The Comparison Between the Movie of Mulan 1998 and Its Remake, Mulan 2020 (A Comparative Literature Study)
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Praniti Vol I No. 1, Januari 2021 THE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE MOVIE OF MULAN 1998 AND ITS REMAKE, MULAN 2020 (A COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDY) IRSYA SYAFINAH, ENDANG SUSILOWATI Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ekonomi, Hukum, dan Humaniora, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo [email protected] Dikirim: 02 Agustus 2020 Diterima: 03 Januari 2021 Abstract This paper title is The Comparison between The movie of Mulan 1998 and its remake, Mulan 2020. The objectives of this paper are to find out the similarities and the differences in intrinsic elements of both literary works. This research used comparative theory to analyze the reduction, addition, and modification. This research also used descriptive qualitative, data collected from the intrinsic elements of both movies. In collecting data, the researcher used description as the instrument to find out the reduction, addition, and modification of Mulan 1998 and Mulan 2020. In this research, the researcher found that there were several differences and similarities in intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Additionally, the researcher found that reduction, addition, and modification influenced the change of some intrinsic elements in both movie versions. Keywords: mulan, comparative, intrinsic, and extrinsic elements INTRODUCTION comparison between literary works. Nowa- Literature is a term used to describe days, comparative literature is not only written and sometimes spoken material. compared two literary works on the same Derived from the Latin word literature me- medium but also with another medium. It ans writing formed with letters. Literature can also compare two literary works from a most commonly refers to works of the cre- different country. The history of this com- ative imaginations, including poetry, drama, parative literature was firstly developed in fiction, nonfiction, and in some instances, France, this comparative literature divides journalism and song. But nowadays, lite- into two schools, are French school and rature is not only the written ones. A lot American school. In France, the compara- of people regarding that movies are also a tive literature was spearheaded by Fernand kind of literature. In literature, there is a lot Baldensperger, Jean-Marir Carre, Paul van of works that look similar to each other. Tieghem, and MariusFrancois Guyard. That is why there is comparative literature. French school emphasizes the comparison Comparative literature is a way for of literary works from different countries. people who want to analyze and study the While in American School, comparative li- 38 Praniti Vol I No. 1, Januari 2021 terature focuses on the comparison of two DISCUSSION different literary works and compare the li- terary works with certain fields of science The Similarities between Mulan 1998 and arts. Movie and Mulan 2020 Movie Comparative Literature can be said as a new study. At first, the comparative lite- Plot rary study was derived from a comparative The plot is a plot or series of events in the study of science, and then a comparative story structure is conceived as functional study of religion, after that comparative li- interrelation which also marks the order terature. This study still not well known if of whole passage in fiction, that generally compared with other research such as lite- consist of fiction storyline. rary criticism and literary sociology becau- se Damono (2005:14) said, essentially every study uses comparative steps because with this comparative steps we only can easier to understand about the problem”. However, as a literature study this comparative litera- ture challenging to use in the research of literary works. Wellek and Warren (1989: 40) states, that comparative literary term is Figure 1. Freytag Pyramid used for the study of oral literature, folklo- re and its migration, how and when folklo- The first one is exposition. The sto- re enters into more artistic literary writing. ry begins when Mulan had to pretend or Comparative literary terms in this regard disguise herself as a man to replace her include the study of relationships between father’s position as an imperial warrior. The two or more pieces of literature. Compa- next one is rising action when Mulan’s iden- rative literature has appeared from the rea- tity as a woman had revealed. In this scene, lization that the literature is not single, but both movies have different ways of revea- the literature is plural. ling Mulan’s identity but still hit the same plot. In the 1998 version, Mulan’s identity METHOD is revealed when Mulan got a scar on her The object of this research is intrin- stomach because of the enemy’s sword. sic elements in Mulan 1998 movie and it is She must be treated and then the truth remake, Mulan 2020 movie. In the rema- that she is a girl is revealed. In the 2020 ke version, there was something new be- version, Mulan revealed the truth by her- cause the movie was a live-action movie. self; it’s not an inadvertence situation like This quite reason why do researchers are what happened in the 1999 version. Mu- interested in this comparative study to find lan decides that she cannot longer pretend the similarities and differences in intrinsic or disguise as a man. Next is the climax, elements or extrinsic of fiction in both li- Mulan had to fight face to face against the terary works. Intrinsic elements consist of main villain. Then the falling action, when plot, theme, character and characterization, Mulan succeeds to beat her enemy along setting, point of view, style, and imagery. with she saved china. And the last one is the denouement when mulan back to her Praniti Vol I No. 1, Januari 2021 39 home and bring honor to her family and traditional clothes of China. she also succeeds in her love life. Social Critique Point of View (POV) The next one is social critique. In Point of View is the angle or perspec- Mulan movie, the 1998 version or 2020 tive from which the story is told. Both mo- version, elevated a social critique about fe- vie versions have a similar POV, which is minism. Mulan shows that the function of Omniscient POV. This is when the story is feminism is only to the strong masculini- told in the third person by a narrator who ty construction in the society, if we only has unlimited knowledge of events and take a glance, then it seems that man and characters woman already have an equal position and role. However, it turns out that the winning Setting of feminist happened because of the mas- The setting of a story is its overall culinity construction. The researcher also context, where, when, and in what circum- not interprets Mulan as a gender-bending stances the action occurs. feminist, because her acceptance of her identity is core to her story arc. Setting as Place Both movies take place in China. The Differences of Mulan 1998 Movie and Mulan 2020 Movie Setting as Time Both movies have some differences And both movies take time setting that quit obvious. We can know it if we al- in Tang dynasty, around 7th to 9th centu- ready watched both movie version of Mu- ry. There is a scene of Mulan 2020’s scene lan. And we are going to state some of the that also come up in the Mulan 1998 mo- differences of both movies. And I already vie. It showed Mulan in the house of Ma- state some points, which are the years of dame Matchmaker with traditional makeup production, genre, character / characteri- on her face. It is a traditional female ma- zation, and symbol. keup. This female makes up highlights the strong colors of the Tang dynasty on their Years of Production faces, especially with yellow foreheads, red Based on the title, we already know cheeks, and emerald green eyebrows that that Mulan 1998 was produced in 1998 by will not be found in any other dynasty of Disney, the production house of America. the period, said Sun Ji, a researcher at the And Mulan 2020 was produced in 2020 Museum of Chinese history. also by Disney. Setting as Cultural Context Genre The next similarities are the cultural Next is the genre different. Mulan context. Because it’s a remake work so of 1998 was elevated animation and musical course, it has the same cultural background, genre. We know that this movie is 2 Di- which is Chinese culture. Actually, it’s pret- mention animation movie or we can call it ty obvious because of the name of the a cartoon. And this movie has some songs characters is the characteristic of Chinese that sang by the characters, so we can know name, and the red color concept; which is that it is a musical movie. For Mulan 2020, the color of China, clothes; they wear the it was elevated the different genre from it is 40 Praniti Vol I No. 1, Januari 2021 original movie, which is action and adven- called Hua Xiu. tures. This movie was focused on the fight scenes and the war, but still, this movie is f. New Characters produced by Disney, which is a channel for In Mulan 2020, there is a live-action ver- kids, so it doesn’t show brutal acts. sion; it shows the new character that didn’t exist in the original version, which is Xian- Character ning and Commander Tung. Xianning is a. Fa Mulan and Hua Mulan one of the main villains that give impact The character differences, the first to the whole story. She is a woman that has one is the protagonist, which is Mulan. It the same „chi as Mulan but she used it to has a different surname. In the 1998 ver- hurt people. She is the one that helps Mu- sion, Mulan’s character was depicted as a lan finds her identity of powers.