C. R. Madan / Eureka 2 (2011) ORGANIC : A DIVERSITY IN DEFICITS Christopher R. Madan Volume 2, Number 1 (2011) Department of Psychology, University of Alberta Abstract Organic amnesia is the loss of due to biological factors such as disorders, tumors, , degenerative diseases, or any other of a multitude of other disruptions of neurological function. are stored throughout the brain, and as a result damage to any localized brain region only causes limited memory deficits. Even in itself, organic amnesia can present in a variety of impairments across numerous memory systems within the brain. Several kinds of amnesia will be reviewed, including details of the corresponding deficits and suggestions of the likely affected memory system.

Introduction may have been below thresholds for detection”. In some Many people believe that memory disorders affect cases, the opposite may also be true, where the organic memory as a whole. However, this is not the case as amnesia is entirely or in part caused by a psychological memory is not a unitary faculty of the mind (Tulving and mechanism (Fujiwara et al., 2008). Schacter, 1990). Memory disorders do not simply affect In the literature, the best known case of organic amnesia all of memory, rather they only impair select memory is patient H.M., who, in the 1950s, had an operation systems. Amnesia is commonly caused by memory loss to relieve symptoms of severe (Scoville and due to specific circumstances, mainly brain injury, illness, Milner, 1957; Corkin, 2002). The surgery involved his or psychological trauma (Passer and Smith, 2007, p. 257). hippocampal complex and parts of his temporal lobes in As described by Budson and Price (2005), “memory loss both hemispheres. After surgery, H.M. developed profound is often the most disabling feature of many disorders, amnesic symptoms even though his epilepsy had improved impairing the normal daily activities of the patients and (Simons and Graham, 2000). Since Milner and colleagues’ profoundly affecting the families.” Classically, amnesia is initial research with H.M., many more cases of hippocampal when “a person has problems recalling information from amnesia have been researched (Spiers, Maguire, and the past” (DANA Foundation, 2007), however, there are Burgess, 2001). Although bilateral hippocampal are many other possible memory impairments. clearly causing profound amnesia, there is still controversy Amnesic syndromes also have found their place in regarding the extent that unilateral hippocampal lesions Hollywood, albeit usually becoming distorted. In movies cause amnesia (Spiers et al., 2001). H.M. is now typically such as 50 First Dates (2004) and Groundhog Day (1990), used as a benchmark case in the study of the role of the the amnesic syndromes presented are impossible to medial in learning and memory (O’Kane, replicate in the real world, and are often cacophony of real Kensinger, and Corkin, 2001). symptoms viewed from an overly simplistic standpoint. Some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and This is not surprising as popular culture tends to take a Huntington’s disease, which are not commonly associated “mix and match” approach when it comes to portraying with amnesia, also encompass memory impairments. Due amnesic syndromes (Baxendale, 2004). Amnesia has also to their neurodegenerative nature their resulting lesions been demonstrated on big screen recently through many are progressive, rather than focal. For example, in medial other movies ranging from The Bourne Identity (2002) temporal lobe damage: H.M. was a focal patient. On trilogy to The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) the other hand, in Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative and Memento (2000). The representation of amnesia, along disease, patients tend to experience medial temporal lobe with other neuropsychological disorders, in popular culture damage first, while later other structures become involved is quite important as it can have a significant effect on public as well (Budson and Price, 2005). Focal lesions are caused of those who actually exhibit the disorder. by specific incident, such as surgery or trauma. In contrast, Amnesia can be divided into many different categories, progressive lesions are caused by neurodegenerative two of which are based on the proximal cause of the diseases that progress, affecting more of the brain and impairment: organic amnesia and . nervous system throughout their course. The biological instances of the amnesia, organic amnesia, Amnesia can vary greatly between individuals. This can is usually caused by brain disorders, tumours, strokes, be explained by attributing different memory systems to degenerative diseases, chronic usages of select , the various anatomical brain regions that have come to be temporal lobe surgery, or electroconvulsive therapy (DANA associated with the amnesic syndrome. The many disorders Foundation, 2007). The psychological memory disorders, that give rise to amnesia, “including herpes , psychogenic amnesia, are much rarer occurrences severe , certain vascular lesions, , deep than organic amnesia and are characterized by a loss midline tumours, lesions, and occasionally or dissociation of one’s identity and past experiences early ” (Kopelman, 2002), also are associated (Simons and Graham, 2000). As suggested by Fujiwara, with differences in the resulting symptoms. Depending on Brand, Kracht, Kessler, Diebel, Netz, and Markowitsch the type of amnesia and the suspected cause, treatments (2008), some instances of retrograde psychogenic amnesia vary greatly. For example, “one , donepezil, has been may actually be organic amnesia where the “functional/ found to improve thinking and memory in patients with metabolic disturbances in memory-relevant brain structures Alzheimer’s disease” (DANA Foundation, 2007). In spite 37 C. R. Madan / Eureka 2 (2011) of this, impairments to the system are Kopelman (2002) suggests that can much more prevalent than any other memory system result from possible disturbances in all memory processes: impairments (Spiers et al., 2001). “Episodic memory is our faulty , faulty consolidation, accelerated personal, conscious, explicit recollection of experienced , and faulty retrieval. Various studies point to each events” (Budson and Price, 2001). of the above causes, likely due to differing pathological Organic memory impairments can be subdivided further conditions causing the resulting amnesic syndromes. according to many different classifications, including Faulty encoding is when there is a deficit in the process time (as seen in anterograde and retrograde ), responsible for the initial representation of the information, processes (encoding, consolidation, , retrieval), such as in Korsakoff patients. Faulty consolidation occurs and content (depending on the affected memory systems). when the impairment prevents the information from being Memory systems can range from unconscious, as in effectively transferred from the initial representation to a , to what is commonly thought of as memory, relatively permanent store, a prominent occurrence head the episodic memory system. The aetiologies of memory injury patients. However, when the information is learned impairing disorders can vary significantly and are quite adequately learned, problems may still cause the deficits in diverse in their features and mechanisms of their resulting retention, as in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Lastly, deficits. faulty retrieval may also occur, where the impairment exists independently of the information acquisition. Forms of Amnesia Most instances of memory impairment are associated As mentioned, amnesia can also be differentiated by with a temporally limited (Banich, its effect relative to the onset of its appearance. If the 2004, p. 328). The DANA Foundation (2007) reports that memory deficit presents as a severe inability to retain new these temporary amnesia cases are due to the disruption information, it is classified as anterograde amnesia (Kapur, of normal brain function for brief periods of time, without 1999). On the other hand, if the impairment presents as a causing permanent as seen in closed head loss of memory that had already been acquired prior to the injuries. The most common cause of this disruption is due onset of the cerebral pathology, it is considered retrograde to a blow to the head, from a sports injury or automobile amnesia. accident, interfering with the consolidation process (DANA Anterograde and retrograde amnesia often occur Foundation, 2007). Other longer, localized, disruptions can concurrently. The most common pattern is characterised by be observed in transient ischemic episodes where there a temporal gradient followed by Ribot’s Law (Shimamura, is a loss of language skills (anomia) while still retaining 1992). Ribot’s Law illustrates that there is a particular pattern recollection of the word-finding task (Kapur, 1999). where the “ability to learn new information is most impaired The period is believed to be (anterograde amnesia), recently learned information cannot approximately 20 to 30 minutes, “the time it takes your brain be retrieved (retrograde amnesia), and remote learned to file an input or experience away in long-term memory” information is spared” (Budson and Price, 2001). Budson (McConnell, 1989, p. 279). When the consolidation process and Price (2001) also mention that “the period of retrograde is not functional, new memories fail to be stored into long- amnesia can last anything from several hours (in the case term memory, resulting in anterograde amnesia. This was of ) to several years (in the case observed in H.M. who “could not what he had for of surgical excision of the temporal lobes).” This is not lunch and could not even recall if he had lunch at all” to say that amnesia is always graded as advocated by (Shimamura, 1992), and referred to his condition as always Squire, Clark, and Knowlton (2001), ungraded retrograde “waking from a dream”. Pharmacological factors can also amnesia can occur from damage to structures of the lateral have profound effects on the memory consolidation process and anterior temporal lobe, while graded amnesia is often (Gold, 2006). Gold (2006) explicates that these factors associated with medial temporal lobe damage. can be demonstrated principally through manipulations Anterograde amnesia is primarily caused by damage to of hormonal levels as well as through protein synthesis the hippocampal complex, impairing the individual’s ability inhibitors. to acquire new memories (Simons and Graham, 2000). As explained by Banich (2004, p. 336), amnesics have As described by Simons and Graham (2000), retrograde very specific patterns of limited memory loss, and despite amnesia is much less localized physiologically, though amnesics losing their ability to remember information, the temporal lobe appears to be a principal storage site under certain special circumstances, their behaviours are for human memory. Most research into amnesia has been indicative of learning and memory. Amnesics can still learn, focused on anterograde amnesia as it is considered to though not always in the traditional sense. One way of be more disabling in everyday life, leaving the study of assessing residual memory in the presence of amnesia, is to retrograde amnesia widely neglected by researchers and utilize a content-based classification of memory or memory clinicians until recently (Kapur, 1999). Several reasons for systems (Ashby and O’Brien, 2005). Traditionally, amnesia this neglect, include that clinicians and caregivers alike is associated with an inability to recall previous events, are often less aware of retrograde memory symptoms and a property of the episodic memory system, but there are that there are significantly fewer retrograde memory tests also several other memory systems that can be affected by available to clinical neuropsychologists, as opposed to neurodegenerative diseases. With such classification, one anterograde memory tests. can observe and describe memory loss in some memory domain and preserved memory in others. 38 C. R. Madan / Eureka 2 (2011) Memory

Length of Storage Short-term Memory Long-term Memory

Awareness Explicit Implicit Explicit

Working Classical Procedural Episodic Semantic Priming System Memory Conditioning Memory Memory Memory

Basal Ganglia, Medial Major Anatomical Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala, Cortical Sensory Inferior & Lateral Temporal Cerebellum Association Areas Supplementary Temporal Lobe Structures Lobe Motor Area

Figure 1. Memory System Classification. (Adapted from: Schacter and Tulving, 1994; Willingham, 1997; Budson and Price, 2001; Ashby and O’Brien, 2005)

Memory Systems When discussing long-term memory disorders, there are A ‘memory system’ is “a way in which the brain process five memory systems theorized (Budson and Price, 2001). information that is available for use at a later time, with or These systems are either implicit in nature, as in classical without conscious awareness” (Budson and Price, 2001). conditioning, priming, and , or explicit, Of the various memory systems theorized, they can be as in episodic and . categorized based on their length of storage and our is the theory behind the traditional conscious awareness of the memories in the system, and stimulus-response relationship, best observed through can be dissociated from the other systems (Schacter and Pavlov’s experiments (Budson and Price, 2001). Classical Tulving, 1994). The length of storage can be either long- condition relies primarily on the amygdala and the term or short-term memory, while our awareness is either cerebellum, for emotional and skeletal motor responses explicit or implicit. Systems associated with conscious respectively (Willingham, 1997). Classically, amnesic awareness are considered explicit, while others that are patients are not impaired in conditioning tasks, though associated with behaviour changes or unconscious action there are some exceptions. Budson and Price (2001) reveal are designated as implicit. that damage to this system can occur in progressive stages In Schacter and Tulving’s (1994) memory system of Alzheimer’s disease and in some classification system, the only short-term memory system (from mediodorsal thalamic nuclear damage) patients, as mentioned is . However, the actual duration well as in cerebellar degenerative diseases. Conditioning (and even existence) of short-term memory is debated by a tone to be associated with a puff of air to the eye, memory researchers. The conventional assumption is that causing the subject to blink, is a common test of classical short-term memory is limited to a few seconds and/or seven conditioning (Shimamura, 2003). Amnesic subjects in this plus or minus two memory items (Banich, 2004, p. 239). task often retain the eye blink response for up to 24 hours, Working memory is considered to be an explicit, declarative though they did not recognize the testing apparatus. system as it requires “active conscious participation” Priming is another type of long-term, implicit, memory (Ashby and O’Brien, 2005). Budson and Price (2001) give an and is similar to the procedural and semantic memory example of “silently repeating a seven-digit phone number systems (Tulving and Schacter, 1990). According to until you have a chance to write it down.” Banich (2004, p. Willingham (1997), the basis for this system is that subjects 239) affirms that the most common working memory task are asked to study materials, then after a period of time, are would be a digit-span task where items have to be reversed given a task that utilizes the same study materials. Tulving (i.e., repeating a sequence of numbers in reverse order). and Schacter (1990) report that priming appears to be Ashby and O’Brien (2005) suggest that working memory unaffected in most amnesic patients, neural degeneration is crucial for rule-based categorical learning, as assessed associated with aging, and drug effects. Anatomically, in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Functional imaging priming is associated with the neocortical regions that studies suggest that working memory performance relies mediate the priming sensory information, i.e. the occipital on the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia (Ashby and lobe for visual priming, though large lesions to the sensory O’Brien, 2005). Budson and Price (2005) list disorders association cortex can also cause deficits in priming such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s (Budson and Price, 2001). Due to the implicit and covert disease, as well as as having been shown nature of priming, impairments in this system are unlikely to to impair working memory, in addition to traumatic brain be noticed outside of an experimental setting. injuries. Attentional disorders including -deficit Last of the systems is procedural hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, memory, which “underlies changes in skillful performance schizophrenia, and can also impair working and appropriate responding to stimuli” (Tulving and memory (Budson and Price, 2005). Schacter, 1990). A prime example of a procedural memory 39 C. R. Madan / Eureka 2 (2011) task is learning to ride a bike. Budson and Price (2005) in the left cerebral hemisphere, while spatial processing report that functional has found procedural is in the right hemisphere. Shimamura (2003) suggests memory to be rooted in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and that since episodic memory is largely spatial in nature, the supplementary motor area. As a result, diseases that damage to the right hemisphere causes more deficits in affect the basal ganglia, including Parkinson’s disease this memory system than in the semantic memory system. and Huntington’s disease, can impair this memory system In concordance, semantic memory impairments are often (Budson and Price, 2001). Exclusive cerebellar damage, as associated with lesions to the left cerebral hemisphere. found in some strokes and tumours, can also cause deficits Deficits in episodic memory are the most common to this memory system. aspect of the amnesic syndrome. Squire and Zola (1998) Many examples of procedural memory-based tasks have describe episodic memory as “the capacity for recollecting been used in research of the dissociations between memory happenings from the past, for remembering events that systems. In these tasks amnesic patients are able to learn occurred in particular spatial and temporal contexts.” motor skills or be successfully primed without being able Anatomically, episodic memory is based around the to recall having learned the tasks at all, though the use of Papez circuit, originally proposed by Papez in 1937 does greatly enhance an individual’s ability (Budson and Price, 2001). This neuroanatomical circuit to acquire procedural memory-based skills (Willingham, illustrates how information is transferred in and out of Nissen, and Bullemer, 1989). Corkin (2002) illustrates an the via the cingulate gyrus, in the medial example of this learning in experimental practices in H.M.’s temporal lobes. Squire et al. (2001) also report that “the improving performance over time in a mirror-tracing task hippocampus itself is important for memory for a relatively (tracing the outline of a given shape, usually a 6-pointed short period of time after learning and that the adjacent star, within a narrow boundary while looking at the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices remain important reflection of the page in the mirror). This type of learning for a longer time.” Some of the disorders that disrupt this has been further extended to involve mirror-reading memory system include: Alzheimer’s disease, Korsakoff’s (reading mirror-reversed text), though the amnesic patients syndrome, Herpes encephalitis, severe hypoxia, vascular were still impaired in recognizing the words (Willingham et disorders, transient global and epileptic amnesias, and al., 1989). In current neuropsychological assessments, the head injuries (Kopelman, 2002). These syndromes are the aforementioned tasks have been succeeded by the serial primary causes of anterograde amnesia as well as some reaction time task (Ashby and O’Brien, 2005), involving retrograde amnesias. the subject pressing keys as quickly as possible as a Budson and Price (2001) also notes that some aetiologies response to stimuli presented on a screen. In this task, the such as vascular and frontal lobe dementia are also known response time diminishes significantly when sequences are to cause distortions of episodic memory, as opposed to introduced, even when the subject is unaware that there is outright memory failure. In these cases, the origin of the a sequence. deficit is not caused by damage to the Papez circuit, but Despite the dissociation between procedural memory rather damage in the frontal lobes. In the analogy proposed and the other memory systems, it can be more difficult to by Budson and Price (2001), the frontal lobes act as a ‘file isolate procedural memory than is commonly stated. One clerk’, with the medial temporal lobes acting as the ‘recent example of this is demonstrated in Xu and Corkin’s (2001) memory file cabinet’ and other cortical regions serving as attempts to teach the H.M. to solve the Tower of Hanoi a ‘remote memory file cabinet’. If the frontal lobe has been puzzle. In this study, even though H.M. did show some damaged, improper filing occurs and the memories may be improvement throughout the day in the task under certain distorted and inaccurate. Some forms of amnesia, caused conditions, the learning was not carried over to the next by solely by frontal lobe pathology, are thus characterised day. Another example of this problem has been shown in mainly by faulty retrieval processes (i.e. head injury with studies with amnesics playing the computer game Tetris exclusive frontal lobe damage) and memory distortions and then later having hypnagogic images of the game (Kopelman, 2002). In other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s despite having no conscious recollection of having played disease, both damage to the temporal lobe and frontal lobe the game at all. However, learning is improvished when regions co-occur with progression of the disease, causing compared with novice controls, suggesting a reliance of genuine memory loss along with memory distortions. Tetris proficiency on declarative memory in addition to the Depending on the exact nature of the episodic memory procedural memory system (Stickgold, Malia, Maguire, deficits, it is possible to develop strategies to overcome Roddenberry, and O’Conner, 2000). the impairments. Huppert and Piercy (1978) report that The remaining two memory systems are classified patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome were able to achieve as explicit in nature, and are collectively referred to as picture recognition performance comparable to the control declarative memory, although there is some debate subjects after observing the stimulus for 4-8 times longer between researchers as to classification than the controls. They suggest the extra time allowed the of these memory systems. Shimamura (2003) describes Korsakoff patients to achieve the same level of learning “memories that are tied to one’s autobiography” as that the controls reached in less time. The deficits found episodic memory, while semantic memory as “the vast on the patients only affect the initial learning and not the database of factual knowledge stored in memory”. These subsequent recall (Huppert and Piercy, 1978). However, two memory systems also appear to be lateralized in Squire and Zola (1998) suggest that the mechanism for this the brain, as language processes are primarily located process may rely on the semantic memory system. 40 C. R. Madan / Eureka 2 (2011) The last memory system, semantic memory, is based the word presented and feelings of familiarity of the word in understanding concepts and general knowlege. Studies (Quamme, Yonelinas, and Norman, 2007). While tests of of semantic memory have localized it to the inferolateral recollection-based recognition require the hippocampus, temporal lobe and the memory system is commonly familiarity judgements appear to be spared in cases of impaired in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia hippocampal amnesia (Spiers et al., 2001). Stark and Squire patients (Budson and Price, 2005). In the progression of (2000) ruled out priming as a mechanism for this effect in their Alzheimer’s disease, the most vulnerable and first affected study. Quamme et al. (2007) instead propose that limited system appears to be episodic memory and then, in later medial-temporal lobe amnesia can be associated with stages, also semantic memory. (Kensinger, Ullman, and spared capacity for familiarity discriminations. Quamme et Corkin, 2001). Tulving and Markowitsch (1998) believe al.’s (2007) study also was able to mimic the effect found this is because the episodic memory system is a special in hippocampal amnesics with undergraduate students case of semantic memory. Still, not all memory researchers instructed to use a specific familiarity-based strategy. agree with this view (Squire and Zola, 1998). Research into this mechanism is still just beginning and will Semantic memory impairments can be seen in the be an key step in memory research differentiating the two inability to name items that were previously well-known, declarative memory systems. as well as impoverished general knowledge (Budson Though several of these memory systems are not and Price, 2001). In cases with mild semantic memory commonly associated with the amnesic syndrome, such deficits, difficulties in naming items of a certain category as classical conditioning deficits, their resulting symptoms may occur, as seen in propagnosia, where the patient’s can be classified as amnesic in nature (Budson and Price, ability to recognize faces is impaired (Shimamura, 2003). In 2001). As stated by Willingham (1997), other researchers propagnosia, brain damage is limited to the fusiform gyrus, have proposed further breakdowns to the previously which is specialized for facial recognition. These patients described memory systems. The deficits presented by the can still recognize familiar individuals by their voice. various memory system impediments found in diseases Other mild impairments may involve inabilities in naming and syndromes associated with organic amnesia can be animals or tools (Budson and Price, 2001). As outlined by quite diverse and it is unlikely for an individual to experience Kopelman (2002) there is still, there is some dispute as to impairments in multiple memory systems. the actual mechanisms behind some of the dissociations found between different categories. Conclusion Semantic memory is also believed to be partially McConnell (1989, p. 278) describes the effect of amnesia dependent on the medial temporal lobe, commonly as “the process by which [information] is physically erased damaged in amnesics experiencing episodic memory from your memory banks, blocked off from easy access, or deficits (Squire and Zola, 1998). This view is supported prevented from being stored in the first place.” Even more by studies showing that episodic and semantic memory importantly, as described by Corkin (2002), “amnesia is alike are impaired in patients with hippocampal damage as not an all-or-nothing condition,” though Budson and Price both memory systems share many commonalities (Tulving (2001) mention that some diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Markowitsch, 1998). However, Squire and Zola (1998) can impair multiple memory systems. In real-life, most state that in patients with frontal lobe damage, deficits in situations rely on multiple memory systems (Ashby and episodic memory are exhibited while semantic memory O’Brien, 2005). appears to be intact. Even still, semantic memory does Organic amnesias are memory disturbances that appear to be partially dissociable from the hippocampus, are caused by specific malfunctions in the brain (DANA as seen in studies of H.M. (Kensinger et al., 2001). In studies Foundation, 2007). Shimamura (2003) mentions that of H.M. it appears that episodic memory aids in the initial the location of the brain lesion is not the most important learning of semantic information, but is no longer needed feature, but rather the size of the lesion, that determines for the retrieval, relying on neocortical regions rather than the severity of the impairment. Memories are stored the hippocampus. throughout the brain, and as a result damage to any Similarly to episodic memory, even with semantic localized brain region only causes limited memory deficits. impairments, it is possible to gain and acquire new However, a large brain lesion would lead to greater and information over prolonged periods of time. H.M. was able more profound memory impairments. The precise deficits to draw an accurate floor plan of his home that he moved found in individuals with amnesia can vary a great deal, to after the onset of his amnesia (Corkin, 2002). 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