© Ipsos | Doc Name | Month Year | Version # | Public | Internal/Client Use Only | Strictly Confidential : Satisfaction Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Keir Starmer is doing his job as leader of the Labour Party?

July 2021 June 2020 – July 2021 100 27% 90 Satisfied 80 27% 70 23% 60 50% Don’t know 50% 50 Dissatisfied 50% 40 23% Dissatisfied 30 27% 20 Satisfied

Net = -23 10


Base: 1,053 British adults 18+, 2-8 July 2021

Jul-20 Jul-21

Oct-20 Apr-21

Jun-20 Jan-21 Jun-21

Feb-21 Mar-21

Nov-20 Dec-20

Aug-20 Sep-20 May-21

Source: Ipsos MORI Political Monitor

2 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Net satisfaction with Opposition Leaders (1980 – 2021) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way … is doing his job as leader of the … Party?


Starmer Cameron

Corbyn Howard

Miliband Duncan-smith

Blair Hague Net satisfaction Net Smith



Number of months after becoming opposition leader

Note: Data collected prior to February 2008 was collected via face-to-face methodology; data collected from February 2008 was via telephone Base: c.1,000 British adults each month. Most recent wave: 2-8 July 2021 Source: Ipsos MORI Political Monitor

3 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Keir Starmer: Satisfaction amongst Labour supporters Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Keir Starmer is doing his job as leader of the Labour Party?

July 2021 June 2020 – July 2021 100 46% 90 Satisfied 80 70 37% 46% 17% 60 Don’t know 46% 50 Satisfied 37% 40 37% Dissatisfied 30 Dissatisfied 17% 20

Net = 9 10


Base: 297 Labour party supporters aged 18+, 2-8 July 2021

Jul-20 Jul-21

Oct-20 Apr-21

Jun-20 Jan-21 Jun-21

Feb-21 Mar-21

Nov-20 Dec-20

Aug-20 Sep-20 May-21

Source: Ipsos MORI Political Monitor

4 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Keir Starmer: Net satisfaction

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Keir Starmer is doing his job as leader of the Labour Party?

% Net satisfied 75 +66% +56% +51% +50% 55 +31% +33% 35 +31% +22% +19% +16% +15% +12% +9% 15 +5% +5% Among +14% Labour +9% -9% -10% -8% -5 voters -1% -5% -22% -6% -29% Among all -25 -12% -15% -16% Among -30% -45 Conservative voters -47% -65 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21

Source: Ipsos MORI Base: c.1000 British adults each month. Most recent wave: 2-8 July 2021

5 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Starmer’s Good job Bad job performance at setting out a clear Among all 18% 59% alternative to the By age group current govt. 18-34 22% 48% Would you say that the Labour Party led by Keir 35-54 14% 65% Starmer has done a good job or bad job at setting out 55+ 17% 62% a clear alternative to the current government to By 2019 General Election vote voters? Conservative 11% 70%

Labour 24% 58%

Base: 1,053 British adults 18+, 18-34 years old (257), 35-54 (323), 55+ (473), 2019 Conservative voter (339) Labour (297). 2-8 July 2021

6 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Changing party : July 2021 Among all 42% 30% leader: Conservative supporters 19% 64% June 2021 Conservatives Among all 40% 39% Conservative supporters 22% 70% Please tell me to what July 2019 extent, if at all, you agree or Among all 29% 47% Conservative supporters 10% 83% disagree with the following statement: The : July 2018 Conservative Party should Among all 46% 31% Conservative supporters 34% 51% change its leader before the September 2017 next general election Among all 45% 38% Conservative supporters 28% 61%

David Cameron: October 2015 Among all 39% 32% Conservative supporters 25% 55% June 2014 Among all 27% 47% Conservative supporters 9% 79%

Base: 1,053 British adults 18+, 2019 Conservative supporters (339), 2-8 July 2021

7 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Keir Starmer: July 2021 Changing party Among all 34% 31% Labour supporters 38% 39% leader: June 2021 Labour Among all 50% 26% Labour supporters 48% 39% Please tell me to what : July 2019 Among all 62% 23% extent, if at all, you agree or Labour supporters 37% 50% disagree with the following July 2018 Among all 55% 27% statement: The Labour Labour supporters 37% 49% Party should change its September 2017 leader before the next Among all 43% 43% Labour supporters 21% 61% general election July 2016 Among all 66% 25% Labour supporters 54% 41% October 2015 Among all 42% 31% Labour supporters 27% 47% : June 2014 Among all 49% 30% Labour supporters 44% 47%

Base: 1,053 British adults 18+, Labour supporters (297). 2-8 July 2021

8 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Would an Among all Andy 43% 24% 12% alternative Labour Burnham Labour supporters leader be better 50% 20% 13% Among all 27% 31% 29% than Starmer? Labour supporters Thinking about the 33% 34% 23% following Labour Among all 25% 31% 14% politicians. Do you think Yvette Labour supporters they would do a better or Cooper 30% 35% 14% worse job than Keir Starmer Among all at leading the Labour Party, Tony 25% 23% 42% or would they make no Blair Labour supporters difference? 29% 23% 43% Among all Angela 17% 33% 22% Rayner Labour supporters 26% 35% 21% Among all 15% 17% 60% Jeremy Labour supporters Corbyn 23% 17% 54%

Base: 1,053 British adults 18+, Labour supporters (297). 2-8 July 2021

9 © Ipsos | Ipsos MORI Political Monitor | July 2021 Ipsos MORI

July 2021 Political Monitor

For more information

Gideon Skinner Cameron Garrett Research Director Senior Research Executive [email protected] [email protected]

Keiran Pedley Research Director [email protected]

Glenn Gottfried Research Manager [email protected]