Government of Kerala Circular
GOVERNMENT OF KERALA General Administration (Political C) Department CIRCULAR No. 31519/Pol.C3/76/GAD. Dated, Trivandrum, 14th April 1977 Sub:- Resettlement of army reservists in civil life – Instructions issued. Ref:- Letter No. 1761/DGR/EMP/RES-3 dated 23-2-1976 from the Director General of Resettlement, Government of India, Ministry, of Defense, Ministry Azad, DHQ.P.O., New Delhi. The Director General of Resettlement has requested all State Governments to consider the desirability of impressing upon all Departments including Public and Private Sector Undertakings and autonomous bodies to recruit army reservists to the maximum extent possible under the Rules. As per Government of India letter No. 1902/D (AG-11/67) dated 13-4-1967, once a person acquires the status of a reservist, he is automatically treated as an ex-serviceman. Accordingly the concession of preference in appointment available to ex-servicemen in general is available to reservists also. However it is noticed that the recruiting authorities are reluctant to appoint reservists because of the fact that they are frequently called for attending refresher courses there by sousing hardship to the institutions/ establishments where they were taken. The Director General Resettlement as stated that the period of reserve liability of Reserve Forces who were liable to be recalled for duty in case of emergency has now been substantially reduced and that the requirement of refresher training has also been substantially reduced and that the requirement of refresher training has also been dispensed and their employers will be able to have their services continuously without much disruption. The existing system of reserves has now been modified as the enrolment in the army will be made only on the following two periods of engagement with effect from 1-2-1976: 1.
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