Close Reading Notebook, Grade 7

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Close Reading Notebook, Grade 7 PEARSON LiteratureCOMMON CORE Close Reading Notebook GRADE 7 HOBOKEN, NEw JErsEy • BOstON, MassacHusEtts cHaNDlEr, arizONa • glENviEw, illiNOis Acknowledgments appear on page 175, which constitutes an extension of this copyright page. Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. The publisher hereby grants permission to reproduce these pages, in part or in whole, for classroom use only, the number not to exceed the number of students in each class. Notice of copyright must appear on all copies. For information regarding permissions, write to Rights Management & Contracts, Pearson Education, Inc., 221 River Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030. Common Core State Standards © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-327566-7 ISBN-10: 0-13-327566-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V011 18 17 16 15 14 Close Reading Marking the Text: Strategies and Tips for Annotation When you close read a text, you read for comprehension and then reread to unlock layers of meaning and to analyze a writer’s style and techniques. Marking a text as you read it enables you to participate more fully in the close-reading process. Following are some strategies for text mark-ups, along with samples of how the strategies can be applied. These mark-ups are suggestions; you and your teacher may opt to use other mark-up strategies. Suggested Mark-up Notations What I notice How to mark up Questions to ask Key Ideas and Details • Circle key ideas or claims. • What does the text say? What does • Underline supporting details or it leave unsaid? evidence. • What inferences do you need to make? • What details lead you to make your inferences? Word Choice • Put a question mark next to • What inferences about word unfamiliar words. meaning can you make? • Circle any familiar word parts • What tone and mood are created within an unknown word. by word choice? • Underline context clues, if any exist. • What alternate word choices might • Highlight especially rich or poetic the author have made? passages. Text Structure • Bracket passages that show • Is the text logically structured? character growth or development. • What emotional impact do the • Use arrows to indicate how structural choices create? sentences and paragraphs work together to build ideas. • Use a right-facing arrow to indicate foreshadowing. • Use a left-facing arrow to indicate flashback. Author’s Craft • Circle or highlight instances of • Does the author’s style enrich repetition, either of words, phrases, or detract from the reading consonants, or vowel sounds. experience? • Mark rhythmic beats in poetry using • What levels of meaning are created checkmarks and slashes. by the author’s techniques? • Underline instances of symbolism or figurative language. Sample Mark-up Annotation iii ESSAY TAKE NOTES The Eternal Frontier L’Amour starts with “I” perspective Louis L’Amour but from this point on switches to The question I am most often asked is, “Where is the “we” and “our.” Doing so makes it frontier now?” seem as if the writer and reader The answer should be obvious. Our frontier lies in were of one mind. outer space. The moon, the asteroids, the planets, these are mere stepping stones, where we will test ourselves, learn needful lessons, and grow in knowledge before we From the context clues and the attempt those frontiers beyond our solar system. Outer space is a frontier without end, the eternal frontier, an prefix pre-, I can infer that everlasting challenge to explorers not [only] of other preliminary means “start-up” or planets and other solar systems but also of the mind of man. “something that goes before.” All that has gone before was preliminary. We have been preparing ourselves mentally for what lies This list of facts supports L’Amour’s ahead. Many problems remain, but if we can avoid a devastating war we shall move with a rapidity claim about the rapidity with which scarcely to be believed. In the past seventy years we can develop the world. we have developed the automobile, radio, television, transcontinental and transoceanic flight, and the electrification of the country, among a multitude of other such developments. In 1900 there were 144 miles of surfaced road in the United States. Now there are over 3,000,000. Paved roads and the development of This comment alerts me to the the automobile have gone hand in hand, the automobile fact that not everyone agrees with being civilized man’s antidote to overpopulation. What is needed now is leaders with perspective; we L’Amour’s ideas. His description need leadership on a thousand fronts, but they must be men and women who can take the long view and help of them as nay-sayers (and not as to shape the outlines of our future. There will always critics) suggests that he belittles be the nay-sayers, those who cling to our lovely green planet as a baby clings to its mother, but there will be their ideas. others like those who have taken us this far along the path to a limitless future. At this point in the text, L’Amour We are a people born to the frontier. It has been a part of our thinking, waking, and sleeping since men defines frontier and explains how first landed on this continent. The frontier is the line the notion of a frontier propels that separates the known from the unknown wherever exploration. © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. iv Close Reading Notebook • Marking the Text TAKE NOTES it may be, and we have a driving need to see what lies L’Amour uses repetition to stress beyond . A few years ago we moved into outer space. We landed his points. men on the moon; we sent a vehicle beyond the limits of the solar system, a vehicle still moving farther and This claim is interesting. Just as farther into that limitless distance. If our world were we are not bound by the physical to die tomorrow, that tiny vehicle would go on and on forever, carrying its mighty message to the stars. Out limits of Earth, our minds should there, someone, sometime, would know that once we also be free. existed, that we had the vision and we made the effort. Mankind is not bound by its atmospheric envelope or by its gravitational field, nor is the mind of man bound by Here, L’Amour addresses a any limits at all. One might ask—why outer space, when so much possible counterargument. remains to be done here? If that had been the spirit of man we would still be hunters and food gatherers, growling over the bones of carrion in a cave somewhere. The word destiny is poetic and has It is our destiny to move out, to accept the challenge, to more positive connotations than dare the unknown. It is our destiny to achieve. Yet we must not forget that along the way to outer its synonym fate. The repeated use space whole industries are springing into being that did of the word emphasizes L’Amour’s not exist before. The computer age has arisen in part from the space effort, which gave great impetus to the main claim. development of computing devices. Transistors, chips, integrated circuits, Teflon, new medicines, new ways of treating diseases, new ways of performing operations, The word impetus means “forward all these and a multitude of other developments that motion” or “motivation.” By enable man to live and to live better are linked to the space effort. Most of these developments have been so using this technical word along incorporated into our day-to-day life that they are taken with some other technical words, for granted, their origin not considered. L’Amour conveys authority. If we are content to live in the past, we have no future. And today is the past. The final paragraph is short and mysterious. Is L’Amour saying that because we live in the present we have no future? © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Sample Mark-up Annotation v SHORT STORY TAKE NOTES from The Tale of the The author begins the story with Mandarin Ducks a fairy-tale structure. Based on Katherine Paterson this, I can infer that this story might involve a moral or lesson. Long ago and far away in the Land of the Rising Sun, there lived together a pair of mandarin ducks. Now, the Context clues help me figure out drake was a magnificent bird with plumage of colors so rich that the emperor himself would have envied it. But that a drake is a male duck. his mate, the duck, wore the quiet tones of the wood, blending exactly with the hole in the tree where the two had made their nest. The narrator is a story character, One day while the duck was sitting on her eggs, the drake flew down to a nearby pond to search for food. and he knows all the characters’ While he was there, a hunting party entered the woods. inner thoughts and feelings. The hunters were led by the lord of the district, a proud and cruel man who believed that everything in the district belonged to him to do with as he chose. The lord I’m not quite sure what adorn was always looking for beautiful things to adorn his manor house and garden.
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