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Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent September 1946-July 1947" (1946). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 21.

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Faciiily Introduced Church Services to Student Body To Convene Enrollment Tops All Records In Tabernacle at Convocation Gains Reported 73% Over '45 -'46

McEliuny had marvelled at thcif fa.t be nreessary to use uhvn putting in i request to advanc built, states Elde of a full senior college. He canlmue tor of the Collcge church The upper di "sion students mar-

Following prayer by Elder T. I assemble in the t jernade for SabKith j^inscn, President Wright paid Iribul school, and the entire congregation

of mote iludcnt to tJkc ld»anla£e broadcast from t e clupel by remote iUlcd the organist by :elephone from tlic organ music inspires

hall. of the fanilt)'. Because of illness, M.s A hot a.r furn ce IS lo be instilled

be held in cold weather ' ribuled througlioi Veterans Take Elder Jensen Says

tions. Elder Jensen urges each one ! G. E. D. Tests Dig Ditches Now Fo^' FutUrC UsC Ex-servicemen at Colkgcdale were ';25 A.M. by worship conducted by

Veterans Housed and 13 to take the Gove In Tents, Trailers

fucker of the Bible de Providing homes for mote thm (

Students Take Nocturnal Hike For Entertaiiunent

Mnt school year as a perfect par

Make this valley full of ditchi

ill)* on Saturday evening, Seplem-

n two sec- psychological, and English placement, wind, neither shall ye sec rain; yet Shident-Labor Proj Af(( ak Ridge, Conducted generally by Dr. Am- that valley shall be filled with water, jications and Spec these tests were ad- e Atomic brose L. Suhtie, . . for this is a light thing in the instructions on adapting oni h of Cot- ministered and graded by faculty jight of the Lord." college life. gover next morning Mr. a. jaracs a irer. J. subjects some, apparently irrelexant dents were addressed by the presi- hese Mr H. H. R.uniman monnorea tni The Collefi ppy .^ ^^^ ^^| ^j^^ ^^^ working for, dent, various teachers, and superin-

Hie long (rain LpTa'ined"' '"6 mote or less inks of four, Although more ve wrthed down lighway and ] faculty and students lake advantage of any

Psychological tests determined stu- ers will be satisfactorily answered. vast FUTUREVENTS f th iding trench in the Dur lives must be self- singing the secondary Sept. 27 Eid« Jcmcn spnb at future before the present housing sil- Dr I. M. Gish, head of the education department, conducted these "'Ln^crr^i'il it IS a mus t in life," emphasised the Sept 28P,Vsid.n, WrijI,. 'he). speiks nt 11:00 Ssb- Thc cost of trailers including trans students buted.""r^by sec- portation in large trucks to the site

usage. control, un 1 Cod placed h.m into the en^re'^'renToT In^fo^J thll'Vfi small tensive study in grimmalical

ndell Coble! wlien speaks at chapel Sylvanaires." the work in English classes. Compo- nedialcly to God magnify this great prin- c. Dean Sevrens speaks at vespers Bye Lo My this year to suit these vanning needs cipie of tn / ''^'e*" 4 cohwi IJ September SOUTHERN ACCENT 27, 1945

Tkc s 3utkenn Accent

:o™c.„„ 1 '"--» '"°.™,a»c.„..

GcDigc Aihlock, El irbra Coffey. illbn Congtr.

Hjync. Gl k W, HO W.lli,, J..

^ r„,..c,. ""• "-"»" '"'"

?«Ofcr.jMI.£^J?S,V S^Js iES

NeM (le^piaoU Old . . .

new. . . Ring out the old. ring in ihe .

school J Alunini Return These are the words inscribed on the bell lower of a to the past ^'""^ f«' 'il'e new students once alletided. These words can very fUlhigly apfily S^rrR^Tny^MpKif come )^U>t To CampilS a good school year and also the year to come. The past year was accomplishment made. one. Ring it out and be thankful for Ihe gains made in ihe past cannot Bwause our regular wool year is ahead and of /nl««I conccrnmg wch member. _ However, a new ""a f<^' nigh^'^go^afK^ Kghts had nade into in the new school year and determine, suffice for the future. Ring married student?, our in the College Chapel, by Ihe help of God, to make it the best yet.

stiideni pnbliailion h>umn This little verse also applies to the lid ^mct n^'in SMC, drop the alumni edi job ihai as Southern Accent. The slag of last yv-ir did u the "'h loing Ihit improved by the laying of lile floor ic opportunily and anything see im- everyone is well fnoiid of; however. Ihe coming year mnsi ENT. on first floor. At lire prcicnt. JacI provement. The Accent stag of '-iG-'-il pledges to the student body

gii'e an tack on the camp of SMC and each reader of the ACCENT to do their best to Inquiring Reporter

inlcreiling, fair, unprejudiced, overall picture of student activities

and interests as well as the growth and progress of the College. 0. G.


Only one more issue of the ACCENT will be sent to you before Cl„,l„ ir subscription expites. Send S1,00 with yout name and address Wshi,,,,,. Atl

nedialely, so you will not miss a single issue. The Accent will Ey.' Clothe, l»ei n«t Md,ilMu,Tll,''ld?f° 1 I DUnu'colleEe sent 10 you bi-weekly.

hcjd ludents alltnding Knowland a couple of weeks ago in a new student poked his I ^^'^f^Mi asked for Charles I moic students art Chattanooga. Tennessee the door and ; pointed .,,... nc ?:-! . . , __ - -_i:. WO,„„ Mirl^rlls «JS The SOUTHE

1 Lynn Hall. If sionar)' College Date Wood y

Col cgcdale, Tennessee '".; riroos"." ""(ClS I night study period. bH" Ke dTclSninjO^

iRay i; Please e ter my subscription to the SoUTHE N Accent "jtanl" (01 nnc year I enclose one doll cy, money ord r, stamps") ResidcntS l>in'idSrplac°e°fo°aidy, "Thc'quU ""oon" forget to write the news 10 InCrCaSCd j atmosphere lends itself to belter con- the Alumni Editor. Southern Ac- ^ C G UIVIM""nivUlOU Signed centration. CEt

(Please print plainly) i

X"abbath Address beLr!'r'cirei.late<'mo"cV«ly!'"and The weathc.rtodlyTooks like rain. uS"ySc, ^^^J'^t I

inarrieJ^^*.^ I pus. of is what most people arc luck. Luck division studenls, ^^

shidenisco added In the beaut,-' of thVinlire to d'lseoi"; 'wS ik '^ttt °s"be") and [owe/ division campus when the proper land.scaping And if you listen, you'll more than the Youth group "J'l^'?."',^ Chapel.^In '""''"« '""'I' '"" »"'I"P' '"I'i "hich is College ™j™||,d„gan» 'should Kon rC"'"' | "°" "' "'"'" in the reading room, man JiTit irjot"goin« to '7co»'™"' ™ f' ' '


ludies Are Mr. Jocluuans Joins ,^ Registration Plight I West Milk Shortage Music Facully I Repiesculed By Revealed By Freshie Redneed by Buying '""^;^.^.:.!ifcl lEi'lit Students Mt, Kobm Pm jochmm.. »i» 5f .11 ihe «s sf4„,s ,1,3, stood. Of New Herd '' ^"'^='J °'' tile campus from Algtrij, , . L t friends, ctght of Spinish-sptakins j^,j, ,5 ^^;,h hj^ ,^.,fe ^^d hso small

Colliee '"""ion™ 5 plisl.1 llun Ab,e Q. I'bs'^itsfjr'offc ?£-^!Fi/Ei:r? tr*''^!^!^ "^'ZVrii™s,''S;IZ ^!?£rf£S;i

""'"" "" ^""^ "^^ ^^""'- ^''- rhl h attended '"'" J*^ ' wife and sons, left Moroc Stie especially !^^ lr'lU?'llk^"A«demv Algena. |f""L.."_j?° ,;; ._;,.i-S l„' Oran. to oteh a boat

reminds her of hei own home line to st^ („ it ,^^ ^ m M, Clcebnd "Increased demand" for milk from f„ u^^,^ Sutc, Dttp.b .,mm „ ^ , , „ ^ "" =•"» •"='" °'--» "ir =r="P w.,s 1 half,,-.,, thce „hen I the Colleje cafeteria and local pa- „ ,„ „j „„,h seasickness the, h..™o~.J;^ '"•"" """^ {"ir^'ed, out. made landed safely in Nc. York Jol)- i;, ' ' *„". '/'""''' .'"" ""' '° '™' ''"""dSvalle His hZ? is in San 5,','"''e J|«^"""'B"

20' When he linishei' .he Sjl.mbe, fj'IJ *^f,;» '?f"the'°S?hra De™i' ^rS. Geach Added a'une, esi^^ciaTly' m^" taj "'«"' a^icSST'aBe,!!'.' r'eraUd' that Mr. ' kly '"' "" ""'Grant, finding''"" il SenTai '^" '^'""- F^ol'y " "" SirLll'SatAUaotl J^,, 7„'; ..^i a'^S'" itok tok'my'JlIceVtl^UM "b"! " ' ''"'' '" '""" ""'"'^' 2- '!"^t"L':^.l'^"., 'l'J"J^IS, aidM Ihe names'T'the m"y . „„„^, „„ ,„ ,,,, „„„„. i«r''A'°''""^ "P.™"'*' SMC campte me nero oalrighl. Overtores to ily put my Mr. Gram by the College resulted in

" iductine '"an orcber here. Carlo, " ""^, ,' miaees for shady . igreement for all the f;™' Pl'^^''plans to eel boy, l*;,;^"' las svorked that there are many '^'\ ^'^^ "After a few more step, and not a cattle and milking e(|uipm< "S o specialize iTlnsh

I SMC." Pepito said that although he ilCW ^UlirCIH./IIJCerH and one of the classes convened at head of -ounc sioi ^^111 tak a e

E''fp!'VInne'Io"''pr» wiV,'""D.^"Sn7on°arcE ^kJS^'cX^ Poultry Is Fed !i"" to£ sdtgU'rsioOo'

wng j" 'he Cafeteria Style

ington, Kcniuck)'. 'fi^it The mijo([t)- of One of t

JLuiior College ( I

fine Chris- '"°""'^ ^^e iKcnded summer schools College farm jnd dsjr>>. The in< nomirtitcd as eldecs The boifd of be sure, said' Mr. ^"'""^ ^^ Southern Junior College i she ap- Jeacons consists of the followmn- has ;. fiock of 2200 birds, inch huyjng. "6 I'ighI s Hivina. ^"'' Wasliinglon Missionary College, pullets and hens, with daily o m, c A. Williams, chairman; C a ind pre Cubi, .ind 5he is working as desk °f '-"^ » "^'='' ''*' Chasuin G R Pcarctun, \V D * J C*. »• »• ''fiS^ ''^J'' Jer proper , indards. The-' cic.k ,n (he librar>'. Acauemy StatlStlCS son, Flccnor T V Gerber O A Rhodes pure milk from "--'-- • ToW For 1946-47 "rR^aXto^'Ce^ltt; GoSin";'' mSTojel^7e L"^ o


Are Students Arrive (Veteran Housing) Construction Dept. Elder Banks Points Ball Games Affairs From Far and Near Builds and Renews Individual Duties Informal the beginning of each sc oo ..._.,.. on the campus Al SMC Structures „ . ^. cij.. -n,. hr;nhh«i chu ,L..« b"«i»i F* «* home stues of all s the Collegedalc Church, inqu "Z has reached th For the most Ptrt. port -Th e construction depa, ment.- a b bficht lighti. bnind o( b.llpliy- 1 is just stndlol ocasionally theie are some ber 14, for the prc-inauguiati ng, but the umpires are on the campus. bl, ^'collcH^lc students'' "u^ squceic pUys" and oifronlJ with some close lecisions. From the state. Calling Ihe age in which *h'c'u^ uildings n especially convenient, he ob^Zi . living the Aloraic Age, Elde home. The rt of"lhc d renova nriis, in the enlarging the home jdditi whole atmosphere i, a nearly three tJniM used three words to define The —power—disaster—fear. „ewj;h-We^e«Jem!^^M.I.e^™ ^ Nelson exclaimed. "It Mr Giles whoamelo Collegcda hasn't leakhl countries. Among t 'oMside torn Birmingham, Alal -That looked pret- ° ' Two away r. and Union dT Me'luTo '^^""ch" drowned the Southern ty good 10 me. Mr. Ump!" ncec struct on on Ihe campus t new responsibility. We apartments now used and chigan. prefcrrt He employs both s udcnls an by the families of some New Yot vcltrans phisizcd the speaker. Missouri. Eacli trailer has a fui'r. ihe'otdfielder misscs a long built-in sink k when Virginia, and West ^ box, and gasoline slove, she high «y. ijjj mentions nted by Some have ten e^i^Ja e (jmpus, Mr. Giles gallon tanks for slor Valle,

system of local A government fo a^,.n.e. ' As did Elijah whtn ijucsti a^d a Urge tool shed. imelligent answer can be gurated by hU. Fleming, hiisin« manager, to assist the veteran, wit

ii mjiwiuiixKi) ivomho jv...... iij -.." T al their problems, in v-oiicgcaaicr me ^j darkness, but notiodj* wortjes oc- — pcdictcd Mrs Nthon dearly defined ind accepted by jll-stirless Morris Wilson. Election of a president is ^^^^ ,]|j|.^ „j[| j,j another and sdcttio present students, a for the feat.te the ne„ night. of name colony are txpcctci C. V.'s Retum to receive high priority; on tht- ^^xnh Students Realize Amuse rp^ Qiapel Seats g jj ^ Ruth Spanglec Ferris, claim to be rci Housing Shortage Confuse piclinicKers as they atlcmpl And j^^ jyjggg to mik

sure,'so."eT'the.S",i'ed7o"?ieTa;: ''™" As the first robin is the fned" hit week ffMS in "Tent City." Dispbyin;; t)'piu

back- converted Hie two cots anj ihfi mostly

at SMC

3 ncd to i enrolled

Ihe alpha- yeiti. Their experience in Ihe :

educated 3 proved to be a delight to men e gospel, and bet oroec pancy lose Jumes were classed rffd at 'l"l- r portion of ihc alphab

M . Giles- nlsnc dihe cupy tSeS nX bS ^Sn vill help the ^ewly const. only J

Ion«"haM"T I'lildin wash ished The theology department i: in t me fo, lie b,-tbe fall t rm.

for ,i"iX s n'l'shJ' dilltop houst three men "P T(ot aTsu" Accent Occupies r. Giles con inord he int rview bys uting Iha depar ment la.IS also New Office In Library hall as well as the ihird tluor portion lo Tlaiu'Le

building, has recently been ixm| M. A. Music Degree time lus also been completed this O lolty mounlains, sliaight and high. jammer by the construtiion depart- Your laces upward raise. Is Awarded To Pray le! your loresls bow their heads Mr. And give lo God your proise. C. W. Dortch soon is » new laundry building. The location for this new building has not

' And all thai in Ihem dwell, Is Lord oi lords ond King of kings

department at SMC,

waters, ye who onward roll Dortch after he completed four sum.^ And never seem lo cease- mets of work under the direction of Know ye not Ihal God above Dr- Wilfred C. Bain, who is director for Con all your power decreoae? and all publicit)- material

SMC dining rLin Tliurlday ev'c"ning, Would 1 God were the eagle swill choir in Ihe southwest section o/lhe Sabbath School Div.l Thai dwells within the heights. counlty. Above the din ol this old world I'd lly lo worlds so brighl- Dmplelcd by i immer of 1946.19' that '^"^ Bul Ihou. O man. who dwells below , ic belief:>elief I rt' °B ihr.toi"'"""" I Ulc romcn had to be screed with The mighly eagle's nesi. baked beans and fried eggs. Noth- Who arl thou thai God should give ing wat left. His Son-lhol ye be blesi? Preparation Student Hike God, Thou arl Ihe moker great. Registration

Teach us. Lord, lo do Thy will (Ca>„h„ud jrom page And Thy commandmcnls know.

for four days only to get the wrong .! 1^ I

k:t:lrW^ p^iirt^e:",^:'^ Representative Estes Kefauver Interprets Current Events Here

Advocaies Principles Of Democracy In

"Best Choir in Years Elder, Mrs. Russell I -Sk'VolT'wr Sui°d 'ta Dr. Suhiie Speaks :: Organized," Says Mr. Dortch S^^^Il^Slr:™ ^ityTui.

l,„d,K,. J,n«, „ilcd horn New I'oJ for AltJjnJr,., Es,.pl. AujuU

""""'' j 'Editor Foster DieS> '"' "" '"'••r"ii,!-Jol syilOT! of Uii- '"Scib of"Ma"dc Jono Hall for

v:'^Tl;^;';"Kl;;:l:;';'n°h'z: Postei win S^jB^ '™r™t™ K,«d .,,1, ..o,.,, wllT^lr;::'-'' joy

Mr Pos,„ „,,,^, ^,^^ ^1^^ , f'^nd of SMC was takco^'h' pSht UfoR- his death afict ,


Tke Soutlienn. Accent The Dashes ^"^fJ"lt,Trl«otn Pains - _

m/„^^!;Sm^hJ"milo^'l°^V;' Acquainted" nd""- » "».! "Get » i h,„. ,„„„j^j "«>'"''"'- ""te'f™"'""'""'''' Night Features fcStt"4;'"',l^tXtai',','i"','i '"l" *''''"'"»" 'jHk D» Robe !'","r'",Tb;«l"n,'L"'"°°°''' Miss Maude Jones SV°„'Mrij'°'i" Jimile jicobi. F/ink

so ih. .. „ commi 10 bt ultJ -D J.' ^, , Jnighi." loot sonMhiog t„„„ j(,„„„! h„ „ ,, lo lorn 1 Ihmt ill wont M 'J'"'^ ,,„ i„ ,h, Tabc/ Sjlu.Ja, ,h„ „,„ „, j.^, Doro- sorm-^.ne alls (or . . arc goirt^ ^'''Oo.nll,, cvvo- lime g^ (^.^ibct 28 To carry out 'batt)-." Wdi. „ ,.,, ,old,« n.iinrJ MorrJ, thy," D, J p,^y„,'K A Wrighfj iovrtation Wilson is. Th, „,|,„ „ '" Olivtr, vlii acQUatntr;ti;' the faculty svorsllip «-o ss'i;ro "Ufs Bt;t suddcnl, :, II ihcc.m-( "' members (ormcd a line to mittt and by thir entrance of a 1... monlhlr. June, Publllhcd bi-»«Ur duiinfi Ibe oiIJcec kIk> 1 ftar Md College, July, jnd Augml, hr t^t jhiJenu of Sou

ninu disc

Vo '1UeQa**uiuu,^amdtf,Qnlu,... H„TV:::'nZ::::(t^^ ilVire°wC*'n,"hS'nT^S sS,;,":;;::. ' ' ' who lu.s il» l-.snchbuE ijd t„k ^„j ,1,5 ,„„,.„„!, „f the girls^ dor- hi. Hisl.t o.J, ,

iur , ,|„ust,on that «n be , ,r you a.k ^.,^^. ^^^ ^ f^, j^^^ ^^^^^^ reflection on M.rr: W ^''^'-'^ed m tlsc- |sositive, stie mil uy^ Leiand I'l.bASE! S^mllnni Alrsi/orrur, Cof/c^^c h h^diiliji/liy localtil that insisted on flying up svhcn stepped Zollinjct , i

i");,!;" ° (»';,,""" ''«''''•' I'"'" '"" '"*'' 'I" ''"" '"fall';; .I.<>»K buiidios',"') '" ' I," l"" "'''•""'S' "I "tl""'""- T»;'" P" S till! Lw 'tllat'ihi' svS'd 'bfa dark loir, and he, Ir.endly hey, btnmhig ^C^,Mh,led uill, Ihea.' ,,„,,.,„ all the in- il, „l u„lti,,g J«,o,,g lh,m mil j„d .midst

D„„' . . 9;'^'" PLEASE! r;»,e „*o „„. /„r, (,./«" "' '-- f'-"'' ™7 - Tr^'r^J^ltJSt'J^lJo.T'^' f"V^^.^ cmlniiiiuglo ilo 10. Will contrast, ate only two Inis. •rriil,:, ,jml ll„i<,r,, d„J u-em |„ time President Wtijhl told of plans for Include Alumil I

o.-.' ,/w- tJtj ir/,t; >eir tery ' /. :./''.'" V„„ . j, .,„ old-timer from last yeat, Doris Colleee in the fututo. Foremost among Collegcdale has surely been hire. One the new structures will be a new the last few ss^ekj to ha.i

ssscater. \>\ the Harold Wood, knew "The aiif of Bagdad," by Mr. Rob. I A^V With all our care Ibe gTOHndi can still be iiiialtraci- linger. They announce r ert Jochmans, assisted by Miss Ramira ,<. ij jml icliisf are tcallered carelessly and liroiiiiiciwiilly. their baby daughter s. I'.il^,! '^^^T^^ °J ,!°f^°^' '^.""a,!, ""''" n III ,,'« '«! *r,/ „l all coieiiaiil logelber Ihl you will not Ihroie „' '"! ^" "„j L7°° ;„ wJ,th"D'otU waa a i."i!! tE""°' i?<- n t," Vf^t 'iT" '" ,.,,,.,,, „,.,c,, ,.,..;,! /„„ ..Id .here'-. And ,jJ. if yoii, rrrijMor tTp't'i.'ng ,',"und' °"" " tS' Smpan b^lS "h"" l5 So'iio'a" CorlLri 'm' d.., . 1^,^,1. a, it y^^liol be Ibe one who tfiti pick Iheill lip and pill Vet, there are more Doris's than A.Miller, is the former Nelhe ''"'''"'"' ^'-"l' """' nn" sud""hat's "ur^dotmitocy"nur"sc^ Excliange urirTf* the^N^s[°''!e-'rv'

liave already become, old friends with o/ orrr localioii. miir,iiir ideals as worshippers oj a God ol order -y^ j^,^^^^ ^^ Bachidorof Scu^nce Carter" ss^-le^ccent v^riuu md llrailly. '" ed°tatmn is now being ollereJ at Gene ChctO', his wife, » mbhfngs '"nd"™ sc 'dZs"™™™"

HetlAlfililnrd Deparlnieiil KZ* a°'d.rES''R" N, whl' ^ ;'Sa!°ci?H'h''rr"'lr '"S b^lES! I lege has be AnderiOn. Elder Ander.. nu es hke this: "Go eady pu sued fl [wo-year home and gargle wit IfoitA. OUiM, £ad I .1: ably apply edu«tL" r,cd\t Last Sunday. Septembi. othe, day if that wo

old friends. Among thc-in f ich will be s irt.1 CO yon Enrollmen ~I% ''h%J\\T'col lege, has al

Is fully acctptt-d '"'" sitrgle issu . Thti At- '; ' ,.mi;Tt~w« "r'n'roSivt: Tjt oo^l^o'f '.Tjuolir."'"""- '"_

The SouTiiEHN Accent Souihcrn Missionary College Dare Collegcdalc, Tennessee

Please enter my subscripiioii to the Soutiiehn Accent

for one year. 1 cntlosc one dollar in roinl of not devouring it unlil aflcr lulhor of il,, J r (curreniy. Hitl D „ , . n \ , r . l^K money order, stamps) Ihc noon mwl The friends who so book which . m I . 1 . , , ,„ iho^. glitfully helptj mt ' her fcl rid of il then colleges tLt . I , tine 10

' HughM. Faye lo '^ L«. Connie Rimnirr'^ I Dr. , iroun GLorc I asscd it (Please print plainly)

Ruby Lowdl it your c-jriicst „.'". ^ull bi oppor- Rirl M^aC!- \ ,1 ^ md ^\ 11 i^ Y bjli"\h<^rK I rHE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Icollege Roster Elder Tobiassen Joins Faculty

As Asso. Professor of History


Plans Are Made

For Improvement emc, he uught in Ncwbdd, (Eng.

Of Trailer Camp r^m 38%0'htf wasjresid^nt'of th"

or beautify .he gro Hi; "''' to study methods of i"ion"offc7cd brEid.'

f«^ was studying urUil he inlends t supply the x.1^. Rnnj nc n to SMC. El Elder Sa" iuggciied t ^^;{:;HS ume

M„"H°T."B,'"dj^k G™id Si Prevention Stressed back, Tiiom35 Bullock, and Rogct JJy Hfj-, Peamian

It waj agtetd thai meltings ii'iii lie 111 Chapcl Talk

'" Ims't," mT'S R'Vmmn. " ml .>"d"«re' "?rf .nSMcXins'ite

"^''"' ^*' Dairy Reorganizes loUrT "" '^" Milking Schedules „ii Tf'"i"'all"'c'cl!)' ''rjk.""siid'"l''

""ifilit cause a lire!" milker" 'n thL- Colli-g/dairvS'iive ft.'

l.h....», n,^« ' "I"'*'"™'' .'"i''.' '" i','™c°"milfciVi ''floTO™r'tl''°io.k"" '^'d"'' life, He only is advancing in re-ally one of llie must im^rlant tasks ce^s It ts faith that put us in pos- >-hosi- heart ., B^mg softer, whose at Collejedale. (Ed, Note— If you sion of these. Every good impulse

whose spirit 'is entering the living wl„n ,j,ilk is 'short or absent from F.ll", 'c.'T'fore, '(foj/re/ IfWm, THE ^nUTHEBN^CCENT Distribution of War Relief Supplies Professor Doub Describes Growth Explained by Elder Aitken Of Education in This Section

Progress Starts With Missions " ""' *j 1. For Indians "I'li',^' ji ' .1.' ii. St°ii,l"'Tjj".iM'l, ~i tlui I j'm LT'""'*

Perennial Problems i"vl- raiiiid iht'u™™:,!""",,;"^*^^ •'°'' '"" '""" Of Yonth Cited f,'"""" "" ""

Bv President AiIkc!!"|.i™"o'"£" »™"'* I

Atlanta Prayer Preiiii'K a" Week I , T iSJ'i^rlWmS'by ight on Sibbaih, Sipttmb.-r 28, fo Be Condncted

- -_- i'„ttii«iu'.rprbi«™. •' "k™s ; By Elder Jensi-ii „ , . Waxmg Machme *„« Atomic Principle '';.„""*JJj" If Eid„ f. b, j,„„„ „i,i i,,„„ „. "J^^p, ] Explained in Chapel Eases Work '' ''™;*°J '''„'"tu'i''''Do'"om° Kii%™'dS'i'l'w'°i:'!!l'p; Janitors ci»4 of *;''"; By Prof. Sevrens Of Zji. ihinS°.bo«°"'o., ,'',, ""|°;,,,;;^;„^;'"i "". '':«'" ''' A.: .i -" rmm™...*!,- tbt CO,- , "b,,,,, .do.- do.n 'T"^^"' '"'.J,""*.,!,, b. >«cccs.ful m work

itl\y in ptrsoriLiI keeping Pastor Plans For C CnMl.i- l!,Mrin

.Sn^'iboolti-i si°o°"(l,'^d- liinsi impduouil, planeins S'' Facnlty Outshigs '''"' "''»"« ""'' ;";;X"°"' £,'i Students in Annual 'J^^^^^ ""t"""* And Softball Game

Slmivcr Barracks Boys Peanut Machines ., E. c. B..i,. .bo,., ».. !oi».d Meteoric Arrange Bunks Appear on Campus ;;!;- 'i^^2ziE'!r£°is:zit Seen at SMC

° '""" ° •••"•- . . i'™.°l ".Id"' night'of Oclobct^mni J|

, ^^^ I ,„ , ,

"' %'''' ";,' ^1 '''. "' Church Gives Funds ™""' ii Tj'' ""Tbii'''""' ™f„|,ij"».»3

:;'';; to Rebuild work :"i;',f':;;';;;;i;!!Hrr'' .nlt™ii'iin''£'^-b:£' """/^vS.r&i.cS^'"'

nr. siihrie ',"' Speaks Sfc'!::,:"'; m i

Somhern Miiisionary Colkt^c (ollcgcdile Tennessee, October 25, 1946

fe:;:;;'t:.:^r ^^^^^ scales Leads Subchasers As |,,a,H.ianLife cv Head Collegeciale Seeks New Record

Prof. AoSpacIl GlVCS CollegcO: land krame'acqurmwd wi'th' "hem^ but'w^lTbcwpabirof'lwid^nfi "com^ ","'"' '"''' '" '~'°"'"'' " '''""" ('!Ts™"°''i«ifc. (aisd, repiriinj Secoud Lyceiim; Prayer Bands The building ft,tb, fet, 50 116 MrS. AnSDacll Sings Empbisiimc urnMn'J' theit""prSn'"KJ™'°Pctsun kingdom. 'S°'Ne- i fc. v^iH house Ihe liundry cguipmcnt in r P . , . . -' - ^ra)-cr after reading the let- assembly line stjde. an office, a load- O God. Strengthen My i„g station, and a dr, cleaning estab- „j £,„;„. T^pii Ai,^ch,.sip,ano band,' rec.ntr,..

few additional workers Some of her numbers were "DaW He believed J.'f u.^S" p,„|„,; „d soplio. campaigns. [Oratorio Pearl Curran, Rimsky-Korsakov s to Sing would be needed due to the higher by ^'^^^^ '^ j^^| ^j^,^J^ etlicienc)' of new equipment. The Rose i;nslai-es the Nightingale, recent chapel i^criod. President The Coming King" Facullj' leaders urge over-looked" In a

Kli'i"'-"! I.iiixls |"^"TS..d°bv^b';"orl»r"l college 'installs' k;Z^*™,irX m'rMuio,'*'by El'"- j- ''"''"'' .:;;"n';'"i!;°??'',f,r Heat in Xabemacle "•'^'V^-^'^lSUL!:!..''!^''':! Cliri.-lian Ivli.ration THE SOUTHERN ACCENT Through

^ke Soutkenn

On. G.«.n

F CEi Andrewi Crai. CofFtv II


"",'.. . M- ..* .,.„«„

>n>ilc ''"*" '""'' t^'XT^, thir. J B, Willij. Don

ll,4dlinii: Bob Djfnell. C„.„.M.,p,«G„.. .d™ '""" ""'' '^"""h^:;;^^,^" ''""" " " 11

Publiihtd bi-weekly duiing ihe college «hool yen July, anJ Aufiult, by Ihc jtudeDU ol Soulliem h Coflcgcdilc. Tconoire. Enleied under the Soulhlan SHi

Ifr.'H; "sSiS

0/ R

cin:l ni^j'i'.i'i'''.' '', /...Jijr 'uiiiils will meet eath lijy

.,; ;;,. ' ,'..,1 /.,r «* „ll,er ami ll„

.1,1, ,.,:l,.ll.,au,;-.l.h;t,'a,,dl,.

.ill ;;."/'.'".'"/"" '-I in., I,

,„l ,l„ ,,„„ „l the jauilly aii,l

WIf. rl„ fauilly ,

Dr. Suhrie Predii

SMr Sludenl> Visit | Sl,M k .SIio» In Kaii-a-Cil' Miss Jones Watches AInmni Gift Cottage Near Coiiiplelion

f imporunt vin wjdc, ,soi»J*i JPproxinuta) my tyc on Annually ^^« '

THE SOUTHERN ACCENT Cnmn..^ R« Crusaders Quartet "Hubnt rir< ts

iit>s for Church Viiniiil Si III loi 1917 I„ Chattanooga

""' *"' l.all the a. Excuses, Vouchers Married Students Jon« and G. Dannids B'cti)-''Hardy will b^WalTtl'pi'sr ''."''aid Th oliic„, ,.o,o „kct=d b^ lh= b'oil'."l'ard and 5K- Keep Girls FHttiug To Show Spirit pSe^l, *Z .T'''.irrtil",ta , r"Tr""'ll'"t'ive cully publit. ""':"",! """ l;:/;sX'H.''''™S.™d'°Fot;; ja"'ai"™,;™': i" i^ew ciub ™To!s"\"r!:fe''lt'",';!ir'iSi''

'^'y"*^' ""' ""''"^ "'"^'^"' '''^" ' ^^ '""^V '" ^^ iliiars were elecied for the 'mar- r k, i

I .(ijdenls' club by a body "f mar_ also turned b^ into a tcrrac™of ^teen ||,c'anual to'be 'voted In by"thc''"uJent

ci,ue fe.

^i" ""*•'" '"'•' " '"'" "'" >•' Student Activities "'wc,"i°''cobk ..„ el ,tej p„«.

dent will, O.u dd { eol. ,. Iits as50- ^^^^ ^^^ ^,-^'.^.^^, ^^ j^e pfwenl' temils To Bc Scheduled

' ... fotmetly frst tenor of •'""'" ^ilb"' O-l™^" «'.ll ba.e ! ! : -1 : ,,,,„ ,|,at keep eleven cirl, Hitting t„„„e , he re^teation center focSMr n | ,„ .rbout the rejistrars office* Miv, ~M:,l, -, ,,'„,„ „y, The continuous Bower I- „''r»*?.,io''o" eho;!,1 jturto Ul li in Tha, "e of ^Sl ,l„r

l'TSI oTpropSq" """Ad .tudeot, have the reputa- ,:', ',:' .',', ;',,,,„ , ,„,j'"ha)i''l^„"°S„™,\Sec» ''j^'ff™}''^',;'"};';;'™"''",,' ,2'„"n ihtee years ago . ,., '"' „ „^ ^,„^. ^, students are " '» -'b-v..»i, ..:.l .vn-i.. vl. ^^ ;;",d°^Ce''n"'Mes'!''The°cU'''h"; be" pl.nied aT 'an mir^M „",. Agriculture students Xfhange Haac7McD™ll'doe!n't''ufce°Tl "' Al'l'clubs,"outide of the Triangle '"J, °'«;f'jj,„'°.'d ''t'LdU'rk.t,;! .he'i'r''i!i'b;!MO ""r''o'i°e!;project the" a'jd'of'a

-'''' ."-''-"""'''?-'-'-'". . " !:,Z ,'' '-""-- ' Saturday .night sundown it Ik ,ch.ol year of 19«-47 is the l^'oro" kfJ^rAmtro^Suhne-s"ise Suhrie-s and Dean '''^^""''^.Irlf'i'.'it u'rph';°"i'"Sn?TpSa'° ^'i^J'°!^ Music de- L. G, Sevrens. ,1 ,„ cvhtch a Bachelor of rk.!lJ ^i,iu«.^ r^Z', t?, SMC eollese life. et will he offered in a Seventh.d.y ?! • ,le, under the direct ,'^„^'"^,l"''l^,h.3't^, J"'' ^ „ Tl T D . 1 d.ei.iist college. This addition to CollCgC Uairy Joy 1 OStcl , j, 'j^ard nd An ? Sout are ?' byT'ciiestionna

lw"ral.o'lopplc"'Mak'''s'tuSenll\ave Collegcdale AHvC membeVand' vvhVa'ge's of"t!llI m'em. "Avouch of animation was added hSi.'ir'bict'stl'o^g'toi'bil"'"™'"; With Visito

^^B^M* Pi«M i po bl II) b) th I Co,l II ,


Tunes "Brains Fldei- Tobiasscn M.V. Society Deemed Essenfal Gives AUernatives. In Mission Field «« mmJi" 'o' Success or Sei Ml < ^i. wsmc i

,„,„d » follow. j.,j,.j Ashlock Says ^,"^3 ^/^P "';^i r Snrrendei loSei\e ti m ,n „„

Accent On The Academy

,» S|„d, „N Academy Supports SiTnd foiio.'Him .he ipo.k

Accent Campaign; do"'""), k 'iim' n'°ti,ooi '°oo I'.ii I V( id. nl^ Letters '° '" '"" "' Mails SS^dS""* ,

Laundi y Takes Over ,'ora"'"di v * Former Cannery ^,1,', Mo"^ao

iilf lemperance

Young Wonie 11

"' """ ""' "'"" •"'<'"ll' PrOpCI' ta, b«a .Wiooe,. .nd imps Modcl ,o^ji^tea»d>u.|»«o,p=„.iu„d ,hJ'"|irta,!"°d''™;i'it',!r.:3 College Fasbi

' ""' >"» t"" l^^ ""- nw. nth sidt is on 10 1 good slarl T D,„, , m "-Ejj' Ihi ip.l,l. I Miss Loi ifyoudooiw„ic, yo«rcss.,ore. DasowaUita Club wild's Nearly 150 Students Elects Officers f™ "; Meet for Chapel tih- d,iow.,i;,i, uui. mikui orean- jl™ £ rlfp 1^ By

Southern Missionary Colk-yc. Collcgcdaie, TennL-.ssee. Novt yje^jl^ Qu^ ~. (Uf^ Three Meetings Held Daily

Congress i ouchs Schoolmastcrs Write

at "" 'h^i''' '"^ °" OcWbcr 29. >u,ij ™plc li will be a'bk to ittend ."l"^ ""^ Lakcltl Lodge. t„n :L islands of the sea to be held

world !"^*"'- ^'

'right. onbyt '*'"" I .»i 10 F.u counciu ftw d.y. nrij' '^ "'"''' °'/I;;;;,''h"'J;„i!a"'pi'|i'" Registrar Discovers Music Department „ "'„"",;°^ "j;;'°s "''"'i' ''"'"°"''' ''"'' Our pnym ire raiitd to Al- I din? TO°linl.'°'' ' LetterI.pUp,. Written HoldsHnl^B RecitalRpfital 'L"Kl'-n»r»hI'™..n!!'i."i ™"l!' might, (Sod in your bthilf. Tfc. mlW, »,„-J, . „J f'i" .i "' I co„f™„,c >-;«;;-;, ^ ^.i ht p,.,idcn, ^y iry with a long list of cills and LOOKOUT SCHOOLMASTERS' A letter written by the hand of Mrs. fn7i?s sludlo ^n ' Ranking high were: Bible of Hamilton County. ASSOC, E. G. White, from Corranbong, New ti,...... 1 i .^

"""" "" T'.»"=""' EJ^Uon association of found" by Ru'by la. registrar. £ "'jJI." 'c'la'yton°'Amt°"e'rg' Fl" VaCcinC Givcn nd^^Surer's"*"'""' "'g'J'J mf-,"oSi°e!Gracl!'EnVa°ud'sue'S: To 200 StudeU tS I'ourTlle'irthi""'',;'"""n our college, this year, ac- ^"lj'"\ I? SuhS" Co"mL. i'mmer tl Elder LuCaS tniOyS lis. while taking a part of one of the " l.a,„„„J „ p.g, 2) I ] AnoGoodgc,^ITooj Mrs.M.rrLkCook ™laoJ Charlesrhirk ^^^ 1 l olfice safes apart Tuesday. October 29. *^ A at "' 1. Visit SMC feltc-r typewritten dated , li mil' I A HI Another "" , , ,i , m ^H 's pinned to .nake this as here lAoriCulture Men , Februai, is. isi. wa™lLd ^ ^ ''" "° " I Attend ZZ'""^"" " Congress the™ ;fTittrwifc';"pVa™a'', fc "'""c:,;aird7aw.°'oMiS'',;fe b., ;^;;

Professor "" '" J. A. Tucker, head of the Eemberi"wM. the pri'son'tition of EldcrGraVCS , I fhTkJrS 'a°nd' s'ina.'Thc°e'i''ra'soaa- "'""''""" I Ajrieulmre department of SMC. took "» Luke 211J This is an admonition to ; . "'edc-d, J, j at this.h?, time,Z, MissSSl,; leaI., S^^^^^.md D . U » i r> "r live shidenls " Parke Dasis Company „ idrruniatsred f to the American Royal the .outb of Southern Missionary Col- Ketnmg HomC the tivo girls were trying to take a idulls Slock Show and the Fuhire Farmers „ , in Ice doses to and ,ec to lege,l,r„eirleto sett emin Zi,their hearts the authorauthor- the drawer out Of portron of the safe near shildreo on.ler 12 siho rsrcene it in I America Congress at Kansas Cilv To Collegedalc «)' »' f > m order n, g.t al ih^ Jr.iwe,. .hen l. Jose, Mrs Oalessaid Mlssouri%,e "rip "as ^"^J'-lj ' a I mde m Ed' °»J ^ """'h h

''""" "'"""' ""' |c,i«i„'5"d°if'' '")

'^^'' Mission- '* ''"'"mfi m'l"'^- Southern Thcology StlldcnlS pj^ I vu"on"o|-''ih".''v"''V""l''nr'""""'^ "'""" '^ SS ft°a'>i''p'i'ctired'"T'i,e°'mouiS«: "Try WlUgs" " ^Th'elme" ''' ''" "•••tm'al a°a\tXmn!'°Zcl waihlTTrntribotB t'o'ibe fineTio™!' -At Seminar ^OaK hogs, and 1^1 „.„,.. l„at ,.,,11.. i (Ulktr^ beef 1 , i Octo- cattle-' l,,| 1 . , . .oe. There tality wc already have enjoyed. The Aloll T. , FUTUREVENTS

-'" '. "'^'1""?°"" ""pi"™> '> I"' ?"* '" ' "'7 ' J 't" "''T -ICol-'.""f s: ""< """'' - Si"n ac'cordin 'tj °he We°k P "f?""-'°del!d' T'"\l ;;,J|' ;;'^"|«^'"lm'l. The interesting Soother" M"s'iona^&,l'legei a" good 'or', i-H"* ,,l'„-; J™' H:fSH5 Koy 13—Elder W A l^harf fcnbere jpcjks at College Chjpcr period

No\ 16—Moving pirturcs of ,.i, :;,.,„„„- ,..ts THE SOUTHERN^^CCENT Througl^ Dots Tkt Soutkt n. iAeci.nt The * -^ . - Dashes Pains

liuuleA, "/ij^

1/S0 itd. GUatnLeA MuAm


Mii'nk Vppio 1 111 11

V(l(l Ml ( I I 1 Cll ipel 1*1 {.1JI1I^

/ rdfLlCIII Roihtx

I ilK iimilRL|iuit

S|..ik "'''''• I" Vmts SMC '""'• J'""',,/"' 'hp°' "ifbT • '^ " • • > dm IJ r pi u 8 nJ mpl mlj b omhl A full bcj ., .^ „„,„.„, i„ I •I H't " Miaioni,. Collcj, will N „ k i \ \ LU, „ j

k l"d b, held tail„ Lib™ „„,l,„ " > ,11 "Smp,.,"' ,1 THE SOUIHERN ACCENl

Former Dean Need of Teacliers Depicts Value on Council Agenda of Dorniitorv Life n. i ,1^.7. ,

'nin of Amciio Hind SoIoists Picked I Tt°chM. Language Office

i"' "»•'' if '""«"" '-i"""' for Oratorio Plans Club to ""' "" « *"> ""U '" jm m.i ^f,;- «t Office To Add ^^ „,„„„ ,„ ,„^ _ ^,„^^ Train Missionaries ftSli'JS^lTIivi^l^'.t :;5r:::t:::'„^Si;tj;:;; Boxes ^ht Cominj Kinj.- by Mi. Bnmll finished proJ«i. I ihinUhivt tontd "^ '"""'' " |.50 New , P'^J''^^'*'''; ™ -^^ ,„, .^ „„

Fuller, ''h busier nosv than rnusic department. s« luve in front of us a wide field tire the responsibility of your dean and of the public school tcahcrs have te- open for well trained missionaries," your rcsponsibdities." signed their positions te. It noss- takes an entire The soloists are: Anne Crosvder, so- The dean is your in the last five handle the mail going to prano; Miss Dorothy Evans, contralto; stated Mrs. Mary Dietel, head of the steady and faithful friend whether you years. Those pursuing the seondaty

""''"" ""'"' "'"' «"' hereon. " lowing^ faithfully the monnlonou, rou- lb".."" are' hoping,''" A brief synop.i., md description of ^Jea^r"""'' CollcgC TreaSUrCr Itin.i.l '"'' """" " ^' ".*" l ' "jJ,;;*,~h"™^^''°",'|,;;; pL-nTeTbrM;'.'" o" Conneril tte ^Jf^^^^f '"""Jjmonition was that Called tO Malaya

*""!' ber 13, and Sunday, December 15, linar The first performance svill be given for ^^^''^ ''om C„„II,„„J Im,, /.„!, 1) the Collegedale community. Visitors after the close of t id inslraclioo for every Iheo- are cNpected at both performances. For aallyl.-ouldlifc, n 'iMcried in a recent in- Cadck ProfCSSOr Mrs

I Robert Elder Lucas Calls .'I'ngSsBc "pro'blms" VisitS ColICgedalc tah"„ li'Mr^ Education Journey b«in''hercwlmost'fisx^7'-a'rs i^'FeW

l and opportunity giv- ^^' I iiii,h. ^ ,, >| ">' ^"'"'^'' Pl^""'-''' 'o '"'il*' home. tor in piano organ at Cadek Co- J a " and 'Education has made hie tods un '"^""" "'"la'edTlder Tlimdore"!; "|"j" Iran- ("['".'bili'ty'™", sc°rm'o"n q',' ^ ' "J" Jl!^"',5'"„'"lhc°°am°'u'°as or n^ied'afte) lhc''v£t''"f Pre cr ,„^^^°'f,^^ A™.aren'' ' '"mi '"''"'''' ''"'"'' '"'' Ill-red by those capable °' '^°""'''". '"'''"' *'''' ™" of gis- "™ ' y"" "" o'f the' iJ',;^^"',, o°f'' hl^'viss""" GeJmaf sta'ideol's' ho"scs"i'l"he ri'islion'com-

»...™ -1' '""•' ""V*"" The pr.iOice of a religious vocab- » C up|Sr°'and lo'wit P''''"' ^j,?™-" ""-Tree e'ducation „ a |ou,ne,, not a mt^ton" A io"*' KbliJi" ftoA

is a pat o ir uni Mr, Duckwall svho has a major in p ans have maleriahred as preaching, however Elder Jensen During "the first quarter of the second velsal lasv^^ ' j^ sUteJ that some vet)- promising young' ° semester a Spanish Sabbath School ss-ill r' «" ,„j" Befe„i„„ , to the evamnle of P,iul, '^J"'" iJ '„ rr"™ ,.„ ,,'e, hul he has'be'e'nToS^irj'i'n' trcarhecs are being developed m the ^' - I« -asked the students if tk-ir purpose „,„!„./ ,,„ i,„,„-, p, .„,„-|; 6,„„ "IS,",' e ? n-'u TTr. foreign miss.onarv'-vork He ivdl sliU SMC theological Pl"ced for tiO Spanish Bibles and department, and ,,,-, *" m 30 i„ attending Southern Missionin' , Col- " J-", w Vnrk m.infam 1, s riS n h „ f V I many Collegedale siuJents are eager hymn hooks. " "^j Mia Guinn lege is to prepare for just a job or for nation m the world

Sex elle Plays For Studeut Body


of Mr. Robert Jocliin.ins, Men ^ Glee Club worship period in Hie Collt(;c Is Oiganized If

(ghly Lflk J Rose" for an c '


AI<\i(o Tourists « Keep! Miss Lanison Visits M. V. Society Krlalr Experiences Coilep-dale Ciiiiipiis Students Busy In (;ala Program

,r« Cliff Dwellers ;^';; '^J^E.'^irSlc'i" J;;^ To 13-2 Victory ihoashi jnd Jun >"""" Organize, Seek <°"""|"^["jjjJ°J 'J'' d" Dm. Mis. m.- °n io'i"ct°bJ tSI°" m,°g' ]\e«- Heights

Farmers Congress ,i",'.d'"i'

l,jd Sclin<.ider rcndefcd ;

"T 'C:~"t!^Zi"l!i'",lZ SIOOO Appropriated """ '"''""' """ Collogedalf "rburiwi;!"''" To Dovnlonome on ll» moond in Ik- LandsCapc Vt'i •1111

, 11, . divcn striktouli dutin^ I. I icricultural dL-parlmenI i^liik- Cockttll struck ou

./..:..'. ii JiLii during short pitchin) !:.;' luu^" u I. hh ! planted ihrubbt-ty ,now In A. G. I jirudy jssufL-d diL' « liil OwL-ik-^^ appearance of the

landscapii ing fire fxtinguiiheis i(ii a btgg hose. hj'^'c'"'lfrc!l"hi 1oTt^n"or!lc^imc The librity's

"^sn^,n°^ nht'pra "T/M^tin'^Mch !-M-l ami Noss trjilin^ closely with :1 fw(urc''^of''£g'"he %

of bt-in}; the only one so fir this yta I f"^ona'l' frXI'ea "aJed

in the f.imoLJi right field creek. some we)r«rned prac'tfce Hit playing ballgam .a. .lmo« compVd, With of llie hui t ApproJcimatcly one Crusade Quartette u IS .m inlrrtstmg siddight to wale Press Prints ampii> .luti..j: (h.- though along sidt over the college New Book Sings al Outdoor . [!„ .. berybat^lHtr.vl-^^ M. V. Program .|."..r 'v., II I, ,,ur ball player [

PfilKt Juniper.. Hit shSi P'"'.

Health Service

*-^''*^i"s Diathermy Ih.'. Hd'-tir-^uLcysoftl-^^wam' woodMicsTo'Si/J ^''-"i^A

llian All/' and others. The manager or Mildred Oak es. ing

3 the chcit 1 Ihc ' ''\ lifilit good fight of faith, girded IhJmaSineltis ; he gladioTa and c planted near \

ducing Soldiers of Ihe Captain." i 3> put body, as well : special cle.ctfodci fo r hon,e have been

'*'' iich can be .lied on th' "rZ and^fdLing"i''tnSiction' aJ,pJr""^"^ rldf

toad back to school was crowded with sUndi iboi young people. high. his school. 111 if^ 1^ Christmas Vacation WdWd I

Souiliern Missionary Colltpe, Collcgeilale, TennessL'C. Novt

Subscription Battle Ends on Armistice Day College Men Win As Circulation Reaches New High "Peace Day" Program, Celcbracion Mark Campaign End

p,„i cnlWright old*c^p.r,di„B

PV.T ni prayc»^ by ihc

n? rigaLnslGod...

Cong "Mi,s"Sddi 1 i h«c been cnlircli e',"£-°»i£f Board Votes Atom Bomb iLila'cntSV^hmMoBc" Composer To Hear College Ittt r™ch\Thico"idihu.h°So?k Cantata Audition For Barber Shop, Described By S|,u ci,.™si.,. ^^' '^ "'""' '°'"' '" Building BrUCC Thomas Comt.y*"'.nd''projVcd*ita '£e"xJc I fca'.*"" Mr. Burtcll V.n Butm, compost, Laiiudr J'

1 Students See Manna i;„p ™"„"|"d"'io Toditta""t°hf Hil,d,ossme mvm and i birbtr Bruce Thomas, .ho only American Lr°i'.%de'r° Tobia^s™'com™>l 'i" Al Africa Lecture "' ™ ,'° I °"itd.f Doc™S .cS^g t? ,« a™, 'a cStiJ "b»;3 frci Wo„'^o"°"!? ,raB,i"'L.mb ,^rt; .Ml,c°'cnd';? rt'ccnt™;;

10 nearly 1000 persi

' Labelling the ne

.tav anacl aal The Boird voted to sp* sample of twenlielh finis ton the, w 1 be giv.: Th np Bic

cn'mi's s Cocni ,* frica. Elder Otdey had mrdi. tET inksgivin £33, iir, mple of the light llaky 13 Ell* Hr llilli w'mprs

'" d",tn"'We:ja '' of°e" liling, pi '«0 mlA c,dcs°' Pt^rec 'In?' ""'n"'f,ol«ed""40.."cr; ECS™ 3S !H FUTUREVENTS N ' "Ih kTb,°'MV Jia,

. !7C,

N nksgiSiojD,^

; 1 ^


rj Lg 'Inade/i Through _ "^fl^ q-ke Soutkenn J\ccE,nt ^'^' . - - Ctai. a.F«^ Dashes ...,.,» ^>..,..- FMNas ANDREW Pgins J It KrNDt*



'",' !'„.,, ,,,', :'L,„.M.,p,„o„.

«ol IOC >nd motilhl] June, M.»ionur College 1, oy Hit studtnu of £ ulhcm fc'fcgcllc.TNJ Collcgfdak TcnriH- c 20, 1929. 11 Ihc PoH Bcc It a of Consreu, Augux KT StpiOTbcr 28. 194)

Peace oe^Uud A^imUiice

onto 1 pencil I

dome push ups // l,.i,ii \1\ in (he hoi

/,r./ r, ; ,r ij.;,,/ door CI)de Brool>.s ' //, Kn,j^hl Room-.!-. fronl of iht of ^ps' \Vh) that s nothing' )i i w,.(i. on the -.ubiLCt of Novi the Brooks farail) can Now Ihit i„,le( ,, , p^n, Dm .olljpsi I of tht l»o ttuikr wilhoul ^nimjli I m icmindLJ entir and ka\c ihm , i \.r< II,} . \ Y'O Ninr

Ihul Ibt Hay \ to, ,1,11 :t ( 11 ll^lf -,c hl^Z ^an J^-ct |o«cr 7hur hLjd"to'?nkr W.. ,

knock the I nMtcJ sou to On

I Dot Htinnam and Belt)

"* '^'-'^tfT-so thrs it ' «3s Recrcatioii Plans .> I .uiifui Mfeiu 15 iIh iritif. " Organized '!>u'jLt,' Roois;r'^suf^H,rRlT"shc{ who's mw At Normal Bllildillg Tiiit c^et)one ma) hi^c ^bto "",'.',' Jo7?aTe r^m'^lk To^' Kou'^T'a^^diu

"* ^" {Addres tiade at Arniistice Day '*''' '" l.nowm£ >Uio now hvts in " thtit hithcst ambilion Hc^icn Out -pi '*^n*he '^j > !'"

™ndi in.pihol o( M,„ Stlmidl M.iS Jonis miJ, no ml,oJ«c.,on IK ,„, /n „,,„ „„|, ,„ p|„ I uWl Io.n ,„d Sunon M),. ^"Ooni «l.o Ino,. Colkj.J.I, „ Qu.cin Giro ,„||. t,|| „, „,|,„' ^i, TI.J

iatUii iijimt III ballU j^;.uii^l hull i, iii I jm! Iide till!) ihou ufio t> iz-.T ;,.r..>™/,-./»H»,.(fc., ,,;,/, r, Rescucs Kitten ,/.n. | J,«./™u« „,„; r„„,„„ /*«r

iiiii I ilijjitiillie,,iimiciiiiiei, williritt lilt,iitiii IIu,ll;,iiiniii ll.i, II nillt iliirii -ti., ".-,-.. IS from 3 C ^-'^ nr nghljiilnphtltit htitu , Mclion fhu hru h<. .nnm. ^ nf , rnlJ. m ,icond »U,on N«,m„,lmil.ll.,i.iiii,.li I liii'Ul'il'i llriLI '"'«' TI... ^'| K' ,M muh J,k ,t;?T~"bJ J°''„d'^n°tek'" D*""!

"''"' '""" ' "" ''"' '" *.-^p">(.'™"**"°'i"> -'" ;./.,,"„"„,"' 5'/'™; "if:.i[.i"i','.Ji „'/.,l,'„'"",„ .o m.''"d"cT 'C^m 'ii'''i';,V'";„°l"';J"j„;^|";i

Deiiiiix, foiimlltil In X.j/t,/, to mj toom I found .. h ' ,

"The balllc is (Ollilililil-, li.i: Nol hk.nt I U

-">c 1 iu.,l.c. tad .1 , !Mlli„ptli„iil„s„i„.i,i,i,h, I _ ^/j "'"''' '^' during ll)is iiiiii- in'i:k jiiii, ' III, il i i^ \ li m i ii i"'"t jmr/.T,jW('<)w/,w J /„(,,„„,;., ,„/„,j ' Tabcrnaclc Gcts nw„»o«*„ Heat Installed

Stork Visits SMC m ., lompkiil, .„,Blkd 10 Coll "" ""j°'". »"'!)'"» '"'^ '"'" "•I""* '" ri./rColCLr,v„",lm„X ., ... „„™,'ri '""r'"""' '"ulck" L°"''«"'°l>»"' *P'' ,^„„".''"o. ' ino.™tjd.,N.vcml.,2. She™, ,' " «..! '^ ""' l««f|fc .>'"''"'"> n,"X s,S do£7 sm"X kl,oA„T°cIi;„~ m* t,"^'"^ hoj wilh M,, ,nd Mrs. R. G. S«-or- M, .nd M.s Thorn,, Mcmo,,J<™Mj Dnilod. bo, kscds'ird.'SijS i™Ln°i '"Srh ,nd Ma„ N^man l„= ncM Collct'cd^fc ""•"">" '" Iht Soulhc.n ' mi Un.on (C„lli„„J ,n f,j, i) Ncivember 22, 19-i6 THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

EditaTPulls Hail Eld. Liindqui'il Robert Haiiun Heads \s Accent Reports E-vpansion Msiuil Vid- Dept. Goes To Press

' ' ^'"^ '^°9'^ '«^"'l> lomplcled ojxration of ill ihe olhtr dcpjrtmails boyrnotl.'"r poiXVa^jdJ^d lojou^ LaUst fituc^s rckjicd bj the Rtf,L ^^°P Didnt tec Ihe pic '" '"'^ <'' "o' ^ ^^^^^ TU fLmainins 91 points icci slrar s ofltcc shous that the total m ^,,'j;"|j^ ,^J^^ ^^"^^'^^'jjji'^pn'''

1 JiJnt iom""o"lil"loJ™ "h'j tte'mmTItotmitoJ "'jh' »i'nJo'° Miss mail Tu'°o'uVj"\\ '""'"""mm cb"°n§ »oSl^c s''llmtee"t!i "iTJca,""! Ha« To Go "" '"^'"^' tLancd loi ilian tvso ^7^'',.J'™ '^,',^^'|,^'',^-' ^^''1' thc'^add.tlZ aho^wrc mad"""!' the To Ilviztl School flo^oicMo the'''prtt"'"i'^d "|;^ J||^'^ '^\^^ ^'^^'^jl l'»I ' '"' miMof clf. I '';" ""p'tch eontmi.on, «7 -«, , tele to , tetola, f, 'tLdAe'iJem, « k< Ha.m.n l,o,„ Moele V.u Ta^Sf 6°naf''p.Ie fptoo'™" ' .ibMion Yooeouldeaiil, tell.heth Vi>l, Colotido ' ™'„'^"'P;;,|,^„'"°;|^,;, ' .illleave lot Altiei „\hl ^^ I ai 1 aim that a Cimple

m?'"tl,e°'Xle"5.™S''l '^1," {,'ldi„i'm"h"''°'""l°"'V""H rib';;tiC'''o°'l,r'ko''ees'°Ol''"*Jo*'t ' "'tmaV "o"," he'rihif'.e'me'l eT noeineed tlnl the .todcnt I II Jett, Ha„e, I'ltmee-tong .e «,e n.tnet-oo, 11 and .„ f.,„xel, ,,, m ,tt.„ ,1 1 o,e,t tell lore„,.„„„!'h J?'i"!St'" oaei eeek i or anjthmj, of that nature although the Ion in thte short Wll M kcpeire all totmcr !tu Lake \eademe and a tool I time la t'ide a back tor elost of h 1

''"''"* eription reeeipte in Pae.he Union Cll Collete ate altendms Union Colleec ' '"^ "''^'^'"i ^^^ ' M

' °"lt I "No'e-Man, thank, jo to the Eld. KlUldsen Talks

a'.''nt"i'otlhl,r''l'lii!„I'l" '! Work in Europe '^^"^i i" On iri tune the A 11 ' ro sble Anel ,„ spite of ill IhtVid „'"] h^",°a',°"^pi^™°Er''at "e^l" '"'"'' " ' '" """"""S |i,n«looil^Relil»ns esenine . 0,1 ) Club the

C, ZU J>.na Ine ' uakf^'le^oZ^.^I '"lio* THE ;OUTHt«N_A CCENjr^ Elder Aitken Tells Ediicalion Week S li irfr 111 rp '^ Begins With H 1 Ho^Kobes Of Europe Tom- Talk '"^^SM I II Dr. S| 1 > 1 \ ^ .^^ „„,„,, o„„„

Couliette said: 'Educai

colighttm the undersh

'sg .he .obe of Cbrii.'s » ^«"^' c|"e lo .he solnlion of .he m,,.,,. „" H III r<. cus ed br •Jiffi^Xrio"™!!: "' ge '^•" J«tl"»d, Elder AJJieos h„ mao>eed .0 send ™jjj''" dv. 1 "N 1 rqiiipnunl jl,„ i ke « gjHj',

1 111 iis,li S nth

degree' in Physics, Language Chdj Elects Officers


iilii cad ofai. M ji Coi ( 1 nn Dickerson CoUegedale Film oiiiing Miiffiiib ( ( •>\e Decorated Shown To Kiwanis spZi &pt e< h C laisseh th' \l nilStice Day fold cd^caUon, The "Slory of College. j^S roiin Piiiels

s placed

il Corps dur-

""'" Joprt-I No,eX!''l9°".''*'' "tag or.h;™oil,''ZgS"oid"£ h""! of the°mode',n langoage

"«Ma°,S'f"r'.heColl,"sZ 'o'] s"hri, r"S ajgif^ of his DoCtOr John A. !'Jltz| jrZ'fgLtihiir.:-;;!'."," brk"ai,c'g;'.pe's ai," wha"" visits coUege, a ui .ermed .he las. honeydew melon of yed, Provosl Marshall Do- o 1 ' • ' '- — -- "•— d ihey Doctor suhrie

Students Join Two 1 acuity Committees

H good will berwetn facolly Edgar C. Raine Coal Shortage I ^•11 _ I r% Lc ctures On Alaska; Will Not Affect Collegedale BecoiTies VacatioFiland Slides Collegedale I Slioii's Heat For Sixty Stranded Students

at SMC ov'c/thj Thj4s- days, but .ccordiDg to all

highLgliltd by a liike, din-

&or°.'f;!!S *r'""'""~'"'

d°husteb" uS3!

owbydinibi El«. Hi- aid 'i,''wL'°;£s?„T

Veterans See Elder Jensen Ml Condiat Films Moves SMC-ites Shiver Reviews Past; Chapel Ag Cold Wave Motion pict>iio5 dcpietioe Ktion on Wams of Futui-e '^''^ Collegedale .>nbs"rg'uiV'f™'i''S rn'rJd'hS.'iS!™ if tlic Colleficddc dv ''"'*' Lhe pwt ycat dtiiing hi 0™"'>"'= '^ """ ' 1"i

' "''"' '" "'^'"S'l ^'- and ! ire '5.1 or'iaiS"ras"'on m P")'!'' » the Unilcd'stUcs A Jed by

Need is Jesus" following a talk by

c Bidjc. the n by Maty Lynn Coul- had . been oni.sually mild, but rcsetved Hemagen btidgc, Huttgiin fotcst, ctos- conetcfiation of siudenLs and Lloyd Plftisents, who ",° » btlor,, It! hett for the recent holidays. Sat- sinj the Rhirai. aitbome tt ind win '[J utday's cleat skies and spcinglikc action, and the signing of the became a 'seveoth'di atmospheic allowed a high teading of cr to both Field Macshal Won ^^ l'fo°i"lmJiSg ' Campus me'into Favorites" t'Lfn'fTiw'eke'yfatffofNremh" '°Ac?o"n"n °ihe"'paci™'inclo Eldet Jensen ended his st his challenge. Compiled '' 'Duih.g ti.e By JJj V°eH fMyTeven'" "eg,"? SLwng r.chtads°?he'™. head, we should be a loi 0,°°!) managing to halt a't occnpatim of japan, Cookery Class d*eI,K and"™' be toad of out task—our God/- i^iog"' y'Z'ie Crowder, lef° ' math. of the snitendei docoment in lokyo to m.ikc' the message of the third angel evctj'onc in a s irit of t ankfulness. ''"°"'"" "'" "'"'" " '"P' '»"': °5 ""i°"j''','"g'' "'"" '" tan'^lXb wit""* ""i f'"" fS Jamse Im rial'' Drfe'^'ion' FUTUREVENTS [ of night's coldest Geneial MacAiihnt. and other allied j Jjati IsJi-Vii, „°„°de'. the sp"n5 '> ciiJ°Deniidii,'MTnn.' PictUrCS Al'e TakcU Dwerabcr 7 Elder C H. Uuda F°'" '47 J-^f^^'depirmitlrisinlhe Stiidents to Meet Annual ks at ek j;i'lf£"''££' 'fs^'^j^^f r ^"cipe", wercoSed /^^y*'"'"*"''"™'!'' ^"t'' Facility "'"' """ ftom faculty jf^'^Jf '"""" bib^lKd'm'th^"""'' litsTsT.w^'tff'nSS' '""'";• ,<™"''"'= *™™" »™^'k' Sit°'™'1'icraiTc;",2 ,T;'„ .F"™"L=i r''"?y '°T*" °w™rf IT If'fc book sidf wiU be the seSon entitled In Collegedale, eatmulls wete ' cL^fcteh" s^S "'^^h^r The LI'™ °t tJ""''^/""" '^i J lecipe. Ftom Other ."^Z? '' Uni Connlties." spotted foe the liist time this yeat. Red Sh;*^ .flunS 1 'T T t ,Z,""?' - "'"-^H"""" °' ''7 ' chapel. 2" "'" "" '"' S''"' "^ i' ''•*'" ««""««. «"". anJ gln«" 1 1, (% appoinlmcni of "SentT Mr dividual ,ti^i?s"'"f' " a'ttoS ""^ "^ Foie the "^ ^'"^'"^'^ Suhric, chairman; Mt, L. G. the book this yeat. Chtistmas holid'avs wh^ch tends to lend'^to^lhc' etowinit •'""">"'"' Southern llissionat, Coll ge. ISacritice Week i^):'t°i^s't'£:li ':l^%5',"B^lS'{^"z$, ,and .h,.»gh lOffering Reaches Announcing l,"„°;"'„*f,": »;i'>-._H«™': Girl Clubs''

c, |1770 Dollars m- s.„,„ of km, King , Dortch, compleb °R "f" Crawford

nager of | "ell au°gh, 'Mi's. M spealcs at S 'Scs" | mat Hechert Fleenoi U Open night. ( tell glided as the'I" genetal welfa S".'*'' " «™»' r'f'",'™- "P,'"" Phologtaphie shtdios in the ''f.MaatKitchie"Jf;™ ... mittec of the college, will hold its gitls patlot employing fout Urge I i .Professor Sevrens first meeting December 15- Kleig ' ' *> lights. i. THE SOUTH ERN^ACCENT 'liaU&i Itff^ Through '-:Z^^ The finally pulkJ out-

" ,,'''! rest of ihi d"clJmES. (Seems is if good dmiog hill, Johnn,! the 'Olofs"''r'wfvSlafnj'vdmior shoes. ^'O'^' pjivy added Iheir influence to the I undctsland thit Ga.Imd r.t ^^^ jj^ ,,,^ oSLi'd'on't know svhichgi,) like, 1 loo <°^v»' *7;> /''''"i'',!', s,";;; 'St^S'S°Vi^SJ:t"" .hid, eo,.,. though, beciuse^e, hid *1eack??leach?? ^'^^J^;' «;,' t'.S™tlu," i » Jn 'ex'SsL°'™jM'",l"',., Wkif one oleich he other oi, .,p^,^... on ,1^^, ^^^ ^^_^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ „ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^in^il, ™le, and^^,^egol,lio„, i^ it hnished I believe I'll move to 10^^131110™ Ifa «hite (o. skit- is Ihirc ^ri lour mm ' ^ ''°°"' "' ""'" "' "' ';'/"«," ",«'!< "m"w)lm "bZlZur,°,'"o,"'md hoosJ" ' iwid'lhe'^^Wdmt HindC"' T "^,^,'^'iJ'XS"''^'^°^eia o'lie

. / II u„n I,

II I ,u I ck II rr/tt Irehl sh"'^'H'Vh"t'""'th"t'" ti oris that the uork of etl I '/ ^1^^ ,^\^",^ h^ J In beings' / / II Er ccmiuilled human but she still likes them

' iiuportaiicc by CoA white is O. I I I I I I as j greal "Vtah, tie arc looUiug cbaratters jor Verne (Romeo) Pfeifi / III I rL j Itaclsiiiti rsifsoS,'

I hit III II iMSlttI III Eden uas begun by our first parents ly if someone didn' 5lil !ow'>" EletTTunis'on r*s sTOrtinfa werc^Ha^ris ^^Iei50^, Rtrbett "chi'sm, l i-„«„, .k- t-r. '^ ~ - _„„., the redeemed . I ,1,11 c nlinut in Its hif^hcsl sense among pjir of shoes, Chinese style. They iust helps himself. 1 // \ Larlh icd, md ite held togelhet by a mefc this I spcli to cndosc that he did his shari Romeo isn't complimentary irailei / ir i\j! tie dm] Ih uai and sliU is ihe preal ilting. too chow. That's ill when he refers to Ihem, because he work .. ^, I j^r you^^ ^^^^wor nice lon^; winter yet! I L , r< ,illll ?ia„ This hjs to Ho tilth J».^^^ '''^TSmt^^nn^H lowZ"^ i^^^^^ is uork ,.*^.'f" ^''^^'' "^^°')''^ Were findi^^g it II I jl JIJlc/>usI;,; I Incalion a nice for necei'4"is th" mo'iher of inient.M, so "^^^H lUmeiit in 1"^ highest hiiiory grade m the /w- to a good study pr. mm mil iil\ Utcaiisc it n ihalnic, uilh the hitler he hj* m^enled the idea (hat if >ou '^)^^°f don t haic mone) lo get thit cvpens.i . niaii s nature—the nilillccl And il is from the heart and the mind _^^^'^ y^Ju'iZie histot^v some [hit' Chris^ma vac ioHcasc jou need for going home ^ thai jloniii^ the springs human behmior and conduct ui bail ol ^^^ th^ comet, could ii ,/ the ''" """ I I, Uiluilll Il sCsl*',-*"'.; ."'rp''"' ,.is'XfcL"ri.!°?,i"t?,S'T; Exchange

Normal Bldg. Empty all true I

.rL rirc t During Holidays ililnu'li'in"

r iKiuiuialasalmrsI irke the pissed — everyone had a wonderful III, hull , ciddriu er Dad s time! Along with the numerous things Il inllilnlii ilmost he didr to be thinkful for. the two extra diys

II, r.ght s,aJ ,,11 I rnhir and Mm of t"- rtSdeMs"wenTm"."but so much those who stayed had no time for loneliness for an interesting progrim

iihis Vre Designed irk that jjy (;o,„p Clagg lllabn^u, (The

surely r en perfect day. °„ taped to the 1 ,'l^j^j hundreds ol univecsity news|Mpers auu

. Andrews, South Carolina, approved to U| o brmg in original ideas for ads iTec'famTly." Whi'lc "tiicrcrthey" si-ent S40,'ooO have been that might be sold in support of the to Cliarleston also. Even though the used i Annual. Results the proved that trip wis punduitcd by two flat tires cimpu ^et 1/d lie ^UanUAd .:._ e,._i .- .1 ...... i^^^i J. V ;„tis'ing method, and publicity angles. mon,l"o.gin for tt music Jer«™*| "~\"C''. n'"' 'Z't wen. In Olv,ksgi,,„si| II h ,M a leellno ,wt iwlite nostalgia *"°,°,'„*|° that , ""^iS'""'?", Tl" %""«• Tennessee, where Donni's J" '"'*''-'S"'°'for°!he biol-S vvbisilel) by Opii H.fes and EleU depr"mnr"ew 'l.aTu!ikiiZ'uZ'fl'u'aT^ut^^^ S'„'^^- ib'^i™,jJ^S.'nb'Jsr'' ?'P'«''~/°'J5 latlni; Ih, "ri Friday they went to Crossiille to T™'"' ,,lii, „/; r/,e.rras gum u-rapfers to make silver knee fumrrnd™'o"geo"s'go,in"'" OtC^t's ™new adJitioIis.-Cta* '" ^.r folk, have put- luuU,,. .„„/ .„,„„;, all ""'J 'lipP'J ''»» r^g^rres *" "™ P'«' , ^ the handle, l„wi,nolhefs brooms to make Pi"""^' '""" l'l,'\ II' lime '<> dlustnte m otigmil rdea " K""' n: „ere the days, but Thanksgiving goes "P ' somr""" on ,Jn„„ .„j Thetis Bush In moih.ngh ll;„ „il„ things have disappeared Into the past. The Koo«vdle area attracts more ^Jey sa, the happiest Dua"3',e "^pThit d.S""e,yth'nR hamburgersaJ Then an a hiiiulred things Ihalea,), oatmeal "S" one ol us could think ol to Madison Piods. the food th.twm than one of the Normal Building spent eiting Ihat ,vc are Ihaiikjid ife gioup. B. and Geneva Kinder en" their favotife food. lor. do not need i„ enumerate these sibsttoKfo; a"nylhi'ng. J. ^^^ ^^ biothe, though the tim^ | r Wj, bill the most important thing Ad, for SMC were most numetous joyed the vacation visiting hi, Even had i>" /a /o be thankful !! ! In Ihe rush away, ,,,„they hij^»l| -eight ""«'• foc"^rtosew°h°o went t>l lileiee are apt to take these tiSngs lor granted but how about for the College itself. ™ fo, " slapping °f every noiv and thai just tS be ro,e 1Tf^r'th; MIege p're? "aid and Roth hIS InetdenTally O. G. one for the Collegedale bakeJy."' visited former shidents at SMC.'^ THE SOU l' HERN ACCENT

Ci-aft Club Gi Ziu 1h '^^''"^y"'*' Students Polled

[.^^.^.., M. V. Honors On Personal ,M,„ Giddings wying Shf did-) Tl.anksiiivine

pnis? ith (Iriped elected prwident andHarold Kep Coulson en; Maty Lynn y"'S ^ linger stcrctiry- treasure (.

vctyone Phyllis M.fsh not calling members of the club who meet on

eady to lend a members of the faculty

with pl«tic= and doing

me the right way to live. '*^""" ''- "' "^ dw I'd' ^"f"' thingT ! am mo« thinkful for ^s that

I am at SMC. I am thankful parti-

Flight not Cafeteria Employs New Broom Shop being as qujei Music Department 32 Workers; Serves To Have Steam, ™'"^^ '""^ ^ Acquires Records [t^lo'iii loTttcWngTr* 1000 Meals Daily Air Conditioning hunting for some- " ""' p^^.

1 in''"to M°f ii« 'he phjing of phonogfapli

,. MUlcr .ying

hapman, during early

out" quickly, and glancing fearfully valuat

nadeT §om.

Thomas Bullock bouting about :nded by

(cri'in Dake looking plea

Following is part of a recent dinner jsTo'dyl the'^r^ "m'n'iMs [orled ^Miriam Diticl. r,v,-;.ij,-.-DesidM ig to quality and color. When being thankful for Clirislijn p.irents 5 pllor

to the winders where it is tied to thankfurfor the opportunity to carry wndlci. The last step is stitching forward m a small way the work of

d St College Honor Roll S gallons j^tr Conncll said that the hindks " come 'from Ihe McMtnville Company, Biblc InStmCtOrS

Registrar Itudcnts who work in the kitchen [Announced By ' izc; jj^^, the present TuppTy of'' corlT w^l Organ CIlOOSC Milton and help pre last untd next July.' Alice Perkins

Boyni™ '™_ 'i: Dtmdfofd, Mrs! Futch, jn'd Mrs. Banks, facult)' sponsor- Davis. Westerfield Chosen °";"" r-i^rtd aro Ai.a- Purkms, prcs.dtnr; Vcrna Stcaluy, nci; prcsi- McDone The BirJs responsiblr; for sr-rving ivdl. Joan President By l5ma"pin'son Smunl Z"l"7,\ Quuici, and 1 gtians and Sigma Gamma Alpha Belt) ^lE. ^^l^^, rx^rdcn' d'orisi^^^'and' l^rk^da

i.fary Itn and bj w]. A :::::. a Alpha, Ufich, jp ^.rls ^.nro ^'"'"' "' convcni-d Thirls."'*^ N°lm„,' 1 McLifiy Estlitr Powers formal BlllMiliq Empty Ma^ie Shumard, and ^"\,'r"|^uv.)!"'(LjT"""w ''""It""* t, "°«;"' "»""> »"""> Narinelle !:• wash Ihen, for suaMdinj meals. ,Co„„„„.J /,.... fa,, 2) 11^ Mande Jones and Mrs. Mary ^l' J

t:" :,.: 1 "ro Snide. R ""^ '"' Wochi Mi"' S,e','^''Bri,iws''h™e",!.k Cockrdl Jimmie Lou WesterHeld, fresident sina™«pe°rienee; li'sJiJl'lruIy^k a Jobn™ n, 1 hanne. » M.c« r,.„ne ' Couuin' Mat) ly™ "' ""' ' '" '"'"' '" '"" ' &nr„ i II "nV*c"nd,,°wMe"'enUli™ o»p„ M rtha B,ombac w Do replete the elnh see're over and school was in projre; Sltpp, ^l.::: ::; Hdmra, '

rHE SOUTHERN ACCENT Discusses b=ing I -m >bic lo Tobiassen Eld. Banks Dr. Sulirie Honors w. For ihc iim« Elder , '' Labor Unions I 'h ' "k"'" Cpi eei Ex All Corps, Men ?p m"" g Tells of

J el Journalism "h '^brn.''?'i"e In , kii^L«?a^mttdHdlli'c

tud t bodj 19-16 !7) " . p?4f»"°d''"V'™>'v»»to^^^ dl fSn,, ih* pP,jl "Swedm," Ik B„ki 1 IK showed how tilt md Wodnod;,,., Novi [, od al N « y ,1^ „„;„„j ,„ orgamjing (or more IS. during ch.pcl.

d tw )ca H continued by stating that t L . 1 training >»" ' •> ' some department i ';,,'' 1,/, St^^'u have done good ,. , -— ,„„. -i In t 1 J pc moo b I 1 d

"' ^ ' Jaunita Decker. Fort 'jp ' ^' P ''^ th wholove Him°ajid'ke'ep^Hi[ Mj-crs.Fbn Ll' /''i 'd ^ laiy Ellen Padgett, Hicko;,, No,,;

h f I™ ' Florida Auditing it^ g N^

> System Adopted

and t t N b Id C 11 g E gland B> Unlon •' i) II jimanu I M s C g Success Home Economics the An ent rely ne plan for the ; SandHicli ,a d bi a t de. that I wrote fo For Investment Club OlganiZeS, J^SThMr'ETdKbte'nst'atel sSt JjTh.jrd.pie ^ce^'^S nc!l Chooses Leadeis 250 Students TF{zJ7zL?{£ihKit"'-"""" ^^J" St«dj MuSlC ' """ " " t«°d", ,

Acad mj and bus r

added burden of

1 b, an;

" " ° »" b)°Jani

t r "a'l mu '" " SuML'n'''u b" th" X '°f„r"^h

»n of men a. Oak Park Acadern^,^ cont^^ba^.n,^ b^ng^^n^n.^d „tjn |»™Jh'j« «|"'^;j°ds »^ i^^^^^^ MaStCl ComradcS I fui oj-po tun f ti fo, good pubic e» g ..ti) appiee a""ti s h "ip "her.^ Roast Marslimallowsl And Discuss Pla?3

In the I ght of a No n

lltnisi-\vi\'('s Teacli

Music Students itatcd, might well te decided

Composer Reliearsei ) With Oratorio

''"'He'added'thaTtte purp»s An, cantata is to get the Three to ID ssaees to those who listen , ;

Isiillciiption Diive; Inteinmeiit Story COtTling Klliq CaHtata MakcS * "' Prizes At' BirmingUain" Premiere Appearance Here

S'taTOf Advcntist Nccd ,'i'i'°vr^ "«h^ "iJ™n ortiJTrolp! Meii Youth Live in ''">'' na'Tor A'pojrSm of'sLISh', "loogs wll jlra NiirsBs, Expcrt Says Day of Opportunity "ir'i * .";;,::;;:;:,",::."" is!'"«.^Si,[;z:!"';j'°l'„"" At chanei Program Says Eid.-r Lauda

cnihusbaicll,' by a:

(0 Song*' iung by the C

.Wilson! Sylvanaires Make D«?nm~Sd''L7raio? mm-"'"

' ,' Performance Tour; lohn Thoufth°''&vtnfii-dT"'Ajv!^'ii"t"Tns^^^

hhtor! Give Lyceum c"''''ctcd "^ot'i'' ih; Tavr.! °i "T'

' '' '" " ' :oiic^e Officials ,' ' zl'Vn^li^Iihif^f Ij:'' ; v;,; im,:,;— tiend Collegiate ~", , J"J°'"spinr'V''LT„rGo""' -., , " h,.\"lru,c°GS , «soeiation Meet '"'"'»'''''™" i^r""™' «-"-"' ""'- ™ '"" " pS °w "cf''Hi„t«k wJ°°t«'o°' :;'^7„;;;j, £'"*;„I;''

'-"'•'"efO" allcndtd'diL- meet- comedy ^skit/wiroffered^t'titlXdenU, Cllickcn DlCS mt'silon!.n-|^!''[ncludiofi his" wiYe. '-^l Y^ "" ^oijJat)' leged Schools, The commEttee." jiid "shadent of ,^1^" ^^^^ fomc" FrOHl CigarCttCS h?s "ir*t— it V all'VL "wit" hiio^." (Cor;/;r"W on page i) °'°' '° "™P''"' Tennessee, from ° '" ",0, 'SLk!, dSced'Ihe qun«et°"' At VetCranS Club ence of Jijei" former Jt" drnTof

>1» Senctll FUTURPVENTS De the Soul

Maude Jones hall- (

Dec. 3t Gym open j Dec- 2d Christmas Tree Part, ( Maude Jones Hall ^*^"" '^'- P'esidcnt of Wheeler collected the nicotine from Io,ntc^£,5i".""^'f , . - ^'j/ eenef^io'i^'^''Erdtr" Lladrde*^ 'or the Advance- " °' *'"' "I" "" l?mt y -J""™"'"" ,^,"^™J. ""-ici"" °„d Chaffs Pierce ""P''' "S""'"- dared f fs erc-at to he- today" °'"'°*>' "'"^'" Presidm'of ""by '>*"»". £>"«' ' ''''' "''"' "" ™~«' « fe* the'' AmStan "''"''T. 3l,„''ated1''-"M," P™"f'' the"'' Jan "'"'"''^^" porlt-tyc-d. The mcotiise seas ,nj«ted Ip;-::'- D,e svhen I may, I ss-anl BAccordiii The Sylvanaires stated that tlK-ir ,t said of Valcijient Jssued by mlo the cnicKen. by those svho 'esident §,'* future plans include a secular lyceum me Itnc-sv me best, that I la^'h |an J-KnC 1^! Colleficdalc pro^rain at Madison College and an By special request the experiment always plucked a thistle and planted a ^"'''"" J""tor Col- in the afternoon for (lower where I thought be™, r-irun" cviensive trip throughout Kentucky, was repeated a flower would lit of the academy studeo ' i

:boJde W

i ^^^-||'>; ' "WomliT, heavens! -lutl be asloimhed O earth!" The race ""

0/jtl tiilh jp carelesi worltl! Even a . K'omh'T ill Ihe liitlhiuv «/ ^^Jj ''.mj*

M llrh ji.T a riMli,,

' ' liii i-i ""' ' "ill !» »-«-i -I" -I" "!• '" ii'« ''" f"'!'"""' s.;™« II.. ta " '""f. ';"i'5.,':= . 'Hr' I

Musi.- I'ldinolis Holi

•'"'' f""' J*' I" ' Sim. CI,., i, Comins lo Town" ^J ,

"™« '™'i>"'"''iii°" '"'iTrHi!;' d'jf'rvir !'''S"

li.ivt ahvays b"^ '"^ jJJ J -17 OililUt Lu li.r U,t, Liui I Crowdcr, Lutia U^, and Mjty l.y/in b«t in life- 7'"' ulked her out or ii) McNi-il. whoiang 'WlnrcCiicistmai;' and liopi-rul men. "h" ,1* a So, as lliL- liny lioof. of Dliutn and and a miwd suarll-l iang 'Walkms th«ir business wilb ^^"'^^J^^ lilte^'n^J';^^ yourroof, listen for Sania'scliwry and Ballard. Barbara Chapman. Eugene of tl^is mortal life THESOUTHEr. N ACCENT

Pierson Edits Braleys Visit Cantata

c.n°hf ijmpu""' Farm Progress Campus, Give {c<,„i„„„j \ in,,, f,^

' ZV'TJi jt Th. H„,„i, „ c,„„„ ,.„„ e, M. V. Program fc ,,„„.„. p.„o,m,n.c

D lil's Mangels

1 1 Students 1 2e

p,„^„™ .o„„„ d oi ,.,,1 '„„' T, Stay Home ,«e,>,ni,,h,f„™,„of u.LoL,, Ji,. ,,, .,„j '"d !=•«. f"'»i"l mcU. '""' " bclw»„ ihc de.,Und """"S.-S S,! ,mro„i, u°d' sZ^ .'"ocJ dt', ^nd J„„'„Z'„*;"d"'l 'XT''

" '"°'"' " ' )" b' Ikr B [ 'wSS''s"ld"ic™ Th. Holf Gl ' "^ ;|,"c„'||*' {"f""'' rCd '''5p'l"A'^"3,o!,''lo"il '' Bnlq ' .,."'" gnc rc.dml,. .nJ kd ,„|„ „„,,, ,„ ,„d „„, j„,„„^|, „, I '.'".".*""..V™"

plijid Mr Hi Ni(.l.i f M»>L ter' .nd '""'l'*~u'bt S'°i'

ji 11.= coike,- '°T«p!Ji"b3'"hmr. "S' Misi HY f;,";,°Tori Scoops

;,;i„. /,!„"",

Dnrolh) |l

Lodge — Edut Mr. R. G. Bowen

f Heads Acct. Office |pa('(r"unon* Collect chor'uwnd ii!l Soutlicm Meuiories Kjthnii b d.tcclion £r£!s Cik ''Rhod"''"^"'^ Qffgj.j^ PriZeS

W>^'iitjiion"lllrmil,'perfolnian"of '^^ SalcSWOrkcrS

'am 10 ^vin . porli

"" -i ".npkld, In '"ip" l'to/pS^,ton'm,h'"An™a" P""' "'»"""'"' r

'"d »«! D' P r Qu.mb, Tho Tirior ''"f ini,""d l-°" Jj'^J^" THE SOUTHERN ACCENT Teachers' Club ( anlala \\ i iti TdiK iti.m Men Takes Pledge (,„. -^.npo-H \,.,U (..11. !It

kncMl Conftrince sent Milltr for finji ipprO'

Accent On The Academy


English IV Class Honor Roll 6 Academy Students Receive lusi^ Studies Foster; l„„j b,i„„ ,, ,i„ Of Future Teacher Hears Musi.- H:' ' ""''i"''''.'';''"

LT SclcChOM Tnmin. It.U, ?.V^ Bjll.rd. ' aZS, gave the r.

Hon»,>.'johnWilh/n. 'J^ I Like Christmas in^singlng X :. (;. I. Jots Woolwy. Adj RuM. ;:^ Presents-Period ""o>lS"w

enrolled ir Garner. 2 im; John 1 \, Ihe CollcprJib Acidcmy. 10 several academy studcnls: 'Whil siylc—a CI ]rh^;^L-.

Lloyd. Klint :.i)t, Lucille Graviis: A new wittl. band Lynn, Ruby Jcin 2.0C "% Caco!i-n Pitclikr; Only [o go home Things We Like Soulc! Cotir llie 'DixJe FIiRlet- for Orhndo. Fh. d, Betty CUi

k, Jjck Dacn.ll inJ Jot


I jnJ . ...Ill wiui would hippcn if— Representative ^.tc ikcitd cJtor

jfct all To Committee

ccd card-, could i

ludj i^tiod ^iifj ; ^land Zollinger is '

Ductor Reynolds Advenlists Fail Describes Graduates In Old Year, FoForce I CPUSaderS MbIc QuartCt BegiVlS As "College Type" God to Give New

Klor'Sd'j Weekly Radio Broadcast Here (he Gtncnl Confer j,e "'of ^^'p"), ;"*r„"""",'",„7J':h; made by Elder leif TobiisKrr durirrc I"; vear's ™?'« N~ D., ,e,mon » ih? ' I'rogram Z;> hSond'T in tS I Tl I Based On

fpeakcr said. "God Ins pcrmiiiod us lo Spauisll FarCWcll " or Re^o,' „,;'",i,"„j"',;, J,"^ j^,,';,'^ ;/,„" Organize Owu Given in Honor fa^Mor^;^ j.m^^^ acond of Mr. Cleveland . :::;:"i; t2',;?;SS£m ji|«!!^J^jS^e^;S;£icS«S Sabbath School ji'ili' 'f^ '£^^^3^^

Appralios for a' jrcalo, orjenty «' b"""' 'l an informarfacult; Plans are now beinj formed 10 '»tl?d'^V"'i"iS"*'''''dra°fc;n ,he^facfC™ni'''o'f"l'hf " bbm; f— < in proponndins Ibe '" "" °" Samday Cbrisrian eoUesi belps the sW- ™°°e f" rb™ Li lime ar 9-l" SabbaN. ~''l'l'" W"""™ f|,j5"*;'|,*"cM It "bis ,l~

aoperl,,. rbronsb m t

tlii'lds vocabuIary^wbtch^sha"pens the StudentS See Se\ves In Movies ThfS.'i'„teribnr» eoo"d

" narioias, ihe 'i"" °^ variorrs individuals, Tl.c teacb- '' i[^-aker commented. He oirt brooms and do°tbc many tasks of ^^^^^^^ iranTncl^lable dimax to'^^v toruet"''u irlru" i "v'u jr^r''^ 'i I "l """^^"'^ imprrrtance on flic campus of Souibcrn '^°'^' ^y "^"'"S ^^^'**' fict-toeeiber in the gymoasium ' scripimn ( lid noie— ];„i-^^ rli u ^m r^ ^tTnalia Hen^Tndee "laria Ovlda iid We

ty and vocal pla, Academy Bible aas,,S,.L "F^H-,. „f Christ"

..>.. and Miss Unjdon Crowder, Lucia 1,, ' ^ IJtlfl- .Skinner to McNeil were accw-:,

Hold Prayer Week Jjito Araiia^'S^nd:, 'l.ij o!\ ,„J™°'„;jJ 1*'UT"

'rifibt, I violin solo b). 1 c,n,l,comel„\;

"bmlely'kno™" "


Inailefi Itfpe South Dots . . . Tke Soutktiin tAcctnt ^ -— Hall COjr.r ) . «,«<•/ U1.C. Amu.. Cioi - - - Dashes l'^"'Ej"l"E°lKrd Scoops j i^ho on Jonu McAlcxandLr an cd Charle Mcchapl s J e Dereen CjENE E ith of this nc V year Congratub Chr ilmw vicaton i u „ jnd I at least t Its sprint again Or [^^^ j ^^^ (ha, jqu j„/ be new >-wr s before us IjbtJ CoSci ^ ^^^ We must hurt K of ' ftom Ihc appwranw because I was too just might bi ^ j p down to the old routine of ,1 .„ and barah Ann Oroljn Bwhop ^..^.f, faefoie on DKember 27th wt n and n cla«Ls c jKobi tlmo Si'l-?: o„', fio to aga n Kh, I Oroljn like Goodies room 'P^"' '^"j' last yiar Ytp I happened looks a long way off right of no but I bad though she d dn r b ng ^ 't™" TEXAS) and Mas making preprat ons tr than »l th nk shi d d ful of Flofda \ tamn C. to S C when a certain it ould bt l!. ^IMin M beyond tlic 5 orv „ ful glad ola bo a Uaut „ and •. b ing bad 5,^^^ ^^ ^j ^^^ Kcene ih column to list the ct . ^,^ „( , d ffetent co!o s of qua ibc I aJ. four me to the latest member th fellows that „i,ojyced went aua> f^ ih *° '"''"'^' f. '"[ ""jjj ^j^""^ "'' " '""'* ^ "^. ""'^ tmghtnotbc u) ^oH a'ii'd ^i"^? h

E td ^nJ ° ™°' "j'M OT 'r.l "^X T "lT£„i. ''""•"'""^''-''"

about in I /^eiMl *7oo- J[!.ai& pos tion bobbi n

H. lull I iiiyuay Nut \ ears Resohiliom 1

radio 1 ) Ti /; it I luiU lo bi hrokeii if a recent

' r luU I I If tf bi taken ierioiisly

»«r I I I, I II /„„» /r«i ,(.«/» „% III I jictory pail mid leatei Mc

' r //////r. o. qiicli , / / ; ",


" "ik; P tJom

'''"'""" "''''"' foi">o? ::;:;°r • hlcTo'e tloush bica

(licckHeieFoi Utl °Vm t

I5i okeii Resohitions '';' F!6 ift?

mimbired t

at the beginning of the ne* j«r and Thm ihon" z . 1 ol p.t tie plans )ou \ow to accomplish but t„,l II , ,aha ieu Re,ol,,l,o,„ for ^»l,^. I -' . .xplain usually do not come the )cars com

/ ' / But remember lomor vi c c 1 s r " I I lale / / I h 100 for the feu h. Op:,] H^,7\

'"" Ih n iluiil H Let i riiaki and kLL{> si me Niu 1 ears Reso »' '"'>'' be a rcsolut on that ^^s Be ' , , . p^[^^[' f'^.'TK, , jnj"Rob rt^oll *'"^ toDi\ d Uiliom loilay Thin lets make lomt more toniorrou and the . ,^11'', ?* n^ .. «.. > n ,., Lr'n I . ^^ looknc around nt \l day and the ue\t day Are yon ti h ilh nnl)

Aldrch 'kenwckj f ""


1 Ad, l4Hia Jlim n Ti'b 'nil tli't'^tc'airi'™ '"' "J) I "rdi, ir/m m'mon' IraminVn the"do" 1

1 ihink l> ) il n ,.) id n ^,L N..» Yeai Arrives iS';"k°:X»"°n'' f'lh" ''"i' nf ^^ZiJ,' " 1 U uld nu liU jLsub to u. ' With Bang ' r nK«°' °.™i';"''th"fTh.p|!; ' \\l 1 1 ct < r Jcar

^^ ' 1.1 tilt paj,t nia) allure ''7 " "1 '. it \ hf. „n\;d"tui;,°; '.".'.ratV""' i i.i. . v. k, m ' 1, 1 u art ptrfcctl) sure 4etniiii- C .nn a ^ ulJ n I be seen in jour look d"fi„'"i'°bji° ?™"R„"n';!,° :;; .X'^^^tbtiiiZi'i^uzH Piopobc* dl to I II «(« Vo^lt tu] ni^of both don m n^ do mo t tudj ng and tdocl o 1 If G d should sa> si kniiil) Show ihl that book Eldir Aaerm:in Wlntoir )ou«rte «ith iiasic or \Mth heed

nithing )oii wruld not like Jesus 10 r ad \\hut(.\tr )ou sng in iht midst of \eur t,lt-u, bint nothing that Gtd s lisienint cir e 1 Id d .pk >ougo neietj.o where Mud feir 1 God question being asked jou 1 cplions Eldti Acketman orp-d I! What doest thou hc(c> 1 ^^^ Selecttd

ofhlppnl^5andc^ctJ is act > t c= _^ ^^^ nnUhrl — 1 THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Giidriin Koch Qiildrcii Dedicated Santa I Cabs ana (jowns Clans Japan. DesciiJies At Sabbath Service Didn't Miss LifcTher. "'""'- I™-™",mon, "The"Tte Parable o( A„te~ i, Mil,„„ C. a,.„.c»™,d b, a „.,h.,„ d,awl ,'",. .( CollegcdaleColiegedalc "' '"''"".'?« J^'i" """„"»"«,> Je™„ likened Sa„,a Cla.s ™ *e ?7"»1 "laTo^ s5e'n'M°Li™- Mmf'f, m"'"' n,'e„ew7iT»; bib" came » Collegedale on

°L""wi!r?T|Ji°l TbeolSa'^mioT"' weil-verTd"' in °'„'.'; ';,"»"'almj° p„^-^^ -^ ^ ^^^ ^j^^^_^ ^^^ »ldt°" S mlm''i'''a'' "?"; iWd.fKiflii''','"™'! 'cm'""''

inled b, .

look backward for a brief period.'Spi'r" "me jinijiing profit and gain

foreign mission fields. She has prefc once for India. She is capable of d "play wilh" he and has °fe,en"a'™mbS'^f 'hrbai mg secretarial «ort. and she has fi section of the SMC A CappeUi Choi

lo the On RO, Gudtun arly adolescence, Approximately 10 i " '?s'!"an°d' has fflled''the' ^sTt'ion o nd bcr broth to 16; and later youth, fro IS interested in are photography, hi 1. It was Elder Jensen ing. sesving, and collc^cting poetiy. 10 Kochs n

,. other ittdis^doa" do' "College Type" ilai^d in his educati n. Milton Connell wiU surely accomplisi Jensen conelodcd.

development dinglbii i i . by lefasmglefasnig : ., .il.oJ their plan to join their _ , lo become Singing EvangellStliVangellSt ,

acquainted with It ..i i. .,ii, i i ,! the ! arts. | II . an.l thus long Ibeyare . j the enforced LXCliange c I . O. J . " »'"" Jown on what lliey aie ""i"J ' .piiiil •bli'" bi II ,i,|l„,ed not up SpCaks lO StudentS ,""" ':""°'' ,. tot' man "Srlfte^Gj'.;'"'.;;' at M. V. "."."tu'lb"''-).?' Ai-t Meeting ''.:t^jz'^, j"::,rqp,°L"uZ°:i " "'" Games added lo liic iiutnmuii reirtilgKifa,".''""'" m, k...... , -.„,.„,Z... ^cotJing 10 many, it ujs iIk-


College Regisliar Grandma Goodrich Alumni Broom Shop Gets NcM Home Celebrates umENce scau. Breaks Records: R„k„sp»si«,s»isunip,,i<„ Ala .jiiinB «« moBhi. Mm 94tli Birlhdav J Hires Students Bub, Lu,

occupied by a vclccjn and family. Jochmans Attend French Party At Chattanooga


Accent On The Academy

"" I ~T. to Mr. Con. " _ _ I ,;« K^Urs - '" ' _ _ ^^11 app,o,im.lcl, 140 tons of bcoom »

SludenlsToBc Shredded Wheal Visits With '^IdroTw"" wi* »;S\ori°°d° ,„;'„J For High Depicts Happiness «°*"°' Chosen Our NeighBors E;t."lic" ion of mm"" c tan' p""™ School Register ^^ Advcoiorc in Icarnlns," an :«« V.ndcnun and 3ldct Slroup '''slt'' holida i be 'an ^''""'|''"^l bapnicd^six^()'4wo^on Sabballi aficr- 'I"' Pr«w"'='J by NDC ,],^, 't'rLm^ factoty'Tias° been* Tlarcc itudcnii from ihe Collcficdalc undc"'

;"1;™™J "•'ll ,n abont 10 bc"c'lc,cd in II.C N.lional His). 'kT <«»"„ ,han ll Sf-'i .{""Sei.'nep.ellns Ihe "' ibe Waple-.^d'Tajlr.

riiiiij's We Like "''"'"'* ^.s^rr-i :"y:B:^, jii'"""'"^


1 (laUt

1. 1 M. GiSH .i°ibTOundida!i','«iiibJ What Kilroy Saw 1 1, s raining on the campus 1 Dripping through the whispering pines. Survey of king music on the trailers

Santa's Footprints Soothing, peaceful to all minds, n thai seems to come from heaven;

_^Dewa,d om FMher, Gad Elirml. 1 Edgnion aroonJ all Acadcmy Qiapel It piirifie deainei, refreshes, 1 no.ida mdcm, swimcnins Xma, GclS Mlisic Pcriod e strike its vihraiil lone. 1

Perfect harmony exfirested

h, thai music so clivhie.

Resting iij the arms of festis, In His presence so sublime. Drop by Hroff the soft rain fJlhig.

i Making music all its own, // you listen, j you'll hear Jehovah,

j Calling all His children Home. pi TO' i 1

Southern Missionary College Cullcgcdalc Tennessee, January 2-1,

Religious Libeny IDoII House Visual Aids Department Crows Ito Get Trinuued, Week to Begi Ipaiiited Yellow Next Mondayday Prepares Equipment For Evangelists, Trains Studcnls

-•^- « wmpus' w^ ^11 speak on -Idcnls of Religious Lib- r' d ufu^.tn'^Colkged^i^

house Wiltschicbe will discuss "Religious evangelists' arc asking for visual equip- in^^ih'oripina! setting the tLny located on Liberty Problems in America Today "-^ ment to be used .ilong with the spoken . pbyl'ousc 1 liitle girl's i® 5:_®r ©= 6&5^ i; ^1 ItHDfil^ hi:li^i^i^'^^"^^'^^ % iraiS^aiMlliiiiigigi^i:^- gr.isp the truth presented through lec- after each of these talks. tures. Southern Missionary College is ','|,';. Vellow^House.

Alter the SevL.nth-dayAd-.'Cntistde- plintation niiriition purchased the Assistant Religion.^ Liberty Secre- abavo with a portion oi Iho riauol old, lor o.on- the Hohoil Hamm ia picluicd an^ proper '^'^^of visual aids. of the church, assisted by Miss taries 'To be effective," says Robert Conger and others, will give a Hi.'icnt's office. Lillian SS'ri'r?io^i":Br£°'£"i'ori'^^^^^ was 7Un one day Ihe liny house helping to organize the new depart- ment. --Ihe vitual aid must be cle.u.

mom- Elder F. B. Jensen will speak Friday Veterans Relate "'Idiot" Goes To presented at exactly the righl the Individual Adventisl Can Do to In Churcli, Says Dean f!"'fowf{'[n'otn'dupLrn"x'l Experiences mi nUe rbTsJj ^enW'wdfUra^dvan- and was to D... 10 the Yellow House morning in the dom." and Sabbath War Theaters a christian ,diot is one who has Tabernacle, Eider Lcif Tobiassen wil school, and also to learn how to use The Collefiedalc Veterans enter- mcioinclcss prayers at night, and fiocj effectively. Several r,u'l'lf<,/and it was moved to the spot wil given the devices most annual Religious Liberty offering taincd their friends at a program ,(, church because it is a habit with 0"' occupied by the garage. There it students luve already begun their sets liscd for a pcsthouse during the The Daniel 2 image in the photograph J5 January 9, as three .veterans related vesper hour speaker, Friday, Janu- plannei piJctuic which followed. Later, it These activities, and others, expcriences encountered during their jry 10. ciimt a shoeshop. father, Elder C. F. Graves, of Birminp. The little house was then relocated chaplain, had of (he Religious Liberty committee of Ben Wheeler, Corps (.y^cy one of a scries of questions Ihe Collegedale Church under the the company record chairmansMp of Elder Leif Kr. To Anna Soule read ^f |,|s (,iik. " he develops his subject. This prevents Elde Robm Davison. „-soldic,, told of n ihr front of it—"Brighten (he lary. The Other members are ti;^^:^;™,,™^ "'J,""

Elder R- L f.ictor, nctotd- .inJIf put on one side (hence the Wrii-ht. Elder J- A, James, fufied. This is a valuable

>,n.^"Grafooola"> and used it as his Hammill, Mr. NfalvLn Hickman, and co 'i^t^".";' Mrs. Lawrence G. Scales. Close Da>^son'iaid"he wil thSul JreTodd ''ueftmadrrc^d' there 'a^re'two an' wfua° fidrin^se^'e«l"«i«'rf

Walker, pistor of the Chattanooga completed are, a 2-1-foot se.i church, and with the leadership o

the^gospei and cresv were for Daniel 2; bf"ls;--J'^|; enemy terrilori-. Chisni j^,^,, ^^ Southern Miss.onar)- College.

and the Sunday temple '''" day pillars '" '-' "' ''"^ ^' Pt-'O""^-"'"- comes up, 10 or 15 per Mr. Cleveland Leaves for wrong side hu.l.l^ IV.i... lormcrly of llic Navy other 70 or 80 per ,|^,„ ,|j^. The '[kf^'.'^Hamm slates that there arc t.,1,1 li.-.« 1,1- Oil]- W.1S lurpi-.Joed and cent arc on the fence and will take Mr Clyde C. ClevLbod. tre.isurcr, many more illustrations to be made

[''-•' * ""o" "'"1 * P'"^""-'- be constructed In miniature for the / ^ '""fi.C.l rity com- personal worker. "^''^ F*"°" *'".' ^ ^''f^'' _ 1^- td|"r , . f.^cued


.sic Program at Vespers, Jan, 25—K. A. \VTl&

Jan. 25 -^P»"°^^

ious Liberty <•'""' "°* j'"'" forth oCl .o"li s»°d '"> S"o "^ '" '" ?' taioJ 'i" dSo"S ,?i'!kf(W Z T.' »t"wT«'orfc^°"Hf,i^n,?, in m« .h„, B»!i_"e« AdminnMLOn i,ffa „,% Add,.ion.l cqoipim'nt b«t. ™j„,i„j"i„ |,„,i„7„ „j J„j„„ Feb 1-Professor L.' Kr. To-

In Augosl of IM!. Mt. Clm)ind M,s. low,,, ii loot- «'"KMjl"rl„™f°,2„,'EMc''i"'"nt [l'^,M°iJsl Church SI ri'ice.

t. usic cci J Feb. 1—Student , . :


^nade^ '7^fie South Dots . . Tke SoutkeJin J\ccLrA Elmep BL.C. 6- Mall Coll.s _ Fi»NCU Amum aoj Co ork il es aga n Th s tune— ::: Scoops - - Dashes

' Glne ir F DtiiiEN lJupd°d ughter Ths wa lb torks '''"' There ha be around tl e old dormitorj Ihi Stil thesT'JIw n.on'°l7d°our''roJ"«S fe da)s studjing for i.v££r.?Z'^Mo scmcsUr p

aEnipt halt W th her raised look rts crcituii, a quizz cal sjstim bein^ put in ne\

ll )our head "" DU aKajs slicp - _J^°'^^a shingle siding goin^ h?eath^ 'lll'kJXmV'a) up on ,'!, „ Ela lit GmD end add ton Pepito bad . J s eamp better after a couple nh us s Jll — — n ,ons No doubt he a I bjcl n^l) ua he po publonJ b »«Ur J»™ J t old b rd and he seldom "j"'"",^ fci of the man) "".f' S'c.nS thing I could men

thought, ed how^man''Ttle'oddLliri the as to when is the be^t ing our^, roup. They plan to spend ume ti per >"' Pf ^ ^Mlith"? 1875^ TTiB wbs^plion price iJ JIW) study. One group stays of the year at their home on up btc ^ night to prepare for that touiih (tt ^1 — I eyes open for my t on kept -Buddy idiosyncrasies that diaracter- !e them, h J"''n^nyTriend^ h«e, and'

' welcoming them back on watchman'to wai^rtirm". 1

5 A. H. So the) can und out that Camilla Stricklind 'Buddy' again resumes his agricultural 1,, See44t<^ extra knowledge that nn^ othing as possible. All she re- through ,nd ..h,l U,e, „„ ,c js a sole and a piece of raa ff to the artist who draws enough 10 put doftti on flunking Chemistr) again are Ltliicalcd, luittcalioii is leaTiihig la see. Unless our eyes rican Lun burger Cheddar our nights and days uHhoiil sensing the puS,;s i"„''r.,^e",n^\ lie hbnidtT thToiigh Chem^t drtcr in plan, of Feebles iherejore. series I'.ihws u-hkh lije can hold. Christian education, lusighl. True tducalion is /^, jirovidf ll'i' sliuleut wilh deeper

,..'., Orttr has read Ihis column and ttc re '"'• ™'™ "" '"'"1"; ... ," "; P" |usl havjng out b. wicU) rarcise of folio, ihe leader-and bo, docs he IS", doS'l S a^'a" of so?

exjicrieiice t'j the sfiitleiit is when he sets Christ scc-n Ihcm she had IHl legs rolled up T/k' sinirt'me and"hc lauv'Tnfe diocolatrmallV too^i the » Ihe ihe slenes rolled up alticili,,,! — Cliriit iit the d.i,sro,m, Christ reitahd w lj«J^"jd ^,^ p,^j, ,, hh th l/trary ami in tl,e l,il,,,rat„ry. iit tlie donaitory md lit in the recreat llse diuinfi room and in thu barn, in the office and Ernest Anderson -Ah". Il J fior ii-ith is not only the jitlitre — the c, Iiami riorida lull. PaTtnershil, God for rross wrth the fulfillment of one of plans to cunl nuc hi 1 y.i1h our nev ,1 last .ssucs predraons the liaiiionshif o\ Christ in ones life work. This exferienee nta) It ha, a ...... „..,,„,,„.,„„„.„„ .utchaseofa«Pljn,onth e.irh stndtnt in an Adt'entist school — the const liresenl wilh l*™"'"! '"J ndc if you like it' beat n,. w„ huh' ' """ "'« " "" ("" loiiiradeihiji oj Cl)risl in social recreation and viatitial labor This IS getting to be quit rostei inlcllectnid stndy and in sfiirittial endeaeor. Friendship Friends Mr%°iorean''orhjs'"°or'''B°u°cr'' lentioncd Carmen r Exposed At ''^^ probabli tet a_^better buj jf

"Revealing" Party "organ mansion atop this hJl in Nig " •' (,tc Hut No 30s This bit of ad Mans puzzling settismg The snjnetne e.^fJcricncc of the teacher is rct'ealing Christ to question marks siere is frc. to all trailer mhabi

;l,e student Christ In the classroom. No line oj gos/iel mtiiislry "" — m^j^ 'jo"e?''Ha'll''!it°'s"f5''p'''M' Sjums"oi'''our° lira" n'e'gSr

i holds so nitich joy oj scnicc as teaching in an Adi'tiitist school Thursdaj January 9 when they met Noss Thats oier and I think I •"""«j' ™ '''''"^^"« p"'' bCback Siol.a tao? Ind Hhougte T'l tn!/,Zls"'Z 1lc!^lo^kZe!'''Len'lJZ^ist repeal

''^hev nanio were ehosen at the 't ^fi'i'n (if I intend to ma)or in Christ to youth — Christ hi the classroom, Christ in all asbects and , Na ' -,- beginning of the current ^hool lear polcon Pcpin the Short or Rameses , I ,1 J .. r. I , .. .ictit'ilies of the ediuaffoual jirocess. Ph^ p,„,„l (^,„^^,^^ ^f _, friendship H) But -omchovi a ft* minutes

A/., ,n /In- n. , „j M . i,.fi Ln„lor nreultd in ihc Word m ualur, I ll,v j.ruvuU-mvs If th,' j.usl. i„ ihe l>roblems of the f>n>tnl aiui ^- ^Jm]Wl ub| t 11 t sear But I who used t d«ell m 1 I the diTclofwH-nl of our individual gifts and skills Learniug b) Ali« fasor of Biolog) Building ba « Touted floor of' the Vorlh

' kcrlwU Z Ti'ss "''inTn I found three d ^nn' kno^n a. Mi s two of them which hold %'S When Christ is recogniied as the head of all our uorknn> "aJk'm ''"bout* the ftomno"dn Bradle, forces, more and more thoroughly n tvill our institutions be denuded 'safr' dont"!^''* ab^ ; riorida Tor mj Ashlock IS every KKil Iroin commo,,, worldly fractice. . . . 1

t IS getting short r saj that he ighl as a result of no sid c Morgan fro m North a I riiten h, iJO* ill , h However ,f yo u IS rc-illy ma thought ', The oj eternal lij, should be „^„™, into all , "If" uhich th, ik'u ,aJ ,i',' 'p„m L,' J"/.-' "r, Christian sets his hand. the If work ferjoriiied is agnctdttiral or """i' , Who s Who in the Hu ^ niechanical in its natttre. i, may still be after the j.attern the of cl'^^iZX'S^t:^'^^^'. ;ec..^u;h''a's A;g£.''nd Ckmi™; heavenly. . . . Those who are accefted our hearts remarked Wiss It had been at last as nienibers oj Peterson iSentiontd that th, Th^ lads have roe^^ ^^--^ Ihe """*'" heavenly court, will be men and women who here or; "" | tarlh fi°„'Lrif''thLi'"^™'"' ^" ^ I thought s songht to carry out the Lord's will in every particttlar. iiho songht to pill the impress oj heaven " " e">> and polish upon their earthly labors. ^ " our ' "' °""" ~'"°" C. T /. 58 ;™e'^'"" ' m


lioe mI" rLead. To Perform GltunoU QiloodoidtUUf. GleOA^ AcAe- 4^CW ^uel

f;|(lii- Banks Says In Ashcville

''"'" °°''" '° '"'' °°' " P«i~i.Mra, „( „™ coipo,,™, j.iii^b^i„M_,o.h.^.=jrf^*^^^^^^^ Colporteiirs Meet, . ...fom"" '""Cstaem .u,e .he c,as.d.„ "' 1""^ Hear Trials '"'''""«''»' ""'""tnme'"o«'Snon"'°'"" 'I'^mT^- L™^ "i'Slii; '^fi^"h"1l»'fi,l £• i."^"m! "nJ jK<|»rfyn B.lbrd Wiync Tto,- Bob not to be .,"' >° "ElirBank,, an tv.ingcli.l of U Colportcur club asstmbkd in te «"> »= »»«>"' l»W ,bc ,iih» "o°f ite",iMri,.,Tr "' li« *= P'"™'", ''isk"""! !"' l'l'"K "I" „ ,„ ,»T«,i.occ. joined Ibe Colleje ^< i""'"' '"', chapel on n,id,.,. >»«.,,• 10. to in- ^1 J°S>. ">, ..",,, I, „ beheved lU ihis »ill |j»n;_,M'. W. Do.lch sponsored 1.' S.p.eml,„ a> ,n,lmcl» ,n ^ ^^.1^ >^^^^^ .,, ,^„,u,„ doj ™«d 1,,,^,^-, ,lK^feeJ«=j,ri Ully 1 ^^^ ^IJ^ ,^ ^^,. ^.en.f^ Jn ^ S^.en "cTieh, »>"°^^^^^^^ Jle,;;, "ih'; u"'de*S tat .he seS S2o'lp"m.n"'"ormVy™: ';5^.r" ™Tl"i'''.V; cS«e7™fpSin" SS^H^" dof .ir^tf »» E'«"P'- T<> d™ *' ied o .n evaoeelisl in .he "'"'t . Mono, conference. He erne .0 Soo.h- Hiehlieh.s I JJ'^i/^';,'^ fbe "n.ireElonp 5."s

ril,'T -"'""",'" '"""" . Hiffll Willds 1".' nl hj7or.te'Smo'o"5°pros™'^^^^^ v. "i,!. ™J r- 1 T> . mvuines are held b)-weekly m .he "'''"'",„', P,,'j°> P""'"* Help /Vljale "II. .ml held J fmliy room of ihe library. "" ,01,1 'I Sch held hem firmlv T 1 1?1 J AdvOCated

.bal .he , - „h,ce. 'If rader Banks pointed ou. LoCall'loods |„|l,„ . , „ „ ^C,'""' '1^™'""'""' '"-"«', en s """we X,P"'")"-inS^^'s wile oerls a powerful in- Joni m,kc gooJ on .he «rsi day. I Or KeCreatlOU ;MoW.,j. /.r)r«.rry 20. High winds tioence on the whole congregation. t^rp Irying.'' "nd clearing skies .oday marked .he vege.ahl cireeially opon .he women. In .his MoneV Kept To .., j j „ (,„„, ,he An opprBoiiy for for good end of nearly .en ,.,a,gh. days of (lower gardening r, oiIr„.d thi, w., she is a leader, eilher ciru ,i,|„|, „„j„ ,bZgb college." said soop, weather for CoUegedale. A '„,., .,„,,', l.rckine 0, for bad If she failhfolly foUlls Sell BeCOmeS jfj^.^ ^^^^^ ~^,^. „„„,. ,„ .u ,b„,e who are ,

Leaves" ;hc"''l,„''.h;vc°s[ '.'h'i,"mo™inE7o '"iitetAe'VS'efSte^'bSng "Withered SlJ. ^,,;.."¥;:^',UJ: t

'' '^'''" Allhoogh her prayer life and desire "l"""'"'; /iJ^.J' rtf.,ched by the Tennessee River in ^^^^y ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ .^^ j,„j„„ „ ^ f,n He especially stressed /...V/j^/f

cludeJ PreJld" <[«^;i^^"=;;Sj^J^=l™™|j;'" °'lj;

Caps ani Cjawni "™"com'rkl™ aiding the use of money, Elder

'""''"''' "''^ '^"' r£u:3si:t°££i' ;:HeT'3rF'Ef''Hj; SH "^'' Kheva Groar°'"°" """Va^e Haskell Collep^dal, Home Mission Work ^ ^^^^"!^l, Urgent Task In 'ihTSii '"

..-..,hny people .....are loobng.uur,...;; .V. .11.. '^•-""•-•- "•" — I'-"]"'. "'""> o- -— o - ct DKlarinc ihal even' nun is a ^^ Smikiehn Arrf nt) lie rtcencd

Spciking ^ in bclinlf of Hot

m^mbv.i who were here in llie «fly '; ""'' ,,;. . j,^^^^ ,|^ l^ „f Minions Iwdcr in M}, Missionao' , ^ a 5tiij/bble o°t"in ihe'hall' euncQ.''sabbQ^h'and'a1'fl"'Ihrp°ocl,d° ]^^J'_. ^jj^ diy.s of Ihe scliool would like to make i"3 ""' , ^ Volunleer leader in '-14. and Sabbalh '''' do«n-t mike a GsludTroam j^^j ^^^ ^^^ ^j^^

~~ College's infanc)-. ""hcVutllTt divi'slon'^of uitliusiasm 1 Mm'^in "bit Ml -5 oc thc''sabbjtii''&hooL"^She" A°conlinu."lio"n 'of 'ihc by ' ' '-' - w_ J^l-Hd Alex ' ^ - McUrlj- and"" Marion A. I was hyini; on Ihe Colleec ompus mplon, who ^ hid to reside m Knis A small history book I seen Criticism of our contemponir conversit.oi College honor roll '" ''"' "f C-'S'-J* '" '^""'" «" the cdilion not ctilici-*m; jt is "ol Wor'^h ^fi''y''"fi THE SOUTHERNACCJ^

ipon iiii Pierson Tells Out, Ghosl Flunks :^ ',t Til'Z, ,I^m Cuba Story Blames Teachers To Young People

roof—tlic sfc, The Academy ^ ^^The vc-ri it Accent On j =§§fIf ~* rmkir "te m.„„;.in, i„ .h. mi„io„ ] Bible Workers Students Prefer Academy "',5;„„ » •'»°i j-'' Rejjister To List Seniors „,™e Honor Theology , Library Aum- r.-.,«cl.r. John Ice Cream, Banana Share ,';TZrhV!>l'™r£uE,^^^^ Group at Party

/,..llin;:cr "»«""»» *"t''^:"^^^ »Kii-n.i-. I.. Pudding, Spanish . ^'%?'''St'I'l?'lr'J,TS itci.'"''™ Th= bim, in..™..™' ci»b, >|,..

h, J law 10 ncl, ','^ fllis «1> indicucd S,'lidusi.'Al.b>™. You an stop and . mVd worti, bSh o7»h"h ;"eJ;'j.J'''>;^'"j3'«5J"jJ™™' Mr"°"c"1 ^il'ucS 'ml' M» I

''< ""j ",; n"'' E"i>^t"vm°»! onhc'''iX °''"" ""nlS""' ""l*" !''"!r,l!,'\,J.','''''"T|,,'°',,''n ,l',,'"!l„ "j'l'h ,'"',?,.'m'l'u'l..'° Jj/'*y„V^',J^.V'"nJ.?o'f'tail! J

'x.:J; '!,;", ;'';:;;:i;£;r';';:a ;;'::;£!^i2'i:Ll£i ;ri'EiEii'°i;fSl^ EsiltfrriH}'! SS-^J^SS;""' 4 sS'^"^"^-;™"^'"-- ';f':u:;;;i;:;l,i:i;;:;"Ai:;l r''""'^'°'ri?,'^iE"! !HF!!f™iniM,'Zj',irz!r..5r'S.^»S"cLS;:;:l

Book for Writei

'j' '"j >°«'°'' Editors ! ™"'lifdmh'*i'SStn DoroSv fnM'i')"'" !rwi"i"'ip?' ^"d

' lidsmon, jod Sl'iirlcv Wallu l„.,l ,„k-. J^j/^"™;- cjil^'fj,'", 7b;,f„*° Cmaid, l„ r,i:m .«:J t.U!. In going 10 Jjmaici and helping by Ellen

,f„.,ind.j hy Youth To Prosper - J",p/°"'/;.j'''^^^^'''i.'^!|J|^[„^!J'^'^'^f ^^[; '''™f''7'^^b''^k'''"''^'min'd'anl "., "«"'= ""ani fomiihinj bar- S«„->-J" v.) »™U AftCr Defeat lu plawd in the hands of

over the svoria in rt ., T 1 Tail-spm Truiniph i* ather Looks _ ' ' Washington, d. c, pin Triumph" was tht title Like Triunan Calls for additional I by Glenn Henriksen, Friday, ond c Sunday Class lirley Waller January 10. He was «ing lliir dauehtct of Ptcsi'dent'resident Tru- Pjogramprogram by Robert1 Al,.,, •nnj people .-hly'dent'ihed'i p.rerl to I'ouJgT'gl" "ho are grown the •, ' - . nidonrit amflt^""" '^11 i^ilfis- Those engaged in tlie Just as the mother eagle pushes the md priming of denominat

,-. -0 the youth need to p'u'sh ouranJ p°'rmc'trcngaie''rn'" imil

""and S'Tsfi

" Hell probably b, well enough to get fuse bo^es. Trailer Type ''"(vh,' "oa'S'^ut ,s the matter brslro"|Zau™Se^X'ibi% New 'jj™';„^l """'"" ""'' "'" I, ,,.,,,,.,/ /,.,,, ,uj. J) '*"'" "=" thr-blinkine" «( ^l ''''T™'Zpmf'fr2''soi''ngswim. f'a11'oo''fhei'r''shride°°."""' "now flljs."" ol oiii)^ ""'''"' 1' I het'v«n the wood polhng ming." he laisssered. "1 was right will require the on t^' i , tt ^jum. '••; i]l.^-L."d ^beneath the T sure got a housed in lb. seare the other day. T the f^d of the diving hoard whf,;,™ Girls' HomC switches, ^j"!

I ',"":,„' "''"' ""•' ""^" "'ii' 'i".;:. ;",m" "" 'i^'' .' "a r'i^i"?''"i°a!'.ri'"„"lrf",l lh:!,g'° Gets More Watts Hi'>''°'''«"'°''i ™

m fr)

u IkjltD 0y

luthern Missionary Colle|;e. Colli^gedale. Tc-nncssec. February 7. 1947 poloiTiemc Potters Religious Liberty nstiiict Clay ^^ ^y\ /^ Week Emphasized fcnlcitainiiient 111 Special Program ' ' ' L 1 '^ 1 f i i sored 'by^'E^ldcr' Lcif 'tCr'^Tobi^cn wM presenrtid in rhe ch.ipcl Thursday iMI^ wslf©f ^m

Moonlight on the Chspcl" hy 1-ulton.

The profiMm was introduced by

Mrs. Scales who stated that it was a lont'muation of the theme of the week, elisioas liberty. Lillian Concer te

J ihsir srt from rhe Lgynrui 1 ileeping" ro thJ music of "The Holy roa basts h.d rhiir Elder J. F. Aslilock A Cappella Choir, nTheology Students t'^u'I'ditTcTrdSirawcrrup't' mRetums to India Attend Southern Union Council

Music Department tf,? bi!',,*^",;;, ";,'*i„Sd"","c; |fc 5'l«"E31"n"a'r"",'fi''m^' d.uTte.'and^^outgSson 'left Tta';!' {* I',,; ,„:

PreSeutS StudcUtS gu«fo"\h "Shem"' IJmon '"I'ta PtTsEn''w,thout IhTardof mlchm tod^he'^l1ner!''°Flyi^g"Arro'2!" "fo! '""jfn.'jj','",' l^ew eouncil w,ll be held from February ,e caromg on . scr, torn Bombay, India. Tbe ship leaves At Rccital Hcre ,„,, V^',"'

'"" " " ^ ' rangemcnt by Lourene Sjkis Connie ' " ' ScVCU FrOlll ColIcgC '''''""°'°° '" S"rc'ia).on""°° Elder Hammill Listed by Wlio's Wlio Bouth African Missionary Studies Defines Biblical uTJo;f'Gw"s'^VDSJ »„., \m , amm^ i„d„,K ,„ i-Making in College Shop i^nj-'' '" "' "" Trade ,' " , «!""« ;f„ "^yTtViMh, Religious Liberty tr ,

FUTUREVENTS | Eldet 1 tbruatj J M Acker min .pciks al rrid.j oc

Tcbruar) Elder J ifil

'^'^ 8 Juss, m„rli„t (

,.""oosa' 1

1 n al Collt gcdJe."'" sor Stanley

I and worried ? Sm,([,gf„ Ulemories i ?clo fcXrdl"' ta.l'e"""

Vthtmry 15 Loui J. Albcr, a*rF.i,c,,iU„„„j,t,. l,h,,t o„ /uje iport- njlurcJAs an example, f iLtaile'da'r! \ HII h, 3 l^.Tm .__I! iiZli ACCENT HE ^nnTHEKN


Scoops ^%St£pX^ 'Z.S.ltT

answers, I you, and what is yo"' "i;"'^;.^'^^ "Lefs sec, ihe general ,^'!!.fJ::"\'Vl'"'°''"f^'i^ Mike. 1 m one a '" '"^ niormng kalvoda-' Jusi call me q^^^ jo [he Army, now aj ^^^^^ 'fj^^^^J^^ ^^"^^^

"'''d "l">'- mln"ion''No.lhc'ni'™.'anV°ooa're 1',"^^' 'JJ",°y,''f™'™hrvMoIs " Tl»n° !«' olh'y Ire.liman, rlBl.l We «'-''' larl.nE m .u a ' |,i, ,|y„ „d moving pic- '« ""f*,; "'""e,"""'' 'fi'' I""'' |Oin oo, "», Rob)- Shrove aod Barbara a-e cl.,d 10 have )oo ^y^^^ uU-n aroond here and aroond his Ullft ,o«r room- Whals Ihi! r hear aboo. .„ ,, „„„ ,bout Yoo ma, bo sore, |^^„^. p|^,a, , |„„ how,,,,, n, mate, "™,',° II 1. his left lej ih.^ « io^ a ^'I'^^k" ~»" Steal '';j'j; Pepito. ^»« dj f"™"» ,^'J„' J° ;

be a ssvcll - slonar)' you ay? He should y^^. -^ Michigan and 1 checked op a lutl, Stop and Consider ^^.^^ j,^^ f,^^ ,o m.iJ o,|'|^ ' see who else I can ','^1 1 wander oo and '"J^^? r,^mblancc "betm^ai this ver- Most of os' have two iv!' \'"V Intteesting. 'Ii'i l"> .. » loJ r I ', ,^ aforementioned Inter- but not so with Belly

-I, . arrived last I,„t ,,,„„ ,„j ,h„oal ihioE will no doobt she is the mdustrloo,

:: -: imc^RayKussell i jj/"^' fnJS^l'tereln, "hoT'w" are ferent"°Knds E"«°tio";.

' ' they have joined OS and hope signs range from orchi- V, v,'^" c ; C'ad s.Mi I,T^ltrunk H.,-. I,, 1,11- l-k- so tar, -^ „,|i Well, ^^^.^^ j^^,^ ^^^ ^,j g^^,!, ^jH that might be a shj ,. ,^.-,

used to ^ .^P^* |.„l.„n, Mi-iss,p|-L, and yoo ' animals. wel[,\w. to Oh , ilioir,-"- .,,,.,11, f Stiideiit Recital t'",'."' '" Si'inik''irL-.'e'a'ui'rii'h'c"ei'n'g Joo 'S'hrtd'forBet -T lilH-rly. Bcllfi'trf i,i ihc Svco,>,t Adrcl , ,.l leg,,! sld»,ii„g, .,,,,1, l„r ll'f mrnl I'arl /wre no tnniilrki „/, r„r/i,„l,:r}, h Ihh Inie in crltlu /.or/ .,„,; i„ ,ht Far m,l Near F-M. In a largr

ago. Yes, Otis mar be a fa

."' J „,//„„ .-/./..-HrKc'Kp-

// it iii:j"iiii)ijli' u'licii. ill reliirii for ihc frcetloin graiiled lis

rali,,,,. /.rice ,rZ'„','i,i„.'i .iilil', „!:„l.,ii;,„-i'.,ll„. i„,;i,r„,s. Southern Miaioriary College is the Lord's property, aud the I,,,,,,,,,!- / r.-.,/ ,„„lr„l...... V ..!'.. rs, uhhl. ,h ,„,,„„„„„ /.,„ grounds about it are his farvi, where the Great Sower can make onfi.n His garden a lesson-hook. (Test., V. 6, p. 187)

., Ih ,.,(.. „/ r Rece/illv EliUr Tinker pleaded hi ibis our column, "Help keep Ca/ol p'oUet's 1

r (on-. .,/ o.rr laud. ii: • .: ::. • ,'/'>, grounds \ :, :! iiainral beauty of our location, and from the awdi fcceived one oi our idtcil: .1 God order and beauty. ,.,.i/;,sio.. I,'„.',i,^ of h, Ikeu- ,1a-,, ../ ,1 great Worlfl War Ihe ^^hich wa 1! djV "PLI ]'i . e^n the grounds can still be iinaltrac-

liveif p.^fH, „„; t.iii., .,u ...lUred carelessly and promiscuously. ,' ZJhh,f,,l"ll,,'",Z:,:'ll,,'',,,a,,il..l,l l.„.l,l,„„. WUIe :i,„a, be ''"'^^nd Will yon nut firsi .,j all covenant together that you will not throw ing Clurks C paper, orange peels, here and there. And then, if your neighbor logs. PMi (iff will sni'ittr of the ''"""-' does forget, you not be the one who will pick them up and ""'"•'> '.' " " '"'" ':'':' '':' ;'",/'*'"" "/ "» put them in the trash cans.'" Another pici which add Help keep y.-r //...,- „„,' To we — PLEASE! our dormitories as /l..,..'r/c.,, 0/ //,;. t,-e ....„) .).».,- aj.f.Lllio,, /or ""H^^^^'^" ^ clean and orderly as though we expected our Lord. Himself, to blesiiiigs by iijilwUing Ibc haii/li of ihm- ../..... it 7aon; Ihe reshaii- f^r^gh the f make the daily inspection. sibililies of g„fer,me,il reil. Shall tee ..../ piake ,1 a pracike Ihis House. The at Surely, we should reflect upon Ihe best means maintaining Jeanne's Mom, year to Itray for these men instead ol erilieirioe Ihetn. ever beiriv of " Ihe peculiar character of our College, all should highly " ' """ ,I,I,„II„I of Ihe a,l„,„„ilio„ „l Ihe Seriflmes. firivileges which we enjoy in having "I ed,,„l therefore, thai. f,rsl all. of s„l,f,Uealio„s. f.rayers. faithfully sustain il and guard it frt ,„lereess,o,,s, gieiog of Ihaots be oia.l, /or „(( ,„e„: /»r king (Test.. Vol. -i. p. /32J , lion, tia, lead ( a I a„d In Israel "thorough-going sanitary regulations were enforced. These were enjoined on the people, not only as necessary to health, but as the condition retaining amone them the presence the I lieale I to the f,ri,i,iples that ei-erv of of I /. Isberty Holy One. By divine authority Moses declared to them, 'The Lord and the f„rs„,t o/ haf.f,!- 1 thy God walketh in the midst thy camp, to deliver thee; . . . 1 u ith ell rtial tigilaiice and with all of therefore shall thy camp be holy.' " Ed., p. 38. nndsn,, the cry "Lei freedom ring." if we, as ministers and teachers, upper classmen and lower UirlallirsC d to Thee Author liberty, of classmen, men and women, fail to live and teach these high ideals, To rlee I SI ,q Long ma, our land be bright here, how can our education pi us for a place tn the Lord's work ''''^'" '^"""""h Thy might. or in the hereafter? ll't'cod L/ Chauncey Laubach & Ford Cavanauch Class of Health Princt^'es THE SOUTHERN ACCENT^

Cluufh Must Act Elder Wittscliiebe Moves Cafis aKcl Cjcums to Collegedale To Save Freedom, Elder Jensen Says Max Ritchie Otis Graves son for our fifiht

"" lit"")' lil""!"" to '?"'" P™"'"' '" ?"''"'"; """I !»/"'. imi ilistoi " Ctarisl" ^He'"«L"mmbl''c °Mr Gmc, hu b«t. prominool io S' '? *= "' » Hik" of Ihi iho loJ cooolrjmcn, GodioU «" t"rpi"«s pccmnlci hrail of l„jcd Ihc f.milj-. frands Sldfof p!oph"tj%™*Ut °o 'Jj ilic religioos jc°"ai"hc>"™ mLs

"'""' ''°" 1..S cooic 0! .i °' "° °" '""" 1°" I '''Mi'ims'lib'ili" a HT^iJrlervi/'ihQ^m'd'tif b'od"'"! H^'" ,, ';*™dtm'°or'.lit' Tr"""k cTj.''.o''l'lIrGt™"r''N™- Yml A,™'- ^^ THE SOUTHERN ACCENT im ihm, »nj '"?"*"">' Bei'llia Lowry Doolittle Adj^pts ^J'^'^^j Mi's. "° "' •*"• '"' Furlough CoUege/iai^ onB'«i>"''!>!''f Here on ffl IridcnftTt-^hm .1 rfiooi on .n From Spiccr Collcge For Home >*«-l idcpcndtnl ficln. NoboJv seenu lo

10 anjlwij I thnk In. Ixlong

Academy Accent On The j SgJSgl Elrj^'^f;;^;


1, pnd minds to Itad

",'.!., i,,''l' i.i , EkI. day thtough my open door, !n. I r ',n"lC\',u"Li.r m lintlmc to hs" tht« yMCi Triangle Club *'"" '"" ;;;;"' First Meeting :::i!'" ,„"';',i,;,'::i:,n*:„;::"T u:t,.f!^L'^Zt^Iz HoWs "'„"Jhbo™gK'

:,";;:::',' "'.""!«-,, ^:;;'d;;:;n'.';™,,'id ;i.':,,™;3*V:""''°°"°' under m. wiison oE'Siiro'

Home Ec Girls 1! Mvooldn-t « hangc with you. Honor Boy Friends Tl"' Tl,S„o\ bkmj that namh il Nin..c.d.-my.nd college boys were Aeadeniy Academy Form dl°i Honor Roll Bible Seminar A flat pole floa mcr, Robert Bishop; Scrgeinl-at- Till- riomt Economics lab wis ar- Chirlcs Osteen: Oiorister, Don ^^fj'!^ I ii ty; Parliamentarian, James Daily. Bo°tif"ll'iho I'm S'aJ that

Thi; good t ;.':;' ^,^i::T!^°£'J':Jri ,,,, ^Sk-^SI'CnonC" Vitality nunla '"J:sl,'°mZlt',"m

Old MacDonald Academy Briefs

-Do olh, CanfiJd r I . Mil, ty '„'„ ,

,"t, I , '" °'° lOO" R''o, Join Fami FRESHMAN ISSUE

111 WW 1

Southern Missionity Colk'sc

Mormon Tabernacle Organist From Salt Lake ^^iae l/ea^ PAo^^ieU Hem^wed

City To Present Concert March First ^___^_sMc^h<.= „„de™o,„p,o,,.„w„ta = g.v.„i„„hon™.

""i^' "" A Cappella Sings £j"° l'Zt^^\-,'°' For Union Session PhcnomcnQt r^octt * Hunn, \w

Ij^. \. Wright Gives |Fi>e-Year Report ITo Union Workers

lqJXim?i| tcpoT'o 'th^'^Bo^rd of AnnUUl Staff Freshmen Pnblish _. ...„„ ihuich bBiUmsi T«cm) me ptt imi OK'- Tovei Cuiitnl Is-uo of Theologians Study \ci(nt Modem Evangelism Sonthein ^^";£,f^SHz:" l'"


.jsbi nracd v.mus ]V. g. Rackct-teers Union Progress Tkt Soutkeun J\eei.nt

<7/t6 BcMdU HioU

-B S y u. h. n, mm,

II I I ,11 I ' ),'''/,'' Ti IK \(Ucnlism

First Snoiv Falls!

Ill I I u-l I ; / „ 1,1, II I) I I la, I I I I It z n

Ame^uca'l Huf. ^Unee,

t I I I u

II I o ll„ II 5

/ "r t '9 lol a H I II ',, I I I n nl THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Biinvsiiig Room Studciil Swimmers Orchestra PreseiU; Ii II k romplrtion Study Life-Saving Initiil ( omiit

VIIhi Dcsci lilts Defi-- .1, f Ht d.esNT i Ni, iff v\ ^ Russia Today

Music U r So Pliii<>l.,!»isis ( nt flioosos I)ut

I I I In I I I niU

il \ Sccittuv '^l (III il s I illeiiges "koiitli "^ "li'i l)n

(oiiilsiii|i Pi,,!,!,

PR( Punts Out

Til Is III I Illo|K

NluK idi r to He id

R h r ( ininiitttc

ub G M Sc n

II II Bird Enthusiast Fete Guests Vets Describes Hobby Uu*tk Al Vr:,rl> Banquet | g£ /^ote- We Gouldn't

td a head j/o^ tUu column

'"^"^ Ixcn lompkii i '* ' Doodle' Cliy'i mother. Mrs. Akne has ^"'^ ^' ljw"(cnre* Salw" CommLidinj; ^ ^j pi.l ratrnd^h'" AdjoBol; Cl.y. dminj iht ^',° "",,"" 0«!s.. I"I.n HnKlind. '™'\^ bV F J sni

Sunday. I lic( for a few hours on

- surar (0C04 Hour theu . also prosrdcd

ThtjalsoL' 111 Ihcro-s a «jinsWEe(to. '"" °" • " ,cnins's pro- "" '" Lombrd — lht boy s«hos«ms» have 5'',E°of^almost jSi^scontinuous «vmc" •"'" Uoohles — cwept during rdicmrslry > . F""'' R,. ,n, ,:„c-rs vivirin;; Dr. and Mm, no

Librarian Bnnsn Visiial Aids Providi Addresses Clmrrli Chapel

.r, ykA ends spent away from Cblle^ d.le. Febraary « and 9 were sp. """" Cliefs Televize

ilformatZ Sabbath School

),f,„/,„e,» ,;/ 6„;™, CT«„- rondolenccs to Dale Culnn.

strun a len.foot winspm ^liJer mrl Junior Seminar . , ^"l "jV l„„ij. .sr

^Ider AckerMiaii aTa' mrmto'sS^'b;""'"*^° 1' !' H'l"! Holds \.sl). 1 iN.'ii .SiTviiif; Uei-ks n,..,u.ii,i„„„„,„„„j„i. „.„„,.. TMC Pi.sident Installed in Kitchen i'^i^rslw ™£^f irV"™"?.!! Visits CslinpiIS Orsaad I pv

,.".:;;""'. ";\',", N.,. r,,,,., |„ i,„„„. ,.-,. '^^

;hal Uie lop made many delicious foods, fl hiv and that they lieard.) amonf; sshich arc cream pulT, s-eryoncs ad. turnovers, cinnamon buns, and br,; \

l\ I

Tin„t,sc.t, Match Secretary Rasmussen JEducational '^|','!;\";;,7/,'^"„'];;"^ Wiles of Lady Nicotine Exposed ISets Three-Quotient Standard InSabbath Service By Dr. Wayne McFarland

J''".,,,on tamj'',']," buTl., - . rllSlErSI •—

".™"fn''l.°ttd''wcb™r'in' deli"

, iiiu »..J "(ollege-r "A societv of ,. ,„ .„S,ScJ in Ihc. pu,smK o( the

rw 'iQ (Inldligcnce Quotient)

MQ (MoMl Quot;cnl iiuJcnls concerned wi

uungTwhich'/cc'high Tn mo'!i Ex-Siiiokcrs Speak Ibii-f k-^iS"''?^"'' ih.S ]\S,Z^ Juniors Organize "^ °"°"' '" TlK^'sq '(SpirituAl Quotient), for , ^"'1^!;^" ,„^" . tiK- flow '"'"''''''"f. "Ijlu' of hydroclilorit

HaiTy Schj'de Sings M warpolnted "^ut" •°hl°"t no ^Ti- 'ihtolocv \'^^^l^ kTsH^ people nev ''''^' " '^''o^" ""- '^'^^ - " r^^"" w? I f ¥^ '^tI!'^' , - D At Colleee Chape) Ke: Week of Prayer - ^^J^°''^en erson,^Kr'me li*^oy.I'Tbo ert°prnr- m, ^^Harq-^ "'^^ . ^OOknien tO ReCruit ^„^^°"^^^^°''' }"^^ (JW^ic^'m' hc^'^ublic '"^^'f ^ ^'•"'^ "Fight Collegedale Group Liquor" Says Sr^KL^'lrSrv^if^o "rSMc ;'^''''LaSrconlk\fe'k'?d"S" "'" — ' Field Sccrtlaries every campus Friday. February 28. tcpresenting Rocknv. ,'^|lf Eld. Scharffeiiber" Al llit- beumning of the cliapcl Mate in the Soullicrn Union will period, ^fr. Scl.yde, a basso, sang • for a Col|H.rtcur Rail)- hed by Dr. Jesus Whispers Pcjcc," His secular lallenge of Elder W selection and encore were "The Big Bass Viol." and 'Sleepy Hollow

ibatli, March I.' ;d the story of a parti Mr*, and Mrs, Schydc are rcturninc Salan and his to Connecticut after a trip to Florida.

FUTUREVENTS - Schyd"e'' | r human family. a Lyceum rogram" for the collegt. sludcnl colporteurs"' say the fidd'men. '.ide of the "non-smofc~c Wmk of Pn „ tan p jught of a plin whereby he woi Om„ Conli,.n

Spccia : plan l;^s

8 Colfcj orctelr. .nd qnar- -«'- 10 bt 1.1^7

Colpo eur Institute « Bdt, - E. Wjjjner Union ingSecrctar}'. speaks

2J R, T Edgar lechires on

Aptil 31 Jl^^&Ifcj Day ' 1


^""^ ^"'" '^"*"*''" Dofc; Sign H'Ite- SoutlrEnn tAcecnt ^ ,„,„.lfS"ifilfc,.b, of the

Dashes "^[^ ,-, • J' ''!£r°sLp rus™ t

their '", »"i™ „-cj oieht iboni 1 j.m. in m7"i! Emce «jnl ibt Rliur »"! repmcnled he,,™* aaUv^ii «isttp.i«r bislct. Vc™ v.iley (J:m away from Gcm.ny? „,"'„ "™"„'j "" P"'?"""! J°' of

alfair. iow counlrics of . Which m Iht "Uat'e IJi Ah'ayi Read ibt Lahti religious src . What two groups

Wc stick our necks out for nn n^ Sjndy Smdefur and Lirrj- o^ '^naiU>l ^Iff^ i^e"5,ro3'lk"«oo! fr™,'t'L''',°2

fun and plenty o( Why reuldn't such nijht come „

"tL,, are plenty of s„d,.,Chesf.,

C, list weekend As she N.u »,r;»cs .« ike maslhad hidkale changes in the Hull of i™''"- * f„„t page article for the Southern thc'ra "ind'are^giinrio'Vo'Tiik'S ,/, S iTtiEits VrcENI. Edilor Olh Cave,. Lie, f,e,„„e Jl ;[«£ ma^ed '™" " '' "'""^ ""*"'•" hrbiMold' L "'mL Biuddock New Cuef mem s;!.*™js::^;™',^'';i«.«,^" ^i':;«|:;Sti;::.i.ep..s l^ZIHETfiaddl ,, "lSt>:x^,r^r,:t I mgh,, Martha Cooper stared at her lmla„ny Ihe ,e,tgml,n„ u'„, acefleJ. I„„v,- chief of the newly orjanized second- pus life. Amim! fM, >vh,ch h.dn i run ,n weeks, and , ,„,d slalJ. Mr. Cave, had {o, a,„i„ml) a „„„,„ Hill-dwellers His second Bab, l„s a new pai, of sh»., Tal, to her surprise it immediately stalled „„.„,„i -„ ;..j:„..j.- .-„ . I i-.ii}^ / /. ( ...„ J, A«n.-:,r.. Chiefri.;,.f Jamesrn.nn. a reading.v^dinr. on— thosen n-- i,„t._.-.. f//;(r! hidiialioi, harassed _ 12's belonging to I „l ^^^.^^^ ^^.,^ , j„„^,_ p^^ ^, ^^,,.

//rrre ,;W ri tldl jaunty 1, one to wham ,cade,s a„d s[io,isi,r may early miarn—hut oh second thought '" Ovvk'^A." Hanna was chosen ti


Id becoine fam- S,„ (/ 1,1 , . I,n , Ihe College fafcr i, the hcaeiesi c.v f „l drawing up plans oT"a' futo" home ih Tub lriui,,i,rdar r,aif,iiiihil,ly and retjiiire, the nio,! sjiec'ial- (1^ highly for a doctor— didn^t get his last ,;d l,ti,u,n II I, „ol a l„„l l„ be filled uilhml carefid ca,,ea„l„g same straight). When you push the It helps

/ (,./.,;/ U,l, d,lh;. r.o,„ door bell it loudly rings. "Open

m|jlishmcnts in a lot of weightlifhrrsveightlifhrrs club forlot aa' dav'c'day 1 lot from these Noss tried it. too for a'div the past few — ...ii Zfiwy Some of the things Ilearned sleeping in ' ".-, the lull ever,, from my .rssociation with them ate as pirlliog hi, ; V ( , ...H.p \iv,. ;..,;„,, night about hair out-must b, hard cJ •"""'! •^'^ '"allied " ' ' ' ft„ge„lhal f,e- I'Tsh ™-\'il,"?,lK'^''d," induuTn I H.,. l..™.d ied der'in 'I'VIteT' k "j't '"I J'l'yrrani '"'J ' "1 '" laUaad Wendell il„;,t„k; ,,iT."r' I ^' ' T,lo'ba°ha"a°nighr learned that a '-'S Ford will still Dyrd raciilg Jo t? 1^ "'fSt roo't"!

' ^'f'Zi'c. 'ZZZ,

1. ./--.,//( . / (..; I ,. 1. it ,rill l,e (,„r Idea, an

' '""//"•"'"- ""— ' —E. C.

mporar, ^^*^ Considers Moriiioii Oi-fianist '?"> Parisian organist, Hen .'::!.'°n'.ll'l'.'i''.;;.'."'.°'~t"bk°t",; J^^Ssiail ProWem I>i(-. n|w(.>n.

I RmI. ., 1,'n Dr. Gish of carly moming walks Discusses toward' th" Because Russia in her intemalioaali Dangers of Drink

ked that panel held Thursday. March d. under!

I a"d her iI!i"n."ti'ona"rel.ii™. Committee chairmen to. il'^^'^"'

mind and ' atned nell.^Robirl'swoSord.

thought t


°" "" Laundry Workers - f^Jins nisb,^ Dairy Sells JrcX'jT^i;S''.i»t"','ta» ,_, '"' "'"' °°'' ''"''"''"'' know ho. Go Coloilial CaL'''whic'h%ilik'"irc°''"n"«!b' IllllStrioilS CoWS '"/lifc"

' !!°,„'°_ "u": mobllt- m front of rhe Collcjc Slotc, .re the three registetedteeisteiee h,

rongh John R. M«tin, one of tl« So,

"^'^"^ untecogniied unt i foe a total of S """irhlul \n'"^iutomobile' '^'"^V ions who cnnyersed with i_h. '. K^ s u en .ceare digginsigging ditchesc cs ] ^^^^ ^^^^.^ description. By this time and cows to Dr. Martin two ibt God miy fill with His blessing in j they had disappeared. {Ciniinn^:! on pagt . of^ra'CrTDrrmbrtrL "Fight Liqiior" IP , „ 1 IdOOK KeVealS Suhr.e holder of five degrees inclod- (Cp„ii,„-/ /'„//, p-.c }"•• iTho Real F. D. R. 'Sl^-°i a-j'e^HgJ^r'deg^e*; „"-"'""S '»; ;"; In, K,.,l F D. R. aJection in one hearts. The Doctor. "J" S"j„„,3S."naI c iMlcd by Clark Kinnaird. 122 p. whose tall figirre was a familiar sight p™."„ " „„,™™; ™„^ New York, The Citadel Press ch.jing acrossyhe ca,»pos ,s tak„g I ,„j,, ri„„ „„„ ,,„„, „„ „„„, tSi^K' v Another great objective of the Amer- |^^*^^ llf a m °>T h"'"' h'-b" T Lrlh'LrirOrhndo Florida Th! laretali","' prepared 'Cd° polished gratifying news hai bee'o received that l^elSTcJ'reTa^lflo obnlr't'ime ^ \^i"

Meisore ,hat same man by his ofl- »" GradcS 3 aud 4 Give the co'i|rc^at'ion w'a's" iosiled Jn " •-—"•-• " ' the Temperance pledge, which clk.l for not only total abstinence f,, ,, ^ ' y >^

,.,.1 picmres for ti«: school room. Eiiropeaii Worlters fji^- TobiaSSeil cal ^mS^mg'by 'scTrai°fn~d Visit Mr.

'' ' °],c" A,,"* fo,"%T"°;i "h" Voi"* "rS'll; ../,;. - ' '. '<^^ :",'k'lw ,-„„,rihli-n f m- mwSo^Tbeh." of he.,d,oarlers and other denomm.,- •. ecy . .- I I,,, «,U c,„er ,„,„ ,hc .'.'smpo- Oor.alis in the h.,ckEro,md. Ho.VL-ver. |i; }, -; ;,... svest coast. ^ If J, Kooal institutions on the _, -^^ r^'on of most ,1,. ,'i^,,ly. a polar bear. / „_ > of I ,,,.., in the form of ""T , 5i' l'^ !>/(»->- Mrs. 1'- D. R „.1„.„ , !, esistence The In a fesv weeks Elder and ' ' ' A ended the of ^/"s,*,- / -.^ 'M^fUflk 57«^i- •

r*'t. lhrouph'ou7li'i''s ' his work it Ihc divi- glimpse of snow. Though ligiit and fcal blrizjra'' of sofTK- good ole iim- cnHtl- public^fr "Men" r.f Tlie N^ili wc[^ il"o hdrnTrcon'tinue 'Mnbciicd short-lived, it enabk-d to ,t,c best of his ^bilitits iho>vn. ^ion iK-.idqiiartcrs. the studcnti to ihint-," THB SOUTHERN ACCENT

English Clubs r, n^^, ^^ ^^ ^^^.^ ^^^ .^^^ ^^^^ |^^„^ g^ Joint Meeting Have ™''J,f„i7,Xid mtrfremMtxito t''rE,^t'^S''''oV Conncll ind S '° ""' ^^"•'^^n ^^y- ^" ""^ pholosraph)' and pistol colk The newly ofitiniMd clubs of Eng- " '"'fi*

n Okhhor' Mis- vcrsilv. will join Wasliiit^Ion -,, . ^^ iiojwri' Collcfic Biblt Ji-narlmcnt in lllllStl'IOIIS CoW °° !!"(' .' "''Jol'n'&mer'amd Ih'c™'! SJLic „, . ".i/, ii,' '"""' Tupelo. . "'"' J'*'' ^"'f' "V" . , ,„„ ,e„e LK-e,, on o,„c,., ,e„ ,nn loZ's o/ Dv . ll,'- Ml" Stkmidl, and Qoenlin Hie, as helpers. is seerelary,eta,y „fof Ihe Food, , Hr N!nlin™jrc°»i one Holen ihoTJ^ Ihe ulJ .Snr.I. B.,n,ee and like ''" H. S. Caps and :/'!,To"n7„SroVh™w''f"' Sp;mi1''' we""vi!'i',;3''A',rhe

i - , ...« are sonnins bsween dose oHhe , on,. slndenls fell . ,l,f Qowns

nunibeonf; ovc, flfly masitians. has -i witli lalks by shi- "V a n and Lincoln civen Dake talks about so much Tevn he, who ;< fmm i;, P,.>.>,cKii„' FlaliJa.B finally an^.ned symrhoni, status this Can YoilAnSWer? dents. A Ba, Jemonstiation depict- - ho„e B in!S SI - "H k" h k t "w I sea, w„h tk adJn.on ,.l oboe and inj the I.Lstoty of Old Gloo;." was ;„^' h^ ,„,t|,j„j ,„ ^, „„, i,,,"- ,j,„„. „||„^ ;j'|„,„ „ „„„. ul Iatei„,t. .', 't \tSZ".: ?!™.'1"":™'J,..,'';,;^"«^.; andenw.,ead,ns.Mat- plan, to be a ministc \

Cliapel Progiains w .ho seould los-e to style it fo, f» I , "" Je, homo is in Peotia. I"'"°"- "j I "j'n" f Inolntle S. W. Dake «." f>v«i« , pink 'as *c"se° a,e he, I ".nh S;,;': I. vnllti and Dr. Q. "i olors. Shi,U-y likes to play I

k of food and fuel- nijht see at the Coll, Collese. has been aotalo chips and p« cuts applying cologne and s'^",^

. She seas ^^pc,t. Inletnational born In Ardm ^ ISiiiiimer School IConvenes June 16 Elders Skinner, Barnes Conduct Week of Prayer

w,LS conduclcd bj- EMm College Board Holds 'Si!"J, lE'LjiEC/

Animal Meeting '•'jr'™""-. '^' Ti,°e''''re "mT'

d (lie Spring W«k- of Pn ""te^Probicmt dI: College Seniors Jo^•^l^ rmuhiels scKwMrfotn\tcJeJ" Aiinounce Plons l^r chapd period /urinc'tlie w LT'm.o'kS, Mu* Apprcda- Collfi;,- Or-cli.-ti-a o"fc'r.1.'i*™°L'Jm»,iT;''

' '^ cireM Body h., bteo ouJ ' rjphy of Europe, School „ , , , , „,„,„„ „, „ . , , , rticnl.,. School .ct, '" -•nnual (.OllCCrt '" ° :r band iMders.'bcJng'inj; to Ih ,c,", i°„i„, cE onTlhW pho ,o Bfodc lhc'c°olir'''p?cT ;s»Bc which would enable 111

no conduct Ihetneelings tl p['''']'^' SullZp. nlZ of Idor L. A. Skinner '^^ „ Jh'«;,?°"'„Z "hr°di»,ion '"S April 21 Named ^rses Surrender Sb^T^i't^TS "College Day" -S„"°" K^U^c'roMiliZrc o'„ S

fmoky Nal'l Park "" ?"'^' daiC uEX '^rJ" FUTUREVENTS

fc^P^"!," ^ ""^^^ '" "" twlong^ sanfi whcn'^he had fmishJlhc'^'odcT ""'' ^''"'*>' '"^ "'"^ '^^^ Conibear. who has been sand IV will k""-' '^"' ''""' *"= f<" -"^nn-"". modeled th. K U -P' "'"'^'"''e

'^P'''' f'*"'"'' 'he pr«icd Elder Banks,* luV t.^!" ^'.'"^^J- of Southern Mis- LcContc. sionaiy College. '•^ih Ihat he rcquesled the Mjvices II h""*

t*™i's- '£"t effort at Standifcr Gap. Atr. Hic PrL' f.:u'?"'f .

"" ''" P^ Indiv-J :

! March 7, rHB SOUTHERN ACCENT Can You Sign Dots .. . Answer These? ""™"°'"' Soutkeiia J\ccer\t "" "T^^e &- RJlTfli,'' of the

- - Dashes ^?"e7p«., in,„„.i. Nem^ 9.8 Competent Triangle ''""^ ^^^^^ ^ l'%^\^'^"DoaT'yo>' ever reitl

place h to heard lliil Maty whVt foreign c """* .. ent m «h 1 K-

Mary Chirles nitcly 350 pOimds. areign country ha.s ^' ^^idu ZL friends here Ihat she U. S. begun I turd^y night biK'ng a of propaganda- ding odrind'& r«enlly become

ake hid fjUfn badly. Lr foreign mini.. XJ

et- defrtudittS territotj from called ite j, ^g „, „^ ^^^ ""tail, somo"*ousW(u»y ^^^ ^^^^^ ,j^^^^, |

ield and Sptei *°"' "(Aoiwerj on pige 5) ieclos"t Think,

o,.tr,agbl. Tri>~ ^ -- - muthm im, IrUti mohtes ilmJarH,. cht,Jge - 10 /lie mislcn'-tl>">«'l"l 'l""«'" llu uhu „,i,t,i»lllit Atilmlk

olhir he to ii H, j iwtaowif mure Ibm my ,,„„,, ^„ j|,d to know th»t All our Otchtd. p. Irom itiuirmci \Vt lar Ibc ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^j' „ loo

; jieople who read. Propaganda *<•/.//»/• //•»" aciiiuhiltd uilh l)/,n,/i, //. /..<•>// iir/r i/'C i/»

,1 J I II

P Hai t^l tli°al Dave Waeoer has parted from his. Ha,es R T ,her 'llr In rml Ihe „,,!jTLc"rret two yoms'ladL''io Cok. md Cundt.. ValleandM Sndil.r //; loiinJ llal 11 a„i,t l,im in a Bible stndy at Rinj. | Ernie Long was ably

o"'' lessons from books and I slrneih aloni! "'* "P''''^' j,|

Sinnmor School

hllp " ' wash house and J-

ha J pily is have suddenU

producing—eggs sewing lab. finding ebickens are ,


Vox Accent "Jr."

, Launched By U.C.

Humana n, i,„,„„,^ „, ch.».„o,e..

*=''" <'^''"> •"J •' So,«h„„ Mi.sion.„y Calligc's .he Hill lop A°p",lm™rT°r"s°ho;r . "-M «lbum cur o'.r »h;ch ihc, Bvel to jnd tTl..i"£""i,''''^'°,r°"j"°'°'r'- S'nSr'^.i^'^TI'r," "J^T

' quolcilio the ' htlp put out the iix editorial cdumn. Match photOBf'iphy. Jo fool blazes, f"™J. "'""nk'of wtn'runidenSk l>'-°cW)' publicaSoo" "» S"S/> ^ his'^oblaS °aliSble''exp"ie"o™'iu

I""*"'*-. "' 5*"''" "I"" °' l»''"1'' H sSoo'ri"AV!?n, TunneTHaf''aod' 8""" &<- J""'!™' f™'";: ^^ Sutnmit. He has been leadet of Semi- '''""* [ytf'cm wh'ich''a(ouscrhi'm'ir-'^ *"ted' tha"^'lhc" proel^slvr' Wh he'ist"adet''oythr^diongtou'|r'He '"«* ['V "'c sound of buzzings fol- "^^f '-'^ ^[jj"^V'°"v '"'^"d'^'" "'^''h ^''" vocal ' ^ l*'' 'Cfsion of "1^" '{''' southern accent, more "^i shine* BanTfor^ ^ht« vLTs. S**^^",.'' a Merntrj-

""""" ";'"' c"""""eo. isrUK the mermri- to .l'ide"'io' 'h^ "" SotJiHERN AccEt^r. let end of the tube which contained St.. will

Et;"^ !ff taflil'if:,;; Pre-Nurses Elect dived Icn ftel into a nine fool pool Seill6St6r OfflCPfS c nw a) .. •_ . _ Officers for Ihc Prc-Kiir.i

'-h .f fuur Ik,. She Lln.:l|^ \C*| II ll'rs Nnc thounl (ons of CO.I pro k ,.,„. (hTh.-sll'a CoilCei't Th. P.c.N,».inB Club m.el5 every T l'V!;Sdl'^A"h[L''^:,; "JIe':n"ndrfi""'Jp,S7^^^^ ^r^^ I'lll-llilHI-r .:.J lrr.,u p.:ge U T^l'""" °'^^A^^^JL^'^^^^^^^'""^'""'"'"""O" ''"""'"E- ., .,, ' Ttisti from Ihc Chat- II ohrcncru fil],n..r^rhX\..^ desire to sec^c others i,

' ' ~ ' - Oichtstra, .. , rh-my > tU onfinc. oF SMr h ,. Tommv CAN YOU ANSWER THESE? "" '''' " ''" "'"'"^^^^ '"' ^"'* D^i't^^'i's s^'iibk;"h::"^::;r:n u ';for';i; P"P»is s;:.-;'^?' c 'caufh-!obl"'L";;Sd . tf.:.'nd"L""'^ AnJS"-""

li '^''"""' "- t I'lms in action°\vould''you GivC Suilday Rccital ^hwaj'^a'l^r almost compiled' and 2' ''^immI:dbtV"follow'n"'"li* m"^*"'

"^""^ student,; wn^. the following '"^''' lo"^vhi<:h L-raoce, !> I'l " ''^"l"^'.'"'^* Wslton 3^ Gi-"rDril.nn. Russia, ''nn^^c IndTor^^hat^Inw'" fj^ boXi'"oTe«^'tioni"rc^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^.^P^^"^'P-'"'> »" "" Pfognim were I^Wor bram. d^il)' appearing mote' invitine. In ad- but one for BcX'McGuffu- I heard a Forest ., j(^^;> *""' "'"' *''"'' °'' ^itiotj, the concrete has been poured P")>"li bi DcHosc J^^„„g ,1,^, JisHnfiuished guests at 5. Clnang Kai-Shcl:. Lu. . V'°i lor the Hoot ot tlK^ second stori- ot '''"'",'" '" 51) Lucia Lee— By the Waters of Nfin- (he rccital "4 were Dr. J. T. McCallie. 6. Marshall. Bcdault, Mololov. \Vi„ s"^""- ""' nctonkj bi Lieurancc Founder of Mcailic School Dcvin. <" « "°* _ for Boys 'h^\ J' 7 I ''*~ 'UliMnV 'ldb"tU(n^^."(^ickmp "'^'^ ^^ '" "^ SUldciltS ^b^ Hc^vit't Language Ann'^^'^Miome, ''ftu''''"RiclI!^^^^ a Hu'molher is suffering from a " ''I t Porlray rpV'oTk d\urtor' atd ^'-'The''ild'^,.*^W;,hnp7o"'/?he Notcd McH S^Tknd^-.nn^Mr'lS'pr.nce > Ru''s's°i"'"pl;itd Uechoslovakia t''e NfcOliie .haul Ch.,: f" '"xlu'M;r.;MtT'';ho.o; Of TlireC CoUlltrieS ^'-J^f i„ ^^' J^el^mJIol^^^^;;re Slrden- Temple Bells- ^ by r.ndcn Noted men German, French. b.''"mP'''",'.."'""'_i'""'''*""'""*"'° of Irom Ihe ^1 readme of this book Mary L>nn McNeil— Far Across th« and Sp.inish liistor>- «-crc portrayed '•- i not one formula or equation Desert Sands b) Hnden by a student of each of these three '"^^ ^'cntific Three organ numbers were included foreign Imguage groups in j pro- mnd 1 d'^H 1

Carolina Grace Nbnc" Schneider, in^ Rogers as Join of Ate" Jnd Robert /°"?"' 1*;%°''°;; '° '^'EdtffR^J'^^i^u''''^'"'""^''" ^'I"?"! 'S^'T k°1 S'' F^rT nl'J^nd'pn'lvl^ Pound Claude De-bussy. Madame ;°°'*'7 ''°" ° ' ^^"^ hh^E 't """'"('^'"'"^i '''''""<' « "> conference' Wayne as 'V' ^ W d ifr n-Bolv^^^^^ ' '^'"""" charac- }S;^„° '^"1 ^^*^''' Thurber Georgia Cumberland; and Curie and Louis Pasteur «-ere Toll.Xtold "shoUiold: Loui. Pa.iour. Roy M«aa'n.. Mmo. bVl, I «/e' mUiam "- ' ^^' ^"^ ^'"' '^'° f*"*"^" WooJ Alabama Mississippi; tcriled by Anna Soule and Roy Mor- Curit, Anno Soulo: and a typical gaucho wob ropro..Qi.d hy Carroll I bI, t THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

-]• Eng. Class Know

( How, Show How, ^^y"-; Accent On The Academy | Personnel Conim. h'TcoiCtLi Adds Members, ily absorbs book ^.y t^ «• he actual knowl- NeW iJutlCS High School Caps and Gowns S Tilt "nieM owl" of o«f

Icdjw, but also to becon

e dormitories and two fror ed Couples' Club. It was de

Wnd sen' "y )° 5" b d to . .

/ICaueiliy Junior:juiiiuis Collegedale Academy as "•— ^""'";^- Academy jents of ^uiin^ri' arts seemed to be the favorite "••««« '™'"« ';'*"'-'" "' '!' rnd'os'lrc^d-"; Ol'ganizC Class . ?an'''uiaSd^'zSlint« ^ii'nllv "S T"'' aoenjyrp^f'usbe'rs '"7 '' "'e'"""" '"I' and develop mean, of encoar.uin. eSted to thisXe U the clupel held i° Collegedale .at The 2S Juniors of on March 11. " reverence among the students tli. WU M^"'d f I ful collec Ai.ulm,,otBaoiieJ Tuesday. March J. the Temperanee Sc^iety 'olisious setviees. Director of ^-^^ ^, ^^^"^^ °Wa'lbce°DDddy .nd _


i 1hrih.^nts"'c Salhany told how to E'l" iu 'h.H°!h™ 1 aptitude (csl y,d s'n' old ' E^ri*? telliBcnlly thei eadilv-assemblcd mode »pla ."d 'H lubs by enablin

!Z" foimd Prep Parade

Mc is in one Mmiman and

judecd Ihc ipeaket. The : ^S"^ audibility, adcquatenesi of wplani- All suggestions from ihL '^''" tlon. good synch roniation of arts bodv are welcomed and Riven urJd |

Alumni Exchange Faculty Fills Out G. C. Lvic Mnrif Wallace. S. J. C. Dbttv Cl^ Questionnaire Faoill)' members at SMC rcccnily The Hall Closet

ilion, and pecsonil baclcKround.

General Conference" Dcpir) L-ek end of March I5-I(

hrle in th" states and ovc

Mr. PeariTun would like to ( he attention of all who send a

C°»'^B'-- "" ^^bmarj- 17. !r\vi'.'lmi,on. D. c', J^'eporTi'tlul ^^ Gwf^rcnc,!,'' ori^'Upt" ^wne'r would be itlaclied in son^ way of"'ch!.nBCs%iOse*caving''™"'^ m 'file^hTThl '^^'f I K rbmo^glily -^iu.u.

I lJ«e in Boojo .Mi,.ionarj' CoUeet^^t their hiJC'liymeil"p^trTtlic'roads''aroind college board anlVinclpTl of °Forelt TTiutt^r i^^son Donjiie

(. daughter now occupy Room in\ {f^

m llDlLD B

Suuihcrn Misiinnar; Cillcgc (olk^^JjIt. Tenneisee. April -1. lO-l" hollcgialis Solicit Bookmen ]),, r 83,248 in Drive Commission ISO Relief II J,„ Medical -J During Colporteur Rally

wrclarjci of wch conference in the Southern Umon duting tht Colpotltut l.i,ii:u(e,P held 21.26. MuKh Also p.cwnt «rc Elder E. E. FranUin aisociaie c.rclary of the Gencfil Conference, and Elder B. E. Wagner. Union publish-

Approximilely 160 itudenis have Jgreed The following

Male Melodists Present Premiere

'^]. '"' Croflon. 20 studenis. gwl $50,000. Geeni^,^ Club,rilh underIT, the,h. direct.on'•'t' of The lota! sludent rojl for Wayne Thurbcr- ihe entire The profir.wi ilso Southern Ujiion for neM summer i; featured the Criuadcts Quarlct. 5235,000 worth of books delivered.

ifcn- by Ro;ib,rg and "Stars of the '"Du?ing'*'tlfc"''ins''t['(uu. Elder ] E

"" ^ ' * ptoipcc live buyer, w,,|„h, ,nJ Mr ' ' the Jolly Roger." "Sylvia," and "That how^jr?™"^ ,oiXgthebu.i; Qiarles Witt Wins Futnre Evangelists ^'o«""^ '''S'Gl"ctrb,o'ght''out ,he "-f thundering of hoof bentj .'j'ssjV bringing (he'day'rto^ai Tcnn. Music CoUteSt Pllhlisll Weekly 'Mim lo conduL^ wj^ m^iii^'ii'^heTn^

Charles B. Witt. Jr.. a second year Song.'" written by n^micrj, 'n" '^mstor'Tf ^he'^Colk-Kc'daie For Standifer GbD*^ '^""'J °,,J^^ °o"GuZ''Ht~"^'-""^*'"• pre-med student, received first pbcc in Miss Ann Crowdcr, suppork,! hy h ,l^<\^-ar*s Ini-athtrini^ i^ con ,.t..„.k„( ol il,Cdul> '^'^ y«f's Tennessee Student Musical Not only do the sludtnl!, of South- Ihc Glee Club, sang "I'ale Mooi..' ,bl'y larger than that of .i yc-ar l..,..ese of the added n.m'ber of Seollaud ^Jt;-^;;^;^;^,";^; Th'So^^^^^^^^^^^ publ'Ef b^Z.thl^'^ew^rp^^ THE J^ ^S S!: QZ::^'^^i'Au^Z ComeS Via

evangelistic '^ffo'tjn nwrby harmonised to the refrains of^I^Wint >^^ ^Uai tet rls Subpoenaed T^"']'^""'' ^^^ ,"^"' Xpf^N^"'''" st'^'f"" £)^rc;^:>r"ZZ:tyZ l^"'^^.^:iu::.^A.or,u.''^ Colleeedale Men o:^.^"-.^^^ E-rumZr .h':i:d.^^';r"inS:r"5L'"":d

S.s iw.n, promoting Hi. eliorl (' .-;/.«.;,,/ ,v; /.„,., l, —"«'"'" Kf... at the door, Sgt. plu, ul,.ui,hip, for students k- of in „„„ ,, lum.^Ml.i, ilic only irl.,nd walkd do>vn the aisk and Iween the ages of 16 lo 25 years, (he Standifer Gap SDA church. - ^;W^^^ ^m.elope President, fC<„„>nu.J o>, p.gc ' to Ih.- 3} ^^' Fl'anklin Lands Tl" prol'Lm%iisL%f'"oTd1 ,,,^|,'"i'^^o 'Se chss"'int3ed ^hJ A'^rt vlTieTand'almoM fant!^tic Mr. Millcr tO Teacll four^p.^e'^pal^r to "he"'^.o?lJ\J,th Cosj)el LltCratUre en.tmbl''.''^:olo alid" n'^k^m Ts!

' '' ""l-lm. ^*^° ' associate my of t'h^'studtnK MemphiiVisVi^Ll>.TV' ' ' sixre- Somrthought EvangellSlS in D. C. p!iVr. 'l^^^- ^^'\^\[^'"'^° ^ji^'''

^ "<•-" cJ«l 'cache rs chosen from S. D. A. de- ^i,„i:.\ui... |-'l^l '«< at^Hic church scr. "^'^^^.'^-^^ immediately to fight a'' fol'es t what is to' come m ilic ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ « "" 'trwT,hm%;on y^.rwnri^''i'"fie ""'T-he" famTrBbcfc ^^1^., _ ^ iump'ssron was heightened T^^obSc^^^^^^^^ CllOir SingS in Fla. Im*;usird"n President Wright "'?. '^"^^ P-"' of ^%- f""'''-""^ Institute which began Im,7" announced. ""S r T" A '1 O -7 w S*' H.Tc and Dr. O. F. March 21, I IS a letter addressed to Paul ^' ^'^°'&'= ^argo 6 1 imeS, April .i-l FUTUREVENTS ''"' 1 '\!:::i::::::: ''''"' Rodela-avet April 3. The choir will k-ave Col- It was in Ifi^lP, Eldef iol oTm^ noJ?"°"'''" a"ld GWitMone°s for pari Franklin^'con- chapel. Saturday ijl,! "-^ jnd "I" legtdale on an eJttendcd tour of Rori- tinucd, sighs of relief rose . 't"= ^'J"?''' . . „ ' our publications

7 Special chipel gram by the Di s:, JApi-ilJiad to Show p"S?n'""" indob ISludent Ideas Florida Samtariu n " iS'S'-fJ presented the West Palm Beach world, E be lo Omr student colporteur wrote, church. Sunday night, in Miami, the Canvas,sin^ is a college education in 12 Saturday evening conducted by Elder R, H, Nightin- had received spiritual aid by^ working gram presenled 7, Scotch Kilties, a p Elder sented by 19 AprrllijJ program „„.

the English De .„-

21 College Day.

(Conlh-^eJ on pas<^ 4) - .


Dots. . Sign q-ke Sout{i£)ia J\ccent 1 of the - - Dashes 'Z"^^D^ Triangle

«.„,„,,„-..-.. J B KlwEli

Lynn Coulson. Holland. a. Lila Fjfrdl, San h Ann Goods BcllT inhur Lddi, lice Pokio).

1 PI


'ti'r^'^'"^^' I'uiden.lifpe. „^ iijr£» t,,::'

'^H(^ 1^"jMl M'M9. TTie (ubKriplio a

J/e^ T/oul *1afifet

:':,,,;,,—the u-ay Df;

''" lioiu- it isn-i'too long, Dol. definition r ictidcnt occurred in the ,1^1 Another Jack Dar,

.„,.,„, //,M /"r //-.' /In/ fh,u' uudcr lln- dircCh,. , ,. , ,„ „,„,„/ V..-' ^^^^°\ .nUl '°\^, ^,lZllLo,. tL S.r "onfu^i^g To fourTrough the Tj' ,:

""" ' ,'/, /./.<;,„»/ ulmosflH-rc hy co,„i,w,>lly Zu^ oL moul-.'Tnd "four' TplJcT! ""ft^d «.o Country . . . ^It''?s'"'?^™.

pishing a baby carriage led to '"'^' second to tk bullcl«.| '" Rurining a close ''"" * board. Eh Paul! ' «!^S back upThe h Future Nurses rt ,e.,llv mu^be"" ^, ^^ ^_^,,,^, ::- Anlicipnlo Jov^

" EJ Franklin Eve.>'onc studied so much for exami- Mil hsscs will, the supersonic Dear Sit: I ,. , happened! do wish some one would i-.a J,,: Ruth Pcletson and Sarah Perhaps t I , le article would ^^^ ^ ^.^^ ^^ j,^^ ^^^^^^ j^^ ^^^^ ^^ I-t. help.— iSn. Don-| practice in tlie parlor before Tnfoinialion Test

M, Homer Lynd, gia-sls al Ml. Ed Mathis; Mrs, C

"""''" "" Elder Huhbii Speaks ''''°'%"°°°^^l''t

have .rnous in POLITICS ENG1NEErTng"bAn'kINg'art *'««"Ce.' addressed the student 'body" in Edward Matliii! Robert' cliism. David Some of "s *"5"'^,/"^jn^. I paraphernalia '''' MUSIC SCULPTURE, PUBLISHING '^"P*' on Wednesday. April 2. Elder Wacner Walter Schwab Orxic Han. list of the , j^^fT p^ace, » Hubbs is to our new ',.,|.worlhy is tamou.s in EDU- en route to a meeting in na. Henri" Bfaddock, James Fulfer, transport (Answers on page -1) Robert Haflloff, and Clyde tHE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Jlai'ch Lion Leaves Intact 1 Valley

"'j™'^';^;:!:;^ win win

:onCL-ption until this unsetrlcJ tlw-' Herilds of Ptophcci' Quirict fro "'toty Girls Subpoenaed OT durtae o-hich 42-'«. Scivlnj .s choriiic, for sera "•'"•' e of simggling (o different orginiMlioiis during tlie tin (C„«h„„J l„m f.,i, I)

II"; re-d ike t Ch'he •P'"'--'! envelop, .nd

tenn.B ]y[„gip Students In |MlS,t"';,%;;?;Z'S"'p';,iCp'il,: visit Needy Homes Voice and Piano ML'J£t:en£4Tf lin^ L"",

Prescnt Recital e°c. Z\ '"rs"'op™'"s "ned mJ"," I md Sm of 'aSo'IL'VkiaTrom Ufcs SMC Pastoi' ' EuI"

'"1= " M,^ a' Mi£ ™'si*:f'"'tl

'°- -.. -,- ?!;'''„• , ...... ,,.™..,., — .,.n- li'J'?^'z^. rt..1. ^-v,ll h.,e to be considered in« of the .er,e of Scripture found in ' b,' k„J,"° CbrMnc - "piano" I

i-jpieno) Conso- k T!i°Sii°tt fi'rles,™r>v'i' '' |,„f^;"'i,,, t^Xfeij'"""" le™, Re.

[Evangelist '''°''' Weekly ;ent%"c™c'f*e'"nttenTorofft" d^^rJtwJl'f^Hu'ca^i '" " Ijt:i':rs/Zn!'spu,, EHr^£'tri«fH? jst^rv"" 'lVw^e^;"''°,','j ll''b»™f'»'«^ Go/gm.;, IoVe-('^Tall,. ...d,"!''™;,' '^ The speaker suted tiut tbere are H^V b, L,,,!, S

Elder Jensen lauded the good »ork , tire r,.i,er Hui of the bandbill for being accomplished by (lie Dnrtas S;iurgeeri. Wlh^l

nts are helpers and become have done it unio one of the least sometimes miss i' seilh Ihe details of an clfort of these. My brethren, ye have done shoots aaot at a ^


Home Ec. Boys INFORMATION 1 ( I,, ,1 Kill -of r Tickle Palates With ^ ^^^^^^^^ 1 X I I III Culinary Delights 3 sSming

Ol I I I ] ^ ir

Over "-"^ '{'!°T5ir}"D;-.i?'""''''-'^'°* 200 Eat ^' Pot-Luck M d^'i'k^ili'B °oZ°?Z Supper

boguri al Ihc biginnins ofjl

i,°,!n/o7ihtm oxprra Diverts life'.- .1 ontinues Distaff Anuu ( _^^ rich . Toll. ..s, u _ _^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ _ ^^^ _^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ Colleagues as brj c.k», L„d,-„s,.„,^Mrs sa. i„,,,, Di .v, f... Sales Men „„,„, d*s^s„cK ,, H. hU I < nip So. 1. tv Annual Dinner ,,„„„,„„„ „l ,„m. B- v. B^romley. Mrs, S , ^ r , At ?°,'L"„„7, W lam'' *''"' °"' the SMC th A LhrV(-s.r.n. Ma.culmc members of Jrid ievrens and Mrs.' Ger

pedagogical dcmeahor gfrj ,i 'l"ohlervs.i> ttuk^k, and

,x'','i','r"rri' "Mr" tirmethV Wright, j;oame £™^So;ij p™'',"'^;,^"" a' n';;^ "'"Tbe' 'Sote" Demonstration elab

','' of them are meels^o^n ^thc^^setond^Wcd.n ,1, o( I '',',',l,e""e'"a «j"on°eyi'ltt'|SgSEm^'''to'a"t°andre- largeTnumber

the dormitor,' girls a li, I I'in'dHmrat'ra p"rotl™L'motf("Mis°s"o( d°aMil° PrCsiclent PrOUliseS of K''gol''!ll ".!'LaKTy''!'he ui^llti not SllOrteiliug


V.-Ml.T Sc -

' 1 :,! v,„ni,'„ 'i';^m"i'„ja, e.e- Clioir Siugs iu Fla.

^ In hi evening, svill be shortt;ned. 'ong.

< I I Mil

I li III ' I W M Mil M I'Tpte™ a'cted'asp"™! 1

.. Accent The Academy 1 On

NuiSLS Jo)S ''''"'' High School , '^<""«^ ^° an? nor da"a„d 's no''l "h ' f er patents n the Aihir jpirtmenti That - isi Caps and G<»Mns SoitlC Do M \ Ml ihsls ,lck«rshcrmolh«ssutJ,,.fcmpl)

Tio Among th. m.mb. s 1 (H. 1 Carolyn Iht or^a tho ^ p!in ^|j , tj,^ri. art " <"«' 1 sl.Jli. amu n;. ' qu -i_r mcjos of

1 Parkcr stcttlj J cl'' ' ^^^ 1 1.1 1 pljas— like

1 n Dotoll 1 ) .5 of tl em th s year)

' wr t n^ " ' " constantly found , i_ 1 , '^L "'i "i 1 " ".,""' addrcjcs o"^' 1 ,? , ." mmts and " i^, \Z:: . fr\nm " no' dV^nd ;«- ,„;f fj'^/j Lim r-f Ikes 10 Sim SI e plans 10 be inuf«. Cl)^^' ^^^^^^ ^^ OUahomj '^^

\\ h L tl (.ft IS I) tudj,c ll etc dmn rfj[,J.,c

"ad Et'il"' TiF'ta"'";:'?"''-^ pas't me' "l'"'^' V^ff ' "e, tr.: Norl^lk V rl n a anl " T-^l ("l^JJ'^^ Entertain iileys Miss Evans Gives Recital |Vs Guest Artists

1 Men's Reception At University Chapel

K'- service IT.dij- evening, Mr L, (^ Htntin k, M.|y. iit, .uIm _ tliu , J 17 • »• Night." '° oi^ il» ..houl, «i i luBjn..m °° " I ' (,« ™° ' <»">" T aSeinatUlg Tht hdii-i s.m, . ' |' !m Unm 5mr'l „!, .j , i, ..

m iskcd 10 kcomc the- 1' '^'" ^^' Ouckwiill of the CjJek The members of the College MV ^nd Bv Futlire Ministers ''"^!!^lu .1„- J"" *cai,onal ^ JL nm,.,.,., Secretaij of the Florida (CMimiiJ on f.ije j; will be [ireieot it ll.jt lime. „iS d"/" ~Seo "o the Limb!" Stood bjtiKRi.e, of JotJ.n *"' '"' jVpnt"tmmV"of""i'h,o'lon'7« all 'to ^Z,m'"'\ t '

f.i"?oo'ib"to''7;« 'imS Ne«- P. A. Syslc S"",i1ld.'"fB''je™, rte To Be Installed FUTUREVENTS b""T1ne°timjbie 'vtluc" M^'fitt'o't'e '»! Taljemacle

^lans "Next year.' Elder Jensen asserted. fo "each stndcnt of sermr^n delivrJtv svil P'*'" addl dale tabernacle have b, make a recordln. ever, nine ieeks. 1>1' Elder F. D. Jensen, The reels made by each person will be

put together, thus making it possible Partial cos! of the ^ for the iridividoal to trace his pro. shared equally by th

The Soundmitfor makes the most hicky.Tenn.

enjll. of the

strength of t , I



i ^ke Soutke LIT (decent ^ of the

D„ Triangle

,, , in K,^^rj,

;. J"" ws/s-tpss » Sonlh ,.., - - „ hjl but La„n) PaiSn, .J^ | :v,- " „-,; ,:,xri?r noi u.j.«th Uiri.ri'omb'l 1 u . MjmE CHIS.l -Do ,ou kno. «hj WJk, b., I ni i„ la ilur Ions .« a wonderful ,pnc o. >u» h Sr„„j ,„lion Tte Bull,,! Si M

Elu« GDinif.M ih. miolai ab.l,l,es .o cla^ altcn Jai, "shn'oVdrZh .'! lots thereof js evident all iitne lo«— the metrt- ,

' dmit Spring Feiet (I dai"and'from lh°'apix II in vacation h\ ii^elt look a lUbJnpl... f' and when this is accomphshed jou have yet to move the other one And Candidly speaking Leena a^j even toothpieks won t do the work of

'"' It would be aver) Jw .j /'„' 'lltetf.&'X.'pA^eMed'llt&tnieloei.. . . J'["', 'f^iitHe'S H^^'H''.?™-"^"''""''*

II , 1 /.m»;. „, ,k„n/. uu,, /„ ;».a.,a /*e /reerA-r /„,„(/, ^i' , .„/ u,,J / „,,,„,„t ,„/.///, ,M„„„i, l„ ll„ ,m, eo», "'"' / „ «/ ///.-. .,»„« f/./Urer; l„ sfid „/ //.f r/,s/«ri,«? ^Ijul „,,

' , ,„ ., /„ ,/, ,,^., t „, , „hol,, pcofh ol,e„„„,e, l,,n, . J../ ..r J'^,'

" 1/ ,/ re,.,,/ J„r,;, er,,,, //„ ) f ,/,/„//. .;-,r /,r ,. ,„ / , ^"

/,r„e,.„„ „/ .„er.,/ ,„„„. U/ ,/ „a „. ,„,„/,./,/, /„ „l ( „ llxur ,u,J,i„lh, l,,r!u„l,i ,,„„„„/;„,/,//,,//,,„,, ,

/„l/„/ , r /„/,,„ ; / , , ll,ill,,l t:i llu mif,„ 1,1, I , ,

I , „. ii //.„ „;,„„ /

„„ I /,/ ,„ / / „. ,r, „,llj:,un lUiUr ,1 , I j i! ,1 I II 1, 1 1, „ill s„„i, Ih ,„„,IM, I, ,1 it ,1 , I,, I

,(/, 1 „,, mil iiiAl limsihic „ ulmih i „ , „/, , „

/,//! , V liriiil hiliiK mil /„ Litui ml I lul^jcdi, u,

II, „,„/,;, ,/ „„„/,/ Ih lull ,1 „„h uiiiihl Ih luuiiJ iiu, iMi, ;,, /,„.„„ „„; ui.Jl ihlihui I her, ,1 III, ,1,111,11 i,Ai //„ """ duTnfid "I""" /,r«We„, .,„„„( In iiililli^iiill, o°ili™"o' vpue of "h'e"aa iffmailnil .,ml ,„hi,l Hill, . L ol lis find It diffieult to ret /„,ro,/, „„J . """""" " "" Soap Box orators XT/"!! ,;iy/,r;r',T,,"'r.t,,/ir"'' " 1 »t,™f'

Expound Ideas /^ a/ a doewoods'wiVbl'bark'me a^a vltrl I '^^" I Oil Answer /I 1/ ^. ,, /, o, two and ii,, tui.p kj , w,. |

„ , t(/Ut^ ' '„ '^'j;„,';";,;7;j J>ant yau? " ; ,; These?

" What I, Iiii H, ,„ l„,l,l„ ^ 6 the mam reunn^so naueh Alunilli NcWS

' "''"""""' Letters to Editor ' uSVSV"'

Who IS chairman of t

^ores respectull) " My mark x" THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Delectable Dishes Canipns Clean-up "Religion Needed Cabs and Gcions Diilv Devoured Advocated hy lu All Professions" At French Dinner Health Class Students Assert - W^ Khmins of Belgium and ''^'({^''^'^'^f

?'"4,S?!'^;^^ii b^^l^ m\ prevailed to give Scvctal customs i^>aMifll>fl '^''V^l^'rSis'h^'ins'J^d of^Tthc pjpvwi

licts Each dish was served scpamlely. . '' ,„' ,1"'!, reputedly in '""'"^ '"J ("eleisl,. scatt'e, and, den.'^'n'".'" M°'i „\, Conversation was held '.>vc°"ece,ve°d their R N dSE '^H consetiuenlly sporadic. " nnch and wis jftet Floridi ' irilnios 1, the Smita.- '- "m'Srw" poiTn bj Lb^Shrelt ""^11 l.'Sl ROiild be punctuated by an occasional I^S At the meal's end M, Paul Wilt ai„. H^rii... ^.. jsktd to express his appreciation

jntly jnd h)l(mgly. M. Eugene Wil-

un is to help spiritoJIy in r °'A,°lradn'of°°hi'youoj People Missionary Volunteer societ Mr. Miller Speiiksc ProL-rani Planning

IA Cappella Qioir plJS "f'"he"SipoiM In (:,.r.i|>. Cla^- IConipletes Tour n,,'',V7^'t!ZlT'-.lT'^^^, lot Florida

AllMw I-. f.. (hi

' I hi»en to be editor of dren, Patsy, a^^ ' '"

'-.!.:;:.. \ --. _! ]'.,.. , Ij'.oiile pastimes, besides ble hobby, ho-se'.^r. ,. ',i ', ( r -lui. rii .pproM io.irnalisni. are bird study, telescope has worked in the Colk^e IV Hi,. ,„ , chartered makine, and gardening. A continua- shop, located in the basement lir. (hittinoofri tion of the cheerftrl willingness to College Store, for one year ar T.L.Kvaj, (..mpm, driven svork now evidenced will help to in- summers. "»"'""'«="'« '» :t2o°'v%:"!f:!2 ;-f Rooitai ^

|Do"(cir«'lfe*or"tV'dfrccio".' " Riissiaii People a,',', Objectively " ivJn^?FoTcTuVAwTm>rsom^^ Viewcd o!-'';iiV., . i,:''.'.'i>

dZ',GrS-? SamiUcJ'n'a'l^TDick ^y AuthoF cluid7he%lfi'^^m"'rhe nmnfa ecpks, Saturday nifiht at West Palm Bv G. L, HAMILTON eluded M/fr'. 'The Cry of Racl lescli, (here was a full Florida moon TJx; Coi.wii by Maurice Hindus a bereaved mother plwdlnfi for limbin); over a f;roup of p.ilm t«cs. 32! p. New York: Doubleday & to admit her to his prccinci!

n :if..l Mr, H,ir,t fumisht.l ,Mrpl, Mololov lays "this." "Gromyko In Scott- Perrenot's 'Think on

I'jrKe .lalks of bananas, are few enough of us. ' VespeF SerVlCC

Ihotlom boat. ^''"'^'^''^'^^ The deepest pljcv" ifi \s!n ,c-. rather un 'll.,: Repiiblic, but "f''!,.'Il'Ll'^.'^nn= n,inr ^'^ """' ^' '"''' ''"'" "''"'' ^^^""^^ "'"'^^^ ^^^^^ Isih "" °"' '" '^" I^ "he nmgrl^n? prow" ElXr Lief


Dod EoKlisI

'"""'" and one caruiot help ad- {0>m,-w.J /

ing the Cossack-s and othot of Ihc visltifi/; ^"demies, Russian peoples. Understanding is Ira will present a

'^^'^''^^''' '"'I «* lical problems of today may be solved Five student grouns — T. R. C, Ie^i*^'"''' ", Mc Fu- '" ''"^ '''^"'* "" .'"'" 'I"^.l'^" °f y°}" Modern Language club. M. V„ day ond^| Ifnd iJcVr^"""*^""^"' ?"*" .'"''fi''* THE SOUTHERN ACCTNT^

•^=*-^ ^''"Ss Fo'tl KnliTlain Vox kilties Volunteer F. D. With Music Humana From Scotland

cn«d another ol raids. This «me Stwrmans pilottd respt'Ctivcly by Air Corps Capiiin Sinford "Di L^ .n J «.A,mv T^pt a^rps^ SjL f^JXs';™ UmhS'ld"'^'"" ,,;er«mS<:rn.PfX?ril™s'S '>;•'«' ™S"„*l°,fj/;;,™

*''. <<•'"' BKn'g his iniliJ Hiehl, This rahibi- ?_ ''" said '»« 'K 'olonicer'.'"'J^'"-fire d.parimm, lion of %io|! skill «hirh falorcd dij "«"'"' lob. ChinJItllts. rolls and spins. "

JUpnrii'fc'for'*. ;' ;"; News Notes .''J'''"!

5*° ""''"' on ih, County Dairy Ass'n. || "' VjifSemr. ooroorls fo havt an ^.H^jT""' iVof fS: »', Pierson avr™n^o'^^bfnXi' "c^a^d t'a'n' ,^.^™n| J'*" Elects Mr. "" «'™ "::':':^"''iT:::fi s:^: !i?' ^—i.t i As Scc'y-Treas. Builder Giles r„rrII"n"*D"!"'"mr°'>'™'""™' Exclionge Returns to B'liara

Gish. and Elniir Chasi Trip

seat in the unforlunale moioreyelists'

afierooon. April (i, offered Sunday Preparations arc alreaJi

' '"" "">' ^' '° '"" Ir^am, m- ""d a plane that Ik- miKht obtain a„ ""' Ik'prSiJs fa'i'r"y "seeir'nntd this venlore. CllOir ScrvicC

eondntive 15 n.usw. 1Lacking Voi« of J.>u .•.:. ",reSl|part of and Heard .h.

n. finally A group of modotn eluded the program: 1' ''" ;;t;i,afs » " &::;; f'e" C,'U> , Mr'-D^tartv'' l-llo'nT utrT' noT Shore" by , '

"" Apologies to A. U. A. ^ 'it't'l /'ftiB, U Union AwdiXt Fie"; 'Sz'f

Royal Pall lives for CollcfJeoVHow-li :s tegfetrablc mis happy red hibisais. !BS£^'' -nl Accent On The Academy LI 1

Southern Missionary College. Collegedale, Tennessee, Maj lAprilliad Program Climaxes Academy Seniors and Friends, 180 Strong |6ood English Week Visit SMC Campus on College Day Program ill Oi.ginal CKapels Stress b> Students . * . fcriccun and Gnen . ^ Apprei-i;ilioii fol' p,u I A II J la .11 oogmj and ptodaccd b, SMC ,,Z Elli; I 1 -ll. I il I , .1 Hire rHE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Sign Tke SoutKeiin Accent of the P^: Triangle

J 1 K t-


(Thci ihould pui ,

bt=" ""-""'C/'O'','"' ''''' 1'^" |„ln. T ""T^l H^ «llcdT^]11a torfnr vt^I J\L Lei"Le.i to(o VT ^ Jones hill and j.|^,j, ^^, f^^ ,|„- pj„ ^oupk- of ^ islr he, if mfghl borrow her sew.nE -p, ^. he ^ , ;„„„„. ILMNE f 6


; from ihs bobbin or fi Almost all of

24 J Ke. under I'lic an of" Congrell. Aueull

J^eti Be ^M&ndi


„/ ,„/.,

/o,»;,»,,/j„i ,;r, ,K./,„;/ „„r( fr.o/ ri//t Pendo told ns

only probltn, Yon'd '|^",'* ."|," 'j'^, one lor Phijits ,'^;',;,j ^ ™tly ihcn VoicC of AgrOpnlis nishl the next O ,„ ,„.pp,j „„, „, ,^^. j|,„,^,

».,/ trJro/m- //)»/

d hil oj a smile. It cotilil mean u lot. P.

'' 1";:''::'.;,;'"! „! *1Ua^ 'Jaa Muck Qo*fifietUio*i Me"s!»Sd'!-!"b,°r 3s\v,ii,"ri. i"';'''''f';y.';''i»!;',h' i;;h- d" ' ' "' '"'"^ " i"'l'ne i .i^^v lermtnt of English at V\- Ford? P. S. We heard he made a des- ,

'"""""^ '"'"//'"' ''"'anl; ' '' ( ~nulhTi. and Ro^t Ann' • nunv enKiile' j!i^'"5he'Ponm'Mi]re> bo'lh" sn'kdvcd, Di ja KnO^^ tllDl . .

' ,'" One. O,., " a U,Mv autoSowie ii 're Clia'rk, cirto ' deSnilion of a laJf , , , , """the 1/ Ih, /.,,, ' \,,,„„/,„ ,„j/,/ ;,„,|,r,»» ;„ Arthur Leath felt the need for ac- he ma,- ' pki Lsmi Wood Ml. f„e be i„ deal avomar! who make, it ease and """""• '''' a sun tan, so ' he .en. Several '" "" "•" :llrnl>,„,. (.,„r „ ,;,/„„;;,/ „p oo of the D,,ell„s are seeing ant for a man Id be a cmhioan, I ,"...,1 II,.,, "» ™' »'«"«'»" one mornins. results of the llo.vers ,,, ,,,„ll„,> ll., ,,,'jlitv „l that have bee!; a nisin is a erape I "''''"''' '''" """'''' "'"•;"' //r, "" ''"'''°''"' l»o moti,. (Take heed), I ' „M „,// .,„y„ „/ J^rtar'Art'tar'' m"'"*' """1 '"''"" "'" »» - the lo ,', '" Imp,...,n.nU "S - DeArks. Dullotts. aoi les'sons of life he is loo old I '//''!'i,"j.,,,,.,„' „',,,, ,', '"/'"' ..,. ....,..„„,e o, .„e„,e„. re /'>*% /-'»« >»»« ception room ;J™f .i< st.rtea vi-ilb th^

//. .."Ml ..,/ ,.| ,,„/,.„/, ,)„,„/,,„^, ,„, ,/.„,„j,;, ,;,„v ,„,/,.

'"""'" ' ''....vv'ofrltr'Z,,',";™"; k„;;ki~f™&iS

,,,),„, ,„j, ,,,, ""°°'''"'' ^„„^,„^,_ |_^^^__^^^^_^_^^^ ';"" "'"'" «"' «l'»"l iuthcm Mi«ion.trT I p^^^^ stj '°.,hil,S:'J.!!!'™'i!;" ""Ti':*'- f°"»" « THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

Vox Apiilliad Humana

°°: Cj'"I »"S! 'aood "iU,o»'mcd",E.tot 'Zm°°l!^ L'f" , , ,

uby Shreve i; g to sunny F AMdM live

d by nnrayumdyntHurdy-Gurdyist D.iilyU.„|y and.,nc " ' " b . Kildrs '., ° w d I „ I one .hrouoh four H I. Itfc 7 d I Uit "•ml iccoiilrmtnl (Cbrfa Cis » " r. " I Crcet, b lb d b Vlk! Tcnn«st° ^l""d " ' b I I b n n^"!; The fin,l ilincsund pinicillin-m. d „ I, bome'"wt!^,L'd Hdm Khrcn' hL'

f Cliapel Piogiaras CIii isl ^"""iSX m the Ails '^^L'^Il^e'"'""',?!..™ in oo, ciub 'VZnuS,? wSi

li.1 Up Up My 1 I I q E Idly 'i Ca 'IB £ p I 'f II V I

R'bb'"B° zi ""dVi kj

I'r.s,-,-,,. I,i|„.,lv -piakirv I'Irad'

l| d t d d I B

t I bo 1} d 1 I

d I) J f d pl d P

Men s Cl< » riid) |f impus Affoi ds Makes ippc 11 I UK ITIiiec Sen ices " IiiNr,, Juk.l ' I'iabbath Api il 19 i

;"i> " fib 'lb Students Relax " oV \f , ^ * ' ''p ib^tn^mTi I "it d lb , ', Annual Picnic 'i

I-- • '-< r. n n ^ o .^ r^ /^ ^n X-Rays R,.,,-.c-iK<- Stressed Mobile Unil t As i'-.-.M"j^i'^^_ .. The Academy ^':f^-^^l \ /Accent On

Srnior- Pin


and swim. Lois plins

Visiting Seniors ^^TMC Mnsicians See College Life Partieipate in

viii Mondiy, ^P"'J^^^^^^^^-' ^f^^^l SabljatU Vesper; Wmi-u Oiiailil

V^e c^a^ GlMei

< J - ......

«... t d, 1 STOI HCR

„,«.. 11)

RE ID 0\

V„„H. \ c


M J TT^ t;l^ 11 E ") 'd 'H'n s l' Ar pST^ Er "viUion of ifci mm

ILDlLi B1«

ionary Collei^c. Collegcd.ile, Tennessee, May

I'Viliafs God Like?" Elder C. B. ITlionie of Sermon by Haynes Speaks Elder E. L. Pingenot flt Library Dedication

Faculty Reached." stani^- Entertains d, biow/,, libTarUn 'il

' College Seniors at ° iib,i,y.- e'£' e, ^'ttlliman'

Semi-Formal Dinner Ss'i™s°o?Lid''i„'^d"dS»"pl)™

.,„....,. God and Ihclailh of j™s. "Wlio's Wlio" ListS .nowballi. chairman »( the demal. CoUege Juniors p„°"',°*f'A o'dSis^wu"™' "''"' Af"' ll« dtdicaloc; prijet dmoUraiion in ils commnnrty of Ihc 7 CoUcge StlldenlS Entertain Seniors Flminj, The piosnm' eonJiUiM a procession oi - iiotjlion of Adam's lost do- » ii

ibly infoimally followed to view ortrait and examine the library. :-campus nucsts included the beth Ed- iod conducted by R Gilt cltrded, "is the only. and

hand play dand Ashb

iPresident Names "whae'S' 'l, g. se.rens presented Ei;;;E'li!'£Ei;ii to' were Iktty "" '!"''''•" "'"eW <«"- played by Kloli-Harler. iTlireelllKC J'""''"' the actiyities of the day which included apeaKeiSSneaWei-a Bramlated each one. softb.ll. swimmine. hikine, and horse- IFor Graduation a Aprilliad numbe (Coo

''''"'^' ^' -lir ?l.°".'"c'rci'l^^or"com- Facility AnUOUnCCS ^^ ''"* "^""""'' ''^'" pro'eram 'wa!'%rft"''pr"entclf" BiH pcc'^,nte"'l!it'''^r'of«sionai''scnio?s"*°'' " ""' "' .' ?'';'!" 'Nta."fo.;d,mm;.T°s"u'jsStion"for Ltn a?W«°Uo°'n"';"wa.t°I8"8 ":'::„r,'*; «»"'"™"°nS""t,''"'- Vacation Plans

dies dorins *™,J ifmo I'r.sid,.,,! Wright eiseo, E. I'an- Tribute to ThcoloCical Se " Chrislian Mothers il'i*' ^ a" Jet 'Iri

Mrs sluT™™ to" ainhe Sliois Si 'will ate frndy*!""

frn'ooiy 'two ofTost milho"*''' Vo"r 3"m al planninj"';l,"w some- "'fiicwell" address, Gooilbj-i: is _ individual likci _ ihinc that Almost no ^'9"^i^n Dots... EA:i'.°s^'rir.;.

Accent c*- before some of us. Tke SoutKenn tint is - - Dashes ptovokioB to each of u.s Triangle

Sp«lli Molher ' OTHE8 '°JlT&"'lSmrt, " ioathinj Mo*"'! "^ J^ dub honored hr nitls" Pa* , Moll,... Mi» S X being detailed down around Mjud '1 in our last column. oiwiy .cqo.rtJ t" ' h„ - " lanksalot.Leenaand'"ks'i'lot?: "' 'tXt-r.'"- jund South

loJ lomng disco I, W.Cttt *" ^'''alf '^jfrnTbluI By taking one look a

^^an ^^n^ Jimmic lou^WesloM SitlSh Kaf "usstll inserted the pipe' "d f?, 5'^;,5J*7|i,ii;gf'tSi'T ' added a few lin.shcd touches. mislake. ' "'5, disinfectant again (hy ^,

Sl™™Kh?p.h"lo>~r'|'{i.{dS^^ Sh,°es of' Georgia. Kline"?" '™V"J™'"f;„l'J°;,*";,,'^aLr

When Whip-Joo°will calls. i'''Gi,'ir'dT°™'°kno"'''lhK'5°eri°ai oft' nTS.S fc'lS'pato"" i„d

lenslh- And vou .toll shortly kno. that ,.*"![ Martha cSjelitcidentall)- spiUed ,/lf^^^ ^ J™ ,? polish le.Js His Ikve ^he, keep a*.^' ome liquid shot |,"et th'.''s.-.i- morose „„,,;„ :hh „«e,le,.' No „ "' ;„, ,.„, ,., „,,,, "M," "'^^^ sj"^1"'^'" " Oeonn? push alar the pales oMifc, ested in its meaning, just inquire reckotlhlg,rerkoiihig, tbeyllity mayIJI"}' well How Doop la The |f we could I ihl ihvlUy olo\ „ "I'l'h "ik nu :'UMr lexis, md hope lo hub I'er.eriiWf

' ,:0...m.H,omeupslai5sand„W mind, aid tli P'-™'""''""'""™^"X'^f;;;;X;:;::l™ „„,.., ,^., .^„ j. „.,„,, ^, „„„. SSo'n 7rth;t f« '*' ''",/ '"' """'' "'""". "'"'"'' ''" u"'"'^'"' '"'" "' '""' "''' ''I' '";} "'' "''<'"'''' Es"? "!nLiZ'i''s'i"i'-i'sy- " ° ""i™"' TOk'3 r'° 'a'"!-' aid 7" Tt'iTi,

Il appear, ''""'" ' /.r'er." ' ' rrijc. ''""" .Jle.l "sfr/nj < '.I'.uVei'S'gtei' 'Z: , J°S^"°],|^',|,J,'iX,'s°oI rolA ^^""iJ^^'l""^.''' '" thai lies laleill 'l«'"lnt lo'i" -e reach ih. ^^ ^ ^'(^l^jjjf',,"';"^ AnTirthrS Cross^ind "s'a'nJv" Sind.tar ""'' '" „,»;•. iTiepias "/' »" V'"".?' |^"''^' anlomatically declarc-d Friday. M.ylh, ; ,.„„„j|, ,„ „11 these (eet. s.ith sandals loosed. ^ _ /.i^.p ^,, ,i„d ^^^^ ^^ __ ^ " '''' limialiialioiJ lor p.-i •' ' ' in^'an 'up...idc.dDn (("«"'»"'"LZZr'' Un'^cTSc'snlTcKweEbLed '.S't" r^'bL!!-' 6nd"thcir 'room all, :. °^ " Incidentally, a wet leceptia. m,s beliiml Ihc „i,h their annual sofr ball game. We _si«v Rii.v S...TB condition. *' " fiom the pc- ' "'•• '""" details, ssull that Ihe.c shall not those retorniog ;/« [l(»/.i«

"' """'" "' ' '""' ""'' £',"£„ long, see you at gr.dualit. ,/,rer;(/a /.!hi:>i,T,.,r.;....« l^perieiire,/ a/.cr;™ce, ..B^jj."';„„y°"l°„"'ii"',b;;j Letters To The Editor '•'""''•""'"''""'"" '""" ".t''. chore _r. S. Husbe".°°Bill Ha'll and'llill'HJkell; D«, Editors: that they arc in lose^ ,,„„„1 Three Bett).s-Iietty Holland, Betty „ or laugh. Should m » ^-^ , ,„„ ^^ „^f,. f^l "" " " outside ever) iim i| atdy. and Betty Hcbb. Could „„ "Vnv H„mina"imana" b,hv and hike them CoUefe Mi. GUatUel ich tegularly appstars rn _^ ^iorHV.

were not enough. I noticed dauphti ^^^^^'^ ^f ^ diminutive dale. Wendell : May—Jpe iiwiilh of greal deeisioiis. Aiuerira-lhc laud of opporliiiiily. , Atkinson Witt. S"" Te'ediiotiar lake adeaiilage Ihe ^ ^ """ .!„ ,,.„. ,)f.r.l.», ^imor My, s»;»s lo of ^lulUen. V«fl.e Jost who is this bird, Paul Alkin- ,' 1,1,1,1, '' soKWiti; The vital maicolinity of the , I ,1,. :„„„„,;, I ,„„litr.' ,,_.„„ jpjit„,_

ill Not for ao i 1 colorful side of life. - rigbt < - . paying school bills. ,

"'"' "nsirmea his spare time by read. c 'f"e'"°'tcm"!n'°'''B'u"ll'ocks' JP'"'"" ""'~a,'tri"o the ^'"M up- mg encyelopcdras. Just a young ^'^f^'™ , joor ia"»| ,,»,/,/„/. 'liiui-.'Cu.oeys, Nelsons, Roines. 'pjp^se that

Do yoii realise, Academy Senior, Ittal Ibis is an age 'I't":'!- ES;gs,"js;';.u,:ie;rMa-J;s'ii;: ;:;':EE5"'^'^''^'°'*iv"' Ss'!hltte'»r3l*r „ jor rj„""«\r' "'*'; i"a't\a".ebeenappa«»J w'r'"''' arc ilopped to Ihiiik that a college education woiilil be (?'. ™p section "^P'" m* Huif .'j . Dcir TJitoc- jscendanl V"" -j n," ,, [ ,(' [j, ' ""' '" -.tha^prg uitho,,, bals. shoes. a.,d ba^^s to I ,;J,.,;/.,., .x../ be.U'f„ ol ..,, .nd Skinner? .m ,hc mother of .l,rcc .mall chil- LV^f'"''' staff cculd "" O.t of the latlcr-aamed twenli'. dren all of whom attended the (har.h '''" ' U h Ml ,/n I w ..-..r Ihs. shoes, j„d shirts la match 35 suils:' Jj^^L be f^pl^"^ L '" ^"1;' Did --» . M r iomider hou- comparalivdy easy a» edm^liou is of .1 'I",,; '^'i/t^ ioL^tinpT'nok- TptevioTs" Mu^lrthrAccENr''' ,^^«nt F^l ^'f^^ ^^, ^„

'^Itcrs JJh/ (( et'er occur to you that God wants His youth educated-' Inslead'of'^numcrathj; ^("J' ind- dren. PerhapsV you'-n^rc" you would >'°^^,^|"^^dLn'g- ^'^^ ' '"'= happened during the hesjitatc to criticise. TJie paftnls like P" Whtit about if Academy Senior of '47. Will yon decide this '^^^ ReipecifulJ^- ^ f'^'^^last week or lv.0. your reporter has lo listen to beautiful music too. But P. ...(/,,„ ^,.f^, ,„/;..n.. ««v/ (a.;/;- K- I AI g


Briton Grades 1-6 Give I Rise of Book Annual I Told in I^ew Program

, by J.n

s- AdM

scdiy Eoo.tdjt log on tl of col- ;. Alio

k"/' i° "TIte Sundosver Drill." i that James David Braddock played a toncltc solo people of Great E .J. n^t ^<^''™ Idcts" ?•"! pupils gave a choral read-

'.ssi.ely aaepline ..^ The fifth and sixth j^radc pupils in

jbith.incljded a medley of Stephen Ki in itself a sign that it is attempt- Fr. College Fund c because they can never do anything ' I D- r. ifsownsal.ation? '^"I" '?"' '?°8'- ,., ,, "„ SrS., JrS. flCniC but get married anyway. Most of tb? e"neihWr,jht, lectured Iwith all the speculation rife Jr. on Aided older boys are trainins for teachers or DV-' SeXtetle A,I 1 f\ *.'hi/;hl,|;hts of his trip to . IrouKbout the world today it has be- At Lake OcOCe evaojelists. Standard VI in the boys' (C«,/„„W/r.,»f«,. I) ^'^ visited thete recently. attempt to understand the • " an of the f .afford led fmpirS'h'af eov°eS'on°f°oI,rt"h ^0\Y VlsitS Ky-Temi. Ue.M'r°."Ada'm;h°s'. ioMZf/i' Couf.

be present throughout the bu ^Ji'E ,.;», this mighty empire in or

it of Collcgcdale'! 'I''''""'"' Acadcniy Class Gift ciplinrin'"clasrWircn'Thc TcLli"r '£'£",;';&'" P'«»' oear"^? ItHig of ^'^^ E^^"** Sings y" 5Smo„n?„iS» Completed by Srs. "t S'tl^t" f "i"'.' ." ' lUrehFriday night, and it w.,s well With EuSCndjle them ou, doir,, the, .dwa,s sta'nd ,f I. V. Secretaries Se"n" , ,

Invest 34 Students coiS^KrsTyS'faoSl^if fan or"'^"!*,'; M'sto";''^^: «'""

ten Chapel of the UniversB

Miss E'ans sing 'My Hca Collegcdale ed by Mrs. Geach, 1 Friend and svould greatly a

, ate letters from us. Her Mrs. H. F. Lease, and 1 add Ludington. Nyanehwa Comrades, led by Mr. Garlan Training School. P scr. '^bor. who con- numbers: 1 Have '^PP''.^!^ .""^ "When Sung My "J?."";'' :hm,^m^two «"ls 'rtiloled the grrll by prepar- r Lauda. in a brief talk, state Song," by Charles; "Quiet," by Sand- crson;"The Floral Dance," by Moss. (( /""^ "^ *'^' 1,"^^, J// fij^-j,,j,j ExcliangC Central Heat B.anv a^vroN JLTef'^i?^^^! _^_, " ^•"•'t^- audilorioin in AthensJennessee^ This °°',!_°"S" 'V' the death : Union, "ill" Planned for SMC oTElecn^HarcHigS", to

""'"' bant Ling'^mdc? Lrud?; mes "All" Dcfincd by ^ ^r * ''^"^"'"ft P'»"t. according lo Mr. G R Pcarman. College engineer, two Irgs, ihe Procressive class mrmk;, 171-1 rri 1- CaH 1 Oil AllSWer 'heir l^'der 1 ODiaSSen The plant will conlain three high iuri, t' pledges and Presiden y. ,

congr3 child, and cannot speak."

" «""'-'»" tiely of U S'-n::'"nV"nyif;5o:,- :..;,.;.;'":.:::: r^di! "cnKa; rL -m ^""''" '° '""^''" Alumni us Fifiy i condu ing^T God willed/ mplel, "To be a prophet." Elder To Announcement S3000 1 fund already M:ii (.-xpliincd, 'is not to spcik of a but God'i; not to please yourself, mtd!|;of Lyi^o Wrad Hall on "hip'™ God. To be a prophet \i not dcsiri s? fotdinfl to Pr j.denl Wright. The Nine cen Pacif c Unio n Col 7 College Seniors ire

1 by God. In cJos

Cimpbcll official bling blocks and '.ampu, Chroukh THE SOUTHERN AC CENT

Dedication Oratorio OiOrus 'f

1) To Give "Holy City" «. j (c«»»w A». Accent On The Academy

Academy Si;:F""-°-'"^*'"°" c:S:T-:^^i^i-^ L.ZoIlingorGets £tS:Sf7r:rre '"^ "«"°'- R«ii t,„"/;sr,t:'r™H>if«: oT'.-^'/s'si'rsrS: "Digest" Award s;?7'£;;,«*%;;li z/'

& jnT'cori'irriloT J.'i LcljnJ Zollinger. JuniorS, SciliorS Srsif?wl'm'' gtv^n toe IMClMprrV1 to the. u.iuse, ever tone. Academy, ItiaKC y 2 75 Dotolhy 1 fclonc devotion Morita. AssKLion'/or'sl^Jenls' who b, their AuHUal Picilic Si°'Di?in'l™rf™d'anc'e"e"rm''jndl^ |hf "'anUtr^"""'™t'''Ii;e''ch°e"b'ic At ~fg mTjiS'l"!,,

sviih hanlone AbliKalo^ "e"'il lelrn'tic and refine'n.ent, pre- ladiel" quartet mursda^'khyS.^n 2Ji BobeTchSa.n f"i'Ja'^nnmrae.'rb','' m"'d'''c and eoe^^siS!!

ball, boatiog. and eatine,

^'honored with a soeial at the

.1 Principal and Mrs. D, C.

Music Students iClures^orMSko'sho™ by irly in_»niot htgh sikfl^;|;r_»"_S]'^ j. g^";, AdoK Widt Present Concert and Canada lo MUeheU. ;rad-rad- plained. th.

1 ol were Hashed on t Faculty Entertains v»ere presented in reciiJ Saturday '" ''" AuSWCrS tO Quiz

i. He will be the last of the

. Both vsere wounded. Concilia- followed.

i. He thinks the press of the na- has been fair to him.

'. U. S. intention to prohibit fur- expansion of Russian inllucncc.

:. Clifford, Steel. Ross, Connelly.


'T/te cMaU eioA^

lIcRc at CollongM - sous - Salcve ance- He also directed i bind whil.

Clymer (Mrs. Clymc,

Mrs. W. T. Simioon s.jKksnn.^lij!^

L,'w.Va°fandT s. R. E. Hopper ^Hfl Madison Collcj Noil- Swilchboard

T„ r„ tiisii,ii,-,i

Howard isTu^"JlnMnden1 oni'c Hai" Soo"'ff,jjJli^,r^" bnt^^^t';. 'S

Pr«id.nt K. A, Wright will be palcl. The stf;.«_berfy ^>°;*j^ft|

the niidni/;ht records bf a

;. C. Clinic. Chat Florida; F. B. Jensen and M I

Souihern Missionary Collt-gc ColkgLdale, Tennessee, June. 1917

Delivers Ir. L. Odom , 'Be Dissatisfied,"' Elder Nichols Advises

(aocalaiireate *i^ I Seniors In Coninienceineut Address

Snecess Demands ^Ois^itisfjciionj — ihcir .icquisiiion

True ConSeCralioU, "" tommencemcot jddrcss prtscntcJ Sundjy, May 2S. by Eldtt Ft.incii D, rk I t:'! 1 TT Declares lild. Harris Nich„i,, ejaor of uk R«'ia,. w

liols wiled upon tlie ihrei "^""'" t''l''«'c wilh power dtJij'rcd 'EldYr' nVrriV '^"^^ "^ '° ^ dce| ""jl' •' J»"ljl('tlinn lo, Ihi. i.otid God oeedi you ijradujl,, „ow li ;"• '° '«'«•"' 'oi neve, Ixfote. Go forth wilh Ihe

M in tl„ folit,

"What Lack I Yet?" SMC Chorus ___ ^_ ^ ,_ , ^ ^,_ __ I^ TopiC of RcndcrS response^ and Eider F. B. Jensen of- an jnd|s,dej^|-^oals of ;iold, position. [m l^tc'''the\oulh'oM.adIy'''Ke?p ScmiOn "Holy City"

.. b, 1 s' Last

\|>ji4 arance in Ministerial Licenses anausemenl'''Ejde('N!'ho!'''evpr«!^ ''VcW°e"."°n,°bie numbers were 'At *'^ »;""/'«!:"««( "=^ S"J«.le -I'.ilegedale S. S. '„ot°rn!i"ffcr"eputS"n"'bnt'^thM "f GivCH 10 ScnlorS At minister, explained Elder 1, four ,e,r graduates of ,7 eon- ^ ' "^'hidV^ .f'Se.iGel^cSrd^inSl M.V. ConsecrOtion f"'' .I'^-l' ""i r.- Crowd", Jackie Maty Lynn M "List the Chi the Southcrnetl

and teady to see Jesus, t'°^nlt,!"'d'fo'r'eiS"'iai" Seniors of '48 ClonduCt S. S. I"" V a! mus L ssas psen ,n the form llam'."i:'aJ,"ot'„''G!'aies°°and"l!llx

North American Youth's Congress, -7, , California THE SOUTHERN ACCENT


Tke Soutkenn a4cc£nt 1 from of the

. ^1 Landhilibers Triangle "'"1"1,'°f1"Z

";:" "EcZ JjTOb!. Lucij I ''2,'t":rZ-


;,: ,:.;:....„:.:;:: s ,

"7/0^ littU "lUUUf. 3)oei Gotud

Yil,. II urn /»»,' // «»< /»»,, ,m wm jml /" ./a./, qjily down In ibe tinre ii'ilh some fieiiniei cliitt hi our kwAs! Oh, iitl the lime ire eoiiltt slieiid "shn Ihe klml V/ ciiuly ue most l^reler'Thire's

lueLivc ../ Double BiMh. « huge orioge jau-b ' ~ ,„o,l e,„lles, .»,,, »; Ikoriee! Wb.l l„„!

\e,, Ibal i,e.M-la-„oMoi; llllle .l,««/. /. rMhei heloleii Joiie '"" '""" "W " eeei, ihree frnjeelly slroo^ beallhy ""' ,''"* ' '' _ wbeo mtl fo/./.e.« are '^^f "" J'°"'"e'-- Iraded for il. Biil — liere't ihe try: I'm i lillle til of you wilh Ibal itamp. and il imiiiedinlely becoiiiet ihe jiroiiilest little thing — FoJ°i^'\^V' Exchange so important! And those folks teho love you, will teith agree the requesO clTmlircd^ little in its opinion ivhat stamfi of itself. Know I mean? (to you) jalopy of si

Wliere Aie Tliey?

Jiisl Ask Us!

ind of mcclinj; (hey had lo vi Alumni Klools Officers THE SOUTHERN )-»_!!£ ACCENT

-" HoillC At LuSt! ' membcrof lhe'A'&ppc[b"hor!n,i i' i," A-'t[ A audaciousiyA t -rvT -r^ ExeCUtivCS Attend ^^^^./^ Oratorio chorus, ^i \ A 'P""^ WalCl' EverVWIlCre! loader ol" ili' n- Dixie Reiiih Deans' CoUllcil sliino kind and s'ccrolaij of on. L ~ « I 111. h,oi,„ rrraJTrr^ iri'r Ih^i nnoro" » 1 .Cm/ T ! And at SMC, ToO I 'i .-J tadiS "lire nol suEni

e pleisaol telpfnlocii of M.,

"^^'^ ''°"^ ""= TcnoMsee '^^'"''.^^^^ memori' of Collc(; bi." m relaliition secured a whole E'""P* ^^^^^^. j,,^, 'teoclier ., should know L Md ,hl wo dssl Mr^evtlns '"• ' the lime spent with IIk Oratorio chor- fin;;Lr Mr. Shrake. an accomplished cvcrs'thine." ",,,'a ' The old svstem which ha, been "'' I,.™i.l made a aatemenl for Ihe Some of us who have had e.peri- , , e ''"' I"" »'/ the school obtains water from """.'" *" "«'»« T>.o former member, P-c. This sLalemcot is quite unlrans- once in the teachios held include Dor- „ of ou, club, '" "" '"' "° '"" "'d and Sml^'h™.wil bjlniereslta^ '"Sndfn "Z'"u°tX°of"A cs "'"'irbe reTaS™„'d '"'"'""""suSpl^en'Md Mi'i'Vk" m' feSed ,b™^ip"lon!"l^aSia: " d"" will be discussed. On Dlrt"OT'°fnd''FordTva'na°nsh^vere S'lhe neVsuppi)'. ™d ';om'!''™u"7rom'G'ra™.afc' '? ""V "nT'voi,tile'pe'ir,°™noi'hl:rVorm"; '^'''"''^d. art topics ' ^^ member, I several local celebrities. Among them The new laundrj^ and the boilerr Tennessee, svhere she has ' completed her elementary had grades , , '^""^'""""W scholastic palmes. proles, teacher training I svac Dr. Ambrose Suhrie. who had the will be supplied with water from this four throueh eight for several years last .summer and re- 1""^"^"- counseling, ano stu- to receive I honor of being seated beside a non- new system, since it is softer than the Ruth Risettec. better known as j"" mmed her diploma at the

,,11 as plan, for -J.^^ gj„^|. luting place before his bulging pupils. looked disappointedly up into Dr. Virginia Alexander .>nd F.aye Lea I J rr| o . The ceremony must have ended much Subric's will teach in Little Creek. Tennessee. face and asked querulously „ c^,.^ era a And 1 lie S^i'eCl |too sooo for this onlooker, for he "I, THAT all there is to il?" Lola Mae Hammond will be teacbiog 3 SMC TeaclierS

LuciA Lei! ida sWll"'wclcomc'' Francc's"cLk "as RcVeal PlanS '"" ' ^' in Ailgu'sla. ^Georgia. For GraduatC Work ma^^s'^Ik)t''vvhj^*oh"«'h/"do"lhTy

Elaine Giddings plete'he'tsvo'jS's'Jlofes'smui'l coX »« liead of the t'^tj"'^, 'l""'pkt^d"b,fZ,''Z OIB.e. total, *""; "''" :«""fc-J" his exam,; and if one stud- d by the Registrar's °1 ^ J', £ Ehm;. ^r' • '-"""TharE' granted CJdcmy siudents. Studcntj

^^^'°'" .lis. C,i,ldinj;s hopes lo complete .°|,j^'^.''^'^ ^^J, f /^''J^' kou.i. lequiicfTicnls in i9A8. siUenH.^andT lhc''li,i>cJil!Z^ ol

PA Horns Installed cidTng^ I^IT''- On Lynn Wood Hall ^^^f^'H

« been insl^illcd rwcnrly on 111. lofof Lynn Wood Hall, At i

__"" iTli.lly'insliMcT'" " I


C Students Piircliase | M The Academy ''n'^"!..„ I Accent On

Hangovers '- "?|£H''HicriE°li'o°'D; Academy Seniors '^'p^\£^S'^/^^ ,;;>;";V;-b,„rV.dw„b.,B„„ „ . KollR„I1 U.tsl^isii' M.h.bhckw Will,, .huh te Honor Present Annual '"^^ ^ 20 Slndenls Program ""rhi'Si'ViVhcoiuui^M q^^^ K!^°i£i?ir'"rf"" 'i

. phifo.n M, J uen b, Man oft, of the diss Lcland iteed This pbiase expressed "' ' Abbott presidLnt the " Bub, Ji.n * , B ib,J - [ lictonao and Dorothy resolution of the class as the, progress

I'^r^'Aiia '"j""? \bU"t'Da^Vl^"r' 1 n "^"u "i^t^sslstaots'f'rom Grttchcn Hewrtt Colkeedal A Haekm.n J, Ruft""'* .1>, Orolin " ° '^Jj |o^l„ ,„ the cm, >tnd.nt uid WednesdV.'h,. ^^f ,', V hn tjnir ,n i>as feelms (no after ha. I '°''5 "'"""' md friends ap °*ht"bs Pa P""" ,„t f^„,

itcd b,' 1

00O000000000OSO000OK>000003O00O0O0OWJJOJ Jr

eddma u^ei-U


Grace Mar.e Merjl Ann falknc. s>as .edded lo The marnagc of fo Remain I |ust lose ,t here' exda.m Ms, Waller RnsscU Tomer Eooie Garner on the terraced ia.n of Schneider and Ha«nian former sbadent of iMr . 2 the C I-»dineton home in Col tool, place Mondi, eeeninj Jane D Charlcs Micb«E!iis a recent letter describine the Kam

parent, D, anJ Mrs F ""^ briJc. 1^ gj^^ j ^ ^^^^ ,^„,,j ,|,^ Eas"'Afraa' «here ,h"'l' no" J"" °''mb"ThTndm°'n.!l^°foct'h sonnds that blend in «ith ihJcclll I" » 1> '1 M,7'™.,r"»a,'"„re,rmid''bc° A°n^ mournfol ""onTer armal Miss Ha«m n loen

) and Paul Garner brother of the on jourself It s that sort of thing that room served as best man drnes one to do desperate deeds like

oser ppi and plan to all the white blue and black Jents Theic ideas arc « robes are le in the Pall no more to be seen, and looks siflns and nods s

ureck such ha.oc with the quietude of "°M"is"Haum?'n"m d *bid, periods Bcdi Cruae and '^ base taken their plane trip to the other 1 solimniaed Sun "»»1 ""» l>»"" The cuuples that ,orld remarked that it n alciKbto clock l-™" ntbeairtojc^aJ a"'„™I;"|,j;'°™""|,;:;j'""„°;

a ph nC lnupiiil music Another thinj that male, the heart While ,.ait nj for I',"' '" Helen Blood.urth •ithin me feel full «ilh emotion be %Pl M"! «"»>" »' ^enl, | °' ""'' a. ode the tuoit, to eisit the P,ramid, ,1 | son and ford ' uek, her maid of hemOBlobin which ,t u.uall, lie and Doroth, contain, is the knowledee that early ;jj"|5°'"J^*"'-j l^ouVmi m screed mam adieu lor pcrha,^ the'Ll'lime ' ' w l' A"--! "^^^J'Xe thcTu 1

'"" '" '°"" """ '"' ( oil. iltd.llt IIOSI I<1 r a, ^"dTn,?' Mail'de' Zl J. R. C. Sfaipt, Food (.imp M. tlin- Germany ONGER home «f, Jl fte'eh:idr'e'n°'!,'rXn"„p ^0

an»j^ daurhter of 1 n J u« ji,"!^, "L'I !Zol MhrnplJ 1 1 , 'lll'^r'nik™' ''' »»""• bete know ledBc' wal

let u " '' ," ,uii us like men and press l'"!"' •^P"'' ,u CoUtl! I on tJ irealer heuhl, but in the '," m>oW I J""*' , S°"r,W uep'„ford prcin;; let us not forjjet the help we Store ^Ir J j^j reetieed alons the way from dear "' "» ^"'J'fJ," ,„?,»««"'' paekase. ,,ith slee sure I neicr can forgetl lini.bed ^ part m The mo.t dllhcult , j(^ I Ostman One fciendlj fipire who has re iccordini; to Wf |'^p,„pefl

each dental ."tod^enrfroi^ 'Atlan"ta H^is foIa^TabsIs for r^'^^^heiT i fill It)

! HdILd

Southern Missionary College, Collegedalc, Tennessee, July, lO-i' Blown Relates I Eld. p,,, h. R. Beekncr Elder N. C. Wilson Reveals iMission Experience i^ y^g,, Leader Christian's Security in Last Days EM Henr> Bro«n from the Glr Collcgedale DlStrict ACCENT THE S OUTHERN

Dasowakita Triangle Tke Soutkenn

,'^,'„"sl„ Pl,c .„,!,„

"'I'l'lllii B-M ri. D™,d' Ed 14 z^S£'£

\ Ptccv U D C H

Publ.intd bi wc. i MigSsi nlx.s of out Cliff Di^clkf s for summer school Pluo\mr' hrs t ^nrl Mrs Don L.IUy and suunsi in (he from khh

HimaU tifL 0*1 "^Ueie. . . .

r^rJ js 1 hook for plun

Cirl Uplon' AU ^Uu WiU lie Zaue^m fJl'tS,,';^;.,^;,;;;":,^! c= Tt!x:;:tri:i s^rt;;;"?,,, thi l,our, oi un ompu, durrn, < hr «., on smlion h„i no» he plans E....k' Gh.

II „,s r»;,»». /IrWs fr/ras, i/„t.,. ,„. wifoM Jmoml ^^^ "( " "" '« t„°l,',"J°J: D 'l D™ l',;!;"'s, .t'rmin « dl'inouEh lovfs Homd'Shn

arcid sa,s h.„. hlfroon

^ Spcsk nj of so ' sample f ihc insc

™,/ ,./«.„ (,„^,W ;„ /;,, (,,,,,/,/./ B/,/ fr„o,, „;,o ","'' 1' ,»,, r*''^? °M t"" l^^'lT" /.„,„„ („„„/.J(, "un ,,/,,, , ,1,1 ,n i^k„,g pLe^.e,,,! iZ'JhtT.IZMTMTlM Mr. n n ulul',.,,, i,„l„: ,,j ,1 „n , ,\],,ll, ,!/,„ lljt— lacks SometblfJg, board As (he rain outside' be.'amt 1) b) her in THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

^"•'^' ^'"^„E'^^'« "Busy" Marks Vox, of Dean Se, .en. S.,„,.„e,- OffKC. Mr. Har.e.- School Teachers' De.erihe. Trip H„m,n, r^ij™, „f M,ui i„™> h,ii ^aih „ ' Humana , nh, , (hiie , if^s husiol'^,'?r,°T;r\ U I studrnl .. t hl^t sdt^tcd (hur officers for the sum j( Soa( h lO Loloraclo

"" "'ssronar) Collci;t is urrdoubtr-dl, I GFsrMtsL Derdes tntr D4S0«A(t3 Club D.Mr Reedcr , |j|_

'='°""'""»' .ir ,rj\, lis,; ,r3, ,hr;hus*,;'i,tr"rru±b;.i°' rs;;,';',:,';,"';':,'?;, L , '™""-.'=p'-,"v;"~"t?l"" mi "r-""" o^Mr'T,;; .,mls, ;l;j'^«;;™ ' ^„^;;,W™.dJNonufc^fc«.\Vr ,0., '"'"'•/ 9" !"'' ='. ' » „r,. ,s, ,„^,r, ,n| ,c loss [h"™"",, E""°""" °m!™b' """"•''' 'i I H is '»', H.rKr h* runsl, eielri on - °L*m.J°">"J^he''°">P'°s'W*P''°> e™<-"o'n fc carlrVu"™ p"oe"m "ll "' . bus, p,oi:r.m^'nVlVs'"o"' " - 1

' b,uo(,ht 10 lishl B«| Mi,» brersmb) Crol Poll.r rnd Vrrgioa ,';"'.; ''",'"'"' '•"'"' ' ""™ls ,^'', "' ^',' oon "'i.'' ' \, I .„ !!„^"''"T;"„ '"'I"'! ,„ "11^ 'l , 1!'

ot's to rtbs IIS much n.ccr ni^jhtaficr the cscnm^

Allinilli Well ihii wceorJmMo sshrl ,ou

Margaret Jo f^G^drun and Gunicr his „. .

i\o,!c"'!>i'l,s'°"„;m:s'';i,„''r"st Work Hard? Be

nis Honoral)le, Says

uoi'; Elder Tucker

Did ja Know?

,d . 1, G. Meetings Held "UI"s'"s' T" In Standifei- Gap

Can You Guess Wh(

lo user thi; sscels end of lul) nr^hls of cjch sssck Elder R L Ham lh„

_, Bobbie i:dd.c^GcorBc"('and mcit.ngs ^Mr rulist''conducts''"thf l»»«ifi.) (allZ„|h„(,„!)iodTonim, pnjcr mcclms each W„l„cs I I 'Jiloil, Of course Glen, seas there da, miht and the rrtja, n.tht meet ,,c

"111 of ' Mr 'buddclh s'^pTar!" She's 'Durmr;*ilt'e" whewl "iwr Ihe'^ e"san eommnn' ihini. s" islunc Icr pre our in>, ficlistic campaign ssas csirse here carrred on b, the sshich ,s essential 1 ^ood sport* Hies flilcrall,) " """" cr Esanselism class taught bj Elder EC will prepare lo sei

iub'ecied Vespers Held fNoreii, |wu,""'„i;;~',',;^„';;,*«,;'; 'j';^ About The ""rHsHe'S ''a's'am'pic' In Collcge Cliapel « A"J bus ''' '^^^' eser, :wii^uord''ihenw"^''s^ome BrOWSing Rooni el seientilic subiecl „r that The recenti, completeJ brosssir.t eomplished b, ooe' « "onJ™ "''°^"' "' mS boTod'erslBe l"e lZT afecU n" re""""' d''""'"' 'd'bk" JTHBRN ACCENT

\ i^rial \rcl Dept. Poison Ivy? Dorl •h Weds Stampamp Cliih' Wisps of News Miss L. ,s„o,. We'll Fix "it! Organize Of Colkfitdiile-iles nr. IMcilc Ha To In \\:i>liin

Educational Men Visit CoUegedale

(,\v\~ ^ :ii;ilc: Give Im

floor. Third wri'tinfi to ing'^resldcncfon second H ','h ,a"lu comacicd W y^"|f'^[" wtlnnlio'llm" ''d tl'l"' l«'c I ' Tennessee..) floor giiU should be ible lo re-ocupy ' iiii i.ii. Codt,;tda!t, ^uldn't pmwiou^ H. miuh K

«iii h>ve fc privj. .- -r '•',,;,, h',\i-liange ti™ ih.v , _,.;,„, o

';;i£d:,."';;j nc-^v Addnion

, in iki " Honor Roll 'w.t,r is a natural I

Mj,.,!., The hono, roll Im ihe ireond „ Reading Conrse a" lL"l^ceeroM^That" it so^ba. nio^ reported by Miss Ruby Lea, Registrar, Book Reviewed E '•j»J^''«/™'j

' alTccled part Ale:t- ™'»llie jlbn!" Point o( J.OO) : H.'c. Triangle Tells 0( course the old lr°„\en,'°n,'! itoYeCnm'n,^."^™!!™™