A Great Place to Live,Work and Play Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development Is Strong

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A Great Place to Live,Work and Play Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development Is Strong 2020-2021 glasgowbarrenchamber.com A Great Place to Live,Work and Play Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong Solid infrastructure for the future SPONSORED BY THE GLASGOW-BARREN COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GLASGOWGLASGOW HIGHHIGH SCHOOLSCHOOL -- MAXIMIZINGMAXIMIZING POTENTIALPOTENTIAL • Ranked 11th by US News and World Report PROGRAMS: • Ranked 22 for KY on the ACT • 3 Time National Quiz Bowl Champions • ACCOUNTING • Ranked 5th for Best Teachers • ADVANCED MEDICINE • Beta National Champs • Industry Certifications in: • AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Computer Science/Coding • CINEMATOGRAPHY AND VIDEO PRODUCTION Information Technology Engineering • CIVIL ENGINEERING Advanced Med Culinary Arts • COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Business • CULINARY AND FOOD SERVICES Adobe Premiere Adobe Photoshop • ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle are the only middle • INDUSTRIAL-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING school and high school in Kentucky to be designated as “Model Schools” by the International Center for Leadership in Education. • MARKETING SOUTH GREEN ELEMENTARY HIGHLAND ELEMENTARY GLASGOW MIDDLE SCHOOL FINDING YOUR GIFT HIGHLAND IS FAMILY SHAPING SCOTTIES Guide. Inspire. Succeed. Glasgow Independent Schools www.glasgow.kyschools.us 2 | GLASGOW-BARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY VISIONS MAGAZINE | 3 A long and rich tradition has been built through the publication of the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce annual magazine for over 20 years. Indeed, during those past decades, the Chamber magazine has taken many different titles and themes, CONTENTS including: IMAGES, LIVABILITY and ILLUMINATED. 2020-2021 EDITION This year’s publication has taken a different journey from years past. The obvious challenge has been the Covid-19 pandemic which Entertainment has changed our lives and set a new paradigm for society. Locally, 6 the citizens of Glasgow and Barren County have adapted and decided that life must go forward. The Chamber feels that once the Economic Development pandemic is over, the community and its economy will rally to a 10 more robust condition than ever before. In anticipation of better times to come, the new title of our Agriculture magazine is VISIONS. The new title fits our community with the 12 vision of expectation and success that surely will come when things return to normal. 16 Education With the help of our new Publisher, Gerald Printing, the new Glasgow/Barren County Visions magazine showcases our Community Profile community, ranging from stories about quality of life and civic 19 information to the Barren County Community Profile which offers a snapshot of the statistics of the area. The magazine also serves as Utilities a business directory of all Chamber members. 26 The Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce is, by and large, a Chamber of projects and events. In order to carry out these Shanti Niketan Hospice projects, we depend on a dedicated workforce which is composed 30 of the Chamber Ambassadors, the Chamber Board of Directors, and help from the General Membership. Absent of this help, these 32 Business Directory events simply do not happen. This community that we love needs your involvement. The Chamber has numerous committees that could use your talent. Glasgow-Barren County Visions 2020-2021 Aside from the Chamber’s activities, our community has an enormous amount of charitable organizations and associations Publisher which need a helping hand. Gerald Printing 404 Rogers Road, Glasgow, KY 42141 Glasgow and Barren County has its share of challenges; but there is (270) 651-3751, geraldprinting.com no problem that cannot be solved if we will roll up our sleeves, get M N [ / GPGlasgow involved, and work cooperatively. Chris Houchens, chrishouchens@geraldprinting.com Ernie Myers Executive Vice-President/COO Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce Chamber Magazine Committee Amy Allen, Maureen Carpenter, Tina Hiser, Chris Houchens, ReDonna Isenberg, MacLean Lessenberry, Ernie Myers, Caralyne Pennington, Karisa Peterson, Glasgow-Barren County Visions is an annual publication of the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Nicole Randall, Sam Terry Commerce with advertising, graphic design, and printing produced by Gerald Printing. The contents of this publication have been printed in good faith based on information supplied by writers, photographers, Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce and other sources. While strong efforts have been made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing, the 118 East Public Square, Glasgow KY 42141 Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce and/or Gerald Printing cannot guarantee accuracy and Phone: 270-651-3161, Fax: 270-651-3122 accept no responsibility for any errors, misinterpretations, or omissions. glasgowbarrenchamber.com chamber@glasgowbarrenchamber.com On the cover Chamber Staff A balloon is illuminated at the Glasgow Municipal Airport during the 2019 Groove Ernie Myers, Executive Vice-President/COO and Glow event. Tina Wood, Finance ReDonna Isenberg, Programs 4 | GLASGOW-BARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY New look for an old wall One of the oldest brick walls in Glasgow got a colorful upgrade this year. The new mural at the corner of Race and Main Streets on the side of the building that houses Fine Arts Bistro was painted by an art collective group called ‘Often Seen, Rarely Spoken’, based out of Louisville. The mural was a project of the Glasgow-Barren County Tourism Commission. MacLean Lessen- berry, executive director of the Tourism Commission, said the project was inspired by recent pushes from the Kentucky League of Cities to beautify Glasgow and Barren County. COLLEGE FOR Imagine a THE REAL True Financial WORLD. Partner Because we’re employee-owned and privately held, we’re free to run our business diff erently – with only your best interests in mind. Imagine the power of you and Baird. Baird 102 E. Wayne St. Glasgow, KY 42141 Apply for free at Southcentral.kctcs.edu 270-651-2663 . 800-714-2663 • Lowest tuition in Kentucky, with many scholarships and financial aid available • Small classes, close to home • Flexible program schedules - you can work and go to school at the same time ©2020 Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated. Member SIPC. MC-499513. • After graduation, go straight to work or transfer credits to any public 4-year university in Kentucky VISIONS MAGAZINE | 5 Entertainmore fun! 6 | GLASGOW-BARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY By Melinda J. Overstreet The cluster of people who began calling itself Entertain Glasgow a While admission to this event was free, as it had been for the others few years ago has taken its mission-reflecting moniker very seriously, Entertain Glasgow coordinated, donations of nonperishable food items resulting in the production of a lot of community fun. and money were accepted to support the “To the Brim” food pantry drive. Food and souvenirs were available for purchase. Pony rides were In 2017, then Mayor Dick Doty asked Katie Hawks to gather some among the activities available. volunteers to organize a major community event that focused on a visit by the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdale horses, and what they “There are many people who work very hard to make these events come produced also featured a concert by Nashville recording duo Waterloo to fruition, and it is all worth it seeing the happy faces at our events. Revival and several other activities. The fact we can offer them for free to the community is like icing on the cake,” said Katie Hawks, Entertain Glasgow coordinator, in the announce- Once what became known as Hops & Horses, which drew about 5,000 ment for the airport event. “When the hot air balloon event was talked attendees, was successfully behind them, the crew with a penchant about and T.J. Regional Health showed interest in being the title sponsor for alliteration in titles developed new ideas for gatherings that would to celebrate their 90th birthday, it all clicked into place and we started bring people together in a way that encouraged more mixing and planning!” mingling and hanging out for several hours rather than just seeing something and leaving. That crew also grew over time as more people That turned out to be Entertain Glasgow’s largest event yet, with an became interested and further coordination was necessary with city of estimated attendance of around 10,000 people. Glasgow employees for the use of public spaces, equipment, law en- Also in 2019, current Mayor Harold Armstrong agreed to keep Entertain forcement and other resources. The Glasgow-Barren County Chamber Glasgow as an organization and helped make the group an official city of Commerce added its support as well. committee, a decision approved by the full Glasgow Common Council in Tubes, Tunes & BBQ came next, offering the opportunity at Beaver the month prior to the Groove & Glow. Creek Park to navigate a small portion of the eponymous stream on an Its first event aimed at funding future projects, Boots & Bling, took inner tube, to listen to performances by several local musical artists place on Valentine’s Day at Yancey’s Gastropub, with a wine, bourbon and, of course, to consume some great food. An array of other activi- and craft beer tasting. Then, with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic ties joined that main trio to accomplish the mission of keeping folks in Kentucky in March 2020, Entertain Glasgow announced in May the entertained – inflatables and chalk art for the kids plus a climbing cancellation of all its events designed to draw large gatherings for the wall, corn hole games and a donkey basketball game to challenge a year, providing the dates well in advance to save for 2021: Tubes, Tunes & wider variety of age groups. It all concluded with a fireworks show. BBQ on June 26 at Beaver Creek Park and Grove & Glow on Sept. 18 at the Hops & Horses returned for a second round, as did Tubes, Tunes & Glasgow Municipal Airport. BBQ, with some differences from the first iterations. Along the way, The organization also organized a drive-through trick-or-treat event for Entertain Glasgow added another event – Groove & Glow, which was to Halloween in 2020 at Beaver Creek Park, meant to provide a safer alter- replace Hops & Horses for 2019.
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