Tuesday, December 11, 2018 – 2:00 P.M. Administration Office – 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA Complete Board Meeting packets are available on request for review at the Administration Office, Fire Stations, and on Central’s website. Call (831) 479-6842 or visit: www.centralfpd.com.


1.1 Pledge of Allegiance 1.2 Call Meeting to Order – Roll Call of Directors

2.0 PRESENTATION 2.1 Social Media Platform Launch – Katie Webb

3.0 CONSENT AGENDA Matters listed under the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended. There will be no separate discussion on items unless members of the Board or staff request removal of item for separate action. Public Comment on Consent Agenda: This is the time for members of the public to address the Board on items that are on the Consent Agenda. Oral presentations should ordinarily not exceed 3 minutes per person. 3.1 Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting on November 20, 2018 3.2 Approve Expenditures for the Month of November in the amount of $342,329.35 3.3 Approve Payroll for the Month of November in the amount of $634,253.22 Motion to Approve Consent Agenda

4.0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Public Oral Communications upon matters not on the Agenda: Oral presentations should ordinarily be limited to 3 minutes per person. There can be no deliberation or action on items not on the agenda. The Board may refer a matter to staff or schedule discussion for a future meeting. The public should address the Board on items on the agenda during the Board’s consideration of the item. 4.1 Staff Oral Communications 4.2 Board of Directors Oral Communications

5.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing committees are subject to Brown Act requirements. A written agenda is prepared and posted at least 72 hours prior to the committee meeting. An opportunity is provided for public input at committee meetings. 5.1 Personnel Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi 5.2 Finance Committee: Committee Chair Report- Chair Miller 5.3 Shared Services Ad-Hoc Committee: Chair Miller 5.4 Negotiations Ad-Hoc Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi


6.1 Action Items

6.2 Highlights

 Review of Quarterly Fleet Report

 Public Protection Classification ISO rating

7.0 CLOSED SESSION Public Comment: Public comments on closed session agenda items will be accepted by the Board at this time. The Board will then recess into closed session to discuss items on the closed session agenda. 7.1 Conference with Labor Negotiators Government Code § 54957.6  Agency Designated Representatives: Ad-Hoc Committee Consisting of Mr. John Lucchesi, Mr. Dave Burnham, Mr. Barry Franchi  Management Bargaining Group

8.0 RECONVENE TO OPEN MEETING Report of Action(s) – At the conclusion of a closed session a report of any reportable action(s) taken in closed session will be made

8.1 Report out of Closed Session




10.0 NEW BUSINESS 10.1 Accept and Implement Salary Schedule Adjustment- Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion/Action

10.2 Selection of Board Chair and Vice Chair for 2019 - Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion/Action

10.3 Selection of Committee Chairs and Committee Rosters for 2019 - Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion/Action

10.4 Approve Resolution 2018-16, Resolution Accepting Unanticipated Strike Team Revenue for the Panoche, Cranston and Pawnee Fire – Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion /Action

11.0 ADJOURNMENT Note: The Board Chair requests that if you have any questions or wish clarification or additional information about any item on the agenda or contained in the attached materials, to please call the Fire Chief at (831) 479-6842 before the meeting. Information regarding items on the agenda may be reviewed at our business office located at 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, 95062, or you may view the agenda on our website at www.centralfpd.com


Tuesday, December 11, 2018 – 2:00 P.M. Administration Office – 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA Complete Board Meeting packets are available on request for review at the Administration Office, Fire Stations, and on Central’s website. Call (831) 479-6842 or visit: www.centralfpd.com.


1.1 Pledge of Allegiance 1.2 Call Meeting to Order – Roll Call of Directors

2.0 PRESENTATION 2.1 Social Media Platform Launch – Katie Webb

3.0 CONSENT AGENDA Matters listed under the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended. There will be no separate discussion on items unless members of the Board or staff request removal of item for separate action. Public Comment on Consent Agenda: This is the time for members of the public to address the Board on items that are on the Consent Agenda. Oral presentations should ordinarily not exceed 3 minutes per person. 3.1 Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting on November 20, 2018 3.2 Approve Expenditures for the Month of November in the amount of $342,329.35 3.3 Approve Payroll for the Month of November in the amount of $634,253.22 Motion to Approve Consent Agenda

4.0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Public Oral Communications upon matters not on the Agenda: Oral presentations should ordinarily be limited to 3 minutes per person. There can be no deliberation or action on items not on the agenda. The Board may refer a matter to staff or schedule discussion for a future meeting. The public should address the Board on items on the agenda during the Board’s consideration of the item. 4.1 Staff Oral Communications 4.2 Board of Directors Oral Communications

5.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing committees are subject to Brown Act requirements. A written agenda is prepared and posted at least 72 hours prior to the committee meeting. An opportunity is provided for public input at committee meetings. 5.1 Personnel Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi 5.2 Finance Committee: Committee Chair Report- Chair Miller 5.3 Shared Services Ad-Hoc Committee: Chair Miller 5.4 Negotiations Ad-Hoc Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi


6.1 Action Items

6.2 Highlights

 Review of Quarterly Fleet Report

 Public Protection Classification ISO rating

7.0 CLOSED SESSION Public Comment: Public comments on closed session agenda items will be accepted by the Board at this time. The Board will then recess into closed session to discuss items on the closed session agenda. 7.1 Conference with Labor Negotiators Government Code § 54957.6  Agency Designated Representatives: Ad-Hoc Committee Consisting of Mr. John Lucchesi, Mr. Dave Burnham, Mr. Barry Franchi  Management Bargaining Group

8.0 RECONVENE TO OPEN MEETING Report of Action(s) – At the conclusion of a closed session a report of any reportable action(s) taken in closed session will be made

8.1 Report out of Closed Session




10.0 NEW BUSINESS 10.1 Accept and Implement Salary Schedule Adjustment- Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion/Action

10.2 Selection of Board Chair and Vice Chair for 2019 Discussion/Action

10.3 Selection of Committee Chairs and Committee Rosters for 2019 Discussion/Action

10.4 Approve Resolution 2018-16, Resolution Accepting Unanticipated Strike Team Revenue for the Panoche, Cranston and Pawnee Fire – Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion /Action

11.0 ADJOURNMENT Note: The Board Chair requests that if you have any questions or wish clarification or additional information about any item on the agenda or contained in the attached materials, to please call the Fire Chief at (831) 479-6842 before the meeting. Information regarding items on the agenda may be reviewed at our business office located at 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, California 95062, or you may view the agenda on our website at www.centralfpd.com

3 Item 3.1 CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES *** SPECIAL BOARD MEETING *** Tuesday, November 20, 2018 – 6:00 P.M. Administration Office – 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA Complete Board Meeting packets are available on request for review at the Administration Office, Fire Stations, and on Central’s website. Call (831) 479-6842 or visit: www.centralfpd.com.


1.1 Pledge of Allegiance 1.2 Call Meeting to Order – Roll Call of Directors

Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and asked everyone in attendance to join him in saluting the flag. In attendance were Directors Cupples, Burnham, Franchi, Lucchesi, and Walter. Director Haas was absent. Also present were Human Resource Manager Gina Finch and Chief Hall.


2.1 Recognition of Directors Chris Haas and Jim Cupples- Chair Miller

Chair Miller mentioned that the District and the Board wanted to recognize the service(s) provided by Director Haas and Director Cupples.


3.1 Meet and Confer Letter From the Management Bargaining Group- Fire Chief Steven Hall

Chief Hall advised that a letter had been received from Finance Director Nancy Dannhauser, who is representing the Management Group, requesting a meet and confer per the MOU between Central Fire Protection District and the Management Bargaining Group.

4.0 CONSENT AGENDA Matters listed under the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended. There will be no separate discussion on items unless members of the Board or staff request removal of item for separate action. Public Comment on Consent Agenda: This is the time for members of the public to address the Board on items that are on the Consent Agenda. Oral presentations should ordinarily not exceed 3 minutes per person. 4.1 Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting on October 9, 2018 1

1 Item 3.1 4.2 Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting on August 27, 2018 4.3 Approve Expenditures for the Month of October in the amount of $373,049.01 4.4 Approve Payroll for the Month of October in the amount of $898,146.81 Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Director Lucchesi advised that he would be abstaining from Item 4.1. Director Walter made a motion to approve Items 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 of the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Director Franchi. The motion passed with 6-Ayes; Director Haas was absent. Director Burnham made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Item 4.1. The motion was seconded by Director Walter. The motion passed with 5-Ayes; Director Haas was absent and Director Lucchesi abstained.

5.0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Public Oral Communications upon matters not on the Agenda: Oral presentations should ordinarily be limited to 3 minutes per person. There can be no deliberation or action on items not on the agenda. The Board may refer a matter to staff or schedule discussion for a future meeting. The public should address the Board on items on the agenda during the Board’s consideration of the item. Patty Brady addressed the Board, advising that she sent a letter to the editor for the Sentinel acknowledging the hard work by Firefighters, made mention of fire management issues and the possibility of a tragic fire occurring in our area and the issues that currently exist in the area should a tragedy occur, and urged the Board to push for more stringent regulations and efforts to prepare the area for such a potential tragedy - to be more proactive. Anthony Cefaloni addressed the Board to bring two incidents that occurred to the Board’s attention - October 24, 2018 at about 2:30 p.m. (East Cliff and 38th Avenue) – Central received a report of a surfer face down in the water; advised that a water rescue response was initiated; advised that before Central’s arrival a nurse and several surfers had the subject on the beach and had begun resuscitation efforts; advised that Engine 3414 with Captain Piper (first day as a full-time Fire Captain) and his crew, arrived on scene, as well as Engine 3411 with Captain Welty and his crew, AMR, State Parks and Lifeguards - advised that it was high tide and the crews had to devise a plan to get the subject off the beach; advised that Central’s truck was out of service, so Truck 3170 from the City of Santa Cruz was requested, as well as Captain Ramirez from Central’s training division, and a CalStar helicopter; advised that the citizens on scene continued to work with the rescue teams; advised that CalStar 2 was concerned about heat and time - that they were not going to be able to wait at the landing zone at Dominican for the extrication and the ambulance to get there – the pilot decided to look for a closer landing zone; advised that he and the pilot made a determination to land at the open


2 Item 3.1 space next to the O’Neill house; advised that Santa Cruz City’s truck and a couple of off-duty Santa Cruz City Firefighters assisted with the lifting, along with Captain Al Jett and his crew, got the subject up, loaded and flown to the hospital; advised that the subject had a full recovery with no deficits, and that on November 21, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., the individual (Trisha Anderson) had requested a meeting with all of the crews to thank them; mentioned how incredibly well all the crews worked together, how important it is for all of the agencies to be coordinated and work well together, and mentioned how rare it is to get a thank you and a follow up from the citizens; advised that the second incident was an event that Central did not have – November 17, 2018, in the early morning, there was a stolen vehicle roll over and the vehicle caught on fire, ejecting one patient, who got up and ran away; advised that when the car caught on fire, it spread to the wildland on Laurel Glen Road (the middle of Laurel Road) – up towards the Camp; advised that Captain Dan Jordan and his crew (Firefighter McCloskey and Firefighter/Paramedic Foster) arrived on scene, and their quick and decisive actions were the only thing that stopped that fire from spreading up the hill and turning into “our big one”; advised that he felt this incident needed to be recognized because “the big thing” didn’t happen based on some really sound decision making. Discussion ensued, to include Director Burnham suggesting that areas like around Nicasio Road would benefit from a smaller response vehicle. Chair Miller asked Chief Cefaloni to thank the crews for their efforts; that outside of a thank you to the City of Santa Cruz, that a letter be sent thanking them as well; and, requested clarification regarding the District’s weed abatement. Chief Hall advised that he is working with Supervisor Leopold to prepare a list of homeowner organizations, etc., to reach out to them about preparedness; advised that the California Fire Chiefs Association and the California Fire Districts Association will be meeting with Governor Elect, Gavin Newsom on December 10, 2018, to discuss what is occurring throughout the state with fires; advised that People Magazine would be doing an interview with the California Fire Chiefs Association President and he (as Chief of the California Fire Districts Association) regarding President Trump’s comments regarding California’s inability to prevent the wildfires. Director Cupples inquired about the pre-positioning, and Chief Hall advised that the Governor allotted $50 million out of the $100 million that was requested; advised that almost $13 million had been used to date; advised that there was no pre-positioning agreement in place for the Paradise fire, but that numerous strike teams were positioned in Solano County, Contra Costa, Calaveras, and Sonoma, that were immediately dispatched to the – which didn’t do a lot, unfortunately, to protect the Town of Paradise, but they were able to keep the fire from going into Chico. Director Burnham mentioned that there has been a weed abatement issue with one of his neighbors (she doesn’t take care of her yard), and that it was his understanding that the District sends a letter and that there is no other recourse. Chief Hall advised that it is an education process for the District inspectors; advised that as a Fire District, there is authority to enforce and that enforcement would go before the Board of Supervisors; advised that has not been enacted in Central’s district – advised that will be brought back to the Board, as it does require a resolution; advised that if someone turned a citizen in, the District would go out and give the owner notice to vacate the abatement, and if they failed to do that, another notice would be sent and seven days later enforcement could occur – there is then an appeal process before the Board of Supervisors because it is a County Ordinance. Chair Miller requested that Director Walter and the Chief investigate Ms.


3 Item 3.1 Brady’s concern about the District’s weed abatement program, and let her know that the Board heard her concern(s), and that the District will address her concerns. 5.1 Staff Oral Communications There was none. 5.2 Board of Directors Oral Communications Chair Miller advised that an in-depth report was presented to the Board at the last meeting – advising that he stated that he hadn’t completely gone through all of the information in the report, and yet he voted to accept it; advised that he thought the Board should be open to say “we need more time” – advised that looking back on his vote, that he should have abstained; advised that now that he has gone through the report, he would have voted to accept it; reminded the Board that they have due diligence to do; and, made mention of President Trump’s comment about raking our forests – advised that “the gross mismanagement” was the quote; advised that the federal government has the management of our forests – 57% of the forests in the state are with the federal government, 3% are under the supervision of Cal Fire, and the rest are private; suggested that for a political official to say the gross mismanagement on the fire service end of this – from a firefighter that spent 33 years in the service – was more than frustrating, especially since “we had firefighters on the line, risking their lives, and losing citizens, injuries to firefighters” – very frustrating – as a political official, I wanted to put that in the Minutes, that I felt that it was inappropriate for him – I think he needs to be educated, as well as a number of our citizens – there is [sic] a lot of hazards out there – the fire service do the best they can, but when it’s 50-60 mile per hour winds, there’s not a lot of times that we’re gonna’ win that battle. Chair Miller advised that the Board will be going to five Board members as of December, 2018; advised that at this time, the Chair is not going to change any of the numbers in the current standing committees or the ad hoc committees until the December meeting; advised that at the December meeting, the members will go down to two members on each Committee. 6.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing committees are subject to Brown Act requirements. A written agenda is prepared and posted at least 72 hours prior to the committee meeting. An opportunity is provided for public input at committee meetings. 6.1 Personnel Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi Director Franchi advised that there had been no Personnel Committee meetings, as the Ad Hoc Committee had been so busy, and advised that what the Ad Hoc Committee had been doing would be discussed in Closed Session. 6.2 Finance Committee: Committee Chair Report- Chair Miller Chair Miller advised that there had not been a Finance Committee meeting.


4 Item 3.1 6.3 Shared Services Ad-Hoc Committee: Chair Miller Chair Miller advised that he was not able to attend the LAFCO meeting; advised that he had a discussion with the Chief; advised that some citizens had shown up at the LAFCO meeting and asked about what the future of the District was and the status of the consolidation; advised that he hadn’t met with the Aptos Board due to the fact that they were going into an election – there’s a lot of things to deal with at an election - there’s a possibility that a Board could change, and that’s exactly what happened – they have two new Board members – now that the election is over, I will be asking the Aptos Board to sit down and have a meeting with us to talk about how to proceed forward with shared services, as well as how we want to carry on with the consolidation study. 6.4 Negotiations Ad-Hoc Committee: Committee Chair Report- Director Franchi Director Franchi advised that the negotiations will be discussed in Closed Session. Chair Miller advised that a request had been received from the Management Group, and advised that he was going to request that the Negotiation Ad Hoc Committee take that on those negotiations, as well as the negotiations with Local 3605. Director Franchi advised that the Committee would do so. 7.0 CHIEF’S REPORT

7.1 Action Items Chief Hall advised that the Strategic Planning session would be held this evening; advised that there are three parts to the session – (1) the governance piece, which will be looked at this evening – (2) the second meeting will be with the external stakeholders – will reach out to business, homeowners, civic groups to come in and give their opinion of the fire district and where they believe the District should go – and, (3) the third part is the internal stake holders, which is staff from the line, Fleet, Fire Prevention and Admin, to get their perspectives as well.

7.2 Highlights

 Review of Quarterly EZ One Financial Report

 Review of Quarterly Incident Report

 Review of Quarterly Website Analytics Report Chief Hall made mention of the Quarterly EZ One Financial Report, the Quarterly Incident Report and the Quarterly Website Analytics Report; and, thanked the crews for all their hard work over the past couple of weeks, which included all the strike teams that have gone out, to include the team of Captain Staley, Firefighter/Paramedic Rob Crompton, Taylor Alaimo, and Ryan O’Neill that responded to the Camp Fire – they were a very green crew – but they were a Type 1 structure protection assignment – they did have some dicey situations that they were involved with – they did very well – they were gone for 10-days - and, thanked the rest of the crews that covered and were very busy; advised that the call volume is increasing dramatically – which will be seen in the call report that will be presented in February, 2019; advised that he had been asked by OES to go up and be the EOC Director in Paradise and they asked Chief Lowe to go up and be the Logistics Coordinator – advised that he declined the order and Chief Lowe


5 Item 3.1 responded, and will be returning to the District Monday, November 26, 2018; advised that there is a lot of support going up there from California’s fire service for the Camp Fire. A gentleman inquired about the firefighters in Butte County that had lost their homes; and, Chief Hall advised that it was 21 to date; and advised that the International Association of Firefighters and Fire Chiefs have reached out – California Professional Firefighters have also reached out with donations – they are asking for monetary or gift cards – not tangible items because they have 14 big rigs up in Chico at this time with “stuff” and they have nowhere to put their “stuff” – so, if the public is looking to donate, they can donate through the American Red Cross or the IFF or the CPF, and that it would be very appreciated. Director Cupples advised that the Northern Valley Community Federation is also helping the firefighters and the first responders. Chief Hall advised that as of this morning 11,764 single family dwellings are gone, as well as 483 commercial buildings, and 230 outbuildings. Chair Miller advised that he discussed some financial questions with Finance Director Dannhauser, and asked the Chief to thank her for answering his questions. Director Lucchesi inquired about 7.2B – the Incident Recap – said there were calls for Branciforte (page 54/55) and Santa Cruz (page 56), but nothing from Aptos – inquired if there was a different document that showed the response efforts into Aptos? – and them into us? Chief Hall advised that he would research the answer to that question. Director Lucchesi advised that he notes the average response time is 5 minutes, 30 seconds – advised that he thought that was good. Chief Hall advised that it is coming down – we are capturing on a daily basis now, and the Battalion Chiefs get that information first thing in the morning, as well as he, and if you are looking at the calls from the day before you will see a few anomalies – a lot of that comes from the Battalion Chiefs and it’s a little skewed – if you have three calls and one is in Aptos, that skews the numbers – we are actually under the 5 minutes and 30 seconds now – we are down to about 5 minutes and 19 seconds. 8.0 OLD BUSINESS 8.1 Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Report- Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion

Chief Hall advised that that he attended the LAFCO hearing the past month – November 7, 2018 – on the agenda was the service and sphere reviews for the Aptos La Selva Fire Protection District and the Central Fire Protection District - both he and Chief Lowe testified regarding the consolidated efforts and where they stood and where they believed they were moving with regard to a timeframe – advised that they also discussed the sphere of influence that has now been created with both Districts; advised that at the Town Hall Meeting there was a map presented – not the new boundaries, but rather the sphere of influence that took effect due to the Board’s diligence on annexation – when the properties were annexed into the Fire District – there was public comment, and there were two people that spoke – they advised that they believed we were going in the right direction – one comment was made that he felt that the Board of Directors didn’t know how to proceed and that kind of took he and Chief Lowe off guard; advised that he and Chief Lowe spoke with the individual afterwards; advised that Commissioner Leopold was also very eloquent in his description of the Board’s authority to move forward and that LAFCO will not be


6 Item 3.1 engaging or forcing this consolidation at this point in time, based upon the personalities between the two Districts being very positive; advised that the LAFCO Commission did accept the Municipal Service Review and so that will go on file; advised that Pat McCormick is retiring from LAFCO after many, many, many, many years – he will stick around until the end of the year and they are looking for a replacement for him; advised that he thanked Pat on behalf of the District for all of his support during the process.

8.2 Strategic Planning Session- Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion

Chair Miller advised that this Item will be moved until after the completion of Item 11.2 on the Agenda.

9.0 NEW BUSINESS 9.1 Approve Resolution 2018-16, Resolution Fixing the Employer Contribution Under PEMHCA- Fire Chief Steven Hall Discussion/Action

Chief Hall gave a brief overview.

Director Lucchesi made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-16, Resolution Fixing the Employer Contribution Under PEMHCA, and waived a reading of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Director Burnham.

The motion passed with 6-Ayes; Director Haas was absent.

10.0 CLOSED SESSION Public Comment: Public comments on closed session agenda items will be accepted by the Board at this time. The Board will then recess into closed session to discuss items on the closed session agenda. 10.1 Conference with Labor Negotiators Government Code § 54957.6  Agency Designated Representatives: Ad-Hoc Committee Consisting of Mr. John Lucchesi, Mr. Dave Burnham, Mr. Barry Franchi  Professional Firefighters Union, IAFF Local 3605

Chair Miller moved the meeting to Closed Session at 6:50 p.m., and advised that the Chair would not be attending the Closed Session.

11.0 RECONVENE TO OPEN MEETING Report of Action(s) – At the conclusion of a closed session a report of any reportable action(s) taken in closed session will be made


7 Item 3.1

11.1 Report out of Closed Session Chair Miller reconvened the meeting to Open Session at 7:15 p.m., and advised that Vice Chair Franchi would be giving the report out of Closed Session. Vice Chair Franchi advised that that the Ad Hoc Committee for Negotiations discussed the status of the negotiations to date, and no reportable action was taken. Chair Miller moved the meeting back to Item 8.2, the Strategic Planning Session., and advised that Chief Hall had been called away to a meeting at City Hall in Capitola. A Strategic Planning Session was held, and the Board came up with three initiatives to work on concurrently and as a three year plan; facilities, consolidation and staffing. . 12.0 ADJOURNMENT Note: The Board Chair requests that if you have any questions or wish clarification or additional information about any item on the agenda or contained in the attached materials, to please call the Fire Chief at (831) 479-6842 before the meeting. Information regarding items on the agenda may be reviewed at our business office located at 930 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, California 95062, or you may view the agenda on our website at www.centralfpd.com The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

This will certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the discussions during the Central Fire Protection District Special Board Meeting held on November 20, 2018, as prepared by me.

______Dated: ______Donna J. Steward, Recording Secretary


______Dated: ______


8 Item 3.2

CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount GL Key: 681310 GL Obj: 53010 Employee Group Insurance 11/26/2018 CALPERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM Healthcare - Active/Retiree - November 2018 $164,002.94 11/26/2018 CALPERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM Healthcare - Active/Retiree - Administrative fee $378.39 - November 2018 11/28/2018 HEALTH CARE DENTAL TRUST C/O Group Dental Insurance - December 2018 $10,329.63 Heritage Bank of Commerce (partially offset by Retiree reimbursement #41692) 11/28/2018 FDAC EBA - C/O Keenan - SETECH Life Insurance - Active/Retiree - December $2,135.40 2018 (partially offset by Retiree reimbursement #41692) 11/28/2018 FDAC EBA - C/O Keenan - SETECH Vision Insurance - Active - December 2018 $1,036.12 SubObject Total $177,882.48 GL Obj: 61110 Clothing & Personal Supplies 11/05/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Structure helmets - Piper, Akin - helmet shields $128.03 11/05/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Wildland Web Gear - gear bags (10) $689.63 11/05/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Structure helmets - helmet parts/shields $4,324.81 (spare) 11/15/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS PPE Wildland - Dual compliant pants (2) $379.75 11/15/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Turnout/Structure boots - Burkhardt (1 pr) $428.72 11/28/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Structure helmets - red reflective helmet $105.49 identifiers 11/28/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Structure helmets - PCF's (3) $878.85 SubObject Total $6,935.28 GL Obj: 61125 Uniform Replacement 11/05/2018 SUMMIT UNIFORMS Uniforms - Manzo - Class "B" pants (2), shirts $424.98 (3), sweater (1) 11/05/2018 SIGN WAVE Uniforms - Pink Breast Cancer Awareness tee $679.21 shirts (56) 11/15/2018 SUMMIT UNIFORMS Uniforms - Manzo - Station jacket $130.01 11/15/2018 SUMMIT UNIFORMS Uniforms - Gleitsman - Class "B" pants (2) $260.02 11/15/2018 ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO. Uniforms - Manzo - badges (2) $235.11 11/15/2018 ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO. Uniforms - Manzo - name bars (2), service bars $115.80 (2) SubObject Total $1,845.13 GL Obj: 61221 Telephone - Non Telecom 11/05/2018 AT&T - CALNET3 Communications - Phone summary - $1,178.96 09/25/18-10/24/18 11/05/2018 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS St. 4 - internet connection - November 2018 $106.10 11/05/2018 CRUZIO INTERNET Cable internet - Admin - Wireless Pro $49.00 November 2018 11/15/2018 VERIZON WIRELESS Portable phones - Summary bill - November $1,415.26 2018 11/15/2018 COMCAST Cable internet - Primary - November 2018 $208.30 11/15/2018 HP COMMUNICATIONS - GLOBALCOM Globalcom Satellite Phone Subscription - $77.30

Page 1 9 Item 3.2

CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount November 2018 airtime service 11/28/2018 AT&T - CALNET3 Communications - Phone summary - $1,175.20 10/25/18-11/24/18 SubObject Total $4,210.12 GL Obj: 61310 Food 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Food - HALL - Lucky - All-Hands Meeting $54.38 snacks 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Food - WEBB - Togo's - Ad Hoc Committee $121.29 lunch 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Food - NEE - Togo's - Pump Operator Training $111.89 employees lunches (10) 11/28/2018 BAUEN, ERNST Training reimbursement - Bauen - Training $52.35 Probation WTS Tower lunches SubObject Total $339.91 GL Obj: 61425 Household Expense 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Station/Admin supplies - GRIGG - Costco, $982.10 Target - coffee, water, cleaning supplies, towels, tissue, knife set, salad spinner, Citrus Magic 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Furniture replacement - TURNER - Wayfair - $534.09 filing cabinet, basket 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Station/Admin supplies - BAUEN - OSH - St. 2 $39.23 shower head replacement 11/15/2018 GREEN WASTE RECOVERY, INC. St. 3 - Disposal service - October 2018 $196.07 11/15/2018 GREEN WASTE RECOVERY, INC. St. 1 and Admin - Disposal service - October $270.34 2018 11/15/2018 GREEN WASTE RECOVERY, INC. St. 2 - Disposal service - October 2018 $222.01 11/15/2018 GREEN WASTE RECOVERY, INC. St. 4 - Disposal service - October 2018 $67.99 11/15/2018 PURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, INC. Water filter service - monthly water cooler $65.55 rental 11/28/2018 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Station/Admin supplies - Shipping charges for $117.38 fluorescent lamps 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - St. 3 October 2018 $70.00 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - Admin October 2018 $48.96 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - St. 4 October 2018 $119.04 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - St. 1 October 2018 $174.99 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - St. 2 October 2018 $124.32 SubObject Total $3,032.07 GL Obj: 61535 Insurance - Other 11/28/2018 CHRIS BORDNER AUTO BODY Insurance Pay Outs - Non-District Vehicle: $726.08 remove/replace front door rear view mirror; remove/install front door trim panel SubObject Total $726.08

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount

GL Obj: 61720 Maintenance - Mobile Equipment 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems RWC Maintenance - BAUEN - West Marine - $13.00 anchor 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems RWC Maintenance - BAUEN - Grand Prix - 20 $629.01 hour service, one set FPO mode keys SubObject Total $642.01 GL Obj: 61725 Maintenance - Office Equipment 11/05/2018 SMILE BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. Office - Maintenance contract for $106.94 Sharp/MX-3110N - 09/17/18-12/16/18 SubObject Total $106.94 GL Obj: 61730 Maintenance - Other Equipment 11/05/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS PPE Maintenance and Repairs - Martone - $33.69 Structural PPE modification SubObject Total $33.69 GL Obj: 61845 Maintenance - Structures, Improvements & 11/05/2018 REPUBLIC ELEVATOR COMPANY Elevator monthly maintenance - November $181.56 2018 11/05/2018 BELLOWS PLUMBING, HEATING & HVAC Systems - Admin AC Unit #5 repair $253.73 SEWER 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - St. 1 semi-annual $628.29 SALINAS service 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - St. 2 semi-annual $671.95 SALINAS service 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - St. 3 semi-annual $365.98 SALINAS service 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - St. 4 door repair $200.00 SALINAS service 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - St. 4 semi-annual $443.68 SALINAS service 11/05/2018 JUST ASK JAMES Appliance repairs - St. 1 Diagnosis of extractor $175.00 problem 11/15/2018 SAN LORENZO LUMBER General repairs - tarp for dump run $31.35 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Landscaping Products - MACDONALD - Home $65.02 Depot - Round-Up (2 gallons) 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems General repairs - WELTE - Home Depot - St. 1 $9.23 office wall repair (spackle, cover plates, junction box/cover) 11/15/2018 WILLIAMS, JAMES Appliance repairs - St. 2 dryer repair (replaced $479.00 both control boards) 11/28/2018 MATLOCK LANDSCAPE Admin & St. 1 - Landscape maintenance - $125.00 November 2018 11/28/2018 PACIFIC FENCE C/O CRAIG ANDERSON General repairs - St. 2 fence repair $825.00 SubObject Total $4,454.79

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount

GL Obj: 61920 Medical supplies 11/05/2018 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. Oxygen - all stations $56.00 11/05/2018 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. Oxygen - all stations $43.25 11/05/2018 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. Cylinder rental - all stations $37.40 11/05/2018 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. Cylinder rental - all stations $112.20 11/28/2018 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. Oxygen - all stations $43.25 SubObject Total $292.10 GL Obj: 62020 Memberships 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Memberships - AKIN - Cal Training Officers $50.00 Assn - Annual membership 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Memberships - AKIN - FDSOA - Annual $99.00 membership 11/15/2018 C.S.F.A. Memberships - 2019 California State $1,200.00 Firefighter's Association annual dues (15) SubObject Total $1,349.00 GL Obj: 62219 PC Software 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - SonicWall Firewall annual $230.00 support - 40% Aptos 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - RASS $157.50 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - Web filtering $123.18 Aptos 40% 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - Phishing and Ransomware 40% $390.00 Aptos 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems PC Software - TURNER - GoDaddy - Email $249.99 Server Security certificate 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems PC Software - TURNER - Microsoft - O365 $10.00 Licenses (2) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems PC Software - TURNER - Microsoft - Microsoft $12.00 Online Services 11/05/2018 CALLBACK STAFFING SOLUTIONS, LLC PC Software - CrewSense (100 users) $499.00 11/5/18-12/4/18 11/15/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - Office 365 monthly subscription $735.30 - 36% Aptos 11/28/2018 CALLBACK STAFFING SOLUTIONS, LLC PC Software - CrewSense Pro Support $99.99 11/18/18-12/17/18 11/28/2018 ASAP SYSTEMS Inventory Software - Annual subscription $3,060.00 SubObject Total $5,566.96 GL Obj: 62223 Office Expense/Supplies 11/05/2018 PALACE ART & OFFICE SUPPLY Office supplies - toner, paper, pads, notes, $763.20 binder indexes, folders 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Workstation Replacements - replace $2,892.52 workstations (3) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Office supplies - GRIGG - Amazon - iPhone $18.43 Otterbox for Prevention 11/05/2018 SMILE BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. Sharp/MX-3110N - color usage - $541.15

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount 06/17/18-09/16/18 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Shift Calendars - WEBB - Shift Calendars Inc. - $1,121.20 2019 shift calendars 11/14/2018 APTOS/LA SELVA FIRE DISTRICT Aptos Fire - LAFCO Consolidation Study $-661.16 printing reimbursement 11/15/2018 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT Postage - meter refill $500.00 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Computer monitors - HALL - Costco - $560.23 replacement Prevention monitor; new BC monitor 11/26/2018 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ - Supplies - Business cards - Manzo, Jordan $68.00 INFORMATION SERVICES DEPT.- ATTN: TERESA 11/28/2018 PALACE ART & OFFICE SUPPLY Office supplies - toner, clipboards, pads $861.99 SubObject Total $6,665.56 GL Obj: 62381 Professional & Specialized Services 11/05/2018 LAFCO LAFCO Study - Mid- Agency $2,666.67 Consolidation Feasibility Study final payment 11/05/2018 CENTRAL COAST CISM TEAM EAP Services - 9/6/18, 9/24/18, 10/3/18 $375.00 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer support - Network maintenance & $7,992.00 repair Aptos 40% 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer support - Back up services $336.00 Aptos 40% 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer support - Mobile Unit and EMS $970.55 Surface Pro support - November 2018 11/05/2018 GRUNSKY LAW FIRM Legal services - 410 Kennedy - August 2018 $148.00 11/05/2018 GRUNSKY LAW FIRM Legal services - General Matters - August 2018 $129.50 11/05/2018 JACKSON LEWIS P.C. Legal services - Personnel Matters - $280.00 September 2018 11/15/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Office 365/Skype Project - Labor to migrate to $499.00 Office 365 - 40% Aptos 11/15/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Programming - programing for Fleet report in $500.00 Claims 11/15/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Office 365/Skype Project - Labor to migrate to $5,100.00 Office 365 - 40% Aptos 11/15/2018 KOFF & ASSOCIATES Compensation Study - Presentation, final $1,040.00 report 11/28/2018 STEWARD, DONNA Board Mtg. Minutes - Record/deliver $39.90 11/28/2018 CSG CONSULTANTS, INC. Plan review services - September 2018 $1,800.00 11/28/2018 ACTIVE WELLNESS Yoga Wellness Program - October 2018 - 5 $500.00 classes SubObject Total $22,376.62

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount

GL Obj: 62500 Rents & Leases - Equipment 11/15/2018 DE LAGE LANDEN Equipment lease - Upstairs copier - $223.42 11/01/18-11/30/18 SubObject Total $223.42 GL Obj: 62715 Small Tools & Instruments 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Tools - WALTERS - Palace, OSH, Sears - $227.77 Station tool boxes tools, pens, sockets, wrench holders/organizers 11/15/2018 BATTERY SYSTEMS Batteries - AAA (144), 9V (72) $204.84 SubObject Total $432.61 GL Obj: 62826 Education and/or Training 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - AKIN - Home Depot - Shoring drill $221.43 supplies (w/Aptos) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - Cal OES - CSTI Certificates $686.70 (to be reimbursed) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - BAUEN - Staples - thumb drive for $26.03 Marine Rescue SOP, policies, procedures 11/28/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE Unanticipated training - de-con hoses (6) $705.66 11/28/2018 TRI-COUNTY TOWING Training - Auto extrication (6 vehicles) $900.00 SubObject Total $2,539.82 GL Obj: 62888 District Special Expense 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Flowers, Cards - TURNER - Teleflora - Get $98.94 Well flowers for Employee's spouse 11/15/2018 L.N. CURTIS & SONS Hose Tester Appliances - hose tester gate $1,577.05 valves (6) 11/28/2018 SPORT ABOUT JFMP Awards - Junior Fire tees (100) $934.09 SubObject Total $2,610.08 GL Obj: 62890 Subscriptions 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Manuals - AKIN - NIFC Fire Cache - IRPG's $248.18 and Basic Land Navigation guides SubObject Total $248.18 GL Obj: 62914 Transportation & Travel - Education & Training 11/05/2018 STALEY, DEREK Training reimbursement - Staley - S-404 meals $313.50 11/05/2018 STALEY, DEREK Training reimbursement - Staley - S-404 $33.47 transportation 11/05/2018 AKIN, CHAD Training reimbursement - Akin - S-404 $150.93 transportation 11/05/2018 JORDAN, DANIEL Training reimbursement - Jordan - Regional $175.00 Instructor Orientation registration 11/05/2018 JORDAN, DANIEL Training reimbursement - Jordan - Ethical $31.86 Leadership in the Classroom mileage 11/05/2018 JORDAN, DANIEL Training reimbursement - Jordan - Ethical $45.00 Leadership in the Classroom registration 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - AKIN - Contra Costa Co. - Regional $175.00

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount Instructor Orientation (Staley) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - AKIN - Contra Costa Co. - Regional $175.00 Instructor Orientation 11/05/2018 SOUTH BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY Training - Alaimo, Moyer, O'Brien, O'Neill - Fire $1,100.00 TRAINING CONSORTIUM Driver Operator 1A registration 11/05/2018 TURNER, CLARA Training reimbursement - Turner - CalPERS $214.00 conference meals 11/05/2018 TURNER, CLARA Training reimbursement - Turner - CalPERS $52.04 conference mileage 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - California Fire - Cal Chief's $350.00 Annual Conference registration 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - City of Sacramento - Capitol $10.50 parking 11/05/2018 FINCH, GENA Training reimbursement - Finch - CalPERS $197.00 conference meals 11/05/2018 DANNHAUSER, NANCY Training reimbursement - Dannhauser - $197.00 CalPERS conference meals 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - TURNER - CSMFO - Annual $370.00 conference registration 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - TURNER - CSMFO - Monterey $80.00 Chapter meeting registration (Dannhauser/Turner) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - TURNER - Renaissance Palm $511.98 Springs - CSFMO room deposits (Dannhauser/Turner) 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - COLLINS - NorCal FPO - Fire Alarm $175.00 Plan Review registration 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - WEBB - Airbnb - Basic PIO lodging $262.70 (second half) 11/05/2018 SPENCER, BRAD Training reimbursement - Spencer - Firefighter $40.00 II certification 11/05/2018 MANZO, JESSICA Training reimbursement - MANZO - Plans $535.90 Examiner 1A hotel 11/05/2018 MANZO, JESSICA Training reimbursement - MANZO - Plans $141.68 Examiner 1A meals 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - Five Pine Lodge - FORCE $440.94 conference lodging 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - Monterey Airport - FORCE $72.00 conference airport parking 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - HALL - Starwood Hotels - Cal Chiefs $694.17 Annual Conference lodging 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - FINCH - Southwest Airlines - $129.96 Employment Law Conference airlines 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - FINCH - Liebert Cassidy - $550.00 Employment Law Conference registration 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - COLLINS - NorCal FPO - Annual $405.00 FPO meeting registration 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - COLLINS - Embassy Suites - CCAI $654.43

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount conference hotel SubObject Total $8,284.06 GL Obj: 62920 Gas, Oil & Fuel 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Fuel - AKIN - Chevron, Safeway Gas - #B3402 $143.04 fuel 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Fuel - BAUEN - Live Oak American - RWC and $100.00 pickup fuel 11/15/2018 MORENO PETROLEUM Fuel - diesel $1,172.03 11/28/2018 MORENO PETROLEUM Fuel - diesel $1,184.37 11/28/2018 MORENO PETROLEUM Fuel - diesel $1,562.72 11/28/2018 MORENO PETROLEUM Fuel - diesel $969.71 SubObject Total $5,131.87 GL Obj: 62928 Transportation & Travel - Other 11/15/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems FasTrak Toll Tags - HALL - FasTrak account $25.00 deposit SubObject Total $25.00 GL Obj: 63070 Utilities 11/05/2018 SC MUNI UTILITY Admin. - Water service - 09/15/18-10/15/18 $51.23 11/05/2018 SC MUNI UTILITY St. 1 - Water service - 09/15/18-10/15/18 $244.23 11/05/2018 SC MUNI UTILITY St. 2 - Water service - 09/13/18-10/10/18 $56.93 11/15/2018 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Sanitation Tax FY 2018/2019 - St. 4 - Parcel $783.00 03513109 11/15/2018 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Sanitation Tax FY 2018/2019 - St. 3 - Parcel $783.00 03008257 11/15/2018 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Sanitation Tax FY 2018/2019 - St. 2 - Parcel $783.00 02502511 11/15/2018 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Sanitation Tax FY 2018/2019 - Admin/St. 1 - $1,475.12 Parcel 02801326 11/28/2018 PG&E St. 2 - Gas and electric service - $873.30 10/04/18-11/04/18 11/28/2018 PG&E Admin. - Gas and electric service - $993.15 10/05/18-11/05/18 11/28/2018 PG&E St. 1 - Electric service - 10/05/18-11/05/18 $1,005.18 11/28/2018 PG&E St. 3 - Gas and electric service - $685.15 10/09/18-11/07/18 11/28/2018 PG&E St. 4 - Gas and electric - 10/16/18-11/14/18 $426.81 SubObject Total $8,160.10 Index Total $264,113.88

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount GL Key: 681312 GL Obj: 53010 Employee Insurance & Benefits 11/26/2018 CALPERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM Healthcare - Administrative fee/Fleet - $8.49 November 2018 11/26/2018 CALPERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM Healthcare - Active/Fleet - November 2018 $3,681.24 11/28/2018 HEALTH CARE DENTAL TRUST C/O Group Dental Insurance - Fleet - December $354.54 Heritage Bank of Commerce 2018 11/28/2018 FDAC EBA - C/O Keenan - SETECH Vision Insurance - Active - Fleet - December $59.07 2018 11/28/2018 FDAC EBA - C/O Keenan - SETECH Life Insurance - Active - Fleet - December $73.05 2018 SubObject Total $4,176.39 GL Obj: 61221 Telephone - Non Telecom 11/15/2018 VERIZON WIRELESS Fleet Services Summary bill - November 2018 $195.58 11/15/2018 ETHERIC NETWORKS Internet Service - SOHO Internet service - $229.00 December 2018 SubObject Total $424.58 GL Obj: 61425 Other Household Expense - Services 11/15/2018 GREEN WASTE RECOVERY, INC. 410 Kennedy - Disposal service - October 2018 $171.87 11/28/2018 CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION Industrial laundry - Fleet October 2018 $434.92 SubObject Total $606.79 GL Obj: 61720 Maintenance - Mobile Equipment - Services 11/05/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE Stock - air conditioning hoses (10) $65.34 11/05/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Stock - joystick switch $490.93 11/05/2018 BOBBY'S PIT STOP #V03-3488 - smog $40.75 11/05/2018 BOBBY'S PIT STOP #14-01-3402 - smog $40.75 11/05/2018 BOBBY'S PIT STOP #99-3499 - smog $40.75 11/05/2018 BOBBY'S PIT STOP #18-02-3498 - smog $40.75 11/05/2018 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC., Dept. #15-3411 - replaced EGR valve, injectors, $13,665.72 34677 turbo exhaust manifold, CAC, injector cups 11/05/2018 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC., Dept. #778-3170 Santa Cruz - fuel line, pipe, fitting $158.42 34677 11/05/2018 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC., Dept. #778-3170 Santa Cruz - conversion kit for $1,174.78 34677 Detroit diesel less F40420 credit of $272.50 11/05/2018 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS, INC., Dept. #778-3170 Santa Cruz - elbow $33.21 34677 11/05/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. Stock - Torque arm and assembly $218.43 11/05/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. #72-3472 - Torque arm and assembly $218.43 11/05/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. #72-3472 - oil seal $24.91 11/05/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. #72-3472 - Differential assembly, end yoke $9,358.79 11/05/2018 MATHESON TRI GAS,INC. DBA AERIS Shop supplies - cylinder rental $25.26 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Stock / #E2512 Scotts Valley - GRIGG - Dan's $105.14 Upholstery, Edwards Truck Center - refurbished seat covers (3), sensor core credit of $114.71

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems #777-3112 Santa Cruz - GRIGG - UPS - $9.81 actuator core return 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems #788-3113 Santa Cruz - GRIGG - UPS - return $9.76 water pump 11/05/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Stock - fittings $123.45 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - Anti-freeze (42 gallons) $529.28 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #18-01-3407 - air filter $50.10 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #18-02-3498 - air filter $50.11 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - coolant hose (2) $140.70 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - fuel/water, fuel, oil filters; drain plug $66.45 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #72-3472 - oil seal $19.13 FIRST CALL 11/05/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - O-ring fittings, hose splicers, barrier $792.23 FIRST CALL hose 11/05/2018 TEHAMA TIRE SERVICE, INC. #E3222 SC County Fire - tires (6), $4,262.56 dismount/mount 11/05/2018 TEHAMA TIRE SERVICE, INC. #R3261 SC County Fire - tires (4), $1,616.58 dismount/mount 11/05/2018 TEHAMA TIRE SERVICE, INC. Stock - tires $6,458.88 11/05/2018 PRIOR TIRES #E4210 Pajaro Dunes - dismount/mount, $155.00 service call 11/05/2018 PRIOR TIRES #U3291 SC County Fire - tires (4), $1,240.20 mount/balance, service call 11/15/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. #15-3411 - Super auto eject $323.32 11/15/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. #778-3170 Santa Cruz - Waterway, crate, $9,261.71 shipping 11/15/2018 BOBBY'S PIT STOP #U1738 SC County Fire - smog $40.75 11/15/2018 MERCURY METALS Stock - thread pipe fitting $31.88 11/15/2018 MERCURY METALS #E4510 Pajaro Valley - thread pipe fitting $31.87 11/15/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. Stock - throttle sensor (2) $711.22 11/15/2018 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC Electrical supplies - black plug (10) $98.10 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Shop supplies - aluminum, thread lockers, $223.13 screws 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Shop supplies - bin-box rack, bin boxes (32), $296.71 round-shank reamer 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY #72-3472 - electrical parts, O-rings $205.67 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY #72-3472 - trim $116.95 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Stock - fittings, gas springs $136.55 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - washer cap $7.79 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Shop supplies - hydraulic hose cabinet (less $606.29 FIRST CALL $44 core credit) 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - A/C clutch $737.19

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #38-3438 - coolant cap $6.76 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #14-01-3402 - battery $275.63 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Shop supplies - adhesive sealant, power beads $145.97 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #17-01-3492 - fuel cap $13.61 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - radiator caps, fuel caps $38.95 FIRST CALL 11/15/2018 PRIOR TIRES #99-3499 - mount, balance $80.00 11/15/2018 PRIOR TIRES #E4121 SC County Fire - dismount, mount, $155.00 service call 11/28/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE Stock - male connectors, elbow fittings $29.28 11/28/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE #38-3438 - elbows, connectors $58.12 11/28/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE Stock - elbow fittings, heater hose $349.60 11/28/2018 HOSE SHOP, THE #778-3170 Santa Cruz - fuel hose, fittings $81.03 11/28/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Stock - Kussmaul auto eject $325.33 11/28/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. #2512 Scotts Valley - transmission cooler $2,474.77 11/28/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Stock - Weldon light $55.95 11/28/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Draft Commander - lost valve cover $243.47 replacement 11/28/2018 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Stock - seal oil, bearing cups, bearing cones, $3,631.44 hubs 11/28/2018 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Shop supplies - Blast Away cleaning solution (5 $121.59 gallons) 11/28/2018 ELECTRO SPECIALTIES Electrical supplies - ties, breakers, shrink, $872.17 terminals, wire 11/28/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. Stock - axel cover $284.48 11/28/2018 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS, INC. #15-3411 - axel cover $284.49 11/28/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Shop supplies - screws, drill bits, washers, $100.93 11/28/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - oil, fuel, air filters; wiper blades $269.66 FIRST CALL 11/28/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Stock - dash lights (3) $126.85 FIRST CALL 11/28/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - #E2936 SC County Fire - battery $334.99 FIRST CALL 11/28/2018 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES, INC. - Shop supplies - Brake Clean (36) $78.09 FIRST CALL SubObject Total $64,493.89 GL Obj: 61845 Maintenance - Structures, Improvements & 11/05/2018 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF Overhead door repairs - Fleet - replaced brake $485.00 SALINAS assembly 11/28/2018 MATLOCK LANDSCAPE 410 Kennedy - Landscape maintenance - $110.00 November 2018 11/28/2018 MC PLUMBING Backflow Inspection/Maintenance - 410 $150.00

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CLAIMS BY GL OBJ Filter: (Claim Date is between 11/01/2018 12/05/2018 and 11/30/2018)(Pre-Approved Excluded)

Claim Date Vendor Message Amount Kennedy backflow maintenance SubObject Total $745.00 GL Obj: 62219 PC Software 11/05/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC PC Software - Fleet Sonicwall FireWall $170.49 maintenance contract extension SubObject Total $170.49 GL Obj: 62223 Office Expense/Supplies 11/15/2018 PAGODA TECHNOLOGIES LLC Supplies - Rugged laptop replacement $4,209.55 SubObject Total $4,209.55 GL Obj: 62715 Small Tools and Instruments 11/15/2018 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY Small tools - drill bits $226.15 SubObject Total $226.15 GL Obj: 62826 Education and /or Training 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - GRIGG - Cabrillo College - Excel $256.00 Level 2 & 3 11/05/2018 US BANK - Corporate Payment Systems Training - GRIGG - Computerized Fleet - CFA $450.00 Advanced Software training SubObject Total $706.00 GL Obj: 62888 Special District Expense 11/15/2018 DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES Permit, EPA - EPA ID Verification Fee $350.00 CONTROL 201838076 SubObject Total $350.00 GL Obj: 63070 Utilities 11/15/2018 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Sanitation Tax FY 2018/2019- 410 Kennedy Dr. $903.24 - Parcel 03604124 11/15/2018 SOQUEL CREEK WATER DISTRICT 410 Kennedy Drive - Service from $260.76 10/04/18-11/05/18 11/28/2018 PG&E 410 Kennedy Drive - Service from $942.63 10/12/18-11/12/18 SubObject Total $2,106.63 Index Total $78,215.47 Grand Total $342,329.35

Page 12 20 Item 3.3 Date Range from 11/03/2018 To 11/30/2018 PAYROLL ACCT.# PP TOTALS Reg.(888),Para.(CF2),Disability (28B) 51000 24 $241,226.26 25 $241,397.67 Overtime, (777,555) 51005 24 $81,923.31 25 $68,382.98 Directors Fees (005) 62327 24 $330.75 25 $992.25

TOTAL PAYROLL $634,253.22

12/06/2018 21 Item 6.2 A

10/22/2018 03:09:37 PM Office: Central Santa Cruz Fire Fleet Services Payable-Receivable Analysis 07/01/2018 to 06/30/2019 Actual Charges Net to District

Internal Number of Invoices 24

Labor Cost $29,353.96 Parts Cost $59,947.37 Internal Total $89,301.33

External Number of Invoices 74

Labor Charges $50,286.84 $2,136.06 Admin Fee $9,215.74 $9,215.74 Parts Charges $93,516.84 $0.00 25% Parts Charge $23,379.21 $23,379.21 External Totals $176,398.63 $34,731.01

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10/22/2018 03:09:30 PM Office: Central Santa Cruz Fire Fleet Services Payable-Receivable Analysis 07/01/2018 to 06/30/2019 RO# Unit Dept Date MechHrs LisaHrsMechOT LbrDirect LbrBilled LbrToCTL AdmFee Parts Handling TOTAL Billed Received Inv# 2617 81*3481 Central 7/6/2018 2.5 0.5 0 $308.41 $0.00 $0.00 $65.50 $308.11 $77.03 $759.05 $0.00 $0.00 2618 72*3472 Central 7/6/2018 23.2 0.5 0 $2,664.07 $0.00 $0.00 $554.80 $4,101.39 $1,025.35 $8,345.61 $0.00 $0.00 2621 37*3437 Central 7/10/2018 3.4 0.5 0.5 $467.73 $0.00 $0.00 $97.52 $49.98 $12.50 $627.73 $0.00 $0.00 2624 16*3414 Central 7/11/2018 19.6 1 0 $2,278.29 $0.00 $0.00 $467.88 $36,382.58 $9,095.65 $48,224.40 $0.00 $0.00 2626 13*01*3413 Central 7/16/2018 20.63 0.5 0 $2,371.60 $0.00 $0.00 $491.89 $2,526.84 $631.71 $6,022.04 $0.00 $0.00 2627 19*3412 Central 7/16/2018 0.6 0.5 0 $92.19 $0.00 $0.00 $18.80 $0.00 $0.00 $110.99 $0.00 $0.00 2631 15*3411 Central 7/19/2018 19.7 0.5 0 $2,265.77 $0.00 $0.00 $481.74 $4,379.51 $1,094.88 $8,221.90 $0.00 $0.00 2637 15*01*3403 Central 7/23/2018 4.7 0.5 0 $558.77 $0.00 $0.00 $118.69 $239.87 $59.97 $977.30 $0.00 $0.00 2638 60*3460 Central 7/24/2018 30.61 1 0 $3,531.23 $0.00 $0.00 $750.76 $2,635.28 $658.82 $7,576.09 $0.00 $0.00 2641 14*01*3402 Central 7/26/2018 2.8 0.5 0 $342.55 $0.00 $0.00 $72.76 $0.00 $0.00 $415.31 $0.00 $0.00 2644 V03*3488 Central 8/15/2018 29.2 0.5 0 $3,346.87 $0.00 $0.00 $711.64 $377.98 $94.50 $4,530.99 $0.00 $0.00 2654 99*3499 Central 8/6/2018 2.3 0.5 0 $285.65 $0.00 $0.00 $60.66 $241.88 $60.47 $648.66 $0.00 $0.00 2659 13*01*3413 Central 8/10/2018 3.3 0.5 0 $399.45 $0.00 $0.00 $84.86 $1,141.99 $285.50 $1,911.80 $0.00 $0.00 2662 19*3412 Central 8/13/2018 1.2 0.5 0 $160.47 $0.00 $0.00 $34.04 $0.00 $0.00 $194.51 $0.00 $0.00 2666 14*01*3402 Central 8/7/2018 0.5 0.5 0 $80.81 $0.00 $0.00 $17.10 $1,589.38 $397.35 $2,084.64 $0.00 $0.00 2670 V02*3402 Central 8/22/2018 4 0.5 0 $479.11 $0.00 $0.00 $101.80 $105.13 $26.28 $712.32 $0.00 $0.00 2674 93*S3493 Central 8/24/2018 2.3 0.5 0 $285.65 $0.00 $0.00 $60.66 $35.38 $8.85 $390.54 $0.00 $0.00 2675 72*3472 Central 8/27/2018 1.4 0.5 0 $183.23 $0.00 $0.00 $38.88 $3,940.88 $985.22 $5,148.21 $0.00 $0.00 2679 16*3414 Central 8/30/2018 1.9 0.5 0 $240.13 $0.00 $0.00 $50.98 $640.74 $160.19 $1,092.04 $0.00 $0.00 2680 16*02*3491 Central 8/31/2018 3.7 0.5 0 $444.97 $0.00 $0.00 $94.44 $772.44 $193.11 $1,504.96 $0.00 $0.00 2693 12*3417 Central 9/14/2018 1.6 0.5 0 $205.99 $0.00 $0.00 $43.72 $81.98 $20.50 $352.19 $0.00 $0.00

2700 50*WT3450 Central 9/20/2018 2.1 0.5 0 $262.89 $0.00 $0.00 $55.82 $211.41 $52.85 $582.97 $0.00 $0.00

2706 16*3414 Central 9/26/2018 1.3 0.5 0 $171.85 $0.00 $0.00 $36.46 $184.62 $46.16 $439.09 $0.00 $0.00

2708 16*3414 Central 9/27/2018 0.1 0.5 0 $35.29 $0.00 $0.00 $7.42 $0.00 $0.00 $42.71 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS 247.38 18 3 $29,353.96 $0.00 $0.00 $5,732.36 $59,947.37 $14,986.84 $100,916.00 $0.00 $0.00

*Several repairs for internal were long term

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10/22/2018 03:09:32 PM Office: Central Santa Cruz Fire Fleet Services Payable-Receivable Analysis 07/01/2018 to 06/30/2019 RO# Unit Dept Date MechHrs LisaHrsMechOT LbrDirect LbrBilled LbrToCTL AdmFee Parts Handling TOTAL Billed Received Inv# 2623 772*3111 Santa Cruz City 7/10/2018 15.53 0.5 0 $1,791.22 $1,836.33 $45.11 $367.27 $472.94 $118.24 $2,794.78 $2,794.78 $2,794.78 6080 2628 776*3134 Santa Cruz City 7/17/2018 10.63 0.5 0 $1,233.60 $1,272.23 $38.63 $254.45 $363.36 $90.84 $1,980.88 $1,980.88 $1,980.88 6083 2629 777*3112 Santa Cruz City 7/17/2018 1 0.5 0 $137.71 $140.00 $2.29 $28.00 $13.30 $3.33 $184.62 $184.62 $184.62 6082 2640 772*3111 Santa Cruz City 7/26/2018 1.5 0.5 0 $194.61 $206.24 $11.63 $41.25 $461.39 $115.35 $824.23 $824.23 $824.23 6136 2642 770*3114 Santa Cruz City 7/27/2018 1 0.5 0 $137.71 $146.00 $8.29 $29.20 $13.30 $3.33 $191.82 $191.82 $191.82 6137 2643 788*3113 Santa Cruz City 7/27/2018 3.7 0.5 0 $444.97 $472.70 $27.73 $94.54 $525.79 $131.45 $1,224.48 $1,224.48 $1,224.48 6139 2648 788*3113 Santa Cruz City 7/30/2018 9.63 0.5 0 $1,119.80 $1,190.23 $70.43 $238.05 $632.86 $158.22 $2,219.35 $2,219.35 $2,219.35 6152 2651 778*3170 Santa Cruz City 8/3/2018 18.11 0.5 0 $2,084.82 $2,216.31 $131.49 $443.26 $5,193.10 $1,298.28 $9,150.95 $9,150.95 $9,150.95 6156 2655 770*3114 Santa Cruz City 8/8/2018 12.16 1 0 $1,431.62 $1,521.36 $89.74 $304.27 $7,677.07 $1,919.27 $11,421.97 $11,421.97 $11,421.97 6165 2661 775*3110 Santa Cruz City 8/10/2018 40.13 0.5 0 $4,590.70 $4,880.73 $290.03 $976.15 $6,106.46 $1,526.62 $13,489.95 $13,489.95 $13,489.95 6170 2665 773*3116 Santa Cruz City 8/15/2018 15.33 1 0 $1,792.36 $1,904.93 $112.57 $380.99 $1,851.00 $462.75 $4,599.67 $4,599.67 $4,599.67 6196 2668 776*3134 Santa Cruz City 8/20/2018 3.8 0.5 0 $456.35 $484.80 $28.45 $96.96 $417.13 $104.28 $1,103.17 $1,103.17 $1,103.17 6166 2671 775*3110 Santa Cruz City 8/23/2018 2.6 0.5 0 $319.79 $339.60 $19.81 $67.92 $0.00 $0.00 $407.52 $407.52 $407.52 6171 2684 777*3112 Santa Cruz City 9/5/2018 23.82 0.5 0 $2,734.62 $2,907.22 $172.60 $581.44 $12,583.75 $3,145.94 $19,218.35 $19,218.35 $19,218.35 6198 2685 771*3171 Santa Cruz City 9/6/2018 21.21 1 0 $2,461.51 $2,616.41 $154.90 $523.28 $1,831.86 $457.97 $5,429.52 $5,429.52 $5,429.52 6219 2689 778*3170 Santa Cruz City 9/6/2018 1.1 0.5 0 $149.09 $158.10 $9.01 $31.62 $42.56 $10.64 $242.92 $242.92 $242.92 6193 2692 788*3113 Santa Cruz City 9/9/2018 0 0.5 2 $251.51 $323.82 $72.31 $64.76 $82.84 $20.71 $492.13 $492.13 $492.13 6194 2694 776*3134 Santa Cruz City 9/14/2018 6.2 0.5 0 $729.47 $775.20 $45.73 $155.04 $92.27 $23.07 $1,045.58 $1,045.58 $1,045.58 6167 2695 772*3111 Santa Cruz City 9/17/2018 9.8 0.5 0 $1,139.15 $1,210.80 $71.65 $242.16 $71.19 $17.80 $1,541.95 $1,541.95 $1,541.95 6197 2709 775*3110 Santa Cruz City 9/27/2018 3 0.5 0 $365.31 $388.00 $22.69 $77.60 $0.00 $0.00 $465.60 $465.60 $465.60 6192 2622 E9*3536 Aptos/LA Selva 7/11/2018 11.4 0.5 0 $1,321.23 $1,336.00 $14.77 $267.20 $13,794.50 $3,448.63 $18,846.32 $18,846.32 $18,846.32 6079 2650 E8*3512 Aptos/LA Selva 8/2/2018 2.9 0.5 0 $353.93 $375.90 $21.97 $75.18 $923.66 $230.92 $1,605.66 $1,605.66 $1,605.66 6153 2660 E11*3511 Aptos/LA Selva 8/10/2018 13.93 0.5 0 $1,609.14 $1,710.53 $101.39 $342.11 $2,218.06 $554.52 $4,825.21 $4,825.21 $4,825.21 6157 2663 M*3566 Aptos/LA Selva 8/14/2018 0.87 0.5 0 $122.91 $130.27 $7.36 $26.05 $56.89 $14.22 $227.43 $227.43 $227.43 6163 2677 E11*3511 ROSENBAUER 8/30/2018 0.7 0.5 0 $103.57 $109.70 $6.13 $21.94 $0.00 $0.00 $131.64 $131.64 $0.00 6172 2678 E11*3511 Aptos/LA Selva 8/30/2018 0.5 0.5 0 $80.81 $85.50 $4.69 $17.10 $136.61 $34.15 $273.36 $273.36 $273.36 6173 2682 WT1*3550 Aptos/LA Selva 9/2/2018 2.1 0.5 0 $262.89 $279.10 $16.21 $55.82 $969.58 $242.40 $1,546.89 $1,546.89 $1,546.89 6174 2705 E10*3513 Aptos/LA Selva 9/22/2018 1.6 0.5 1.8 $410.83 $487.54 $76.71 $97.51 $287.82 $71.96 $944.83 $944.83 $944.83 6190 2707 E9*3536 Aptos/LA Selva 9/26/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $121.80 $6.85 $24.36 $53.27 $13.32 $212.75 $212.75 $212.75 6175 2716 E9*3536 Aptos/LA Selva 9/19/2018 0.1 0.5 0 $35.29 $37.10 $1.81 $7.42 $12,283.53 $3,070.88 $15,398.93 $15,398.93 $15,398.93 6212

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10/22/2018 03:09:32 PM Office: Central Santa Cruz Fire Fleet Services Payable-Receivable Analysis 07/01/2018 to 06/30/2019 RO# Unit Dept Date MechHrs LisaHrsMechOT LbrDirect LbrBilled LbrToCTL AdmFee Parts Handling TOTAL Billed Received Inv# 2610 E4510 Pajaro 7/3/2018 19.32 1 0 $2,246.43 $2,271.80 $25.37 $340.77 $2,110.10 $527.53 $5,250.20 $5,250.20 $5,250.20 6065 2620 E4511 Pajaro 7/6/2018 1.8 0.5 0 $228.75 $232.00 $3.25 $34.80 $50.97 $12.74 $330.51 $330.51 $330.51 6077 2649 E4511 Pajaro 8/1/2018 16.04 1 0 $1,873.16 $1,894.60 $21.44 $284.19 $1,158.28 $289.57 $3,626.64 $3,626.64 $3,626.64 6158 2667 E4510 Pajaro 8/16/2018 2.5 0.5 0 $308.41 $327.50 $19.09 $49.13 $1,106.92 $276.73 $1,760.28 $1,760.28 $1,760.28 6164 2696 WT4551 Pajaro 9/11/2018 15.32 0.5 0 $1,767.32 $1,786.80 $19.48 $268.02 $3,975.51 $993.88 $7,024.21 $7,024.21 $7,024.21 6191 2687 E4210 Pajaro Dunes 9/6/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6179 2688 E4211 Pajaro Dunes 9/6/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6180 2612 E3611 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/5/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6067 2613 R3661 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/5/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6068 2614 WT3651NEWSanta Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/5/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6069 2615 E3621 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/5/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6070 2616 E3641 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/5/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6071 2619 U2991 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/6/2018 2 0.5 0 $251.51 $255.00 $3.49 $38.25 $497.22 $124.31 $914.78 $914.78 $914.78 6078 2625 WT2951 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/13/2018 3 0.5 0 $365.31 $370.00 $4.69 $55.50 $91.72 $22.93 $540.15 $540.15 $540.15 6081 2630 WT3251 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 14.25 1 0 $1,669.46 $1,688.75 $19.29 $253.31 $971.93 $242.98 $3,156.97 $3,156.97 $3,156.97 6149 2632 E3222 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6084 2633 E3921 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $25.43 $6.36 $166.34 $166.34 $166.34 6085 2634 U3291 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6086 2635 U3261 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6087 2636 E3211 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/19/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6088 2639 E4111 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/25/2018 1.1 0.5 0 $149.09 $151.24 $2.15 $22.69 $940.38 $235.10 $1,349.40 $1,349.40 $1,349.40 6089 2645 U2991 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/30/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6141 2646 WT2951 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/30/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6140 2647 E2911 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 7/30/2018 1.3 0.5 0 $171.85 $174.50 $2.65 $26.18 $0.00 $0.00 $200.68 $200.68 $200.68 6142 2652 E4111 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/6/2018 3 0.5 0 $365.31 $370.00 $4.69 $55.50 $42.55 $10.64 $478.69 $478.69 $478.69 6154 2653 E*1 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/6/2018 3 0.5 0 $365.31 $370.00 $4.69 $55.50 $1,226.06 $306.52 $1,958.08 $1,958.08 $1,958.08 6155 2656 E4121 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/9/2018 0.9 0.5 0 $126.33 $128.50 $2.17 $19.28 $0.00 $0.00 $147.78 $147.78 $147.78 6161 2657 R4161 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/9/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6160 2658 E4111 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/9/2018 1.5 0.5 0 $194.61 $197.50 $2.89 $29.63 $258.98 $64.75 $550.86 $550.86 $550.86 6162 2672 E3611 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/23/2018 0.2 0.5 0 $46.67 $48.00 $1.33 $7.20 $29.63 $7.41 $92.24 $92.24 $92.24 6176

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10/22/2018 03:09:32 PM Office: Central Santa Cruz Fire Fleet Services Payable-Receivable Analysis 07/01/2018 to 06/30/2019 RO# Unit Dept Date MechHrs LisaHrsMechOT LbrDirect LbrBilled LbrToCTL AdmFee Parts Handling TOTAL Billed Received Inv# 2673 WT3651NEWSanta Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/23/2018 0.2 0.5 0 $46.67 $48.00 $1.33 $7.20 $0.00 $0.00 $55.20 $55.20 $0.00 6177 2676 E3921 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/29/2018 22.52 1 0 $2,610.59 $2,639.80 $29.21 $395.97 $1,467.90 $366.98 $4,870.65 $4,870.65 $4,870.65 6195 2681 WT3951 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 8/31/2018 0.7 0.5 0 $103.57 $105.50 $1.93 $15.83 $0.00 $0.00 $121.33 $121.33 $121.33 6178 2690 WT3951 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/6/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6181 2697 E3611 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 1.5 0.5 0 $194.61 $197.50 $2.89 $29.63 $0.00 $0.00 $227.13 $227.13 $227.13 6185 2698 R3661 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6188 2699 E3641 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 1.1 0.5 0 $149.09 $151.50 $2.41 $22.73 $0.00 $0.00 $174.23 $174.23 $174.23 6189 2701 E3621 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6186 2702 WT3651NEWSanta Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6184 2703 U1738 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/20/2018 0.8 0.5 0 $114.95 $117.00 $2.05 $17.55 $0.00 $0.00 $134.55 $134.55 $134.55 6187 2704 E4111 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/21/2018 2 0.5 0 $251.51 $255.00 $3.49 $38.25 $1,055.91 $263.98 $1,613.14 $1,613.14 $1,613.14 6183 2710 E3611 Santa Cruz County Fire-County Fire 9/28/2018 7 0.5 0 $820.51 $830.00 $9.49 $124.50 $3,095.25 $773.81 $4,823.56 $4,823.56 $4,823.56 6222 2664 E2512 Scotts District 8/15/2018 2.8 0.5 0 $342.55 $363.80 $21.25 $72.76 $624.30 $156.08 $1,216.94 $1,216.94 $1,216.94 6168 2669 E2510 Scotts Valley Fire District 8/21/2018 28.1 0.5 0 $3,221.69 $3,425.10 $203.41 $685.02 $5,631.71 $1,407.93 $11,149.76 $11,149.76 $11,149.76 6169 TOTALS 449.73 50 3.8 $48,150.78 $50,286.84 $2,136.06 $9,215.74 $93,516.84 $23,379.21 $176,398.66 $176,398.66 $176,211.82

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Current Pay Monthly Annual Step 1 $ 8,933 $ 107,197

Koff Proposed Monthly Annual % Step Step 1 $ 9,124 $ 109,488 2% Step 2 $ 9,580 $ 114,960 5% Step 3 $ 10,059 $ 120,708 5% Step 4 $ 10,562 $ 126,744 5% Step 5 $ 11,090 $ 133,080 5%

Eliminate Step 1 in Koff Report PROPOSAL Monthly Annual % Step PROPOSAL Annual CTL APT Step 1 $ 9,580 $ 114,960 7% Year 1 $ 13,511 $ 8,107 $ 5,405 Step 2 $ 10,059 $ 120,708 5% Year 2 $ 6,036 $ 3,622 $ 2,414 Step 3 $ 10,562 $ 126,744 5% Year 3 $ 6,336 $ 3,802 $ 2,534 Step 4 $ 11,090 $ 133,080 5% Total Cost $ 25,883 $ 15,530 $ 10,353

Discussion Accept Koff recommendation for salary range based on market If HR Director were to leave, lose valuable employee and fly salary range "as is" to attract talent If range not accepted, position will be behind on market again

Recommendation for Proposal Remove first step to get position to market in 4 steps. If start with Step 1 only a 2% increase. Keeps subsequent step increases at 5% between each step, consistent with other positions Employee here for 3 years should be at Step 3 monthly salary of $10,059 based on Koff schedule

83 Item 10.4



On the motion of Director Duly seconded by Director the following Resolution is adopted.


WHEREAS, the Central Fire Protection District of Santa Cruz County, has received monies from Strike Team reimbursements for Panoche $14,721.00, Cranston $41,074.00 and Pawnee $78,449.00 for a total of $134,244.00; and

WHEREAS, the District has received funds in the amount of $134,244.00 which is not specifically set forth in the 2018-19 fiscal year budget of the District; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 29130(c) / 29064(b), such funds may be made available for specific appropriation by four-sevenths vote of the Board of Directors;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller accept funds in the amount of $134,244.00 into Central Fire Protection District’s General Budget Index #681310 (Operations), and #681311 (Vehicle Replacement), and #681320 (Capital Improvement):

Revenue T/C Index Number GL-object Number Account Name Amount 022 681310 40894 State Other $113,337.00 022 681311 40894 State Other $11,263.00 022 681320 40894 State Other $9,644.00 and that such funds be and are hereby appropriated to reimburse overtime pay and add additional funds as follows:

Expenditure T/C Index Number GL-object Number Account Name Amount 021 681310 51005 Overtime $103,337.00 021 681310 61425 Other Household Expense $6,000.00 021 681310 62888 Special District Expense $4,000.00 021 681311 86209 Mobile Equipment $11,263.00 021 681320 86110 Buildings and Improvement $9,644.00

84 Item 10.4

Page 2 Resolution 2018-16

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Fire Protection District of Santa Cruz County, County of Santa Cruz, State of California, this 11th day of December, 2018 by the following vote:


ATTEST:______Secretary to the Board Date

______Board Chair

Distribution: Auditor File