I I I "' ..... .. ' .... ~ c - .. .. .. - ... - - - - 184 1'if l?J, ~ lfo io . ~~F ~dd-~ 2)-,,,,, 3-'~7 .xf¢ r, /g'p/ ;;-~ c/"'fr.;,,,,&~~ ~ ~~ .• db 7:-Q.,~ ~d5?Je /,cJ~ :r 4~·~ I. t1 ~ d7f~1$~/~~i~ ,$J 0 dfft; /te11 :Z¥~ ~ ~~.Aw-'3dh..~ . 3. CJ t:) ~~ r- 1-r ~,,-- . ·..57> t /{,~ 21~~ !S-o (pJ-71:;. ~ I~ /. Oo . I ·' SURRY 1661 - John Ieekes receipt to George Jordan for bills put in his hands for benefit of young Rebecca Parham my wife's daughtero Surry Book 1, page 235 I 3-12-1709 Edward Parham- daughter Phebe , dau~hter Ann, son Edward plantation on which I now live, son Gower 100 A. whereon Robert Marlow now lives, daughter Elizabeth, daughter Lena; lewis Green, Jr. to have son Gower, until 20; Thomas Sissons son Edward until 20, also to take care of the rest of my children, overseers: Thomas Sis sons, Ephraim Parham, lewis Green, Jro - said 3 executorso lewis Green, Sr. John Gilliam, Jr. 3-12-1709 7-5-1709 Surry 1694-1709, page 416. Appraisial Edward Parham- by Robert and John Hawthorne and James Sammons. 7-4-1710. Estate account- Edward Parham Goods delivered to I~wls Green, Jr. Goods delivered to John Doby to John and Robert Bolling, executor of Col Robert Bolling to Major Wynne to George Pasmore to William Mallone to Thomas Raine to John Iewi s to Joh..'1 .r-eterson to lewis Green, Jr. to Thomas Sisson signed Thomas Sisson, Executor by Robert Ruffin and John Simmons. 7-4-1710 Surry 1709-15-16 12-15-1719, between Ytllliam Jones of P~rish of South­ wark and William Parrum c•f Southwark 5 shillings for a tract 230 A. on north side of Notoway Riber ( which said T of land was granted to William Parrum by patent October 24, 1701 beginning at the mouth of Monkesneck ~reek adjoining Charles .Leath. Released for 40 L. ::iitnesses: William Browne, Henry Browhe, Richard Blow. Bond from 1'.Illiam Jones to 1'.illiam Parum for. 8e 1 Surry 1715 -30, page 227 NATHANIEL POPE JR., cl640-1670 Nathaniel Pope Jr., the second son of Lt. Colonel Nathaniel ( cl600-60) and Lucy Pope, was born c1640, at st. Mary's, Maryland and otherwise lived and died at the family seat, Popes Creek. He obtained patent on Hollis Creek for 1050 acres on January 3, 1661. He married Mary Baldridge (~1641-77), daughter of James (d.1659) and Dorothy Baldridge (d.1662). Her sister dk~~ied Captain Daniel Liston who was a magistrate and known .- for his knowledge of the languages of the different Indian tribes. Nathaniel Pope Jr. died early and left an Qfl.J..Y son, Nathaniel Pope III (1660-1719). Mary Baldridge married again in 16'l:i?, David Wickliffe (1640-) who may have been an ancestor of the Wickliffes in Kentucky. 43 NATHANIEL POPE III, 1660-1719 Nathaniel Pope III, the o~ly son of Nathaniel Jr. (c1640-70) and Mary Baldridge Pope (c1641-77), was born in 1660 probably at Popes Creek. He was a man of large property interests in Richmond and Westmoreland Counties, Virginia. He was practitioner at law and King's attorney for Westmoreland County and clerk of Stafford, County. He was guardian for Nathaniel Washington. He married in 1692, Jane Brooks Brown (1668-1752), daughter of OrGl and Jane Brooks Brown (b.1644) and granddaughter of Henry (d.1662/82) and ~rooks, of Westmoreland County. They had several children, William, Mary (cl692-p1726), Lewis, John (c1695-1735), Nathaniel(?) (d.1737), Jane, Worden (1700-49) and Elizabeth Pope. 44 William and Lewis Pope probably died in childhood. Mary (c1692>1726) married Joseph Weeks (c1680-1716) and had a daughter, Jane. 45 Elizabeth married Bowen Price of King George Co. and had children, Ann, John and William Price.46 In the original history of the descendants of Nathaniel Pope it was noted that the descendants of Nathaniel Pope III were numerous and widely scattered throughout the Southern and Western States. The history then pursued with special particularity the genealogy of the family up to the foundation of the Kentucky branches. Nathaniel Pope III died in 1719. His wife, Jane Brooks Brown, died on June 30, 1752, in Westmoreland County. JOHN POPE, c1695-1735 • John Pope, the third son of Nathaniel III (1660-1719), and Jane Brooks 43 Beale, p. 193; William & Mary, X, pp. 176-177. 44 Beale, p. 194; Jane Pope Will dated April 23, 1752 (Westmoreland County Wills Book 11, p. 428)(names daughter Elizabeth Price, Nathaniel Pope, and grandchildren Ann, William and John Price and William, Benjamin and Elizabeth Pope) 45 Beale, pp. 194, 195. 46 Beale, pp. 194, 195. 11 ·'. ·· ·- ' .; ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ·:" . :;,. ' ' . , .· : I ':· ; ,, : Fram Vi::rginia to Alabama · In startinB my search for our :i?ope line I teund that the::re wore in Virgin161. at srCi>und the same tiqle and place the following J?ope men among some oth~rs. ~ · Lt~ Oelori~l Nathaniel Pone lived in Westmoreland Oe'lmtyf . (Wm. & Mary .. · · . Cellege Hletorical iasazir,ie . - Vol. 12, 1903-04 - GenealQBY ot Col. Pepe . and his descendants. } Tilomae, his son moved back to England and it is .. ... his will t})et•s referred 1;Q 3V 423 -325. .Ann Pope, daughta1· of Ool. · lt'atbaniel ~:Pepe• .married Col~ John Washington, great-great grandfa'ther ot Geo. Washington. Iisthaniel ~pe, the emie;rant, patented 1,000 acres new knewn as the 1BlaBB' land. With John Washington and Tlu.l~a.s Pepe they owned all the land frem .Oak Grove ta Index en th.e nerth side of .the road and b(l)rda:ring on Ma'btox Creek. ;j,"art of this land was r•rpatented by Ann .Pepe Washingten. The .family place is kne'w\Tt as 'Waketield' and is ;,ooated in Westmoreland County on •Po:pe Creek. It ie new a part et the lfiltional Fark Systt::tm. · The old home deea not remain but a repl.ica of ahauee. ot that -period has been built. ~e location is 'beautiful - Pope 0l:'eek runs '. into the ,,PotGmao at this point. The old :family, cemetery e,lso 1.s ·here ... and ia ·kept in g00d cQndition. Humnhre;r TuD~.• lived in Weatmore:land County, Va. ( ¥lm. & ~h~ry Histerical: Magazine Vo!. 13 - 1904-05, refers to Humphrey .?.ope and his descendants). ---~·-.. James · E~rpe - 'iivP,d 1~ lforthumberland County• Va. - ~ also to be _:t'gund in im~ & Mary Historical Magazine.. .. .. · · i"" Wi.1 liam :Po !'.>e - liva d t'irst in Wes tmorelarid ('oun t, then Nansemond County,,, tiien finally 6ettled in Isle of Wie;ht Oourlty, Va. He was eur anceeter • .. · Sa !er ... have not !eund any s&uroe that definitely links these . men either as brothers or cousinn. In Wat~rs' ;Genealogical Gleamings, it is stated · that 1.n 1655 William Pope received a grant ef .land in Westmoreland C~ntnty · . , but l don't believe this has ever been I>Xoved. Mr. R. A. Brook suggest• .· ,·. that there is a pr~babili t;r that William Pope e! Bansemen.d and Westmor$land ' · · counties and Nathaniel l'ope ot Westmoreland werQ brothers. ~is suge;eatien is further barne eut by iihe fact that at least e.tie of the 6r&.ndsons e! . Natban:i.el Pope of Westmoreland Oounty li.ved iti Isle ef Wight. Co'unty, Va . ..: . ~his was · Riebard Pope, 1io whom his brother John ~I>e gave p0we:rr e! atterney . Aug. 9, 1690 (Isle o! Wi5ht O~urt House, Va., Deed Book 1, page 29). Tbe1r ­ exaot re1atiansh1p ta William Pope is as yet . undtermined. ' The Sal!le . aay . be . said Gt Thol!l!U!I :P.o·pe whose will •'Hi8 recorded in ..Isle of Wight, Sept. 21, .:_,,, 1684 ( Isla of Wight Co.-urt Hense, Will Boek #2! . page 208}. An . account ef ·, William J?e,a and his desoendents can be fonnd l.n Wm. & Mary Qliarterly, lel. 27 (l) Page 61. As a child I v1as told by my 6X&ndmother l'epe ·we .were , · kin te Ge<J. WashiDgtQn and .I romember ·gain5 to school and repeating this. When this :piece of fsmily lore c:aine from I do not know but evidently had been passed down thro' the years. MY grandm&'ther said that the mothe:r. r;f Geo. WashinBton was my greet-great ?·??'i'ann:t. ·1t would have had to. b$;. his gre"1t•g.randmotbar . (Ann l\>'pe Waahington). i:t there was a connect1Qn. ·. ·. '. ·, 1 A.lse - it wa.i:J though-t that A:i:·chelus l>0pe • . eur first ano$:.tor 1n· Alabft,Jaa' . waa the' ;s6n e! 0~1. Lawrence Pope o! Virginia,·· bttt this proved incerreot. !Chis ·-· .evidently was cu:i.ethar p:tece ofta.roily l0re . passed dorm thre' ·.the . · years. ' H'1rw eve,r, ther~ must have been some QQnneoti~n between thesEt·, familie~ I fer this .10ra to h~ve pegun b\1t it is diftioul~ to Dr0ve. · ,l 2.- lt w:~s with the help of a ntllt1P6r of. petple who were k1J)d eneush tQ .;send iatormati911 plus time, eff&l"t, lW.d money, that I have been able te ; ~ut . this r•c~rd te5etber. I hape ;1Qll find it intereating. ' .;;: · William Pef.>el , ·. (Lrn Cti 1~34 - died ca 1700, ma::rried ca. 1660 M$rta-----) These dates · have never been ~roved. · The first direot Po~e tilleester in this O$untry that oan so tar be proved is William Pepe, who waa 11Vi?l5 in Hansemond Oounty, Va., in 1672. He was a Quaker, and several .reeerds concernina him and his fat.uily are pre­ served in the ·Quaker reeerds e:t Virginia, especially the Ohuokatuck _ · Monthly Kee ting.
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