MANAGEMENT REPORT COMPANY PROFILE Pendapatan / Revenue Laba per Saham Dasar / Basic Earnings per Share (Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah) (Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah) 1.000.000 928.462 100 900.000 90 800.000 80 700.000 684.329 70 65,37 600.000 60 500.000 441.819 50 400.000 40 300.000 30 200.000 20 12,55 100.000 10 8,24 2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017 Laba Kotor / Gross Profit Laba Bersih Tahun Berjalan / Current Year Net Income (Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah) (Dalam jutaan rupiah / In million rupiah) 500.000 250.000 229.071 450.000 225.000 400.000 370.507 200.000 182.621 350.000 323.581 175.000 300.000 150.000 250.000 219.819 125.000 100.076 200.000 100.000 150.000 75.000 100.000 50.000 50.000 25.000 2019
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