Atomic Power in Space, Dr
,:,,, .,..., ,+ . :, DOE/NE/32117-Hl ,.., ,,,., ‘..’ . ..1.1 .3 ,:.. .;. ,. ,7.. ./. .;, Atomic Power ,., In Space ,,,.,. .,,,’., ; ,?, ,,... A History ,.,,, .,, ~,,;,,, ‘, ,,r .,.v . ,’*,; : ,- ,,,,,. , ,;..,. ,,;-,,,. ‘/., - :., ,, ~,/, ... , March 1987 ,’ .,’ J ,. ,1, , ,.,’ ,.,’.., ‘r, . DOE/NE/32117--Hl DE87 010618 ., . Prepared by: ,; Planning G Human Systems, Inc. Washington, DC $3 Under Contract No. DE-AC01;NE32117 ,: ,. ,,., Prepared for: U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy ,. : Deputy Assistant Secretary for Reactor Systems ,,, ,, Development and Technology .,,, Washington, DC 20545 ., MASTER f, .;. DISTRIBUTIONOf THIS @3WMfi4T IS UiJLirfilTED ,,, 9-J ., ,’ ..,;,. .$, . ,!, , (: ,.” CONTENTS .,’ . ~, ,: Forward ... ‘ Preface iv Chapter I Introduction . .*..*.*.. **.*..*.. 1 Chapter 11 The Beginnings ● *****O**. ● *O***.**. ● *.**. 4 .,, ! -, ,, .J, ,,, , ‘:., Chapter 111 .;, , .; ., ,. 1: Recognition of Potential . 14 , -:’ ,., ,,, .;. .,‘. Chapter IV ,,.- .~, ,, .,:’ Golden Days atthe AEC... .. 28 ,../ ,, ,,,, : .,,,. Chapter V , .- ,, “ ., ,! : ,’ Momentum from the Lunar Race . ...56 i .’:, .,’ ,., , ,,<,, Cliapter VI ,,>,;. i“,,’, ,!.,, A Maturing Program . 72 .;,, . ,, )., ,: Chapter VII ,,,,.. ,.,.-, ,,,,....:, Persistence Amid Change . 83 ‘f. , ., .(’ ,: Chapter VIII .,,. .. .,- .> Past Lessons and Future Challenges . 99 ,, ..- ./:,. ,-,.. ,,,.. ,,,., ,! Foreword FOREWORD On December 8, 1953 President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his famous “Atoms-for-Peace” address, proposed that the United Nations
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