Rockland Gazette : April 3, 1856
lu tlilan h ffiajettf, ■ ’fiirft aatt j a t J Stinting. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, BY JOHN PORTER.::::::::::::::::Proprietor Having made large additions toj.our former variety of PLAIN AND FANCY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, J O B T Y P E , We are now prepared to execute with neatness and_DKs* PATCH. EVERY DESCRIPTION of Job Work, SUCh 83 T E R M S , Circulars, Sill-heads, Cards, Blanks, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $1,50 If payment is delayed 6 raos. “ 1,75 Catalogues, Programmes, If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction and Hand O ’ No paper will be discontinued until all arreara Bills, &c., &c. ges are paid, unless at the option of me puplisher. CT Single copies, three cents —for sale at the office. I VOL. 11. Particular attention paid to U ’ All letters and communications to be addressed ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 18-56. NO. 14. PRINTING IN COLORS, to the Publisher. -BRONZING. &C. The following characteristic and spirited ver He planted his two paws on my breast, and T en T housand B lessings. A correspon Duties of the Farmer to his Family. designs it; but, however near it may be, we be intelligent face to another, he caught himself happy bride. Twenty—spoke of the young lieve the measure can only be accomplshed pro several times mentally inquiring, ‘ Which would ses were written lately by the son of an officer \ the paws left the marks that are there yet— dent of the Cincinnati Gazette states that a Order and neatness are among the marks of mother, whose heart was full to bursting with gressively and gradually, and that at present it make the better wife?” while he seized my shoulder with his villan- clergyman in Pittsburg, Pa., lately married good farming Where these are wanting in tlie the new strong love which God had wakened in lately put on the “ retired list” by the Council would be very dangerous if applied in certain The mother, and a neat-looking maid, were arrangements about the house and farm build her bosom.
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