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1661 - John Ieekes receipt to George Jordan for bills put in his hands for benefit of young Rebecca Parham my wife's daughtero Surry Book 1, page 235

I 3-12-1709 Edward Parham- daughter Phebe , dau~hter Ann, son Edward plantation on which I now live, son Gower 100 A. whereon Robert Marlow now lives, daughter Elizabeth, daughter Lena; lewis Green, Jr. to have son Gower, until 20; Thomas Sissons son Edward until 20, also to take care of the rest of my children, overseers: Thomas Sis sons, Ephraim Parham, lewis Green, Jro - said 3 executorso lewis Green, Sr. John Gilliam, Jr. 3-12-1709 7-5-1709 Surry 1694-1709, page 416.

Appraisial Edward Parham- by Robert and John Hawthorne and James Sammons. 7-4-1710. Estate account- Edward Parham Goods delivered to I~wls Green, Jr. Goods delivered to John Doby to John and Robert Bolling, executor of Col Robert Bolling to Major Wynne to George Pasmore to William Mallone to Thomas Raine to John Iewi s to Joh..'1 .r-eterson to lewis Green, Jr. to Thomas Sisson signed Thomas Sisson, Executor by Robert Ruffin and John Simmons. 7-4-1710 Surry 1709-15-16

12-15-1719, between Ytllliam Jones of P~rish of South­ wark and William Parrum c•f Southwark 5 shillings for a tract 230 A. on north side of Notoway Riber ( which said T of land was granted to William Parrum by patent October 24, 1701 beginning at the mouth of Monkesneck ~reek adjoining Charles .Leath. Released for 40 L. ::iitnesses: William Browne, Henry Browhe, Richard Blow. Bond from 1'.Illiam Jones to 1'.illiam Parum for. 8e 1 Surry 1715 -30, page 227 NATHANIEL POPE JR., cl640-1670

Nathaniel Pope Jr., the second son of Lt. Colonel Nathaniel ( cl600-60) and Lucy Pope, was born c1640, at st. Mary's, and otherwise lived and died at the family seat, . He obtained patent on Hollis Creek for 1050 acres on January 3, 1661. He married Mary Baldridge (~1641-77), daughter of James (d.1659) and Dorothy Baldridge (d.1662). Her sister dk~~ied Captain Daniel Liston who was a magistrate and known .- for his knowledge of the languages of the different Indian tribes. Nathaniel Pope Jr. died early and left an Qfl.J..Y son, Nathaniel Pope III (1660-1719). Mary Baldridge married again in 16'l:i?, David Wickliffe (1640-) who may have been an ancestor of the Wickliffes in . 43


Nathaniel Pope III, the o~ly son of Nathaniel Jr. (c1640-70) and Mary Baldridge Pope (c1641-77), was born in 1660 probably at Popes Creek. He was a man of large property interests in Richmond and Westmoreland Counties, . He was practitioner at law and King's attorney for Westmoreland County and clerk of Stafford, County. He was guardian for Nathaniel Washington. He married in 1692, Jane Brooks Brown (1668-1752), daughter of OrGl and Jane Brooks Brown (b.1644) and granddaughter of Henry (d.1662/82) and ~rooks, of Westmoreland County. They had several children, William, Mary (cl692-p1726), Lewis, John (c1695-1735), Nathaniel(?) (d.1737), Jane, Worden (1700-49) and Elizabeth Pope. 44 William and Lewis Pope probably died in childhood.

Mary (c1692>1726) married Joseph Weeks (c1680-1716) and had a daughter, Jane. 45

Elizabeth married Bowen Price of King George Co. and had children, Ann, John and William Price.46

In the original history of the descendants of Nathaniel Pope it was noted that the descendants of Nathaniel Pope III were numerous and widely scattered throughout the Southern and Western States. The history then pursued with special particularity the genealogy of the family up to the foundation of the Kentucky branches.

Nathaniel Pope III died in 1719. His wife, Jane Brooks Brown, died on June 30, 1752, in Westmoreland County.

JOHN POPE, c1695-1735

• John Pope, the third son of Nathaniel III (1660-1719), and Jane Brooks

43 Beale, p. 193; William & Mary, X, pp. 176-177. 44 Beale, p. 194; Jane Pope Will dated April 23, 1752 (Westmoreland County Wills Book 11, p. 428)(names daughter Elizabeth Price, Nathaniel Pope, and grandchildren Ann, William and John Price and William, Benjamin and Elizabeth Pope) 45 Beale, pp. 194, 195. 46 Beale, pp. 194, 195.

11 ·'. ·· ·- ' .; ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ·:" . :;,. ' ' . , .· : I ':· ; ,, : Fram Vi::rginia to Alabama · In startinB my search for our :i?ope line I teund that the::re wore in Virgin161. at srCi>und the same tiqle and place the following J?ope men among some oth~rs. ~ ·

Lt~ Oelori~l Nathaniel Pone lived in Westmoreland Oe'lmtyf . (Wm. & Mary .. · · . . Cellege Hletorical iasazir,ie . - Vol. 12, 1903-04 - GenealQBY ot Col. Pepe . and his descendants. } Tilomae, his son moved back to England and it is .. ... his will t})et•s referred 1;Q 3V 423 -325. .Ann Pope, daughta1· of Ool. · lt'atbaniel ~:Pepe• .married Col~ John Washington, great-great grandfa'ther ot Geo. Washington. Iisthaniel ~pe, the emie;rant, patented 1,000 acres new knewn as the 1BlaBB' land. With John Washington and Tlu.l~a.s Pepe they owned all the land frem .Oak Grove ta Index en th.e nerth side of .the road and b(l)rda:ring on Ma'btox Creek. ;j,"art of this land was r•rpatented by Ann .Pepe Washingten. The .family place is kne'w\Tt as 'Waketield' and is ;,ooated in Westmoreland County on •Po:pe Creek. It ie new a part et the lfiltional Fark Systt::tm. · The old home deea not remain but a repl.ica of ahauee. ot that -period has been built. ~e location is 'beautiful - Pope 0l:'eek runs '. into the ,,PotGmao at this point. The old :family, cemetery e,lso 1.s ·here ... and ia ·kept in g00d cQndition.

Humnhre;r TuD~.• lived in Weatmore:land County, Va. ( ¥lm. & ~h~ry Histerical: Magazine Vo!. 13 - 1904-05, refers to Humphrey .?.ope and his descendants). ---~·-.. James · E~rpe - 'iivP,d 1~ lforthumberland County• Va. - ~ also to be _:t'gund in im~ & Mary Historical Magazine...... · · i"" Wi.1 liam :Po !'.>e - liva d t'irst in Wes tmorelarid ('oun t, then Nansemond County,,, tiien finally 6ettled in Isle of Wie;ht Oourlty, Va. He was eur anceeter • .. · Sa !er ... have not !eund any s&uroe that definitely links these . men either as brothers or cousinn. In Wat~rs' ;Genealogical Gleamings, it is stated · that 1.n 1655 William Pope received a grant ef .land in Westmoreland C~ntnty · . , but l don't believe this has ever been I>Xoved. Mr. R. A. Brook suggest• .· ,·. that there is a pr~babili t;r that William Pope e! Bansemen.d and Westmor$land ' · · counties and Nathaniel l'ope ot Westmoreland werQ brothers. ~is suge;eatien is further barne eut by iihe fact that at least e.tie of the 6r&.ndsons e! . Natban:i.el Pope of Westmoreland Oounty li.ved iti Isle ef Wight. Co'unty, Va . ..: . ~his was · Riebard Pope, 1io whom his brother John ~I>e gave p0we:rr e! atterney . Aug. 9, 1690 (Isle o! Wi5ht O~urt House, Va., Deed Book 1, page 29). Tbe1r ­ exaot re1atiansh1p ta William Pope is as yet . undtermined. ' The Sal!le . aay . be . said Gt Thol!l!U!I :P.o·pe whose will •'Hi8 recorded in ..Isle of Wight, Sept. 21, .:_,,, 1684 ( Isla of Wight Co.-urt Hense, Will Boek #2! . page 208}. An . account ef ·, William J?e,a and his desoendents can be fonnd l.n Wm. & Mary Qliarterly, lel. 27 (l) Page 61. As a child I v1as told by my 6X&ndmother l'epe ·we .were , · kin te Ge'pe Waahington). i:t there was a connect1Qn. ·. ·. '. ·, 1 A.lse - it wa.i:J though-t that A:i:·chelus l>0pe • . eur first ano$:.tor 1n· Alabft,Jaa' . waa the' ;s6n e! 0~1. Lawrence Pope o! Virginia,·· bttt this proved incerreot. !Chis ·-· .evidently was cu:i.ethar p:tece ofta.roily l0re . passed dorm thre' ·.the . . · years. ' H'1rw eve,r, ther~ must have been some QQnneoti~n between thesEt·, familie~ I fer this .10ra to h~ve pegun b\1t it is diftioul~ to Dr0ve. · ,l 2.-

lt w:~s with the help of a ntllt1P6r of. petple who were k1J)d eneush tQ .;send iatormati911 plus time, eff&l"t, lW.d money, that I have been able te ; ~ut . this r•c~rd te5etber. I hape ;1Qll find it intereating. ' .;;: ·

William Pef.>el , ·. . (Lrn Cti 1~34 - died ca 1700, ma::rried ca. 1660 M$rta-----) These dates · have never been ~roved. ·

The first direot Po~e tilleester in this O$untry that oan so tar be proved is William Pepe, who waa 11Vi?l5 in Hansemond Oounty, Va., in 1672. He was a Quaker, and several .reeerds concernina him and his fat.uily are pre­ served in the ·Quaker reeerds e:t Virginia, especially the Ohuokatuck _ · Monthly Kee ting. .. These reoerds have been pttbl1$hed \)y W. w. H1nahaw ~ .: · in .Enoyclope.dia et Amerie3n Quaker Genealegy, .Mn Arbor, Michigan, 1950, VI (Virginia), hereinafter referred ta a.s fli118haw. All the eriginal ., Quaker reo$rds are pretlerved in safety depGeit in , Maryland.

Ge0r5e F&x, f eunder et 'the ~alters• 1.n 1672 William Jte:pe and ethers t~ keep 3 ••mens meetins''• later called the Ohuckatuok Monthly meeting. ( Kir.uilhliW, VI, 7, 22)

William l?0ve and his t4ife Mary (er Marie} regis~o:ted the births of their children as follows: William b0rn Aug. 15, 1662 Henry " lliGY. 30, 1663 Alse(dau. >" AUB• --. 1667 JGhn tt Aug. 6, 1670 (Hinshaw VI, 34) These births ware rsgiatered 1n the Quaksr reotrds.

On Feb. a •.1708, William lto11e ot Bansem~nd Oo. gave a paper 0! explanatien ragard1J'.lf5 same business transaction ef his father Williait, w.h0, being in .Bngl&nd 'Some yea.rs past and died soon after his return to Virginia; the aaid William, his brother Henry. and William's w1:fe (which William is not {'j speoi!ied) t~ak gver the mrcltter 1nv11lved. whioh was aet·tled to sati.at'aotion • .' > ( Hinshsw VI, 34) ·· · William P&:pe reoe!ved several land patents, as Fellows: 11 M:i.i.reh 1655 200 acres Nansem~tn . d Oounty(l>aten't B9$k 4,p.20) 8 Oct. 1656 190 " tt " ( ti u 4,p.61) 30 Oot, 1662 200 '* " " · Renewal (l>f patent · abeve (p!.l tent ..Baok 4,p.298) 25 July 1665 . 950 . " " tor transportation er 11 ·negroes(patent Beok5,p.212l (1his last !)a'tent was avidently in Isle o! Wight OmmtJ' after the li:n.~s · wera Oha!l8ed - as sbQWn by the reaerds @f that county, 1704-1715, page 48)

~OULATIONS ( Th11:tae S"?eoulati<>ns ere by Virginia ·pope Livingston, Ohestar, Va., · · Genealogist, whe also is ~ur 'eau.sin• a.a she also desoended !rem William :Pa~e. She bas decumanted eur line do1't7l throu6h Lewis).

v Speculatiens cant 1 d- Whe:re William :Pe1>e oame frQm, .I have nGt yet 'been able te determine. A Lt. Cel. Eenry Fe~e ewned land in Westm&reland Ce. in 1662, near tha~ of Nathaniel ~&pe. Nathaniel PGpe also owned lands in Maryland , and wae far a time -r>rerninent in civil affairs there, , aa was also a Henry Pepe, to whom. there are many referencef5 in the l't1arylat1d Archives. In 1664, 001. Bobert Pitt and !Mr. William Burgh received a land. patent in Isle e:f '118ht oe., Va.; fer transl)ortation ot • aman5 ethel's, William P0pe and Wife. This means that the headriBhts they claimed had been :reeident in the ·,. celgny :for .at least 3 years. William P.er>e and his wife 5ay have arrived frem Ell81and er from .Maryland i i't was a cemrnon tttaotioe at that tigge f&r landown-.,ra t® cross the l'etGmac River bet-ween Maryland and Virginia.- and te claim .land in both oel0nies. Eurther research sh$\1ld be carried eut in the Mro:yland Arohives * aa weil as in the Br! tieh J?u'blio Heoord Ot'tioe; .British recerds mtiY reveal when alld why . William Pope went to England tn busina8s shortly befor@ his death. ---.l.t is 1nte:r.er>ting tG notfl tha,t Jlarylmd l·ecerds also shew :!aroilies named .English &nd W r~tts in the same oeunties as the :Popes; famil'ies <.r! these three names ewned adjacent lands in W~stmo:reland Cenmty, Va •

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1." ..

I ? ~ 4 .. ' . . 2 / ' r BEl'RY W:PE

1 • ·_ ~enry ~•pe.. was born in Isle a! Wi5ht Oeunty, Va., liov. 30, 1663 er . posei bly 1 t wr:as liansemand Ceun:ty at the ti!J1$ he waa born. (Hinshaw VI, 34) Henry Pt~e 'marr1$d ~Sarah Watts, daughta;r Gt ~fohD Vlatta and his w1!$, Alice Brlslish - •iaugbter o! \Tohtl :m11Blish - see both Watts & 1mal1sh. ~hie marriage w2ts about 1684 - no :pr&e!' e! date. ·

!?he vd.11 't..i:f Hen:ry Po;:>e waB reo~ded in Isle @f Wieht 041\mty, Qot. 28,· , 1728 (l$le ef W.i.ght Will l3Qok 3, page 127). I have a phetostated copy et this will and anyeme wishin5 a 0~9,y oan"write to the County Ol6r4:', Isle · · I_• of Wight Oeurthauae, ls le ef Wi5ht Oeunty, Va. Thia Oaurthf Benry ~eve lists his children as fellews and vve aseume ill · .. · order l\lf sse ' · 1. William :?o;>e; 2 •. Henry Pe;?e_; I. Rioherd Pepe; 4. Jaoob ~ope; ..5. John Pope, ma....--r:ried M$urnint)~ dau._ e:f Ool. Barnaby .tflc.Kirmie_; ; . 6. Msry ""Pepe• married=----Wl:-H1auttB 1 ifDK-7: J9lle &ope-;-aanied -----Brass~le s a. Jeae~h Pe·:;>e; 9. Merniug Pepe married her cousin Jaoeb ~epe; 10~ Thomas ~$!)fl; 11. Samuel Pope. ln addition te the land he inherited :from his· father (William Pope) 1,ienry :Pe:pe ?"eoeived a deed &f gift from Henry Bozeman (Isle of Wight Grefilt :S.ek. ~age 105, & Dgek 1662-1715, J;la&e 594). He also reoeived many land grantst . · Land Office in the OapitQl at Riohtll@nd, .'fa. See Grant 1:3t')ek B, page . 176: Grant iaaak 9, 'Pa.86 194, Grant Bflok 10, i;iage 110; Grant l3ook 10, pf.iBe 106, Grant Jl$ok 10, pr;i5e 257. · I i ~ llenry Pepe made ~any 5i:fts of land ta his ohildren. (Isle uf Wight \ Great Book, pB5e 103, 105, and 139). ·

. l William Pepe• lilP?arently thtt eldea·t SGJl ef Hanry t received by assi{SM&nt ~rf>rl the. e:riainal patentee in North Oarelina a parcel et land which he · . sold t ~> :llli his father .Ben:ry, and whioh Henry in turn SGld to his sen John -~ in May, ·1726 - which shows that Jahn was a landowner before thi5 date. !~ ('?hits deed reoerded Winda&r Oeurt Hause • .f.Sertie County, N. O., B()&k B, "·', \. ·page 107). .. D~t• en Henry l.rO?B DAR :files iJ..'41 #352759,352760, &400759 J '~ ' ./ , s-\j JOBJ ~O FE 3

J•bll 1'9pe was barn in Isle e! WiBht Oe., Ya., oa 1700. lllarried Meurnint) . fioK1nn1e Oil' 1721, died April 9, 1745 1n Edfieof.')mba Oo. • N. C. He m1Jved . t~ North Car&l1na. and settled in wh rt t w&s then Oh&wan Co. , B. O• .tie lived in Oh mbe and Halifa.x counties without ever moving • . ,Thefsle oaunties we1:e carved out of the ~rig)..nal Ohcnvan C~>Unty • . His bGma :place is new a aid ta be a demGns'tration f t1rlll of :N. 0. in Halifax and is said to be a real ehQl'-1 place. l do not know 1.t this is tn1e Qr not.

Johll. :Pe'Pe m r~r:ried lilou:rnina • daughte.:r et Calenel Ba.rrta'by MoKinnie and evidentl3 his first wife Mar~ ..i.---? (it has been proved that Maurning eeuld not hsva been the daughter G'.f Mary EXUBl Ricks whom Barnaby married ea 1717 er 1719 -- see Mclti.nnie). ~o preof e! this first marriage has ' been f&und e.xeept fer a deed &f Barnabe and his wi!e Mary, de.ted 9 De

Jebn J.>e-pe and his wife Maurning had sev0n Children t . 1. Henry :rope, will 1764 llali!ax O<:mnty • Ji. C. - lat. wife was Martha Hartin, dau. of O~l. John Martin of Kin6 Wm. Oe., and the sranddaughter ef Ool. Lewis .Burwell ef Glouoester Ce., Va. 2. JesE11e Pepe - died 1818 in Geargia - wife Mary, daughter ~rf' Sgt. Elias Port 3. l!tw!!J ope, lst wife Ann JQ.rt, dau5htilr ;f Sgt. Elias For-p, 2rul wife . _name_d __J.tm1ma_~---T. Moved to Oslethorpe O&unty, Ga. where he died. 4. Winifred lf@pe, DaUghter - diad unmarried, will 1762 Halifax c0unty, :s·. O. 5. Jane 1'o;?e - · .. (Will Beok#l, p&ge 85 &86) 6. J9hn :?9pe - BGrn :Edgeoembe Ce., married Elizabeth Jeffries . . 7. B~naby - died 1795 in Ge~r51a · John '.Pepe was not the elde3t son 9f John and Mounring MoKinne Pepe. Henry P•'Pe wgs their eldest S€lln. This ie shown by h:is inheritance of the entailed 1 and MGUJming 's fat uh, Barna by MoKinne , le ft :bl tG Mou.ming. See deed et Burw·ell· '.Pe:?'.>&, Henry's eldest e&n, to Niahaliaa Long, 22 F'eb. 1775, Ral1ta.x .. Count;r, ~eds 13, 247, Which sives h1&tQ:ry of th~ ls.nd. .. ~ ... Jehn ·l?a::;>e3 - son af He~y 2 ..: was in I. O. as early as 1721; a pewer ef attorney of Valentine Braswell and wi.!e te Barnaby liloKinne; and a deed ot Braswell sbt11w that John Pope was alr~ady living in I. o. in 1721.

Jehn Pepe :received the !ell~wi.nB land arants in Ji. 0 • t 1721 File 340, :Be>ak 31A .· , .. 1723 File 706, " 3A !hese were al&ng What 18 new the H'oailcalce 1723 Pile 121, " 3 JH.ver; some ef them adjacent to patents to 1728 : Jile 939, ~ 3A John's brothers William a>:l.d Jaaob • .· All 1728 · .Pile '311, " 3 these gran~s were from the L&rd$ l'r•• prieta:rs.

•·: - ·.-;Lr ... . ~6- ol ; John P0pe c<~mt' d ·' John :P~!)e married M~urnin5 McKinne, dat15h-ter. &f. Barna.by Mc.Kinne, ca 1721 ( se~ :McKinne). The MoKinnea sold their. lands in Virgj_nia ( 55 deeds of sale are recerded 1715-1726 in Isle ef Wight 00., Va.I an<\ moved to N. C. about 1719. Ne records ef M0urning•a birth. roa.rr.iage, or death exist, but it ia tiossible te ap·,ro.ximate these fr~m other records; since she had tw0 80118 who woreef aee in 1745. it seemfi reasonable 1:i0 date the marriage ab0ut 1721.

John Pope WBS very preminen"t in the affairs af Edgecombe County, N. C. · · 1. John 1'9-,e, Juotica o'! the l>eace f.or and interior precinct Cho.wan C

3. JGhn ?&~, Member Gf the General Assembly, July 22, 1743 (Colonial Records, N. O. Vol. 4, VRBA 652). Memoar of' the Genaral Aea~mbly !or J~dBecombe .l!'eb. 24, 1744 {OQl~mial Records, VQl. 4, page 723. Memhttr trero Edgecombe, Nov. 15, 1744, (Celonial Records, N. · O. Vol. 4. Pae~ 733.) On A'!)ril 9, 1745, it was reported by ~Tames Ce.ntellav; to the GenE'lral Assembly ( Ho11~e of Bur5P-:o;ses} that tfohn P.o:re, one 0! 'the MemQers fr.om Ed.BecHno.be, is dead. Hep(>:r.t . al~o made by William Wils~n, wembe:r from Ne~gern, that lil.rx. John 1'0:1e, 'M~mber !rom Edgecombe is dead. {Colonial Heoords, H. c., Vo~. 4, pQge 774). John pgpe was known aa Major Jehn Pope. He was Churoh ef F..ngland QQ was . en thft vestry far a leng tirne. HoweveJ'.'-.. his father Hanry "and Grandf.ather . William were Quakers.. · - __.. __ ·· ,. ... --- ..... , ~-~- -- - - ·----· There s.re many ext ~nt deeds af ,John Pope and Mournine his wii'e fr0m 1729 thraUBh 1741; ( the wife was required to reJ.inquish her dower r15hts ~hen­ ever l~nd was sold.) but on 29 Nev. 1744, John Pope sells land to William llinohen, Jr. (Oraven Ce., N. O. Deed Book 2, 382) end ne mention is msde . ef his wife. This tends to sup,ort the thesis tha~ she died in or shortl1 after obildbirth ef their youngast ohild, Lewis, in 1744.

John ~ope died intestate. 3h1s 13 evidenoed by the fact that his s0n John W!iS Adminiat.rator (had John had a will, he would have had an executor. The eldest son, Henry •. was at this tise ap·parently livill6 in that part o:t Edgeo~m2oe Ce., which later became Ealifax Co., $n entailed land 1nher1 tad by bis nmther from her .father, Barnaby MoK.inne. That Henry 0wned this land which is proved by many la"tffr daeds, shows that he was the eldest a~n; ether­ wise, he W

The m~rri~ge Gf John Po~e me Meurning MoKinne is proved by many deeds reg~rding the entailed land she inherited troro her !ather. @na suoh i• a dtted from Burwell P@pe, edlest eon ot Henry', to Nicholas Lene;, 22 Feb. 1775, in Balifax Deeds, Boak 13, page ~47. r. ,,. "",,,. ~ ;;.. "-~ •.P.. .•. '1' "... r 1"'~- ~-~ .,,,. . r "; ...... Tb~t Jo~ and Mourn1Bn MoKinne Po~a had saven· children is proved by the '- Ed&ecemoe ~o. Re~ards. In a VQlume called by the N. c. Archives at «'-': · RaleiBh, N. C., Bdgevombe Co. ijecerds 1733-1755 the.re are references te ·· · · Jebn Pe,~ 's eFJtate. This YGlmue consists e~ a ~umber of loose papers mountBd without regard to Chronalogy. The follow1na entries are signi·­ ficant: 1. fi'

. :F'9ge 23 - Di vi!ion ef negr{jes among the children et. Major \Jvhn p0pe ~edc. ii!1:r lists: J • .~ope; Lues (Lewis) t Barna (Barnaby) 1 Jel'Jse; Jgne. Henry; d t re~; anil is d :-j ted 30 Sept. 1746. Bad Mouxnina been alive' at thia a~dsths elw~uld have been entitled to •the widow's third' and her name ··e"' . ~: . ~ves allGttad to her would h!ive appeared in thi~ list-. Page 81 ·;_'. A;;>praisal ·of the. estate . ,, . .. '. '': .. '.';? · · was \fm. Kinchen, cTr.. ' -•lla•' 1750. One of the appraisers

Page 95 - A4ditiona1 invento~y Qt th~ e ~ te signed by TQlu1 Pone , Adlninist:r."l tor. and recorded af ~e •May court• l74~. · 'l.'h1a in- .' · dicq. tas that ther.e was an earlier inventory, which may be lost or m~y be in th& un0Ht!i.l0ged l'apArn o:r 'thlks county •. ,,. . . . ,~: ' \ •'; " Page l~ 5. Aco~unt of sale ot cT~~ Pope' 8 belOJlB:!.Ug8. the last ~esday in _ , · June, 174 5. John Pe:oe bought many i tema, especially h0\tsebeld · · · ... · '8d.s and !tarming iroples.nenta. A ~idew o!ten bouah't household ,.; ~/ :.! gf.>ods " ~t the estate of her husband, i~ he died intestate; as ", · . · Mourning's name does not apl)ear a.moq the purch·asars, it is . a safe gsaumption that she was no ltn1[Ser alive. , ·Po.ge 104 Inventory of Majer JE>hn )?ope - 1744 (These are tn the Archives at Raleigh under Edgeo01ube Co\mty Rec~rda, Files #OR 37.025, #OH 37.035.1, #CH 37.035.2) The Uim1tea of the Ed5eoembe CG. Court fer June, 1757, shcaw that Jesse Pope chose his brother Henry as his guardian• and that the court appointed Henry gliardian of Lewis P0pe. !rh& lriw at this time provided that a child aged 14 could choose his guardian; 'thia, then, proves "that Jease vvas at leas~ 14, and Lewis .was under 14. This tends "to au-p-port 'the theory that MtJurning died shortly . after the birth of the ycmrl6eS1i child, Lewis, in lj44. Ab&ut 1~56. John 'Pepe4 m9ved tG other l&nds in that part ef Edgecombe Co. Whioh · had beoeme' Granville Co. in 1746. It maylur. be :tP.st the yo\lllger beya pie- · .. "" ferred to remain ~A'ilr their olcl homft rather than "to move with John. , ·

· ·,·

The:rs sre 1n the N. 0. ArohiV88 86Vtn·al. 00XfJ8 'e:r lGose J>ap15rs et Ba.aecom be Co. whioh ,have not yet been OA.taleged, and are therafore inaocesaible to , researchers. It is quite p9ss1ble that these unoataloged papers aay contain much $! signi!ioanoe !Gr tha study et the »ep~ family.

I .

, . . ' 8~ John 'PG!)e oont' d

Pr4tm Hatha~ay•s Re81Ster: Pepe, Jahn - w2a called the friend et Jahn Bryant ( er Bryan) whe died in EdBeoambe in 1735 (1 - 30) Barnaby Pa,e, the son of John Pepe is mentioned in the will Gf B ~ rnaby McKinne, Jr. in 1736 (1-61) John Pe:pe beul§ht land from Barnaby MoKinne in 1721 and he lived on McHerrin Swam~ in N. O. (1 - 470} From 'History of Edgecombe Oaunty• by Turner References t~ Jahn Pope en pQ8eS 22, 27, 42, 70.

JOTEi The material thrau5h JGhn Pepe has been deoumentated as well as oan be with existing records. Desoendents Qf John Pope are eligible !t>r Colonilill Dames c:>r oth6r Colonial Societies. Also - they are eligible thrCDUBh 'the McKlnnie line and pessible thrm.tgh the Watts and English line.

' t Anyone wishing mQret inform·:i tion en 1;h~ Popes or 1eu might say an efficial d~eumentation e! "the abeve, I would suggest yon oontaot .Mrs. Virginia PGpe Livingston (a oousin), P. o. Box 371, Chester, Va. She has dane a great deal of work on the Popes and is current- 1.r pre!)arin8 a book en "the l?opea. She, also·. is a trained Beneal­ &gist.

This record put togethe! by­ Pranoes Rencher Scruggs 125 N. E. 127th St. Miami, Fla. , 33161

,•. 4

, I 9-· \ l,EWIS .i?OPR4 Lewis Pepe, sen of J0hn and Mourning MoKinne Pepe was born in Edgecembe C•unty, N.' c. From a Bible record sent Virginia. Pepe Livingston (b7 a cerre~p0ndent) Lewis :?Gpe's birthday has been given as Sept. 22, 1744. We think this is probably correct due t0 the t'act that it is believed . Mourning MoKinnie :Pepe muet have died in 1744 ;.- -poss1bl,. seQn a!ter the birth ef her last child as a Deed executed by John Pope on Nev. 29, 1744- ne mention is made of his wife. ·

Se far - I d~ n@t hRve to~ much en Lewis Pepe - that is !rom N. C. records. I ho,e tG get tG Geergia s0metime in the !uture and feel sure that there can ebtain a good deal of inf0rmation.

Lewis :Po·pe and his brother Jesse married sisters, Ann and Mary• daughters of ,Sgt. Elias Fert. The only proof I have is as tollowsi BGQk on ''Marriages &f Early Edgecombe OGi:inty''• N. c. by Ruth Smith Williams - states the fe1lowingr P<:>;.>e ----t0 Ann, dau~hter of Elias Fort, 1765 Po9e ----t9 Ma~y, " " " , 1765 ( Rec0rds in Hali.fax Colmty, N. C. Will Baek l, PaBe 208) ' Also, Winifred l'e::_,.,•s will (sister of Lewis) died unmarried and her will mentiGns Ann and ~wis. Will 1762, Halifax C(:nmty, .N. o. (Will b©©k #1, ~ageR 85 & 86).

Since this will wqs prebated 1762 - Ann and Lewis must have married about this time and not in 1765. Also - Ann must have died before or by 1766, as the will of her father Sgt. Elias Pert, J;>roba.ted in 1766, does not name any grllndcbildx·en named ~gpe er Ann - but does name Mary Pope. Had Ann • had smy ohj,ldren, they wa.uld have had a claim against their Brand!ather 's estate. J.Bwis must have been only 17 Or 18 yea.rs old ·when he and Ann ut'Jrrie d •' · Hia will sives his wife's name as Jemima so he roust have married again by 1766 as they have_a child whose birthday is giv,en as 1767. {Se far whe Jemima was before marrying Lewis haa ho~ been preved as yet). But we ( knew from deeds executed in 1773 - that his wife's name was Jemima. Deeds as fQll&ws: 1. (Deed B0ok 10, 'Pfi86 147, Halifax Oeunty, N. O.) - On Feb.--,1768, Abraham and Martha Jones seld 1ewis J?ape of Halifax County, B. O. for 150 'Proclamgtion Mon6y 320 acres south ef Burntcaat Swamp adjoining .John Gelightly, Jackett Swarop, and liGtt. . 2. (Deed BcH~k 13. t>B86 163 - Halifax GQ., N. o. ) - On Feb. 1, 1773. Lewis and Jemima PGpe sol!l8& 141, Halifax, N. O. ) On Feb. 5, 1773, Lewis .gnd Jemima l'ape seld Elizabeth .Mtmcrief !0r 133. 6.8 P.r.ctolamation Money 120 ecrea south of Burntooat Swamp adjoining Ladyman Shelton and Horse­ pen Branch, witnessed by James Locke, Jr. and Sampson(x) Munoriet. 4. {Deed B0ok 13, pege 143. Halifax Oo., N. C. ) ·, On Feb. 5, 1773, Lewis and Jemima :Pope of Halifax Coun-t;y aeld Ladyman Shelton fGr 126.13.4 Proclam · 'ti~>n Maney 81 acres sou1;h of Burntceat swamp .adjGininB a aid Shel ten, witnessed by James Locke, J·r. and ~son (x) Muncrief. ·~;is l?epe cant' d /;f~lr13 \1

Just when Lewis arrived in OglethGrpe County, Ga., I de net kn.0\'\l a.s yet. Be and ,Jemima liill must have started for Georgia a:ftttr out in 1773. His will was datad Sept. 20, 1803 and it was probated Feb. 14, 1805. His will names the follGwing {this was sent by a correspondent and I do not knaw hew correct it is. I hope te get a phetostated c0py ef his will). He n9mes children Zachariah, PotRy• Polly Ridly Jourdan, A,rQb~lµs _ ~p~, Rebecc!i Olive {possibly Ogilvae) Betsy Pape, Jemima ·rhill~III1a Pope, and wife Jemima.

The fctllowins waa aent ·to V1ri$1nia >)ope !Jivingston by a ~s. William . Ezell, NQV. 1963, and is a oopy of an eld sheet of ~aper supp~sedly copi~d from -the Lewis :t?e:pe family B:!.'ble. Mrs. Livinaeten doubts that " this waf3 fram the Jew1s ~pe family Bible due to the fact that several errera $Ocur. A oeuple ef children are left out - also the wrong date ef Lewis Po9e's jeath. She seems ta think it was oow~iled by pessibl• ene ef liewis PQpe 's grandsQnS who had maybe less contact with s0me Q.f'( the .uai family. lt is as fallows:

LEWIS :POPE W'.1S born in Virginia Sept. 22, 1744 (we knf>W he as born in ,. Edgecombe Ce •• N. 0.) Died Dec. 30, 1800, aged 56 years - · (this is anQther errar as his will was dated Sept. 20, 1603 recorded Fffb. 14, 1805).

JEMIMA f-O r>E, wife ef Lewis ?ope was barn in Vir6inia ( ?) April 22·. 1748. Died Mgy 21, 1814. Agod 66 years.

· POT.tY RI'DTEY ro'?E-Dtiughter ef al'>Qvt1t, b. 29 Aug. 1767, d. 5 July 1855, aged 66 ) 1) (if dates ar·e cerrect should be 88 yre •· · ' . . ID~BECCA !'OPE, -daughte!' of above, b. 24 Jan. 1772, d. 16. ,Sept. 1832,"·aged 60 1 HAROD 1'0f'B,- son "f abcl)ve, b. 22 Oct. 1776. d. 9 July 1796 WILT,!8 PO?B, son of above, b. 17 Jan. 1785

ZACHAR!l~H l'O?E, SOn ef abeve, B. 17 Ja.n. 1785

PATSY JONES ~OPE, dau. ot above, b. 31 AuB• 1790. ( a note 1'rom 11.rs. Ezell written an this sheet, says that other family recerds .... show clearly thtit her name was Ma.r;ha J nne, 8lld she thinks ;• this Jones was a mistako cf th~ copyis~). Betsy .P0pe married as his ser,Qnd wifa John BotGr 21 N~v. 1A09, in Ga. Anmther oorres!)ondent sent me the followin& list of Lewis Pope's children: 1. Zach~riah ~eve . 2. 'Patsy '.?<:>?;>~ { s~ne as BP.tsy T} 3. 1?0lly Per;)a married Edmond Jo:rdRn ( tfourdim), 4 •. Archelu.s _:?ope b. by 1773 · 5. Hebeooa ..fope me.1t'ried !~~!iaXx~I~!!J.~~ Williaili Ogilvie 6 .Temima l?o!)e Cie&rge PhiI ps ·7: ~:l.LI1s PGpe " 23 NGv. 1810, Agnes Robs0n of JaoksGnOo., Ga. From another cerrespondentr Betsy ~o~e mrarried Jahn Binford 11 Jemima " George Philips

. ; ; . ' 11- I.ewis Pope cent'd- ( A number of records in Oglethorpe Co. Ga. Inventory Book -beg1nn1n6 Si 8 Peb. 1804 - only reference Mrs. Livingston has). ' I hope when I •btain a 00py ot Lewis PcDe'6 will tha+. tho roatter o~ his children will be cleared u~ - th$t is, thos6 living at the time o! his death. 'Most e! what I h~ve en Lewis ~ope has been mere er. less second-hand a~d bas n~t been dQcumentated. Documentating maana giving the reference in the original souroe; ceunty, deed, will, birth, eto. or other recolld, date, dooumant, pag~, eto. The record of Og~ethorpe County, Ga. will have to be searched !~r this. · J'ote: Virginia Pepe Li vi.ngston believes the name Lewis cams from Richard Lewis, ap-parently olase friend of Maj. Jehn. One of' Riobard IA.twis' daU6hters married a Jaoeb Pepe (there were at least 5 in Edgeoembe bef0re 1745, but think this one was Maj. Jebn'a nephew, eon ef his brether William). There are ma.ny indic dtiens ef a cl0se rele:tianship between the Popes and the Lewises for at least 2 generations. There are many land records and ethers which indicate the olese relationship et the Pepes and the Lewises, and this mB oGmtinued fer 2 fSeneratiena after Maj. John.

Note : Frem a Mra. Homer D.·. Holmes• ~exaa- tewisPQµe 'a daughter Rebecca married WilliW!l Ogilvie, son o! James & PenelQpe (Parrott} Ogilvie. Capt. Themas ParrQtt merried Elizabeth Bo:rwoed (The Royal Ne.rwe9d line f'nm Hdw::ird I ef England). Iaaue i Pemtlope l'arrott who married ,Tames Ogilvie (Sr.)• wh&se sen married Rebeooa Per.>e., d~ughter ef LeV'•is Pope. Mr. Helmes says he has ceusins in La. whe desaen~ from Lewis P.epe thre' Ogilvie. Arohelus ~$pe. the first ef &Ul:' P0pe line in Alabama, wa5 born in Halifax County, N. o., April 25. 1769. {Thia de.ts is in a small Bible which be­ longed t" Arohelus and is now 1n my possession). Also, as for the plaoe f'ilf birth Gf Arohelus - Lewis !lope his !athert· bought land in 1768 in Halifax 0Qunty, N. o. (Deed B@k io, pa5e 147J and · ~vidently lived there until 1773 when he suld @ut and atarted ft~r Ga. Arohelus l'li>pe came te Oglethorpe County, Ga .• with his family (just where they lived I de net know as yet). Arohelus married !fancy Eas0n ( am · trying to traO\'.'! her father - whc.~m we think may have been an Abraham Es.sen). The dste Qf the marriage as 5iven in the ''The N•a-riages ef Oglethorpe Co., Ga. 1795-1852'' {DAR Library) is Dec. 30, 1797. Arohelus Pe!)e and hie wife Nancy evident1y ·11ved in Ga. several years after mgrriase as we knsw his son Abram Lawis J?epe was bern in Ga. in 1808. Arohelu~ m~y have owned pre,erty there als& - as he was 29 years old when he married. Ga~ reoards will have to be searched tG determine this.

~Just wrist year Archelua Pe9e • his wife Nancy and children came t0 Ala. -and settled in F9rry Oeunty. Ala. will have to be determined by searQhing the Perry Oounty Deeds of the early 1800 1s.

Will ef Aroha·lua Pape, dated 1836, probated 1838 ( I assuUle "Pez-ry County). This is t9ken from a bG&k compiled by Mrs. H• . o. Jones. New .Market, Ala., called Ala. ReoGrds, Vol. 182. I h&pe to get a phestated copy of this will which will give mare de*ail - b1.lt what I have is aa followst Wife - Nancy Son - B. T. Pe9e {Britton} Dau. - Betsy - mmrri~d John TiptQn A. L. Rope - fi@n Zaohari~h Archelu$ - son SQn - Francis A Pope money still due Abram a.n

Archelus Po"?e died in Perry O~unt;r, Ala. in 1837 and is buried in the Pope :family Cemetery• Old Po'Pe Plantation, Popes Beat, Perry County, Al.2. Baney, the wife et Archelus, is seid to have been born in Va. - perhaps ·when we discover who her father. was this oan be determined. Nancy died Sel)t. 26, 1853 and is buried in the Family Cemetery en the Old J?ope Pla11t­ st1on, Perry,Oounty. Ala.

. . see Census Record af 1850 under Abram L. PQpe

,, ·~ . 12 eent'd Arohelus :Po,e-

The othe+_ children of Arohelus & Nano.y P0pe 1 . Bri t0n P&'!)e '> the eldest sen Arohelus • married a Miss Shields ( 1).. den' t know if this is carreot ~r net as I h~ve it that F.rank(Fra.nois) Pope married a 1-0iss Shields also. They had several children. ·the ~nly n~mes I have are B@b, Lex, JQhn, & Celeste. Qelea'te mHrried a Bailey. that is where the Faunsdale Bailey's ceme in. A!ter Brit<>n'a death, his brother Abram Lewis was ·guardian :fo:r them. There were 8 b~yat six of the eight were in. th~ Confederate Army• and all were weunded. · .Prank ( P'ranoi") ,Pape - said tG have married a Miss Shields toG, and the · Shields were kin t<> the Irbys. (this is all I have en him - do not knGw 1.t' he had children or n0t. )

. ~ :



Mrs. Barton George Lane, 1118 fos t Ma@olia Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Dear Mrs. Lane: . I have developed.a hobby o~ ge~ealogy of the Popesi.any and all Popes - nothing commercial about it, JUSY a ho~by, and de ight in furnishing any information I have, or exchanging, with others who are in teres tad. Mr. Alex Pope , Jr. who has just recently moved here from Angle­ ton Texas son of Alex Pope of Dallas, and gr. son of Alex Pope of Mar­ shail Tex~s , gave m ~ the address of Mrs . G. C. (Sunshine Pope) Trumbo, Norfoik, Va. . who gave me considerable information and referred me to you 0 for more . She said you are "a real genealogis t , and have "made an ex­ tensive study of our line. " Did she mean you are a professional gene­ alogist? Years ago an aunt , now deceased, gave me a manuscript, copy of one made years before for a relative in Georgia and which had been passed along and added to until it reached me . It carried our family line through John Pope brother of Worden Pope to Nathaniel(l610-1660). Some­ how I'D.ad doubts from the beginning but didn&t find any error for a couple of years and was about to accept it/ Found it interesting and surprising to me that I could find so much on record connecting with my family, so kept on searching in the library. Finall~ I found the error and now know William Pope the Quaker .J( 1634-11700) who I believe was a younger :Hr brother of Nathaniel1 (1610-1600), was my emigrant ancestor. The manuscr1:Qt given me showed John Pope (bro. of Worden) m. his cousin, Elizabeth Pope and had sons Nathaniel , John Henry and William. John Henry and William went to Chowan Co ., N.C. where John Henry m. Miss McKennie Ii rs t, and Tabitha _ second . The correct story is that William Pope Quaker (always identi­ fied thus) m. Marie_ in 1660 and had sons W1li iam (1662), Henry (1663) amd John ( 1670). This was in Isle of Wight Ooun ty, Va . --1t Henry m. Sru:ah Watts and they had eight sons and three daugh­ ters. The fifth was-i>John whom . MOURI\TING KcKENNIE, dau . of Barnaby McK. and their first son was Henry, whose fir st wife was Martha Martin and second wife was TABITHA_. , . I've never been able to find a thing further about John Henry, but his brother William was father of Capt . Henry Pope of 8th N. C. Reg . whose wfixB wife was Charity Hinton , ~and their descendants were numer­ ou$ in Georgia. I have correspondea recently with several of that fam­ ily in Ga , Calif. and Mo . I suppose you know that Henry Patrick Drought of S.A. is a des­ cen~ant of your Worden Pope thir!ough William the second son (-ard chiltl )l'A-d of Worden and Hester (Netherton) Pope - or did you . And you probably know the Pope connection with the Duva.ls of Texas~through JoJ:m, bro. of Worden and his son Nathaniel whose wife was Lucy:;. Fox; their dau . Ann m. Wm . Duval and had son William Pope Duval Terri tori~l Gov . of Fla. whose dau . m. Chas . Shannol"I. West and their son' ( 2) was Judge Duval West. Charles Shannon West was Justice of Texas Supreme Court and Judge Duval Vi es t was Federal Judge of Wes tern Dist. of Texas, the same judgeship as had been held by his grandfather, Judge Thomas H. West etc. etc. Would you be interested in exchanging or discussing informa­ tion we have on this interesting subject. Yo tit are a "real genealogist" and I run only an amateur but I would like to know more about the family of John Pope and Margaret Hunter and their children and their families. I will enclose a self addressed envelope and hope to hear from you at your convenience. Respectfully, EN-:@rrL 'E. H. P{pe. 7 '..., l 11 Barton George March 20 ', 1943 Lane jr. Dorcas Scarborough

April 27m, 195 7 Eling Vos Friesina Cornelia van Waasbergen

Pieter Gerrit Eling Vos 1 Sept 13 h, l 958 Richard Eiing Vos Barton George Lane III April 4th, 1965 Dec 20u' , 1947

June 24th, 1988 Charles Brandon Scarborough Lanr------t---­ Johanna Elisabeth Vos 1 January 9th, 1952, West Point, NY June l0 h, 1960, Vlissingen, the Netherlands

1969 Groton School, Groton Ma 1979 Stedelijk Gymnasium, Middelburg, the Netherlands

1974 Oxford University, Balliol College 1985 Rijks Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands Oxford, England· JD, International Law BA (hon), MA, Eng. Lit.

1987 J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management 1987 Rotterdam School of Management Northwestern University, Evanston II. Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam MM the Netherlands MBA

Won National Merit Scholarship while at Groton School.

Gerrit Alexander Lane 1 July 9 \ 1993, Mount Kisco, NY ( 256-257)

Lewis Pope and Jemima his wife, of Halifax Col, N.C., made deed F6 by. 15, 1773, to Elizabeth Moncrief for 120 acres of land in Halifax on the South $;ide of Burn Coat Swamp. Consideration 33 F 6 sh. 8 d. Lewis Pope, Wit.: James Lock, Jr., Sampson Moncr:lff. Jemima Pope. Rec. Aug. Court, 1774.· (Halifax Co., N. C., Book 12, p. 141). . Lewis Pope and Jemima his wife, of Halifax, made deed to La;ymon Shelton to 81 acres on South side of Burn Coat Swamp in Halifax Co., Faby. 5, 1773. Consideration 26 F 13 sh. 4d. (Ibid Book, 13, p. 143). The will of his sister, Winnifred Pope, Feby., 1762, shows . , that his wife at that time was named Ann. On 13th Jany., 1764, Lewis Pope and Peter Tantum were the witnesses to a deed of Bethiah Hardy, wid. and relict of Hugh Hardy, deed., Saml. Hardy, John Bradford, Benajah Saxon, Exrs. of Hugh Hardy, to Thomas Wootten of Co. & Province afsd. for 192 A. of woOO. land on North side of Burncoat Swamp, ad land granted sd Hugh Hardy deed by Nathl Bradford. (Halifax N. C. Deed Book 9, p. 290). Archelus Pope5 m., 1794-'98, Nancy Eason, of Oglethorope Co., Ga.; · was a grand juror in Oglethorpe in 1794 (J. H. Chap. 3, p.--); Zachariah Pope a Commissioner of Clinton, Jones Co., 4 Dec., 1816. (L. M. & L., Vol. 2, p. 824). Wil l is Pope m., 23 Nov., 1810, Agnes Hobson, Jackson Co. (Mar. Rec. p. 311). Lewis Pope, Aug. 31, 1797, was a witness to a deed executed by Burwe 11 Pope and his wife, Priscilla Po!_1• (De3d Book~' p. 20). 6. Jesse Pope (John , Henry , Williaml) m. Mary ••• • , some of her descendants claim her mai,9..en name A'l'as· Fort, but giye n,o , If 5 a uthority, save tradition. Mr.s,, f,,...rCh..hc e.5 1\_e.rwJie.r 5crlJBf7 c; ltc:s IV/a,,rrr~e. On 16 Feby., 1786, Jesse Pope and his wife, Mary Pope, sold his land in Halifax Co., N. C., to John Branch for 200 pounds in Gold and Silver. Wit.: Wm. Branch, Jurratt, Wm. Wootten, Clerk Ct. (Book 16, p. 140). On 29 Aug., 1786, he and Jonathan Joyner were the witnesses t o the deed by Willis Pope and Mary, his wife, John Pope, Henry Augustine Pope and Clary, his wife, and Wylie Pope, of the Co. of Wilkes, State of Ga., to Wm. Paradise, of Halifax Co., N.C. We have before shown that he was named in the will of his brother Henry Pope and of his sister Winnifred Pope in 1764 and 1762, respectively. Jesse Pope came from North Carolina, settled in Hancock Co., Ga., about 7 miles North of Sparta, where he died in 1818. He does not appear to have rendered any Revolutionary service. An abstract of his will recorded at Sparta, as given by a descendant~ shows: "Children as follows: Jesse McK. Pope, Cullen Pope (b. 1752; d. 1829), Henry Pope, Samuel Pope, John Pope, Allen Pope, Mary Denton, Anna Long, Sarah Trippe. Granddaughters, Mary Weaver and Frances Godwin". Jesse having been on its first grand jury. ("Story of Ga. & the Ga. People", pp. 276- 1 7, by G. G. Smith). The descendants of this family are very num~erous throughout Georgia, Ale.mama and other Southern States. 'th_ I , 5 jJ-- ° F !Ea.r/y EJ~e.eom b~ C-c,unf y) t{. C, b7 Rd~ S rni (/J/ f / i tVM Pooe. --- - -l::o Ahn da-11qht~r ~r 'Plf'---5 Po,rt',1 1~t I J- C\A""-'I1 f(U I< 11 I >1 fl()::l_ Pop<::. - -- ~ i- D I r 1..., 1 • {! C.ovn.f:y, ,V, C. W! fl B0 oiv... t; pa., tie., :lo £5.- Ha.,i I , / 1 :J u - . 6

ried Ka te Hill. Issue: I . iiobart(ll), II. Benjamin(ll) . :A.II . l\athaniel Chapman( 10), born Gcto ber 26 , 1835, died :,:ay 15, 1837 •

.1. III. li'iartha ~lizah eth( 10), born .uecember ?4, 1837, married Iverson

Lane' '1'exas. ;.: 7 2. ~ /'( ~ t, - m. & . p~~ ?nru.r 2.1.. ltf IS"' Issue of Alexander(lO) and Sarah (\1illie) Poue :

I . James '.. illie(ll), born January 23, 1841; married ·~; 11" Ilarper, 1'?) I. ay 8 , 1872, who dieo 187 t, leaving one son \, illiam H:arner(l2). II. Louisa Alexander(ll) , born .n.pril 8 , 1843. I II. John Hunter(ll) , born Feb . 12, 1845, married vec. 11 , 1872,

Eloise rarleton, who die~ September 1873. IV . 1,',illiam henry(ll), born l!eb . 15, 18':t7; married ,Tanuary 1872, Fanny Stedman. Iss_ue : I. Eva(l2.) , II. Clara(l2) , III. Caroline

~12), IV. Georgia(l2) . V. Alexander, born July 15, 1854, marrieC:. :Tovember 20 , 1879 , 3etty Brmvnrigg. VI. Asa \. illie, born iebruary 17, 1858.

VII . Irvin, born July 4, 1861 wi. ;i..

Issue of Alexander ~ope(9)

By his ~ife Sarah B~rnet t: I. Hunter Chapman( 10) , oied 1864, marrieo .i.5eatri ce .ci ill. Isf:me : .hnna Belle(ll). II. Dr . .bolling Anthony( 10) , of New Cr leans, married r.irs . Ayers, who died Lay 16, 1862, leaving one son Bolling Anthonn--~ III. Samuel Barnett, ciied April 20 , 1845. IV . l/ary Screven(lO), married ihomas 1 . Cooper of Atlanta; killed in Virginia, J.)e c. 24, 1861. Iesue: I. Sallie(ll), II. 1.i.homasL. (11),

III. ~-iun ter.

V. ~·iilliam -~lexander(lO) , married Susan S. Coo per. 7

I. Sarah Isabella(lO), died June 1856. VII. iliza Joyner( 10), married John harvie Hull, v,ho died tay 29, 1867. Issue: I. nlexander ~ope(l l), II. Harvie(ll) . VIII. £inne Anthony( 10), married Capt. ;.i..homas 1. Hunter($), died nugust 20 , 1867. By his wife Cornelia ;·1 . Ball: IX. Lucy Semmes(lO) , born 1843, died 1843. x. Hopkins Brewer(lO), born 1844, died Aprilis, 1915. lI. Annulet L1.ndrewc( 10), born 1847, married \1illiam Lang, died Dec'3 ember lf, 1932. XII. Marshall :\ndrews( 10), born 1848, died Larch 13, 1914. XIII. Lucy Semmes(lO) , born 1850, marriec Dr . Beasley, died 1879. A. IV. [argaret Eunter(lO) , born 1852, died 1855. xv. Frederic Ball(lO), born 1854, died Oct . 27 , 1917. XVI. lfathaniel tlunter(lO) , born 1856, died feb. 1900. XVII. George \, ilberforce, born and died 1859. Issue of V.illiam Alexander(lO) and Susan (Cooper) .?one : I. Alexander 3arnett(ll) II. Laura i!.. ( 11) III. tark Cooper(ll) IV. I\.ary Louisa(ll), married :Ur . John ]ill. Issue: Effie Pope(l2) . VI. Larion ?embroke(ll) . , sic) ·-VII. liallace ( 11) , died 1878. Issue of General John Chapman(S) and Sallie (Triplett)Hunter: I. Eliza(9) , died 1853, married first , Capt. ',,illiam Davidson, v'ho

died in the Florida ~verglades; second in 1853, \'.illiam =~enry 1

II. John Eunter( 9) , ~. . D. of 11 ashington, lJ . C. , married first, 1 .ancy 8

Dulany of .t'airfax County, daue:hter of .Uaniel Dulaney; second,

I~:ary Brook of 1.arylanC:i .

III. Amelia(9), married Henry Young of ~·ta ryland.

IV. r or§:an(9), married Charles G. :i: skridge of ~. aryland. Issue: I. Isabel(lO), II . Mary(lO). V. George, died younf. VI. Nathaniel Chaprnan( 9) rnarried his second cousin Amelia 1rerrett ( 10), and has one son, Nathaniel Chapman. VII. Frederic Chapman( 9), lived to mic dle afe , died unrnarried. VIII . 'thornas 7rinlett(S) , command er Navy, which position he resigned, to take service in the Confederate States navy as

commodore; married first, ~.~ ary Virginia , daughter of John Carlisle

~1 erbert of Alexandeia; second, (his second cousin) Annie i ope(lO)

of Georgia, who died v.i thout issue; third, 1-~a ttied DuBose of Georgia, a cousin of l.:rs. Robert 'i1ombs, by vhom he had no children. Commo­ dore Hunter died suddenly of heart disease, June 25 , 1872, leaving a record of unblemished honor and dauntless courage.

IX. Adelaidel9), rnarried ~h its, and died soon after .

1 .A. Laura(9), married Col. George McNa ir of 11ashington, D. C. and has issue.

Issue of Capt. ~1 illiam and l li za Hunter Davidson: I. 'v .illiam i:cenry(lO), general in Unitec1 States army. II. J. Hunter(lO), lieutenant, United States navy, afterwards cantain, Confederate .S tates arrny, married iss Ray of Annapolis. III. Son(lO) IV. Son(lO) Issue of Jr. John and r ary Dulany Hunter: I. Lucy \.ason(lO), matron of Louise Home , 1.ashington, D. C. 9

II. John C.napmarn,10) , married ~ ~nma r1scoe of , ashington, D. C. Iesue: I . '.. illiam ulany\11) , II. Lu cy ... . (11) , III. Briscoe(ll) .

I c sue by 2nd marri a[~ e v i th ..argaret Broo :{e : Brooke ( 11) .

Issue of Commodore .1. ho11as iri-plett(9), and ~ irginia(Herbert ) unter: I . Frederic C. (10) 1; . u. , refiding in 11ashington, Georgia , . rried !!Jliza Lipfcombe , granddaughter of ex-Governor .i?ickens of South Caro ­

lina. Issue: I . ~. illiam .allace(ll), II. Fre2eric C. (11) , ITI . James

Lipscombe(ll), IV . ~homas iri lett(ll) .

II. r.adeline(10i married James ~dmonstone of South Carolina. No Issue.

III. Julia .l erbe rt ( 10) , marr1ea Col . ]'ranklin Harv ood , colonel of en in­ eers , U. S. army . IV . .1.'homas iriplett(lO) , Captain in the ""eruv1an army, diec in Jamaica , ... ,ay 4, 186? , aged b .enty.

illiam ,allace(lO) in Lonfederate navy , died in ~ob ile , Febrkary 4, 1863.

~ I. Charles 10) . VII . Sally ~irginia (10) . VIII. f. innie ( 10) . Issue of Gol . .rranklin and Julia (hunter) Har ·ood : I . Sarah uood(ll), II. ihomas .Lriplett(ll) , III. t ary Herbert(ll), died

1878, IV . ~llan(ll) oied 1875 , \ . ~ argaret Lucy(ll) , died 1871 , VI . Llimor t-ranklin(ll), died 1870 , VII . Virginia Hunter(ll), VIII. Julian Carlisle Herbert(ll) , IX . iranklin Ba che(ll) . Issue of .... athaniel G.(8) and Sarah · • (i'yler) Hunter: I . Arianna\ S) , born about 1787 , v·as burned in the i chmo nd i'heatre, in

co .. pany \1 ith her :nother's sister, the vife of enjamin Botts, an

eminent la-,yer, vhose sister 1~ rs . l\_.ann .i:-age vas the only one of -~ 2 I , J J..e- ~~ ~~ MRS. G. C. TRUMBO ~ 5712 UPPER BRANDQN PLACE, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA

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Abstracted and Compiled From the 1801 Transcript or the Original Volume Which is no Longer Extant


John Dorman


Douated .722£2.~/...... 19 .. 7.'-=2. By: Name:':~~l[_f.£_~.~-:;;]/~ Add.re••---·------·------Washington, D. c. 1965

I- ~--__.,::p .,-~-,~·:",~·~,,_~~ 1-. :· ~'-:~~77; -\-~~~~:i.S\{~~,~~ · ~-'. Api;~i 19~s: · Mr. porman wote: _. >~:_-::'', . .. -: - "·t· "A portion of Westmoreland deeds &-~ -. / ·r •• . ·" , . • •. . -~ . , • Wills #1 is included ·in Fleet's series · 11 of VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRAC?S. ' ~. ~- ,, _ ) ·:,.:, -.~:.. ~ ~ : . __ ., <.~.' -~--·).; •. ;::-~·~-~ ~ ~.:~.:;L~~. ·.'~~~:~

~. . ' \~ ' ...... ' ' . ' ' liberty to choose their guardian, the cattle shall be put in custody of those persons whom my sons shall choose. Unto my son in law John Davis the land in the forest which s I formerly conveyed to him by deed of gift, and one cow with sr calf by her side, when the said John Davis attains to the age of 18 years~ and leave him the sole disposing of his mother (my loving wife) Jane Collinsworth. Thomas Greenfree do live and abide on my plantation after my decease and have liberty to raise what stock of cattle and hogs he can according to agreement of my loving wife Jane Collinsworth shall make with him. Thos. Greentree shall make a crop of corn and tobacco from year to year with my three sons John ·and Thomas Collinsworth and John Davis and take care of the stock of cattle given unto my two sons until they arrive to the age of 18 years. Then I bequeath to Thomas Greentree during his life so much land at the outer bounds of my lands near the elder swamp as will be sufficient for him to make corn, tobacco and other necessarys fit for housekeeping, timber without wast convenient for building, not permitting him to keep or maintain with him any person but what my son John shall approve on. My loving wife Jane Collinsworth executrix. John Collinsworth Wit: Thos. Marson, Elinor Thomas. 29 Sept. 1691. Proved by Thomas Marson and Elenor Thomas. Probate granted Jane Collinsworth. Pages 6-6a. Will of Christopher Stopper, being sick and weak and not knowing how long I may live in this world, un­ dated. My true and well beloved friend Robert Readman to have and enjoy all my whole estate, only some legacies to pay out of it to John Lancelot, that ' is, three bills one of his own to Darby Swillivant, one to George Shippen, one of Ralph Davenport's. .e Unto John Lancelott, Bridges Rosier, one large Westcoat and a pair of breeches. To John Lancelott one read weastcoat. To Mary Lancelott one white wh1stcote. Unto Bridges Rosier my wearing hatt. Christopher (X) Stopper Wit: George Shepard (X), Wm. Barnett. l. Page 6a. Original Browne aged 43 years or thereabouts ) sayeth that he heard William Kimball Senr. say about a week before the said Kimball died that he would give all that he • had to his wife (except one feather bed) he would give to his son William Kimball Junr. Original Browne Pages 6a-7. Mr. Thomas Kirton. Inventory. 28 Sept. 1691. Total valuation 41 1 460 pounds of tobacco, plus one English servant James Canady appraised by order Lo~] Court 25 Feb. 1691 [1692] John Newton James Johnston James Awbrey . 10 50 acres near the head of Pope's Creek ••• beginning as .ex­ pressed in a pattent 9 Feb .• 1663 •• ~ dividing line . of Abraham and Daniel Field ••• hill on the northwest side of Tobias ( Butler's dwelling house • • • through the . old field • ~ • line of J Abraham Field and Laur~nce Pope ••• by the courses of the I patent 12 Sept. 1662 • • • Abraham Field c . . Ellenor Field t Wit: James Taylor, John Lord. s 26 June 1695. Acknowledged by Abraham Field. James Taylor by virtue of a power from Ellen Field acknowledged her relinquishment of dower. 26 June 1695. ·.Ellen Field of Westmorel&::1d County appoint my loved friend James Taylor attorney to make ackno'IJV1edgement of my right of dower in 50 acres. 1 Ellenor Field c Wit: Wm. Horton, Wm. Carter. n E Pages 19a-20. · Orphan of Richard Arrowsmith, late of Washington g Parish, Westmoreland County.- Inventory of estate to b~ made b good to him by his father• 1 s will, by Thomas Russel who married the widow and executrix of .said Arrowsmith, for the performance of which William Horton becam~ security with Thomas Russel 2 May 1690. The 1 tems are not valued. 29 May 1695. Exhibited by Capt. Malachy Peale. II F Page 20. 2 May 1690. Bond of Thomas Russell of Washington 1 Parish, Westmoreland County, planter, to the orphans of .Richard s Arrowsmith, late of said parish. For 20~000 pounds of tobacco. To deliver to the orphans their goods and chattels and pay 1200 pounds of tobacco. Thomas Russel 0 William Horton c Wit: Henry Guin, Sarah Guin. h 29 May 1695. Exhibited by Capt. Malachy Peale. d d Pages 20-21. 30 Oct. 1694. Ebenezer I'ike of Corke in. the . w Kingdom of Ireland, merchant, and .Sarai.. my wife, administratl'ix of Thomas Pope, late of the City of Bristol, merchant, deceased, y appoint Richard Gatley and James Freeman attorney for the purposes expressed in articles of covenante and agreements 0 bearing equal date with these presents, to manage and lett the t • plantations and lands late of the said Thomas Pope lying in s. Virginia in Americah and all the stock, Negroes, slaves and 8 1 appurtenances upor'. the same, and to bring tc account all a. persons indebted t0 the said plantations, a!~d. frc.-.:i time to time d · to ship tobacco for Engiand to such ports as they shall think fit, and sell the same. Ebenezer Pike Sarah Pike Wit: Thomas Mountjoy, Abraham Evins. 29 May 1695. Captain Thomas Mountjoy and Abraham Evins depose they see Ebenezer Pike and Sarah his Wife cign the w:l.thin written instrument. Pages 21-21a. 24 Dec. 1694. Richard Gotley of the Citty of Bristol, merchant, and James Freeman of the same citty, ti apothecary, by virtue of a letter of attorney dcted 30 October 11 last granted by Ebenezer Pike in the Kingdom of Ireland, mer­ chant, and Sarah his wife, administratrix of Thomas Pope, late of the Citty of Bristol, merchant, substitute and in our places put Captain Laurence Washington of Westmoreland County, Gent., and Lewis Markham of same, Gent., to manage and lett the lands and all the stock, Negroes, slaves, cattle, wares and merchandize ••• Richard Gotley James Freeman Wit: John Jones, Thos. Mountjoy 29 May 1695. Captain John Jones and Captain Thomas · Mountjoy depose they saw Richard Gotley and James Freeman seal the above. Pages 2la-22. 15 Dec. 1694. Henry Cotterdale of the Citty of Bristol, marriner, appoints Lewis Markham of the same city, merchant, attorney to recover from the executors of Vlilliam Hardidge, late of Virginia, but now deceased, all debts, goods, wares, merchandize, dues and demands owing and belonging to me. Henry Tottersale Wit: Jno. Jones, Wm. Mabb, Richd. Walter. 29 May 1695. Capt. John Jones and Mr. Richard Walter made they saw Henry Totterdale seal the within. Pages 22a-23. Will of Thomas Youell of the Parish of Caple in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, Gentleman, being sick and weak of body, dated 7 Dec. 1694. To my dear and loving wife Anna all my personal estate of what nature and quality soever, as servants, slaves, horses, cattle, sheep, hoggs, houshold stuff and all utensils, during her natural life. · My said wife Anna all that tract whereon I now lives during her natural life, by estimation 950 acres. After her death the said land to my grandson Youell English, Youell Watts and their heirs. Two thirds of the personal estate to my three grandchildren , Youel Watts, Youel English and Thomas Spence, after the death of my wife. To my grandson Youell Watts the occupation of any part of that land whereon my daughter Watts now liveth excepting what shall be laid out for my daughter's thirds. I will that he seat himself thereon at the age of 18 years and not before, all which I give my grandson Youell Watts forever after the death of my said daughter Ann Watts and not before. To my grandson Thomas Spence one moiety of the land I bought of Stradder [?], to possess at the age of 18 years and not before, the other half having formerly been made over in the fee simple of it to my daughter Spence in Westmoreland Court. My loving wife executrix. Thomas Youell Wit: John Gray, Richard Martaine, James Ellis. Codicil, 1 Jan. 1694/5. Unto John Attwell the benefit of the escheat of Oliver Griffin's land. r unto my daughter Winefred all my plantation whereon 63 Frankling, deceased. 100 a·cres formerly in the occupation of John Frankling, deceased. William Horton . Wit: Rice Williams, vvm. Whi teherse, Mary Williamson. 27 April 1698 • . Acknowledged by William Horton, Gent. Page 142a. Will of George Thorne of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland, being sick of body, dated 3 Aug. 1693. Unto my lovipg wife Frances all the land I now live on, being 151 acres. Unto my said .wife all the rest of my .estate. My said Wife Frances Thorne executrix. George Thorne .Wit: Wm. Horton, John Knowlewater, Mary Willson. ·27 April 1698. Proved by William Horton who also deposed that Mary Wilson was one of the Witnesses. Probate granted Frances Thorne, relict anrl. executrix •. Pages · 142a-144.. Will of Original Browne of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland, being sick of body, dated 5 Feb• 1697/8. . . .· . Unto my daughter Jane Pope one chest of drawers. Unto my daughter Judith Roe ten shillings. Unt·o my daughter i·fary Browne at the full age of 16 or the day of marriage, one Negro girl Jenny. If Mary should die • before the: expressed time or without an heir, then the Negro girl shall return to the_next heir at law • . , "-- Unto my daughter Mary Browne one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, after the manner of the aforesaid legacy. · .Unto my son·W1lliam Brown one riding tiorse, . two saddles, bridlej: balter; one case of pistols and a pair qf holsters and one bayonett. · · Unto my

Pages l45-145a. ~Vill of John Pears] dated 20 Feb. 1697/8. My executors Which is rrry loving Wife Mary Pears and Mr. Thomas Gilson. The remainder to be equally divided betwixt rrry wife and rrry son, one half to my loving Wife Mary Pears and the other half to rrry dutifull son George Peares. To my loving wife this plantation lying at Upper Machodack Creek in Westmoreland County (which I do not occupy) during the term of her life and after her life to go into the possession of my son George Pears. Likewise rrry land in the Forest, that is to say the plantation that rrry tennant Christopher Rodgers doth now occupy, the one half to my loving wife Mary Pears during her natural life and the other half to my son George Pears; likewise my wife's part of that land in the Forrest in Stafford County after her decease to my son George Pears• John Pears Wit: Edmond Braien,, Thomas Johnston. 74 Further codicil, 23 May 1698. In lieu of What sheep I have disposed of rrry daughter Elizabeth, one dunn mare With a Whitish main Which I lately bought of Thomas Moore. All rrry good books [?] be in their specie equally divided between rrry Wife, John Gerrard and children and by no means appraised. · James Johns ton Wit: John Gerrard, Ellinor Thomas, Simon Robins. 29 June 1695. Proved by John Gerrard,and Simon Robins, the first codicil by Alexander Spence, John Hinmore and John Gerrard, the latter codicil by John Gerrard~ Elinor Thomas and Simon Robins. Probat granted to Mrs. 'Elizabeth Johnston, relict. Pages 162-l62a. Will of John Ethall of the County of Westmore­ land, being very sick and weak in body, dated 25 March 1698. Unto my son in law Thomas Shad.rick one feather bed and furniture and also one gun Which was his father's and likeWise one gold ring Which Was his mother's. Also one cow and heifer Which are of his own proper mark. I leave my children of age at 16 years. To my daughter Katharine one feather bed and furniture and curtains and vallens and one bed tick and 2t yards of the Widest diaper, 4 yards of narrow diaper and 7 Damask napkins, two pair of sheets, one fine pair, orie coarse pair, and like­ Wise two dishes, six plates, seaven spoons, one bason, one tankard, one drinking cup. To my son Abraham rrry own lodging bed and furniture, and one flock bed and furniture and two [sic] and one new bed tick, one cow and. heifer of my proper mark, and one pair of sheets, one iron pott and hooks. Unto my daughter Katharine one cow When she comes cf age and one gold ring and two trunks and all her mother's Wearing linnen. Unto rrry son Abraham one Bible; one Deale chest, the best chest. All the rest of my houshold goods to be equally divided between my three children When they come of age, only giving Abraham his first choice. Charles Tyler and John Chilton executors. In case either should die the other shall putt in Whom he things fit to look after the children. John Ethell Wit: Alexander Gordin, John Morriss, Elizabeth Morriss. 29 June 1698. Proved by John Morriss and Elizabeth Morriss. Probat granted Charles Tyler and John Chilton. Pages l62a-163. Will of Frances Butler Lisson of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland, being sick and weak of body, dated 11 Feb. 1697/8. To be buried in the burying place on the plantation Where my father and mother lyes in Appamattox. Unto my couzen Nathaniel Pope 2000 pounds of tobacco. Unto my Godson James Pope, the son of Nathaniel Pope, two cows. 75 Unto my couzen Lewis Nicholas one servant· of about 4 years to serve or 3000 pounds of tobacco to buy him one or [and?] two cows and four soWs and one bed and covering. All the rest of my estate ~nto the children of my loving friend La'lirence Washing ton Senr. of Westmoreland. - Capt. Laurence Washington of V~ estmoreland County my execu­ tor. Frances Butler Lisson Wit: LeWis Markham, Mary Thompson, Eliza Rosier, Margt. Saxton. 23 Feb. 1697 [1698]. LeWis Markham made oath he· did see the testator sign. 7 March 1697 [1698]. Mary Thompson, Eliza. Rosier and Margarett Saxton took the same oath before William Horton.

Pages 163-163a. W111 of Anthony V~ indzor~ being very sick and' like to die, dated 7 Feb. 1697 [1698]. Unto my Wife Margarett Windzer all my housing lands during her life and after her decease unto my daughter Mary Windzor. If she should die ,Without heirs, then to the next heir at law. All my -household goods, cattle, hoggs and all the rest of my estate -to be equally divided between my Wife and her four daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Sarah. · Mr. Alexander Spence, Webster [sic] and Ed.Ward Lambey my executors. Anthony v~ indzor Wit: EdWard Hull, Ed.Ward Limbey, Anthony Purton [?]. 29 June 1698. Proved by EdWard Lambey and Anthony Pu.rton. 9 Administration With the Will annexed is granted Margarett Windzor relict· of ther testator. Page l63a. Will of Michael Webb of Upper Mochctick in the County of Westmoreland, carpenter, dated 12 Dec;. 1697. - Unto Elizabeth Hid daughter. of Thomas- Hid [Kid?] and Ann two cows and two calves at the day of her marriage. Unto· my loving V~ife Rebecca all my land lying at the head of Upper Machotick River, to her and the heirs male and female of that blood and in case that blood be extint, then to Evan Price son of Evan Price • . My said loving Wife Rebecca YV°ebb executr_ix. · · . Michaell Webb Wit: Thomas Jones, Ann Harrison, Robert Legg. 29 June 1698. All the evidences to the Will being dead, administration With the Will annexed is granted Rebecca V~ebb, relict. :s. Page 164. James Talbot. Inventory. 28 June 1698. Total valuation 4953 pounds of tobacco including a judgment of -2536 pounds against Mad[am] Ann Youell as executrix of Capt. Thomas Youell. Signed by Thomas Thompson. Michll. W_illington ·-- Thos. Tanner Jno • Redman - Appraisers sWorn before Francis V~right. 29 June 1698. Thomas Thompson made oath to the inventory. POIE In letter, 22 Apr. 1910, by Dr. Geo. L. Pope, Louisville, Ky., to Mr. James Martin, Phila, Pa., we find: "Yours of the 19th inst. duly received. Gen'l John Pope and another member of the family made a trip to England some ago ••.•• They had a copy of the coat of arrus granted to Pope, guardian and custo­ dian of Elizabeth, afterwards Queen Elizabeth. The motto on it, "Mihi, T1b1", (meaning justice} "To me and to you"." "The arms are: Two chevrons gules, a canton azure. Crest: A cubit arm erect, habited gules, cuffed argent, holding in the han1 proper a pair of scales or. Motto: Mihi tibi. The arms granted to Sir Thomas, Elizabeth's guardian: .Party per pl le or and azure, on a chevron between three gryphons' heads erased fleurs-de-lis, all counter-changed. Crest: Two gryphons erased." (From a newspaper article by Frances M. Smi th--Eleancr Lexington"). "One of the Privy Council of Henry Vl. Was Thomas Pope. • • The guardian of the Princess, afterward Queen Elizabeth, during her minority, was Sir Thomas Pope. He resided with her at Hatfield House, and there he was authorized by her to decline the King of Sweden's offer of marriage. Sir Thomas is better remembered for his endowment of Trinity College, where he is buried. We may take it that he was a wise man, if the legent engraved upon his tomb­ stone was his life motto: "Whatever you wish untold to no man tell". "Robert Pargiter, of Grylworth, in County of Northampton, Will, 4 Feby., 1557; pr.31 Jany., 1558. My son William and Anne My Wife shall have my farm in Shattiswell in the County of Worcester, which I hold by indenture of Sir Thomas Pope, Knight. Item.--I ordain and make Lawrence Washington my son-in-law to be the Supervisor of this my last Will and Testament and he to have for his laser and paines taken therein 40 shillings". (N. E. H. & G. Reg. 45, p.62). A century later we find the Pope and Washington families transplanted in Virginia, having the same family names, socially intimate and intermarrying. "Four teen ( 14) persons by name of Pope settled in Md. Between the years 1634 and 1683. Francis Pope was the first to arrive and settled in Charles Co. (Will 1671). (N. E. H. & G. Reg.44, p.83). "The first Maryland Assemblf (held) 1635-' 6, just 11 months after formation left no records ~~ The second Assembly, to which Nathaniel Pope was summoned, was held in 1637, and he was at County Court Feby. 12, 1637". (Md. His. So. Vol. 9, p.13}. Nathaniel Pope was one of the 24 freemen of the 11 Grand In­ quest" in Md. in 1637". (W. & M. Q., Vol. 4, p.37). 11 0n 26 FeBy., 1639, Pope's Freehold surveyed--1000 A.---being one of the first 1000 land grants.". (Side Lights on Md. His. , p.287). "On 11th April 1643, an order was issued on divers good and sufficient causes that Nathaniel Pope and all his menial servants-­ nine in all--be exempted from all watches and wardings, from all attendance at meetings and trainings, or from being called or com­ manded out of or from his house to or upon any :k9 a vie, march or partie without or against his will or consent, Witnesses or deare brother etc." (Md. Ar~. Vol. 3, p.130). "In 1646 Nathaniel Pope was an agent or overseer for Leonard Calvert when the Governor was preparing his expedition to regain his place, and was sent to the Kent Islanders as mediator after the Governor had regained possession of St. Mary's". (Md. His. So., Vol. 9, pp. 13, 102- 1 3). ~Nathaniel Pope demands 700 A. for transportation of himself, wife and five men servants before year 1648. He received warrants to lay out upon ". (Note.--No children named.) (Md. His. Mag., Vol~ 8, p. 266). Settlers on both sides the Virginia and Maryland banks of the Potomac frequently crossed the river. (N. E. H. &. G. Reg. 44, p.83). "At a Court held for the County of Northumberland, 25th Nov., 1652. Present: Col. John Mottrom, Mr. Thomas ••• • , Mr. John Frussell, Mr. Wm. Pressley, Mr. Nathaniel Pope, Mr. S. H. o. Baldredge, Mr. Robert Broadhurst, Mr. Sam Smtth, Mr. Nichs Morris", etc. (Oldest Book, p. 5 (Order Book), Northumberland Co., Va.). Nicholas Heywood and orother to Mr. Pope, July 25, 16p2. (Northumberland Co. Book, 1653-1685, p. lS). · · On Nov. 25, 1652, Nicholas Heywood, merchant, of London, Engd, wrote a long business letter, despatching it BJ messenger, to his approved, loving friend, Nathaniel Pope, Appomattocks, in Va., which he closes with: "Y'r brother hath sent JOU a lr (letter) by the young man named Sam Mothershed--Yor father is well Qlso. ~ • From • • • ( mutilated) the 25 Nov~ 1652". (Signed Nichs ·Heywood. (Va. Mag. of H. & B., Vol. 9, pp.33.1-'3; W. & M. Q., Xl, pp. 169- 171). On Sept. 6, 1654, Nathaniel Pope patented 1000 A. on South side Potomac River, Westmoreland Co. (Grana Book 3; p.279); on April 24, 1656, 1550 A. (Grt. Bk. 4, p.51); on Nov. 30, 1656, 1050 A. (Grt. Bk. 4. p.63). - On March 11, 1655, William Pope patented 200 A. in Westmoreland Co. (Grt. Bk. 4, p.31). The compiler thinks this is an error, as he can find no record of a grant of land in Westmoreland Co. · to William Pope. But in "Genealogical Gleanings", Vol. 1, p.403, by Henry F. Waters, it is so stated by Mr. R. A. Brock, a genealo­ gist of recognized accuracy and reliability. In connection with these grants to Nathaniel and William Pope, he says: "these grantees were probaD ly brothers. - · "On 4 April, 1655. Commissioned for ye Co. of Westmoreland; also appointed by ye Governor and Council to be of ye Militia for · ye sd. c.: Lt. Col. Nathaniel Pope." ("Amn. Records and Portraits, Vol. 2, p.438). The first larl grant to Nathaniel Pope was one year and nine and one-half months after date of Heywood's letter, and that to William Pope, as given by Mr. Brock, was six months and five days after the one to Nathaniel Pope and a little more than 2 years and three months after Heywood wrote. On Oct. 8, 1656, William Pope received grant -for 190 A. in Nansemond Co., adjoining -Capt. Thcs. Godwin's land, Due std Pope for the transportation of four persons, Obedience Perkins, John Godwin, Robert Beadle (the 4th headnight not recorded}. (Grt. Book 4, p. 89). WILLIAM POPE'S PATENT. Ld. Grt. Bk. 4, p. 406, Richmond, Va., A. D. 1662. To all and whereas etc. Know ye that I the said Frances Moryson Esq. Governor etc. give and grant unto William Pope Two hundred Acres of Land, Situate lying, and being in the County of Nansemond. Beginning at a dead red Oak on a small branch side near ~2'/. the Miles end of Symond Symon's Land, and running near the Said· Land north west i point Westerly 240 poles to marked Oak, then north east i point northerly 140 poles, then South East ! Easterly 130 poles, then east 20 poles, then South East 34 poles, then south south-east 118 poles to Captain Thomas Goodwin's land and so by the said Goa:lwyn's Land to the aforesaid small branch to the first station. The said Land being formerly granted unto the said Wil­ liam Pope by patent bearing date the 8th of October 1656 and now renewed in his Majestie 1 s name, by Order of the Quarer Court, To have and to Hold etc. To be held and yielding and paying etc. pro­ vided etc. Dated the 30th of October 1662. (By referring to Grant of date mentioned in William Pope's Patent of October 30th 1662, See the following) Book 4, page 31. (Note. --Land Grant Book 4, p. 31--above--is the reference given by Mr. R. A. Brock for the grant of 200 A. in Westmoreland County to William Pope, March 11, 1655). 1665. To all and, etc,, Whereas, etc., now know ye that I the said Edward Diggs Esq. etc. give and grant unto Captain Thomas Godwin Two hundred Acres of Land situate and being in the County of Nansemond near the head of the North West branch of the said River 'Deginning at a marked Pine at the mile end of Symon Symon's _ Land running for Length North East by Eastf 200 poles to a marked red Oak and so for breadth North West by North 160 poles to a mark­ ed White Oak and so again for Length South West by West to a marked tree butting on the Land of Symon Symons and so South East by South 160 poles to the first mentioned marked tree. The said Land being due unto the said Captain Thomas Godwin by and for the Transportation of Four persons into this Colony etc. To Have and to hold etc. yielding and paying etc. which pay­ ment is to be made etc. dated the 11th day of March 1655. DOROTHY LOYD. 1662. On the margin is written in ink the following: This Patent was assigned to William Pope by the said Godwin in whose name it is renewed the 30th October 1662 and granted by Col. Francis Moryson Esq. Governor etc. FRA FICKMAN, Clerk. "On 30 Oct., 1662. To all and Whereas, etc. Know ye That I the sd Francis Morgan, Esq., Gov. &c, &c, given and grant untm William Pope 200 A. of Land situate lying and being in the County of Nansemond Beginning at a dead red Oak on a small branch side near the Miles end of Symon Symon 1 s Land a rrl running near the sd Land Northwest i point Westerly 240 poles to marked Oak, then North East i point Northerly 140 poles, then Southeast ! Easterly 130 poles, then East 20 poles, then South East 34 poles, then South south-east 34 poles, then South South East 118 poles to Capt. Thos. Godwin's Land and so far ey the s'd Godwin's Land to the afsd small branch to the first Station. The ad Land being formerly granted unto the s'd Wi lliam Pope DJ patent bearing date the 8th day of October 1656 and now renewed in his Majestie's name by Order of the Quarter Court. To have and to Hold &c. To be held and · yielding and paying &c, provided &c. Dated the 30th Oct., 1662~ (Grt. Bk. 4, p.406). On July 25, 1665, patent granted to William Pope for 950 A. in Isle of Wight Co., near Indian Swamp. (Grt. Bk. 5, p.114). William Pope of Nanzemond Co. for 4500 lbs. tobacco, 10 sh., sells to Thos. Price 200 A. in Isle of Wight near Indian Swamp touching Godfrey Hunt's Land and Everitt~ land, it being part of a Pattent of 950 A. granted to my father William Pope late of Nan­ zemond County, deceased, pattent dated ye 25th of July, 1665. Deed dated ffeb. 1st, 1706/7. . ~ Wit: John Bulloc, Bran Milner; Recorded Feby. 10, 1706/7. ~ (In copy--1606/7--obviously error). (Isle of Wight Book 1704- 1 1715, p. 48). There was a Thomas Pope in Isle of Wight Co., who, in his will, 27 Sept., 1684; p. 9 Jany., 1691, names sons, Robert, Wil­ liam, John and Thomas Pope. (Will Book No. 2, p.208). J\:qd. J.3. ," Jopn Pope of the parish of Dawlish in England, mariner, on the COunty, ~ of Isle of Wight in Virginia •••• to recover out of the of .whom­ s oover it may concern a 11 such sum or sums of money accts. goods lands or other estate as now is--or may become due owing or payable to me the constituent by bill bond book account or other demands 2.3c' or by any other wais or means . whatsoever •••• etc." {Deed Book ·1, p, 29, of Isle of Wight Co.; W. & M. Q., Vol. 7, p. 259). This Richard Pope d. intestate, in Isle of Wight Co., in ~ 1~03-'4 (Book 2, pp.483 and 508), and until very recently I had thought it certain tbat he was the son of Thos. & Johanna Pope, · but I find that this son Richard, a mariner, was living in London, ~ Eng., on 5th Dec., 1516, when he, with his mother, made a deed to the Cliffs to his brother Nathaniel. (Westmoreland Col, Book 6, p. 324). "After 20 days sight of this my second Bill of Exchange, my 1st & third not being p'd pay or cause to be paid unto Mr. Richard Pope, Sr., of the City of Bristol, Soapmaker, or his assigns the t· summ of 44.f. 9 shs. 9 pence & is· for soc much worth in gocrls Out of the Ship Stephen from me Jn. Scott {?) the use of the Ship Katherine. Make good pa,-ment & charge it to ye accompt of ye Ser- ~ vant. George Berham {?) ~ To Mr. Robert Yates, Mcht. In Bristol. Recorded this 16th day of July, 1668". (Isle of Wight, Va., Book 1662-1715, p. 142). It appears from the records given that Col. Natruiniel Pope was b. pro. about 1614, settled in Md. about 1635-~cr--1636--he then had no children; removed ·to Northumberland Co., Va., before 1652; patented lands in Westmoreland in 1654 or 1656; was appointed· Lt. Col. of Militia in 1653; that his father and brother were living in England in 1652. In contemplation of an immediate visit to · England, made his will, 16 May, 1659, but dying very soon there­ after, the trip was not made & the will was probated 16 April, 1660. William Pope was probably the brother of Nathaniel Pope-­ mentioned, but not named by Nichs Heywood in letter Nov. 25, 1652. He certainly patented lands in Nansemond County in 1656, 1662, and 1665, and according to Mr. Brock, in Westmoreland Co. in 1655 (as before stated this is probably an error). He, as · was the intenticn of Nathaniel Pope, revisited England in the 1690s, and died in Nan­ zemond Co. very soon after returning home. Reference to this visit and his death appears in the Nansemond Co~ records. One who per­ sonally examined this record gave me this information but did not give me the book and page where found. William Pope is mentioned among the Friends at Nanzemond authorized by George Fox to establish regular Quarterly meetings there in 1673. (Quaker RecCD:'ds in Ms. in Safety Deposit at Baltimore). - After carefully examining these early records, I am persuaded that Nathaniel and William Pope were from the same English- stirp, - and that William, Richard, John and Thomas Pope were brothers, and pro8ably the sons of Richard Pope, Sr., merchant and soap-maker, of Bristol in 1662. Of course, this is a conjecture; no records dis­ covered actually connect them. Among the descendants of Nathaniel and William we find in almost -every generation and in every branch of their families, the family names of William, Henry, Thomas, Richard, and John. As William Pope was a Quaker, somewhat of his family record has been preserved by them. Many of the leading men, Col. Joseph Bridger, Maj. Thos. Taberer and Genl. Richard Bennett, Col. Thos. Bushrod, Col. Thos. Godwin, et al., sympathized with t:t:e Q.uakers, when they did not absolutely belong to them; and while the Quakers were s ometimes fined for non-conformity, and for failure to notify the authorities of their intended meetings and assemblies, they had their own meeting houses and practically their own way. (W. & M. Qly., Vol. 7, p. 212, and see Quakers). · The "Southern History Association Publications, Vol. 6, p. 508, gives the following: "William Pope and Marie his wife, their children's nattivitties recorded as f olloweth: William Pope2 sonn of the aforesaid w2111am and Mary was borne the 15th of the 8th month 1662; Henry Pope sonn of the aforesaid Will~am and Mary was borne the last of the 11th Month 1663; Alse Pope daughter of the aforesaid Will1am and Mary was borne •••• of the 8th Month 1667; John Pope 2 sonn of the afore­ said William and M~ry was borne 6th of · the 8th Month 1670". William Pope is recorded as present at several Quaker mar­ riages. William Pope2 was living in February lij06/7, as evidenced by his deed to Thomas Price, previously referred to. (I. of w. Book, 1704-f1'15, p. 48). . ' Will of John Pope2 Eeb,lj \j lf!~8. In the name of God, Amen, :2.3/ this first day of February in the year of Our L~rd Christ one thou­ sand seven hundred and forty-eight, I John Pope of the Isle of Wight County in the Parish of Nottaway being in perfect health and of sound and Perfect Memory thanks be to Almight God for it calling to mind the uncertainty of my life do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, viz.: · first of all I Recommend by soul to Almight God that gave it and my Body to be buried at the Discretion of my executor and for what worldly Goods it hath pleased God to bestow on me after my Debts pa id dis pose of as followeth. · _ WJ// 1 ~,.,,,, Item.l[ I give and bequeath to my son W::il 1 iam Pope and his heirs forever the plantation wherecn he now lives with two hundred and thirty acres of Land belonging. Item:.C I give and bequeath to my son Jobn Pope one shilling current money of Virginia. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Pope the use of the Plantation whereon I now live with one hundred acres of lani thereunto belonging during her life or till she marry. I also give my said Daughter Elizabeth one Feather bed and the furniture belonging to it. Item. I give to my daughter Mary Darden Two puter Dishes and two Basons. Item. I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Pope, son of lilliam Pope and his heirs forever the Plantation whereon I now live with one hundred acres of Land thereunto belonging after my Daughter Eliza Marrys or Deceases. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Else Mosley two puter Dishes and two puter basons. Item. I give and eequeath to my Grandson Henry Darden one young Horse called his and one cow and calf and one Gun called his. And all the rest of my Estate both real and personal I give and bequeath to be legally divided between my sen William Pope and my Daughter Eliza Pope and my Daugher Sarah Barnes (wife of Edward Barnes, of N. c. 1 who had dau. Elizabeth Barnes--See will of. Elizh Pope(. I also appoint my son William Pope whole and sole Exor. of this my last Will and Testament and do utterly revoke and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me made. In Witness Wrareof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above writted. his John P. Pope. his Mark. In presence of Isaac Johnson, Nathan Pope, Howel Edmunds, Re- mark corded July 14, 1751. R. I. Kells, Cler. (Southampton Co~, Va., Booke 1, p. 46). Elizabeth Pope, Nottaway Parish, Isle of Wight Co., Will July 12, 1757. To Cousin Reeecca....-Gatling, Cousin Benjamin Pope, Elizabeth Barnes, daughter of Edward Barnes in N. c., Andrew McMiall, Cousin Henry Darqen, cousin John Pope, son of Wm. Pope, Brother William Pope. (Signed) Elizabeth X Pope. · - · · Wit.: Ann X Faircloth, George Gurley, Jr. {On 9 Jany~, 1727, Wm. Faircloth left legacy to Sarah Pope I wife of Henry Pope). ( s'outh­ ampton Co. Book 1, p. 230). Elizabeth Pope was dau. of John2, wliHCFeby. 1, 1748. Jacol& Darden and Henry Pope2, in Oct., 1704, admd Est. of Jacob Ricks. (Book 2, p. 483). John Pope, Sr., of Isle of Wight Co., made deed 5 April, 1740, to Andrew McMiall, of same Co. {I. of w. Deed Book 5, P• 462). Appraisement June 27, 1743, Estate of William Pope, of Isle of Wight. Administratrix: Patience Pope. Examined: Henry Thomas, Richard Blow. (Book 4, p. 499). Alse Blake, in 1702, witness to marriage of Mathew Jordan to Susanna Bresy. { 11 S. H. A. Pubs.", Vol. 6, p. 313). - Jno. Blake, Shff. of Nansemond Co.,, Feby. a, 1701. _ (Ibid, p. 411). (There is a note of reference to Chuckatuck lat of 7mo 1664--Alse Pope was ~. in 1667). This Alse Blake was very probably Alse Pope, dau. of William and Marie Pope, or Alse Pope may have been wife of John Hardy~ (See his will). ·

There is recor'd of a deed from Richard Washington, of Surry, 4 ~ to Richard Brassell, of Isle of Wight, 150 A., 20 -sr, Nov. 25, 1717 • ..c,,.. v2.. (I. of W. Grt. Book 2, p. 33~). Richard Washington. Wit: Frank West, Wm. Washington Elizh Washington. . _1'1.~ The Will of a John Williams, circa 1727, of record in Book 3, p. ~. Richard Bra~sol and John Williams were probably the sons­ in-law of Henry Pope (will 1728). 7

John Williams, on Dec. 28, 1670, sold to Wm. Linton and Geo~ Harrison 450 A. on the head of Yeocomoco River in Westmoreland Col, for 4250 lbs. Toc~c. and cash. (Book 1, p 400). Henry Pope m. Sarah Watts, dau. of John Watts and his wife, Alice English, dau. of John English, In Isle of Wight Book 1661- 1719, p. 386 is the will of John Watts, as follows: In the Name of God Amen. I John Watts being Sick and Weak of Body eut in perfect memory, praised lte God for it;: doe make this my Last Will ani Test- ament in manner as followeth: · I doe bequeath to my sonne John Watts six head of Cattell, it is named to he •••• with my horse Button and my Troopers arms ans a small brass pott and one Iron pott which is the biggest. and one feather bed which is up Stairs and ye furniture thereunto be­ longing, and the great Brass Kettle and six hammered plates and four pewter dishes and three Ewers which mJ Will is he shall put his Brother in Stock out of them. I doe give to my daughter Sara Pope my Little Table, and a warming pann, a little Brass Kettle, six Earthen plates and an Earthen porringer. And after my debts are paid I doe bequeath the rest of my Estate to be equally divieded amongst my three youngest Children, only I give to my scnne John Watts •••• two dozen ;:>eweter spoons. Witness my hand and seal this 20th of January, 1697/8. (Signed) John Watts. Wit.: James Tullogh, Jane Benn, Hewey Bulls. I doe make and ordayne my sonne John Watts and my sonne-in-law Henry Pope be whole and sole Execrs. of this my Will. Witness my hand. John Watts. Proved in Open Court held for ye Isle of Wight County ye 9th day of Feb. 1697J8 oy the oaths of all the witnesses and ordered to 'be recorded. Cha. Chapman, C. Ct. Will of John English, of Isle of Wight County, Va. In the Name of God Amen: I John English being sick and weak but in perfect sense and memory, I make this my last will and testament, in the manner and form as follcweth: I will and oequeath my souldto God who gave it to me, and my body to the earth to be euried in a decent manner. I will and bequeath to my loving daughter Frances Ilia all my pictures. I will and bequeath to my loving daughter Elizaoeth Church ten shillings to buy her a ring. I will and bequeath to my loving son-in-law, John Watts, all my wearing apparel, both linen and w:olen. I will and bequeath unto my Grand son John Ilis the first fould that the maire bringeth. I will and bequeath to my Grand son John Watts the next maire fould my maire bringeth. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Alice Watts six yards of serge. I will and 'Bequeath unto my three daughters Marj English, -and Sarah English, and Martha English all the rest of my Estate as fol­ lows: Maires, and horses, and cattle, goods and household stuff, to be equally divieded in kind and it is my will and desire that my daughter Francis Ills and my son•in-law John Watts, to be my over­ seers, of this my will performed; and· to make a eakell division be­ tween my three daughters of my estate, as witness ~y hand ani Seal this 13th day of August, 1678. John English (Seal). 8 { 232-233)

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us Daniel M~les and Thomas X Bell, (the mark of). Proved in Court held for the Isle of Wight County the 9th day of October, 1678, by the oathes of Daniel Miles and Thomas Bell and ordered to be recorded. Test.: John Broomfield, Clerk Court. Will of Richard Church, Norfolk Co., Jany. 5, 1705; p. 15 Fe~y., 1705- 1 6, names wife Elizabeth Church. (Abstract of Norfolk Co. Wills, pp. 191- 1 2). I. of W. Deed Bk, 1662-1715, p. 584. Be it knovm unto all men by these Presents that I Henry Bosman of the County of Nansimond ~3~ have freely and of my own good will Given, Granted and made over from me my Heires, Executors, Administrators or Assigns unto .Henry Pope forf LthedTe rmi of Tdim~ or Niinetthy nine yeaprs abhouft t wo hunfd~eidht ~~ Acres o an 1y ng an ~e 1ng n e 1ower ar 1s o 1 s 1 e o n g County and being part of a Pattent of 300 Acres of land granted unto Ambrose Bozman bearing date the 2nd of June in the year of our Lord 1673, which said Land was formerly granted unto William Smelly 1 ~y Pattent bearing date the 5th of October, 1667, which said 200 Acres of Land is lying on the West side of a Branch called the Head of Queen's Creek and to begin at or upon the Main Branch next John ~~ Moors's so running up the said Branch to a small Branch that is l'­ next aeove Ambrose Bozman 1 s little House and so up that Branch to j the Head Line. · · And the said Henry Bozman for himself his Heirs Executors, Administrators and Assigns Covenants and Agrees to and with the said 1~ Henry Pope his heirs shall from the Day of this Date for the term , · of Ninety nine years hereafter Have hold Occupy and possess and quietly enjoy the said 200 Acres of Land before Demised with all my right freely given and with all Rights and Proffith thereunder ~ . ~ appertaining without Lett or Hindrance or Molestation of him the 1 ~ said Henry Bozman his Heires Executors Adril' rs or Assigns by their J... knowledge or Consent, without any manner of Condition or limitation of use or uses, Rent or Rents (the King only excepted) and for the better Confirmation of the before Demised Premises the said Henry Bozman doth Oblidge himself to Acknowledge this to be his free and H voluntary Act & Deed in Open Court when thereunto required. Witness·~ my hand & Seal this 8th of February 1685/6. HENRY BOZMAN. ~ Acknowledged in Open Court held for the Isle of Wight County February the 9th, 1685, by Henry Bozman to be his Act and Deed and Ordered to be Recorded. Test: John Pitt, Clerk Court. This Deed is copied a second time in the records of the Isle of Wight when Henry Pope makes a Deed of sd. land to Richard Pope July 22nd, 171'7, {see Great Book, page 105) in consideration of 6000 lbs. of tobacco. · Sarah Pope, wife of Henry Pope2, receives an unique legacy: - William Faircloth, Isle of Wight, will ~th Jany., 1727; Rd 28 May, 1728, contains the following: Item.-~r give and bequeath to Sarah Pope wife of Henry Pope the Grirding Tole from all the Corn she brings for her family-' s use to the Mills dur.hg her naturs.l n.ife to have that liberty whenever the Mill shall frind. Wit.: Joseph Cobb, Robt. Soott. (Will Book 3, p. 96). W1lliam· F'arecloth. - WILL OF HENRY POPE, A. D. 1728. Will Book 3, p. 127, I. of W., Va.:--I, Henry Pope being at present weak in body, but perfect in sense and right in mind, calling to mind that it is once appointed for all men to dye, think fit to make this my last Will and Test­ ament wherein I give and bequeath my Lands and other Estaet which it has pleased Almight God to Gestow upon me in this World in manner and form as followeth: 9. (233 - 234)

Item 1. I give unto my Son William Pope five shillings.Cur­ rent money he having had his part before. Item 2. I give unto my Son Henry Pope five shillings Current money he having had his part before. Deed of Gift, December 3rd, 1717. Item 3. I give unto my Son Richard Pope five shillings, he having had his part before. (Deed of Gift, July 22nd, 1717.) Item 4. I give unto my Son Jacob Pope five shillings, he having had his part before. Item 5. I give unto my Son John Pope five shillings, he having had his part before. Item 6. I give unto my daughter, Mary Williams, One Qow and Calf, she having had her part before. Item ra. I give unto my Daughter Jane Brassole one Cow and Calf, she having had her part before. Item 8. I give unto my Son Joseph Pope my tract of Land upcn Black Creek to him and his heirs forever. Likewise two cows and calves and one Young Heifer and one young mare of Two years old 2-.3'f also two breeding sows and one year old Barrow also one old feather 9ed and covering belonging thereunto. Item 9. I give unto my Daughter Morning Pope my Tract of Land lying upon Meherrin river on the North side unto her and her heirs forever, also three Cows and calves and one three year old heifer and one four year old steer. Also one young mare of four years old, also one Bed and furniture which she has in her poss­ ession already, also one black leather trunk also ane Entry of Lani adjoining thereunto the said plantation. Item 10. I give unto my Son Thomas Pope my plantation on the south side of Murrattock river to him and his heirs forever. Also two cows and calves and two two year old Heifers, also one young mare of two years old. Also one sow and piggs. Also one small gun. Also one feather bed which I have at Rone Oak and a Sheet and Rugg. Item 11. I give unto my Son Samuel Pope ~ part of a tract of Land which I suppose to bee three hundred acres to him and his heirs forever which is taken up between us in his name and to be :tmde over to him that is in my Son John Popes name pattented. Also two cows and calves and Two Heifers. Also one young mare. It is also my Will that if either my three younger sons die without Heir that the others may have all his µirt. Item 12. I give unto Mary Clother one Cow and Calf at her freedom from my wife. Item 13~ I also leave unto my Son John Pope my part of the stock of Cattle which is in his hands no~ provided he will pay his Toeacco that I am bound for and have in possession for my Cousin Edward and John Pope and if he shall refus~ then to turn the cattle into my Estate. Item 14. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Sarah Pope all the rest of my estate both out Doors and in Doors to her behoof, and I appoint her and my son John Pope my whole and sole Executrix and Executor to this my last Will and Testa­ ment performed whereunto I have set my hand and fixed my seal this 28th day of May 1728. HENRY POPE. Test.: Epinctus Griffin, John Denson, Junior, Marolin Cluse. Recorded October 28th, 1728. Whether the daughter Morning Pope named in Item 9 r£ this will was his daughter or daughter-in-law is an open question. His 3 son Jacob Pope had wife named Morning Pope and his son John Pope's 10. (234 )- wife was named Mourning Pope. William Pope} of Isle of Wight, July 28, 1718, conveys 90 A. of land, patented by him March 22, 1715, •••• more especially of tender love and good will I bear unto my loving Brother Jacob Pope. (Great Book, p. 185). Jacob Pope and Morning Pope, his wife, on 19 Faby., 1721, sell this 90 A. of land to John Joyner. (Great Book, p. 482). William¥ Jacob~ John3and Thomas Pope3 patented lands in 1723 & 1728, on south side of Morratuck river, and paid 12 June, 1735, Quit Rent in Edgecombe for Albemarle County from 29 Sept.~ 1729, to March, 1732. (Land Book 3, pp. 179, 153 and 232; s. R. N. c., Vol. 22, pp. 241, et seq., 425). William Pope3, of the Co. of Nanzemond and Mary Haile of the Co. afsd did Publish their marriage in our Publick Meeting house Before a meeting of Men and Women friends upon the 11th day of the first Mo. 1707 and Coming Before the meeting the second time att our afores'd Publick Meeting house in Chuckatuck upon the eight day of the 2 mo. 1708 they did publish their marriage the second time and were married in the Public Meeting house on the Western Branch on the eleventh day of the 2 mo. 1708. Wm. Pope. · Mary Pope. · Bro. Henry Pope, Jpo. Porter, Jno. Askin; Robt~ Ricks, Philip Alsbury, Kathren Ricks, 1hos. Page, Wm. Powell, ·habecca Alsoury, Sarah Pope, Eliz~Powell. ("s. H. A. Pubs.", Vol. 6 1 p. 413). William Pope's will, Edgecom9e Co., N. c., 15 Jany., 1749:• Fahy• Court, 1749. (N. c. H. & G. Reg. 1-3-369). Richard Pope's will, Isle of Wight Co., 4 s~., 1733; 26___ Nov., ., 1733 (.Will Book 3, p. 378}. · Jos~ph Pope's 3 will,_ Isle of WVight 1.io., 29 Jany. (or June), 1748; 13 April, 1749. ·(~ook 5, p. 177). Henry Pope•S3 will, Southampton Co., Va.., 23 Octo. 1'758; 14 Dec. i 1763~ · (Will 22..:3~ Book 1, p. 278). Samuel Pope's 3 will, Craven Co., N. c., 5 Jany., 1758; 6 Jany. 1758. (N. C. H. & G. Reg. 1-3-365). . John Pope3, b. circa 1699; d. intestate, in Edgecomse Co., N. c., in 1745; m. Mourning McKinn1e, d. bet. 1741 and 1755; daughter of Col. Barnaby McKennie, Sr., 1673-1740; and his wife Mary (Exum) Ricks, relict of Jacob Ricks, d. · 1703, and daughter of Judge Jeremiah Exum, 1660-1720, and his wife, Ann Lawrence (See Exum and Mackquinney). John Pope3 Justice of the Peace for and within Edgecombe p~cinct Chowan Co., May 16, 1732. (C. R. N. c., Vol. 3, p. 417); on 6 March, 1739, was appointed Commissioner of Peace with Barnaby McKinnie, Joseph Cotten, ~hos. Kearney, et al. (C. R. N. c., Vol. 4, p. 346);, was a Church vWarden for Bertie Co. prior to 1740 (N. C. H. & G. neg. 2-2-303); was added to list of· jurymen for Bertie and Edgecombe Feby. 25, 1739-'40 (C. R. N. c., Vol. 4, p. 521); mem'ber of the General Assembly from Edgecombe 15 March, 17421 22 July, 1743, 24 Faby., 1743-'~, 15 Nov., . 17{4, 9 April, 1745 (C. R. N. C., Vol. 4, pp. 651-'2, 7~3 774). On 9 April, 1745, Mr. James Castellaw reported to the ~eneral Assembly (House of Burgesses) that John Pope3 one of the members from Edgecombe was dead. Report was also made by William Wilson, member from Newberne, that Mr. John Pope, member from Edgecombe, is dead. (C. R. N. c., Vol. 4, p. 744). . . John Pope3 1s shown as appticant for warrants and· grants in 1738, 1740, 1743 1 &c. (C. R. N. ., Vol. 4, PP• 329-'301 440, '4, 711, 588, 626, 631, &c)j. and on 2 Nov., 1744, was admitted to prove 11. (23·p -236) rights for 6 whites and 20 blacks for himself, also rights for John Jones and John Langston. (C. h. N. c., Vol. 4, p. 705). Deed from HENRY POPE of I. of w. Co., Va., to his son JOHN P9PE of Bertie Co., N. C. Bertie County, N. C., B'k B, p. 107. i'o all to whom these presents shall come I Henry Pope of Virginia sendeth Greeting. Know ye yt I ye sd. Henry Pope for and in Consideration of the sum 9f 2o f tt.current money of this Province to me in hand well and 'l'ruely paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged from John Pope my son and ye sd John Pope his heirs Exrs. Admrs. forever discharged, have bargained and s6ld and ey these presents do grant bargain Alienate Enfeoff release and Confirm unto ye sd. John Pope his heirs and assigns a parcel of Land lying and being in the Precinct of Bertie and containing by estimation 90 acres more or less being part of a Pattent of Land Granted to George Smith for 580 Acres ani by him sold to William Pope the whole 580 Acres and by him the said William Pope conveyance was mde to Henry Pope his Father for 290 Acres of this afore men­ tioned 90 Acres Lying ani being on the So. side of Morra.ttuck River beginning at a Cypress standing in ye Beaver Dam Swamp yn turning on the No. Et. side of ye Swamp on the line of ye aforesaid Pattent to a ~white Oak still by the Course of yet Pattent to ye afsd. Beaver Dam Swamp down ye Swamp to ye first station. To have and to Hold ye sd 90 Acres of Land, be it more or less with all ye profits appurtenances and privileges to him ye sd John Pope his heires and assigns to him and their prope~ use and behoof for ever. And I the sd. Henry Pope for me my heirs ~xrs. admrs. to and with ye sd Jno. Pope his heirs and assigns to covenant yt -ye above Granted premises are free and clear of all Incu.murances arid ye same do war- · rant and defend to him said John Pope his heirs and Assigns forever. In Testimony whereof I ye sd Henry Pope herewith set my hand and seal this •••••••• day of ••••••••• 1726. HENRY POPE Signed sealed and delivered in ye presence of us. Joseph Lane, Jr., W1111am Birkhead. Bertie Precinct ye May Court 1726.· 'l'he above Deed of sale from Henry Pope to John Pope was in open Court proved by ye oath of Joseph Lane one of the Evidences thereun~o which is oro.ered to be Registered. (This land was inherited by Henry Pope4 (son· of John3) and sold by him an5 his wife Tabitha Pope on 13 Sept., 1759, to John Branch. (Halifax o. Deed Book, 7, p. 67.) · WILLIAM POPE'S DEED TO HIS FATHER HENRY POPE. Bertie. N. -c., Bk A, p. 162:--Know all men by these presents that I William Pope .. of ye Isle of Wight in Virginia doe by these presents from me my heirs, Exrs. Admrs. and assigns firmly by these presents & in Con­ sideration whereof for half ye sum of money paid to George Smith that I VVilliam Pope do bargain sell and make over and deliver my right title and interest of ye half of ye pattent of land sold to me by George Smith to Henry Pope my Father to him his heirs, Exrs. Admrs~ and assigns for ever to have a good quiet lawful and peace­ able hight and possession to 290 Acres of land or plantation in Chowan precinct & on ye south side of Morattuck River and on ye lower side of ye great swamp Joyning and beginning at a marked hickory in Thomas Goodwin's line so running along a line of marked trees to a standing in a meadow on ye swamp side to a marked standing in ye swamp side. From thence up ye middle of ye swamp to .ye line so along ye line to re Corn~r tree oetween Graford and John Po~e so along ye line to 1·homas lioodwin' s line to ye marked Hickory for 11. (236

290 Acres of land more or less being part of a Pattent of land bought of George Smith bearing date ye 3rd Day of December 1720 Containing 580 Acres of :a nd. I ye sd ·w1111am Pope do Covenant give grant Confirm acknow­ ledge and make over all my right herunto belonging in as large and lawfull and ample manner as I myself could expect to receive by ye aforesaid Conveyance to him ye aforesaid Henry Pope or either of them for ever which right or title I ye aforesaid ''illiam Pope do warrant to have harmless and defend from any person or persons whatssever from me or by or under us or either of us in ye Renalty of 60~i., urrent money upon demand at any time to ye aforesaid Henry Pope or his order or his heires or either of them upon any lett or hind­ rances Incumbrances whatsoever in vii tness my hand & seal this 15th day of August 1722. WILLIAM POPE & a seal. Signed sealed and delivered in ye· presence of us: John Bryan, John Griffith, Thomas Boone. Bertie Precinct ye August Court., 1723 the above Deed of sale was acknowledged in open Court by ye Uranter in due form of law and ordered to be Registered and is Registered. John Sutton, Deputy C1erk. 11 The Popes settled in the extreme edge of civilization in 1'120, near Caledonia (then a part of Chowan, :a ter of Bertie, then Edge­ 11 combe, and then Halifax Co. ) Letter of J. R. B. Hathaway, 13 Feby., 1902, to Mr. L. J. Hill, of Atlanta, <.& Valentine Braswell and wife, Jean, to 0 arnaby McKinnie (Book "F", No. 1, p. 185, at Ea.enton), Power of attorney to acknowledge Sale and relinquish dower to 200 acres land sold John Pope3, July 21, 1721, on Aherron Swamp, where John Pope now liveth.. Test.: William Pope, ~. Ledbetter. (N. c. H. & G. Reg. 1-3-470) In 1729 John Pope and Mourning his wife of Bertie Precinct sell to William Bennett 200 A. of land lying on the South side Moratuck River and on the North side of Elk Marsh Swamp patented bf, John . Pope 1 11 Jubr,, 24, 1'728. Bertie Precinct, Aug. Court.c, 1729. (Book (.; C , p. 136). On Aug. 19, C741, John Poi:e , of dgecombe Co., N. • , sells to John Pope of N. • (no doubt his son) 200 a. in County aforesaid lying on the North'side of Fishing Creek, part of a patent granted the said John Pope 17th June, 1741, and Mourning Pope the wife of John Pope freely and willingly yielded up and surrendered up all right of Dower and power of third, &c, &c. Wit.: Henry Craffold (?), Jacob Pope. Edgecombe Co. Aug. Ct. 1741. (Halifax Co. Deed Bk. 1, p. 396.) . On Aug. 18, 1741, John Pope3 and Mourning Pope his wife, of Edgecombe Co., made deed to 200 A. on North side of Fishing Creek to ~aron Etheridge, of Va. (Halifax co. Deed Bk. 1, p. 398. John bryan (Bryant) in will, 14th day of ye, 1734 says: "I do ( Leave and Bequeath to my well Beloved friend John Pope one hundred acres of land in A pla~e on Cohukee Line beloW-ye piace where Hobt. Wright now Live~h, Edsecombe Precinct, N. c., 14 Sept., 1734. (Wills and Inv. of N. u. by lirimea, p. 96). · Craven Co., N. c. (Newbern) Deed ~ook 2, p. 382. Jany. 10th, 1734:--John Pope Gentleman, of Edgecombe Co., N. v. made deed to William Kinchen, 200 A. of land on the North side of the Meuse river at the head cf Horse Creek (land granted John Pope by patent). (Signed) John Pope Wit.: Nathl Cooper, John Lane. Proved Nov. 29th, 1744, before Ed. Moseley, Chief Justice and ordered Recorded. 12. ( 236 - 237)

DEED: John Pope to John Pope:--To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know all ye that I John Pope of Edgcomb County No. Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds lawful money of Virginia have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto John Pope of No. Carolina his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land lying in the County afsd. on the North side of L''ishing creek contain­ ing by estimation 200 acres be the same more or less, butted and bounded as follows. Beginning on the upper line Pope's Branch on the east side ~· 80 E. along the line to the center of s . .n. Oks and hickory then~. 209 ••••• to a redoak on the creek to the mouth of so up the Branch to the first station, =eing part of a patent granted to me John Pope and bearing date the 17th day of June 1741. 'l'o have and to hold the sd. bargained and demised premises' with all the - appurtenances thereunto belonging free from the day_.,, of t:t;ie date here­ of forever and I the sd. John Pope Doe me my heirs ~xes ~dmrs. do promise grant and agree to and with the sd. John Pope his heirs and assigns to warrant and defend to them and their heirs the sd. demised premises forever, after the date of these presents and I Mourning Pope the wife of John Pope doth by these presents freely and willing yield up and surrender all my right of Dower and power of third of in and to the above demised premises unto him the sd. John Pope his Heirs and assigns. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of Au~. in the year of Our Lord 1741. John Pope {seal) Mourning Pope (seal). Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us. Henry Craffold, Jacob Pope. Edgecomb County. tug. Court 1741. The within deed of sale was in open Court in due form of law acked, and ••••• Test Rt. Forster C • C • T • - Record of Deeds No. 1, p. 396, Halifax Co., N. b. Office of the Register of Deeds. On July 12, 1915, a friend wrote me as follows: "Sometime ago I had the pleasure of a conversation with the Rev. L•• .n -Christie, of Columbus, Ga., who was born and reared in Halifax Co., N. c., ·· and knew the many Popes of that county. He told me a number of in­ teresting things. The old John Pope3 place is well known and now belongs to the State of N. C. as an experiment station, and is con­ sidered the finest farm in the State. It is down on the Roanoke River. The old homestead is still standing--huilt ~ whiteoak logs, weatherboarded on the outside and plastered on the inside." John3 and Mourning (McKinnie) Pope had issue: 1.- Henry Pope4, 2.- John Pope4; 3.- Winnifred Pope4; 4.- Barnaby Pope4; 5.- Lewis Pope4; 6.- Jesse Pope4. Order of births not known. Col. Barnaby McKennie, i':>r., in his last "Will and Testament made Aug. 13, 1737, names his daughter Mourning Pope, as ~hown in the various petitions by John Lane, Barnaby McKinnie and William Hurst to dock the entail of lands under said will. · (c~R.N~C., Vol. 5, pp. 1026-'29-'32; 1071-'2-'7--year i758; Ib. Vol. 6, -pp. 383- _ '4-'7, 481; s. R. N. C. 25, p. 465-'6--1761; Deed Books, Halifax 0 o., No. 2, p. 49, and No. 7L p. 35). - - Henryc Pope4 (Johnv, -Henrya, Williaml) , was b • circa- 1723 , in· - Edgecombe o.; d. in 1764, in Halifax Co.; m., circa 1748, Tabitha ••• ••• ,maiden name not known. Shem. (II), circa 1768, Col. Thomas Wootten, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Rousseau Wooten, of Halif~x Co., and d. in 1808 in Oglethorpe ~o., Ga. (See Lewis and Wooten} 13;.

(237 - 238)

Henry Pope4 appears to have dealt la.rge ly in lands, and by inheritance and purchase to have owned a considerable acreage. (Halifax Co. Deed Books No. 7, pp. 34-'5-'8 and 67; No. 8, p. 178; No. 17, p. 348). His . willA dated 2 Jany., 1764; p. April Court, 1764, is recorded in ~11 ~ook 1, p. 144, as foJlows: In the Name of God Amen. I Henry Pope being very Sick and V~eak but in perfect senses ~hanks be to ~od, remembering the Mortality of Man do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following, first I recommend my ~oul to God who gave it me ~nd my Body to the Earth to be buried in a christian like Manner at the Discretion of my Executors, hereafter mentioned and as for my worldly Estate that hath pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose of in Manner and form following viz.: Item. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Tabitha Pope one negroe named Joe and all my household Furniture and all my live stock and all my Debts due me upon consideration she pay all my just Debts and each of my sons yt shall be living when they come to age, one good feather Bed and furniture and three good cows and calfs, to each of them, or in the Lue thereof, fifteen pounds proc money to be paid to each of them and also I lend the Manor plantation to my Wife Tabitha during her Natural Life. Item. I give and bequeath to my oldest Son Burrel Pope, one plantation lying on Roanoke containing two hundred and nine Acres yt land which fell to me by Heirship from Barnaby McKenney and also one negroe Girl named Patt to Him his Heirs and assigns forever. T1 Item. I give and beque th to my four younger sons Willis pope, John pope, Henry AustiB pope and Wiley pope all ye rest of my Lands and negroes yt I have not bequeathed before, to them and their Heirs and Assigns forevet1 to be equally divided to them by John Bradford, Jesse pope and William Lane or either two of them and I also appoint John Bradford, Jesse pope and my well beloved Wife Tabitha, whole and sole Exrs. of this my last Will and Testament and likewise appoint the same three persons whole and sole Guardians, to all my children. In Witness whereof I have herunto set my Hand and Seal this 2nd Day of January in ye year of Our Lord 1764. Henry Pope (Seal). . her Signed and sealed in the presence of wwilliam 'l'hralkel; Patience X Bradford, Sarah X Thralkel her mark. Halifax Apl Court 1764.... mark the •••••••• This will was exhibited on Oath in open Court by the ~xrs. and duly proved by ye Oath of William Thralkel -a subscribing Witness thereto, whereupon ye Executors therein named came into Court and · were duly qualified. Ordered the said Will to be recorded. Test.--­ Joseph Montford, c. Ct. Joseph Lane, of Edgecombe, in will 6 Dec., 1757; p. Nov. Ct., 1758, names as his p~incipal legatee his brother William Lane and as his Exrs.: John Bradford and Henry Pope. These Executors refused to qualify, whereupori the Court appointed William Lane. (~uery-­ Could Tabitha Pope have been the aunt of William Lane · and nee Lfine?) Henry Pope~ to Blake Baker, Halifax Co., Book 7, p. 35. £his Indenture made the •••••• day of in the year of our Lord 1759 Between Henry Pope of the Co. of Halifax and province of N. v. of the one part and Blake Baker of the Cg. and province afs'd of the other part Wi tnesseth that whereas Col. darnaby McKennie late of Edgecomoe Co. and province afsd Grand father to the said Henry Pope being seized in the Demesne as of ~ee of and in all those messuage lands and 14.

( 238 - 239) tenements situate lying and being in Northampton and Halifax, formerly Edgecombe Co. on the ~outh and North side of Morattock River Contain­ ing by estimation two thousand five hundred !?;Cres, by his last Will and Testament in wrrttng d:ev !sea to hi:s son Hichard McKinnie a 11 his land on the North side of Morattock r1ve'i'1)eg1nn1ng at a Sycamore on the river bank above the landine; running a direct course to a white oak on hogberry Gut being t~e dividing line between him the said Barnaby McKinnie and Capt. Wvm. Kitchen including the Mill and all other appurtenances and all the land in that survey also that "tract of land and plantation where the said Barnaby McKinnie then lived bounded as followeth beginning at the upper end of the Cypre·ss Gut on Morattock River at a place called the Old Mill dam thence by the windings of the said Gut to the Great ditch thence along the Ditch to the corner thereof at the road and thence by the courses of the Cypress Gut to where Wm. Brown's loW3r head line crosses the same and thence by Brown's head line to his corner near the head of t~e Miry Marsh thence by Brown's lower line to a Maple on Morrattock River · as also two hundred acres of land purchased of Col. ••m. Maul adjoin­ ing Brown's lower line and all the remainder of the said rlarnaby McKennie's land on the South side of Morrattock River not before devised that is (if) his son Richard should die without lawful issue that his said ·plantation where he then lived and three hundred acres of land adjoining should descend to his son John McKinnie, and all other his lands devised as afores 1 d to his son Richard McKennie should descend to his two daughters Patience Lane and Mourning Po2e and whereas the said Richard McKinnie is dead without lawful issue where­ by the property of the afores 1d lands (except the three hundred devised to the afores 1 d John McKinnie) is vested in and become the property of the said Henry Pope and John Lane the lawful heirs of the said Patience lane and Mourning Pope and whereas Col. Jos. Lane purchased of tne said .:[_ohn Lane by lawfull conveyance all his right - share and part of the af"ores rd land devised as afores 'd to the said Patience Lane and Mourning Pope whereby the property thereof was vest_ed in the said Jos. Lane by virtue whereof the said Henry Pope and the said Jos. Lane by articles of agreement bearing date the ninth day of December in the year of our Lard one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five made a division of the lands afores 1 d devised aa afores'd to the said Patience Lane and Mourning Pope that is to say .••••• (here follows a long description of the property, etc., which I omit.--L. J. H.) This deed--In witness whereof the afores'd Henry Pope and the said Blake Baker have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Henry Pope (Seal) Blake Baker (Seal) Sea.led and de1ivered in presence of John Pope, Alexr ~nseley. Halifax ~ounty, s. • June Court, 1759. This deed of partition was in open Court duly acknowledged ar.rl. on motion ordered to be registered. Test.: Jos. Montford, Cler. Cur. · · · JACKSON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C. Bk. 3, p. 38:- 'I'his in­ denture made ~his nineteenth day of July in the thirty third year the reign of our ~overeign Lcrd George the second by the Grace of God of Great Brittian & Ireland King defender of the faith &c and in y s year of our Lcrd Christ one thousand seven hundred & fifty nine between Henry Pope and Tabitha his wife of the County of Halifax and province of North Carolina of the one part & Blake Baker of the County & Provence aftr es aid of the other part, Whereas Barnaby Mackinny late of the County of Edgecombe & province aforesaid deceased being in 15.

( 239 - 240)

his life time & at the time of his deat~ seized and ~ossessed of a tract of land & mill situate lying & being in the County of Northampton in the province aforesaid containing by estimation four hundred acres more or less and by his last will and testament bearing date the thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred &. thirty seven devised the same together with other lands to his son rtichd Mc Kinne in fee-tail & for want of issue of him the sd Ricllard devised the said four hundred acres of land with other lands devised as aforesaid to his son Richard as aforesaid to his two daughters Patience Lane and Mourning Pope and whereas the said Richard is dead without lawful issue whereby the property of ye aforesaid four hundred acres with other lands devised as aforesaid were & is vested in the sd Patience Lane and Mourning Pope and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten for ever to be devised as by the sd will duly proven & recorded in the vounty of Edgecombe relation being thereunto had ma~ more fully & at large appear & also whereas John Lane the right heir of sd Patience Lane by deed of conveyance sold & aliened his part or share of the sd lands devised as aforesaid to Col. Joseph Lane who also conveyed the same to Blake Baker by deed of conveyance by reason whereof the property was & is vested in the said Blake Baker by means where­ of the said Henry Pope & ye sd Blake Baker made partition of the sd lands devised as aforesaid & the sd four hundred acres of land was allotted & layed off for ye ad Henry Pope for part of his share of the aforesaid lands as right heir to the aforesaid Mourning Pope relation being had to the several deeds and conveyances may more . fully appear by virtue whereof the sd Henry Pope is seized & possessed of the aforesaid four hundred acres of land with appurtenances there­ unto belong in& in fee tail & whereas by an Inquisition taken before James Turner Esqr. Sheriff of the County of Northampton the tenth day of July in ye year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty nine by virtue of a writ in ye nature and an ad ~uod Damnum bearing date the 28th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty nine issued out of the Secretarys office and signed by the Honorable Richd Speight ~squire Secretary of the ad province to the said Sheriff directed pursuant to an act of assembly in such case nB.de and provided to Enquire by the oath of at least twelve good & lawful men of his Bailiwick of the value of the aforesaid four hundred acres of land whether the same be parcel of 01• contigous to other intailed lands of the ad Henry Pope which Inquisition (to-wit) William Bennett, Green Hill, Thomas Williams, Benjamin Branch, John Williams, Harwood Jones, John Paul:. Joseph Exum·, '.I'hos. Barret, Barnabe '.11homas, Epphrcti tus Killbe, & William Moore being sworn &c and viewed the aforesaid four hundred acres of land did upon their oaths say that the aforesaid four hundred acres of land was of the value of forty pounds sterling money of Great Brittain & no more and that sd four hundred acres of land is not parcel of -or contiguous to other intailed lands of the sd Henry Pope relation being had to the writ & Inquisition remaining the secretarys office of this province may more fully & at Jarge appear. NOW, this indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds sterling money of Great Brittain to us the said Henry Pope and Tabitha his wife hand paid by the said Blake Baker before the sealing & delivery of 16. (240

these presents the receipt whereof we the sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife do freely acknowledge & thereof do release, acquit, and discharge the said Blake Baker his heirs and assigns forever that piece or parcel by these presents do _bargain, grant, s,ell, alien, release & confirm unto the sd Blake Baker his heirs, Exrs & admrs & assigns forever · that piece or parcel of land and premises by esti­ mation containing four hundred acres be the same more or less herein before mentioned to be devised as aforesaid by the sd Barnabe Mack­ inne and devised as above mid by the sd Blake Baker & Henry ~ope situate lying & being in the County of Northampton aforesaid and all houses, woods, & underwoods, trees, ways & waters, steams, water­ courses, rents mill, milldams ponds & Ponds of water, profits, commodities and hereditaments, rents issues & appertaining whatso­ ever to ye sd piece or parcel of land and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions, remainder, remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title interest, use trust possession benefit property claim and demand whatsoever of them ye sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife of in and to the same and all deeds evidences and writings touching or in any­ wise concerning the sd premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sd piece or parcel of land herein before mentioned or intended to be herein or hereby granted bargained and sold with their and every of their appurtenances unto the sd Blake Baker his heirs and as:tgns for ever and the sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife for them their heirs exra and admrs doth couenant promise & grant to & with the sd Blake Baker his heirs and assigns by these presents that the sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife hath not made done or committed or willingly suffered any act matter thing whereby or by reason or means whereof the sd piece or parcel of land and premises hereby bargained & sold or any part thereof are or may be impeached charged or incumbered in title charges or otherwise howsoever and also the sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife and their heirs and all and every other person or persons having or lawfully claiming or to claim any estate interest of in and to the sd premises hereby pargained and sold or any part thereof by from or under him them or any of them, shall and will from time to time and at all times upon the reasonable request of and at the proper cost and charges in the law of the sd Blake Baker his heirs and assigns make and execute or cause & promise to be made & executed all such further & other lawful & reasonable act or acts, thing & things devises & conveyances & assurances in the law whatsoever for the further better more perfect & absolute conveying & assuring the said piece or parcel of land and premises hereby bargained & sold with their & every of their appurtenances unto the sd Blake Baker his heirs and assigns as by the sd Blake Baker his heirs and assigns I shall be lawfully and reasonably advised required & lastly that the sd Henry Pope & Tabitha his wife the above granted premises and every part and parcel thereof unto ye sd Blake Baker, his heirs and assigns against the lawful title claim demand of all person.· or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents. In witness whereof ye sd Henry Pope &. 'labi tha his wife have hereunto set their hand and affixed their seals the day & year first above written. Henry Pope (Seal). Tabitha Pope (Seal). 17. (240 - 241)

Witnesses: James Edward, James Holdness, John Gilcott. Halifax Co., N. c.;., 0 ook 7, p. 67:--Deed from Henry Pope and Tabitha, his wife, of the Parish of Edgecombe and County of Halifax, Sept. 13~h, 1759, sold to John Branch land consisting of two tracts, one tract containing 100 acres Was purchased of John Branch, ~r. &: John Branch, Jr., ye other piece of land 90 acres 11 ! am lawfully possessed of in my own proper right by inheritance. Consideration 94 4--- 9 sh. Henry Pope. Tabitha Pope Wit.: ~•m. Branch •vm. Gulledge Henry Pope4 (John~, Henry2, Williaml) and his wife, Tabitha had--as shown in his will: 1.- Burwell Pope5; 2.- Willis Pope5; John Pope5; 4.- Henry Augustine Pope5; 5.-Wylie Pope5. 1. Burwell Pope5 was b. in 1751; d. 9 Jany~, 18QO, in 49th year of his age; m. 8 Sept., 1772, in Halifax or ~V ake c.;o., N. c., Priscilla Wootten, b. 1756; d. 19 Jany., 18061 in her 50th year, dau. of Benjamin Wooten (will 26 June, 1764; Oct. Court, 1764,-­ Halifax Co. Will Book l~ p. 151) and his wife, Elizabeth Rousseau. (See Lewis and · iootten. J Deed Bk. 13, p. 324. Halifax Court House, N. c. c.;o py. Province of North Carolina: --George the third by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc.-­ To the Sheriff of Halifax ~ounty Greeting. We command you that by the oath of good & lawful men of your County by whom the truth of the matter may be -etter known you diligently enquire if it may be to the Damage or prejudice of us or others if Burwell Pope should sell two hundred acres of land with the appurtenances lying & being in Halifax County aforesaid whereof he is seized as Tenant in fee tail under the will of Barnaby McKinnie Senr. and if it be to the damage or prejudice of us or others, then to what damage or prejudice of us & to \lh.at damage or prejudice of others and of what value to said land with the improvements thereon im de now is in good & lawful money of Great Brittain and whether the same be parcel of or con­ tiguous to other lands whereof the said Burwell Pope is seized as Tenant in Fee Tai~ and that you sand without delay the Inquisition thereof Distinctly & openly made, to us in our Secretary's office under your hand & seal and the hands & seals of those by whom you shall make such Inquisition together with this writ. Witness Josiah Martin our Captain General Governor & Commander in Chief in & over our said province at Newbern the 30th day of December in the 15th year of our reign Anno Dom. 1774. By Virtue of an act of Assembly mEde in the 22nd year of the reign of our late Sovereign Loro. George the second King of Great Brittain etc. Varnes Parrott, D- Secy. Halifax County, s. ~.: Inquisition taken on the lands of Burwell Pope, if it should be to the prejudi oo of our Sovereign Lord the King etc, or others if Burwell Pope should sell two hundred acres of land lying & being in Halifax County aforesaid whereof the said Burwell Pope is seized as Tenant in fee tai l under the will of Barnaby McKinnie Senr. according to a limitation therein, before Wm. rlranch ~sg. Sheriff of Halifax County by virtue of the writ of -our d-overeign Lord 'the King directed to the aforesaid ~vm. Branch Sheriff as aforesaid according to act of Assembly Good & lawful men of the County aforesaid fo Wit Wm. Watson James Faucett, Edward Moreland, Frances Moreland, Richard Barrett, Michael Aaron, Peter 18. (241

Aaron, Peter Brown, John Smith, John Gunter, Patrick Garland & John Phillips who say upon their oath aforesaid that the said lands in the said writ mentioned is of the value of fID;y pounds, lawful money of tireat Brittain & no more nor injurious to any other claim­ ant nor contiguous to or parcel of any other entailed lands belong­ ing to the aforesaid Burwell Pope nor of any damage to any other person whatsoever as they can be any ways informed In Witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands & seals the 30th day of December Anno Dom. 1774 and in the 15th year of our Reign: John Brarrch Shiff. Wm. Watson (SEAL). Peter Aaron l SEAL). James Faucett {SEAL). John Smith (SEAL). · (his) John Gunter (SEAL). Edward Moreland (SEAL) Patrick Garland {SEAL). (mark) (his) Francis Moreland (SEAL) John Phillips (SEAL). (his) (mark) Richard Barrett (SEAL) Peter Brown (SEAL). (mark) Michael Aaron {SEAL) Deed showing Burwell Pope's Ancestry. Copy:--Deed Book No. 13 Page 247, Halifax Court House North Carolina. This Indenture made on this twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy five Between Burwell Pope and Priscilla his wife of the County of Wake in the province of North Carolina of the one .part and Nicholas Long of the County of Halifax and province aforesaid of the other part whereas Colo Barnaby McKinnie late of the County of Edgecombe and province of North Carolina afore­ said Deceased being in his life time and at the time of his death seized and possessed of a tract of land lying and being in the County of Halifax formerly Edgecombe did &y his will and testament in writ­ ing bearing date the thirteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven (This date evidently was 1737, as that was the date of Col. Barnaby McKinnie's Will, and this deed was itself made in 1775, it could not refer to anything in 1777, no doubt the mistake was made in copying from the original to the Deed Book) devise the same to his daughter Mourning in fee tail which his said Daughter Mourning Intermarried with John Pope and had issue by him to wit Henry Pope since which the said Henry Pope is dead and the said land has descended to Burwell Pope in fee tail as aforesaid according to the will of the said Barnaby Mc­ Kinnie reference 9eing had thereto may more fully and at large appear also whe r eas by an Inquisition taken before William Branch Sheriff of the County of Halifax the 30th day of December in the year of Christ 1774, by virtue of a writ in the nature of Ad Quod Damnum bearing date the 30th day of December in the year of Christ 1774 Issued out of the Secretarys office and signed by James Parrott Deputy Secre­ tary of the said province to the Sheriff of Halifax County directed pursuant to an act of Assembly of the Province in such case made & provided to enquire by the oaths of good & lawful men of the said County of Halifax whether it is to prejudice of our soverign Lord the King or others if Burwell Pope should sell two hundred acres of 19

land of t he said Burwell Popes and whether the same ba parcel of or contiguous to other entailed lands of the said Burwell Pope which Inquisition to wit Wm. Watson, James Faucett, Edward Moreland, Francis Moreland, Richard Baratt, Micharl Aaron, Peter Aaron, John Smith, ~ohn Gunter, Patrick Garland, John Phillips and Peter Brown which Inquisition etc being sworn and having viewed the land afore­ said did upon thei~ oaths say that the said land was of the value of fifty pounds Sterling money of Great Brittain and no more and that it I is not parcel of or contiguous to others entailed lands of the said ) Burwell Pope nor is it of prejudice to our sovereign Lord th~ King or others for the said Burwell Pope to sell the said two htl.ndred acres of land reference being had to the writ and Inquisition aforesaid now remaining in the Secretarys office of this Province may more fully and at large appear Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Bur­ well Pope for and in Consideration 6f the sum of three hundred and eighty pounds proclamation money to him in hand paid by the said Nicholas Long the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge the said Burwell Pope and Priscilla his wife have granted bargained and sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto him to said N.icholas Long his heirs and assigns for ever certain piece tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Halifax and province aforesaid on the South aide of Roanoke River and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at the mouth of the Cypress Gut thence running up the said Gut to the place called the old Mill dam thence up the said Gut to the mouth of the great ditch thence along the ditch to .the corner on the road and where the said ditch crosses the Cypress Gut thence along the said Ditch to Nicholas Long's line formerly Richard McK1nnie's thence along the said line to the corner A white oak thence along the said Long's line as aforesaid to a Sycamore on the river bank thence up the river to the first Station containing by estimation two hundred acres as aforesaid be the same more or less together with all pro­ fits commodities advantages hereditiments and appurtinances whatso­ ever to the same belonging or in any wise appertain and the rever­ sion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and services of the said premises and of every part and parcel thereof and all the estate right and title Interest claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Burwell Pope and Priscilla his wife of in and to the said two hundred acres of land and premises and every part thereof to have and to hold the same to the said Nicholas Long his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Nicholas Long his heirs & assigns for ever and the said Burwell Pope for him and his heirs and every of them doth hereby covenant and grant to & with the said Nicholas Long his heirs and assigns that he the said Burwell Pope & his heirs shall & will warrant & forever defend the said two hundred acres of land and premises and every part thereof to the said Nicholas Long his heirs and assigns for ever in Witness whereof the said Burwell Pope & Priscilla his wife have here­ unto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. Sealed and Delivered in Presence of · Burwell Pope (SEAL). Priscilla Pope (SEAL). Halifax County, s. s. February Court 1775. Then the afore go­ ing deed was in opin Court duly acknowledged by Burwell Pope the party thereto and Priscilla Pope the feme in the said deed mentioned being first privately examined by Jas. Allen Esq. acknowledged she relin­ quished her right of dower freely and voluntarily and without com­ pulsion whereupon said deed was ordered to be registered. Test: Jas. Montfort c. c.

) BURWELL POPE'S WILL. "I, Burwell Pope or the County of Oglethorpe and State of Georgia being in perfect health and of a sound mind do make and or­ dain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, viz.:--- Item. I give unto my beloved wife Priscilla,--James, Francis, and Patt, and all my live stock, all my household furniture and · plantation tools except the desk~ she paying all my just debts,-­ and to each of my children the several legacies hereafter mentioned, Also the use of my plantation whereon I now live, during her natural life. !'tem. I give and bequeath to.my son Robert two negroes Jack and Judah, five hundred and seventy-five acres of land in Jackson County, on the north fork of Oconee River whereon he now lives, one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, he paying to the es­ tate eighteen thousand weight of Inspected tobacco or one thousand dollars at his option. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Tabitha two negroes, and David, one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, and two hundred and eighty seven and a half acres of land on Big Creek where Miles Hill now lives. · Item. I .give and bequeath to my daughter Martha two negroes Adam and Dick, one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, also one other negro named Lucy. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Willie two negroes Daniel and Samuel, one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, and two small tracts of land, one of one hundred and fourteen acres and the other of sixty acres, and all that part of the tracts I now live on on the south of the branch, running through the plantation, all joining together. Item. I give and bequeath to frf3' daughter Sarah three negroes, Ida, Ephriam, and Richard, One feather bed and furniture, and two cows and calves. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Burwell two negroes Edward and James (the younger) one beather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, and all the land, including the plantation where l now live, not already disposed, also one walnut desk. All the rest ). I of my estate both real and personal after paying all my just debts to be equally divided between all my children so as to make each child's part as nearly equal as possible, by ~ohn Pope, Henry Pope, and Wilie Pope who are appointed my Administrators to this my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of November 1799. BURWELL POPE. Signed and seftled in presence of John Gresham, Senr., Richard Bailey. A true Copy taken from the Original last Will and Testament of Burwell Pope, deceased. Certified by me this eighteenth day of June in the year of Our Lord 1800. Erors excepted.--w. B. Bailey, c. C. o.o. c. Recorded Lexington, Oglethorpe County, Georgia-­ Book A, page 91. "Ordered that Thomas Wootten, James Freeman, Benjn Taylor, Jas. Thomas and Rhillip Wray, Esq., be and they are hereby appointed appraisers of the Estate of Burwell Pope deed. June 17, 180011 • (Oldest Marriage Book, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Mixed Records, p.52} Burwell Pope, 1751-1800 was a Justice of the Peace and Member of the Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, of Wake Co., N. c., during the Revolution. (N. c. Booklet, Vol. 5, 1905, No. 1, pp. 3 to 14.--Article entitled 11 Genesis of Wake Co. 11 , by Marshall deLancey Haywood); member of the House of Commons of N. c. · from Wake Co. in 1781-'2 ·(Wheeler's His. of N. c., part 2nd, pp. 421-'2; c. R. N. c., Vol. 16, p. 2}. He was reimbursed for sums expended in the Revolution as follows: To Burwell Pope, Member of Wake, Car. No. 42 for 3,400 ~ . Warrant and Grant foI" Currency (N. c. His. Com­ mission, Vol. Xl, P•. 46, folio 1); To Burwell Pope [ Wake Co., in · pencil, after itl , Cer. 701, -1067~ . (Ibid, Vol. XI, p. 42, folio · 3). On page 29 of th!s Vol. is the following : 11 Comptroller's Office, Kinston. The u. s. of Am'a to the State of N. c.. For sundries · allowed by a Committee of Claims as per 'Repo:rt dated May 3~ 1779". He was a member of the Georgia' State Senate from Oglethorpe Co., Ga., 1794-5 and .1799; of the Ga. State Constitutional Convention in 1798 (John Lumpkin and Thos. Duke were. the other two delegates 'from Oglethorpe Co.) ·-voted against the "Yazoo Fraud".· A copy of his affidavit as to an attempted bribery, and the discomfiture of those concerned in it, was in the possession of _the late ex~u. s. S~nator and Judge Pope Barrow at the time of his death ("Story of Ga. and the Ga. People", pp. 173-179, by Dr. George Gilmer Smith; J. H. Chap. Coll. Vol. l, p. 302). The Senators who voted E:tgainst the Yazoo Fraud, Feby. 7, 1795, were: Mr. Milledge, Mr. Lanier, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Irvin, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Pope; Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Wood. ("Story of Ga.", p. 173). As a me·mber of the Revolutionary Legislature Burwell Pope risked his life for his country and was a patriot • .See (W. T. R. Saffell's Record of the Revolution; Roster in Office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina). 1784. In the Office of the Secretary of State, Atlanta, Georgia. "Grants of the Commissions of the Confiscated Estates, Book B. 3, To Musgrove, Pope, and others, 500 acres in Camden Co., for Oglethorpe Academy, Nov. 15th, 1784. The following extracts from a rare book in the Library of United States Senator Pope Barrow of Savannah, Georgia, were furnished by his sister, Mrs. Bourke Spaulding. They show that Burwell Pope repudia tad with scorn an a·ttempt to bribe him in connection with the "Yazoo Fraud". It is recorded that the guilty members of the Georgia Legislature burned the Records of that Legislature, "using a sun glass to draw the fire from Heaven to burn them, hoping thus to purify or destroy the evidences of their guilt". It was for this reason that Burwell Pope and the few others who had voted against the "Yazoo Fraud" made the following affida­ vits to put their course on record. The name of this book is "Georgia's Speculation Unveiled. In two numbers. By Abra­ ham Bishop, Hartford. Printed by Elisha Babcock (copy-right se- cured) 1797". - Page 5, "Passing of the granting Act in January, 1795, and of passing the rescinding Act. 1796 11 • Page 105, "But a certain portion of the fraud shall be pre- · sented, from the following affidavits on the Journals of the House." January 16th, 1796. Sworn in the presence of the Committee of the House of Representatives before me. Thomas Lewis, J. P. 1796. Extract from affidavit (Page 107) of clement Lanier, Representative (Second affidavit): "The deponent further sayeth that the shares offered him as aforesaid, were expressly designed to induce him, the deponent, to vote f or the bill for disposing of the western territory". Signed, Clement Lanier. Qualified as aforesaid. Page 114, "Eleventh" (affidavit): "Burwell Pope, Esq., one of the members of the last and present senate of this State, being duly, sworn, saith that being a member of the senate, at the last session of the legislature, he lodged at Mr. Hercerts, in Augusta, with Mr. Harrison Musgrove then a member of the house of representa­ tives, from the same county; that one evening whilst the bill for disposal, of the western territory was on its passage (1796), the Musgrove told the deponent he had found out more than he ever knew before, that he had discovered there were two shares in Cummings company, reserved for himself, and for every member that would take them, Qut that he did not know he should take them. The deponent further sai th, that at another time the said Musgrove said to the deponent, £r1end Pope, I am authorized to tell you, that you can have one hundred guineas for your part; to which the deponent answered, he had no part;--that at another time the said Musgrove further told the deponent, he might get five hundred silver dollars. Signed, Sworn to as before: Burwell Pope In the first "Digest of the Laws of Georgia", by Robert and George Watkins, published by Aitken, No. 22 Market Street, Phila., Penn., is a list of the subscribers. One of these was Burwell Pope, Esq., 1800. (This list is in the back of said book). Burwell Pope of Wake Co., N. c., on 26th Sept., 1783, sold to Wm. Ward of Franklin Co., N. C., 639 acres of land on White Oak Creek, at mouth of Reedy Branch, in Wake Co.'· granted said Pope by the State of N. c., Aug. 9, 1779, for 113 #= 6s. 8 d. Wit.: Wm. Yeates, Chrito­ pher Babb. (Wake Co. Book "G", p.307). Burwell Pope of Wilkes Co., Ga., on 8 Feby., 1785, sold to Joseph Lane, Jr., of Wake Co., N. C., 640 acres on Williams Creek, granted Wm. Williams Jany. 4, 1761, & registered in Orange Co., Book 8, p 28, for 250£:,. Wit: Nat Jones, Jr., Wm. Brown. Reg. Aug. 24, 1785. The 3 records above show that Burwell Pope, as late as 26 Sept. 1783, was stil.l a resident of Wake Co., N. c., and that between that date and the 8th day of Faby., 1785, he removed to and became a citizen of Wilkes Co., Ga. He received ¥ari6us grants in Wilkes Co. --five during July, 1787, aggregating 1300 A. (Land Grant Book "OOO", pp. 86-'7, 106, 141, 144}, and one on 10th Oct., 1784 (?) for 200 A.--the copy of this grant as given me is dated 1774, but I think it must be so dated by mistake. "Burwell Pope from •••••••• , 200 acres North side Broad River beginning at Thos. Wootten 1 s corner red oak in a piece of fenced ground. Reserved until next Court, Dartmouth, Oct. 10, 1774". (Records of Land Commissions on file in Clerk's Office, Greensboro, Ga., p. 18). It is claimed that this record was "copied by Dr. J. L. Leconte, deed., from the Record of Court of Land Commissioners appointed by Gov. Wright to issue the ceded lands 1773•5; with instructions to w~. the Commissioners given at Augusta, Nov. 19, 1773. Records on file with Clerk of Court, Greensboro, Ga." The lands inherited by the four younger sons of Henry Pope of Halifax Co., N. c., were sold by them in 1778, 1783 and 1786, as shown by the following deeds. Book 15, p 282. This Indenture made this 9th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1778 Between Willis Pope, John Pope, Henry Augustine Pope and Wylie Pope of Wake Co. to Johll Wootten of Halifax Co. of N. C., of the other part, Witnesseth for the consideration of 800 ~ current money of N. c. to us in hand paid by the said John Wootten •••• all that tract of land on the South side of Beech Swamp in the aforesaid Co. by est imation 724 acres more or less. Wit.: J. Branck, Henry Erad- (Signed) Willia Pope (SEAL) ford, Lydia Brookes. John Pope (SEAL) Henry A. Pope {SEAL) Wilie Pope (SEAL) Nov. 1, 1783 Signed by Henry Augustine Pope in the presence of Jno. Bradford, Junr., Richd Bradford Wootten. Signed by Willis (Wilie ?) Pope Oct. 7, 1783, in presence of Elizabeth Bradford, John Bradford, T. Bradford, Halifax, Co. (I think this was Wilie instead of Willis). 1st Nov. Term. Then this deed was in open Court duly proved by the oath of Jno. Branch a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be reg is ter·ed. Registered accordingly. · · Test: Wm. Wootten~ c. Ct. Jno. Geddy, C. Ct. Book 15, p. 147. Oct. 8, 1783. This Indenture made this date between Willis Pope and Mary his.wife, John Pope, Henry Augustine Pope and Clary his wife and Wilie Pope af the ·County of Wake and State of N. c., and John Bradford of the Co. of Halifax and State aforesaid of the other part •••• for consideration of 507 sell 510 acres, &c, &c. Wit: John Bradfordt Elizabeth Bradford. (Signatures omitted in copy sent this compiler.} Halifax Co., N. c., May Court, 1784. Jno. Geddy Prob. Reg. Book 16, p. 242. Aug. 29, 1'786. Willis Pope and Mary his wife, John Pope, Henry Augustin Pope and Clary his wife and Wilie Pope of the County of Wilkes and State of Georgia sell to William Paradise of Halifax Co., N. c., two hundred and fifty four (254} acres in Halifax Co. for the consideration of 133#:-six shillings and eight pence. Wit.: Jesse Pope, Jonathan Joyner. · (Signatures omitted copy sent the complier). Recorded Feby. Court, 1787. Wm. Wootten, Clk. Ct. It will be seen from these deeds that Willis and Henry Augustin Pope in 1778 were single; that in 1783 both were married; that . in Oct., 1783, all four brothers were residents of Wake Co., N. c., and that in Aug. 1786, residents of Wilkes Co., Ga.; also that in 1778 Henry A. and Wylie Pope were minors and so had to acknowledge their signatures after they became of age to make the conveyance valid. · An act to grant monies for the purpose of building and repairing Court houses and gaols A. D. 1791, No. 452~ Digest of Laws of Georgia, Pub. 1800, p. 433. Extract.--Sec. lV. And be it further - enacted, That Larkin Cleveland, Thomas Arington, John Connor Senior, Burwell Pope and William Harden be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for building the court house ' and gaol for Franklin County, Edward Telfair, Governor~ Dec. 15, 1791. N. Brownson, President, Senate. William Gibbons, Speaker of the House of Repre­ sentatives. This act is repealed by act of 1792, No. 478. Priscilla Pope, widow, appears "upon the Regiser of Land Grants, for services rendered as a Soldier of the Revolutionary War, or as heirs of such soldiers", as having drawn 2 lots. "No. 376 Priscilla Pope, Widow, 2 draws". Drawing Feby. 3, 1804. Records in Ordinary's Office, at Lexington, Ga.

Book NN, 1795-1796, p. 177~~Wilkes Co•, Ga~ Burwell Pope and Priscilla, his wife, of Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Dec. 27, 1793, to John McLeod of Wilkes Co., Ga., 173 A. in Wilkes Co., on Broad River, for 60~ • Burwe 11 Pope. Priscilla Pope. Wit.: Benj. Taliaferro, J. P., Joshua Glass. . Deed Book c, p. 20.--Burwell Pope and Priscilla, his wife, ·Aug. 31, 1797, to John N. Anderson, all of Oglethorpe Co., Ga., 200 A. on Beaverdam Creek of the South fork of Broad River, for 50 .;e . Burwell Pope. · Priscilla Pope. Wit.: ~obert Pope, Lewis Pope. :, .' Note.--This is one of the tracts rec'd in grant from the State

on the 25th July, 17871 as recorded in L'd. G't Book 000, p. 144. Burwell and Priscilla (Wootten) Pope had issue: 1.--Robert Pope, b. 26 Sept., 1775; d. 7 Oct., 1831, unm.; 2.--Tabitha Chris­ tian Pope, b. 11 Feby., 1778; d. 25 April, 1852; m. 26 Jany., 1795, Miles Hill, 1774-1844. (For issue, see lX, B, P. o.; p. 94, Hill records); 3.--Ann Pope, b 28 April, 1780; d. 6 Jany., 1805; m~ 28 Sept., 17961 Noah Hill, c. 1771-1805. (For issue see Vlll, B. P. o., P. 92, Hill records}; 4.--Martha, called "Patsy", Pope, b. 18 April, 1782; d. 15 July, 1753; m. 29 March, 1799, Wylie Hill, 1775-1844. (For issue, see X, B. P. o., p. 103, Hill records); 5.--Wylie Pope, b. 14 Dec., 1784; d. Oct., 1864, in his 80-th year; m. 11 Feby•, · 1807, Sallie Davis. (q. v.); 6.--Sarah Pope, b. 24 Nov., 1787, d., · will 2 Dec., 1850; 20 Jany•, 1851; m. · 10 Feby•, 1806, Robert Holmes. (q. v.); 7.--Burwell Pope, Jr. (Brig. Genl.), b. 7 Sept., 1790; d. 11 May, 1840; m. 12 Dec., 1815, Sarah Key Strong, b. 1796. Wylie Pope (son of Burwell and Priscilla (Wootten) Pope) and his wife, Sallie Davis removed in 1838 to Wetumpka, Ala., where ghe d. in 1844, and he in Asheville, Ala., in 1864, in his 80th year. They had 3 sons and 2 daus.: 1.--Robert Samuel Pope, Sr., who was ~gold miner and d. in 1866 in California, unm.; 2.--Burwell Thomas Pope, b. circa 1810; d. 8 May, 1868, in Gadsden, to which he removed from Asheville, Ala., in 1867. (q.v.); 3.--Wylie Hill Pope, b. in Oglethorpe Co., Ga., 25 July, 1816; d. in Columbiana, Ala., 28 Nov., 1874. (q.v.); 4.--Mary Pope, ·m•• ~ ••••• Mulden, · moved to and d. there, leaving children; 5.--Sarah Pope, m. Judge Gibbs, moved to Ill. before Civil War and d. there. (Capt. A. F. Pope, of Oglethorpe, thought her name was Martha, instead of Mary, and that they moved to St. Louis, Mo.) Burwell Thomas Pope, 1810-1868, son of Wylie and Sallie (Davis) Pope, resided in St •. Clair Co., Ala., was a :lawyer and Circuit Judge; elected to Congress in 1865 but refused the ironclad oath; was arrested for prohibiting negores being called as jurors in his courto His death believed to have been due to disease caused by excite­ ment over his arrest. When the Alabama legislature · passed and pre­ sented resolutions expressing the State's gratitude, a section of land and a· gold medal, to resolutions expressing the State's gratitude, a 26. (247) section of land and a gold medal, to Miss Emma Sansom, the patriot, Hon. Burwell T. Pope delivered for her the address of acceptance. She, b. in Social Circle, Ga., in 1S47, moved with her family to , - Cherokee Co., and acted as guide for Genl. Forrest when he pursued ' and captured, near Rome, Ga., the command of Genl. Streight. (Mems. · of Alar Hisl & Biol., Vol. 1, p. l OlS, Acts of Genl. Assbly. J863, - pp.213, 214f Gulf States Mag., Vol. 2, pp. 366-'7-'8). He~. Johanna Lester, of English descent, d. 1876, in Gadsden. They had 8 children, only 3 living when above account was written: Benjamin F. P-0pe8, born 9 March, 18401 Sarah M. E. Popes, m. Richmond Hammond, of Attala, Ala.; Lula R. Fope~, of Birmi ngham, Ala. Benjamin F. Pope5, son of Burwell T. and Johanna (Lester)Pope, removed to Gadsden in 1861, m., same year, Sarah E. Germany. Was Solicitor of the City Court. They had 10 children, Ef whom 7 were living at date of this account: 1.--William B. Pope ;2.~e 3ames Wylie Pope9, was Prest. of Enterprise Lumber Co. in Atlanta, removed to Fla.; 3.--Jos. Walter Pope9, was Sec. & Treas. of Gress Lumber eo., of Atlanta; 4.--John o. ~ope9, was a dental student; 5.--Ada o;. Pope9; 6.--L~uis Wyeth Pope 9 ; 7.--Wesley M. Pope. (Meml Rec. of Ala. Hisl & Bio, Vol. 1, p. 1118). Richmond and Sarah M. E. (Pope) Hammond had: Miss Nina Hammond, of Attala, Ala.; John Hammond and Joseph Hammond, both of Gadsden, Ala.; Mrs. John C. Staton, of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. John c. Staton was b. in St. Clair Co., Ala., in 1866; d. in Atlanta, July 15, 1921. He, at time of his death, and for many years previous, was Asst. Postmaster at Atlanta. They have two sons: John C. and Albert Staton, both pro­ minent in athletic activities at Ga. Tech. in 1920 and 1 21. 3. Wylie Hill Pope7, 1816-1874, son of Wylie and Sallie (Davia) Pope, was Capt. in 25th Ala. Regt., C. S. A.; m. 2S Nov., 1844, Caroline (Bowden) McHenry, d. circa 1884 in Asheville, Ala., widow of Dr. filhomas McHenry, in Shelby Co., Ala., and had 5 children, viz.: 1.--William · Wylie Popes, b. 2S Sept~, 1845, in Shelby Co., Ala., served in~5th Ala. Re gt., C. A. A.; 2.-- Sarah Elizabeth Pope~, b. 25 Oct., 1847;vt'!nzer, living, 1921, in Ashevilae, Ala. , and have 3 children: (l} Clara Inzer ~, m. James P. Montgomery, Asheville, Ala. (this record recsived from her 2'7 May, 1921); (2) Lila Inzer9, m. Watt T. Brown, of Birmingham, Ala •.;. (3) John Manley Inzer9, of Asheville, Ala; 3.--Mary Nancy Caroline Pope8, b. 25 Augl, 1849, in Shelby Co., Ala.; d. in 1855, in Shelby Co.; 4.-­ Robert Samuel Pope, Jr., or II8, b. 1 Aug., 1S52; m. circa 1876, Mary Magruder, of Tuskeegee, Ala. He, in 1921, living in Atlanta, Ga.; 5.-­ John Franklin Greene Popes, b. 13 March, 1857, in Shelby Co. ; d. 21 Sept., 1918, in Cabot, Arkansas. 6. Sarah Pope6 (dau. or Burwell and Priscilla (Wootten) Pope, 1787-1850, m. 10 Feby., 1806, ~obert Holmes. Her will (recorded in Oglethorpe Co. Will Book 2, p.2t2) 2 Dec., 1S50; 20 Jany., 1851. To John Holmes and William Holmes in trust slaves for my son Burwell Holmes and his children. To Wylie Pope, son of Col. Wylie Pope, f ormerly of Wilkes; mary Jane Brown; Methodist Episcopal Church South for Miss­ ionary purposes; "I direct my Executors to apply fifteen dollars towards defraying the expense of building an enclosure around the graves of. my father and Mother and other relatives". My children Burwell Holmes, 27. (247) Priscilla Moore, Tabitha Fu·llilove, William Holmes , Robert Holmes, Wylie' Rolmes and ITohn Holmes. William Holmes and John Holmes Executors. {Sigued) Sarah Holmes. Wit.: Benjn-F. Hardeman, Thoa. E. R. Harris, Mathew F. Jackson. Her children all lived in La. and Texas. - . 7. Burwell Pope6, son of Burwell and Priscilla ( Wootten) · Pope, 1790-1840, was a Lieut. in the War of 1812; engaged in Indian Wars between 1812 and 1836 in Ga.; was commissioned as Brigadier General, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division of the Georgia Militia on 24th Mov., 1828 {Roster of Ga. Militia Officers, Adjt. Gel's Office) and rendered efficient service in the Indian Wars, 1835-'6. · commanded the Ga. troops that went to Fla. in 1836. His will i n Clarke Co., Ga., 30 April, 1840; pr.July, 1840, names wife Sara Key Pope, .;dau. Julia Ann Tabitha Pope; sons, John Hardeman Pope, Alexander Franklin Pope, Benjamin Henry Pope and William Edwin Pope. Wit.: James R. Carlton, Jno. D. Moss and William L. Mitchell. Genl. Burwe116 and Sallie Key (Strong) Pope had, as shown by his family Bible in possession of his grandson John Burwell Pope6, in Austin, Tex., the following children: 1.--Edwin Elisha Pope7, b~ 1820; 21--Charles Burwell Pope7, b. 18~2; 3.--Julia An Tabitha Pope7, b. 1~25; 4.-- John Hardeman Pope7, b. 1827; 5.--Alexander Franklin - Popery, b. 1829; 6.--Benjamin Henry Pope7, b. 1830; 7.--William Alonzo 1 Pope , b. 1833.. The last is not named in will, but a William EDwin Pope'lis. In "Mississippi", Vol. II--L""Z--p. 474, we find: Panola, Miss., established in 1'158 on lands of B. H. Pope • In "Ibid", Vol. III, pp. 652-~, is an article on William E. Pope7, which says he was b. July 8, 1836; m., 1883, Miss Bertha Steiner, dau. of Solomon and Hannah Steiner, of . He lived at Pope, Panola Co., Miss. 7 3. Julia Ann Tabitha Pope , {dau. of Genl. Burwe116), m. 8 Nov., 1854, Marcellus Stanley, Capt. Troup Artillery, c. s. A., son of Thomas and Ellen (Ramsey) Stanley, and had: (1) Thomas P: Stanley8, m. Margaret Morton; (2) Sallie Stanley8, single. 4. John Hardeman Pope7, b. 1827; m. (1) Miss Damarias C. Hubbard, b. 23 May, 1828 {dau. of Robert and Nancy (Waters) Hubbard, and gr. · dau. of John Hubbard, Revyl Soldier, and his Wife Elizabeth), who bore him an only child, which d. in inf.; m~ (II), in· 1855, Mary · Caldwell; · d. 1918, by whom he had: l.~~Lula Pope , d. 1918, m. John D. Templeton; 2.--Maidee Pope8, d. July, 1919, unm.; 3.-- Minnie Popes, m••••••••• Watson, and ha~: (1) Arthur Pope Watson9, Capt. World War, A. E. F.; (2) Eva Watson, d. July, 1917, m••••••• Woodall; 4.--John ~urwell Pope 8 , of Austin, Tex., m. Ruth Jones; issue; (1) Mary Ellen Pope ; (2)--John 28. ~ .. .

( 248) Burwell Pope, Jr. 9 , b. 1916. 5. Alexander Franklin Pope? (son of Genl. Burwe116) was 1st. Lieut. in Troup Artillery, which left Athens April 24, 1861 ("Annals of Athens", p. 222, by Hull), Genl. Loring's Brigade in Western Va. in 1861, in Genl. Howell Cobb 's Brigade spring of· 1862 to 1st of May, was in command of 3 pieces of Artillery at Dam No. 1 on the Pen below Richmond, where only one Gun could be used against 16 P's or Artillery, afterwards during balance of the war was Capt. of Artillery under Genl. Howell Cob b. on his staff in Ga. and Fla. He represented Ogle­ thorpe Co. in the legislature. He m., in life, Miss Mary Ward, and d. without issue. " 2. Willis Popa5 (Henryt Uohn~ Henry2, Williaml,) b. circa 1754; d. 23 Dec., 1795: was appointed 2nd Lieut. on 27 April, 1776, by Pro­ vincial Congress of N. c., at Halifax. (Wheeler's His. of N. c., Vol. 1, p. 80). Hem., in N. c., in the '70s, Mary •••••• , Maiden name not known. On 9th April, 1778, Willis Pope, John Pope, Henry Augustine Pope and Walie Pope, of Wake Co., N. C., make conveyance of 724 A. on South side of Beech Swamp in Halifax Co. to John Wooten, of Halifax for 800 (Halifax Deed Book 15, p. 282). On ~th March, 1783, Wi •• is and Mary his wife, John Pope, Henry Augustin Pope and Clary, his wife, and Wylie Pope, of the County of Wake and State of N. c., convey to John Bradford of Halifax Co., 510 A. for 50 b. (Halifax Co~ Deed Book 15, p. 147.) Bounty Surveys by Surveyor General. Willis Pope 300 A. Wash­ ington County, Ga., bounded North and West by vacant lands, East by John Kimbro, South by Wm. Duke Cut by branch of Shoulderbone creek. Survey 494. July 20, 1784. (Surveyor General Book 11 F 11 , p. 249). ( (Georgia Roster of Rev. Soldiers--The Leconte List, p. 273.) 11 28 July, 1784. Sanders Walker vs. John Kimbrough, Willis Pope fet al.]. The Board are of opinion that the caveat of Pltff ought to be dismessed and grants passed for the Defdts.--Washington Co. lands. ~Rev. Rec. of Ga., by Candler, Vol. 2, pp. 690, 726, and 766). Willis Pope received a grant in 1788 for 300 A. in Washington Co., Ga.,-- (Land Book PPP, p,394); on 2 March, 1791, 550 A in Wilkes Co., bounded on South East by Thornton's and Butler's lands, North east by Thurman's, North by Wootten 1 s vest by Beddingf ield's and South West by Aycock's land. (Land Book uuu, p. 376 (or 516); on 9 April, 1793, 200 A. in Wilkes Co. (Ld. Book WWW, p. 24). Willis Pope and s. Gorham recd. grant, in 1788, for 100 A. in Franklin Co., Ga. (Lk. Bk. WWW, p. 424). On Dec. 16, 1788, Curtis Wellborn sells to Willis Pope, all of Wilkes Co~, 500 A. Lying on both sides Go~en Grove, granted Curtis Wellborn 17 Aug~, 1785, for 100 ~. Curtis Wellborn, Mary X. Wellborn. 29 ( 249) Wit.: Elijah Corven, Frances X. George. {Deed Book 1790- 1792, p. 34). July 23, 1796, Benj,n Glover and Polly Glover, his wife of the State of s. c., at Cambridge, to Polly Pope and her children, being the heirs of Willis Pope, Deed ., 400 A. in Wilkes Co., Ga., for 150 ~. Benjamin Glover. Polly Glover. Wit.: Betsy Oliver, John Freeman, Holmes Freeman, J. P. Rec. Dec. 5, 1796. (Deed Book 00, p, 132). These records of aeeds and grants are here given in order to show conclusively that the five brothers: Burwell, Willis, John, Henry Augustine and Wylie Pope, were all living in Wake Co., N. c., as late as 1783, that no one of them settled in Wilkes . Col, Ga., before 1784, and the first record showing definitely their citizenship in Wilkes County is dated Feby. 8, 17 8 5~~by Burwell Pope (Bk. 9, p. 38, At Raleigh, N. C.). save only the Wash ngton Co. grant to Willis Pope in 1784. Pope, Wilis, of Wilkes Co., Ga., d. 23 Dec., 1795. John Pope was the admir. of the Estate. Mary Pope and John Pope gave bond in the swnm of $10,000. Nathan Bradford, Security. Appraisement of the estate of Willis Pope by Drury Stovall, James Bridges and W. Gunnells shows $2363.94 3/4 in slaves, live stock; household s ood~; farm ut~nsils, etc. Another appraisement, seem­ i ngly, of household. goods, notes and accounts by same appraisers, whole amount $3385. No land appraised. Notes against Henry Jessey, Jno. Kelsey, Benjamin Blake, Nathaniel Bradford, David Gunnells, and many others, one of the small notes being for $18.00 by Barnaby Pone. The above by Clea?k in Ordinary's office at Washj_ng ton, Ga.--reference to book--and page not given me. Inventories of Appraisement records show on Jany. 15, 1798, that John Pope administrator of Willis Pope, recorded a sale made 5 Jany., 1798, of a 0 Part of the personal estate of Willis Pope", proceeds amount­ ing to $709.40. (Signed) John Pope, Admr. of Will!s. Pope.

On Aug. 5. 1794, Barnaby Pope, of Hancock Co., Ga., deeded to John Pope 6 slaves, 2 horses, 14 head of cattle, 30 hogs and all his household furniture for 189 ~ 11 sh. 7d. (Signed) Bar. Pope.

~ ·" Wit.: Absalom Thurman, Thos. Wootten, J. P.( Wilkes Co. Deed Book NN, p.160). On March 10, 1802, John Pope gave administrator' s Bond for .$1000.00 as admr. of Penia Pope. Securities--John Heard and James Cade. (signed) John Pope. Saml. Cade. Jesse Heard. 30 ( 249)

Attest: David Terrell. Rec. Aug. 20, 1806. (Book YY, 1800- 1819, p. 20.) (In body of bond it is James Cade, but it is signed-­ as recorded--Samuel L. Cade). Signed, sealed and acknowledged in open Cort. David Terrell, Clk Ct. of Ordinary. 2. Willis Pope5 (Henry4, John3, Henry2, Williaml,) and his wife Mary •••••• , had several children. Among them were John. Pope6, probably Penia Pope, et al. Such records as have been examined fail to positively identify their chilgr.en, but they seem certainly to establish the fact that John Pope. , who m. Keddy Hill, dau. of Henry and Sarah (Cotton) Hill, was their son. For record see Hills (VIII, A, P. O. , p. 86) • Administrators' Bonds from 1800 to 1819, p. 183, State of Georgia, Wilkescounty. Know all men by these presents That we Thomas Wootten, William Johnson, John Walker, Anderson Riddle and Thomas Anderson, are held and firmly bound unto their Honors the Judges of the Court of Ordinary for said County and their successors in office in the just and full sum of Twenty-five thousand ($25,000) Dollars, for the payment of which sum, the said Judges and their successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, in the whole and for the whole sum, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sea.led with our seals and dated this, 2nd day of May, 1818. · The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound, Thomas Wootten and William Johnson Administrators of the goods, chattels and credits of John Pop, late of this County, Deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, ohattels and credits of said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands or possession of said Thomas and William, or into the hands or possession of any other per­ son or persons for them, and the same so made, do exhibit into the said Court of Ordinary when they shall be thereunto required, and such Goods, Chattels and Credi ts do well and truly administer according to law and do make a just account of their acting and doing therein when they shall be f ound remaining upon the account of the said adminlstration, the same being first allowed of the s aid Court, shall deliver and pay to such person or persons, respectively, aa are entitled to the same by law and if it 'shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the same be proved before the Court and the Executors obtain Certificate of the Probate thereof and the :; said Thomas Wootten and William Johnson. do~ in such cases, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then this obligation to be void. Seal: (Signed) Thomas Wootten (Seal) Wilkes County Wm. Johnson (Seal) Court of John Walker (Seal) Ordinary Anderson Riddle (Seal) 1800 Thos. Anderson (Seal) Georgia. Signed, sealed, acknowledged, in Open Court. D. 'rlrerrell, Clk. Record this 27th of Apr~918. 30 ${ ( 250}

Note.--The instrument executed 2 May, 1818 and recorded 27 April, 1818, evidently an error in copying. s. D. Fanning, Ordinary, in letter May 6, 1915, to Mrs. T. B. Raines, of Dawson Ga~, says: "While the records contain several petitions of the Admrs. in regard to this estate, there is no mention made of his heirs". It will be noted that J"ohn Pope5· (Henry4,,, John3) was living May 24, 1819, when he signed as a witness the will of his brother Wylie Pope5, ayear after the decease of the above John Pope6, son of Willis, and husband of' Catharine, or Keddy (Hill) Pope. On Oct. 8, 1793, John Thurmond sold to John Pope, both of Wilkes Co., 80 A. on Piston Creek for 59 L. (Signed) John Thurmond Wit: Absolum Thurmon, Thomas Wooten, J. P. Reg. Nov. _12, 1795 3. John Pope5 (Henry4, John3, Henry2, Williaml), b. c. 1755, in Halifax Co., N. C.; d. between May 24, 1819 and Nov. 19, 1821; re­ moved to Ga., where on 15 Nov., 1785, he rec'd four grants, aggregat- ing 1100 acres in Wilkes Co., Ga. (Ld. Grant Book III, pp.253, 25q,, 285 and 322~. In 1810 he was representative from Wilkes in the State Legislature (Journal of the House of Representatives); was Capt. in the Indian Wars succeding the Revolution (Natl Society of D. A. R~ 5th Re­ nert, 57th Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 16, pp. 352- 13). Hem. Eliz­ abeth Smith, dau. of John and Elizabeth Smith. Issue: (l) Huldah Pope6, m. 10 Jany., 1812, Henry Jessey, Jr., lat wife, son of Henry Jossey, Sr., and his wife, Mary hill, dau. of Henry and Sarah Cotton Hill. ~For issue, see hills, 3, V, A, P. O., pp. 39, 47); (2) Keturah Pope i m. James Mathews, Jr., and had, among others: Elizabeth R. Mathews, who m. Augustus F. Griggs and had James Mathews Grlgs, who m. Theodosia Stewart, dau. of Daniel R. Stewart and Nannie o. Pope, his wife, dau. of Wiley Mobley Po.12.e and h l s 3rd wife, Martha Williams Bryan. · Wiley Mobiey Pope was the son of Jonathan Po£e and Elizabeth Cooper, his wife; (3) Mary L. Pope6, m••••• Henderson; (4) Wylie Pope6, d. unm. in 1826. In Wilkes Co. Admrs. 1 Bonds Book. ZZ, p 112, we find: "Henry Jossey and Jonathan Davis sureties· on-- bond of Henry Jossey admr~ on estate of Wylie Pope, Jr. (son of John). (Signed) Henry Jessey, Jonathan Davis. Attest: John Dyson; (5) Martha Pope6, m. Rev. Wm. A. Calloway and had, among others: Abbie Calloway?, of Atlanta, Ga., single: Jesse Mercer Calloway?, m., his 2nd wife, Nancy Victoria Hill, b. 8 June, 1838; d. 1920. For issue see Hill (2a, 4, II A, P.O., p. 26); (6) Rowanna Pope6; (7) Louisa Pope6; (8) Augustine Burwell Pope6, who ls said to have married and removed, 1st to Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Ga., and to have had 2 sons, one of-Y!Pom was Dr. John Pope, and a dau., who lived in Lumpkin. Augustine B. Pope later removed to Mo. where he died. J1- ( 251)

Willof John Pope5 (Henry4, John~ Henry2, Williaml): In the name of God, Amen. I John Pope of Wilkes Co. & State of Ga., being in sound sense and meoory but calling to mim my state of mortality and the certainty of death do make and ordain "this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following, viz.:

Itan 1st. My will is first that my burial be plain and neat, w1 thout pomp or parade and that Doctor 1 s bills on my last illness be promptly paid and a.s soon as possible all my just· debts. I tan 2nd. I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth Pope the lam ard plantation whereon I now live together with five negroes, viz.: Will and his wife Lavina, Necus, Annie ard Jerry, also two good work horses, two go ai cows ard calves, two good feather beds and furni­ ture with s le. ts and cords, also fifty barrels of corn and one thousand weigpt - _ · , with a suitable supply of Household and Kite.he_ furni­ ture, and also as many plantation tools as will answer her p.irpose to carry on the f ann, arso twenty bushels of wheat with bvo good sows and pigs and eight one year old hogs during her natural life; at her death or if she should marry, Will and Lavina shall become the p:'operty of my daughter Lois a in the same manner as the property hereafter named for her, but not the increase of Lavina which may arrive before such death or marriage. My will also is that Leisa shall have her support out of my land and plan ta ti on during her metre r 1 s natural life, an:l be equally entitled with my other children in her motmr•s do.var. Item 3rd. I lend my daughter Huldah Jos sey one negro girl named Rachel now in her possession valued at four hundred dollars, which gl.rl and her increase is to be hers during her natural life am then to be equally div 1ded among her children. Item 4th. I lend my daughter Keturah Mathews one negro boy named Hutson now in her possession, valued at four hundred cbllars, which toy is tn be he rs during her na t ural life and th Erl to be divided equally among her children. Item 5th. I lend my daughter Mary s. Henderson one negro girl named Easter now in her possession valued at four hundred dollars, which girl is to be hers dl. ring her natural life and tmn said Easter and her increase is to be equally divided among her children. Item 6th. I will to my son Wylle Pope eleven hundred dollars to be laid out fer him in negroes when he becomes of age. Item 7th. I lmd to my daughter Martha Pope my servant girl Mary, also I lEnd to my daughter Rowanna Pope my servant girl Sarah in the same manner an:l upon the same principles that Rachel is lent to my daughter HuJd.ah Jossey. Item 8th. If either of those negroes lent to my daughters (viz.) Huldah, Keturah, Mary, Martha ar:rl Rowanna should die before the division of my estate 1 t :hall be ma. de goa:l to then out of the said di vision, if fu.ey should die after the di vis ion and before the death of my wife Elizabeth, it shall be made goa:l to them out of the dower, after the death of my wife Elizabeth. Item 9th. I lend to my da ug:i t er Louis a Pope two negroe s (viz.) Sam and Sus an in addition to Will and Lavina above nared, also one goai hundred cb llar horse, one good cow and calf, one gp od sow and pigs,one featrer bed weighing forty weight well supplied with good ftrniture ar:rl a goa:l bedstead, the above property to be oo far under the controll of my Executors trat if she should marry, and in their .JJ ( 251) opinion her husband is likely to waste file same so as to bring her to want, 1hey shall take it into possession and rent or hire a pl.rt or the whole and place the value received to her best interest. Should she die leaving no • • • • • then the property to retum to her brothers. and sisters. Itan 10th. My will is that Martha Pope, Rowanna Pope my two yrungest daughters be made equal to seven hundred in property, valuing a negro woman at fo11l1I' hundred dollars. Item 11th. My further Will is that the mole of the minors property be kept together W..th wife until they shall marry or beco me of age, and that she shall board, school arrl. clothe them for· the use of t re same and that each one shal 1 receive his or her O\'\tl part upon marrying or becoming of age. Item 12th. My last desire is that all my estate not hereto­ fore ~Usposed of be equally divided between my several children (viz.) Huldah Jossey, Keturah Mathews, Augustine B. Pope, Mary L. Henderson, Martha Pope, Wylie Pope and Rowanna Pope and at the death of my beloved wife Elizabeth, Loisa shall receive an equal partof the property loaned to my "1.fe Elizabeth. Item 13th. I consti 1u te arrl appoint Henry Jossey, James Mathews and Augustine B. Pope my Executors. (Signed) John Pope Test: Baker Lipscomb, Joice Davis, James Davis. Recorded in Book HH, Folio 71, Nov. 19, 1821. Henry Augustine Pope5 (Henry4, John3, Henry2, Williaml), b. in Halifax Co., N. C. 6 Aug., 1760; d. in Oglethorpe Co., Ga., 9 Dec., 1807; m. (1) in Wake Co., N. C. between 9th Apr.ll 1778 and 8 Oct. 17~3, Clara Hill, b. 9 Aug., 1763; d. 16 Nov., 1798, dau. of Abraham Hill and Christ:ian (Walton) Hill. For issue, see (Hills, IV, B, P, O, p. 68); m. (II), 27 May, 1799, Mary Davis, in Oglethorpe Co. Her will 11 Oct., 1837, pr. Sept., 1843. On 12 July, 1787, he recd. a grant in Wilkes Co. for 450 A. bounded Northwardly by John Burk's land, South West by Phillips' land, South Eastwardly by Silas Monk's land, Northwesterly by vacant lands. (Ld. Gr~. Book 000, p. 122). On 12 July, 1787, he received a grant of 600 A. in Franklin Co., bounded North by vacant land, East by Benj, Black's land, South by Thos. Wootten's and West by Abraham Hill's land. (Ld. Grt. Book 000, p. 85). In 1787 John lhd Henry Pope rec'd grant for 747! A. in Franklin Co. (Ld. Grt. Book NNN, p. 249) Henry Augustine Pope, Will, 10 Nov., 1807; 14 Jany., 1808. State of Georgia, Oglethorpe · County - In the r:ame of God, Amen I, Henry Augustin Pope, of the County of Oglethorpe· and State of Georgia, being weak in body but of sound mind arrl memory, do make and ardain this my last will and testammt, in nanner and form follow- ing: Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Pope, one negro wen ch, named Penney, also an equal part of household and k1 tchen furniture, plantation tools, live stock of all kinds, and she is to live on the plantation until Pope comes of age, or Sallie should marry, at which ti me the household and kitchen furniture is to be divided and after tl::a one takes tl::a 1 r am re, the balance is to be put together again unti 1 a second division is necessary to be made as 37'

(252) my wife is to live on the pluntation, and keep her children's negroes and their part of the stock and household and kitchen furniture until Middleton comes of age, as she he.s nothing to do with their parts (that is, Sallie and Middleton Pope) Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sallie Pope two hundred acres of land, whereon John Speers now lives, it being the land that I purchased from George Hinton, also five negroes, namely, Bettie, Isaac, Booker, Martin and Eliza and an equal part of the household and kitchen fur­ niture, live stock of all kinds and plantation tools, to be divided whenever she becomes of age, or shall marry, and then the balance put together Un.til a second division is wanted/ Item. I give and bequeath to my son Middleton Pope five negroes, to-wit Joseph, Aleck, .Amy, Judy and Ne.than, only Ne.than is to work in the shop with Phil, but my .Executor hereinafter named is to draw his part for Middleton, also an equal part of the household and kitchen furniture, livestock of all kinds, and plantation tools. Also I give and bequeath to my three sons Middleton, Benjamin and Henry Jefferson Pope the following tracts of land, to-wit: five hundred and twenty five acres, including the plantation whereon I now live, five hundred and seventy five acres, including the Mill Tract, one hundred and twenty five acres I purchased from David Martin joining the Mill, Gne ~un­ dred and fobr acres I purchased from James M ~ rtin, joining that I had of David Martin, fifty acres I purchased from William Harris, joining the Mill Tract, and one hundred and forty four or one hundred and forty seven acres, which I purchased from William Martin, to be equally divided by my Executors when Middleton comes of age,-observing of the rents of this land is to go to Middleton Pope. It is my desire that Thomas Wootten continue on the pls.ce whereon he now lives during pleasure, or until the child whose lot it is comes of age, the said Wootten is to have the land to the first cross fence going to the Mill and then on both sides of the road upwards. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Clary Pope one tract of land containing three hundred acres, be the same more or less, known by the name of the Corner Lande I also give and bequeath to my daughter Clary Pope, Benjamin Pope and Henry Jefferson Pope the following negroesi Ben, Phil, Caleb, Jack, Moses, Jacob, Dinah, Lucy, Ruth, Silva, Nancy, Harriette, and Aly and Bromfield, only Bromfield is to have his choice to say which of the last mentioned children he will live with, to be equally divided among them, when Clary Pope comes of age or shall marry, likewise each of them an equal part of the household and kitchen furniture, livestock of all kind, and plantation tools to be equally divided as above mentioned. I also constitute my beloved Benjamin Blanton, Benjamin Taylor, Miles Hill and Robert PoFe my whole and sole .Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking all other Wills or bequeaths. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the tenth day of November, 1807. (Signed) Henry A. Pope (Seal) Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us Tabitha Wooten, Charles Finch, Thomas Wooten Georgia , Oglethorpe County, Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1808. Personally appeared in court Charles Finch and Thomas Wooten, two of the witnesses to this will, and after being sworn sayeth: That they saw the within named Henry Pope, dece8sed, sign, seal publish and declare the within instrument of writing to be his Last Will and Testament, and at the time of so doing, he was of sound mind and memory to the best of their knowledge and belief. Mathew Rainey, cco. Recorded the 14th day of January, 1808. Mathew Rainey, CCO. (Book B, page 10). . '3 (253)

The will of Mary (Davis) Pope, of Oglethorpe County, Georgia, dated the 11th of October, 1837; pr. September, 1843, is of record at Athens, Georgia. She willed some property to her son, Henry Pope, and her son-in-law, Samuel Baldwin. Witness, Blanton M. Hill, Wilie Pope, and Francis Burke. The above incomplete data sent me by the clerk of the court merely to show that such a will was of record. 5. Wylie Pope5 (Henry4, John3, Henry2, William1), be c. 1762; de ' 16 July 1819, m. 20 March 1794 Mary Hill, daughter of Abraham and Christian (Walton) Hill (for issue, see Hills 11 bpo P• 119). Wylie Pope, August 22, 1791, guardian of David Hays (Wilkes County, Book GG, P• 312) September 26, 1791, by the ~onorable George Walton Esquire, one of the judges of the Superior Court of the said State of Georgia, Wilkes County Chambers, Washington, Wilkes County, August 26, 1791; whereas, Henry Aycock, Joel Aycock, Rebecca Aycock, Richard Aycock and Winney Aycock, sons and daughters of Richard Aycock, late of said county, deceased, upon the consent of all parties concerned, and upon motion of Mr. Watkins in their behalf hath applied to His Honor the Judge praying Wylie Pope Esquire may be appointed their guardie.n. Henry Mounger, pre. OSCWC September 24, 1791. l, lea Atkins, of Cumberland County, State of North Carolina, appoint Mr. Wylie Pope of Wilkes County, Georgia, my attorney, to recov~r what is due me from the estate of Richard Aycock, deceased. (signed) lea Atkins. Witness: Matthew Jones (Book GG, - page 353) November 1, 1792. Samuel Rylie of alllgefield, South Carolina, sells to Wylie Pope of Wilkes County, Georgia, four hundred acres on a branch of Long Creek in Wilkes County, Georgia, for two hundred pounds, land granted to said SamlRylie April 8, 1785. (signed) Sam'l Rily Witness: Ephrom Rogers, Henry Aycock, John Pope, J.P. Registered November 4, 1794 (Book IVIM, 1794 - 1795, P• 274) January 16, 1794. Adam w. Wyley sells to Wylie Pope both of Wilkes County, Georgia, one hundred and fifty acres of land on Newford Creek in Wilkes County for one hundred pounds, land conveyed from Joseph Collins to Adam Wiley January 11, 1792. (signed) Adam Willie Witness James M. Taylor and Levy Gils Recorded April 25, 1796, (Book NN, 1795 - 1796, page ·288) April 13, 1794. Joseph Gray to Wylie Pope, both of Wilkes County, Georgia, seventy five acres on Long Creek-in Wilkes County for a .hundred pounds. Signeda Joseph Gray. Witnessa Joel Aycock, Thomas Wootten, J, P., reg. April 25, 1796 (Book NN, P• 290) Will of Wylie Pope of Wilkes County, Georgia, 24 of May, 1819, probated 6 September 1819, Rd. 16 SeBt• 1819. In the N~e of God, Amen. l, Wylie Pope, of Wilkes County·and State of Georgia, being of Sound and disposing mind and memory and calling into view that all men are appointed to die, do make, ordain and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby nullif'y and revoke all former wills and testaments heretofore made or published. First. l recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be appointed. Secondly. As touching the worldly estate, real, and personal, vlith which it has pleased God to bless me with, my will and desire is that after my Just Debts are paid, that there shall be an equal division of all my estate that I may die possessed of between my dearly beloved wife Polly Pope and my children as herein named, Josiah.l}Voods Pope, John Clark Pope, Sally Mary Ann Pope, Wylie Hill Pope, to them and their heirs forever, share and share alike, the division to take place as soon as my son, Josiah Woods Pope, shall arrive at lawful age of twenty one years or in case he should depart this life before he should arrive at lawful age the division to be made at his decease, and until he does come of age or (254)

should depart this life, the property to be conducted and managed as my Executors may think for the ·best and at their discretion. Lastly. I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my worthy friends Lemuel Wootten, Thomas Wootten, Wylie Hill and James Jordan my sole executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testaments by me made. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th of May 1819. Wylie Pope (Seal) In presence of Thos. D. McLaughlin, Richard Sale, Talton Sheets, Jno. Pope. • Memorandum by way of codicils My will and desire is that my wife, Polly Pope is to have her part of the landed property that is named in the foregoing will where I now live as witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 24th day of May, 1819. Wit. Thos. D. McLaughlin, Richard Sale, Talton Sheets, Jno. Popeo , Georgia ) Appeared in Open Court Thos. D. McLaughlin, Richard Sale Wilkes County ) and Talton Sheets, the (three) of the subscribing witnesses in the above will, who being duly sworn say that they saw Wylie Pope sign seal and acknowledge the foregoing instrumentsas his last Will and Testament and that at the time of doing so he was of sound and disposing mind and memory, that they signed the same as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Wylie Pope a.ni at his request and in the presence of each' other and that John Pope also signed the same as a witness in their presence and presence of the Testator. Sworn to in open Thos. D. McLaughlin Court this 16th day of Richard Sale September, 1819 Talton Sheets John Dyson, c. c. o. Recorded the 16th day -of September, 1819. John Dyson, c. c. o. (Will Book HR, Folio 5) On March 3, 1823, Lemuel Wootten and Abraham Hill, as administrators estate of Josiah w. Pope gave bond for $10,000 with Philip Orr and Henry Jossey as sureties. (Admr. Bond Book ZZ, P• 112) April 24, 1826, Baker Lipscomb made Guardian to Wylie M. Pope, orphan of Josiah w. Pope (Book AAA, P• 122) April 25, 1826, James Huling appointed Guardian to John c. Pope, orphan of Wylie Pope, bond $15,000., John T. McGehee, surety. Wit1Hon. Thos. Wootten (Book AAA, P• 126) April 13, 1827, James Huling appointed Guardian to Wylie a. Pope, orphan of Wylie Pope; bond $15,000, Osborne Stone, Surety (Book AAA, P• 131) May 5, 1832, James Huling admr. estate of John c. Pope gives bond with Robert A. Toombs, Surety (Book AAA, P• 249)

On Janyo 2, 1826 1 Baker Lipscomb gave bond in the sum of $2000 as Guardian of Wylie M. Pope, orphan of Josiah W. Pope, Richard J. Willis, security. Recorded 24 April, 1826. 4 3 2 2. John Pope (John , Henry , William1) m. Sarah •••• (Halifax Co. Deed

Book 9, ·P• 197) 1 though. his identity is not established in express terms, by docu­ mentary evidence, was, no doubt, he who recd. a .deed to land in 1741 from John and Mourning (McKennie) Pope, Deed Book 1, P• 396; who was appointed Conun.issioner of the Peace for F.dgecombe Co. on 27 June, 1746 (c. R. N. c., Vol. 4, P• 813), Justice of the Peace for Edgecombe Co. on 11 Oct., 1749 (Ibid., P• 966), and Sheriff of Edgecombe

Co. for the years 1753-4-5 (c.R.N.c. Vol. 61 P• 211). Dec. 7, 1759, John Pope allowed salary as former Sheriff of Edgecombe Co. for years 1753-4-5 (c.R.N.c., Vol. , 6, P• 211). In 1758 an act was passed refunding money to John Pope, Gent., that was paid by him as the result of a suit which was brought against him as Sheriff for failing to collect a tax which had been illegally levied and which, by reason of such illegal­ ity, he would not collect. He was therefore fully vindicated. (S.R.N.c., Vol. 25, pp 38! PP• 389-390) ( 255)

John Pope gives bond to the King for 500 F as Sheriff, May 16, 1753, Commission dated March 28 , 1753, from Mathew Rowan, Esq., President and Commander in Chief, for two years. Signed by John Pope, Wit.: Edwd Underhill, Jno. Bradford. Jas. Spiers, Edgecombe Ma y Ct. 1753. Jos. Lane. (Book 4, p. 736). Luke Prior. In the Name of God Amen I Winefred Pope of No_rth Carolina Halifax County being very and weak of body eut of perfect sound mind and memory thanks be to Almight God for the same and knowing that it is appointed for all woman onste to die do make and ordain this my will and testament in manner and form following first of all I give my soul to almight God that gave it me and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent like manner at the discretion of my Exors hereafter me ntioned and as to my worldly estate my will and desire is that it be disposde in manner and form following. Item I givr and bequeath to my !Eving Brother Jesse Pope my negro girl Velate my bed and furniture and my walnut chest to him and his heirs and asaignes for ever and one small chest to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item, I give and ~equeat to my loving .Q_ousin Mourning Pore my rid ing saddle one pair of silver sleave buttons one pair o silver shoe buckles 1 chinch gown d one Counly cloth two pair of stays and on neckles Item I give and bequeath to Tab itha Po2e one blue stripid counbey cloath Gound 1 Gold Ring Item I gfve and bequeath to _Mary Pope one worsted gown and one black silk bonnet Item I give and bequeath to Ann PoRe striped County cloth, goun and one allapain quilt. Item give and bequeath to my couain Willis Pope twelve pound Porvc. money to be paid out of the money in the hand of John Bradford and the remainder of the money in his hand I give to my friend John Bradford in considering what trouble and expense to him in my sickes Further I constitute and a ppoint my loving Brother Henry PoRe ex­ ecutor o~athis my last will and testament revoking all other wills or testaments by me made or don and do acknowledge and declare this to be my last will and testament and no other In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this seventh day of February 1762. Signed and delivered in presents of us Winefred W. Pope (Seal). Elizabet~ZLane, Jemini Simrnas. mark . Halifax September Inferior Court of plea and quarter sessions 1?62 this will was exhibited in open Court on oath by the executors ani duly proved by the oath of Jemini Simrnans one of the subscribing witness ~ there to who on his oath did say he saw Elizabeth Lane the other subscribing witness sign the sd. will as a witness Whereupon Henry Po~ the exors in the sd. will named came into Court and was duly qualified according to law on motion ordered said he recorded. Test J. Montfort cc. Will Book No. 1, pages 85 and 86, Halifax County, North Carolina. Office of the Clerk of Superior Court. In the above will T bitha was the wife of Henry Pope, Mary was the wife of Jesse Pope, Ann was the first wife of Lewis Pope, and Willia Pope was the ·son of ·Henry and · Tabitha Pope. Mourning, was probably, the dau of her brothe~ Barnaby qOEe· 4. Barnaby Pope4 (John3, Henry , William ) and his father John Pope received legacies under the will of his Uncle, Barnaby McKennie, Jr., on 13 Oct., 1735- 1 6 (Grant Book 4, Will 58 Sec. of State's Office, Raleigh, N.C.); on 9 Nov., 1753, sold the 110 A. received fran his uncle, Barnaby McKennie, Jr., to Wlliam Hurst, of Va., whom. his aunt, Christian McKennie (Book 4, pp.598 and ( 255-256)

938); on 18 Jany., 1755, brought 100 A. from 'John Sranch, Sr. and Jr., in Edgecombe (Book 2, p. 201); in 1757 bought 90 A. from Abraham and Sarah Hill, of Edgecombe (Deed Book 6, p. 224); in 1757 sold to his brother Henry Pope 91 A. which he had also in­ herited in Edgecombe Co. (Halifax Book 6, p. 325) and his personal belongings (Book 6, p. 321). He removed to District 96 of Edge­ field Co., S. C., was a Jeading citizen and one of the leaders of the Regulators in 1764. In the Revy. War a Company raised on Mine Creek, in Edgefield Co., was commanded by Capt. Solomon Popel Barnaby Pope later removed to Hancock Co., Ga., and on 12 July, 1787, received a grant from the State of Ga. for 1150 A. ' - in Franklin Co., Ga., bounded South by said Pope's land, We:3t by David Thurman's land and on all other sides by vacant larrl.. (Ld. Grt. Book 000, p. 102). On Aug. 5, 1794, he sold to John Pope, of Wilkes Co., 6 slaves, 2 horses, 14 head of cattle, 30 hogs, and all his household furni­ ture for 189/All sh. 7d. (Book NN, p. 160). Wit.: Absolum Thurmon and Thos. Wootten, J. P. An abstract of his will, 1795, in Hancock Co., names "Sons: Henry Norman Pope, Barnaby McKennie Pope, Daus.: Mary Pope, Mourning Curry, Lucy Curry, was given me by one of his descendants. It is not known whom he married, but as he names a son Henry Norman Pow, the following will is suggestive. Will of Elizabeth( •••• , Southard) Norman, Georgia, Wilkes Co. In the name of God, Amen. I Elizabeth Norman (relict of Jesse Norman) being weak of body, but of sound and disposing mind arrl memory, and conscious of the certainty of death and uncertainty of life, make 6his my last will and testament. 1st. I give and bequeath unto my grandson Henry N. Pope, tbe sum of three hundred arrl fifty dollars, to be paid to him by my Executors within the time preseribed by law. 2nd. I give and be­ queath unto Richard B. Wootlen who intermarried with my granddaughter Martha Hinton, the negro wanan Tener, with her child Adaline arrl their increase on the following terms, that he shall pay to the above mentioned Henry N. Pope the said sum, or legacy of three hundred and fiftyliollars. 3rd. The remaining balance of my effects both real and iersonal, I give and bequeath in the following man­ ner, but is one-third to my son-in-law John Hinton, and on-third to my son-in-law, James Hinton, and the remaining third to the children of my deceased son (Law B?) Norman, to be equally divided between them. 4th. I nominate and appoint Richard B. Wootten arrl John Hinton Exrs. to this my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 15 Jany., 18~1. her Signed and sealed in the presence of Elizabeth X Norman. Wm. Saf~old, Wm. S. Muse. mark . 5. Lewis Pope4 (John,3 Henry,2 William)1 m. (1) Ann ••• • ; · m. (11) Jemima •••• , before 1773. He removed to Oglethorpe Co,, Ga. His will 20 Sept., 1803; recorded 14 Feby., 1805. (Will Book A, p. 146). Wife Jemima Pope to see that my two youngest children Zachariah and Patsy are educated; my dau. Polly Ridley Jordan; son Archelus Pope; dau. Rebecca Ogilvie; dau. Betsy (pro. Patsy) Pope; dau. Jemima Phillips; son Willis Pope (m. Nov. 23, 1810, Agnes Hobson, of Jackson Co.); son Zachariah Pope. Among other things, will each of his children a 11 horse creature" of the value of $100. Exx.: my wife Jemima Pope; Exrs.: my son Archelus Pope, and ~ son-in-law George Phillips. Wi~; Alexr Lester, Wm. Hatchett, Benj. Wilks. (Signed) Lewis Pope.


Maryla11d's Heraldic Families


Tercentenary of the Founding of Maryland

By ALICE NORRIS PARRAN Author and Editor

The Tercentenary Edition is Sponsored

BY THE Southern Maryland Society Colonial Dames

Founder and President, Mrs. Francis .J. Parran.

(Memo. of the Md. Tercentenary Commission of Md.) (Memb. of the Md. Historical ~nriPtv an

Printed by H. G. ROEBUCK & SON, 119 W . Mulberry Slrect Baltimore, Md. Ri,;GJRTl':lt OF MAlffLAND'S Ht;RALDIC FAMILU~S 299 -POOLE- pooLE-


'.: r.··. ..•" .·. . _, I l.'.... "" .... --~


Abstracted and Compiled From the 1801 Transcript of / the Original Volume · Which is no Longer Extant


John Frederick Dorman


Gift To SAN ANT,, ,,.1cJ !':__. ______,., ••.. J ...... 19 __ , ____ _'. __ By:

N. m c .... ::..::_ :. _~_ .1.. •. .. i::~·:.. _:...... ::/::_., ______~ .t.. ••LL -·· AJ,he••------.. - -- --·--·---·------·.. ·----·--·-----

Washington~ D. c. 1965

' On ~ April 1968, Mr. Dorman wrote: Y• : "A portion of Westmoreland deeds & ' · wills #1 is included in Fleet's series of VIRGINIA COLONIAL ABSTRAGrS. 11 ~· -

,,f 22 i 30 Oct. 1695. Acknowledged by Tobias Butler. Ann Butler, wife of said Tobias, by Wm. Jenings her attorney, relinquished her right of dower. Page 5la. 17 Feb. 1695/6. Ann Brent, widow and administratrix of Mr. Robert Brent of Stafford County, deceased, impower Mr. John Hartley of Westmoreland County to receive and discharge all debts due my deceased husband. Anne Brent Pages 5la-52a.. 29 July 1695. Thomas Lamki::i of Cople Pa.rish, Westmoreland County, carpenter, and Susannah his Wife, to Simon Robins of same. For 2600 pounds of tobacco. 60 acres on the branches of Youcomoco in said parish, bounded with the lands of John Lenham, William Walker, Robert Self and Edward Mynty late in the possession and occupation of John Headley and William Hammock and now in occupation of Thomas Lamkin. Thomas Lamkin Susannah Lamkin Wit: Hannah Salmon, William Storkm.an, Sarah Noustubb [?]. 25 Feb. 1695 [1696]. Susannah Lamkin appoint Benedick Middleton attorney to acknowledge my thirds. Susannah Lamkin Wit: Eliza: Middleton, Jno. Middleton. 25 March 1696. Acknowledged by Thomas Lamkin. Benedick Middleton by virtue of a power from Susannah Lamkin wife of Thomas relinquished her right of dower. Pages 52a-53. Mr. John Serimgem [Scrimgen in index]. We the jury do value the goods according to the inventory which bears date 28 Aug. 1695. Valuation of 511 303 pounds of tobacco includes a French man servant plus 10,000 pounds of tobacco for expense in recovery and four years want of an India man. John Newton John Bushrod Alexr. Wester Robt. Sanford James Smith Stephen Jones Jos. Hutson Abraham Smith Wm. Paine John Sturman ' Joseph Hardwick Jas. Hardwick Geo. Harrison Dennis Correll Christopher Thomas Pages 53a-57. 26-27 Sept. 1695. Robert Listun of the Citty of Bristol, butcher, and Mary his wife, Thomas .Listun of said citty, plumber, sone of the said Robert, and Jo,ane his Wife, Thomas Freeman of said citty, joiner, and Dorothy his wife, . l Daughter of said Robert Listun, to Laurence Washington of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County., merchant. Lease and release; for ~100. 400 acres ••• 200 acres par·t thereof • • • oak which di videth this land and the land of Capt. Thomas Baldrick and Mr. James Baldridge and extending even with Potomack River ••• creek which divides this land .and the land of Henry Brock ••• into the wood N W upon the land of Capt. Baldridge and Mr. James , I Baldridge ••• and 200 acres ••• land of Major Baldridge, 23 dee-eased ••• Sir William Berkley, Knt., then Governor of Virginia, did by patent 18 March 1662 grant unto Daniel Listun, deceased, brother of said Robert Listun, 400 acres. Daniel Listun made his last will 14 April 1679, duly proved in Westmoreland County, and did bequeath unto his son William Listun half of the aforesaid land, and unto his son Daniel Listun the other half', and 1;;hat if either should die without issue the sur­ vivor should enjoy his part, and if' both should die wi~out issue the children of his brother Robert should enjoy his said sons' parts, real and. personal. William and Daniel Lis tun both died without any issue I whereby the lan_d is vested in the children of Robert. Robert had children Charles Listun, Thomas Listun and the said Dorothy, now wif'e of' Thomas Freeman. Charles -Listun has sold unto Robert .all his share. Robert Listun and Mary his wife, Thomas Listun and Joane his wif'e, Thomas Freeman and Dorothy his. ~if'e have made . John Washington, Gent., Caleb Butler,,, Gent., and Alexr. Wester (Webster), Gent., all of Westmoreland County, their attorneys to deliver possession to Laurence Washington • . · . Rober~ Listun Mapy Listun · Thomas Listun Joan Listun Thos. Freeman Dorothy Freeman Wit: John Jones, Thos. Mountjoy, Lewis I'Iarkam (Markham), Abraham Evins, John Lymen (also John Fiake [?] in release). John Washington and Caleb Butler deliver possession to Laurence Washin3ton. Wit: John Jones, Robert Gibson, Original Browne 1 Simon Robins. · 27 May 1696. Proved by John Jones, Lewis Markam (Markham), and Abraham Evins. John Washington andCaleb Butler relinquish pights- of dower. 11 A bond here follows for the perf'ormance of covenants but it is written in Lattin and I cannot transcribe it, but may be fotind on Page 206 of the · Original book." · ,/ Pages 57-58a. 19-20 Oct. 1695. Robert Listun of the Citty of Bristoll, butler, to Charles Listun his son of the said citty. Lease and release; for ~8. 400 acres 1n Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, bounded with Potomack River and with Mr. John Washington's · creek on the one side and with Mr. Baldridge his land sold to Mr. William Butler, Clerk, on the other side· ••• recovered by Lewis Mar~ham by virtue of a letter of attorney from Mr. Robert Listun as prochyn amy to his . children. : · Charles L1stun Wit: John Fieeke, Samuell Allway, Jno. Lyman. Pages 59-59a. 4 Nov. 1695. Robert Listun of the Citty of Bristoll, butler, and Thomas Listun of the same city, plumber, son of the said Robert, and Thomas Freeman of the said citty, joiner, and Dorothy his wife, daughter of the said Robert · · Liatun, appoint Laurence Washington of Washington Parish, l Westmoreland County, attorney to receive all debts, sums of · . money, plate 1 stock, cattle and personal estate bequeathed to us by the last will of Daniel Listen, late of Westmoreland WESTMORELAND COUN'IY, VIRGINIA

ORDER BOOK 1698-1705

PART ONE 1698-1699


ABSTRACTED AND COMPILED BY JOHN FREDERICK DORMAN . 10 John f1orrice and Elizabeth his wife beinp; summoned as c evidence to prove John Ethell's will, ordered Charles Tyler e and John Chilton, .executors , pay1 Jno. · Morrice 80 pounds · of tobacco fof his and wife'~ attendance each one .day. h Upon the petition of. Eliza. Wi6kliffe, ·relict of David a Wickliff, administration is granted her of her husband's est~te, a Joseph Hemmings and Edward Lambee assumein~ to bee her securi­ Y• ties., . and she to return~ full inventory. It · is also ord~red 8 1 that Alexr. Webster, Caleb Butler, Richd. Craddunk and John Higdon appraise the estate. .. h ~ Page 8a [29 June 1698] bJ SE The last will and testament of Frances But~er Listort was Wn return'd . proved as by certificate thereunder writt and; recorded dr with the said will ~ay appear. [Marginal , notation: The exe6u­ tr. tor dead before this order, therefore of no effect.] The am executor ordered to return an .inventory of the estate· and ap Alexr. Webster, .Caleb Butler: John Flliott; Richd. Craddunk ap and John Higdon are ordered to appraise the estate. . ' All the .witnesses to the last will and testament of Pichll. Ra Webb .being dead, upon the petition: of Rebecca Webb his ·relict, he: administration with the will annexed. is granted her, Joseph · it: Hemminr.s and Edward Larabee assumeinr; to bee her· securities. LU< It is ordered that Thomas Russell, Robt. Legg, Samll. Ducemen and Isaac Ducemen appraise the estate. · • ·

Upon the petition of t~. Pitman letters ad colligendum &c are granted him of the estate of 1'7m. Hipkins and he is ordered guc: to return a full inventory, Mrs. Jane Brown assumeing to be ing his security. unt him Upon the petition of Ann Redman; relict of, Solomon Redman, administration is er anted . her . of he:t:' , husband'' s estci.te, Charles Lucas and Edwd. Hawley. assumeing to .bee her securities" - It is ordered that Charles 'T;"}'ler, John · Chilton and Pichd. Dudley appraise the estate. · too. and . . •' I Alexander l1Jebster and Fdward Lambee haveing relinqufshed scr: the executorship of the last will and testament of Anthony Windsor., upon the ~ petition of . ~argrett Windsor the relict~ administration CUin testo. annex., is granted her Of· her husb.and' s ·estate, Joseph .Hemmings a~d . Edw.a.rd Lambee assumeihg · to bee her securi.ties. . ·It is ordered . that .1\.lexr. Webster, .. She1 F.ichd. Hancock and Edwd. Lambee appraise the estate. faiJ ... it j . . pers

. ' ·" ' secu The la.st · will and testament of James ~Tohnson Gent·. was what proVed. by John Gerrard Gent. and Simon Robins Gen~.i the two H ci64icills by all ·the respec~ive witnesses to each subscribed, ·Coun a probat thereof granted to Eliza. Johnson, relict and executrix, and it is ordered thnt Vincent Cox$ Thomas Garland, Nathaniel u Judgment is granted Robert Lyle, merchant, against John .1 Bennett as security for the -appearance of banll. Swillivant "I for 450 pounds of tobacco. 00 Judgment is granted Richard Hill againpt James Orchard as security for the appearance of Morris Hamlett for 300 pounds . .' of tobacco. y' Attachment is granted James Orchard against the estate of unds Morris Hamlett for 300 pounds of tobacco recovered again~t him =>Wed by Richd. Hill. Judgment is granted Richd. Pemberton ar,ainst John Henmore for 600 pounds of tobacco. Benjamin Tucker by James Orchard his attorney confessed judgment to Dr. Richd. Pemberton for 500 pounds of tobacco due by bill. Judgment is granted John Higgins and Ellenor his wife and -Nicho. Minor, the said Ellenor and Nicho. executors of John Minor, against Mary Tucker, administratrix of John Tucker, for 60 pounds of tobacco. nd­ f Page 63a [30 Nov. 1699] John Higgins and Ellenor his wife and Nicholas Minor, the said Ellinor and Nicholas being executors of John Minor, were attached to answer Richard Lee Esqr., esecutor of Mr. William Paine durante minori etate of the executor in the will, of a plea that they render him 1850 pounds of tobacco. The defend­ s ants by their attorney pleaded two bonds to Mrs. Ann Brent for 22,000 pounds of tobacco now in suit in barr of the plaintiff's action which is allowed by the Court and the action continued. Judgment is granted Robert Lovell and Ursula his wife, executrix of Lewis Nicholass against Mildred Hashington, Samuel Thompson and John Washington Gent., executors of Capt. Lawrence Washington the executor of Frarices Btitie~ · Lystun, for one servant of about four yeares to serve or 3000 pounds of tobacco two cowes and four sowes and one bed and covering, the same being a legacy left to Lewis Nicholas by Frances Butler Listun in her last will and testament. Order is cranted Simon Robins Gent. against Alexr. Spence Gent., Sheriff, for that he had not Danll. Feild at this Court to answer Robins of a plea of debt for 600 pounds of tobacco. Attachment is granted Alexr. Spence Gent., Sheriff, against the estate of Danll. Feild for 600 pounds of tobacco for the nonappearance of Feild to answer Simon Robins. William Cannaway brought his action against Randall Davenport for 420 pounds of tobacco but for that hee failed to prosecute, a nonsuite is eranted. j .

l ' f ~'// IVESTMORELAND WILL & DEED BOOK .I P..,.267 from State Library at Richmond of Henry: Brookes to Nicholas Saxton

To all Christian People .to whom these presents shall come GREETINGS know 'le that I Henry B.fooks· of Appamattox in the county of Westmoreland for many and weighty considerations me thereunto moving do by these presents for me and my eexcutors. fr ;;. ely make over and give and bestow upon Nicholas Saxton all my right, title, interest and property of forty acres o.f land, be it more or less, this said forty acres being part of a tract of land of 1000 acres where on I am now seated and is bounded as followeth! ---Pope's Creek beginning at a marked red oak standing on the said Creek and extending by a line of mar ked trees that parts the said forty acres from t he land of David V~ hitley; northwest 72 poles unto a marked white oak, thence south west 88 polas unto a swamp that parts the said land from t he land of Lawrence Abingdon then southeast down the said swamp unto the aforementioned Creek thereunto belonging in as large and ample manner as I myself have, or ought to have by virtue of a patent unto me granted by the Honorable Governor and Council of State of Virginia. And further I the said Brooks do warrant thj s said land unto the said Sacton against the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoevero In con­ firmation whereof I have hereunto set my · Hend and seal th:i.s 7 of June 1660 In presence of ~ichard Cole, David Whittley:· and Wm Horton, Henry Brooks (SEAL) Acknowldged in Court by the same Henry Brooks 10 June 1662. Nlj iUtVl

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Wife's Full Maiden Name. & 11 ·e.~ I;:::. Oay Mon1n Yeat j Clly, fown or ?tac• County ot ?ro.,1nce. etc. Sl•t• or CoYtilty 18'"" Somerset .~ ,_ .. I O.a1n I .;i SQruer se:f:: ~nf. I :, I au"•' I · -' l -:::~ Cornoll•r J:'r'1nr•< W "mith Pl.acas ol Res1aence . ~~ AddteU < . 5425 W. Iliff Dr. Occuoallon it otner lf'lan nou ..· ..,1fe Cnurcn Atfillatlon ·~-- ..- Otn~ l'lu•O•nds. 1t &l"V. No. (11 12'1 •u:. j] City, Stal• Lakewood, CO 80227 Ma•e 11pan1• ,,,_, l0t eacn mar.

Cate Hat F'a!l'l•t ,,_.Otl'\•"t Ma~ H•,,,..

j C/'l•iOr•n I Name U'I F1.1U Cl'tt1<3re:"l· a s.. I Day Montn Year City, Town or Ptace County or Provine•. etc. Stolle or Country Add. Info. on Cl"tlldren , ( Att1n~• ,,, oroar of t>1nn1 Oat• I ! 1 \A/;i<. t-_(,, IBinn I I ;_ Nev lb 17 I ;u .~~:'\AU'<;,.. ~ full. I Tiv,""" ~ k!>LJJi1 . './ !he Ma.$ Mu. I I i ':l°fll.IAl" L, dti<. y11 Name ot Spouae· i2. I J 1. Deatn I J ,,. e .fh u.r u \'c~'Vlef'Se ~ f:.,,n. . I ~Ca.u ol :..,__\ T(lr·,, rl ii,~ Sutial I I 2' Binn !&1'21 \IJ '.s-Hl ..... u.. <\l':~Pr-C.:> +- ~V\4..' i \).f!,IA.. E(iub~ 1 II.. 'f v 1 W1' I\ \Q.M Mu. 1·18~€' I Ml> or l/,A. 7 I 11;, ~1/-1.,... I' ,f~ot) Full Name ot Spouse• ' ii Deatn 1 '~ Ta.... rt.i:. ~ /i,,q I g,..; -:+r::. l . Snn"~·~ ... -r ~na I 2E:ll~ Pollett, Elizabeth 4 30 11 1659. Servant. Pope, Francis 2 509 Transported 1639. Servant. 6 142 II 1656. Pope, Francis 2 217 Immigrated 1645. 11 Pollett, John Pollitt, Francis 15 500 II 1678. Pope, Mrs. Francis 3 26 Transported 1649. ·\ 11 Pollitt, Richard 15 443 II 1672. Pope, Henry 15 370 1676. ,f\ Polten, James 11 496 II 1668. Pope, John 11 318 11 1668. Poltson, John 11 581 II 1668. Pope, John 17 572 " 1672. (15, fol. 407). Pomewood, Stephen 7 483 " 1664. Pope, John 15 317 Immigrated 1674. Of Virginia. Pomfrey, Richard 17 547 Service 1673. Of Somerset Co. Pope, Morgan 15 446 11 1677. Of Charles Co. Pomphrett, James 11 374 Transported 1668. Pope, Nathaniel 1 53-55 11 1639. Of St. Mary's Pomphrey, Richard 6 36 II 1663. Hundred. Pomplin, Rebecca 15 414 II 1677. Pope, Nathaniel ABH 50 Immigrated prior to 1648 with wife. 11 "' 1659. Servant. Pope, Nathaniel 11 ' Pond, Mary 4 5 2 610 prior to 1650. II 1676. (15, fol. 453). Pope, Nathaniell Pond, Thomas WC2 406 3 63 " prior to 1648 with wife Service 1680. Of Co. Pond, William WC2 327 Dorchester and five servants. Ponder, John 18 84 Transported 1674. Pope, Oliver 4 11 Transported 1659. Servant. Pondergra, Nich. 15 527 II 1678. Pope, Robert WC2 415 " 1666-80. Servant. Poo, Magdelen 18 167 II 1674. Pope, Robert 12 . 203 " 1669. Pope, ABH 348 1652. Servant. Robert 15 318 ' II 1674. (18,fol.24). Pool, Thomas II Poole, Elizabeth 6 347 1663. Pope, Robert 15 388 " 1675. Poole, Elizabeth 13 114 1668. Pope, Robert WC2 15 Immigrated 1.679. Of Somerset Co. Pope, Rose Poole, Elizabeth WC2 288 II 1680. 4 14 Transported 1649. Servant. Popham, Richard 11 Poole, Mr. George 12 199 II 1668. 5 180 1661. Service 1665. Poole, George 12 386 II 1669. (9, fol. 312). Poole, Hendrick 6 122 II 1650. Popleton, Philip WC2 128-129 Rights 1679. Poole, John 8 130 Immigrated 1668 with wife. Popley, Richard 12 415 Transported 1669. Poole, John 15 598 Transported 1668. Servant. Popley, William 5 257 11 1660. Poole, John 15 598 1679. Poppen, William 16 40 11 1670. Poole, Launcelot 17 65 " Nov.1669. Poppitt, Thomas 7 504 11 1664. Poole, Marina 15 503 II 1678. Porescort, William ABH 60 11 1635. Servant. Poole, Martin 6 131 1660. Porescourt, William 1 26 " since 1635. Poole, Rachel 17 449 " 1672. Poro, John 4 63 Immigrated 1658. Poole, Richard 15 314 1675. Porringer, John 15 397 Transported 1676. Poole, Thomas 6 347 II 1663~ Port, John 7 83 " 1661. Pooler, Tho. WC2 199 " 1680. Port, William WC2 73 11 1678. Pooley, John 17 419 And Mary, his wife. Service 1672. Porter, Ann 5 507 " 1649 and married Poolon, Katherine 7 474 Transported 1664. Wm. Frezell prior to 1663. Porter, Giles 6 48 -I Poor, Henry Q 49 Service 1658. Transported 1662. i Giles 11 104 Poor, John 4 5 Transported 1652-9. Porter, II 1667. Poor, Nicholas 15 527 " 1678. Porter, James 12 403 " 1669. Poor, Walter 15 527 " 1678. Porter, Joan ABH , 241 " 1651, and married Poore, Cesley 15 353 " 1674. John Nevell prior to Jan. - 29, 1652. Poore, Elizabeth 15 446 II 1677. Porter, Joanna 12 351 Transported 1669. Poore, George 10 600 " 1667. Porter, Joseph 7 427 Immigrated 1664. Poore, George 11 546 " 1668. Porter, Joseph 11 . 337,441 Transported 1668. " 1676. Porter, Josias 17 602 Poore, George 15 362 0 II 1667. Pooten, William 16 115 1671. Porter, Lawrence 5 93 Immigrated 1661. Pope, Andrew 4 11 " 1659. Servant. Porter, Ma. 1 7 - 411 Transported 1673. II Porter, Mary 5 80 Pope, Ann 15 317 1674. Wife of John. II 1661. l• 196 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 197

descended U. S. Senator Pope Barrow of Georgia and Leroy portraits of Captain Pope and his wife Ann and his daughter Pope Walker, Secretary of War, C. S. A. Lucy Ann are now in the possession of Percy Pope Dabney, of (3) Col. Nathaniel Pope, killed in duel with --- Rich­ Portland, Oregon. Captain Pope was fond of literature, was a ardson at Taylorsville, Virginia. (See preface to Wirt, Life of good story teller, and a correspondent and friend of William Patrick Henry). He married his cousin --- Duval, daughter Wirt. 1

I of Col. William Duval, and had children, viz·. : John Pope, of Fau­ The following is a copy of resolutions adopted by the County i: quier County, Virginia; Charles F. Pope, of Goochland County, Court of Powhatan County, Virginia, on August 5, I852, in ft' •:1 Virginia; William D. Pope, of Port Royal, Virginia, Catharine, memory of Captain William Pope: :1· !! who married Thomas C. Howard, of Richmond, Virginia. "A Preamble and Resolutions adopted by a meeting of the 11. ! ( 4) Lucetta, who married Col. Bell and moved to Kentucky members of the Court and its officers and the members of the J , and was grandmother of Gen. S. B. Maxey, United States Sena­ Bar and other citizens of the County this day held in Testimony J, tor from Texas. of their respect for the memory of Captain William Pope for 'II. I· (5) A daughter, who married Gov. Greenup, of many years a practitioner at the bar of this court and one of its i,i" ---, ,t'·' Kentucky. officers were presented in court and ordered to be recorded and ii ~. *., ( 6) A daughter, who married William Duval and are in these words, to-wit: ~J! ---, t had a son William Pope Duval, first Governor of Florida, and "Whereas Captain William Pope, for many years a practi­ sketched by Washington Irving under the name of "Ralph tioner at the bar of this court and late the Prosecuting Attorney Ringwood." for the Commonwealth therein, the accomplished gentleman, the (7) A daughter, ---, who married --- Hunter and faithful friend, the devoted patriot, the social companion, the settled in Kentucky. classic scholar and the pure philanthropist, the man of high toned honor, humanity, generosity and benevolence, departed this life (8) Percy Smith Pope, captain in United States Army, at Montpelier, his residence in this County, on the 19th day of served in Indian Wars in the south and died of yellow fever at July, I852, in the 9oth year of his age. Natchez, Mississippi, a bachelor. "Be it therefore resolved that as a token of our grief for the loss and respect for the memory of our departed friend and be­ SIXTH GENERATION loved companion, William Pope, Esq., we will wear the usual, badge of mourning for thirty days. 6. William Pope, known as Captain William Pope, born in "Whereupon the court doth order that one copy of the Pre­ Louisa County, Virginia, 23 October, q62, died at his home amble and Resolutions be sent by the clerk of this court to the "Montpelier" in Powhatan County, Virginia, I9 July, 1852. Was family of the deceased and that another copy be forwarded to the Commonwealth's Attorney of· Powhatan County. Served in Editors of the Richmond Newspapers with a request that it be Revolutionary War and in War of I812. Married Ann Woodson, published in their respective papers." daughter of Charles Woodson, Jr., and his wife, Nancy, nee Trotter. Had only one child Lucy Ann, born 21 May, 1793. Captain William Pop;;, his wife Ann Woodson, his daughter 1 See Kennedy's Life of William Wirt. Lucy Ann and her husband, Robert Kelso Dabney, were all buried at "Montpelier," Powhatan County, Virginia. St. Mernin profile I

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-/j,,f. ~ f¥- hJ?.. 7;a4 /1.50 %- /l~kd-·@ .r6~ ~ .;2,S-~ 3 ~t:;;::;-~{_ 4 f P yt~~ ,u~~7·~,:}(j 4-"2P{.:L~ I~~%_µ-~ d- :<. s- ~~~r 8'~@-/l.$- :;;- Gr~~~ ~~o · ~ d:i; ~ ,.E1;.a..Qb t,a,,, 4712.'J'p- ~?;/·//: ~- ~ ~ 392 GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS IN ENGLAi'ID. 1 ""ii: GENEALOGICAL GLEANINGS IN ENGLAND. 393 To Charles Tyrrell, youngest son of Dame l\fartha Tyrrell of Herne House in the Co. of Essex, one annuity of twenty pounds &c. To my of my said sons Thomas, Richard, John, Charles and Nathaniel for the ·~:: ~ousinSymon Horsepoole of London, gent., one annuity of thirty pounds managing of my said plantations and premises in Virginia. They shall re­ \- &c. To my beloved sister Dame Martha Tyrrell twenty pounds to buy her ceive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof until my said sons shall ?.:', a. ring, and to my nephews John, Thomas and Charles Tyrrell ten pounds • · attain their respective ages of one and twenty years, and they shall; from apiece and to my niece Martha Tyrrell twenty pounds, to buy each of them ,,. time to time, ship and consign the proceeds thereof to my said wife in Eng­ a ring. To John Elton of Tedbury, Glouc., physician, for bis great care land during her life, and, iu case of her decease, to such other person or ( .

and pains towards me and my family for several years past, forty pounds. persons as shall be guardian or guardians of all or1any my children, sons or To servants (not named). The residue unto Elianor, my wife, whom I daughters, to be by her or them from time to time disposed and laid out make sole executrix &c. Laud, 73 (P. C. C.). for and towards the better maintenance and education of all and every my said children. Dame ELI.ANOR P .ARGITER,the relict of Sir William Pargiter late of I make, · ordain and appoint Richard Gotley and Charles Jones the Gretworth, knight, deceased, 17 July 1685, proved 2 June 1687. My body younger, merchants of the city aforesaid, el:ecutors in trust &c. And to I desire may be carried iB a decent and private way to Garsden in Wilt­ each of my executors and to each of my above named friends and trustees shire and interred there by my former husband Lawrence Washington in Virginia I give twent.y shillings apiece. as tokens of . Provision ~' Esq'. I will and bequeath to my dearly beloved daughter Ferrara my made for tllree daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Margaret out of the per­ necklace of pearl, being two strings of pearl, which her father gave to me, ,. 'ft sonal estate (they under twenty-one). one saphire ring, which he likewise gave to me, and her father's picture set Wit: John Churchman, wwMeredith, wwBrayne and John Selwood. in gold. To the parish of Garsdon thirty pounds, to bo bestowed in decent ~~~· Cann, 124 C. C.). ~~: (P. plate for the Communion Table there, to be kept by the Minister of the r,':: place for the time being. To the poor of that parish ten pounds. The ~f-- The Honorable JOHN CUSTIS Esq. of the City of Williamsburg and residue to my daughter Elianor Pargiter, whom I make, constitute and ( County of James City in the Colony of Virginia, 14 November 1749, ordain sole executrix. •#!.· proved at London 19 November 1753. My executor to lay out and expend, Proved by the oath of Elianor Dering als Pargiter. ·-~! , ) as soon as possible after my decease, out of my estate, the sum of one hun­ Foot, 82 (P. C. C.). ~; dred pounds sterling to buy a handsome tombstone of the best durable ;' . white marble, large and built up of the most durable stone that can be pur­ She was the second daughter of William Guise of Elmore, chased, for pillars, very decent and handsome to lay over my dead body, Gloucestershire. She died 19 July, 1685, according to the monu­ , . engraved on the tombstone my coat of arms, which are three parrots, and {' mental inscription at Garsden. Her first husband, Lawrence ,· my will is that the following inscription may be also handsomely engraved Washington, Esq.,

ope, the e regi­ matried on were



COL. NATHANIEL POPE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. John, the third son, died early, unmarried. His will was probated in Canterberry Court, England, Feb. 4, 1700. BY REV. G. w. BEALE, D. D. Charles, the fourth son, died intestate and without issue. About the middle of the seventeenth century (1650) three Nathaniel, the fifth son of Thomas and Joanna Pope, returned immigrants to America of the name of Pope settled in adjoining to Virginia; married Elizabeth Bridges (a widow), and daughter counties in the Northern N eek of Virginia. Nathaniel Pope, of Col. William and Sara (Underwood?) Pierce; empowered previously a resident of the colony of Maryland, located on the by letter of his mother, dated July 6, 1709, to manage Cliffs Potomac, in Westmoreland county, between "Appomattox (now plantation; gave deed for above property, with wife Elizabeth, Mattox) and Pope's Creeks. Humphrey Pope located in Rap­ to Thomas Lee, July 13, 1718. (This property became by thi5 pahannock (now Richmond) county, and later removed to West­ purchase a part of the famous Stratford estate.) He died intes­ moreland. James Pope settled in Northumberland. What rela­ tate about 1730, leaving an only daughter named for her mother tionship existed between these three men we are unable to say. Elizabeth. We give below an outline of the descendants of Nathaniel Of the daughters of Thomas and Joanna Pope, who probably Pope, the immigrant, named above. remained in England, we have no further account. He settled in Maryland about 1637 ; was sent as agent to Kent Nathaniel Pope (second son of Colonel Nathaniel and Lucy Island, 1647; removed to Virginia, 1650 ; "gave his marke of Pope) resided in Westmoreland, on land inherited from his hogges and cattle underkeel in both eares," Jan. 10, 1652; ob­ father; obtained patent on Hollis Creek for 1050 A., Jan. 3, tained patent for 1050 A. at Cliffs, 1651; commissioned Lieut. 1661; transferred the same to John Watts, Nov. 1, 1665; mar­ Colonel of Westmoreland Troops, Apl. 4, 1B55; will dated May ried Mary Sisson (sister to Daniel Sisson, interpreter for the 16, 1659; probated April 26, 1660. Indians), and dying early without will, left an only son, Nathan­ Col. Nathaniel Pope married Lucy -- (named in his will as iel, who in consequence of his mother's marriage to --­ "Luce"). Bridges, became known as Nathaniel Pope, "alias Bridges." Their children were: 1 Thomas, 2 ~ athaniel, 3 Anne, 4 Mar­ [Mrs. Mary (Sisson) Pope, after marrying a second time, be­ garet. came a widow again, and married for the third time Lewis Thomas Pope, eldest of the above named children, was executor Nicholas, by whom she had a son Lewis. Having been widowed of his father's will, and inherited the plantation on the Potomac, the third time, she married as her fourth husband David Whit­ where his father lived; also the plantation. called Cliffs. He liffe, the first Protestant born in the Province of Maryland, who married Joanna--, and in 1684 removed to Bristol, England, had come as a refugee to Virginia. By him she had two sons and where he soon afterwards died. His will, written at the time of a daughter, named David, Robert and Deborah.] his setting sail from Virginia, is dated Sept. 3, 1684, and wa11 Of the daughters of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy -- Pope, the probated sixteen months later, Jan. 3, 1686. eldest, Ann, married John Washington, Major in the same regi­ The children of Thomas and Joanna Pope were (1) Thomas, ment with her father. (Query: Had she previously matried ( 2) Richard, ( 3) John, ( 4) Charles, ( 5) Nathaniel, ( 6) Mary, Walter Broadhurst?) Her children by John Washington were ( 7) Elizabeth, ( 8) Margaret. Lawrence, John and Ann. Thomas (eldest son of Thomas) resided in Virginia on the Margaret, the other daughter of Col. Nathaniel Pope, married estate at Pope's Creek, left him by his father. He married, and Col. William Hardwick, an opulent wiQ.ower, living on Currio­ dying early, left an only daughter, Mary, who married Samuel man Bay, near the mouth of N omini River, on a plantation Randall, a merch&nt of Cork, and died without issue. which has long been known as "Booth's." She apparently left 'Jf Richard, the second son of Thomas and Joanna, we have no issue. Nathaniel Pope, alias Bridges, son of Nathaniel and been unable to trace the record. Mary (Sisson) Pope, received. deed from his mother, Mary 194 WILLIAM .AND MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY. COL. N .ATH.ANIEL POPE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 195

Bridges, Aug. 25, 1676; also deed from same, then Mary Nicho­ trustee J e:fferson courthouse 1784; afterward trustee Louisville, las, Feb. 20, 1677; got patent for land in Richmond county Ky. He served as captain in the Revolution, and afterwards as March 8, 1699; also patent in same county for land June 8, colonel in the Kentucky Militia. 1700; lived for a time in above county; guardian of Nathaniel He married (circa 1765) Edwards, daughter of Hay­ Washington, 1708; practitioner-at-law, King's attorney for West­ den Edwards, of Fauquier county, Va. Hayden Edwards was moreland, clerk of Stafford; received deed of gift from John second son of William Edwards, of Lancaster county, Va., and Worden, Jan. 3, 1714; gave deed for land to granddaughter, is mentioned by Kennedy in The Life of William Wirt. He was Jane Weeks, 1716; recited gift of land to his son Worden, Jan. grandfather of Governor , of Illinois. 27, 1719. Died without a will, 1719. The children of William and Penelope (Edwards) Pope, as He married, about 1690, Jane, daughter of Original and Jane far as we have ascertained, were ( 1) Penelope (born Prince (Brooks) Brown, who is named in her father's will of April, William county, Va., Feb. 12, 1769; married July 24, 1783, 1698. Her mother, Jane (Brooks) Brown, then married to Lieut.-Cul. William Oldham, who was killed, Nov. 4, 1791, com­ James Campbell, names Nathaniel Pope as my son-in-law in manding Kentucky Militia at St. Clair's defeat. Col. Oldham deed of Feb. 24, 1702. The children of Nathaniel Pope alias is believed to have been the eldest son of Isaac Oldham, formerly Bridges and Jane Brown were: 1 William, 2 :Mary (married of Westmoreland county, Pa., who died in 1822, in Ohio county, Joseph Weeks), 3 Lewis, 4 John, 5 Jane, 6 Worden, 7 Elizabeth. Va., leaving a will, in which thirteen children are named.) Of the above children William and Lewis probably died in (2) John, born in Prince William county, Va., 1770; lost an childhood. arm by an accident when a boy; removed to Kentucky; was John Pope, son of Nathaniel and Jane ( Brovrn) Pope, re­ United States Senator; served (1829-'37) as territorial governor sided in Westmoreland county, Va.; married Elizabeth, only of Arkansas; died at Springfield, Ky., July 12, 1845. He had daughter and heiress at law of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Pierce) son Nathaniel, who was United States Federal Judge in Illinois, Pope. He secured title to land in Stafford county, Va., Feb. 9, and father of Maj .-Gen. John Pope, U. S. A. ( 3) Jane, mar­ 1718; gave deed to Augustine Washington for mill site at head ried Maj. Abner Field, father of Dr. Nathan Field, of J e:fferson­ of Pope's Creek, Sept. 28, 1728; gave deed to his sister, Eliza­ ville, Ind. beth, 1730; died intestate, 1735. After his decease his widow, John Pope (son of Worden and Hester Pope) was trustee of Elizabeth, married William Wroe. town of Dumfries, 1786 (Hen. Stat., Vol. XII., p. 337) ; member The children of John and Elizabeth (Pope) Pope were: 1 Na­ Virginia Assembly, 1798-'99. thaniel (born 1729), 2 John Henry, 3 William. The order of Jean, daughter of Worden and Hester Pope, married Thomas their births we do not certainly know. Helm, of Prince William county, Va., who moved to the Falls of Worden Pope (son of Nathaniel and Jane (Brown) Pope the Ohio in 1778. He was born Sept. 14, 1731. (born circa 1700; died 1749) also lived in Westmoreland, where Of the daughters of Nathaniel and Jane (Brown) Pope, Mary, his will, dated Jan. H, 1748, was probated August 29, 174:9. who intermarried with Joseph Weeks, left issue Mary. He married Hester (Netherton?), and had children as follows: Elizabeth (sister to Mrs. Joseph Weeks) married Bowen Price, ( 1) Benjamin, ( 2) Jean, ( 3) William, ( 4) John. of King George county, and had ( 1) Ann, ( 2) John, and ( 3) Of these sons, Benjamin (born circa 17 40), married Beheth­ William. erton Foote (marriage bond in Fauquier county, dated Dec. 11, Mrs. Jane (Brown) Pope died at al! advanced age in 1752, 1766), and resided in Jefferson county, whence he removed to and her will was probated June 30th of that year. Bullett county, Ky. It would seem probable that Nathaniel and Jane (Brown) William Pope (son of Worden and Hester) in early life lived Pope had besides the sons that have been mentioned one named in Prince William county, and moved thence to Jefferson county; Nathaniel, who died in Westmoreland' in 1737, leaving a widow, Margaret, who married Daniel Higdon. 196 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY. FAMILY RECORDS. 197

Nathaniel Pope (named above as son of John and Elizabeth of Nancy. After the death of Matthew Pate, her first husband, (Pope) Pope) is named in Mrs. Jane Pope's will of June 30, Elizabeth married William Carling, of Petersburg, wnere they 1752; sold land in King George county, which had been patented now reside. They have no other children. Nancy Pate married by his grandfather Nathaniel Pope, by deed to Richard Tutt, Charles Corling, of Petersburg, who was brother to William, the May, 1753; removed to Louisa county, near Ball's X Roads; husband of her mother, and she is now living in that town. Dur­ received indenture for land at Pope's Creek from his mother, ing her marriage, Nancy had three children, to-wit: William, Elizabeth Wroe, 1758; grave marked by tomb in latter county. who is still living and unmarried; Charles, who is married, and He married Lucy S. Fox, and reared a large family, of whom Eliza, who married Mr. -- Levering, of Baltimore, whose more later on. young and interesting widow she now is. The whole of this John Henry Pope (brother to Nathaniel above) may have family resides in Petersburg, and they live together. been older than his brother William ; removed to North Carolina; Elizabeth, who married Mr. James Shelburn, of James City married (probably a Miss Burwell) and had ( 1) Burwell, born county, and by whom she had the following children to-wit: 17 52; ( 2) Willis, ( 3) Henry Augustine. Of these sons Bu::-well Robert, who married Mrs. Catherine Saunders, widow of Joseph was ensign in First North Carolina Regiment, Continental Line, Saunders; her maiden name was Vaughan, and by whom he had Sept. 1, 1775; member North Carolina Legislature, 1781-'82; several children, to-wit, six, and five of them died under age and in Georgia Senate, 1795-'96; resided in Wilkes county in that unmarried. Robert, the surviving child, is still living, and in State. He married Priscilla Wootten Sept. 6, 1772. Williamsburg, a young and unmarried man ; his parents are both Henry Augustine Pope was born Aug. 6, 1760; obtained deed dead. for property in Oglethorpe county, Ga., on which he lived and James Shelburn, the second son of James, married Miss Eliza­ lies buried, in 1796. (This deed is still in possession of Hon. beth Morris, of James City county, where they now reside. By Pope Barrow, of Savannah, Ga.) He was twice married, Clara their marriage they had four children, three of whom being sons, Hill being his first wife, and Lucy Hobson, daughter of Governor died under age, and the remaining one, a daughter named Samuel Lumpkin, being the second. Martha Ann, born about the year 1816, is now living with her Of Willis Pope, brother of Burwell and Henry A. Pope, we parents ( 1831) . have obtained no further mention than that of his name among Elizabeth Shelburn, the third child of Jam es, married Mr. the sons of the first Burwell Pope. Godlib F. Kohler, of Richmond. She is dead, leaving a child (To be Continued.) named Ann, born about the year 1812, and in the year 1826, she was living with her Aunt Mary in Richmond. William Shelburn, FAMILY RECORDS OF PA'l'E, WILLIAMSON, JACKSON in 1826, was living in Richmond and unmarried. Mary Shel­ AND ANDERSON FAMILIES. burn married Charles Charter, and had by him several children, all of whom died young, except one, named Roswell, who was (Copied from the Family Record-Boole of Robert Anderson, late living in 'Richmond in the year 1825, being then about sixteen of Williamsburg, Va.) years of age. Charles Charter having died, Mary then married (Continued from pp. 116-124.) Mr. -- Johnson, in 1826, in which year they lived in Rich­ PATE FAMILY CONTINUED. mond. Jeremiah Pate, the second son of Matthew Pate, who married On the 11th of N oventber, 1825, Mrs. Nancy Corling, being Miss Bender, had the following children by his marriage, to-wit, then on a visit to Robert Anderson, in Williamsburg, was fur­ two: nished with a written copy of as much of the foregoing 88 Matthew, who married Miss Elizabeth Cardwell, of James City related to her own family, and in 18,26, Mr. James Shelburn, county, and by whom he had an only child, a daughter by name her cousin, was furnished with a copy of the whole. AND 250 WILLIAM AND MA.RY COLLEGEQUARTERLY . COL. N .A.THANIELPOPE HIS DESCENDANTS. 251

I certify these copies to be correctly copied from the original Of this group of children of William and Penelope Pope, the papers of my father, Judge Wm. A. G. Dade, now in my pos- daughter Penelope who married Col. Oldham, had by him four session, by .J. A. L. Norman. LUCIEN DADE. children, viz.: William (died young), John P., Richard A., and The above was copied by me May, 1856. Abigail. She married ( 2) Henry Churchill ( J an-qary 2, 1793), WASHINGTONPEACE . and died Sept. 16, 1821. She had by the second marriage five children: Armistead, Henry, Lucy Gordon, Worden Pope, Eliza Ann, and Alexander Pope. COL. NATHANIEL POPE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. The second daughter, Elizabeth, who married Abner Fields (license dated Oct. 17, 1793), had seven sons and five daughters, (Continued.) viz.: Gabriel, William, Abner, Alexander, Nathaniel, John, In addition to the three children of William and Penelope Charles, Judith, Penelope, Eleanor, Esther and Elizabeth. (Edwards) Pope previously named, viz., Penelope, John and Nathaniel Pope (son of John and Elizabeth (Bridges) Pope, Jane, the compiler is able to give five others, as follows: born circa 1729; married Lucy S. Fox, and had ( 1) John; William, second son, born January, 1775; died May 29, 1844; moved to Georgia; (2) Nathaniel, mentioned in William Wirt's was a prosperous farmer in Jefferson county, near Louisville, preface to his Life of Patrick Henry; ( 3) William, common­ Ky. He married January 23, 1800, Cynthia Sturgess, by whom wealth's attorney for Powhatan county; lived and died at "Mont­ he had a large family. His children, who lived to be married, pelier"; ( 4) Percy Smith, U. S. A.; served in Indian wars; were John, William H., Robert, Godfrey, Charles and Ann. promoted at St. Clair's defeat; died of yellow fever in the South. Alexander, third son, prominent lawyer of Louisville, Ky.; (5) ---,married William Duval, and was mother to William married October 4, 1806, Martha M. Fontaine, daughter of Pope Duval, first governor of Florida. ( 6) ---, married Aaron Fontaine, of Louisville, by whom he had two sons and Governor Greenup, of Kentucky. (7) ---, married -­ three daughterE, viz. : Henry, Fontaine, Maria, Martha and Hunter, and settled in Kentucky. ( 8) Lucretia, married Col. Penelope. Samuel Bell, and removed to Kentucky. Her daughter married Nathaniel, fourth son, law_yer and jurist , settled at Kaskas­ Rice Maxey, and was mother to the Hon. S. B. Maxey, United kia; appointed by President Monroe United States Judge for States Senator from Texas. ' the district of Illinois. He married Lucretia Backus, and had Of John Pope, eldest son of the above family, who is reported two sons and four daughters-William, John, Penelope, Eliza­ as having settled in Georgia, we have no further certain account. beth, Lucretia and Cynthia. It was his second son John who Nathaniel Pope (.son of Nathaniel and Lucy S. Fox) lived at was Major-General in the United States army. (This Nathaniel "Chilton," Hanover county. He was killed in a duel near Tay­ Pope, erroneously stated in several published sketches as the son lorsville, "and died smoking his pipe, having requested his son of John Pope, M. C. from Kentucky, in 1811-'12, was so im­ not to prosecute the matter." He married Miss -- Duval, properly set down in the first installment of these notes.) and their children were ( 1) Charles Fox, who resided in Gooch­ Elizabeth, third daughter, married ( 1) Gen. George Trotter, land county, (2) John, (3) Katherine Eliza, who married of Lexington, Ky., by whom she had two sons--John and James. Thomas Calthorpe Howard, clerk of the Hustings Court of She married (2) the Rev. Nathan H. Hall, a Presbyterian Richmond. (4) Thomas, (5) Philadelphia, (6) Mary, (7) Wil­ clergyman, and removed to Mi8F-Ouri. They had two children­ liam D., a gifted lawyer, who practiced in King George and William and Florida. Westmoreland counties, and married Miss Skinker, near Port Hester Pope, fourth daughter, married her first cousin, Pres­ Royal, Va. (8) Alexandria, (9) Ann(?), married William ley Edwards, a distinguished lawyer of Russellville, Ky., and Price, register Virginia Land Office. (10) Philip, M. D., mar- had two children-G€-Orge T. and Mary. 252 WILLIAM A.ND MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY. ARMISTEAD WILLS. 253

ried Delia Cochrane, adopted daughter of Gi>vernor Turner of Charles Fox Pope (son of Nathaniel and Du val Pope), whose North Carolina. residence was in Goochland county, Va., married Lavinia Beck­ William Pope (son of Nathaniel and Lucy Fox), common­ with Payne. They had Laura (married Martin) ar,d Elizabeth wealth's attorney of Powhatan county; member of Virginia As­ Howard. sembly 1812; married Ann Woodson. They had an only daugh­ Katherine Eliza Pope (sister to Charles Fox Pope) married ter-Lucy Ann-who married Robert Kelso Dabney. They re­ Thomas C. Howard, and had William, Henry, Nathaniel Pope, sided at "Montpelier," near Powhatan Court-house. She died Edward, Charles, Philip, Francis, Marion (M. D.), John early, leaving two sons-Hon . Wm. Pope Dabney (born 1829; (clergyman), Robert, Conway and Ellen. died 1894), familiarly known in Virginia as "Judge" Dabney, The compiler of this outline has sought diligently, but so far an

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Dearest Cousin Elise:- Thanks for your good letter.

After writing you few weeks ago, I located a clipping I had cut from Comm€1Cial• Appeal e.nd which gave some Valliant and Hurlock history. I have mada a copy for you and am enclosing same. Yes, I know the Colonial Daines are more exclusive; but, we have no such Chapter in Meridian. I, really, have not been active in some ~rears in my D.A.R. 6hapter. Yet, I think it is nice to know that you are eligible ~nd could join on both sides of your family.

No doubt, Cousin Louise V. Eskrigge has the alliant coat-of-arms and other Valliant history. Cousin Frank V~lliant (son of Uncle Leroy Valliant of Supreme Court - lived in St. Louis, I believe. I remember having heard Mother and Father talk of their delighti'ul visit to Aunt Tena (?) and Uncle LeRoy while on their honey-moon) was in Mer'idian about seventeen years ago and he tuas here, endeavoring to get labor to take to his plantation, Leota Landing, Miss. He was charming.

Yes; it is I-v.. Q..-n Thornton Holladay, wife of Dr. P. E. Holladay of this City. Some time when I can spare the money, I would like to have a J copy made of the picture you have of Gen. John Brahan - is yours an original, or, copy?

Yes, we have a cunning picture of Father - made when ne was, probably, 12 years old. I am sure 1Iattie would love to have the one you have. ~ . You say you could send it to me.

I am glad to have the data "Which you have passed on to me from Cousin Louise. Yes, Papa says Aunt Jeanie and he, both, were born ~ at Kirktivood. Uncle Leroy's birthday was Mch. 7th, 1866. Papa and Mother were married 11/17/87. Gladys M. Keese -was from Little Rock, Ark. Mother did not have copy of11 Kith & Kin" but her sister who is now in Richmond, Va. (formerly · missionary to Korea) has a copy of this book. I run sorry that I haven't it to send you, nor, have I access to it, that Cecile is nov; in Richmond, Va.

No, am sorry Papa has no obituaries· of accounts of weddings. You know "our" home burned when I was a baby and my parents lost all their wedding presents, old furniture, clothing and silver, documents and all other such things which would be of great interest to us nawl

Papa says he doesn't know anything else about his Father. I will surely appreciate a copy of' the John Coffee Brahan line.' Papa has not felt like talking nruch lately - he has had trouble with his new (lower plate) teeth. His hearing is very bad and it strains him to get any part of' a conversation. He enjoys the C-Appeal which he reads every morning, and vmen Hugh isn't at home 1vith the car, Papa walks to town (11 blocks) and back - often couple times each day ·- to get the mail. He is remarkable for his age, I think.

Some months ago, ii\mrb .lunt Etta sent Papa a clipping from Huntsville, Ala., paper which I e.m sending you to read. Arter perusing same, please return.

I go to lunch from 11:30 to l~l:30 and I have written on-e.nd-off this now while the others are at lunch. Have mad :many interruptions and I knovr this jumpy•jerky ].etter records many times I have con~inuedADll! this letter.

More anon. Much love to each of you from Papa, Hugh and t

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