Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish
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SAINT ANDREW THE APOSTLE PARISH Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle O Glorious Saint Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. With your friend Saint John, you remained with Jesus for that day, for your entire life, and now throughout eternity. As you led your brother Saint Peter to Christ and many others after Him, draw us also to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him and dedication in His service. Help us to learn the lesson of the cross and to carry our daily crosses without complaint so that they may carry us to Jesus. Amen. DECEMBER 27, 2020 - THE HOLY FAMILY ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE CLERGY TEAM Pastor: Reverend Kevin Dominik Senior Parochial Vicar: Reverend Patrick Barkey Permanent Deacon/Pastoral Associate: Deacon Alex Poroda [email protected] (724) 258-7742 Option #7 Retired In Residence: Reverend Gerald Mikonis Pastoral Year: Seminarian Thomas Kadlick PARISH STAFF Business Manager - Joe Caruso RCIA - Fr. Kevin, Fr. Pat & Deacon Al Director of Liturgy - Fr. Patrick Barkey Mystagogia– Joe Smith Faith Formation Director - Kathy Miller Safe Environment - Helena Glaneman & Deacon Al Faith Formation Moderator - Jean Alcorn Pre Cana - Deacon Al & RaeAnn Poroda Accompanists - Patty Baker, Aaron Benney, Patty Forsyth, Art Fronzaglio Monongahela Charleroi 722 West Main St. 624 Washington Ave. Monongahela, PA 15063 Charleroi, PA 15022 Phone: 724-258-7742 Phone: 724-483-5533 Fax: 724-258-8733 Fax: 724-483-0122 Email: [email protected] Marian Hall: 724-483-2455 Office Hours: M-F 9am-4pm Email: [email protected] Office Hours: M-F 9am-4pm Secretary - Phyllis DeMedio Secretary - Peggy Romeo Secretary - Jean Alcorn Maintenance - Aaron Leezer Maintenance - Sharon Zelenick Becky Weightman Donora Tony Valkanas 1 Park Manor Rd. Donora, PA 15033 ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE WEBSITE Phone: 724-379-4777 Have a look!! Fax: 724-379-6242 Social Hall: 724-379-7559 & 724-379-5659 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: M,T,Th,F 9am-4pm Closed - Wednesday Secretary/Bookkeeper - Heidi Cramer Reconciliation Parish Share Accounting - Judy Bartley Monday Evenings in Charleroi, during the Holy Maintenance - Phil & Vera Klein, Ryan Madden hour (6-7pm). Wednesdays in Monongahela, during the Holy Hour (6-7pm). Saturdays before the 4pm Evening Mass (3- Reporting Child Abuse 3:45pm). Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator First Friday of the Month in Donora (11am-12pm). 412-456-3093 (Office) AFTER OFFICE HOURS EMERGENCY Hot Line 1-888-808-1235 PA Child Line 1-800-932-0313 Please call one of the Parish offices and listen for the Call 911 immediately if a child is in imminent danger. Emergency Prompt THE HOLY FAMILY DECEMBER 27, 2020 MASS SCHEDULE DAY/DATE TIME SITE INTENTION REQUESTED BY PRIEST Saturday, 8:30am Charleroi Allen Cairns Wife & Family Fr. Pat Dec. 26, 2020 4:00pm Donora Noreen Fazzini Angela DeRienzo & Fr. Kevin & Family Deacon Al 5:00pm Charleroi Ken Fusina Charleroi Knights of Fr. Pat & Columbus #956 Seminarian Tom 6:00pm Monongahela David Sala Nancy Necciai Fr. Kevin & Deacon Al Sunday, 8:30am Donora Louise Jurik John Jurik & Carol Hann Fr. Pat & Dec. 27, 2020 Seminarian Tom 9:00am Charleroi Lorraine Caruso Caruso Family Fr. Kevin & Deacon Al 11:00am Monongahela People of the Parish Fr. Pat & Seminarian Tom Monday, 8:30am Charleroi Paul McManus Rose McManus & Fr. Kevin Dec. 28, 2020 Family Tuesday, 8:30am Donora Deceased Members of Confraternity of the Most Fr. Kevin Dec. 29, 2020 the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary Most Holy Rosary Wednesday, 7:00pm Monongahela Charles Anselmino James & Mary Ann Fr. Kevin Dec. 30, 2020 Gagliardi Thursday, 8:30am Donora Fred Zomber Wife, Betty Fr. Pat Dec. 31, 2020 5:00pm Charleroi People of the Parish Fr. Kevin Friday, 8:30am Donora People of the Parish Fr. Kevin Jan. 1, 2020 11:00am Monongahela Margaret Pepka Tom Ruschak Fr. Pat Saturday, 8:30am Charleroi Fr. Ed Litavec M/M Frank Fr. Kevin Jan. 2, 2020 Grande 4:00pm Donora Margaret M. Mavrovich Mary Mavrovich Fr. Pat & Seminarian Tom 5:00pm Charleroi People of the Parish Fr. Kevin & Deacon Al 6:00pm Monongahela Mr. & Mrs. John Filipcic The Filipcic Family Fr. Pat & Seminarian Tom Sunday, 8:30am Donora Harry Bellora Patricia Bellora & Family Fr. Kevin & Jan. 3, 2020 Deacon Al 9:00am Charleroi Elaine Ulens Don Ulens & Family Fr. Pat & Seminarian Tom 11:00am Monongahela James Pust Lorraine & John Harlack Fr. Kevin & Deacon Al ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE HYMNS DURING MASS Entrance: O Come All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him, born the King of angels; O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord! Psalm: Blessed are those who fear the Lord Offertory: INSTRUMENTAL Communion: Away in a Manger Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes; I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. Closing: Joy to the World Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let ev’ry heart prepare him room, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing. THE HOLY FAMILY DECEMBER 27, 2020 CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE /PARISH EVENTS SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD ~ JANUARY 1, 2021 On Friday, Jan. 1, 2021 the Church honors Mary with the title “Mother of God.” This Church Solemnity emphasizes Mary’s unique role in salvation history and rightly elevates her participation in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ the Lord. How blessed we are as Catholics to begin the new calendar year honoring the Mother of God who is the MODEL disciple of Jesus. (This is a Holy Day of Obligation.) Mass schedule : Thursday, 12/31/20 5:00pm—Charleroi Friday, 1/1/21 8:30am—Donora Friday, 1/1/21 11:00am—Monongahela *The parish offices at all locations will be closed for the New Year’s On Thursday, December 31st & Friday, January 1st . JANUARY 1ST ADORATION Normally on the first Friday of the month, there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament located at the Donora Site, from 9am– Midnight. However, because of the New Years Day Holiday, the hours have been changed for January. After the 8:30am mass on News Years Day we will have Adoration since it is also first Friday but we will only offer this Eucharistic Adoration until Noon. St. Andrew the Apostle would like to extend a very big Check out Mass from St. Andrew online. We are filming thank you to this weeks bulletin ad sponsor. We have one of the Saturday Vigil masses each week from one of chosen: our three churches, for those who do not yet feel comfort- able coming back to mass. Go to and search for “Grouping 326” or go to our parish website and follow the link FERRARA APPRAISALS on our home page! Armand N. Ferrara, Jr. Thank You for your continued support to our The Link will be up each Sunday! Parish! Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Each year, Instruction is held for those who would like to learn more about the Catholic faith or begin their Journey to become Catholic. Our Parish of St Andrew the Apostle will begin instruction in October 2020. We are asking those who may be interested in taking the classes to further your knowledge of our Faith, or begin their Journey to join the Catholic faith, to begin discerning in prayer of how God maybe placing a call on your heart and how you can respond to the Catholic Faith. Any questions on the RCIA process, please see any of the Priests, Deacon Al, or Tom, the Seminarian. RCIA, Pre- Registration is required. Please call any of the parish offices to register. ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE Thoughts by: REV KEV Just a thought as we continue to Celebrate the Christmas Season until January!! The “True Love” one hears in the song Twelve of Christmas is not a smitten boy or girlfriend but Jesus Christ, because truly Love was born on Christmas Day. The partridge in the pear tree also represents Jesus because that bird is willing to sacrifice its life if necessary, to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away the predators. The two turtle dove were the Old and New Testaments. The three French hens stood for faith, hope and love. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The five golden rings represented the first five books of the Old Testament, which describes the mans fall into sin and the great love of God in sending a Savior. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit - Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy. The eight maids a - milking were the eight beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit - Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience (Forbearance), Goodness (Kindness), Mildness, Fidelity, Modesty, Continency (Chastity). The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments. The eleven pipers stood for the eleven faithful Apostles. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.