MUSEUM Introduction 02 Content 02 Map 03

g Vågsberget 04 g Anders Svor Museum 05 g Folk Museum 06 g Eikaas gallery 07 g Astruptunet 08 g Museum 09 g og Fjordane Museum of Modern Art 10 g Coastal Museum 12 g Millstone Park 13 g Norwegian Museum of Travel and Tourism 14 Welcome to a fun and educational experience! g Sogn Folk Museum 15 g Sogn Museum 17 The Museums of Sogn og Fjordane at different points in history, meet the g Sogn Art Centre 18 comprise a total of 13 different sites, spread animals, bake your own bread, make your across the entire county. At our museums own jewellery, go on guided tours with our you’ll learn about the lives of the people talented guides or just enjoy some peace in Sogn og Fjordane through history, enjoy and quiet at our facilities. works of art by well-known local artists, and For those of you who are interested in Contact information learn about Norwegian history of tourism at visiting several museums, we also offer a Address: Gota 16, 6823 Sandane our museum in . museum pass at an affordable price for all Phone: (+47) 990 94 777 The museums offer a variety of activities our museums. Email: [email protected] and events for the whole family. You can For more information, please visit our Website: learn about the way the local people lived website, or contact us by phone.

2 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane E39 Måløy 15 15


Sandane E39 JostedalsbrJostedal Glaciereen JotunheimenJotunheimen National Park Florø 5 Skei Nasjonalpark


5 55 57 E39 Balestrand 55


E16 57 13

E39 E16

Flåm 50 Graphic design: Innholdspartner. Photography: Espen Mills. Graphic design: Innholdspartner.

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 3 Ticket prices Adults kr 50 Children (0-18 years) Free

The ticket to Vågsberget trading post includes the exhibitions and a guided tour.

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

Vågsberget /vaagsberget Vågsberget in the Municipality of Vågsøy guided tours of the historic buildings, exhibitions (near Måløy), was one of many trading posts and a café in the main building. and guest houses along the Norwegian coast. The owner of Vågsberget was granted trading Today, Vågsberget is one of the best preserved privileges by the king, including exclusive trading Contact information trading posts in . rights for a wide range of goods. The local Address: Vågsvåg, 6700 Vågsøy The buildings at the site are from about people would often find themselves in debt to Telephone: (+47) 982 69 854 1800, but the trading post’s history goes all the the merchant, until these privileges were revoked Email: [email protected] way back to the 1600s. The Coastal Museum after the mid 1800`s. Website: is open during the summer season, featuring

4 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Adults kr 50 Student/senior/group (+3) kr 35 Children (0-18 years) Free Guided tour kr 75

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

Contact information Address: Grodås, 6761 Hornindal Telephone: (+47) 951 05 176 / (+47) 974 21 565 Email: [email protected] Website:

Anders Svor Museum The Anders Svor Museum is an urban the simple, clean and natural. Svor was a natural worked as a wood carver at Brødrane Hals attraction in the small village of Hornindal. realist, heavily influenced by neo-romanticism. piano factory in Christiania, while studying at Renowned sculptor, Anders Svor (1864-1929), The gallery features sculptures in plaster, clay The Royal School of Art and Design. was born there. He was commissioned for and bronze. He made his artistic breakthrough in 1891, several public assignments and many of his In Hornindal, Anders Svor grew up as a winning the gold medal for his sculpture ”David” works are displayed in and elsewhere. farmer’s son, and even as a child he displayed at the International Art Exhibition in . Anders Svor’s artworks are characterised by exceptional wood carving skills. At 17, he

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 5 Ticket prices Adults kr 70 Children (7-18 years) kr 40 Family kr 200

The guided tour of the open-air museum is available all summer at 13:00 and is included in the price of your ticket. Group tours can be arranged by appointment.

Please visit for information about opening hours and activities.

/nordfjordfolkemuseum #nordfjordfolkemuseum Nordfjord Folk Museum Nordfjord Folk Museum is situated in furnished in the style of the different epochs. Sandane. Here, you’ll learn about the local On the outskirts of Sandane, near the fjord, history of the region, with emphasis on the role of you’ll find Holvikejekta, an old marine vessel Contact information hydropower and traditional Norwegian cargo- built in 1881. The 20m long boat is the last Address: Gota 16, 6823 Sandane ships («jekt»). remaining preserved example of the sail boats Telephone: (+47) 57 88 45 40 The open-air museum features old buildings that transported goods between Nordfjord Email: [email protected] and stories about life in Nordfjord from the and . There is also a gift shop and a café Website: 1600s onwards. Several of the houses are at the museum.

6 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Adults kr 50 Children (0-18 years) Free Guided tour kr 75 Student/senior/group (+3) kr 35

Please visit for information and opening hours.

Contact information Address: Ålhus, 6847 Jølster Telephone: (+47) 992 02 676 Email: [email protected] Website:

The Eikaas Gallery The Eikaas Gallery is a modern art gallery The graphic artist, painter, illustrator, sculptor first sculptor to make use of rigid plastics. situated at Ålhus in Jølster, by the E39. The and art professor is perhaps best known for his He is represented at 10 art museum exhibits art from its permanent distinctive portraits and self-portraits, which often museums, in addition to museums in Copen- collection and travelling exhibitions. feature surprising and humorous elements. hagen, New York, and Florence. The Ludvig Eikaas (1920-2010) was an abstract Ludvig Eikaas’ style was experimental and Eikaas collection comprises over 850 works art pioneer, and his artworks are displayed in spontaneous, never settling on one specific created using a variety of techniques. multiple museums in Norway and abroad. technique or form of expression. He was the Café and access to nearby beaches.

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 7 Ticket prices 1 Ticket/Tour kr 100 Children (0-18 years) Free

To book a guided tour outside ordinary opening hours: tel. (+47) 992 02 676 Minimum price outside normal opening hours is kr 400

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

Contact information Address: Sandal, 6847 Telephone: (+47) 992 02 676 Astruptunet Email: [email protected] Website: Astruptunet is situated in idyllic surroundings approach, sometimes working on the wood- on the south side of Jølstravatnet Lake. This is cuts as he went along, and sometimes colouring the home of the painter, illustrator and graphic the print by hand after printing. farm, as well as in his paintings, we can clearly artist, Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928), one of After completing his studies, he moved detect his love for the local landscape. Norway’s most acclaimed artists. back home in order to portray the nature and The Astrup collection contains most of the Astrup experimented with woodcutting, people of Jølster. Astruptunet is more than just woodcuts and prints he used, and a number making him something of an innovator in the artist’s home, it’s also an important part of of paintings. Astrup’s art was launched inter- graph art techniques. He often varied his his life’s work. In Astrup’s surroundings at the nationally in 2016. Café.

8 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Adults kr 70 Children (0-18 years) Free

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

/sunnfjordmuseum Sunnfjord Museum #sunnfjordmuseum

Driving eastwards along the E39 from Førde, The buildings at the open-air museum you will find Sunnfjord Museum on the banks come from all over Sunnfjord, representing of Movatnet. This museum of cultural history architectural traditions spanning from 1500 to features collections and exhibitions reflecting around 1900. The museum is surrounded by the daily lives of ordinary people in Sunnfjord beautiful nature. There are several walking paths Contact information through the years. with information boards containing details Address: Movika, 6819 Førde The open-air museum consists of an original about the local nature and cultural history. Telephone: (+47) 57 72 12 20 smallholding and a reconstructed cluster of We offer guided tours for all guests at the Email: [email protected] farm buildings comprising a herb garden, a open-air museum. Gift shop and kiosk. Website: mountain farm and a cultivated landscape.

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 9 Ticket prices excluding guide Adults kr 50 Student/senior/group (+3) kr 35 Children (0-18 years) Free

Ticket prices including guide Guided tour kr 75

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

/sognogfjordanekunstmuseum #sognogfjordanekunstmuseum Sogn og Fjordane Museum of Contemporary Art

The Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum is and handicrafts from the 1900s to the present, located is situated in Førde town centre, in a with emphasis on the period after 1970. building that won an international award for On warm summer days you can enjoy life Contact information its distinctive architecture. The art museum on the roof terrace on the fourth floor. Browse Address: Storehagen 1, 6800 Førde exhibits art from its permanent collection and the art shop, which has a wide range of items Telephone: +47 974 21 565 travelling exhibitions of contemporary art. on offer, or visit the «Kafé Sobra» with its E-mail: [email protected] The collections consist of more than 1000 selection of hot and cold homemade dishes. Website: works, including regional and national artworks

10 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane 1


1 and 2. Astruptunet 3 and 4. Sogn og Fjordane Museum of Modern Art 3 4

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 11 Ticket prices Adults kr 70 Children (0-6 years) Free Children (7-18 years) kr 30 Family kr 170

Please visit for more information and opening hours.


Contact information Address: Brendøyvegen, 6900 Florø Telephone: (+47) 57 74 22 33 Sogn og Fjordane Coastal Museum Email: [email protected] Website: At the Coastal Museum you can enjoy buildings and a large outdoor area featuring exhibitions presenting the natural and cultural beautiful nature and old houses. history of Sogn og Fjordane’s coastline – from In the exhibition halls, you’ll get a glimpse and boathouses. the Stone Age to the Oil Age. of the daily coast life and a selection of local The Coastal Museum offers activities for You’ll see a large collection of boats, boats and fishing equipment, and you can get both adults and children. In the summer, sheep artefacts from coastal villages and towns, and a guided tour of the oil exhibition. and goats are grazing in the pastures and row one of the largest permanent oil exhibitions in The museum is in a coastal area inter- boats are available to rent. the country. connected through a network of walking paths Café and shop. Guided tours for groups The Coastal Museum boasts three exhibition and bridges. You can explore old farmsteads upon request.

12 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Adults kr 60 Children (7-18 years) kr 30 Children (0-6 years) Free

Please visit for more information and opening hours.



Contact information Address: 6957 Hyllestad Telephone: +47 458 71 940 Email: [email protected] Website: Millstone Park At Millstone Park in Hyllestad, you travel boats that shipped the stones out to the whole toiled a thousand years ago. After the tour, you back in time to the Middle Ages – and meet world. At that time, millstones were fundamental can grind grain on handmills, bake bread, work the Vikings as skilled craftsmen and traders. items: No bread, porridge or beer without the with soapstone – or just relax by the fire and Stone was the gold of Hyllestad. In hundreds mill! enjoy something to eat. of quarries, stonemasons carved millstone At Millstone Park, we guide you through after millstone and loaded them into heavy the idyllic quarry landscape where the Vikings

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 13 Ticket prices Adults kr 80 Children (7-18 years) kr 30 Family kr 170

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

/norskreiselivsmuseum #norskreiselivsmuseum

Contact information Address: Holmen 12, 6899 Balestrand Telephone: (+47) 474 53 053 Email: [email protected] Website: The Norwegian Museum of Travel and Tourism Do you ever wonder how our first tourists formed the basis for travel that now flourishes four short films to choose from. The museum, got around this rugged country? What kind of across the country. situated in the center of picturesque accommodation and food were they offered? The museum presents the history of Balestrand, on the quayside together with Why did they come? Norwegian tourism from the 19th century three authentic buildings from early 1900s. The first explorers came here to discover until today. Here the visitor may use interactive Café. our ”virgin and exotic” landscape which screens as they wish. The auditorium offers

14 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Adults kr 80 Children (7-18 years) kr 30 Student/senior kr 70 Family kr 170

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

/ #sognfolkemuseum

Contact information The Heiberg Collections – Sogn Folk Museum Address: Vestreim, 6854 Telephone: (+47) 57 67 82 06 At Vestrheim in Sogndal municipality you situated in a vibrant cultural landscape. Tradi- Email: [email protected] will find the Heiberg Collections – Sogn Folk tional farming with animals during the summer Website: Museum. The museum was founded in 1909 months. by Gert Falch Heiberg, one of Norway's The main building contains a permanent museum pioneers, and is one of the country's exhibition on agriculture and food, handicrafts handicrafts and occupants. Farming activities largest and oldest museums of cultural and agricultural art, clothing and textiles, the every Wednesday during the summer season. history. church and religion, small coastal villages, Café and gift shop. Daily guided tours in The open-air museum features over 30 village stores and childhood. June, July and August, or upon request. buildings, which span from Middle Age cottages Experience playgrounds, historical walks to the prefabricated homes of the 1980s, and the vibrant museum with houses filled with

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 15 4

1 5

1. Holvikejekta at Nordfjord Folk Museum 2. Anders Svor Museum 3. Norwegian Museum of Travel and Tourism 4. Millstone Park 5. Sunnfjord Museum

2 3

16 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane Ticket prices Free entry

Please visit for more information and opening hours.

Contact information Address: 6854 Kaupanger Telephone: (+47) 474 52 933 Email: [email protected] Website:

Sogn Fjord Museum Sogn Fjord Museum is situated by Kaupanger influence on the way of life in the old days. The with the old fjord culture. ferry quay by – Norway’s longest fjord was essential for the surrounding villages, Glaværstova is also found here – an old and deepest fjord. both as a source for food and a traffic artery. tavern from Glavær in , featuring Sogn’s The museum is a subdivision of the Heiberg There is also a reconstructed boat-building oldest bar. Collections – Sogn Folk Museum. Sogn Fjord workshop, and a selection of boat-building Films about life on the fjord and local boat Museum offers a fantastic experience of the fjord equipment. You can also study other traditi- building. Café. culture. Here, you’ll learn more about the fjord’s onal fishing equipment and tools associated

Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 17 Ticket prices Ticket kr 50 Children (0-18 years) Free Student/senior/group (+3) kr 35

Please visit for information and opening hours.

Contact information Address: 6887 Lærdal Telephone: (+47) 482 75 726 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Sogn Art Centre The Sogn Art Centre is located in Lærdal, Christiania. Later, he spent some months in The Art Centre is home to Gjesme’s artwork, Cultural Centre at Lærdalsøyri, alongside Paris as a student of André Lhote. but it also offers travelling exhibitions. Please the Norwegian Wild Salmon Centre and the Gjesme was a natural realist and used the visit our website for the seasonal programs. Salmon Café. local landscapes and people of Lærdal as his The painter Hans Gjesme (1904-1994) was main subjects. He lived in Lærdal for most of born and grew up in Lærdal. As a 16-year-old his life, and donated over 1500 works to the he became an apprentice to Pola Gaugin in Municipality of Lærdal.

18 | Museums of Sogn og Fjordane The Heiberg Collections – Sogn Folk Museum Museums of Sogn og Fjordane | 19 13 unique museums in stunning locations

• Your ticket to 13 different museum experiences in Sogn og Fjordane • The pass gives you access to many interesting exhibitions, guided tours and allows you to enjoy peaceful walks in the open-air museum, along with other activities and events (organised by the museum) • The pass is valid for 1 person and you can visit all our museums once during the calendar year • You can purchase the pass at any of our museums ticket 179,-

Phone: 990 94 777 | E-mail: [email protected] | @museaisognogfjordane