by Marlo Steed [email protected]

Faculty of Education, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Dr., (403) 329-2189

Paper presented at the ATACC conference, Mission Possible: Surpassing Our Past Success,

March 15 - 17, 2001, Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper, Alberta 1. Introduction This paper suggests that 3D tools may have a place as a learning and teaching tool for students and instructors in a variety of disciplines. Visual-spatial forms of expression require new skills, critical perspectives, and may foster fresh insight and understanding. 3D images and animations have long been the purview of professionals who had expensive equipment and sophisticated software. Recent advances in technology make super- computer architecture available at affordable prices for educators. 3D software requires considerable computing power and hefty memory requirements to model and render complex scenes. Current computers now have that kind of memory and power. Another advance has been a recent announcement by Strata Inc., making available a free version of a sophisticated and rendering application, Strata 3D. It is a watered down version of a professional package (Strata 3D pro) but still has incredible possibilities. This now makes it feasible for students to do sophisticated 3D modeling and rendering. However, why would such a tool have educational value?

2. Spatial learning There is value in seeing a process rather than hearing or reading about it. Video and pictures have been a traditional way to address this. This article introduces a new set of tools that can be used to portray concepts through 3D visualization.

From a constructivist perspective, students build their knowledge. 3D modeling reflects this construction of knowledge. One benefit of student-generated visual portrayals is that it provides a means for students to reflect on the process of knowledge construction. It also presents the teacher with valuable insight into students’ thinking processes. Perhaps students that have new forms of portrayal tools will be able to communicate and understand new ideas or old ideas in new ways. The tool then becomes influential in engaging knowledge to solve problems.

3. as Science Creating 3D models is a form of virtual reality. Virtual reality is the notion of representing a referent from reality in digital form. Virtual reality can be a way of presenting simulated environments. The value of alternative representations has been demonstrated in environments where students created their own simulations (Steed, 94). Medicine and aviation seem to be natural areas where this kind of tool has applications (Hoffman, H. Irwin, A., Ligon, R., Murray, M., & Tohsaku, C., 1995). It was found that mental manipulation of two- dimensional and three-dimensional objects were influenced by working with virtual reality systems that are capable of displaying and manipulating three-dimensional virtual objects (Merickel, 1992).

Visualization has long been noted as a significant tool in many problem solving situations (Rieber, 1995). However, education on the whole is less likely to accept a visual portrayal than a verbal or written argument. For instance, educators typically use reports, essays, short answer and multiple choice questions for assessing

- 2 - student understanding. Graphical constructions are rarely encouraged. Some individuals are naturally attune to the visual so to deny them this avenue of expression could be doing them a disservice.

As an example of how 3D can be used to enhance a student’s experience, Davis (1999) describes a number of projects that have reconstructed ancient locations in 3D. These virtual civilizations provide a portal into the past whereby students can maneuver and explore ancient sites by navigating in a virtual reality environment and even interacting with virtual citizens of that age.

4. Why 3D? There are many abstract concepts that students have to deal with that are difficult to understand by reading or hearing a verbal description. Some of these concepts are visual-spatial in nature and lend themselves to 3D representations. Later in this document specific examples are given that illustrate how 3D technology can be integrated into the curriculum.

3D imagery is a way of representing certain dimensions of the sensory world that might be difficult to understand in any other way. For instance, describing how an object moves through space might be difficult to visualize. I can explain that a planet moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. Assuming you understood the terms planet, space, ellipse, and orbit, you might be able to conjure up a mental projection. If you haven’t had physical or visual experience with these terms, it might be difficult. Even then, the words are problematic in that the mental image might be quite different from the referent because the information is ambiguous. The listener has to assume the size, relative distance between the objects, the shape of the elliptical orbit, the speed of the orbit, whether or not the planet is rotating on its axis, the color and shape of the planet and sun, and so forth. Yes, it is possible to painstakingly describe it in verbal terms. The problem is that approach is sequential and by the time you get to the end of the explanation, the audience may have forgotten some aspect of the description or not understood an important element. Much of this ambiguity can be overcome when a 3D animation is viewed. A visual animation comes through our visual sensory system and activates knowledge simultaneously. It also has the potential to activate alternative knowledge structures specific to 3D, those that deal with the visual spatial orientation and kinesthetic movement.

For more information relating to the background and theoretical perspective, see the web supplement (Sidebar 1).

5. 3D - When? When will it make sense to use 3D applications to portray ideas? Not all visualizations lend themselves to 3D applications. There are many processes that will just be too complex or easier done in other ways. For instance, the action of a volcano may best be illustrated with video footage. However, 3D animation might be the best way to illustrate what happens underneath the surface which is not readily visible and is something that

- 3 - cannot be video taped. As another example, consider pollination of a flower by bees. To understand what a bee does during pollination, one can look at video footage. 3D would take forever to model bee movements and simulate the natural environment. However, what happens to the pollen once it has been left on the plant by the bee, is something that is difficult to see because of its microscopic nature and because the process takes place over time. This lends itself to 3D illustration. 3D can simplify the representation by removing extraneous elements that are not pertinent to the process and can speed up the process to illustrate the rest of the pollination process. Generally, 3D tools are best used when communicating the spatial orientation of simplified objects and their change over time.

6. Tradeoffs Visual forms of expression are not without problems and limitations. A huge issue is sensory overload. Our visual sensory system can become overloaded with the presence of too many visual actions or objects. This can result in attending to unimportant details. Keeping illustrations simple is a new perspective that students will need to understand. One has to make compromises between creating detailed portrayals in an attempt to simulate reality and creating simplified portrayals for the sake of understanding. Another potential shortcoming of the 3D representations is that they are taken too literally. Students need to understand that these are only as good or accurate as the person who creates them.

7. 3D Tool: Strata 3D 3D software typically has four components, modeling, texturing, animating, and rendering. The modeling tools provide the means of constructing objects in a virtual three-dimensional space. One can place objects in this virtual space, move them, change their shape, their size, and combine them with other shapes, see Figure 1 as an example.

Figure 1. Objects in 3D space (preview rendering)

Texturing tools cover the objects with images. For instance, one can give a door a wood grain texture to simulate the look of wood. The animation tools are used to move objects through the 3d space over time. The rendering tool

- 4 - creates pictures or movies of the objects and generates the appropriate textures, shadows, and depth of field to give the scene the illusion of three-dimensional space. This can create very realistic looking images.

Strata 3D was the 3D application selected because of its ease of use and affordability. The cost of 3D modeling and rendering applications can be prohibitive. It is not uncommon for a high-end application to cost thousands of dollars (Maya, 3D Studio Max, Electric Image, Lightwave, etc.). Strata 3D is a good choice for educators because it is a free download or inexpensive if ordered on CD. It is very similar to the professional version, Strata 3Dpro, but has fewer tools. The company sees this as a marketing strategy for their professional version. However, for educational use, the free version has many useful features. It is the only 3D software that I am aware of that is free, is somewhat full featured, and has a user-friendly interface. For a more detailed description of the tool set within Strata 3D go to the Web Supplement site (Sidebar 1).

An illustration - solar eclipse model This next section will use an example of the solar eclipse to illustrate how 3D construction could enhance understanding. Why use a 3D approach when video or a photograph can display the real event? Creating virtual objects in space will generate thinking that might not be there by watching a video or a photograph. While a video shows a bright object being blocked out by a dark object, student understanding of this event may vary. As students represent this in 3D, a number of interesting questions come out of the modeling process. For instance which is moving, the moon, or the sun... or both? Which one moves in the 3D model, how does this reflect reality, how does it not reflect reality? How does the size and position of the spheres influence what is seen during the simulated eclipse? The physical act of orienting the spheres in such a way as to achieve an eclipse reflects students’ thought processes. Their representations and their discussion of those portrayals reveal their thinking. In this way building models potentially encourages deep understanding.

The description above may need more specificity, so I will go over the steps involved in creating this model. The first step is to create a sphere representing the Sun. Then apply an appropriate texture and give it a glow affect (an FX texture) so that the rendering will generate a halo around the object. Then create a moon with another sphere and apply a moon texture (downloaded from NASA’s web site). See Figure 2 for a view of the model so far. Open the project window (Windows pull-down menu) and drag the blue current time marker (Figure 3) to an arbitrary position on the time line, in this case 8 seconds (we aren’t concerned with the issue of time although one could simulate that aspect of the phenomena as well). Drag the moon across to its new position. Then move the red cut- out point (Figure 4) to the end of the animation. See Figure 5 for what the project window should look like and the moon will now be attached to an animation path (blue dotted line), see Figure 6. The program automatically created the end point (event marker) and all the intermediate steps for the animation. You can click the play button in the project window for a preview of what the animation will look like. Then place a camera in the model and position it to emulate the position of the earth. Figure 7 displays alternative perspectives to provide a better sense of the camera’s spatial orientation. Once everything in the model is setup go to the camera view (Windows pull-down

- 5 - menu). Figure 8 shows what the camera view would look like. Do fine tuning of the camera position by using the positioning arrows on that window. Then render out the animation by selecting the rending tool (Figure 9) and then hold down the shift key while clicking in the camera window. This will bring up the rendering dialogue box in Figure 10. Note the parameters are at the best settings and the number of frames is set from 1 to 121. This will render each of the frames and save the animation as a movie. The settings in this example are at the best quality (checking the anti-alias filter smoothes the stairs-step look). A rendering can take a significant amount of time depending on numerous factors (number of light sources, number of frames in the animation, the number of objects, the textures used, etc.). If you desire shorter rendering times, reduce the quality settings by adjusting the type of renderer, texture detail, oversampling, and turn off anti-alias filter. A still image was rendered out at a given time in the animation and can be seen in Figure 11. This animation and model can be downloaded from the Web Supplemental site (see sidebar 1).

Figure 2. Objects in modeling space

Figure 3. Current time pointer

Figure 4. Cut-in and Cut-out points

Figure 5. Project window

- 6 - Figure 6. Animation path

Figure 7. Perspective views

Figure 8. Camera view of animation

- 7 - Figure 9. Rendering tool

Figure 10. Rendering dialogue box

Figure 11. Rendered image

The eclipse model is a qualitative representation rather than a precise quantitative recreation. One could make the model to scale using numbers such that all the sizes and distances corresponded to the actual objects’ size and orientation in space.

Consider how this example might be used in a class. Students first discuss amongst themselves or with the teacher what a solar eclipse is. They view a video or still image and check out the Internet to gain further insight. Students then use a 3D-modeling program and create their representation of how an eclipse works. This would involve constructing an animation of the event and saving it as a QuickTime movie. This could be presented to peers for evaluation and discussion; models could be compared and contrasted. There is no written report, the model and animation communicates their understanding of the concept.

- 8 - As another illustration, similar procedures could be used in biology to create a simple cell model. Figure12 illustrates what a rendered version of a simple cell might look like. This model is also available for download from the Web Supplemental URL (Sidebar 1).

Figure 12. Simple cell rendering

8. The Learning Curve Is Strata 3D easy to use? Well yes and no. Any new software application introduces new tools that must be explored and discovered. Often skills learned in one program can be transferred to another. For instance, word processors all work about the same and graphics programs often use the same basic tools. 3D software uses many of these common tools but introduces other unique tools - those will be new to many users. Not only are there new tools to learn but there is the difficulty of maintaining orientation in 3D space. In 3D space you no longer are dealing with only an x and y coordinate system as in 2D graphic applications but a z-axis as well. This takes some getting used to. The application addresses this problem by providing different perspective views so that the user can get a sense of an object’s orientation in space (see Figure 7).

Strata 3D is a sophisticated application and as such provides quite a bit of depth to each tool. This could be problematic because students could get lost in the details of the tools (dialogue boxes with foreign terms and parameters that seem meaningless). However, as with most sophisticated software applications it is possible to learn a subset of the tools and options and build on that over time. For instance, really all you need to know is how to create, move, resize, texturize, animate, and render. See the Web Supplement that explains the basic tool set for an illustration (see Sidebar 1). There is an online manual and tutorials that can help as well (see Sidebar 1). Experimenting and playing with the application will be the best way of learning it. Sidebar 2 provides sources of information about the application and download information.

9. Classroom implications All this modeling and animation is very cool but how can this be used with students? It is up to the imagination, almost anything is possible. The models and animations can be as involved and detailed or as simple as desired. However, don’t plan on producing the next sequel to Toy Story or Jurassic Park with this

- 9 - tool. Animation and modeling for prime time movies is extremely time consuming and involve an army of texture designers, modelers, and animators. Not to mention high-powered hardware to execute all the renderings and phenomenal storage space to save all the animations. Despite the disclaimer, this tool can create stunning images and animations of high quality and it has been used for professional multimedia production. However, in the beginning keep the models, animation, and textures simple. That will speed up rendering and the whole process will be quicker and less frustrating. Build up to more complex models and animation. Working in 3D can be a black hole for time so one has to select topics prudently.

Most teachers will probably look at a tool like this and think; well what kinds of topics can I teach using this tool? Let me provide you with an illustration. I teach an online course on the Internet and Education. I created a 3D portrayal to highlight certain aspects of the Internet, see Figure 10.

Figure 10. Rendering of Internet model

Through this image I was able to use the metaphor of pipes to portray how information moves around the Internet. This depiction was used as a platform for explaining various Internet concepts (bandwidth, inaccessible sites, redundant pathways, etc.)

Teachers can create with this tool but my bias is that this is a tool for students. Thus a better question is, can students use this 3D tool for representing their ideas? This tool provides students an avenue to express ideas in new, dynamic, and motivating ways. It is the building of models, planning, and thinking through the process that has potential for learning. Models act as a platform to: reflect on, discuss with peers, and give instructors

- 10 - insight into student thinking (Steed, 94). A sophisticated tool like this takes time to learn and time to use, so it only makes sense to integrate this with other curricular areas. Science, multimedia, and art are obvious content areas for this tool while other domains may require more creative thinking. Here are illustrative topics that might lend themselves to constructing understanding with 3D modeling (in no way is this an exhaustive list):

Curricular brainstroming: 9.1. Science 9.1.1. Space Science Comet path diagram Solar system model Birth and death of stars Satellite orbital paths solar eclipse planet orbits 9.1.2. Flight Unit Modeling lift. Birds wing design Propeller and thrust Gliding principals Glide paths Air Flow Principles of Lift Pitch, yaw, and roll A presentation that shows an animated aircraft rolling, pitching and yawing. Control surfaces of aircraft Flight characteristics of aircraft 9.1.3. Rocketry Trajectory and Launch Paths Control surfaces of rockets 9.1.4. Air flow patterns 9.1.5. Chemistry Molecular structures - see Sidebar 1 for instructions on downloading molecules off the Internet 9.1.6. Biology Cell structure - function Physiology structure and function Protein structure and function- see Sidebar 1 for instructions on downloading molecules off the Internet 9.1.7. Physics - Momentum, acceleration, velocity - ball bounce Physics of surfaces (textures) Study of light, refraction, and reflection - what makes an object look the way it does 9.2. Social Studies 9.2.1. Creation of socially relevant structures Monument constructions Oil rig model 9.2.2. 3D topographical maps 9.2.3. Archeological recreation 9.3. Math

- 11 - 9.3.1. Volume problems Students develop shapes according to a given area Students find the area of created shapes 9.3.2. Geometry manipulatives 9.4. Information Technology 9.4.1. Virtual maps 9.4.2. Wiring diagrams 9.4.3. Computer studies/multimedia (Career Technology Studies) 9.4.4. Engineering design – designing prototypes of machines 9.4.5. Architecture - designing buildings, creating walkthroughs and client views 9.4.6. Multimedia production 9.5. Language Learning 9.5.1. Title Pages 9.5.2. Illustrations for articles 9.5.3. Thematic diorama 9.5.4. Recreate literary event 9.6. Drama 9.6.1. Set designs 9.6.2. Choreograph a prototype drama presentation 9.7. Art 9.7.1. New forms of artistic expression Depiction of the surreal Virtual sculpture 9.7.2. Drafting 9.7.3. Animation 9.8. Independent Projects 9.8.1. Presentation device 9.8.2. School clubs (year book illustrations) 9.8.3. Invention prototyping 9.9. Professional Development for Teachers 9.9.1. Tutorial construction - animation or still 9.9.2. Demonstration tool

This list is the result of a brainstorming session so many of ideas may not be practical or desirable but then again it could be the kernel of an engaging activity.

10. Conclusions 3D portrayals require an understanding of new tools, a sense for visual-spatial orientation, and a critical perspective for applying it. Time to learn and implement this new tool may limit its use in classroom settings. However, 3D tools may be useful in the hands of students for fostering fresh insight, understanding, and represent new ways of negotiating meaning. This combined with linguistic and other forms of expression diversifies the range of representational tools students can choose between. The availability of high-powered computers and the free version of Strata 3D put new possibilities into the hands of students. Give it a try, be creative, and use your imagination, you might be surprised at what is possible. Have your students enjoy the thrill of entering the virtual reality of their own creation.

- 12 - Sidebar 1. Web Supplement URL The web supplement page is a web page maintained by the author. This page will provide information on the following topics: Model Building, Constructivist Connection, Virtual Reality as Science, Strata 3D tool set, downloading 3D molecules off the Internet, images of rendered models, animations, and 3D models that can be downloaded. The site is at the following URL:

Sidebar 2. Obtaining the software and documentation: Strata Inc., the company that created Strata 3D, can be found at the following URLs: (there are two sites listed because it is changing ownership, back to the original company): Strata 3D is available on Windows and the operating systems. The technical specifications are listed and you can obtain a free copy of the application by downloading it from this site. A high-speed line will work best because it is a 22 Megabyte file. Alternatively you can order it online for a minimal cost (CD format). An online manual and tutorials can also be accessed from this site, alternatively a hardcopy of the manual can be purchased (see the Sidebar 1, the Web Supplement for relevant links).


SRATA.COM (2000). The virtual reality portal. [WWW document]. URL

Davis, B. (1999). The future of the past, Scientific American: reviews and commentaries [WWW document]. URL

Norman, D. A. (1993). Things that make us smart. Don Mills, ON: Addison-Wesley Publishing, isbn 0-201- 58129-9. 11. Steed, M. (1994). Effects of computer simulation construction on shifts in cognitive representation: A case study using STELLA. Doctoral dissertation, Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.

Hoffman, H. Irwin, A., Ligon, R., Murray, M., & Tohsaku, C. (1995). Virtual reality-multimedia synthesis: next- generation learning environments for medical education. Journal of Biocommunication, 22(3), 2-7.

Merickel, M. L. (1992). A study of the relationship between virtual reality and the ability of children to create, manipulate and utilize mental images for spatially related problem solving. Paper presented to the Annual Convention of the National School Boards Association, Orlando, FL: Oct 15.

Rieber, L. P. (1995). A historical review of visualization in human cognition. Educational Technology Research and Development, 43(1), 45-56.

Wissik, C. A. (1996). Multimedia: Instruction for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(5), 494-503.

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