Mace Elects 5 Senior Men at Convo Thurs. Else, Haumerson writer, news editor, managing e d - ............... " Marth, Peterson, iior and editor-in-chief of the VO L. 72> 21 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, March 20, 1951 Shields Honored Lawrentian and is a ROTC 2nd Lieutenant. The election of five senior men Shields is currently serving as to Mace, campus honorary socie­ president of Beta Theta Pi, after Phi Beta Kappa Elects Bunks, ty. was announced yesterday at acting as vice-president in 1952 convocation by Bruce Bigford, and assistant treasurer ln 1950. president of the group. The men He received his first football nu­ Spandet, Moore, Samter, Sell named were Mark Else, Robert meral as a freshman in 1949 and Haumerson, Don Marth, Robert finished his four-year career on Five Senior Women, Men Honored by Peterson and Carlton Shields. the gridiron last fall. He is a member of the L Club and the Mace is an organization, found­ To Show Film Classic, social committee and an ROTC , kA . # c . , Election to Wisconsin Gamma Chapter ed at Lawrence in 1911, which Captain. iVlarriaCje Ot Fl0aro I plve Lawrence college seniors honors men for outstanding He received The motion picture of Mozart’s were honored for outstanding cate a devotion "to our fellows, achievement and quality in schol­ scholastic hon- opera, “The Marriage of Figa-scholarahip when their election to our community, our State and our ors in the fall arship, service to the school, go", will be shown by lhe film Phi Beta Kipp. w » announced Cou„,ry> l0 encourage the low of of 1952 and du­ classics group at 1:30 and 3:30 before the student bodv at con- , leadership on campus, and high ring the iast W* H j next Sunday afternoon, March 22, vocation yeaterday. j letters and of sound scholarship, | moral character. semester; nas Jp® jr* and at 6:30 and 8:30 Sunday eve- New members of Wisconsin a above>ve all,all. to keep alivea the Else, a conservatory student, served as an r Jf ning Gamma chaptei are Emmy Bunke, |Hi" line ol truth.’truth " | Active in Theatre has been ac- SEC represent- \ fl| Barbara Spandet, Robert Moore, M i.vn Hunks ,i memhei ot K ip- ative and act- \ jJr- Freshman Dinner James Samter and Richard Sell pa Alpha been in ed as a Brok- 1 Lieutenant Colonel James \\ ,1- Associate protessoi William H., L;iW1 t.1H.0 colh. fheatre produc. aw counselor far and Major Roy Sousley ad- Riker. president of the Lawrence)tiyns §he p,ayed (h(i ^ m ^ during his so­ dressed the women of Ormsby chapter, announced the elections a t producfioM of . plavbov of phomore year. Shields hall last Wednesday at t h e i r the convocation. They were im- the W|.stern W()|.ld .. and h;ts also These five [weekly supper series. The officers tiated yesterday _ afternoon, at a beon seen jn „Two U)md Mice„ men will be initiated shortly in gave an after-dinner talk a n d tea for honor students in the Wor and Hon.se of Hernai da All. i a brief ceremony conducted by presented motion pictures on RO- cester art center at 4 o’clock, She has served on product ion the president members of Mace. TC operations. Phi Beta Kappa seeks to incul c r»- \vs of tour othei major pimi Iih - ^ d k (L S m latter two Else years. He is a member of the college concert band and chorale and an active member of Phi Mu Alpha Sin- fonia. He has served Sigma Phi Ep­ silon as co-social chairm an and comptroller and in 19.*»0 appear­ ed in the Lawrence college thea­ tre production of “Two Blind Mice." Else received scholastic honors in 1951-5*! and in the fall of 195?; served on the SEC stu- dent-i.K ulty com mittee and has been active in the formation of the Kadio Workshop. Haumerson is presently serving as ci-chairman of the spring car­ nival and was recently elects ed president of the senior1 class. He is a section editor for the Ariel served as a LUC solicitor! and is a ROTC Sergeant. He received n u m e rals in Haumerson basketball and tennis in 1950 and a letter in ten­ nis last spring. As a member of Members of the new LUC board met recently to discuss plans for next year's drive Samter hag received ■ Sigma Phi Epsilon he served as Seated from left to right ore Charlotte Williams, Paul Kline Joan Bernthal and Miss Elyn ^ ' S aiCncdTli“ b pledge vice president in his fresh­ Williams, the new advisor of the group. Standing are David Kopplin, the new chairman; honors average since 1951. He is a m en year and as co-social chair­ |lrv Curry, Jon Wullner, Henry Spille and Rilph Tippett. See story on Page 5__________[members of Mace and Eta Sigma man with Else in 1951. He was H phi and recently served as chair- on the homecoming committee in i' i a i of the i • 11io! i in 111' conlei - 1951 and has sung with both the (•III e He acted . ( .1 I eilt I.Ill hi'.' - Messiah and the Concert choir Second Annual Military Ball 1; 1. ..‘ n 1 a 11 a 1 ■ < in 1!*.'«1 , 1 e< ■ ^ in ’51 and '52. He has been ac­ HeadsofSEC the I *h 1 H' la Kappa cup toi I "I- tive in the Student Christian As- ,i! Inp in liis 11 '• I.in in \' a 1 .md aociation and in his freshman Will be Held Tomorrow Night l tie Wai iei H i 11 1 Stf. rir I ’1 i/e year was elected secretary-treas- Tomorrow night at Alexander the west end of the gym. and I.(S' .1 I.he As 1 h.1 1111 >e I ot SliMi.a Urer of Brokaw hall. Are Elected I1!, Kp iliiii he el veil as lioth Marth, a member of Beta The- G ym nasium , between the hours be by the members of lhe Arnold Air Society. pi e 1111 ’1; t .111(1 ! e' a I • the 4a Pi. Is currently acting as busi­ of 9:30 and 1:00 p.m., the A r­ Presentation of the honorary Pfefferkorn and l-.tonp ness manager of the Ariel. He nold Air Society will sponsor the cadet commanders will follow, \< tive in < I10r.1l < .1 imps Served on the Lawrentian sports sccond annual Military Ball. The Curry Named with each girl, elected by the Sell. al. O a II.'■,!,!"■:• ..1 S1:: 1' II staff in 1951 and ha* sung with traditional receiving line, intro­ I1! , ( || ,| Ion. I I I " ‘e 11 .11 1 \\ e Ol both the Messiah and the Con­ duced at last year s dance, will squadrons being escorted to the Veep, Treasurer throne by her date and the com- | l awrence music nioups He sang cert choir in the last two years. begin welcommg guests at 9:30 I < M ticcrsand < M'nnnttee heads with the Me .Mali in 19-10. al and This year he was also selected as and will continue to do so until n';md(‘l ol th(‘ respective squad- a m em ber of the Chorale. 10:45. The line wUl he composed r"n J** «®m* <or SEC been elected n- *52 and with the concert choir He received of Mr. and Mrs. B. Heselton, Mr. mander wil1 be# announced last mer pfefferkorn is vice-president the latter wo ye*. and will... i>e. _ crowned . While* *r the**- - i selected• '■ as a - member oi tne scholastic hon­ and Mrs. M. Sealts. Mr. and Mrs. and Irv Currv is treasurer. C. Rowe. Col. J. Wiley. Cadet dancers are assembled, the char- Chorale this year. He obtained ors in 1950, Committee heads are as fol- scholastic honors in 1950-51 and •50- 51, 1951, Col T Hill and Brig Gen J S Arnold Air Society Mill* flft-r’ u-him, thp I awrenre wiI1 be presented to the General, lows: union. Tom Roberts; social 51 and high honors in 1951-52. '52 the fall of 1952 and high hon- chapter of .he Arnold Air society Mills chapter here at Lawrence, chairmen, Jan Wullner and Har- and 1952-53. ors during the * \ j® is named. Mr. Pusey will be un- Following the presentation of ry Gronholm ; pep, Del Joerns _ , . » Kj* L* last semester. | * ^ ^ able to attend the dance due to K«fts to these women, the squad- and Jerome Hart; convocation, U rm sby la le n t N ight He served his a meeting of the Ford Founda- ron commanders will dance with Mike Hammond; homecoming. Talent night will be held at II fraternity as tion of which he is a member, the honorary squadron command- D* nna McDonald and Hank Spil- o'clock this evening at Ormsby cor re s p o n d- > The meeting is to be held in Cali- ers and the honorary group com- lie; student jobs. Neenah Fry; ball. Residents of the dormitory ing secretary “: • fornia. mander will dance with the cad- Faculty coffee hour, Gretchen will stage a talent show compos- in 1951. k • Music for the dance will be ct commander. Lageson; rules, Earl Bracker; ocl of individual or small group Peterson, al- Marth furnished by Jimmy James, and Decoration for the dance has polling. Dorthea Schrader; foot- acts. Refreshments will be serv- go a m em ber of Beta Theta Pi. the dance is to be strictly formal, been done under the supervision ball.
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