Facts & Figures 2009
FACTS & FIGURES 2009 Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Facts & Figures is published annually to help the media, researchers and analysts concerned with the auto indus- try better understand its activities. All of us at Mitsubishi Motors hope that this publication will give all read- ers an even better understanding of the company and its products. October 2009 Public Relations Department Mitsubishi Motors Corporation MMC is on the World Wide Web at the following URL http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/corporate/e/ Other information disclosure Annual Report 2009 Social and Environmental Report 2009 http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/corporate/ir/irlibrary/e/index.html Mitsubishi Motors Corporate Philosophy “We are committed to providing the utmost driving pleasure and safety for our valued customers and our community. On these commitments we will never compromise. This is the Mitsubishi Motors way.” While, as a member of Mitsubishi Group, we carefully follow the Group’s “The Three Princi- ples,” we also maintain our own corporate philosophy defining our own fundamental purposes and directions that include maintaining our “Corporate Responsibility to society,” practicing “Integrity and Fairness” and promoting “International Understanding through Trade.” Contents Company Overview / Investor Information 2 Principal Management Indices 3 Subsidiaries and Affiliates 4 Net Sales, Production and Sales Volume 6 by Region Activities by Region Japan 8 North America 12 Europe 14 Asia 17 Other Regions 23 Members of the Board and Executive Officers 25 Milestones 26 Products Over the Years (Japan) 28 Notable MMC Cars 30 Major Production and Sales Models 32 Derivation of MMC Major Models Name 33 1 Company Overview / Investor Information Company Overview (As of March 31, 2009, unless specified otherwise) Name Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Established April 22,1970 Head office 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8410 Japan Number of employees Consolidated 31,905 ; Non-consolidated 12,664 Capitalization JPY 657,349 million Purposes of incorporation 1.
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