Kanji 1387-1587

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Kanji 1387-1587 KANJI 1387-1587 1387 SHŌ, me(su) summon; partake; wear 召集 shōshū, summons, call (309) 召 召喚 shōkan, summons (1103) 5s 召喚状 shōkanjō, subpoena (1103, 717) mouth +bending 召し使い meshitsukai, servant (287) person servant bending to answer summons 1388 SHŌ craftsman; plan 師匠 shishō, master (693) 6s 匠 宗匠 sōshō, master (in an art), teacher (889) 巨匠 kyoshō, great master (1153) container (box) +axe 意匠 ishō, idea, design (226) (tool) = tool box, symbol of craftsman 1389 SHŌ, toko, yuka bed; floor; alcove 床の間 tokonoma, ornamental alcove (92) 7s 床 床擦れ tokozure, bedsores (1306) 病床 byōshō, sickbed (381) plank of wood 床張り yukabari, flooring (752) sickbed bed alcove (where a bed was placed) 1390 SHŌ excerpt, extract 抄本 shōhon, extract (70) 7s 抄 詩抄 shishō, selected poems (291) 抄訳 shōyaku, abridged translation (982) extracting a little by removing with a metal tool 1391 SHŌ, ayaka(ru) be like; be lucky 肖像 shōzō, portrait (740) 7s 肖 不肖 fushō, unworthiness; incompetence; misfortune; I/me [HUMBLE LANGUAGE] (572) body + small (& phon. 肖り者 ayakarimono, lucky person (298) resemble) = offspring resembling parents 1392 SHŌ, nao, tattoo(bu) furthermore; esteem 尚早 shōsō, prematurity (50) 8s 尚 高尚 kōshō, loftiness (119) 尚尚 naonao, still more smoke rising from window of a house height 1393 SHŌ, nobo(ru) rise, ascent 昇進 shōshin, promotion (326) 8s 昇 上昇 jōshō, ascent (37) 昇降機 shōkōki, elevator (863, 453) sun + measure (phon. rise) 1394 SHŌ, matsu pine 松葉 matsuba, pine needle (405) 8s 松 松原 matsubara, pine grove (107) 松竹梅 shōchikubai, pine-bamboo-plum, the ‘Three tree+public (phon. Friends of Winter’, a New Year’s good luck needle) = tree charm (170, 1689) bearing needles 1395 SHŌ, numa swamp, marsh 沼気 shōki, methane (11) 8s 沼 沼沢 shōtaku, swamp, marsh (1552) 沼地 numachi, marshland (167) water + summon (phon. little) 1396 SHŌ, yoi evening 徹宵 tesshō, all night (1629) 10s 宵 宵月 yoizuki, evening moon (16) 宵越し yoigoshi, overnight (1021) little light indoors 1397 SHŌ symptom, illness 症状 shōjō, symptoms (717) 10s 症 炎症 enshō, inflammation (1024) 恐怖症 kyōfushō, phobia (1167, 1749) illness + proper (& 閉所恐怖症 heishokyōfushō, claustrophobia phon. sign) (968, 312, 1167, 1749) 拒食症 kyoshokushō, anorexia (1154, 146) 1398 SHŌ good fortune, omen 発祥地 hasshōchi, birthplace (370, 167) 10s 祥 吉祥 kisshō, good omen (1142) 不祥事 fushōji, bad omen; scandal (572, 293) altar + sheep (phon. auspicious) = auspicious sign from the gods 1399 SHŌ cross over; liaise 交渉 kōshō, negotiations (115) 11s 渉 干渉 kanshō, interference (825) 渉外 shōgai, public relations (91) water (river) + walk = ford a river cross liaise 1400 SHŌ introduce; inherit 紹介 shōkai, introduction (to person); 11s 紹 presentation (of product) (1059) 自己紹介 jikoshōkai, self-introduction (134, 855, 1059) thread + summon 紹介者 shōkaisha, introducer (1059) (phon. join) = join 紹介状 shōkaijō, letter of introduction (1059, 717) threads bring people together 1401 SHŌ accuse, sue 訴訟 soshō, litigation (1510) 11s 訟 訴訟人 soshōnin, plaintiff (1510, 39) 訴訟事件 soshōjiken, lawsuit (1510, 293, 660) words + public (& 訴訟費用 soshōhiyō, court costs (1510, 567, 215) phon. dispute) 1402 SHŌ, tanagokoro control; palm (of hand) 車掌 shashō, [bus/train] conductor (31) 12s 掌 掌中 shōchū, in one’s hand (55) 職掌 shokushō, one’s duties (721) hand+moreover (phon. hold) = part of the hand which holds 1403 SHŌ crystal, clear, bright 水晶 suishō, crystal, quartz (40) 12s 晶 晶化 shōka, crystallisation (238) 結晶 kesshō, crystallisation (472) many points of light bright clear crystals 1404 SHŌ, ko(geru), to be burned; ko(gasu), to burn, to scorch, to singe; ase(ru), to be in a hurry; to be 12s 焦 impatient; ji(reru), to become impatient; to fret 焦土 shōdo, scorched earth (60) bird roasting over 焦心 shōshin, impatience (147) a fire 焦燥 shōsō, impatience (1528) 黒焦げ kurokoge, charring (124) 1405 SHŌ nitre, gunpowder 硝酸 shōsan, nitric acid (689) 12s 硝 硝薬 shōyaku, gunpowder (398) 硝子 garasu*, glass (25) rock + be like (phon. digest) 1406 SHŌ adorn, make up 化粧 keshō, make-up (238) 12s 粧 化粧品 keshōhin, cosmetic (238, 382) 化粧室 keshōshitsu, powder room (238, 136) rice (white; face powder)+ building (phon. adorn) 1407 SHŌ, mikotonori imperial edict 詔書 shōsho, imperial edict (142) 12s 詔 昭礼 shōrei, imperial edict (413) 大詔 taishō, imperial edict (53) word + summon 1408 SHŌ urge, encourage 奨励 shōrei, encouragement (1919) 13s 奨 勧奨 kanshō, encouragement (828) 推奨 suishō, recommendation (908) offer + meat (to a) 奨学金 shōgakukin, scholarship (10, 14) + dog (miscopied) 1409 SHŌ, kuwa(shii) detailed 詳細 shōsai, details, particulars (284) 13s 詳 未詳 mishō, unclear (794) 詳しく kuwashiku, in detail word (talk)+sheep (phon. examine thoroughly) 1410 SHŌ manifest, openly acknowledge 表彰 hyōshō, commendation (379) 14s 彰 顕彰 kenshō, public honouring (1224) 彰徳 shōtoku, public praise (762) attractive decorative pattern display sth. attractive 1411 SHŌ collide, clash; road 衝突 shōtotsu, collision (1668) 15s 衝 衝動 shōdō, impulse, urge (362) 折衝 sesshō, negotiations (522) go (road) + child (phon. pass) 1412 SHŌ, tsugun(au) recompense, redeem 償金 shōkin, reparation (14) 17s 償 償還 shōkan, repayment, reimbursement (1114) 償却 shōkyaku, redemption, repayment (1145) orig.: buying back 弁償 benshō, compensation (786) a person (slave) 1413 SHŌ (hidden) reef 岩礁 ganshō, reef (249) 17s 礁 環礁 kanshō, atoll (1115) 暗礁 anshō, hidden reef; snag (224) rock + fret (& 珊瑚礁 sangoshō, coral reef ( - -, - - ) phon. tapered) 1414 SHŌ, kane bell 警鐘 keishō, alarm bell; fire bell (847) 20s 鐘 釣鐘道 tsuriganedō, belfry (1592, 188) 鍾乳石 shōnyūseki, stalactite (951, 45) metal + child (phon. handle) = hand bell 1415 JŌ, take length; measure, 10 feet; stature 大丈夫 daijōbu, (to be/ it’s) all right, O.K. (53, 573) 3s 丈 丈夫な jōbu na, sturdy, robust (573) 頑丈な ganjō na, strong, solid, robust (1119) hand + ten 背丈 setake, height (957) 方丈 hōjō, abbot’s chamber; abbot; ten square feet (204) 方丈記 hōjōki, The Ten Foot Square Hut, a famous essay written in 1212 by the Buddhist monk Kamo no Chōmei (204, 95) 1416 JŌ superfluous 冗談 jōdan, joke (543) (superfluous talk) 4s 冗 冗長 jōchō, verbosity (173) 冗語 jōgo, redundant word (112) person at home = person with no work superfluous person superfluous 1417 JŌ pure, clean 清浄 seijō, shōjō, purity (517) 9s 浄 浄化 jōka, purification (238) 不浄 fujō, filth (572) water + vie (phon. 浄水 jōsui, clean water (40) pure) 1418 JŌ, amatsusa(e) surplus, besides 剰余 jōyo, surplus (800) 11s 剰 余剰 yojō, surplus (800) 過剰 kajō, surplus, excess (629) 1419 JŌ, tatami, tata(mu) tatami mat; size; to fold, pile; to repeat; to shut up, to close 12s 畳 二畳 nijō, two-mat [size] (61) 畳み込む tatamikomu, to fold up (1275) to pile sth. up 畳句 jōku, repeated phrase (655) layer upon layer = fold and repeat 1420 JŌ, nawa rope, cord 沖縄 Okinawa (1583) 15s 縄 縄張り nawabari, cordon, area (752) 自縄自縛 jijōjibaku, falling into one’s own trap, being hoist with one’s own petard (134, 134, 1701) 1421 JŌ earth, soil 土壌 dojō, earth, soil (60) 16s 壌 壌土 jōdo, earth, soil (60) 天壌 tenjō, heaven and earth (58) thread + fly (phon. twist together) 1422 JŌ young lady, daughter お嬢さん ojō-san, young lady, daughter 16s 嬢 令嬢 reijō, young lady (603) 愛嬢 aijō, beloved daughter (417) orig.: the upper woman in a house 1423 JŌ lock, tablet 錠前 jōmae, lock (159) 16s 錠 手錠 tejō, handcuffs (32) 錠剤 jōzai, pill, tablet (1296) metal + fix 1424 JŌ, yuzu(ru) hand over, yield 譲歩 jōho, concession (202) 20s 譲 譲渡 jōto, transfer (1636) 謙譲 kenjō, humility, modesty (1222) words + people 親譲り oyayuzuri, patrimony (149) accusing each other = dispute 1425 JŌ, kamo(su) brew, cause 醸造 jōzō, brewing (739) 20s 醸 醸成する josei suru, to brew; to foment (515) 醸し出す kamoshidasu, to cause (34) alcohol + brew 1426 SHOKU, fu(eru), fu(yasu) increase; enrich 生殖 seishoku, procreation (42) 12s 殖 養殖する yōshoku suru, to raise; to breed; to cultivate (594) orig.: a corpse 利殖 rishoku, money-making (596) putrifying 殖え高 fuedaka, increment (119) 1427 SHOKU, kaza(ru) decorate 装飾 sōshoku, decoration (1524) 13s 飾 首飾り kubikazari, necklace (139) 飾り物 kazarimono, decoration (387) feed (phon. rub) + 垂れ飾り tarekazari, pendant (907) cloth = to rub with a cloth = to polish to beautify 1428 SHOKU, fu(reru), to come into contact with; sawa(ru) to touch, feel 13s 触 触手 shokushu, feeler (32) 接触 sesshoku, contact, (in) touch (with) (730) horn + caterpillar 触れ合う fureau, to contact (121) (phon. make contact) = horns making contact 1429 SHOKU request; entrust 委嘱 ishoku, commission (423) 15s 嘱 依嘱する ishoku suru, to entrust [with] (1001) 嘱望 shokubō, expectation (585) mouth + belong 嘱託 shokutaku, commission (1555) (phon. join) = verbally enjoin 1430 JOKU, hazuka(shimeru) insult, humiliate 侮辱 bujoku, insult (1760) 10s 辱 恥辱 chijoku, disgrace (1572) 屈辱 kutsujoku, humiliation (1188) cutting tool + 雪辱 setsujoku, vindication (157) (careful use of the) hand 1431 SHIN, no(biru), to stretch, spread; no(basu) to extend, to lengthen; to grow long [hair, beard: 7s 伸 伸縮 shinshuku, elasticity (893) 追伸 tsuishin, postscript (350) person + say 背伸び senobi, standing on tiptoe and stretching; (phon. stretch) = overreaching oneself (957) person stretching 1432 SHIN, kara(i), tsura(i) sharp; bitter, spicy 辛苦 shinku, hardship (264) 7s 辛 辛口 karakuchi, dry taste [sake, wine] (20) 辛味 karami, hot/pungent taste (393) a tattooist’s needle 辛うじて karōjite, barely 1433 SHIN, oka(su) to invade; to violate 侵入 shinnyū, invasion (63) 9s 侵 侵害 shingai, violation (437) 侵略 shinryaku, aggression (804) person + hand holding broom = sweeping moving forward 1434 SHIN, tsu harbour, crossing 津波 tsunami (367) 9s 津 津々 shinshin, brimful 津々浦々 tsutsuuraura, throughout the land (1785) body of water + brush in hand (phon. advance) 1435 SHIN, kuchibiru lip(s) 口唇 kōshin, lips (20) 10s 唇 唇音 shinon, labial sound (6) 紅唇 kōshin, red lips (862) mouth + clam 上唇 uwakuchibiru, upper lip (37) (phon. tremble; 読唇術 dokushinjutsu, lip reading (189, 708) closing) = that part of the mouth which trembles and closes 1436 SHIN pregnancy 妊娠 ninshin, pregnancy (1676) 10s 娠 妊娠可能 ninshinkanō, fertile (1676, 816, 766) 妊娠検査 ninshinkensa, pregnancy test (1676, 663, woman + clam 678) (phon.
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