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PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING JUNE 8 • PAGES Jack Webb ~ow at Pier 23 Page 6 • John B. Christian, Box 2 I, Pasadena, Calif. • Sirs: Last Easter Sunday I made rite ellr Inspires lite Pen the mistake of going to church! I missed a program toward which I Mr.. F. Holden, 5832'12 Harold Way, had 10vked forward for many weeks. I really think people are interested It Hollywood, Calif. in a reasonable amount of good ad was Archibald MacLeish's "Son vertising. of Man". Why in heaven's name a Sirs:. It would seem to me that we program like that is scheduled at so who live here in Hollywood are pe Yours for less, but better, commer· odd an hour! Sunday all good church nalized for doing so, when it comes cials. members are in church, especially_ to getting tickets for certain radio on Easter! shows and being awarded the larger It seems to me that we here in prizes. I have been trying for a mat Rose Skaron, 3429 *Arroyo Seco_ Avenue, California who had the misfortune ter of years to get tickets to some Los Angeles 3 I, Calif. of having to go to Sunday School shows I'd like to see. Sirs: Certainly enjoy your Radio in our early youth' get the royal On three shows that give away Life, weekly. brushoff by the radio stations. Think considerable prizes, and on one that Can you please tell m~ the name of it. Sockman on ABC at 10:00 a.m. grants lesser rewards, I have yet to of the announcer who advertises on in the East . but at 7:00 a.m. hear that a person from Hollywood "Grand Central Station" between here on Sundays! I try to be a good is the lucky one. All the gifts and acts and surmises the outcome of Christian, but I must say I'm not money go to persons frGm Squee the play? It certainly sounds like that kind of an early Christian! dunk Indiana, or other such faraway Galen Drake. Have you any pictures Can't you do something about it? places. I certainly don't begrudge of the latter? I like his little talks, Give us more stories on religious them getting their wishes granted, daily. artists, local and national. We're sick but why shy away from us Holly Are there any programs pertain and tired of Benny and Hope. wood people? ing to child training? Too, I have written letters asking 11 .Hmntb likt! (, tt for information about certain pro l,n D"akr, and il IS Ronald Colmall, Beverly* Hills, Calif. grams, and other items, and nary a Gakn Drake. Here Sirs: Mrs. Colman and I wish to reply! I think only common cour· is the photo I/OU tesy should have assured me are· also reqlle., t. There thank the publishers of Radio Life are no .• peel/ie pro for the Citation we have .received. ply. y"ams on chil(r We are both very happy ' and de To our dirett knowledge, there's no Iraill/ny (!lIl'renlly lavorilislII di,plt/yetl 0" ""II of Rullll heard, however lighted to be the possessors of your wood's aut/Ie" .... how.v. dthu III the Ihfre's lots 10 b. Distinguished Achievement Award. case of IIckds or prIZe... Some pro INrnetl fro", Ihe gran"" iI' .~ true. ll11f/t .HICh rul or'tr small fry '''emuIIJO whelmin!} lick" r~quesl 111111 they're on ,lull pOP /J I a r Name omitted by request. booked .<olid fur the !Iear almosl be !IOU III programs a .• * fort! th .. ua_on begins, bul folk .• from "J"veni/~ J" rJl:' Sirs: Give me a seat by the person Hol/1/wood gd In Ihere tU ""II tiS Ihe •• }"oung A mer i c a next guy il t/J~ir r~que.'l/s arrt:"e ~arIJI ~ S pea ks" alld Ihe who wrote his opinion of "Amos In th~ Rlalter 0{ pri=e.'~ , hal1en tt you Galen Drake likf. 'n' Andy". I agree. When they for- heard Ihe nir. Ihings which hap/un 10 -merly came on five nights a week 1I01l",000tl untl Los A ngeles re.itlenl .• on Cui York·.< ~f{tJ/lll",ood Tour," JUII they packed twice as much punch Stt!u .~ar "F. H\\'ha" " D(Jiny, Ladies :)': anti and humor into their programs as Ben .Ha·on d",r·. "lIearl's f) esire'''! Ella E. Morrow, 7424* La Jolla "'Blvd., La they now do. Jolla, Calif. I miss "Guiding Light", "Vic and Sirs: All the letters I ha ve read in Sade", "Death ValJey Days", "Gospel Eva R. Seton. 3630_* South Barrington Aye your magazine have made me decide Singer" and the "Hour of Charm". nue. LO$ An!Jeles 34. Calif. to add mine to the many requests How I do long for them again! And Sirs: I seldom miss one of the for the return of Cliff Arquette to the what has become of our beautiful "Radio Life" magazines and always radIO. He was the cleverest comedian tenor voices such as Richard Crooks enjoy reading the letters to "The on the air, and my husband and I and Frank Munn, who formerly Ear Inspires the Pen." had more laughs at his clever im· gladdened our hearts? Nearly all our In the issue of April 13th, I rather personations than any other show. vocalists are now women. Men's think Mr. Litsinger's remarks about He should have an evening show yoices are more mellow and I think people's stupidity in objecting to ra once a week so everyone can hear a musical program is not complete dio commercials are a little wrong. his "Mrs. Wilson", "Cap", etc. We without them. Have the men desert I do not think it is the commercials also liked Tyler McVey-in fact, the ed us? people object to, I think it is the ex whole cast, and were disgusted when I don't like guesting on our pro· cessive commercials. For instance: the program was taken off the air. grams. It usurps so much of the the Sunshine Vitamin program in So many people ask for his return. time which properly belongs to the the early mornings used to oe one of He is one in a million, and should real program. Sounds like a lot cf my favorite western programs, with have won an award for his wonder useless banter from those who have a rea!'>onable amount of advertising. fu, comedy. on their company manners and like Lately, however, there is so much ly rehearsed for it beforehand. I more gab about So and So ordered a think also that our broadcasts would .-. trial siz.e, and So and So ordered a be better enjoyed without studio au $3.00 size that I have given up trying Mrs. Wilma Lamers,* 4 q Elm Stred, Ana diences. Their shouts of laughter to hear the western music, and get heim, Calif. drown out the last of the dialogue it on a different station. Another Sirs: I've often wondered why Cliff by the actors. Will it ever stop? tiling, I did want to try the vitamins Arquette did not come back on Will you please give us a write they advertise, so a week ago last "Glamour Manor" as he said he up of Hal Nichols and his "Memory Friday I mailed them $3.00 for the would. I was sorry to hear he has Room"? His program is the best on family size, wh Ich they say will be been ill, and wish him a speedy re the air. Thank you, too, for giving sent ri ght out postpaid with cash or covery. But I also am enjoyi:1g us such an enjoyable magazine_ der. I a m still waiting for the vita· Kenny Baker and his cast. A good "Gllillill!1 Liy/JI" is SUPPog,tf to Itt mins, though j • .is two weeks lack laugh is a tonic, and for me starts ba~k Oil Ihe air $(>0". l\' "qree altolll ing th ree day., since I mailed my .• 0 ""uh jllane guuliny. Too btltf ~ n the day right. Kenny Baker's sing IIlallll cornuliall .• pit/II 10 Ihe ." III/1t, all order. Maybe t.hey will send them ing is wonderful. I Wish Ken and d ie"er a llli {oruel d iulu... ,\r e ' r~ still when too lildllY people get tired the cast continued success. I'm all w llilill!! to /, ear / I' om lire .• Itlliun on Ille listening to too many commercials, for them. "Memory Room" slory. Page Two Mrs. V. H. Til: lling , 626 Charter Oak, Soutll product. Could we have a story Pasadll:lla, Calif. about "Lora Lawton," please? W~ have no fir31-hulld information Sirs: We felt as though we'd lost a aboul WfIliam Shirer'. exit Irom Ih~ favorite friend when "Dr. Tweedy" air lane3. Rumor hG3 it he lIIas re went off the air. Pall Mall has made moved becauu he was 100 " liberal." 1I0u,rl'er, we were a.~sured by Ihou In a big mistake, and I, for one, shall Ih~ know Ihal h~ wOllld be back again. skip their show from now on. Will William Winlrr ha., jU31 compl~I~d a Frank be heard anywhere else? We lour 01 Ih~ Far EaM. IVh~r~ Io~ Iran scrib~d a radio .<erle., "Thi. I. Your IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN - TIME want more Frank Morgan some· World," We hal'r ,.. nl 10 iVew l'ork where, sometime, on our radio! for piclur~s on "Lora Law/on." FOR YOUR YEAR·ROUND FAVOR· Frank has no radio plan., (or th~ summ~r.