Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 05, October 28, 1936
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-28-1936 Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 05, October 28, 1936 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 05, October 28, 1936" (1936). The Rollins Sandspur. 470. ROLLINS CX)U.EC, „.,„.,: ^ VirslTER PARK, FtORIDA Florida's Oldest College Editorials Newspaper The SiiiiflNpur N Eollins andspur H VOLUME 42 (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 5 LANDON DEFEATS ROOSEVELT IN STRAW VOTE DR. HOLT RELEASES WIN SANDSPUR STRAW ELECTION 347 BALLOTS CAST VIEWS GAINED ON BY ROLLINS STAFF, EXTRA - CURRICUL UM FACULTY, STUDENTS % Present Form Suggested By >* Faculty Committee Landon Receives Plurality of *» 6 Years Ago 72 Votes Over yPPER, LOWER OEAN BROWN Roosevelt ll IMPROVEMENTS SOUGHT % DIVISION HAS THOMAS POLLS 17 VOTES t Questions Members of Uni- G0E8I SPEAKER Lemke and Browder Given "l versity Club Two Votes Apiece f { llif On one of his recent trips i\ through the north. Dr. Holt, presi- AiOAL VOIG LAST SONDAY The Rollins College student \\ dent of Rollins College, publicized body, faculty and staff members views and ideas gained from the Class Officers of Both Divi voiced their protest against the [j University Club of Winter Park sions Elected His Subject Was "The Posi present Administration by giving R, on college extra-curriculums and tive Forces In Our Lives" Landon a plurality of seventy-two IJ what they should contain. votes in the Sandspur straw bal HELD LAST TUESDAY The present Rollins curriculum HOWLAND LED WORSHIP lot conducted last Thursday on the It, is based on recommendations of a porch of Pinehurst Hall. Jllj faculty committee of six years ago, Publications Representatives Of the 347 votes cast, Landon ul, who in turn drew their conclusions Chosen Oldham Gave The Scripture received 199 over the President's Ht, from comprehensive studies of Reading 127. Thomas showed surprising i[f three other committees: One of strength with 17 votes, against A Student Assembly was held in distinguished outside educational Alfred Wossman Landon William Franklin Knox the 2 given to Lemke, the 8 given the Annie Russell Theatre last On Sunday, October 25th, the K experts, head by John Dewey; one Alfred Mossman Landon, Governor of Kansas, and William Franklin Knox, Pulbisher of the Chi to Browder, and the 1 given to Al Wednesday morning for the pur students and friends of Rollins Col l;,| a committee of eleven Rollins Up- cago Daily News, won the Straw Election sponsor cd by the Rollins Sandspur. They drew 199 of the Smith. The remaining ballot read: pose of electing class officers and lege listened to one of the most V perclassmen who worked out a 347 votes cast, against the 127 votes of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vice-President John "I have no choice as I do not ap representatives to the Publications interesting and inspiring messages 1^ complete report from the students Nance Garner. This election included all Rollins sLud?nts, faculty and staff members. prove of any candidate on the Union, ever delivered in the Knowles ^ viewpoint; and one a faculty-stu Memorial Chapel. The speaker list." dent committee. The students were seated in the was Dr. Charles Reynolds Brown, Governor Landon polled 58% of *" This year, attempting to fur- theatre according to their rank; Dean Emeritus of the Yale Divin the ballots, President Roosevelt ther improve and test out his those in the Upper Division sat in ity School. His subject was "The taking 36%, Norman Thomas hold the balcony; the Lower Division NEW DORMITOmES COMMENT '^ present curriculum, Dr. Holt sought SOCIAL ATTITUDE Positive Forces in Our Lives", the ing 5%, and Lemke, Browder and ' the advice of a more disinterested students sat in the orchestra, the text being drawn from Ephesians other candidates receiving ^i % group and one which has had to Freshmen occupying the first ON THE 5:8, "Be not drunk with wine but each. ''' put their college education to the eight rows. OPEN TO PORLIC TESTS GIN HERE be filled with the Spirit". Of the 347 votes tabulated, stu ^ test of the world, a group of suc- Bryant Prentice, president of the WEEKS NEWS Dr. Brown urged that we be not dents cast 278, staff members cast '" cessful college alumni, the Univer- Student Council, was in charge of drugged into a cold, critical, cyni 35 and faculty members cast 34. ^1 sity Club. the elections. Under bim were a Everyone in Orange County is By FRED LIBERMAN Devised By Dr. E. C. Hunter Landon found his greatest support Invited to Attend Of U. of N. C. cal way of living, but to be filled The following questions were number of assistants who conduct with a spirit of courage, aspira in the student body. Of the 278 ed the election in the balcony and tion and high resolve touching on student voes, Landon polled 159, s submitted to the club's member Breach of Etiquette ship at large: who gave out and collected the ORGAN VESPERS AT 5:30 USED IN OTHER PLACES the best there is in life. Let us Roosevelt polled 102, Thomas poll It may be a breach of journalis What subject other than those ballot. This is the second year not live negative lives but positive ed 12,-Browder'and'Lemke 2 each, Rollins College will throw open tic etiquette, but this is one col leading directly to your life occu that the elections have been held The Social Attitude test given ones, particularly in three ways: and Al Smith 1 vote. Of the 35 its five new PWA dormitories to umn which, on the eve of a na pation, do you consider was of most under the election rules, written by to freshmen last week was' devised Be positive in what we believe, for (Continued on page 2, col. 5) public inspection on Wednesday, tional election, is not going to value to you ? Robert Black. by Dr. E. C. Hunter of the Uni our doubts are solved not by argu November 4, it is announced. prophesy the outcome nor fling one What subject was of least value? Under this system the Student versity of North Carolina and is ment but by living; be positive in Planned as an activity in con last bit of mud at either of the If you were to repeat a college Council runs the elections. Nomi used in twenty-five or thirty other what we do, and, lastly, be positive nection with the Orange County leading candidates. Continued on page 2, col. 3) nations are written on a black colleges throughout the country. in our final purposes. By so doing Progress Fund for Rollins College, There has been so much politi Its purpose is to determine the we will become the willing, com FUMINGOISSOE board by the leader of elections. the purpose of the inspection is to They are proposed by any member cal ballyhoo during the last few attitude of students on economic, petent instruments of the Divine report to the citizens of the coun of the division to which the can- months, that any voter who hasn't political, religious, and social ques Purpose. Carl Howland led the ty the progress that has been made ) didate belongs. All members of a made up his mind definitely by tions, thus enabling the faculty to call to worship, and Dean Brown HAS NEW WRITERS in a material way during the past Fi DUG HELD certain division are eligible to run this time is the eighth wonder of see what items should be stressed and Perry Oldham gave the scrip six months. for all of the offices of that divi- the world; happily for this column with each student. ture readings. I (Continued on page 2, col. 6) In addition to the five new resi ist it is not his duty to hunt out For example, a student who con November Number on Sale To dences for students completed dur such voters and reform them. centrated on political sciences Public At Bookery ing the summer as a result of a The only comment your column would show more improvement in loan from PWA funds, the college ist makes is that, regardless of his knowledge of international re will open the Knowles Memorial HAS FEW ALTERATIONS Makemson. Nichols, and Bow statements made by the political lations at the end of four years OR. NEWMAN TO Chapel, the Annie Russell Theatre, en Give Exhibition ART EXDIDIT TO party leaders, this country will not than one who had taken most of The November issue of the Flam and the three other dormitories go to I'uin no matter who wins the his courses in natural sciences. It ingo, Rollins College literary which have been built since 1930. election, and for three and a half is desirous that students should magazine, will introduce several IS GIVEN ON LAKEFRONT Significantly, Dormitory Inspec SPEAK IN GHAPEL years after Election Day, we will have well-balanced courses during new writers. CLOSE IHORSOAl tion Day falls upon the 51st anni forget that such dire threats have their college career, and these tests Betty Lou Schoening, whose An exhibition of fire diving was versary of the opening of Rollins ever been made.