CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

ENID TRUCIOS-HAYNES Professor of Law Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Wilson W. Wyatt Hall University of Louisville Louisville, 40292 (Office) 502-852-7694 (Fax) 502-852-0682 [email protected]



Louis D. Brandeis School of Law (1993-present) Trustee, University of Louisville (Fall 2016–Fall 2018) Chair, Faculty Senate (Fall 2016–Fall 2018) Director, University of Louisville, Muhammad Ali Institute (2014-present) Co-Director and Co-Founder, Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (2016-present) Co-Director, Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Project (2014–present) University Faculty Grievance Officer, University of Louisville (2010–Fall 2016; Spring 2019) Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (2004–2007) Director, Immigration Law Mini-Clinic (1998-2000) Co-Founder and Co-Director, Regulatory Law and Policy Program (1998-2002) Professor of Law (2000–present) Associate Professor (1997-2000) Assistant Professor (1993-1997)

Courses Taught: Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law II Race and the Law Immigration Law Selected Problems in Immigration Law International Human Rights Law International Law Administrative Law Regulatory Law & Policy Director, Lawyering Skills (Spring 2008) Basic Legal Skills (1995-1996)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes


2018-19:  Chair, Redbook Review Committee: a Provost appointed committee of several deans, the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, Faculty Senators, the Chair of the Staff Senate and President of SGA  Co-Chair, INVEST Strategic Planning Workgroup: led all workgroup weekly meetings to develop consensus about strategies, targets and measures to meet an established strategic goal

Trustee, University of Louisville (Fall 2016–Fall 2018)  Served on two distinct boards appointed by Governor Beshear (Sept. – Dec. 2016) and Governor Bevin (Jan. 2017-Sept).  Presidential Search Committee (June 2017-May 2018): successfully advocated for increased faculty participation in the search process; listening tour sessions for faculty, students, staff, alumni and community members; negotiated the format for participation of the elected faculty advisory committee and deans; liaison to elected faculty advisory committee; chaired meeting of deans, elected faculty committee and board members on the final day of the search.  Executive Committee (2017-18)  Governance Committee (2017-18): by-laws revisions; negotiation team for MOU between the UofL Foundation and UofL Board of Trustees,  Finance Committee (2017-18): reviewed and assessed total funds budget and administration’s management of significant budget shortfalls  Ad-hoc Nepotism and Tenure Review Committee: review, assessment and revision of nepotism policy, review and assessment of benchmark and ACC institutions with Faculty Senate Executive Committee  Trustee of University of Louisville Research Foundation  Presentations on Shared Governance to full Board, orientation session for new members, and Governance Committee

Chair, Faculty Senate (Fall 2016–Fall 2018)  Served during the terms of three different University presidents and provosts  Successfully advocated for faculty representation on University of Louisville Foundation during the terms of three different Board chairs which was referenced by credit ratings agencies as a key indicator of stronger governance practices.  With the Provost, jointly called for creation of Presidential Search Faculty Advisory Committee, and managed the appointment and operation of this committee  Established ad-hoc Senate budget advisory committee with representatives from every unit to examine the impact of significant budget cuts  Attended University of Louisville Foundation monthly board meetings 2017-18 until appointment to the Board in Spring 2018  Elected President, Kentucky Coalition of Faculty Senates & Leaders (COSFL) (April 2017- present)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

 Served on several senior administrator searches including CFO, Vice President for Risk Management, COO  Directed the creation of guidelines for the program closures and the termination of faculty by the Senate Academic Programs Committee, Planning and Budget Committee, and Executive Committee  President’s Budget Advisory Committee (2012-present) examining budget management options for each academic year  Provost’s Budget Steering Committee (2017-18) working on a new budget model for the University  Review of Ombuds Office performance  Monthly meetings with Provost, COO, Interim CFO and other senior leadership at the University

Director, University of Louisville, Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice (MAI) (2014- present)  Hired cohesive, motivated team including an Assistant Director and Program Assistant in Spring 2019.  Created Faculty Research Group with a call for university-wide collaboration to translate social justice research into action. Managed and directed two transdisciplinary faculty research projects investigating the content and operationalization of “cultural competency” across disciplines, professions, and operations in a university setting.  Directed three cohorts and selected fourth cohort of the Muhammad Ali Scholars Program: a unique two-year undergraduate experience providing a combination of social-justice-infused leadership development, academic research, and local to global community engagement and service focused on violence prevention and peace building, with a specific focus on youth in urban settings.  Co-Principal Investigator, Muhammad Ali Center Curriculum Grant (2019-20) to significantly revise the “Creating Our Future: A Muhammad Ali Center Character Education Curriculum” initially created in 2012.  Addressed longstanding staff performance issues through H.R. Performance Improvement Plan (Spring 2016).  Reorganized MAI operations to align staffing skills with mission by eliminating Program Coordinator positions, creating Assistant Director and Program Assistant positions, and seeking dedicated funds for the Muhammad Ali Program scholarships (Spring 2016).  Managed operations during periods of significant budget and other uncertainties including a hiring freeze, significant time-periods with no staff support in 2016-17 and 2017-18, and a major budget cut.  Grawemeyer Spirit Award to Muhammad Ali (September 2015): videos featuring Enid Trucios-Haynes and Muhammad Ali Scholars - Igniting Inspiration Video --; Bettering the World Video --


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

Co-PI, Co-Director, and Founder, Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research (2016-present)  Developed idea to bridge the silos of academic disciplines by building a community of social justice research-activists including faculty, staff, students and community partners; to function as a hub for social justice research; and to harness the transformative power of transdisciplinary research to address intransigent challenges stemming for structural inequality.  Recipient of an internally and externally peer-reviewed proposal for an 2016 iRFP 21st Century Research Innovation Grant, University of Louisville Executive Vice President of Research and Innovation ($250,000 annual grant; managing $550,000 total resources annually, and total of $1.5 Million over 3 years)(2016)(2017-19 renewals)  Secured pledged resource and funding commitments from 36 offices, units and departments across the University of Louisville totaling over $300,000 in 2017-2019.  Secured renewed three-year commitments in May 2019 for ongoing pledges from 2020- 2022 from all original colleges and added 3 new colleges (all contributing except Music)  Funded 5 annual Ph.D graduate assistantships; an Undergraduate Research Fellows Program; a law student fellowship; and hourly graduate student workers.  Promoted transdisciplinary social justice research to demonstrably impact the Louisville community by setting small grant parameters to require: faculty from multiple disciplines; students involved in all phases of the research; and a community partner involved in developing and participating in the research inquiry.  Developed a unique system for faculty research support in the form of course-releases (funding part-time lecturers to buy out faculty teaching time instead of 10% of faculty salary)  Created an infrastructure and procedures for: peer-review of research proposals; UG and Grad fellowship application and selection process; a University Advisory Council; a Steering Committee; and a Community Advisory Committee  Expanded collaborations among social justice researchers by matching faculty with student fellows, and connecting faculty across the University, annual symposia, and professional development events for faculty, students, staff, and community  Hired and supervised Consortium Research Manager, and all work of the Consortium, with Dr. Cate Fosl, Co-PI and Co-Director.

Vice Chair, Faculty Senate (Sept. 2014-16)  President’s Tuition Taskforce and Fee Setting Committee (2013-16) making annual recommendations on all fees and tuition increases across the colleges and professional schools  Served on University of Louisville Athletics Association Board member

University Faculty Grievance Officer, University of Louisville (2010–Fall 2016; Acting FGO in Spring 2019)  Advised faculty members about the grievance process and options in collaboration with the Ombuds Office 4

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 Produced annual reports to Faculty Senate  Developed and implemented the organizational structure for the revised grievance system (2011-12)  Provost’s Ad-Hoc Committee on New Faculty Grievance Policy (2012)  Member, Ad-hoc Grievance Revision Committee (2010-2011)

CODRE Campus Environment Team (2010-present)  Subcommittee of the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality (CODRE)  Under direction of Vice Provost of Diversity and International Affairs  Oversees the implementation of campus climate surveys, reviews survey results (including comments), uses a collaborative approach to developing campus climate action plan  Includes faculty, staff, students, Vice Provost for Institutional Research, HSC Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Diversity Committee chairs of colleges and units

Other University Committees:  President’s INVEST Strategic Planning Committee, Co-Chair (2019)  Provost’s Redbook Review Committee, Chair (2018-19)  President’s Budget Advisory Committee (2012-Fall 2019)  Provost’s Budget Steering Committee (2017-18)  President’s Tuition Taskforce and Fee Setting Committee (2013-16)  Muhammad Ali Institute Director Search Committee (2013-14)  Law School Decanal Review Committee, Chair (2011-2012)  University Campus Environment Team, subcommittee of the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality (CODRE) (2010-present)  Faculty Senate (2001-present)  Faculty Senate Executive Committee (2001-present)  Chair, Faculty Senate Redbook Committee (2006-2009); Member (2001-2012)  Provost’s Ad-Hoc Committee on New Faculty Grievance Policy (2012)  Member, Ad-hoc Grievance Revision Committee (2010-2011)  Latin American and Latino Studies Program Steering Group (2006-present)  President’s Community Engagement Steering Committee (2008-2012)  University Residency Review Committee (2009-2011)  Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality (2003-2007)  Provost’s Ad-Hoc Committee on Personnel Policies (2007-08)  Provost’s Ad-Hoc Committee on Redbook Matters (2006-2007)  College of Arts & Sciences Diversity Plan Facilitator (2005-2007)  Vice Provost’s Diversity Planning Committee (2005-2007)  Selection Committee, Chair in Urban Healthcare and Policy (2001)  Selection Committee, Vice Provost for Diversity (2001)  Commission on the Status of Women (1994-2000)  Women’s Center Advisory Council (1996-2000)  Selection Committee, President’s Multicultural Teaching Award (2006-2007)  Screening Committee, President’s Distinguished Service Award


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

 Faculty Concerns Committee for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Reaccreditation (2005-2007)


Professor of Law (2000–present) Associate Professor (1997-2000) Assistant Professor (1993-1997)

Co-Director & Co-Founder, Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Project (2014 –present)  Received Louisville Bar Foundation grant (2014) to create an HRAP Law Fellows Program dedicated to advancing the human rights of the local immigrant, community and funded three law student fellows in 2014-15  Produced a needs assessment of services available to the local immigrant community, Noncitizen and Refugee Services in Kentucky Needs Assessment Report, and a Community Resource Guide distributed widely and updated annually  Adopted participatory action research process to direct further research efforts with community input at every stage of the research process  Created an HRAP Admissions Scholarship Program to sustain HRAP with designated scholarship funding for law students and designed to support diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the law school  Directed and participated in events about “hot topics” in immigration law  Produced three policy papers/reports (2017) and grant-funded instructional videos (2018): Report - Rhetoric Influencing Policy: The Consequences of Inaccurate Discourse (examining the news and related coverage of the immigrant community to assess how this coverage can influence community opinion); Report on Educational Access in Kentucky for Undocumented Immigrants (documenting barriers to the enrollment); Report on the Right to Meaningful Language Access for Limited English Proficient Individuals (assessing local compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act); Educational Access and of noncitizens, particularly undocumented students; rhetoric influencing policy

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Brandeis School of Law (2004–2007): Chaired the Personnel Committee; worked with three different deans during my tenure; created a two-year class schedule which had not existed before or after my tenure as Associate Dean; directed the transition of the law school into the University online registration system as the last college/unit on campus.

Director, Immigration Law Mini-Clinic (1998-2000): established the first live-client clinic opportunity at the law school supervising 8 law students and using a corporate law firm management style.

Co-Founder and Co-Director, Regulatory Law and Policy Program (1998-2002): collaborated with several faculty to create a program offering an expertise credential in environmental law,


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

health law or immigration law and requiring interdisciplinary studies and a significant written thesis. Program ended due to a lack of funding for specialized courses.

Courses Taught: Constitutional Law I; Constitutional Law II; Race and the Law; Immigration Law; Selected Problems in Immigration Law; International Human Rights Law; International Law; Administrative Law; Regulatory Law & Policy; Director, Lawyering Skills (Spring 2008); Basic Legal Skills (1995-1996)

Advisor:  Director, National Immigrant Justice Center Kentucky Detention Center Project - “Know Your Rights Presentations” at Boone County Jail (Kentucky) DHS ICE Detention Center (2011- present)  Director, Immigration Law Externship  Director, American Civil Liberties Union – Kentucky Externship  Latino/a Law Students Association  Black Law Students Association (Fall 2004)  International Law Students Association  Immigration Works Student Group  Jessup International Law Moot Court Team (1994-1998)  N.Y.U. Immigration Law Moot Court Team (2006–present)

Other Advising:  Site Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic People of Color Scholarship Conference (2002)  Organizing Committee, Immigration in the Heartland Conference (2001)  Co-Chair, Mid-Atlantic People of Color Scholarship Conference (1997)

Law School Committees:  Personnel Committee, Chair (2004-2007); Member (2001-present)  Admissions Committee (2012-14; 2018-present)  Economic Welfare Committee (2018-19)  Student Welfare Committee, Chair (2012-14)  Clinic Advisory Committee (2010-13)  Assistant Dean of Admissions Recruitment Committee (2012-13)  Strategic Planning Committee (2011-12)  Library Personnel Committee (2011)  Clinic Hiring Committee for Federal Grant (2010-11)  International Law Opportunities Committee, Chair (2010 -2012)  Self Study Committee, Chair (2003-04)  Faculty Recruitment Committee, Chair (1999-2000); Member (1996-2009)  Clinic Committee, Chair (Fall 2007)  Decanal Search Committee (2006)  Assistant Dean of Career Services Search Committee (2006-2007)  Curriculum (2004-2010)


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 Faculty Enterprise Committee (2005-07)  Ad-Hoc Committee on Student Exam Policy (2004-2005)  Regulatory Law and Policy Committee, Co-Director (1998-2002)  Part-Time Program Study Committee, Chair (2000-2002)  Diversity Committee (2004-2005, 1993-2002)  Professionalism & Skills Committee  Community Relations Committee


STANFORD LAW SCHOOL, J.D. 1986 Stanford, California Stanford Law Review - Associate Editor, 1985-1986; Member, 1984-1985 Journal of International Law, 1983-1984 Activities: Trial Advocacy Clinic Immigration Law Clinic Poverty Law Clinic Stanford Latino Law Students Association Women of Stanford Law; Co-President (1984-85) Research Assistant to Professor Miguel A. Mendez (1984-85)

QUEENS COLLEGE/CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, B.A. 1983 Political Science Honor Society, 1981-1983 Publication: Ethos, Political Honor Society Journal, "Multinational Corporations in the Third World" 1983.



FRAGOMEN, DEL REY & BERNSEN, P.C. -- August 1988 to May 1993 New York, New York Senior Associate Attorney - Practiced immigration and nationality law exclusively, and directed all aspects of complex immigrant and nonimmigrant cases, including the supervision of attorneys and senior legal assistants  Pro Bono work: Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, now Human Rights First, with Lois Gimpel Shaukat (1991-1993)

ROSENMAN & COLIN (now Katten, Muchin & Rosenman) -- August 1986 to August 1988 New York, New York Associate Attorney - Litigation Department - General litigation, New York City real property tax litigation and zoning experience (1987-1988)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

 Pro Bono work: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Immigration Legalization Advice & Counseling Program

ROSENMAN & COLIN -- Summer 1985 New York, New York Summer Associate

KINGSTON LEGAL AID CLINIC -- Fall 1985 Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies Law Clerk/Extern - Assisted in volunteer legal services on self-designed "semester abroad" work- study program while attending Stanford Law School


 2020 University of Louisville, Distinguished Career of Service Award  Chair, Kentucky State Advisory Committee, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, (appointed 2019)  2018 Inaugural Recipient of the Daniel M. Alvarez Champion for Justice Award for “demonstrating a strong devotion to serving underrepresented individuals or groups by giving a legal voice to those who would otherwise be voiceless.”  2017 Exemplary Designation Award, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Awards and the C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award, Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program for generating scholarship that responds to the urgent need for legal outreach in the undocumented immigrant community.  President, Kentucky Coalition of Faculty Senates & Leaders (COSFL) (April 2017-present),  American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky (2010-present) o ACLU Board President (2013–2016): Led Board to adopt an explicit affirmation of our racial justice mission during 60th Anniversary Celebration; ACLU-KY was recognized for our racial diversity process at Biennial Leadership Conference; attended three biennial leadership conferences; immigrants work featured in a 60th Anniversary Celebration video - (2014) o ACLU Vice President (September 2012-2013) o ACLU Executive Committee Member (August 2011-present) o ACLU Litigation Review Committee (2010-present) o ACLU Board Member (2010-present)  Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Institute (Summer 2014)  2014 Lee A. Webb Award for Outstanding Attorney for local immigrant rights work, Louisville Bar Association, Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration  2012 Distinguished University of Louisville Award in Service  2012 Richard and Constance Lewis Fellows Award, University of Louisville  Metro Louisville Ethics Commission (appointed by Mayor in November 2011)  Co-President, Hispanic Latino Coalition of Louisville  Pro Bono advice to the Supporters of Dance Academy (SODA) Board and University of Louisville Dance Academy  Immigration Law Professors Blog – Blog Co-Manager (2009-2012) 9

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 Faculty Fellowship Awards (2000-2017) including the: Ballantine Faculty Award Frost Brown Todd Faculty Fellowship Award for Teaching Ann Oldfather Fellowship for Public Service (1998) Wilson Wyatt Summer Grant (2001, 2015)

 Conference Organizing Committee, Immigration in Heartland Conference (October 2001)  Brandeis School of Law Alumni Teaching Excellence Award (2001)  University of Louisville 2001 Award for Exemplary Multicultural Teaching (2001)  Nominated for University Trustees Award for Extraordinary Impact on Students (2000)  Director and Founder, Brandeis School of Law Immigration Mini-Clinic (1998-2000)  Member, Benchmark 2000 Commission, Louisville, Kentucky  Reporter, Erlenborn Commission of the Legal Services Corporation, Washington, D.C. (1998)  Chance School, Past President & Trustee (2004-05), President & Trustee (2002-04) & Vice President (2000-2002), Personnel Committee & Trustee (1999-2000)  Hispanic National Bar Association  National Bar Association  American Immigration Lawyers Association  New York City Bar Association


GRANTS & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH PROJECTS  Co-PI, Consortium Grant ($5,000), “Examining Critical Consciousness Pedagogy in K-12 and College Settings to Advance Anti-Racism Action” (with Dr. Ahmad Washington (CEHD) (Lead); Dr. Shelley Thomas (CEHD); Darryl Young (Muhammad Ali Center, Director of Programming); and Ashleigh Hazley (Assistant Director of UofL’s Muhammad Ali Institute); and a graduate student researcher.  Co-PI, Consortium Grant ($11,000), Diversity Training, Discrimination Experiences, and Feelings of Inclusion among Staff and Faculty of Color (with Dr. Emma Sterrett-Hong (Kent School) (Lead); Anita Barbee (Kent School); Andrew Winter (Kent School); Dr. Ahmad Washington (CEHD); Dr. Shelley Thomas (CEHD), Ashleigh Hazley, Assistant Director of the Muhammad Ali Institute; Dr. Vicki-Hines Martin (Nursing); and Dr. V. Faye Jones (Medicine and Assistant Vice President of Diversity and Equity).  Advancing Peace and Justice Using Critical Consciousness Pedagogy: Creating a Muhammad Ali Centered Curriculum, co-authored paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Advancing and Advocating for Social Justice & Equity (with Dr. Shelley Thomas, CEHD) (October 2020).  Co-PI, W.T. Grant Foundation Institutional Challenge Grant Proposal (2020) ($650,000 proposal to create a research practice partnership between JCPS and UofL’s Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research to conduct research relevant to practitioners (not funded)  Co-Principal Investigator, Muhammad Ali Center Curriculum (2019) ($26,000; funded) (Co- PI of a transdisciplinary faculty research team substantially revising the Muhammad Ali 10

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Center’s Character Education curriculum to focus on a critical consciousness, reflect 21st century pedagogy innovations, and engage participants in the development of their own personal action plans)  Co-Principal Investigator, Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research, iRFP 21st Century Research Innovation Grant, University of Louisville Executive Vice President of Research and Innovation ($250,000; managing $550,000, and total of $1.5 Million over 3 years)(2016)(2017-19 Renewals)  Consortium Grant funding HRAP-Kent School of Social Work TDR Project: Latinx Community Clinics: Identifying Services Gaps and Best Practices for Outreach (2017) ($7,500)  Louisville Bar Foundation Grant funding Human Rights Advocacy Fellowship (2016-2017, Co-Recipient)  Wyatt Faculty Development Grant funding Human Rights Curricular Development (2016, Co- Recipient)  Louisville Bar Foundation Grant funding Human Rights Advocacy Fellowship (2014-2015, Co-Recipient)  Co-Principal Investigator, Federal Grant Application to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Center of Excellence with the University of Louisville Global Health Program (Submitted in May 2015)  Director, Faculty Research Group, Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice “Cultural Competency in a University Setting” (2014-present)

BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS  Migration and Labor: The Institutionalization of Inequality - Low Skilled and Unauthorized Workers in the U.S. Immigration System in CHRISTIANITY AND THE LAW OF MIGRATION: AN INTRODUCTION (peer-reviewed publication pending 2020)  Labor, Inequality, and Globalization in CHRISTIANITY AND THE LAW OF MIGRATION: AN INTRODUCTION (peer-reviewed publication pending 2020) (peer-reviewed publication pending 2020; co- authored with Gemma Tulud Cruz)  Immigration Actors: Federal Agencies and Courts in UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION LAW (3d ed. 2019) (2d ed. 2015; 1st ed. 2009)  Immigrant Visas in UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION LAW (3d ed. 2019) (2d ed. 2015; 1st ed. 2009)  Admissions Procedures in UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION LAW (3d ed. 2019) (2d ed. 2015; 1st ed. 2009)  The Removal Process in UNDERSTANDING IMMIGRATION LAW (3d ed. 2019) (2d ed. 2015; 1st ed. 2009)  Latin@s: The Racialized, Foreign and Undocumented “Other” in KEYWORDS FOR LATINA/O STUDIES, (New York University Press, 2017, peer-reviewed)  Immigrating to the - Generally, in IMMIGRATION LAW AND PROCEDURE, Chapter 131, (Matthew Bender, April 1996)



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 REPORT ON EDUCATIONAL ACCESS IN KENTUCKY FOR UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS, Produced by the Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program (2017)  REPORT ON THE RIGHT TO MEANINGFUL LANGUAGE ACCESS FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT INDIVIDUALS, Produced by the Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program (2017)  NONCITIZEN AND REFUGEE SERVICES IN KENTUCKY, Produced by the Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program (2015)  COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE, Produced by the Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program (2014; updated annually)

AMICUS BRIEFS & OTHER LEGAL ADVOCACY  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amici Curiae” in Pereida v. Barr, submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court (February 4, 2020)  Signatory to “Brief of Law Scholars as Amicus Curiae” in Nasrallah v. Barr submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court (Dec. 16, 2019)  Signatory to an “Open Letter of Law Scholars, Historians, and Others” submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives stating that the conduct of the President was "a clear and present danger to the Constitution" (more than 700 scholars; as of December 17, 2019)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amici Curiae” in Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court (October 4, 2019)  Signatory to “Brief of Law Professors and National Immigrant Justice Center as Amici Curiae” in City of South Miami v. Ron DiSantis submitted to the U.S. District Court (S.D. Fla.) (December 2019)  Signatory to “Comment from 73 Law Professors Regarding Proposed Rulemaking Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance,” Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, ED-2018-OCR-0064 (Feb 12, 2019)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Scholars as Amicus Curiae” in United States v. California, submitted to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (November 2018)  Signatory to “Brief of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Immigration Law Scholars as Amicus Curiae” in City of Chicago v. Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, III, submitted to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (January 2018)  Signatory to “Brief of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Immigration Law Scholars as Amicus Curiae” in City of Philadelphia v. Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, III, submitted to U.S. Supreme Court (October 2017)  Signatory to “Letter of Immigration Law Teachers and Scholars,” (104 professors) to President Trump advocating that the executive branch has legal authority to implement Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (August 14, 2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in Morfin v. Tillerson submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court (September 2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in International Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump submitted to U.S. Supreme Court (2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in International Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump submitted to 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (2017) 12

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 Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in Pars Equality, et. al. v. Trump (D.C. District Court, 2017)  Signatory to “Letter of U.S. Law Professors” challenging grooming policy about distracting hair styles to Mystic Valley Charter School, Tallahassee, Florida (June 2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in support of a petition for rehearing in Castro v. DHS, No 16-1339 (3d Cir. Aug. 29, 2016)  Signatory to “Letter of Law Professors” opposing the new version of the SAFE Act introduced this week in the U.S. House of Representatives (proposing sweeping changes to criminal- immigration, detention law, TPS, and attempts to sanction state and local governments that refuse to enforce federal immigration law) (May 17, 2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Clinics (HRAP) as Amicus Curiae” in Hernandez v. Sessions, to U.S. Supreme Court (March 2017)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Clinics (HRAP) as Amicus Curiae” in Jennings v. Rodriguez to U.S. Supreme Court (February 2017)  Signatory to “Letter of Immigration Practitioners and Faculty” regarding USCIS policy manual amendments for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status eligibility (November 2016)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors” submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice, in support of Cornell Law School’s interlocutory appeals to ensure continued law student representation before the Immigration Judges and Board of Immigration Appeals, U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office of Immigration Review (December 2015)  Co-author of “Brief of Amici Curiae Professors Cedric Merlin Powell, Samuel A. Marcosson, Goldburn P. Maynard, Jr., Laura Rene McNeal, and Enid F. Trucios-Haynes of the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law, and Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission-Advocacy Board” in Fischer v. University of Texas, 136 S.Ct. 2198 (2016)  Signatory to “Letter of Law Professors” (190 law professors, four law school deans and more than seventy professors from California) urging Governor Brown to sign AB 953, the Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015, to bring transparency and rigorous inquiry to the role of race, gender, and identity in policing (October 2015)  Signatory to “Brief of Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in Kerry v. Din, U.S. Supreme Court, 2015 WL 272368 (January 20, 2015)  Signatory to “Brief of League of United Latin American Citizens, American Gateways, Texas Appleseed, and Latino Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” in Support of Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in Hernandez Llanas v. Stephens, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, 2014 WL 316660 (January 24, 2014)  Signatory to “Letter of Law Professors” including 109 law professors and deans expressing concern about the mass deportation of Dominicans of Haitian descent by the government of the Dominican Republic (July 2015)  Signatory to “Letter of Immigration Law Professors and Scholars” declaring that President Barack Obama's Executive Action on November 25, 2014 providing temporary immigration relief from deportation to several million noncitizens in the United States is constitutional and within his administrative powers. Received wide-spread media coverage by AP, THE WASHINGTON POST and THE NEW YORK TIMES  Signatory to “Letter of Immigration Law Professors” supporting a no-detainer policy for immigrants to Colorado Sherriff’s Department (May 2, 2014)


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 Cited in Brief of Amicus Curiae Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory, Inc. Supporting Plaintiffs- Appellants Urging Reversal in Arce v. Douglas, 793 F.3d 968 (9th Cir. 2013)  Signatory to “Brief of Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judulang v. Holder, 2011 WL 2741334 (Appellate Brief) (2011)  Signatory to “Brief Immigration Law Professors as Amicus Curiae” to the U.S. Supreme Court in Support of Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Bright v. Holder, 649 F.3d. 397 (5th Cir. 2011), 80 BNA USLW 3451 (Jan 17, 2012)  Signatory to “Brief of Constitutional Law Professors and Scholars as Amicus Curiae” in ACLU v. National Security Agency, 2006 WL 6638294 (Appellate Brief) (C.A.6, Nov. 17, 2006)  Signatory to “Brief of Law Professors in Support of Petitioner” submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 2006 WL 42064 (U.S., Jan. 6, 2006)


 CLE "Women and the Vote: Then and Now” (Brandeis Inns of Court, October 2020) co-authored with Cedric Merlin Powell.  Buecker H, Cox F., Cunningham H., Eells T., Gibson J., Hines-Martin V., Kelly, B., Story K, Rajack- Talley T. & Trucios-Haynes E. (2019). Community Engaged Scholarship: A faculty handbook. Louisville KY: University of Louisville Office of the Provost and Office of the Vice President for Community Engagement. At (peer reviewed)  Mobilizing A Community: The Effect of President Trump’s Executive Orders on the Country’s Interior, 22 LEWIS & CLARK LAW REVIEW 577 (2018) (co-authored with Marianna Michael)  Advancing the Human Rights of the Immigrant, Noncitizen and Refugee Community in Louisville, Kentucky, 1 UOFL JOURNAL of REFUGEE AND GLOBAL HEALTH 2 (2018)  The Essence of Administrative Law: Notice and Opportunity to be Heard and Immigration Exceptionalism in 2018 ANNUAL HEARING OFFICE AND KRS 13B TRAINING (CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION) Office of the Kentucky Attorney General, Administrative Hearings Branch (2018)  Latin@ Indeterminate Racial Identity, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE GRADUATE PROGRAM AT SÃO PAULO STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESP), Campus of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (2017)  The Constitutionality of President Obama’s DACA Executive Action, Hispanic National Bar Association E-Noticia, HISPANIC NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION (January 2015)  Integrating International Law into U.S. Law: The Right To Consular Notification in U.S. Criminal Cases – Medellin v. Texas, (CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION) – LOUISVILLE BAR ASSOCIATION, Section on Human Rights Law (March 2014)  The Four Phases of Justice: Education, Economics, Criminal Law and Family Law, From Brown to Fisher: Recent Supreme Court Education Cases, NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION REGION VI CONFERENCE, Continuing Legal Education (May 2013)  The Diversity-Inclusion Dilemma: Diversifying the Legal Profession Through Effective Mentoring Programs, co-authored with Ray K. Haynes, LOUISVILLE BAR ASSOCIATION BAR BRIEFS (February 2013)  A Recommitment to Language Access: The U.S. Attorney General’s New Directives for Title VI Compliance, KENTUCKY BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (May 2012)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

 The Rhetoric of Colorblind Constitutionalism: Individualism, Race and Public Schools in Louisville, Kentucky, co-authored with Cedric Merlin Powell, 112 PENN STATE L. REV. 947 (2008)  Civil Rights, Latinos and Immigration: Cybercascades and Other Distortions in the Immigration Reform Debate, 44 BRANDEIS LAW JOURNAL 637 (Spring 2006)  The Rhetoric of Reform: Non-Citizen Workers in the United States, 29 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 43 (Fall 2004/Winter 2005)  Temporary Workers and Future Immigration Policy Conflicts: Protecting U.S. Workers and Satisfying the Demand for Global Human Capital, 40 BRANDEIS LAW JOURNAL 967 (2002)  Why “Race Matters:” LatCrit Theory and Latino/a Racial Identity in RACE, ETHNICITY, GENDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE AMERICAS: A NEW PARADIGM FOR ACTIVISM (Celina Romany ed., 2001)  LatCrit Theory, Critical Race Theory and the Politics of Latino/a Racial Identity, 12 LA RAZA LAW JOURNAL 1 (2000).  Part I: The New Exclusion Provisions under the 1996 Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act, co-authored with Lois Gimpel Shaukat, 1998 IMMIGRATION BRIEFINGS (Jan. 1998)  The New Exclusion Provisions under the 1996 Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act, Part II, co-authored with Lois Gimpel Shaukat, 1998 IMMIGRATION BRIEFINGS (Feb. 1998).  “Family Values” 1990s Style: U.S. Immigration Reform Proposals and the Abandonment of the Family, 36 BRANDEIS JOURNAL OF FAMILY LAW 241 (1997-98).  LatCrit Theory and International Civil and Political Rights: The Role of Transnational Identity and Migration, 28 INTERAMERICAN L.REV. 293 (1997)  The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Immigration Laws and Policies, and the Construction of the American National Identity, 76 ORE.L.REV. 369 (1997).  Latinos/as In the Mix: Applying Gotanda’s Models of Racial Classification and Racial Stratification, 4 ASIAN L.J. 39 (1997)  Public Sentiment and Congressional Response: 15 Years of Immigration Policymaking, 73 INTERPRETER RELEASES 469-475 (April 15, 1996) (co-authored with Honorable Romano L. Mazzoli, former U.S. House of Representatives, Louisville, Kentucky)  National Interest Waivers, 1995 IMMIGRATION BRIEFINGS (June 1995)  Religion and Immigration & Nationality Law: Using Old Saws on New Bones, 9 GEORGETOWN IMMIGRATION L.J. 1 (Winter 1995)  Training Visas in the United States (co-authored with Ethan Kaufman), 1993 IMMIGRATION BRIEFINGS 1-35 (May 1993) (distributed at the American Immigration Lawyers Association's Annual Conference held in Toronto, Canada in June 1993).

MEDIA APPEARANCES & RELATED COVERAGE  Immigration Know Your Rights at Boone County Jail, Florence, Kentucky was featured as an example of social justice and activism in the 2019 annual INSIGHT Magazine recognizing UofL’s receipt of the 2019 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award  University of Louisville Today Radio Show discussing the immigration issues facing undocumented youth (March 2019) trucioshaynes  Louisville Police Don’t Enforce Immigration – But Help The Feds Do It, by Kate Howard, WFPL Louisville Public Media, Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting (Sept 7, 2017)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes it/ (quoting Enid Trucios-Haynes)  University of Louisville Today Radio Show discussing the President’s Trump’s Executive Orders (February 2017) - walker  Breaking cultural barriers: Stories of immigrants who now call Kentucky home, SPECTRUM NEWS (December 2016)  U of L Launches Human Rights Advocacy Program, INSIDER LOUISVILLE (June 2015)  Bevin, Beshear Reject Meaningful Diversity On U of L Board, WFPL Louisville Public Media, Invited Commentary - u-l-board/ (February 2016)  State of Latinos in Louisville, WHAS TV feature regarding the event held at University of Louisville my work on the organizing committee. UL Today press release: louisville  Advancing social changes at home, BRANDEIS BRIEF (Fall 2015) (covering Boone County Jail visits)  Grawemeyer Spirit Award to Muhammad Ali (September 2015): videos featuring Enid Trucios- Haynes and Muhammad Ali Scholars - Igniting Inspiration Video --; Bettering the World Video --  Statewide Fairness Bill in Kentucky Legislature and LGBT Rights in Kentucky, Panel Member, Kentucky Educational Television, Kentucky Tonight, (March 24, 2014) - 002115  ACLU of Kentucky 60th Anniversary Videos – The ACLU & Immigrant Rights in Kentucky - (2014)  “The Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” Panel Member, Kentucky Educational Television, Kentucky Tonight (discussing bill that would have prohibited employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and (November 25, 2013)  Immigration, Panel Member, Kentucky Educational Television, Kentucky Tonight, April 22, 2013 - 002018  Testimony before the Jefferson County Board of Education on behalf of immigrant rights coalition group including HLC, ACLU, Kentucky Jobs with Justice, and other groups about SB6 and its impact on students and the constitutional obligations of schools (February 14, 2011)

NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS  International Scholar’s Workshop, CHRISTIANITY AND THE LAW OF MIGRATION, co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University and Columbia Theological Seminary (February 7, 2019)  “Called Beyond Walls” Mentoring Dinner and Discernment Practice, FORUM FOR THEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION (FTE), MIGRATION AND BORDER CROSSINGS CONFERENCE co-sponsored by Columbia Theological Seminary and Emory University's Center for the Study of Law and Religion (February 8, 2019)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

 Panelist: Immigration Litigation and Other Strategies, and Co-Facilitator: Mobilizing Communities in Kentucky, Invited Speaker, CENTER FOR MIGRATION STUDIES CONFERENCE, PROMOTING JUST & INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES: A WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH TO IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES (July 17, 2018)  What Happens When Race Becomes the Number One Issue on a Predominately White Campus? Invited Speaker, SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL BOARD ANNUAL, 24TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND COMPACT FOR FACULTY DIVERSITY INSTITUTE ON TEACHING AND LEARNING (October 27, 2017)  “Race & Space: Identities Across a Critical Race Spectrum on Panel: The Aesthetics of Ethnicity and Space,” LATIN AMERICAN AREA STUDIES ASSOCIATION (LASA) 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS (May 1, 2017)  What Happens When Race Becomes the Number One Issue on a Predominately White Campus? Invited Speaker, SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL BOARD ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND COMPACT FOR FACULTY DIVERSITY INSTITUTE ON TEACHING AND LEARNING (October 30, 2016)  “Civil War, Humanitarian Intervention and the Case of Syria: What is the Role of International Law?” Invited Lecture at Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico (December 6, 2013)  “Civil Rights for Immigrants: The Failure of the U.S. Constitution,” Invited Lecture at Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico (March 2013)  The Four Phases of Justice: Education, Economics, Criminal Law and Family Law, Continuing Legal Education, NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION REGION VI CONFERENCE (May 17, 2013)  Service: Strategies for Success, Panel Member, WORKSHOP FOR PRETENURED MINORITY LAW SCHOOL TEACHERS, Association of American Law Schools, Washington, D.C. (June 2009)  Community, Diversity and Equal Protection: The Louisville and Seattle School Cases, Panel Member, 2008 AALS ANNUAL MEETING, panel sponsored by the Law & Communitarian Studies Group and co-sponsored by Sections on Civil Rights and Minority Groups (New York, N.Y.) (January 2008)  Citizenship, Prosecution and Race, Panel Member, MID-ATLANTIC PEOPLE OF COLOR SCHOLARSHIP CONFERENCE, American University School of Law, Washington D.C. (January 2006)  The Roberts Court, Panel Member, SOUTHEASTERN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS (SEAALS), Palm Beach, Florida (July 2006)  Immigration & Civil Rights, Panel Member, MID-ATLANTIC PEOPLE OF COLOR SCHOLARSHIP CONFERENCE, Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville (February 2005)  Immigrant Workers and Guestworker Programs, Panel Member, 2005 AALS ANNUAL MEETING, panel sponsored by Immigration Law Section & Labor Law Section, AALS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (January 2005)  “The Rhetoric of Reform: Noncitizen Workers in the United States,” Invited Speaker, IMMIGRATION MATTERS CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, Illinois (March 2004)  “Immigration Issues in Greater Louisville” IMMIGRATION IN THE HEARTLAND NATIONAL CONFERENCE, University of Louisville (October 2001, weeks after September 11, 2001 terrorist attack)  “LatCrit Theory and International Civil and Political Rights: The Role of Transnational Identity and Migration,” Panel Member, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HISPANIC NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION, Miami, Florida (September 1997)  Immigration and the Family, Panel Member, MID-ATLANTIC PROFESSORS OF COLOR CONFERENCE, Louisville, Kentucky (February 1997)


CV of Enid Trucios-Haynes

CLE & OTHER PRESENTATIONS  Panel Member, "Women and the Vote: Then and Now” hosted by the Louisville Bar Association (August 18, 2020)  Panel Member, “Women’s Suffrage: The Untold Story of Black Women in Its History” presented by UofL’s Brandeis School of Law (September 25, 2020)  What is a Vote Worth? (CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION) Professor Enid Trucios-Haynes and Professor Cedric Merlin Powell, Louis D. Brandeis Inns of Court (November 19, 2019)  The Essence of Administrative Law: Notice and Opportunity to be Heard and Immigration Exceptionalism, 2018 ANNUAL HEARING OFFICE AND KRS 13B TRAINING (CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION) Office of the Kentucky Attorney General, Administrative Hearings Branch (October 25, 2018)  “The U.S. Constitution & Immigration Exceptionalism: Racial, Ideological, and Religious Exclusions” THE ANNUAL STANLEY REED DAY ADDRESS at Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, Kentucky (September 12, 2016)  The Indeterminate Racial Identity of Latin@s: Impacts of a Changing Paradigm on Civil Rights Discourse, Western Kentucky University, INSTITUTE FOR CITIZENSHIP & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE SPEAKERS SERIES (March 31, 2016)  The Overpolicing of Noncitizens: Undocumented Latin@s and the Police-to-Deportation Pipeline at MOSAIIC (MULTICULTURAL OPPORTUNITIES, STRATEGIES AND INSTITUTIONAL INCLUSIVENESS CONFERENCE on The Lynching of Resurrected Jim Crow: Problems and Solutions (December 4, 2014)  Border Crisis: Fact vs. Fiction, Continuing Legal Education, Louisville Bar Association, Section on Human Rights Law (September 24, 2014)  “Integrating International Law into U.S. Law: The Right To Consular Notification in U.S. Criminal Cases – Medellin v. Texas,” Continuing Legal Education, Louisville Bar Association, Section on Human Rights Law (March 7, 2014)  “Immigration: An Evolving Louisville – The Latest on Immigration Reform,” 2014 METRO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION RACE & RELATIONS CONFERENCE (February 13, 2014)  Social Construction of Race: Immigrants and the “Box,” Presenter, Louisville Free Public Library, Iroquois Branch (October 8, 2014)  “The Trials of Muhammad Ali,” Film Discussion Leader, Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville, Kentucky on (February 27, 2014)  Immigrant Rights, Panel Member with Ms. Cecilia Wang of ACLU National Immigrants’ Rights Project, ACLU of Kentucky Annual Meeting, (April 10, 2011)  Leveling the Playing Field - Civil Rights for Immigrants, Panel Member,15TH ANNUAL RACE AND RELATIONS CONFERENCE, Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (January 25, 2011)  Forum on Immigration, Panel Member, Indiana University Southeast Civil Liberties Union, (April 12, 2012)  “Got Diversity? An Honest Look at the Many Faces of the Law,” Panel Member, Continuing Legal Education, Louisville Bar Association and Louisville Black Lawyers Association (November 3, 2011)  “Terrorism and Immigration Issues,” THE ANNUAL STANLEY REED ADDRESS at Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, Kentucky (March 2002)  “Legal Considerations in Downsizing and National Origin Discrimination,” Panel Member, University of Louisville's THIRTEENTH ANNUAL CARL A. WARNS LABOR & EMPLOYMENT INSTITUTE (June 6, 1996) 18

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 “The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Immigration Laws and Policies, and the Construction of the American National Identity,” Presentation, FIRST LATINO CRITICAL RACE THEORY CONFERENCE, San Diego, California (May 1996)  “The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Immigration Laws and Policies, and the Construction of the American National Identity,” Presentation, MID-ATLANTIC PEOPLE OF COLOR SCHOLARSHIP CONFERENCE (February 1996)  Current Issues in Immigration and Nationality Law, Panel Member, Continuing Legal Education, Louisville Bar Association (December 1995)

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT  Moderator, Muhammad Ali Center Panel on Beyond Black History Month: Bringing Racial Justice Conversation Into Classrooms (November 4, 2020)  Immigration – Then and Now Presenter; organized by Catholic Charities of Louisville at Speed Museum (August 11, 2019)  Louisville Immigrant Heritage Tour, Author, Define American Summit (October 10-13, 2019)  Lecture on Current Issues in U.S. Immigration Law and Policy, World Affairs Council Kentucky- Indiana, Open World Russia Program of the Open World Leadership Center, U.S. Department of State, (April 2019)  City of Henderson, KY Board of Commissioners Working Public Meeting on a proposed Fairness Ordinance, Panel member representing the ACLU of Kentucky with Chris Hartman of , Richard Nelson of the Commonwealth Policy Center, and Josh Hershberger of Church Law Institute (May 6, 2019)  Christianity and the Law International Scholars Workshop, Paper Presentation, organized by Columbia Theological Seminary and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University (February 2019)  DREAMers: How a Youth Movement Challenged Immigrant Rights Orthodoxy Presenter, Louisville Free Public Library (January 24, 2019)  “Movement Lawyering: Building a Movement to Abolish Structural Oppression,” Local Social Justice & Community Lawyering Session, Panelist, hosted by National Lawyers Guild Kentucky Chapter, NLG Brandeis Student Chapter, ACLU Brandeis Student Chapter, Mijente Louisville, Black Lives Matter Louisville and Project South (October 20, 2018)  “Know Your Rights” Presentations by community and University volunteers at Boone County Jail through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in collaboration with National Immigrant Justice Center (April 2011 to present)  HRAP Pro Bono DACA Renewal Legal Clinic at Brandeis School of Law, Organizer & pro bono advice (September 2017)  Developing of “Safety Plan” legal documents and legal education materials addressing for detained, undocumented noncitizens with Alerta Roja Immigrant Rights Community Group (March 2017)  Immigration Issues in Kentucky, Presentation, collaboration with the Americana Community Center at the Adun Jesuruth Temple (March 2017)  Immigration- Know Your Rights, Presentation and direct legal services (pro bono) in collaboration with Adelante Hispanic Achievers, Beuchel Baptist Church (March 2017)


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 HRAP Pro Bono Legal Clinic & Program on Executive Orders at Brandeis School of Law, Presenter (February 2017)  Louisville Bar Association Pro-Bono Network for Immigration Representation, Participant (February 2017)  Metro Louisville Meetings of International Community Leaders, Participant, regarding issues facing the immigrant/international community (October 2016, February 2017, September 2017)  Alerta Roja Immigrant Advocates Network, Participant, preparing legal educational materials for community clinics (2017)  Mijente Immigrant Advocates Group, Participant (2017)  Trump on Immigration, Panel Member, HRAP Event (February 2017)  La Casita Center Pro Bono Legal Clinics, legal services provider, and organizer (February 2017, August 2016)  Community Know Your Rights Presentations organized with La Casita, Louisville Metro Police Department, local immigration lawyers and other local immigrant rights advocates (June & August 2016)  “Global Refugee Crisis: America’s Role in Helping Refugees at Home and Abroad with Assistant Secretary of State, Anne Richard,” Presentation, World Affairs Council of Louisville and Southern Indiana (October 2015)  HRAP Inaugural Community Roundtable on the Immigrant/NonCitizen/Refugee Community hosted by Louisville Bar Association (April 2015)  The Overpolicing of Noncitizens – Undocumented Latin@s and the Police-to-Deportation Pipeline, Presentation, 2014 Central Kentucky Diversity Consortium, MOSAIIC Conference (December 2014)  Meeting of International Leaders, Americana Community Center (November 13, 2014)  Policy Discussion, Participant, hosted by Sadiqa Reynolds, Chief of Community Building, and Director of Metro Louisville Office of Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods (October 16, 2014)  Managing Social Change Organizations, Guest Lecture, Planning and Community Development course about Muhammad Ali Institute, Dr. Edgardo Mansilla, Bellarmine University (October 1, 2014)  THINKING ABOUT A CAREER IN LAW PROGRAM, Organizer and Presenter, with Anibal Rosario Lebron, outreach to Latino high school students interested in a career in law (September 29, 2014)  “The Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” Panel Member, Kentucky Educational Television, Kentucky Tonight (discussing bill that would have prohibited employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (November 25, 2013)  Interview of Congressman John Lewis, sponsored by KENTUCKY AUTHOR FORUM (October 15, 2013)  HBO Film Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fight, Film Discussion Leader, Muhammad Ali Center about Ali’s Conscientious Objector case before the U.S. Supreme Court (October 2, 2013)  U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Keynote Speaker “Hispanics Serving and Leading Our Nation With Pride and Honor” as part of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 17, 2013)  Welcome Address at the ACLU KY Annual Meeting & Bill of Rights Dinner (April 2, 2013)  Immigration Reform, Panel Member, Kentucky Educational Television, Kentucky Tonight (April 22, 2013)


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 Workers Theft Hearing, Panel Member, sponsored by Kentucky Jobs with Justice, the Kentucky Equal Justice Center and the Network Center for Community Change (November 29, 2011)  Brown Forman Hispanic Heritage Speaker Series, Speaker and Panel Moderator, (October 11, 2011)  Pipeline Diversity Program, Panel Member during a Saturday day-long law school event sponsored by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana, Louisville Black Lawyers Association, Black Law Students Association (September 24, 2011)  Immigration Issues in the United States, Panel Member, Bellarmine University (September 15, 2011)  Current Immigration Issues, Panel Member, Yearlings Club, West Louisville (January 9, 2011)  Cross-Cultural Connections, Panel Member, Sessions I & II, sponsored by Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission, Louisville, Kentucky (October, September 2008)  A Conversation with Judicial Candidates for the Kentucky State Supreme Court – 4th District, Panel Member, The Yearlings Club, Louisville, Kentucky (May 2008)  Pipeline Program for middle and high school students, Panel Member, Adelante Hispanic Achievers, Louisville, Kentucky (April 2008)  “U.S. and the World in the 21st Century: Toward a Humanitarian Approach” – “Session I, The Role of the U.S. in International Conflict Resolution: Mediator, Peacekeeper, or Bystander,” Panel Member and Moderator, U.S. Foreign Policy Town Meeting, EGA Leadership Center Lectorium, Spalding University and sponsored by the City of Louisville, Spalding University and the U.S. Department of State (October 2000)  What One Woman Can Do – Representing Women Who Are Victims of Domestic Violence,” Invited Speaker, Junior League of Louisville, (presentation about the work of the Immigration Mini- Clinic) (March 2000)  “Conservatism and Women’s Issues in the United States,” Presentation, USIA Program for African Women Visitors (September 1996)

UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT  University of Louisville Today Radio Show discussing the immigration issues facing undocumented youth (March 2019)  HRAP Pro Bono DACA Renewal Legal Clinic at Brandeis School of Law, Organizer & pro bono advice (September 2017)  HRAP Pro Bono Legal Clinic & Program on Executive Orders at Brandeis School of Law, Presenter (February 2017)  University of Louisville Today Radio Show discussing the President’s Trump’s Executive Orders (February 2017)  Rauch Planetarium Social Justice Series, Empowerment: Making and Shaping History - The 360 Journey into Latinx Resistance" on immigration (April 2017)  HRAP Action Research Projects - luncheon workshop (March 2017)  Presentation, Latin@ Civil Rights and Immigration Issues, University of Louisville Cultural Center, Hispanic-Latino Initiatives Program (January 2017)  Current Implications of President Trump’s Executive Orders, Teach-In: Current and Historical Reality of U.S. Immigration Policy sponsored by Americas Research Group, University of Louisville (April 3, 2017)


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 President’s Trump’s Executive Orders, University of Louisville Today Radio Show (February 2017)  Latin@ Civil Rights and Immigration Issues, University of Louisville Cultural Center, Hispanic- Latino Initiatives Program (January 2017)  Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program: Actualizing Human Rights in the Field, University of Louisville, Academic Leadership Program on Community-Engaged Scholarship: Updates and Engagement in the Field (November 11, 2016)  The Immigration History of Latin@s in the United States: How This Impacts Us Today, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Lunch and Learn Series: School of Medicine (February 17, 2016)  Fleeing Conflict: Media Rhetoric and the Failure of International Law, Presenter, Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program Hot Topics Event, University of Louisville (January 2016)  HRAP’s Human Rights Assessment Report, Presenter & Organizer, Louisville Bar Association Community Engagement Event (April 2015)  ACLU KY Brandeis Chapter hosting Witness to Innocence Tour, Death Row Exonoree Gary Drinkard (September 25, 2014)  RICHARD BLANCO, FOR ALL OF US, One Today Organizer and Presenter, sponsored by UL Hispanic- Latin@ Faculty Staff Association & LGBT Center (September 22, 2014)  Morbidity & Mortality Series: A Case of Difficult Disposition, University Medical Center, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, (presentation on immigration law issues relating to unaccompanied minors) (February 27, 2014)  Interview of Brandeis Medal Recipient Eugene Robinson (April 8, 2014)  Brown & Beyond: Past Victories, Current Struggles, and Future Prospects, A.C.E.S. BLACK & LATINO STUDENT SYMPOSIUM, University of Louisville (April 2014)  Guest Lecturer in Civil Rights & the Law class taught by Kentucky Senator Gerald Neal (April 12, 2013)  Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Guest Lecturer in Dr. Tricia Gray’s Introduction to Latino Studies class (March 27, 2013)  Women in Academe, Panel member, SIGS (April 13, 2012)  Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth, Organized screening for the University sponsored by the Law School Diversity Program Committee, the Hispanic Latino Coalition, the UofL DREAMers students  Immigration Law and Policy Reform, Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 350, Dr. Lisa Markowitz lecture (April 5, 2012)  Immigration Law and Reform Proposals, Guest Lecturer, Latin American/Latino Studies class, Dr. Christine Ehrick (November 1, 2011)  The Green Revolution: Iran’s disputed elections and the current crisis, Moderator, sponsored by the Louisville Law School International Law Society (October 21, 2010)  “Is Race Still an Issue? A Campus-Community Forum to Discuss What the Obama Win Means for Race in America,” Presenter, University of Louisville (December 2008)  Myths About Immigration, Moderator, Brandeis School of Law Diversity Committee Program, University of Louisville (September 2008)  Constitution Day Program, Presenter, Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville (September 2007)


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 “Challenges Facing New and Established Latino Communities: A Dialogue,” Panel Moderator, Chao Auditorium, University of Louisville (October 2007)  Affirmative Action Diversity Program, Panel Member, Brandeis School of Law Diversity Committee Program & WFPL Louisville Public Media broadcast (local NPR station), Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville (Fall 2006)  “Fifty Years After Brown v. Board of Education,” Brandeis School of Law Diversity Committee Program & WFPL Louisville Public Media broadcast (local NPR station), Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville (March 2004)  “Well Founded Fear” Point of View Documentary, Film Discussion Moderator with film producers, students and community members, (sponsored by the Kentucky Foundation for Women, Women’s Studies Program, Brandeis School of Law) (October 2000)  “Girl Friends: Across the Race Line,” Panel Discussion, University of Louisville Commission on the Status of Women, Committee on Women and Global Issues, and Women’s Studies Program (October 2000)  “Judging the Judge” Forum, Panel Member, discussing the record of U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas co-sponsored by McConnell Center, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Pan African Studies Department, the Women’s Center, and the Women’s Studies Program (September 2000)  “Whiteness as Property: A Legal Concept,” Panel Member, sponsored by the Multicultural Center, University of Louisville (January 2000)  “Women Refugees - Globally and Locally,” Panel Member, CELEBRATING GLOBAL WOMEN CONFERENCE sponsored by the Women and Global Issues Committee of the University of Louisville Commission on the Status of Women and the Multicultural Center (March 1999)  “Coming to America: Immigration and the Law,” Moderator and Panel Member, Diversity Program Brandeis School of Law Diversity Committee Program & WFPL Louisville Public Media broadcast (local NPR station), Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville (March 1999)  Constructions of Race, Panel Member, DAY OF DIALOGUE ON RACE CONFERENCE, University of Louisville (November 1997)  “Latinos: The Fastest Growing Ethnic Group in the U.S. -- What Does This Mean?” on at the University of Louisville Multicultural Center (September 1997)  Introduction and invitation to speak extended to Ms. Maria Echaveste, former Director of U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division and current Director, Public Liaison Office, White House University of Louisville's FOURTEENTH ANNUAL CARL A. WARNS LABOR & EMPLOYMENT INSTITUTE (June 1997)