TRITON HIGH SCHOOL P REPARATION FOR CAREE RS, COLLEGE AND COMMUNIT Y C O N N E C T E D L E A R N I N G • R E L E V A N T S K I L L S • RESPECTFUL ENVIRONME NT 112 Elm Street, Byfield, Massachusetts 01922 – Telephone 978-462-9458 – Fax 978-463-5851 Counselors: Kathryn E. Dawe, Principal Erik Champy Scott Brennan, Asst. Principal
[email protected] Kristen E. Lazarro, Asst. Principal Profile - 201 4 Karen Christian Sean McInnis, Athletic Director
[email protected] Sheila K. Deam, Director of Guidance Meghan Ober CEEB Code # 221 842
[email protected] Jessica Hoyt, Guidance Registrar
[email protected] LOCATION – The Triton Regional School District serves the Massachusetts coastal towns of Newbury, Rowley and Salisbury. Located in the northeast corner of the state, these three communities provide a distinct population of students to the school district. With all three rural towns dating back to the 1630’s, the area is rich in historical traditions and attractions which add to the academic experience of our students. The student population for the Triton District in 2013-2014 was 2,800 with 94% white, and 6% African American, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian American. The Triton High School teaching staff is a dedicated group of educators, of whom 81% hold advanced degrees. 100% are licensed and 100% of the teachers in the core academic subjects are Highly Qualified under NCLB regulations. The average teacher/student ratio is 13:1. TYPE – Triton High School is a four-year comprehensive high school with an enrollment of approximately 748.