Headsofsec Are Elected
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Mace Elects 5 Senior Men at Convo Thurs. Else, Haumerson writer, news editor, managing e d - ............... " Marth, Peterson, iior and editor-in-chief of the VO L. 72> 21 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, March 20, 1951 Shields Honored Lawrentian and is a ROTC 2nd Lieutenant. The election of five senior men Shields is currently serving as to Mace, campus honorary socie president of Beta Theta Pi, after Phi Beta Kappa Elects Bunks, ty. was announced yesterday at acting as vice-president in 1952 convocation by Bruce Bigford, and assistant treasurer ln 1950. president of the group. The men He received his first football nu Spandet, Moore, Samter, Sell named were Mark Else, Robert meral as a freshman in 1949 and Haumerson, Don Marth, Robert finished his four-year career on Five Senior Women, Men Honored by Peterson and Carlton Shields. the gridiron last fall. He is a member of the L Club and the Mace is an organization, found To Show Film Classic, social committee and an ROTC , kA . # c . , Election to Wisconsin Gamma Chapter ed at Lawrence in 1911, which Captain. iVlarriaCje Ot Fl0aro I plve Lawrence college seniors honors men for outstanding He received The motion picture of Mozart’s were honored for outstanding cate a devotion "to our fellows, achievement and quality in schol scholastic hon- opera, “The Marriage of Figa-scholarahip when their election to our community, our State and our ors in the fall arship, service to the school, go", will be shown by lhe film Phi Beta Kipp. w » announced Cou„,ry> l0 encourage the low of of 1952 and du classics group at 1:30 and 3:30 before the student bodv at con- , leadership on campus, and high ring the iast W* H j next Sunday afternoon, March 22, vocation yeaterday. j letters and of sound scholarship, | moral character. semester; nas Jp® jr* and at 6:30 and 8:30 Sunday eve- New members of Wisconsin a above>ve all,all. to keep alivea the Else, a conservatory student, served as an r Jf ning Gamma chaptei are Emmy Bunke, |Hi" line ol truth.’truth " | Active in Theatre has been ac- SEC represent- \ fl| Barbara Spandet, Robert Moore, M i.vn Hunks ,i memhei ot K ip- ative and act- \ jJr- Freshman Dinner James Samter and Richard Sell pa Alpha been in ed as a Brok- 1 Lieutenant Colonel James \\ ,1- Associate protessoi William H., L;iW1 t.1H.0 colh. fheatre produc. aw counselor far and Major Roy Sousley ad- Riker. president of the Lawrence)tiyns §he p,ayed (h(i ^ m ^ during his so dressed the women of Ormsby chapter, announced the elections a t producfioM of . plavbov of phomore year. Shields hall last Wednesday at t h e i r the convocation. They were im- the W|.stern W()|.ld .. and h;ts also These five [weekly supper series. The officers tiated yesterday _ afternoon, at a beon seen jn „Two U)md Mice„ men will be initiated shortly in gave an after-dinner talk a n d tea for honor students in the Wor and Hon.se of Hernai da All. i a brief ceremony conducted by presented motion pictures on RO- cester art center at 4 o’clock, She has served on product ion the president members of Mace. TC operations. Phi Beta Kappa seeks to incul c r»- \vs of tour othei major pimi Iih - ^ d k (L S m latter two Else years. He is a member of the college concert band and chorale and an active member of Phi Mu Alpha Sin- fonia. He has served Sigma Phi Ep silon as co-social chairm an and comptroller and in 19.*»0 appear ed in the Lawrence college thea tre production of “Two Blind Mice." Else received scholastic honors in 1951-5*! and in the fall of 195?; served on the SEC stu- dent-i.K ulty com mittee and has been active in the formation of the Kadio Workshop. Haumerson is presently serving as ci-chairman of the spring car nival and was recently elects ed president of the senior1 class. He is a section editor for the Ariel served as a LUC solicitor! and is a ROTC Sergeant. He received n u m e rals in Haumerson basketball and tennis in 1950 and a letter in ten nis last spring. As a member of Members of the new LUC board met recently to discuss plans for next year's drive Samter hag received ■ Sigma Phi Epsilon he served as Seated from left to right ore Charlotte Williams, Paul Kline Joan Bernthal and Miss Elyn ^ ' S aiCncdTli“ b pledge vice president in his fresh Williams, the new advisor of the group. Standing are David Kopplin, the new chairman; honors average since 1951. He is a m en year and as co-social chair |lrv Curry, Jon Wullner, Henry Spille and Rilph Tippett. See story on Page 5__________[members of Mace and Eta Sigma man with Else in 1951. He was H phi and recently served as chair- on the homecoming committee in i' i a i of the i • 11io! i in 111' conlei - 1951 and has sung with both the (•III e He acted . ( .1 I eilt I.Ill hi'.' - Messiah and the Concert choir Second Annual Military Ball 1; 1. ..‘ n 1 a 11 a 1 ■ < in 1!*.'«1 , 1 e< ■ ^ in ’51 and '52. He has been ac HeadsofSEC the I *h 1 H' la Kappa cup toi I "I- tive in the Student Christian As- ,i! Inp in liis 11 '• I.in in \' a 1 .md aociation and in his freshman Will be Held Tomorrow Night l tie Wai iei H i 11 1 Stf. rir I ’1 i/e year was elected secretary-treas- Tomorrow night at Alexander the west end of the gym. and I.(S' .1 I.he As 1 h.1 1111 >e I ot SliMi.a Urer of Brokaw hall. Are Elected I1!, Kp iliiii he el veil as lioth Marth, a member of Beta The- G ym nasium , between the hours be by the members of lhe Arnold Air Society. pi e 1111 ’1; t .111(1 ! e' a I • the 4a Pi. Is currently acting as busi of 9:30 and 1:00 p.m., the A r Presentation of the honorary Pfefferkorn and l-.tonp ness manager of the Ariel. He nold Air Society will sponsor the cadet commanders will follow, \< tive in < I10r.1l < .1 imps Served on the Lawrentian sports sccond annual Military Ball. The Curry Named with each girl, elected by the Sell. al. O a II.'■,!,!"■:• ..1 S1:: 1' II staff in 1951 and ha* sung with traditional receiving line, intro I1! , ( || ,| Ion. I I I " ‘e 11 .11 1 \\ e Ol both the Messiah and the Con duced at last year s dance, will squadrons being escorted to the Veep, Treasurer throne by her date and the com- | l awrence music nioups He sang cert choir in the last two years. begin welcommg guests at 9:30 I < M ticcrsand < M'nnnttee heads with the Me .Mali in 19-10. al and This year he was also selected as and will continue to do so until n';md(‘l ol th(‘ respective squad- a m em ber of the Chorale. 10:45. The line wUl he composed r"n J** «®m* <or SEC been elected n- *52 and with the concert choir He received of Mr. and Mrs. B. Heselton, Mr. mander wil1 be# announced last mer pfefferkorn is vice-president the latter wo ye*. and will... i>e. _ crowned . While* *r the**- - i selected• '■ as a - member oi tne scholastic hon and Mrs. M. Sealts. Mr. and Mrs. and Irv Currv is treasurer. C. Rowe. Col. J. Wiley. Cadet dancers are assembled, the char- Chorale this year. He obtained ors in 1950, Committee heads are as fol- scholastic honors in 1950-51 and •50- 51, 1951, Col T Hill and Brig Gen J S Arnold Air Society Mill* flft-r’ u-him, thp I awrenre wiI1 be presented to the General, lows: union. Tom Roberts; social 51 and high honors in 1951-52. '52 the fall of 1952 and high hon- chapter of .he Arnold Air society Mills chapter here at Lawrence, chairmen, Jan Wullner and Har- and 1952-53. ors during the * \ j® is named. Mr. Pusey will be un- Following the presentation of ry Gronholm ; pep, Del Joerns _ , . » Kj* L* last semester. | * ^ ^ able to attend the dance due to K«fts to these women, the squad- and Jerome Hart; convocation, U rm sby la le n t N ight He served his a meeting of the Ford Founda- ron commanders will dance with Mike Hammond; homecoming. Talent night will be held at II fraternity as tion of which he is a member, the honorary squadron command- D* nna McDonald and Hank Spil- o'clock this evening at Ormsby cor re s p o n d- > The meeting is to be held in Cali- ers and the honorary group com- lie; student jobs. Neenah Fry; ball. Residents of the dormitory ing secretary “: • fornia. mander will dance with the cad- Faculty coffee hour, Gretchen will stage a talent show compos- in 1951. k • Music for the dance will be ct commander. Lageson; rules, Earl Bracker; ocl of individual or small group Peterson, al- Marth furnished by Jimmy James, and Decoration for the dance has polling. Dorthea Schrader; foot- acts. Refreshments will be serv- go a m em ber of Beta Theta Pi. the dance is to be strictly formal, been done under the supervision ball.