forsooth: (adverb, archaic) in truth, in fact, indeed.

Volume 30, No. 1 A publication of the Louisville Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation FEBRUARY 2019 GAZA AND THE ANTI-BOYCOTT LAW

By Russ Greenleaf The Palestinians are protesting because stones or Molotov cocktails at the fence, but Amnesty International reports: “Israeli Israel is making their lives unbearable. they are no threat to the Israeli soldiers who soldiers are using high-velocity military What if we held a nonviolent protest in Israel is enforcing a blockade on Gaza that are a hundred feet away on the Israeli side weapons designed to cause maximum harm front of the Federal Building downtown, prevents adequate food, water, and medical of the fence while firing at the protesters. to Palestinian protesters who do not pose but this time they sent soldiers with assault supplies from an imminent threat to them.” rifles. How would you feel if the soldiers entering. Israel’s told us to move 300 feet away from the frequent bombing Israeli snipers have been taking careful building or they would open fire? Imagine has destroyed Gaza’s aim and shooting people even if they are how you would feel if they began firing on sewage treatment much farther than 300 feet from the border our demonstration and killed many of us system, and it cannot fence. They shot a medic in the chest while just because we were within 300 feet of the be repaired because she was treating a wounded protester. They building. Now you know how the Palestin- of Israel’s blockade. shot journalists while they were reporting on ians in Gaza feel. Ninety-seven the protest. They shot children. An Israeli percent of the water sniper killed a four-year-old boy while he Following the example of Mahatma in Gaza’s aquifer is was walking with his father over 600 feet Gandhi, Palestinians in Gaza have been now undrinkable. from the border. (Google: Ahmed Abu continuing their unarmed protests on their The medical care Abed; Razan al-Najjar; Tarek Loubani.) own land near the border between Gaza system is collapsing. and Israel. The UN says Gaza Israel’s appalling behavior is enough to will be uninhabitable make many of us want to boycott Israel. And Israeli snipers have been continuing by 2020. But now we are being prevented from to fire live ammunition across the border at doing that. The Israel Lobby has quietly the unarmed protesters. Israeli snipers have The Palestin- gotten laws and executive orders passed now killed over 200 Palestinian protesters ian protests have in 26 states to punish American citizens for and gravely wounded over 5,000. Many been overwhelm- boycotting Israel. of the wounds have required amputations. ingly nonviolent. There is no other treatment, because Israel Most protesters are A few months ago, a young speech is preventing adequate medical supplies entirely peaceful pathologist named Bahia Amawi was fired from entering Gaza. and are over 300 from her job with the Texas public school feet from the border. system because she refused to sign an oath Israel claims it has a right to shoot anyone Sometimes youth pledging to not boycott Israel. The state of who comes within 300 feet of the border. will disobey the Four-year-old Palestinian child, Ahmed Abu Abed, killed by an Israeli International law says it has no such right. organizers and throw sniper in December 2018. Photo courtesy of Milwaukee DSA (see GAZA, page 7) VIOLENCE AND NON-

PAID VIOLENCE INTENSIFY Louisville, KY U.S. Postage Permit No. 962 Non-Profit Org. Non-Profit IN AMBAZONIA

By Matt Meyer to the pattern of attacks on Ambazonian students, activists, and community leaders The Central African country of which have worsened over the past year. Cameroon—whose tourist slogan for Three days later, ten more unarmed Amba- years was “all of Africa in one country”— zonians and one Ghanaian pastor who was presents itself as a unifier of diverse envi- working with them were slaughtered in the ronments, languages, and culture in this town of Batibo. nation located in the middle of the continent. The last summer in Cameroon, however, Though this news may never have suggest the worst of conflict, corruption, surfaced if not for the connection to clergy and colonialism, primarily relating to the in Ghana, organizations such as the Network country’s intensifying repression against the (see AMBAZONIA, page 4) English-speaking minority in the region of Ambazonia, little-known even to Africanists

Call F.O.R. at (502) 609-7985 and anti-colonial academics from the Global North. Despite the efforts of Ambazonian

Fellowship of Reconciliation Louisville Chapter 2146 Lakeside Drive 40205 Louisville, KY ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED scholars based in the U.S., and a trickle of not-always-helpful information from Amnesty International and the BBC, the escalation of military violence over the past CONTENTS | FEBRUARY 2019 few months, and especially a new “scorched earth” burning of entire villages since last GAZA AND THE ANTI-BOYCOTT LAW|Russ Greenleaf...... 1 May and several massacres in the first half VIOLENCE AND NON-VIOLENCE IN AMBAZONIA | Matt Meyer...... 1 of July, have gone largely unnoticed even by human rights experts. ON THE ORIGIN OF DENIAL |Adam Khayat...... 2 On the evening of July 11, 2018, five HOST HOMES: A SOLUTION TO END YOUTH HOMELESSNESS | Liza Smith.... 3 students were separated during a round-up WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN THE 116TH CONGRESS | Gracie Lewis...... 4 by government military forces at the Univer- sity Center in the town of Bambilli, allegedly PROSPECTS OF LOUISVILLE ECONOMY IN 2019 |Thomas E. Lambert...... 5 for not having identification cards. Bambilli is a college town north in the Ambazonian Third Thursday Luncheon...... 5 territory. Though BBC reported on the The Ambazonian Territory in Cameroon. FORward Radio Schedule...... 6 incident, they did not make the connection Map courtesy of FOR National.

Regular Meeting Times for Area Organizations...... 7 Like this newspaper? Help keep it alive by donating Calendar for Peacemakers...... 8 See details on page 3 >> 2 | FEBRUARY 2019 - FORsooth ON THE ORIGIN OF DENIAL: AMERICA’S TURBULENT


By Adam Khayat and evidence; contrarily, religion involves a claimed that the deductions propagated the Advancement of Science; after a pre- method that incorporates revelation, faith, in “Origin” were reasonable and based on sentation that referenced Darwin’s theory, This is Part 1 of a 3-part article that will continue and sanctity. The strong opposition between ample evidence. This dispute is best epito- Owen claimed that he had found sufficient in the March issue. these two entities is best represented by mized by the debate between Thomas Henry evidence that directly negated the founda- the histories of Nicholas Copernicus and Huxley and Richard Owen in the “Great tion of Darwin’s theory. In response, Huxley The notion of evolution has been met Galileo Galilei. Hippocampus Question.” blatantly denied Owen’s assertion. Later, with persistent resistance and renunciation Huxley published articles in the since the publication of In “On the Revolu- that directly negated Darwin’s foundational text, “On the Origin tions of the Heavenly Owen’s theories; though of Species.” Authenticated by an abundance Bodies” (1543), Coper- acknowledging the dif- of experimental evidence and substan- nicus indirectly posited ferences in size, propor- tiation, the idea of variation in the genetic heliocentrism: that the tion, and complexity, characteristics of biological populations Sun is at the center he proposed that these over successive generations has become and the Earth revolves distinctions were not a widely accepted concept in scientific around it while rotating very significant. This discourse. Nonetheless, American opposi- on its axis daily. At feud between Huxley tion to its validity is a unique phenomenon the time, this contra- and Owen continued for among developed nations; generally, this dicted the teaching and multiple years, in which occurrence is a reflection of various social values of the Church, numerous articles were and psychological structures that have which espoused a literal published in journals mitigated the development and diffusion interpretation of holy and newspapers; other of empiricism in the United States. Fur- scripture. Neverthe- notable scientists such as thermore, these psychosocial paradigms less, due to Copernicus’ William Henry Flower, have had profound anthropological effects ensuing death, Revolu- Willem Vrolik, and upon the development of modern thought. tions avoided prohibi- Jacobus Schroeder van At their nexus, extreme religiosity and con- tion for many years and der Kolk participated comitant entrenched values have played an eventually influenced as well. Consequently, integral role. Galileo, who perpetuated this argument began to and refined this theory. In garner attention by the This struggle between the conceptions of 1610, Galileo published public, and the notions creationism and evolution in the American “The Starry Messenger,” of evolution and the public psyche warrants careful analysis; which argued that the descent of humans from such an examination will offer insights into organization of the apes began to dissemi- the rectification of future similar problems. cosmos did not adhere to nate. Conflicting satires Therefore, this article will be predicated the antiquated teachings and illustrations became upon explicating the historical and socio- of astronomers, phi- widespread; for example, logical foundations of the tension that exists losophers, and theo- “The Water-Babies, A between the American populace and the logians; subsequently, Fairy Tale for a Land idea of evolution. In Section I, the histori- Galileo’s text challenged A caricature of Darwin’s theory in the Punch Almanac for 1882. Wikimedia Commons. Baby” (by Reverend cal manifestations of this tension will be the religious dogma that Charles Kingley) was examined. In Section II, underlying societal dictated an Earth-centric a satirical children’s patterns and theories that could explain this (geocentric) version of nature. His later and Known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his novel that supported Darwin’s theories, conflict will be brought forth and critically more controversial work, “Dialogue of the strong advocacy of Darwin’s theory of whereas “Man is But a Worm” (by Linley discussed. In Section III, potential solutions Two Chief World Systems,” firmly asserted evolution, Huxley was an English botanist Sambourne) was a cartoon that ridiculed to this issue will be proposed. the need to accept Copernicus’ heliocentric that specialized in comparative anatomy. his theories. Therefore, in retrospect, model. Due to the boldness of this claim, Owen was an English biologist, comparative the significance of Huxley’s and Owen’s I the Catholic Church condemned his work anatomist, and paleontologist. Similar to a “Hippocampus” dispute is that it launched (in 1633) and put him under house arrest form of “theistic evolution,” his model of Darwin’s theory into public dialogue; the The dialectic of science and religion did until his death (in 1642). This became the biology revolved around the practical belief extensive availability of texts (specifically not begin after the inception of Darwin’s archetype for future altercations between that every species was distinctively created Darwin’s “Origin” and the anonymously theory. The current creation-evolution con- scientists and the religious authority; and impeccably adapted by a higher deity; published “Vestiges”) and publicity of the troversy must be contextualized within a indeed, it foreshadowed the response to in this view, humans are separated from dispute galvanized the general populace historical tradition of antagonism between Darwin’s texts. apes. After the anonymous publication of into reflecting upon the notion of evolution these two realms of human thought. Science “Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation” and the “transmutation of species.” Addi- epitomizes an approach to understanding Darwin’s “Origin” provided the first in 1844, the ideas of the transmutation of tionally, the crux of Huxley’s and Owen’s reality that is dictated by reason, empiricism, detailed explanation of natural selection in species and the descent of humans from disagreement symbolized a narrative that 1859 and catalyzed a contentious apes increased in popularity. Consequently, would define the creation-evolution contro- debate in Britain. Initial responses Owen initiated an endeavor of definitive- versy for years to come: the feud between varied across a wide spectrum; ly and anatomically proving the differ- rigorous empiricism and ingrained religi- some critics vehemently opposed ence between humans and apes. Though osity. Truly, the ramifications of this can the postulations made by Darwin, conceding the many structural homologies, be seen throughout United States history whereas others ardently supported Owen’s thesis was built upon three differ- since the emergence of Darwin’s theory in and advocated for the integrity of ences: (1) the projection of the “posterior American thought. his theories. Nonetheless, these lobe” beyond the cerebellum, (2) presence reviews reflected the degree to of a posterior horn, and, most importantly, Adam Khayat is a which science was subject to (3) the presence of a hippocampus minor. student at the Uni- ecclesiastical control. The essential According to Owen, these features conclu- versity of Louisville premise of the negative criti- sively separate humans from the “lower” and is pursuing a Bachelor’s of cisms targeted at Darwin’s theory animals and prove his initial model of a Science in Biology revolved around its surreptitious theistic speciation. Huxley deemed Owen’s with a minor in Phi- refutation of religious and divine evidence and inferences to be unfounded losophy. He is the order; many feared that it bestial- and fallacious; he sought out to disprove Managing Editor ized human beings. Contrarily, Owen’s theory. of the FORsooth the proponents of Darwin’s theory newspaper and a 1885 cover of “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley. drew comparisons to Galileo’s This argument became public during an Brown Fellow. He hopes to attend medi- Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. persecution by the Church and 1860 meeting of the British Association for cal school after graduation.

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Subscribe for FREE! Send submissions for news stories or commentaries to Send an email request to David Horvath at the FORsooth Editor at [email protected] [email protected] and indicate if you want to Send submissions for the Peace Calendar to receive FORsooth in the mail, via email, or both. [email protected] FORsooth - FEBRUARY 2019 | 3 HOST HOMES: A SOLUTION TO END YOUTH HOMELESSNESS By Liza Smith community outreach activities and recruit- ing the program’s first volunteer host Young adults under 24 are the fastest- families. In 2019, Home of the Innocents growing population of people experiencing will continue to recruit and train hosts homelessness across the country. and will begin matching youth with host families. By the end of 2019, we expect To combat this trend, Home of the to serve a minimum of 25 young adults Innocents and the Coalition for the experiencing homelessness and have 10 Homeless launched an innovative new part- volunteer hosts trained to accept partici- nership, Host Homes. Host Homes provides pants into their homes. a safe housing option for young adults expe- riencing homelessness in our community. When asked why they are participating This Louisville-based program is the first in this project, one host replied, “We have of its kind in and, since launching a large home with ample space. I believe in early 2018, the Host Homes program has that solving injustices in the world starts recruited its first three host families. with one person at a time. If we can use our resources to help others in desperate Home of the Innocents team members situations, we should. We realize that our are training local volunteer families, or resources didn’t just come through hard Liza Smith attends many outreach events to educate the community and recruit potential “hosts,” to provide compassionate, stable, work or diligence—much of it was through hosts for a new program run by Home of the Innocents. Photo courtesy of the author. temporary housing for young adults (for no circumstance and privilege. For me, being longer than three months). While living in a human means helping other humans.” Host Home, young adults work with a case manager to secure independent housing and If you are interested in learning more work on other personal goals, such as con- about Host Homes or becoming a volunteer tinuing their education, or obtaining and host, please contact Liza Smith, Host Homes improving their employment. Manager, at ESmith@homeoftheinnocents. org or 502.596.1328. According to the Coalition for the Homeless, more than 850 unaccompanied Home of the Innocents enriches the lives youth under 24 experience homelessness of children and families with hope, health, each year in Louisville. Many are members and happiness. The Home provides a range FORsooth is published by the Louisville Chapter of the of marginalized groups. 30% are pregnant of important residential and community- or parenting young children. 40% are based programs. Serving more than 11,300 Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). victims of human trafficking. 74% suffer children and their families last year, those from mental health issues. 30% identify include a safe haven for at-risk children, FORsooth Staff as LGBTQ+. 63% are African-American clinical treatment services, crisis and inter- Managing Editor...... Adam Khayat or mixed race. vention services, therapeutic loving foster Design and Production Artist...... Sarah Hong care and adoption services, a pediatric Peace Calendar...... Tom Louderback Currently, no shelter in Louisville spe- convalescent center for children who are Webmaster...... David Horvath cifically serves this age group. Statistically, medically complex or terminally ill, and an Web Advisor...... Mark Monyhan young adults between the ages of 18-24 integrated pediatric medical facility, Open Bulk Mail Coordinators...... Cathy Ford, Everett Hoffmann, are the least likely to utilize adult shelters Arms Children’s Health. Beverley Marmion, Fred and Rose Nett due to fear and stigma. Youth often turn to Mailing List Coordinators...... Mary and David Horvath Delivery Coordinator...... Ike Thacker other means of shelter, like “couch surfing,” sleeping in cars, and staying on the street. Liza Smith joined the Home of the Over 100 Years on Peace Frontiers “Launching this project is helping us Innocents in 2016 as the Aftercare move towards the ultimate goal of ending Since 1915, the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) in the United States has led Program’s Em- campaigns to obtain legal rights for conscientious objectors, win civil rights for all youth homelessness in Louisville by 2020,” ployment Special- says Natalie Harris, Executive Director of Americans, end the Viet Nam War, oppose U.S. intervention in the Third World, and ist, helping young reverse the superpowers arms race. An interfaith pacifist organization, the FOR has the Coalition. “This program fills the gap in adults experienc- members from many religious and ethnic traditions. It is part of the International short-term, stable housing for young adults, ing homelessness and it has proven very successful in other prepare for, seek, Fellowship of Reconciliation, with affiliates in 40 countries. cities like Minneapolis. It can double short- and maintain em- In the development of its program, FOR depends upon persons who seek to apply term shelter options for this very vulnerable ployment and education. In early 2018, these principles to every area of life. We invite you to join us in this endeavor. population and improve the efficiency and she became the Host Homes Manager. Membership consists of signing the FOR Statement of Purpose indicating that effectiveness of our work by immediately Liza has a Bachelor’s degree in General you agree with FOR’s goals. Please sign up online at: getting young people off the streets, out of Studies from Indiana University, and is currently in her second year of study for emergency shelter, and into stable housing a Master’s of Clinical Psychology from FOR’S Mission Statement with support services.” Indiana Institute of Technology. She has As an interfaith organization, FOR’s mission is to organize, train, and grow a diverse a background in education and training, Since its 2018 launch, Host Homes has and is a self-proclaimed Disney Freak movement that welcomes all people of conscience to end structures of violence and focused on marketing the program through and Comic Book Nerd. war, and create peace through the transformative power of nonviolence.

Louisville FOR Louisville FOR was founded on Armistice Day in 1975 by tireless peace and justice activists George and Jean Edwards. The chapter has organized rallies, marches, boycotts and nonviolent civil disobedience to work for de-militarization, racial and economic justice and LGBT equality.

Louisville FOR Co-Chairpersons Pat Geier (502) 609.7985 Chris Harmer (502) 899.4119

Like this Newspaper? - Help keep it alive by donating! Please make checks payable to “FOR” and write “FORsooth” on the comment line. Mail your donation to: Tim Scheldorf, FOR Treasurer, 2917 Beaumont Road, Louisville KY 40205 Donations can also be made online via PayPal! Visit 4 | FEBRUARY 2019 - FORsooth WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN THE 116TH CONGRESS By Gracie Lewis though its overall composition will still tilt towards white and male compared to On Tuesday, November 13th, the the general population. Many of the new National Action Network headed by the Democrats are young and progressive, great Rev. Al Sharpton held its confer- underscoring the generational and ideologi- ence in Washington, DC. There were cal composition that are likely to pull at the over a hundred activists from across the Congress over the next two years. country that assembled for the first post- midterm election meeting with members The priorities for the 116th Congress of Congress, prospective 2020 candidates, is restoration of Section 5 of the Voting and potential House Speakers about their Rights Act, immigration, homeland security, legislative agenda. economic justice, education, and criminal justice reform. There will be a return to The conference was held in the Russell more legislative and budgetary hearings. In Senate Office Building – Kennedy Caucus other words, there will be a return to order. Room. The most diverse Congress in history You can also expect that there will be more descended on the Capitol, with newly oversight hearings held regarding President elected lawmakers arriving in Washington, Trump. Not even 24 hours after the 2018 DC, to meet their future colleagues and midterm elections shifted the power balance get acclimated to their new environment. in Congress, President Trump forced the res- Next year’s Congress will include a record ignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. number of women, while the incoming The danger here is that Sessions’ forced freshman class will also boast a number of resignation could pave the way to firing firsts: the first two Native American women, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is the first Somali-American lawmaker, the leading the Russian investigation. It’s clear first two Muslim women, and the first Pal- that this move is a serious threat to our estinian-American. democracy. President Trump also decided on his own to put in a successor, Matthew The legislative body will more closely Representative Ilhan Omari (D-Minn) is the first Somali-American to be elected to the United resemble the makeup of the United States, (see 116TH CONGRESS, page 6) States Congress, one of numerous firsts in the 116th Congress.Wikimedia Commons.

AMBAZONIA (continued from page 1) soldier can be heard asking his commanding “Cameroon: Killings, Destruction in officer: “Are we going to kill the children Anglophone Region,” they misleadingly for Human Rights Defenders in Central however, from the 1960s until 2017,” noted too?” and inaccurately assert that “in response to Africa have begun to analyze, document, Eben, U.S. facilitator of the Ambazonian protests and violence by armed separatists, and report on these incidents. Several Pan- Prisoners of Conscience Support Network, Ironically, Amnesty—widely seen as government forces have killed civilians, African groups, including affiliates of the “barely a single stone was thrown as part of the unquestioned expert on human rights used excessive force against demonstrators, prominent Network of African National our resistance. Armed resistance was never in the region—has been slow and signifi- tortured and mistreated suspected separat- Human Rights Institutions (which share a a tactic we engaged in.” cantly misguided in reporting the facts of ists and detainees, and burned hundreds of collegial relationship with the Pan African events in the region. An incredibly detailed homes in several villages.” Want to find Nonviolence and Peace-building Network), Following a series of lawyer-led and well-documented critique of the June evidence that the HRW summary press have raised growing concerns about mil- uprisings which began on October 1, 2016, 2018 Amnesty International report on release is inaccurate? Read the HRW full itary-perpetrated, government-instigated escalating nonviolent civil resistance, and “Anglophone Cameroon” spotlights ways report! The poor attempt to be “even- violence in the area which makes up the a massive general strike in September in which the respected organization has handed” tragically dilutes HRW’s basic southern border of Cameroon and Nigeria. 2017—met with gunfire from Cameroon misunderstood and distorted the reality of good point: these killings can and must be government helicopter gunships—some Ambazonian life and struggle. The popular stopped—by support for justice-seeking Nonviolence has always been the Ambazonians did initiate an armed struggle refrain that there “is violence on both sides” nonviolent campaigners and a condemna- strategy and philosophy of choice there, with on October 1, 2017, declaring independence not only gives too much emphasis to a very tion of government-based military violence the decades-long freedom slogan focusing and setting up a government in exile. Coop- limited armed struggle, dismissing the and oppression. on the logic of Ambazonia freedom, by eration between the governments of Nigeria decades of previous history, it also ignores “the force of argument, not the argument and Cameroon might play a negative role in the fact that the last two years have seen a The crisis in Ambazonia—like so many of force.” In 1961, the United Nations the aspirations of Ambazonians, as Nigeria sharp increase in the breadth and scope of anti-colonial crises that seem to be escalat- Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons handed over some who were taking refuge nonviolent civic engagement on the part of ing in this age of neocolonialism—cannot voted for full independence from colonial there, and who now make up a growing Ambazonians, both in the territory and in easily be resolved, especially by traditional Great Britain, and neighboring Franco- political-prisoner population in Cameroon. diaspora. An entire network of home-front military or diplomatic means. As grass- phone Cameroon quickly incorporated the Nigeria’s inability to resolve their “Boko media producers has congealed around a roots women’s and social groups inside territory into its own “United Republic” of Haram problem”—the Islamist fundamen- Southern Cameroon TV project, dozens of the country and supporters or allies in the Cameroon. Since that time, a mass, unarmed talist-military movement with close ties to diaspora organizations have formed and Diaspora continue to put pressure on the civil resistance movement has declared Iraq—also plays a role. Nigeria can push successfully pressed for attention from colonial regime, unarmed civil resistance is its desire for full independence, given its Boko Haram forces across the border into local and national politicians, the Southern the best hope for lasting change. But change distinct languages (English and Indigenous Cameroon, and Cameroon in turn attacks Cameroons Congress of the People was cannot take place without clear, pro-justice, African), culture, history, and geographic both Boko Haram military units and Amba- formed as a political party, and a veritable international attention and support—which base. In 1984, when Cameroon President zonian independence activists as if they social media army has begun to link so far has been sadly lacking. Paul Biya removed the “United” from represented the same “nuisance” to the refugees, political prisoners and their sup- the official name of the country, an even common people. It is the ordinary civilian, porters, home front organizers, and those more intense crisis ensued. “All this time, however, who is most caught between living abroad. Matt Meyer is an governments, mili- internationally- taries, and borders. Independent internationalists might recognized au- A horrifying video be especially confused by the July 19, thor, organizer, academic, and of Cameroon 2018 briefings and commentaries issued educator who soldiers murdering by Human Rights Watch (HRW). On the currently serves as two women, a one hand, their poignant report “These national co-chair young child, and Killings Can Be Stopped” recounts in 59 of the Fellowship a baby—appar- detailed pages how the area “is slipping of Reconciliation. ently in mid-July into a protracted human rights crisis in As former national chair of the War Re- and because their the largely Anglophone North-West and sisters League, he is second only to A.J. families allegedly South-West regions that border Nigeria.” Muste—“dean of the U.S. peace move- had ties to Boko It documents how, for the past two years ment”—in having been elected to the Haram—has begun or so, the Cameroon government has top position of both historic organiza- to go viral and gain responded to demonstrations, legal chal- tions. Meyer is also senior research scholar at the University of Massachu- the condemnation lenges, and unarmed protests with “heavy setts/Amherst Resistance Studies Initia- of Amnesty Inter- clamp-downs,” “repression and arrest,” and tive, the United Nations main represen- national. In an eerie “abuse” which likely caused a radicaliza- tative of the International Peace Re- flash-back to words tion on the part of the Ambazonian freedom search Association, coordinator of the uttered fifty years movement. War Resisters’ International Africa Sup- ago in Vietnam at port Network, and a member of the the heinous My On the other hand, in HRW’s summary board of advisors of Waging Nonvio- Lai massacre, one press release sent out the same day, lence. FORsooth - FEBRUARY 2019 | 5 PROSPECTS OF LOUISVILLE ECONOMY IN 2019 By Thomas E. Lambert from China and other parts of Asia. If trade of the national economy (St. Louis Federal Labor Statistics). This means that many tensions escalate, business sales and produc- Reserve Board). This portion of income is people have actually lost ground pay-wise What does 2019 hold for the Louisville tion could be hampered by the increased now slightly less than 10 percent versus since the Great Recession after adjusting for metro area economy? After more than 10 prices of goods we send overseas as well over 13 percent before and during the Great costs of living. If another recession comes years after the onset of the last recession, as the goods shipped into the area. For now, Recession. At the same time, however, soon, the fallout could be worse than the the probability of tough economic times it appears that trade tensions with Canada stagnant hourly earnings accompanied by last one. I hate to sound pessimistic, but throughout the US economy is highly and Europe have eased, although there does rising interest rates do not bode well for not much ground has probably been gained probable given that most US economic not appear to be any decrease in tensions the future of the Louisville area economy. by a lot of people since the last downturn. downturns have occurred with some type between the US and China anticipated soon. As the figure below shows, Louisville area, private-sector, average hourly earnings rose of regularity every 7 to 10 years since the Thomas E. Lambert is an instructor of end of World War II. This observation, plus Much of the recent volatility in the US from roughly $18.85 in 2007 to $22.86 in business statistics in the Economics De- recent declines in US stock and investment stock markets has been due to the Federal 2017. This is a 21% increase after adjusting partment of the College of Business at markets that are occurring as well as the Reserve deciding to increase interest rates. for inflation using a base-years index of the University of Louisville. The opinions effect of foreign trade disputes and rising Higher borrowing costs on the part of busi- 1982-1984. However, the Consumer Price expressed in this article are solely his. He interest rates at the time that this article is nesses will make it more difficult for them Index (CPI), a measure of inflation, during can be contacted at lambertthomas@ being written, must temper any forecasts to finance their operations and to carry out the same period rose 38% (US Bureau of about the local economy for 2019. investment plans for expansion and for new plant and equipment. Additionally, the For 2018, the Louisville area economy demand for many products that are usually performed with mixed results. Payroll financed by households (for example, homes virtually stood still with around 670,000 and motor vehicles) will probably decline people employed in both 2017 and 2018, as many consumers decide that they cannot and at the same time, the unemployment rate afford higher borrowing costs. A housing rose slightly during this time from 3.3 to 3.9 shortage has existed in the Louisville area percent (US Bureau of Labor Statistics). with rapidly rising home prices over the last For the nation, overall payroll employment 2 years (partially due to weak new home went up and the unemployment rate fell to construction activity), yet thanks to higher 3.7 percent by December 2018. Therefore, interest rates, housing demand will probably the Louisville economy is slightly behind decline resulting in a slower appreciation the national economy, although not signifi- of home prices compared to the last several cantly. years. If the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates in 2019, many markets One area of big concern is the impact will see stagnant growth at best, and the of a trade war with various nations. The same will probably hold for the Louisville Louisville metro area has many distilleries metro area as well. which export bourbon to many international markets and is home to two Ford Motor One piece of good news is that, since Company plants which export popular 2009, fewer Louisville area homes are selling vehicles. Louisville’s GE Appliance paying as much on their debts as a portion Park is now owned by a Chinese company, of disposable personal income (income Haier, and relies upon many imported parts after income taxes), a trend similar to that

Do you like this publication? Do you have Contribute to FORsooth! editing skills and want to contribute to Send submissions for news stories or commentaries to FORsooth’s success? We are in need of a the FORsooth Editor at [email protected] Managing Editor and it could be YOU! Send submissions for the Peace Calendar to [email protected] JOB OPENING Fellowship of Reconciliation MANAGING EDITOR & Sowers of Justice Network for FORsooth present This volunteer position includes a stipend of $100 per month. Third Thursday Lunches Anyone interested, please contact Russ Greenleaf [email protected] / 502-264-2437 FEBRUARY 21 Spread the word Featured Speaker: about this job opportunity! Barbara Spencer Dunn Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Never miss an issue - Hotel Louisville • 120 West Broadway Subscribe for FREE! corner of Second & Broadway -- Free off-street parking Send an email request to David Horvath at [email protected] Lunch at 11:30AM • Presentation at 12 noon • Full Buffet $7.00 at the Door and indicate if you want to receive FORsooth Reservations required by MONDAY before the lunch in the mail, via email, or both. RSVP to Pat Geier at (502)609-7985 or [email protected] 6 | FEBRUARY 2019 - FORsooth

116TH CONGRESS the chairmanship of the House Oversight preclearance – was considered antiquated sending Michael Cohen, Trump’s former Committee, will play a key role in checking and thus unconstitutional and can no longer lawyer, to prison. On Friday, December (continued from page 4) the Trump Administration by conducting be used. Although Section 5 prevailed, it is 7, federal prosecutors from the Southern investigations of the Executive Branch’s currently not being used, and it has become District of New York filed a sentencing Whitaker, as Acting Attorney General. actions and policies. For example, they a bastion of new voter suppression laws, memorandum for Michael Cohen, which The Senate alone has the power to confirm can tell National Security Advisor John including new voter-ID laws. The Voting stated “that in arranging payoffs to the two Trump’s next nominee for attorney general Bolton to listen to the audio recordings of Rights Advancement Act to Repair, Restore, women who said they’d had affairs with and stop him from trampling our country’s Post Global Opinions concerning columnist and Strengthen the Voting Rights Act of Trump, and hiding the facts, Cohen broke founding principle of checks and balances. Jamal Khashoggi’s murder for the prepos- 1965 is before Congress now, and we must campaign finance laws, which may have We need to make sure that our voices and terous reason that he doesn’t speak Arabic. urge our Senators and House members to had a substantial effect on the election.” our newly elected officials understand that endorse and support H.R. 2976/S. 1419 This certainly questions the legitimacy of we do not need an attorney general who will The Democratic Congress will be lead through passage. this President. do President Trump’s bidding. with transparency and openness so that the public can see what’s happening and how When President Trump criticizes Federal Gracie Lewis is a House Democratic Committee Chairs it affects them. Reserve Chair Jerome H. “Jay” Power longtime activist will have the power to call top Trump and blames him for GM’s plant-closing for social and Administration officials to appear at The new Congress will seek to restore (revealing Trump’s economic promises to racial justice. She works with hearings to answer questions about their Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA); be empty), the new Congress will not remain the Kentucky actions. They also can create special select this was gutted by the Supreme Court silent. They would remind Trump that he Alliance against committees to gather fresh facts on broader in Shelby vs. Holder, in which the U.S. should end his policy to levy tariffs and the Racist and Politi- issues such as Russian influence in U.S. Supreme Court did not invalidate the destructive tax on steel, which contributes cal Repression elections and how climate change policy principle of preclearance. The Supreme to the auto industry’s woes. and is member has shifted. Court did decide, however, that Section of the Louisville 4(b) of the VRA – which established the Finally, the 116th Congress will face an Chapter of the NAACP. Contact Gracie Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah formula that is used to determine which enormous challenge in moving our country at Cummings, who is expected to ascend to states and jurisdictions must comply with forward now that federal prosecutors are ance.

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FORward RADIO CALENDAR FORward Radio | 106.5 fm | WFMP-Louisville | FORward Radio is a grassroots, community-based, FM radio station operating as an educational arm of the FORwardLouisville Radio Chapter of the 106.5fm Fellowship of Reconciliation WFMP-LP (FOR) Louisville in pursuit of peace and social justice. As an affiliate in the Pacifica Network, our broadcast schedule is a mix of nationally syndicated programming (black text below)and locally or regionally produced programs (white text).

Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Time 12:00 AM Critical Thinking for 00:00 MUSIC Ralph Nader Radio Hour Sustainability Now! RetroForward Black Agenda Radio He Said, She Said 12:30 AM Everyone! 00:30 1:00 AM Rockabilly N Blues 01:00 1:30 AM Radio Hour RFN Weekend 01:30 2:00 AM (classic rock/EZ listening) 02:00 The Sonic Café Thom Hartmann Show Thom Hartmann Show Thom Hartmann Show Thom Hartmann Show Thom Hartmann Show 2:30 AM 02:30 3:00 AM What’s The Frequency, 03:00 Song of the Soul 3:30 AM Kenneth? 03:30 4:00 AM 04:00 4:30 AM 04:30 From The Vault From The Vault From The Vault From The Vault From The Vault From The Vault From The Vault 5:00 AM 05:00 5:30 AM 05:30 6:00 AM Kite Line - Prison Issues Le Show What’s The Frequency, Between The Lines This Way Out 06:00 Alternative Radio Solutions to Violence 6:30 AM Sprouts with Harry Shearer Kenneth? CounterSpin Making Contact 06:30 7:00 AM On The Edge w/K.A. Owens From Classroom to The Climate Report Save Our Schools 07:00 Law & Disorder Reach Out In The Darkness Single Payer 7:30 AM Informativo Pacifica Newsroom Bench Talk with Dear JCPS 07:30 8:00 AM Sprouts * 08:00 Project Censored Depth N Weight Solutions to Violence Ethics Forward Clearing The FOG Spirit in Action 8:30 AM Informativo Pacifica 08:30 9:00 AM 09:00 Radio EcoShock The Sonic Café Urban Voices Reach Out In The Darkness Single Payer The Sonic Café Alternative Radio 9:30 AM 09:30 10:00 AM From Classroom to 10:00 Spirit in Action Sustainability Now! Ethics Forward Clearing The FOG Black Agenda Radio 10:30 AM Newsroom 10:30 Brunch with Black Folks 11:00 AM Le Show The Climate Report Critical Thinking for 11:00 Ralph Nader Radio Hour Black Agenda Radio Access Hour 11:30 AM with Harry Shearer Bench Talk Everyone! 11:30 12:00 PM On The Edge w/K.A. Owens Sea Change Radio This Way Out Kite Line - Prison Issues 12:00 Radio EcoShock Alternative Radio He Said, She Said 12:30 PM KY 120 Newscast Citizens' Climate Radio Making Contact Sprouts 12:30 1:00 PM Between The Lines Informativo Pacifica 13:00 Ralph Nader Radio Hour* Law & Disorder Project Censored Access Hour Urban Voices 1:30 PM CounterSpin Between The Lines 13:30 2:00 PM Citizens' Climate Radio KY 120 Newscast 14:00 Depth N Weight Urban Voices Depth N Weight Access Hour RetroForward 2:30 PM Making Contact On The Edge w/K.A. Owens 14:30 3:00 PM From Classroom to Save Our Schools 15:00 Letters & Politics Letters & Politics Letters & Politics Letters & Politics He Said, She Said 3:30 PM Newsroom with Dear JCPS 15:30 4:00 PM Kite Line - Prison Issues 16:00 Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now Black Agenda Radio 4:30 PM Sprouts 16:30 5:00 PM Critical Thinking for KY 120 Newscast 17:00 Song of the Soul Solutions to Violence Reach Out In The Darkness Single Payer Law & Disorder 5:30 PM Everyone! CounterSpin 17:30 6:00 PM Save Our Schools Kite Line - Prison Issues Rockabilly N Blues 18:00 RetroForward Sustainability Now! Ethics Forward Clearing The FOG 6:30 PM with Dear JCPS Sprouts Radio Hour 18:30 7:00 PM The Climate Report Informativo Pacifica 19:00 Black Agenda Radio * Radio EcoShock Project Censored Song of the Soul 7:30 PM RFN Weekend Bench Talk Making Contact 19:30 8:00 PM (classic rock/EZ listening) 20:00 Rising Up With Sonali Rising Up With Sonali Rising Up With Sonali Rising Up With Sonali Rising Up With Sonali Spirit in Action 8:30 PM 20:30 9:00 PM Le Show Between The Lines 21:00 The David Pakman Show The David Pakman Show The David Pakman Show The David Pakman Show The David Pakman Show 9:30 PM with Harry Shearer CounterSpin 21:30 10:00 PM Sea Change Radio Sea Change Radio 22:00 Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now Democracy Now 10:30 PM This Way Out Citizens' Climate Radio 22:30 11:00 PM Best of The Attitude The Attitude The Attitude The Attitude The Attitude The Attitude What’s The Frequency, 23:00 11:30 PM with Arnie Arnesen with Arnie Arnesen with Arnie Arnesen with Arnie Arnesen with Arnie Arnesen with Arnie Arnesen Kenneth? 23:30 * Veterans For Peace Radio Hour airs monthly on the last Mon 1pm, Tue 7pm, and Wed 8am.

Broadcast Schedule (as of October 2018) FORsooth - FEBRUARY 2019 | 7 GAZA (continued from page 1) Regular Meeting Times for Texas had passed a law prohibiting state The Israel Lobby is mounting a deliber- funds from going to any company or indi- ate, organized, sustained attack on the free Area Organizations vidual who boycotts Israel. speech rights of American citizens in order AMERICANS UNITED FOR SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE—Third Friday at noon at to protect Israel from criticism. Sullivan University, Contact Paul Simmons at 608-7517, [email protected]. Ms. Amawi is a U.S. citizen who has AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL—Contact Sharon at 637-8951 worked in the public schools for nine years. Barbara Berman of Louisville Jewish APPAF [American Palestine Public Affairs Forum]—, 664-2761 Her story is told in an excellent article by Voice for Peace says, “Criticism of Israel’s AUDUBON SOCIETY OF KENTUCKY— Glenn Greenwald in The Intercept (Dec. 17, inhumane treatment of Palestinians is not BECKHAM BIRD CLUB—2nd Saturday, 7PM, 2018 - antisemitism. And neither is boycotting BLACK LIVES MATTER—Every Sunday, 3PM, 3208 W. Broadway, [email protected] israel-texas-anti-bds-law/). Israel.” Barbara is organizing the Louis- BREAD FOR THE WORLD—Last Monday every other month, 239-4317 ville peace community to oppose passage CAPA [Citizens Against Police Abuse]—2nd Thursday, 778-8130. Meet at Braden Center, Greenwald points out that the Texas anti- of the anti-boycott law in Kentucky. Contact 3208 W. Broadway boycott law, “victimizes not just Amawi, an Barbara to find out what you can do to help: CART [Coalition for the Advancement of Regional Transportation]—3rd Wednesday, Union American who is barred from working in the [email protected] Station, TARC Board Room professional field to which she has devoted CEDAW [Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women]—2nd Tuesday, 6:30 PM, her adult life, but also the young children in Governor Bevin has already signed an Bon Air Library, [email protected] need of her expertise and experience ….” executive order prohibiting state funds from CLOUT [Citizens of Louisville Organized and Working Together]—583-1267 going to anyone who boycotts Israel. The COMMITTEE FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—2nd Monday, 456-6586 He notes that the anti-boycott laws create Kentucky legislature is expected to pass it COMMON CAUSE—Ad hoc discussions. Continuous engagement. an absurd situation in which U.S. citizens into law in the next session. We must raise COMMUNITY COALITION ON THE HEALTHY HOMETOWN—Every Monday, 5:30PM, 574-6209 are “free to denounce and work against the our voices now to stop this law. COMMUNITY FARM ALLIANCE OF KENTUCKY—(859)351-4508, United States, to advocate for causes that COUNTER RECRUITMENT, “Aim Higher”—1st Sunday, 7PM, 899-4119 directly harm American children, and even Call and write your legislators and ask EARTHSAVE POTLUCK —2nd Saturday, 6PM, 299-2520, to support a boycott of particular U.S. states them to vote against the Israel anti-boycott EVOLVE [Electric Vehicle Owners of Louisville]—Join us on facebook, [email protected] … or work against the policies of any other law when it comes up. Find their contact —Quarterly community dialogues and volunteer opportunities, 893-0788 government in the world — except Israel.” info at: FDR/LINCOLN LEGACY CLUB—1st Thursday, [email protected] FOR [Fellowship of Reconciliation]—2nd Thursday, at 7:30PM, Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, The anti-boycott law is “designed to Also call and write your U.S. Senators Nelson Hall,, 609-7985 or 899-4119 protect not the United States or the children and Congressperson and ask them to vote 15 THOUSAND FARMERS—15th day each month, of Texas, but the economic interests of against the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act”, which FOOD IN NEIGBORHOODS COMMUNITY COALITION—2nd Tuesday, 6:30PM, 819-2957 Israel. As Amawi put it to The Intercept: is the nation-wide anti-boycott law being FORWARD RADIO PROJECT – 296-1793, see page 5 for more info ‘It’s baffling that they can … decide to pushed by the Israel Lobby. FRIENDS FOR HOPE—Support Group for Adult Cancer Survivors, 4th Wednesday, 6:30PM, 451-9600 protect another country’s economy versus protecting our constitutional rights.’” Rep. John Yarmuth: 202-225-5401 FRIENDSHIP FORCE OF LOUISVILLE—2nd Tuesday, 893-8436 Louisville office: 502-582-5129 GREATER LOUISVILLE SIERRA CLUB—3rd Tuesday, 7PM, 644-0659 Kentucky will soon have a similar 600 Martin Luther King, Jr Place, GREEN CONVENE—2nd Tuesday, 6:30PM, law, unless we raise our voices to stop Suite 216, Louisville, KY 40202 HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION ADVOCACY BOARD—1st Monday, 9AM, 574-3631 it. Governor Bevin has already signed an HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION ENFORCEMENT BOARD—1st Monday, 9:30AM, 574-3631 executive order, and the Kentucky legisla- Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541 HUMANISTS OF METRO LOUISVILLE—2nd Monday, 7PM, 896-4853 ture is expected to pass it into law in the Louisville office: 502-582-6304 INTERFAITH PATHS TO PEACE—3rd Wednesday, every other month, 214-7322 next session. 601 W. Broadway, Room 630 IRFI [Islamic Research Fuondation International]—Sundays at 6PM, 423-1988 Louisville, KY 40202 JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE—3rd Wednesday, 7PM, 553-6451, [email protected] Does a state have a right to “boycott JUSTICE RESOURCE CENTER—www., 774-8624 the boycotters” when deciding who gets Senator Rand Paul: 202-224-4343 KENTUCKIANS FOR SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE—1st and 3rd Thursday, 5:30PM, state funds? Greenwald notes that courts Bowling Green office: 270-782-8303 Board Room in the Mezzanine of the Main Public Library,, 636-1551 have repeatedly ruled that boycotts are free 1029 State Street KFTC [Kentuckians for the Commonwealth]—2nd Monday, 589-3188 speech and that the government is constitu- Bowling Green, KY 42101 KTAG [Kentuckiana Taskforce Against Genocide]—, 553-6172 tionally barred under the First Amendment KY ALLIANCE AGAINST RACIST & POLITICAL REPRESSION—1st Tuesday, 6:30PM, 778-8130 from withholding government benefits Russ Greenleaf is KY COALITION TO ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY—, 636-1330 based on speech. a Jewish peace KITLAC [KY Interfaith Taskforce on Latin America & The Caribbean]—[email protected], activist and writer in 435-3265 Louisville, Kentucky. People across the political spectrum KRCRC [KY Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice]—, (866)606-0988 He is a member of believe these anti-boycott laws are a the Louisville Com- KY WATERSHED WATCH—Volunteer water quality monitoring and training around the state profound threat to our constitutional right mittee for Peace every month. Call 1-800-928-0045 to free speech. in the Middle East LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS—3rd Monday, Sept-May,, 895-5218 (LCPME) and is on LOUISVILLE COMMITTEE FOR ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN STATES—3rd Sunday, 451-5658 Laura Friedman of the Foundation for the Board of Directors of the Louisville LOUISVILLE COMMITTEE FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST (LCPME)—First Monday, Middle East Peace says the anti-boycott laws Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). Con- 7PM, 264-2437 are, “a free speech exception for Israel.” tact Russ at [email protected] LOUISVILLE FORUM—2nd Wednesday, Noon,, 329-0111 LPAC [Louisville Peace Action Community]—, 456-6914 LOUISVILLE SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (LSURJ)—Monthly meetings for learning and action, 558-7556 LOUISVILLE WOMEN CHURCH—Meditation every Sunday, 473-8435 LOUISVILLE YOUTH GROUP—Friday nights, 587-7755, LOUISVILLIANS IN FAVOR OF EQUALITY (LIFE)—4th Sunday, 384-3875 METRO SWEEP FOR ACCESS—3rd Tuesday, 895-0866 or 899-9261 METROPOLITAN HOUSING COALITION—4th Wednesday, 584-6858 MIGHTY KINDNESS—[email protected], 235-0711 MOMS DEMAND ACTION FOR GUN SENSE—(571)278-2255, MUHAMMAD ALI INSTITUTE FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE—U of L, 852-6372 NAACP [National Association for the Advancement of Colored People]—3rd Monday, 776-7608 NAMI [National Alliance for the Mentally Ill]—588-2008, NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK, LOUISVILLE METRO CHAPTER—4th Sunday, 5PM, 778-8624 or (470)362-0317 PARENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS (P-FLAG)—233-1323, PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAM—, 589-6583 RESULTS (a hunger lobby)—2nd Saturday, 451-4907 SICKLE CELL ASSOCIATION—3rd Saturday, 569-2070 SIERRA CLUB INNER CITY OUTINGS—2nd Thursday, 7:30PM, 558-0073 How Are We Doing? LOUISVILLE SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE—Learning, support and action, 558-7556. What do you think about this issue of FORsooth? SOCIAL CHANGE BOOK CLUB—3rd Monday, SOWERS OF JUSTICE NETWORK—, Do you have any ideas of how we can improve? [email protected] Is there something you like and want to see more of? STAND UP SUNDAY/STAND UP LOUISVILLE—Every Sunday, 3PM, 3208 W. Broadway, [email protected] URBAN LEAGUE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS—2nd Monday, 6PM, 561-6830 Contact the FORsooth Editor: VETERANS FOR PEACE, Louisville Chapter 168—500-6915, [email protected] [email protected] WOMEN IN TRANSITION (WIT) – Every Wednesday, 6-8 PM, 636-0160 Note: If your group would like to be added to this list, or if information needs to be updated, please let us know by emailing [email protected] CALENDAR FOR PEACEMAKERS - FEBRUARY 2019 Meeting times are subject to change for some of these events. Before attending these events, it’s best to contact the sponsoring organization to verify the time and place of the event. Please e-mail us information about your peace and justice events to [email protected] Feb 1 to 28 » SACK LUNCHES FOR THE HOMELESS. from conflicts in the Middle East. For more information, Network at Hotel Louisville. Hear compelling speakers Wayside Christian Mission. Open every day. Help us call Harold Trainer, 419-4083. on current concerns and issues of justice, compassion, assemble sack lunches for men and women who are Feb 10 (Sun) » THE NONVIOLENT CITIES PROJECT. faith, and public policy. Lunch begins at 11:30AM, working and away from the Mission at mealtimes. Sack Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service, every 2nd Sunday at presentation begins at 12 noon. RSVP to Pat Geier by lunches are also used by our Good Samaritan Patrol. Visit 2:30PM. Help us spread and apply the principles of non- the Monday prior at 609-7985 or [email protected]. violent action here and now. Call 812-280-0665 or email See page 5 for more details about this month’s event. Feb 1 TO 28 » THE WORLD’S MAJOR RIVERS. The Crane [email protected] for more information. House. Compare three of the world’s major rivers: Ganges, Feb 10 to 16 » HAND IN HAND MINISTRIES. Work side Feb 21 (Thurs) » FORsooth LABELING PARTY. Louisville Yangtze, and . Learn more about their influence on by side with people who live and work in vulnerable Presbyterian Seminary, Winn Center. 6:30 PM. Every 3rd the history and culture of their respective countries. Visit communities. Visit Thursday. We need volunteers! Many hands make light Feb 11 (Mon) » JEFFERSON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL work, and the opposite is also true! So please join us if you Feb 2 (Sat) » INTERFAITH SILENT MEDITATION. Every JUSTICE TEAM. Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. can. Call 451-5658 for more information. first Saturday. 9:30AM. Brief meditation instruction and Every 2nd Tuesday at 5:30PM. Help us organize and assess longer periods of silence, interspersed with opportunities our local campaign for community environmental concerns. Feb 22 (Fri) » DAUGHTERS OF GREATNESS. Muhammad for walking meditation. Passionist Earth & Spirit Center, Learn and share. Call Becky Jones for more information, Ali Center. 8:30AM. Hear the inspiring story of author and the Barn at 1924 Newburg Road. Call 502-452-2749 for 589-3188. commentator Hannah L. Drake with breakfast. Visit www. information. Visit Feb 12 (Tues) » MOVIMENIENTO DE MUJERES LATINA Feb 2 (Sat) » LOUISVILLE COMMUNITY AGRICULTURE. -- LATINA WOMEN’S MOVEMENT, La Casita Center, Feb 26 (Tues) » FREE NONPROFIT START-UP CLINIC. Every Saturday morning. Also, other days and times. 26 Every second Tuesday, 5:30PM. Network, mentor, find Center for Nonprofit Excellence, 3PM. Every 4th Tuesday. farmers’ markets from California neighborhood to Norton friends and share. Call 322-4036 for more information. Learn the fundamentals, avoid pitfalls, and find direction. Commons. Visit Feb 12 (Tues) » AMERICANA COMMUNITY CENTER, Visit mayors-healthy-hometown-movement/services/healthy- 6PM, Volunteer orientation every 2nd Tuesday. Help bridge Feb 26 (Tues) » KENTUCKY REFUGEE MINISTRIES eating. the gap for our refugee and immigrant neighbors. Visit LUNCH & LEARN. Noon. Learn more about our refugee Feb 2 (Sat) » PRESERVE OUR URBAN FORESTS. Olmsted & immigration settlement program and citizenship tutoring Parks Conservancy. Almost every Saturday. Our tasks Feb 13 (Wed) » Y-NOW CHILDREN OF PRISONERS classes. Visit include invasive plant removal, mulching, painting or MENTORING. Join us for a tour of YMCA Safe Place. general park beautification in our various Olmsted parks 2nd Wednesday each month. Learn how you can help OUT OF TOWN and parkways. Gloves, tools and guidance provided. break the cycle through mentoring and encouragement. Feb 4 (Mon) » KENTUCKY MIGRANT NETWORK Be sure to sign-up before coming out. Visit http:// RSVP to 635-5233. COALITION. Lexington KY at the Cardinal Valley Center, Feb 13 (Wed) » LOUISVILLE FORUM. Noon at Vincenzo’s 12PM. Every first Monday. Get better acquainted with Feb 2 (Sat) » HELP BUILD A HOME. Habitat for Humanity of Downtown. Every 2nd Wednesday. Speakers on current Kentucky’s immigrant and refugee families. For more Metro Louisville. Almost every Saturday. Work alongside public issues. Non-partisan discussion. For details, call information, call 859-258-3824. our sweat-equity families. Ask about our non-construction 329-0111. Feb 5 to 26 » FAIRNESS MEETINGS. ACLU of Kentucky. opportunities too. Visit Feb 13 (Wed) » COMPASSIONATE LOUISVILLE. Noon. Help us promote LGBT Rights in Kentucky and join our Feb 2 (Sat) » CANVASS NEIGHBORHOODS FOR FRESH Meeting locations rotate. Help monitor the progress of meeting in Versailles, Georgetown, Frankfort, Bowling FOOD. Saturdays and Sundays. Join us any time. Metro Louisville ten-year campaign for compassion. Green, Berea, and Shelbyville. Visit Fresh Stop Project volunteers take orders door to door Visit for more Feb 7 (Thurs) » INTERFAITH PRAYER VIGIL FOR PEACE. for locally grown fruits and vegetables. Visit http:// information. Lexington, KY at West Main and Broadway, 5:30PM Feb 14 (Thurs) » EVERYONE READS TRAINING. JCPS to 6:30PM. Every Thursday for twelve years. For more Feb 3 (Sun) » COMMUNITY COMPOSTING. UofL Belknap VanHoose Education Center, 4PM. Every 2nd Thursday. information, visit Campus. Every Sunday, noon to 2PM. Help us turn trash Join our community-wide effort to improve reading skills. Feb 21 (Thurs) » ORGANIC AGRICULTURE WORKING to treasure. Haul home some rich compost for your garden. Feb 15 (Fri) » A GLIMPSE OF ETERNITY. The Louisville GROUP. KSU Research Farm, Frankfort, KY. Every third Dress to get dirty. Tools provided. Visit http://louisville. Astronomical Society at dusk in Tom Sawyer Park. Every Thursday. Participate in efforts to develop local food edu/sustainability. 2nd Friday weather permitting. Look through telescopes economies with the Community Farm Alliance and others. Feb 3 (Sun) » “AIM HIGHER” focusing on military at planets, our moon, stars, double stars, the Orion nebula, counter-recruitment. Every first Sunday at 7 PM. Discuss and other wonders. Visit AT THE LOUISVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES conscientious objection, military recruitment, and the Feb 15 (Fri) » GROWING FOOD AND COMMUNITY. Visit for more information. possibility for high school students to “opt out” of having 15 Thousand Farmers at Dismas Charities St. Ann’s on Feb 2 (Sat) » ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB. Every their names given to recruiters. Call Jim Johnson, 262-0148 Algonquin Pkwy, the 15th of every month. Share ideas and Saturday at the Iroquois Public Library, 3PM. Also Main or e-mail [email protected]. experiences about growing your own food. Taste samples. Library on Wednesdays at 7PM and Shively Public Library Feb 4 (Mon) » JEFFERSON COUNTY RACIAL JUSTICE Visit on Thursdays at 6:30PM. TEAM. Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. Every 1st Feb 18 (Mon) » JEFFERSON COUNTY DEMOCRACY Feb 2 (Sat) » HOUR OF POWER BOOK DISCUSSIONS. Monday at 6:30PM. Help us organize and assess our local TEAM. Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. Every 3rd Newburg Public Library, every first Saturday at 2PM. campaign for racial justice and equity. Learn and share. Call Monday at 6:30PM. Help us organize and assess our local Discuss books on personal efforts. Becky Jones for more information, 589-3188. campaign for boosting citizen participation and advocacy. Feb 2 (Sat) » AFRICAN AMERICAN READ-IN. Newburg Feb 5 (Tues) » CONSOLING PARENTS. Meeting at First Learn and share. Call Becky Jones for more information Public Library, 2:30PM. Hear students discuss Black Lutheran Church every Tuesday at 6:30PM. Meet others at 589-3188. History and share their favorite dish. who know the loss of miscarriage, stillbirth, and newborn Feb 19 (Tues) » WEST JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMUNITY Feb 3 (Sun) » AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH death. Call 629-2103 for more information. TASK FORCE. Meeting at the NIA Center every 3rd FILM SERIES. Main Public Library, 2PM. Every Sunday Feb 5 (Tues) » REAL PEOPLE, REAL CHALLENGES, Tuesday at 6PM. Help us examine and assess community this month. REAL SOLUTIONS. Volunteers of America Family environmental concerns. Call 852-4609 for more Feb 4 (Mon) » BASIC SPANISH. South Central Public Emergency Shelter, morning and evening sessions. One- information. Library, 6:30PM. Every Monday. Learn to use the basic hour interactive tour of VOA’s work and programs for Feb 19 to 21 » COMMUNITY INSTITUTE. Peace Education tools of the language. self-determination. Call 636-4660 to RSVP. Program, 8:30AM to 4PM. Hands-on training in conflict Feb 4 (Mon) » REDLINING LOUISVILLE. Newburg Public Feb 6 (Wed) » VOLUNTEER FOR REFUGEE FAMILIES resolution youth workers, educators, parents, and community Library, 6:30PM. Hear Joshua Pope explore structural Catholic Charities, 5:30pm. First Wednesday every month. leaders. Visit discrimination in historic redlining maps. Learn more about our refugee & immigration settlement Feb 20 (Wed) » JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE. Highlands- Feb 6 (Wed) » MEETING OF THE MINDS. Crescent Hill program and family assistance efforts. Visit Shelby Park Public Library. Every third Wednesday. Help Public Library, 7PM. Discuss current topics with your Feb 6 (Wed) » THE LOUISVILLE SUSTAINABILITY us plan for future and assess our accomplishments. Call friends and neighbors. FORUM. Every first Wednesday. Sustainability and 502-553-6451 or e-mail [email protected]. Feb 7 (Thurs) » CITIZENSHIP CLASS. Iroquois Public relationships that create a community for change. Bring Feb 20 (Wed) » JEFFERSON COUNTY ECONOMIC Library, 11AM. Every Thursday. Instruction by Kentucky your lunch. Noon to 1:45 PM, Passionist Earth & Spirit JUSTICE TEAM. Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. Refugee Ministries Center, the Barn at 1924 Newburg Road. Every 3rd Wednesday at 6:30PM. Help us organize and Feb 7 (Thurs) » SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENTS. Main Feb 7 (Thurs) » KENTUCKY SINGLE PAYER HEALTH assess our local campaign for equitable development, Public Library, 6:30PM. Take our short course on his CARE. Every first & third Thursday, 5:30PM at Main affordable housing and healthcare, and participatory historical and contemporary perspective. Also, Feb 14 & 21. Public Library. Call Kay Tillow 636-1551. budgeting. Learn and share. Call Becky Jones for more Feb 10 (Sat) » AFRICAN DRUMMING WORKSHOP. South information at 589-3188. Central Library, 3PM. Experience playing in an ensemble. Feb 7 (Thurs) » DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ARTICLES Feb 20 (Wed) » THOMAS MERTON, WHITENESS, AND Feb 12 (Tues) » INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES OF THE FOR THE APRIL ISSUE OF FORsooth. Email RACIAL JUSTICE. Bellarmine University, 7PM. Hear AMERICAS. Main Library, 6:30PM. Practice word from submissions to [email protected]. professor and prolific author Daniel P. Horan, OFM. Visit Native American Languages. Feb 19 (Tues) » ON THE EDGE BOOK GROUP. South Feb 7 (Thurs) » DEADLINE TO SUBMIT EVENTS Feb 21 (Thurs) » CHAT WITH POLICE. 6PM. Open dialogue Central Library, 6:30PM. Read and discuss our off-the- FOR THE MARCH ISSUE OF FORsooth. Every first with police officers. Meeting places rotate month to month. beaten-path selections. Thursday. Please email [email protected]. Visit Feb 20 (Wed) » BOOKS ON GLOBAL SOLIDARITY. Main Feb 21 (Thurs) » MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT & Public Library, 12PM. Discuss contemporary books by Feb 9 (Sat) » EARTHSAVE OF LOUISVILLE. Crescent Hill ADVOCACY. NAMI Louisville every third Thursday at authors from all over the world. (aka Mayor’s Book Club) Ministries, 6PM to 8PM. Every 2nd Saturday. Discuss 3PM. Also Saturdays and Sundays. Support for families. Feb 21 (Thurs) » WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB. South Central healthy food and behavior change. Bring a plant-based dish Draw on years of experience. Visit Public Library, 7PM. Join our discussion of books of and share your recipe. Mix, mingle, music. Call 299-9520 Feb 21 (Thurs) » COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL interest to women. for more information. ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN (CASA). Orientation, Feb 23 (Sat) » THE MISEDUCATION OF THE NEGRO Bon Feb 9 (Sat) » CITIZENS’ CLIMATE LOBBY. Crescent Hill Noon to 1PM. Learn how you can help defend the rights Air Public Library, 2PM. Join or discussion of Carter G. Public Library, Noon. Every 2nd Saturday. Help plan of abused and neglected children in our community. Call Woodson’s insightful book. efforts to lobby for state legislation to combat climate 595-4911 to RSVP. Feb 26 (Tues) » CONVERSATIONS WITH A SUFFRRGIST. change. For more contact Jean at [email protected] or Feb 21 (Thurs) » LEARNING DIFFERENCES SUPPORT Main Public Library, 6:30PM. Enjoy this engaging one- call 502-634-3114. & ADVOCACY. Learning Disabilities Association of woman performance about Mattie Griffith Browne. Feb 10 (Sun) » VIGIL FOR PEACE. Louisville Peace Action Kentucky every third Thursday at 7PM. Support for Feb 28 (Thurs) » WOMEN MAKE FILMS SERIES. Main Committee (LPAC) and Veterans for Peace Chapter individuals and families. Call 473-1256 for more info. Public Library, 6:30PM. Enjoy films directed by women 168, 4PM to 5PM. Every 2nd Sunday. Bardstown Rd. at Feb 21 (Thurs) » THIRD THURSDAY LUNCH. every Thursday. Douglass Blvd. Bring a sign. Remember those suffering Co-sponsored by FOR and the Sowers of Justice