Agenda Metro Sustainability Council
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Friday, December 14, 2018 @ 9:00 –11:00 am Agenda Metro Sustainability Council LA Metro HQ William Mulholland 15th Floor One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, CA Agenda a. Welcome/Introductions: Chair (5 min) Meetings ARC Update Vacant Seat Nominations Update b. Approval of Minutes: Chair (5 min) c. CAAP Workshop Introduction: Evan Rosenberg (10 min) d. CAAP Breakout Sessions (55 min) e. Breakout Sessions Recap (15 min) f. DRAFT EV Implementation Strategy: Andrew Quinn (10 min) g. Action Items Log: Aaron (2 min) Sustainab ilityCouncil FY19 DRAFTM e e tingsArc AsofDe ce m b e r5,2018 M e e ting Ag e nd a Topics Outcom e s Se ptem b e r21,2018 *Ne w M e troRole *Bylawsa m e nd e d toreflectnew M e trorole *M otion57Progress *Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting witha Upd a te b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’s currentprogressrelated toM otion57 Octob e r12,2018 *Introd uce Clima te Action *Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting witha Plan(CAAP) Upd a te topic b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’s currentpractice srelated toCAAP,as we lla sb e stpractice sinthisfield (related totransportationprojects), a nd cha llenge srelated tothistopic. *Directionprovide d from the Council toM e trostaffond e veloping initial recomm e nd a tionsonCAAP upd a te; a d d itionalinforma tionnee d s ide ntified *OralUpd a te onLRTP *Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting witha Outrea ch a nd Activities b a sic und e rstand ing ofthe LRTP d e velopm e ntprogressa nd provide fee d b a ck a spartofthe outrea ch e ffort. Novem b e r9,2018 *Introd uce Re siliency *Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting witha Fram e worktopic b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’s currentpractice srelated to Re siliency,aswe lla sb e stpractice sin thisfield (related totransportation projects),and cha llenge srelated to thistopic. *Directionprovide d from the Council toM e trostaffond e veloping initial recomm e nd a tionsona Re siliency Fram e work;ad d itionalinforma tion nee d side ntified *Introd uce Gree n *Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting witha Procurem e ntPolicytopic b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’s currentpractice srelated toGree n Procurem e nt,aswe lla sb e st practice sinthisfield (related to *CAAP W orkshopPrep transportationprojects),and cha llenge srelated tothistopic. *Directionprovide d from the Council toM e trostaffond e veloping initial recomm e nd a tionsonGree n Procurem e ntPolicy;ad d itional informa tionnee d side ntified * Distribute Councila ssignm e ntsto prepare forthe De ce m b e rworkshop d iscussion. De ce m b e r14,2018 *CAAP Upd a te: Introd uce *Directionprovide d from Councilto Ca nd ida te GHG Re d uction M e troStaffonGHG red uction Strateg ies strateg iesina workshopforma t *DraftEVImplem e ntation *Allparticipantswilllea ve the Plan Councilm e e ting witha b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’scurrent practice srelated toEVcha rging, M e tro’sfuture EVcha rging g oals,and cha llenge srelated tothistopic. January11,2019 *Presentd raftCa nd ida te *Fee d b a ck provide d b ythe Councilto Clima te Ad a ptation M e trostaffond raftCa nd ida te Strateg ies;continue Clima te Ad a ptationStrateg ies;CAAP d iscussionsre:CAAP Upd a te Upd a te *Presentd raftGree n *Fee d b a ck provide d b ythe Councilto Procurem e ntPolicy M e trostaffond raftGree n Procurem e ntPolicy * GHG Inventory/Foreca st * Provide a nupd a te a nd rece ive fee d b a ck inputonthe m e thod ology *FinalEVImplem e ntation a nd resultsofGHG inventory Plan *ConsensusComm e ntsrece ived from the CounciltoM e troStaffonthe d raft EVImplem e ntationPlan Feb ruary8,2019 *Ad a ptation& Re siliency *Fee d b a ck provide d b ythe Councilto W orkshop M e trostaffatthe W orkshop *PresentationonLRTP * Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting with Va luesFram e work a b a sic und e rstand ing ofthe LRTP d e velopm e ntprogress,includ ing the Va luesFram e worka nd provide fee d b a ck a spartofthe outrea ch e ffort. * GHG Re d uctionAnalysis *Provide a nupd a te a nd rece ive fee d b a ck from Councilonthe GHG Re d uctionStrateg ies * CountyofLosAnge les *Fee d b a ck provide d b ythe Councilon DraftSustainab ilityPlan CountySustainab ilityPlan M a rch 8,2019 *M e troSustainab ility *ConsensusComm e ntsrece ived from Implem e ntationPlan the CounciltoM e troStaffond raft (MSIP) Upd a te (Draft)- Cha pters1,2,and 5ofthe CAAP M otion57Progress Upd a te Upd a te *ConsensusComm e ntsrece ived from the CounciltoM e troStaffonthe d raft *Re ce ive & File Upd a teof Gree nProcurem e ntPolicy M otion57tothe M e tro * Allparticipantslea ve m e e ting with Board a b a sic und e rstand ing ofMe tro’s currentprogressrelated toM otion57 a soutlined inthe M SIPupd a te. April12,2019 *Ad optGree n *ConsensusComm e ntsrece ived from Procurem e ntPolicy the CounciltoM e troStaffond raft Cha pters3,4,and Executive Sum m a ryofthe CAAP Upd a te *Gree nProcurem e ntPolicy recomm e nd a tions& m e tricsa d opted b ythe Council M a y10,2019 *Ad optCAAP Upd a te *CAAP Upd a te recomm e nd a tions& m e tricsa d opted b ythe Council *Ad optRe siliency *Re siliencyFram e work Fram e work recomm e nd a tions& m e tricsa d opted b ythe Council June 14,2019 *M e troBoard a pprovalof *Allparticipantsd iscusspotential CAAP Upd a te & Re silience policytopicsforFY20 cycle Policy *DraftFY20 M e e tingsARC Friday,N ovem ber9,2018 @ 9:00 – 11:00 am Agenda Metro Sustainability Council L A M etro H Q UniversityC onference Room 4th Floor O ne Gatew ay P laza L os A ngeles,CA A genda a. W elcom e/Introductions:C hair(5 m in) b. A pprovalofM inutes:C hair(5 m in) c. M eetings A RC Update:Stephanie(3 m in) d. A nnounce V ice ChairV acancy:Chair(5 m in) e. Introduce Green P rocurem entP olicy:C arolina (20 m in) f. Introduce Resiliency Fram ew ork:A ndrina (20 m in) g. CA A P W orkshop P rep – GH G Reduction Strategies:Stephanie (15 m in) h. A ction Item s L og:A aron (5 m in) MEETING MINUTES Sustainability Council Meeting Friday, November 9, 2018 a. Welcome/Introductions (Chair Small) Council members self-introductions Community member intros Chair Small: Announcement. Recent email sent announcing and inviting to the Training Day, National League of Cities; LA Commotion Festival next week. C. Liban: American society of engineers and other orgs doing events for international conference of sustainability infrastructure. Bruce Reznik: Announcement. Measure W ballot measure received above 2/3 thresholds for passing, can be leveraged for storm water, large parcel of money. Expect to find out the results in a week; everyone is feeling positive. b. Approval of Minutes (Chair Small) No comments; Motion by Bruce Reznik, 2nd Motion; Minutes approved. c. Draft Meetings ARC for FY19 (Bryan Pennington) Bryan Pennington: ‘Colorful chart’will be modified when we have it updated next month; the progress of some of the items are moving ahead; included the EV Implementation Plan which aligns well with our priorities. Chair Small: Dominique (Hargreaves) is exiting the Vice Chair position; congratulations on her moving on to City of LA, nominate someone for vice chair to fill her position? Aaron Santos: Nomination form will be available on the website soon. C. Liban: Delineation of process- Council members discuss and can elect to nominate themselves for executive vice chair position; consistent with what we have done this last year. Members should think about moving up to the Vice Chair position and notify Aaron. We still have Bryn (Lindblad) as the other Vice Chair. Chair Small: Add this to agenda for next week. Aaron, is the nomination on the website? Those who want to nominate themselves- communicate with Aaron by email. Aaron Santos: Nomination form will be available on the website soon; and there are (9) Vacant Positions. d. Green Procurement Policy Presentation (Carolina Coppolo and Craig Reiter); introduced by Cris Liban. Feedback and Comments Q: (Jack Sahl) I want to make a comment, is ISO14001 process superior in this scheme. A: (C. Liban) You can read the overarching environmental policy, which is the overarching policy for the environmental management system (EMS) and the main tool for implementing everything we are doing here and future visioning of all projects. A: (Ivan Page) Comment/clarification- Contractors have adopted this process and have not fought back. A: (Selena) Elaborates on EV buses; 2021 first delivery of upgraded all electric buses, GCP has to be used for the whole new infrastructure. Q: How are bus policies applied to contractors? A: We are working on finding a way to transfer our strategies to the contractors also in terms of EVs. Q: (Kimberly) Are you looking at how does procurement at Metro works? There is a tremendous amount of paperwork and a lot of agencies have electronic submittals. Paper vs electronic submittals, to reduce wasteful and redundant paperwork. A: (Carolina) Absolutely- we are taking it under advisement; and are considering paperless opportunities; construction projects are challenging. A: Ivan- One of the largest construction projects had 30,000 pages; now we put large RFPs on DVDs and not paper.