Portuguese Guinea and the Liberation Movement•
Report <Yn PORTUGUESE GUINEA AND THE LIBERATION MOVEMENT• The following is Hr. Cabral's statement to the U.S. /louse Com mittee on Foreign AffDlrs on February 26, 1970. HR. CADRAL: Sir, I have some notes. HR. CIIARLE:S C. DIGGS, JR., Chalrman of the Subcommittee on Africa: You may proceed, air. HR. CJIDRAL: Sir, I thank you very much. I would liko to say first that my colonial language is Portuguese, and I would like to apeak Portuguese, but in order to get more understanding, I will try to speak English. First, I would like, on beha~f of the people of Guinea and cape Verde, on behalf of all my fellows, to salute you and the COtlfti ttee and to thank you very much for this opport\Ulity to inform you about the situation in our country, the situation of our people. We have been for seven years fighting a very hard fig~t against colonial dominati on for freedom, independence and progress. Our presence here is, first of all, to salute you and the lln1orlcan people. We think the major part of the 1\mcdcan nati on is with us in t hiu hard fight again at col onial rule. lln<l 1 t is very good for us to tell you that we are fighting, and are fol lowing the example given by the l'.merican people when they launch ed a great struqgle for the independence of this country. We would like alao to thnnk you very much, and this com mittee, for the work done in Africa about the African problems, for your last visit in Africa in a special study mission , and to tell you that maybe it was enough to show our agre et~~ent with the conclusions of your report, but it is necessary to inform you and to help you in order that you may help us.
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