Crossroads DERBYSHIRE (Formerly High Peak Women’s Aid) ISSUE 1-SUMMER 2015 W e l c o m e … Crossroads Derbyshire to the first edition of our How to contact us: Crossroads DERBYSHIRE Newsletter We welcome any comments, including details P O Box 22 of how you can get involved and provide your Glossop ideas on how we can improve our services, Derbyshire have your say and make things happen. SK13 8AE Tel: 01457 856675 Fax: 01457 855199 Email:
[email protected] Registered Charity No: 1134679 DONATIONS Crossroads Derbyshire would like to express sincere thanks to all individuals, groups and organisations for your donations and continued support over the last six months. We really appreciate your support and generosity. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION PLEASE GO TO: www.justgiving.comhighpeakwomen or 1 ISSUE 1 - SUMMER 2015 REBRAND One of our biggest pieces of news is our re-brand and our newsletter is an ideal opportunity to tell you about it. At the end of last year, after consultation with service users, stakeholders and our supporters in the community, we agreed that we needed to change the name and brand of the organisation. We have done this for several reasons. We felt that the name no longer reflects our area of work as we now are operating services in the North Dales. The name also does not reflect the work that we do with children and young people and it is often a barrier to men who wish to access our service.