BUILDing a Better Howard Street Lead Applicant: Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) In partnership with: Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) Downtown Partnership of Baltimore (DPOB) Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) Holly Arnold Director, Office of Planning and Programming MDOT MTA 6 St. Paul Street, Suite 914 Baltimore, MD 21202
[email protected] 410.767.3027 FY 2018 BUILD Discretionary Grant Program Total Project Costs: $71.3 Million BUILD 2018 Funds Requested: $25.0 Million Project Overview . 1 1 Project Description . 2 1.1 Corridor Overview . 2 Howard Street Howard BUILDing a Better 1.2 BUILDing a Better Howard Street . 4 1.3 Project Need . 7 1.4 Introduction to Project Benefits . 10 2 Project Location . 11 2.1 Project Location . 11 3 Grant Funds & Sources/Uses of Project Funds . 13 3.1 Capital Sources of Funds . 13 3.2 Capital Uses of Funds . 13 3.3 Operations and Maintenance Cost Uses of Funds . 14 4 Selection Criteria . 15 4.1 Merit Criteria . 15 State of Good Repair . 15 Safety . 16 Economic Competitiveness . 18 Environmental Protection . 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE Quality of Life . 21 Innovation . 22 Street Howard BUILDing a Better Partnership . 24 Non-Federal Revenue for Transportation Infrastructure Investment 25 4.2 Project Readiness . 26 Technical Feasibility . 26 Project Schedule . 26 Required Approvals . 28 Assessment of Risks and Mitigation Strategies . 28 5 Project Costs and Benefits . 28 5.1 Major Quantitative Benefits . 28 OF CONTENTS TABLE 5.2 Major Qualitative Benefits . 29 5.3 Summary Results . 30 Appendix I Benefit Cost Analysis Appendix II Letters of Support Appendix III BUILD Information Form The historical photo of Howard Street used as a backdrop throughout this application is by Robert Mottar / Baltimore Sun INTRODUCTION Howard Street was once downtown Baltimore’s premier shopping district, but in the 1970s it went into decline.